1 Theory of Operation ...... 1-1 Line of Sight ...... 1-3 Troposcatter ...... 1-4 Diffraction ...... 1-5 Fading ...... 1-7 Diversity Reception ...... 1-7 Characteristics of AN/TRC-170 (V)2, 3, 5 ...... 1-9 Service Range of the V2, V3 ...... 1-10 2 AC Power ...... 2-1 Power Entry Panel Controls & Indicators ...... 2-3 Low Voltage Power Supply #1 ...... 2-11 Low Voltage Power Supply #2 ...... 2-12 AC-AC Converter ...... 2-14 3 DC POWER ……………………………………………………….3-1 4 TQG Operation ...... 4-1 Fault Indicator Panel ...... 4-6 Generator Over ...... 4-10 5 Signal Flow ...... 5-1 Signal Entry Panel #1...... 5-2 Signal Entry Panel #2...... 5-3 10 OM-71 Tropo Modem (TM) ...... 10-1 Distortion Adaptive Receiver (DAR) ...... 10-4 Receiver Gain Equalization ...... 10-5 Controls and Indicators ...... 10-6 Bit Error Rate (BER) ...... 10-9 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued)


Circuit Card Description ...... 10-13 11 IF Test Panel ...... 11-1 Controls and Indicators ...... 11-3 12 SN-53 Frequency Synthesizer ...... 12-1 Controls and Indicators ...... 12-2 13 AM-7027 Up Converter- ...... 13-1 Controls and Indicators ...... 13-2 14 High Power Amplifier...... 14-1 Concept ...... 14-3 Controls and Indicators ...... 14-5 Tuning the ...... 14-7 High Power Generation...... 14-9 BITE ...... 14-10

a 15 AM-7026 Down Converter-Receiver ...... 15-1 Controls and Indicators ...... 15-2 16 ALARM MONITOR and RAAM...... 16-1 Alarm Monitor ...... 16-2 Monitor ...... 16-8 RAAM Controls and Indicators ...... 16-11 17 Antenna ...... 17-1 18 Orderwires ...... 18-1 DVOW ...... 18-2 ROCU ...... 18-4 AVOW ...... 18-6 19 Loopbacks ...... 19-1 Channel ...... 19-3 Group ...... 19-6 Supergroup ...... 19-12 20 Link Establishment ...... 20-1 21 Configurations ...... 21-1 22 Operational Verification ...... 22-1


A Cross Reference Guide ...... A-1 B Miscellaneous Information ...... B-1 Baseband Patch Panel ...... B-2 AN/TRC-170 Meter Readings ...... B-3 Power Conversion Chart ...... B-5

b Chapter 1 Theory of Operation


Theory of Operation


Dimensionless Variable v = 18.68

r o2 fr r o1 r o2 + o1 fr 1 r o1 r o2 12 f Radius of the first Fresnel Zone = 17.3 R 1

1-1 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook Basic Theory of Tropospheric Scatter Communications The Earth’s atmosphere is comprised of five layers; Troposphere, Stratosphere, Mesosphere, Thermosphere and Exosphere. Each layer of the atmosphere affects communication signals differently.

The troposphere is the lowest, most dense layer of the atmosphere and extends from the Earth’s surface to an average of 10 km. As you increase height in this layer the temperature drops from 17 to -52 C. Additionally, this is where most of the weather takes place. The tropopause separates the troposphere from the next layer of the Earth’s atmosphere. The troposphere and tropopause together are known as the lower atmosphere. The name troposphere is derived from the Greek tropein, which means to turn or change. With today’s technologies we are able to predict many conditions in the troposphere and use this Figure 1- 1 Atmosphere natural medium to transmit and receive energy. Tropospheric scatter is one method of propagating (transmitting) microwave energy beyond Line of Sight (LOS) or over the horizon. It takes advantage of the refraction and reflection phenomena in the troposphere. Microwave signals are scattered in such a way as to allow reliable communications on hops up to 640 km (400 miles). The Department of Defense uses smaller mobile communication systems to provide battlefield communications. The range of these systems is typically 100-150 miles. There are a number of theories explaining Tropospheric scatter communications ending with a small fraction of the transmitted radio energy being diverted towards a receiving station. One theory is that the diversion is caused by atmospheric air turbulence, irregularities in the refractive index, or similar rapid change in the meteorological elements. This theory accounts for the scattering of radio energy like fog or moisture seems to scatter headlights on a dark night. Another theory is that the air is stratified into discrete layers of varying thickness in the troposphere. The boundaries between these layers become partially reflecting surfaces for radio waves and thereby scatter the waves downward over the horizon. Regardless of the theory you choose to accept, it is undeniable that reliable, effective communications are established using this method. Tropospheric Scatter Communications can be puzzling and frustrating. Once you understand the mechanics of this type of communication system, it is actually simple and easy to work with. There are a number of terms and definitions you should understand to be an effective Tropo Communicator. These terms are explained in the proceeding pages of this chapter.

1-2 Chapter 1 Theory of Operation PROPAGATION: The dictionary defines propagation as; “transmission (esp. sound waves or electromagnetic radiation) through a medium”. The medium in this case is the Troposphere. There are three propagation modes of operation for the AN/TRC-170. These three modes are: LOS, Tropo, and Diffraction, as explained in detail below.

Line-Of-Sight (LOS)

Figure 1- 2 Line of Sight Ray Path As depicted above, two stations must have a direct ray path between the antennas. Generally, LOS is used no more than 35 miles (57 Km). Substantially less transmit power is required for LOS propagation. The most important factor in LOS communications is the First Fresnel Zone.

Figure 1- 3 First Fresnel Zone

FIRST FRESNEL ZONE- The transmitted signal from the antenna is not a straight- line. It is actually closer to that of a cone. The Fresnel Zones are an infinite number of signals that are broadcast out of the antenna. The zones vary in signal strength and phase. Fortunately we are only concerned with the first Fresnel Zone, which is depicted by the gray area in the figure above. This area should be 60% free of obstructions. In the diagram above, if the antennas were 30 miles apart the height of the First Fresnel Zone at 15 miles is 54 feet in diameter. Ideally, 32 feet of this should be clear of obstructions. To complicate matters some obstructions can actually increase the signal several decibels (dB). These factors must be considered during the planning stages. You should be aware of what the First Fresnel Zone is.

1-3 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook

Troposcatter (Tropo)

Figure 1- 4 Troposcatter Communication Link You will find the Troposcatter or Tropo mode is the most used application for this system. The distorted figure above depicts a typical Over-the-Horizon communication network. Several terms are used when discussing Tropospheric Scatter Communications. We will explain a few of these complex and often misunderstood terms.

COMMON VOLUME: Due to the angle required for successful communications only a certain portion within the troposphere will cause the scattering effect needed between two stations. The intersection of the antenna beams from both stations is referred to as the Common Volume. For best communications, common volume should exist near the mid- point between the two stations.

SCATTER ANGLE: The angle of the two antenna beams interception is referred to as the Scatter angle. The smaller the angle, the more energy that will be scattered from the Common Volume into a receiving antenna. When the angles are too great, little to no energy is diverted to the receiving station. For this reason, the take-off-angles should be as close to 0 (zero degrees) as possible. This will also create the largest Common Volume, which is desirable for more reliable communications.

MULTI-PATH DELAY SPREAD: Fractional amounts of the transmitted signals in the Common Volume are diverted to the receiving station. This results in the same signal being received at different times. This is referred to as Multi-Path Delay Spread. It causes

1-4 Chapter 1 Theory of Operation distortion on the recovered signal. If the Multi-Path Delay Spread is too great, it will prevent recovery of the received signal. The receiving station will see a large Receive Signal Level (RSL) and a high Bit-Error-Rate (BER). The AN/TRC-170 is designed to use the Multi-Path Spread to enhance communications. However if the Multi-Path Spread is too great it will adversely effect communications.

DOPPLER SPREAD: The troposphere is turbulent and causes the transmission path length to slightly change. This in turn causes frequency shifts on portions of the transmitted signal. The magnitude of this spread increases as the air in the common volume becomes more turbulent.

PATH LOSS: Only a fraction of the transmitted energy (signal) arrives at the receiving station. A numeric value is given to the amount of signal that is lost through the troposphere. This value is referred to as Path Loss and is expressed in decibels (dB). The distance between stations (Path Length) will also affect the Path Loss. The allowable path losses for the AN/TRC-170 TROPO system are between 200 and 250 dB. The effect of too much path loss is little or no Receive Signal Level (RSL).

Diffraction The dictionary defines diffraction as: “the spreading of a wave motion, as light, as it passes an obstacle and expands into the region that is behind the obstacle and hence not directly exposed to the incoming waves”. Many Tropo Communicators will never see this type of propagation used or planned. It depends on your area of operation. Military units in the Southwestern United States use this routinely. There are four conditions, which classify a Tropo Radio as diffraction. They are explained below:

Figure 1-5 Diffraction with a single horizon

1. In Figure 1-5 above we see the classic Diffraction propagation. Both stations share a common horizon. The transmit signals are directed at the top of the obstacle. The signal is then diffracted over to the receiving station. A rule of thumb is the obstacle should be approximately 2/3 and 1/3 the distance between stations. As an example; if the distant between stations was 90 miles. One station should be approximately 60 miles from the mountain; the other should be 30 miles.

1-5 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook

Figure 1-6 Reduced Fresnel Zone Diffraction

2. Figure 1-6 depicts LOS propagation with less than 60% clearance of the first Fresnel Zone. Because of the inverse bending, a LOS path may at times become a diffraction path. It is possible to have Diffraction propagation and not realize it until close examination of the terrain between stations.

Figure 1-7 Diffraction with two horizons 3. In figure 1-7 we see diffraction propagation with two horizons between which a LOS path exists. This is a more complex diffraction path to calculate and is seldom attempted.

Figure 1-8 Diffraction with Closely Spaced Separate horizons 4. In figure 1-8 we see diffraction propagation with two horizons, which are closely spaced, and no LOS path exists. The path loss for this type of diffraction propagation cannot be calculated. Communication links of this type are unpredictable and test shots should be performed to validate usable locations.

1-6 Chapter 1 Theory of Operation FADING: Because the Troposphere is a turbulent medium, communication links suffer a phenomenon termed as Fading. Fading is the reduction of signal strength at the receiving station. There are two types of Fading classification; Rapid Fading and Slow Fading. These are explained below;

RAPID FADING: The term Rapid Fading is known as Fast Fading or Scintillation Fading and usually comes from the Troposphere itself. The random variation in the Troposphere’s refraction qualities causes this fading phenomenon. It is constantly changing from moment-to-moment and from point-to-point. This is the same mechanism that cause stars to twinkle and distant objects to exhibit “heat shimmer” on hot days. The fast fading will be most pronounced when the atmosphere is well mixed with moisture and turbulence. A well-mixed atmosphere is the normal conditions for best communications. Rapid fading affects all frequencies at different instances in time.

SLOW FADING: This is caused primarily by changes in the variation of refractivity with altitude in the atmosphere that develop gradually over a period of time. The frequency and intensity of slow fading are both subject to seasonal influences. It has a tendency to occur simultaneously at different frequencies and on different paths between stations. Slow fading may cause prolonged loss of communications.

DIVERSITY RECEPTION: The dictionary defines diversity as variety. By receiving more than one signal you have diversity reception. Diversity Reception is used to overcome the effects of Rapid Fading. The AN/TRC-170 has two types of diversity reception available; Dual Frequency Diversity and Dual Space Diversity. These are explained below:

DUAL SPACE DIVERSITY RECEPTION: This is accomplished by adding a second antenna and receiver to the station. The antennas are separated by at least 100 wavelengths (20.8 Feet). This separation causes the two received signals to fade independent of each other. The two fading signals are used to generate a single stable signal. This is the only form of diversity reception available to the AN/TRC-170(V)3.

DUAL FREQUENCY DIVERSITY RECEPTION: This is accomplished by adding a second transmitter and antenna to the station. The second transmitter is used on a separate frequency at least 100 MHz apart. This separation will ensure that Rapid Fading will not affect both frequencies at the same time. The signal recovery circuits can then use the two fading signals to develop one stable signal.

QUAD-DIVERSITY RECEPTION: This is accomplished by combining the above two diversity reception methods along with antenna polarization. Refer to figure 1-9 on page 1-8 for the following explanation. Transmitter 1 & 2, transmit using frequencies F1 & F2 (at least 100 MHz apart). Antenna 1 is transmitting a Horizontally Polarized signal while Antenna 2 is transmitting a Vertically Polarized Signal. These transmitted signals are sent to the receiving station. At the receiving station we have Receive Antenna 3 & 4. Both of these antennas have two feed horns, which are Horizontally, or Vertically polarized. These four receiving antenna feeds are connected to four separate receivers; RCVR 1, RCVR 2, RCVR 3 & RCVR 4. The signals at the receivers

1-7 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook arrive via four different paths with two different frequencies. These four signals are then sent to a diversity combiner (Tropo Modem). This is the best defense against the effects of Slow Fading. This is the preferred operating mode of the AN/TRC-170(V)2.

Antenna 2 Antenna 1 Vertically Polarized Xmt Horizontally Polarized Xmt F1 F2 X/R RCVR 1 XMTR 2 Modem Tropo RCVR 4 F2

F1 F1 RCVR 3 XMTR 1 X/R RCVR 2 Antenna 2 F2 Antenna 1 Vertically Polarized Xmt Horizontally Polarized Xmt

Figure 1- 9 Quad Diversity Diagram

The AN/TRC-170(V)2/3/5 Troposcatter Communication Terminal. There are 3 versions of the AN/TRC-170 in the field. All versions of the AN/TRC-170 will interface with all of the TRI-TAC and MSE family of equipment’s using Conditioned Di-phase via CX-11230 Coax cable, as well as, some older existing analog systems using Dipulse and Bipolar signal formats. The AN/TRC-170(V)2 is sometimes referred to as Heavy Tropo. It consists of a S- 280 shelter mounted on a 5 Ton vehicle along with two 9.5-foot antennas. The V2 is the only system capable of quad-diversity reception. Fort Huachuca, Arizona has the Army’s only active duty V2 assets. The AN/TRC-170(V)3 is sometimes referred to a Light Tropo. It consists of an S-250 Shelter mounted on a heavy HMMWV. The V3 comes with one antenna referred to as the Quick Reaction Antenna (QRA). This QRA consists of two 6-foot parabolic dishes mounted on a common trailer. The AN/TRC-170(V)5 is used by the Marine Corps and differs only by the antenna. The V5 uses a pair of 8-foot parabolic dishes tripod mounted. The table on page 1-9 details the differences between these three versions of AN/TRC-170.

EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS FOR TROPO COMMUNICATIONS: In order to establish and maintain a Troposphere Scatter Communications network, you must have the following four items. 1. High Power- The AN/TRC-170(V)2 has dual 2 KW while the V3 has a single 2 KW Klystron as the High Power . 2. High Gain Antennas- The AN/TRC-170(V)2 antenna system is comprised of two 9.5 foot parabolic reflectors. This provides a gain of 40.5 dBi. In contrast, the smaller AN/TRC- 170(V)3 antenna system has a gain of 36.5 dBi from its two 6 foot reflectors. 3. Sensitive Receivers- All versions of the TRC-170 use the same very sensitive receivers. The V2 using four receivers while the smaller V3/V5 use two receivers. 4. Diversity Reception- Because of the atmospheric conditions some type of diversity reception must be used. The V3/V5 can provide Dual Space Diversity. While the V2 has the capability of providing Quad-diversity reception.

1-8 Chapter 1 Theory of Operation

TABLE 1-1 AN/TRC-170 CHARACTERISTICS Item V3 Physical dimensions Shelter S-250, 85” x 79” x 70” Weight 3,100 lb. Primary Power Voltage (all versions) 120/208 VAC, 3 phase, 5 Frequency (all versions) 50, 60, or 400 Hz Power Requirements 3 10 kW without ECU 15 kW with ECU Environmental Control 9,000 BTU Optional Frequency Range (all versions) 4.4 to 5.0 GHz Bandwidth 3.5 or 7 MHz Range (nominal @ 2048 KB/s) 100 miles RF Output 1 kW TROPO Mode 1 W LOS Modulation (all versions) QPSK or BPSK Timing Standard (all versions) 10 MHz Rubidium Standard Orderwires (same in all versions) 16 KB/s DVOW, Up to four 2 KB/s DOW and an AVOW Nominal Service Range 100 miles Antennas: OE-511 (QRA) Packed dimensions 159” x 89” x ??” Weight 3,120 lb. Diameter 2 each 6 feet Parabolic Gain 36.5 dBi Beam Width (3 dB) 2.6 Operational Wind Speed 80 mph Survival Wind Speed 100 mph Elevation Adjustment +10 to -10 Azimuth Adjustment 20 Polarization Horizontal/Vertical Set-up times ½ hour Waveguide Feed Loss 0.4 dB Mobility features: Shelter M-923, 5 Ton Truck M-1097 Heavy HMMWV M-720 Dolly set (2.1 ton) Antenna M-923, 5 Ton Truck Trailer mounted M-720 Dolly set Set up & Tear down times 2 persons: 1 hour Multiplexer Equipment: All versions have the same compliment of Multiplexer equipment. LGM (2 each) TD-1235 Loop Group Multiplexer GM (1 each) MD-1026 Group Modem TGM (1 each) TD-1236 Trunk Group Multiplexer LSCDM* (Optional 1 each) MD-1023 Low Speed Cable Driver Modem

* The LSCDM could be installed into the AN/TRC-170. Although seldom used, it physically replaces LGM 2 and electrically replaces GM 4 in the MD-1026.

1-9 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook

95% Availability 99% Availability 300 300 10-3 BER 10-5 BER

Average Path Length in Miles in Length Path Average Data Rate KB/s

256 200 200


2048 100 4096 100

Average Path Length in Miles

V3 Service Range



AC Power


AN/TRC-170 V3 W/O ECU 10 KW





Main Circuit Breaker NOMINAL 50,60 OR 400 HZ

TRC-170(V)3 240 V AC, 60 amps, 47-62 Hz or 380-420 Hz

Over/Under K1 Trips the Interior Main Prime Power Circuit Breaker if an over voltage of (140 V AC) or under voltage of (100 V AC) condition exists. As will a 5volt difference between any two phases.


LINE CABLE CONNECTOR PIN Phase A A Phase B B Phase C C Neutral N Safety Ground 1 G1 Safety Ground 2 G2 Safety Ground 3 G3 Safety Ground 4 G4

2-2 PURPOSE: The Power Entry Panel accepts three 120-volt lines (Phase A, B, and C) along with neutral, and a ground fault protection wire by a 5-wire power cable. Phases A, B, C, and neutral are filtered by RFI Filter FL1 prior to leaving the power entry panel. It also provides power to the Exterior Main circuit breaker, ECU circuit breaker, external convenience circuit breaker, and the Antenna Deicing circuit breaker. It also contains the Surge Protection Faulty Assembly 1A2 that protects against high voltage surges for all three phases as well as neutral. The Power Entry panel is electrically the same and located on the Roadside of the shelter for both the AN/TRC-170(V)2 and AN/TRC-170(V)3 systems. We will cover the Power Entry Panel once, since it is the same in the AN/TRC-170(V)2 and the AN/TRC-170(V)3 TROPO systems. Refer to FIG 2-1. The 3-phase AC power comes into the system on J1 of the Power Entry Panel, which is on the outside of the shelter.

SIGNAL FLOW for the Power Entry Panel, refer to FIG 2-1

CONNECTOR PRIME POWER J1: Prime power 115-volt lines (phase A, B, and C) 50,60 or 400 hertz is applied to J1 of the Power Entry Panel.

SURGE PROTECTION FAULT ASSEMBLY: Uses four Metal Oxide , one for each phase A, B, C, and neutral. When a high voltage surge has occurred the MOV will short circuit, causing the lamp to light altering the operator that a high voltage surge has shorted the associated MOV. Each phase and neutral has an individual in parallel with the lamps. The surge protection fault assembly is connected in parallel with each input phase and neutral. The system can continue to operate but with out surge protection. This means that if another high voltage spike occurs on that same leg it may damage the equipment.

Transformers T1, T2, T3: The induced input voltage is taken of the main power line via these windings T1, T2, and T3. The 3-phase power and neutral is then routed through line filters FL2 through FL5.

FL2 through FL5: These Interference (RFI) Filters block any RF signals riding on the AC input and neutral. The output of these RFI Filters is then passed to the Power Distribution Assembly Phase Select monitor metering circuits.

FL1 Line Load RF Filter: This Radio Frequency Interference Filter (RFI) blocks any RF signals riding on the AC input and neutral. The output of this RFI Filter is then passed to the Power Distribution Assembly.

Exterior Main Circuit Breaker CB1: This 3-phase circuit breaker is rated at 50 amps. When activated it passes 3-phases voltage to the ECU Circuit Breaker CB2. It passes Phase A to the External Convenience Outlet Circuit Breaker CB4 and then passes Phase B to Antenna 1 & 2 Deicing Circuit Breaker CB3. This circuit breaker is not required to be on for normal operation of the TROPO system.

ECU Circuit Breaker CB2: Is a 3-phase circuit breaker rated at 35 amps. Receives Phase A, B, and C from the Exterior Main Circuit Breaker. When activated it applies power to the ECU.


Antenna 1 & 2 Deicing Circuit Breaker CB3: Is a single-phase circuit breaker rated at 5 amps. Receives phase B from the Exterior Main Circuit Breaker. When activated it applies power to the Antennas deicing circuitry.

External Convenience Outlet Circuit Breaker CB: Is a single-phase Ground Fault Interrupt (GFI) circuit breaker. Receives Phase A from the Exterior Main Circuit Breaker. When activated it applies power to convenience outlet. The GFI receptacle compares current flow between the line side and the load side. Under normal operations conditions, current flow between the line side and load side is equal. If a difference is detected between the line side and load side current flow, the GFI receptacle opens the circuit, preventing personnel injury and/or protecting the equipment.






Item Indicator Description 1 EXTERIOR MAIN - circuit breaker Applies prime power to the shelter exterior and provides overload protection. CB1 is a 3-phase 50-amp breaker. 2 ECU – connector Power connection for environmental control unit (air conditioner) 3 ANT 1 DEICING – connector Connector for antenna 1 de-icing cable 4 CNVC OUTLET – connector Connector for accessory equipment 5 ANT 2 DEICING – connector Connector for antenna 2 de-icing cable 6 PRIME POWER - Connector for 208 Connector for prime power from external VAC 3 phase 50-60 or 400 Hz source. 7 CNVC OUTLET - circuit breaker Applies power to CNVC OUTLET connector and provides overload protection. CB4 is a single-phase 15-amp GFI breaker. 8 ANT 1 / 2 DEICING - circuit breaker Applies power to DEICING connectors and provides overload protection. CB3 is a single-phase 5-amp breaker. 9 ECU PWR – circuit breaker Applies power to ECU connector and provides overload protection. CB2 is a 3- phase 35-amp breaker. 10 GROUND - terminal lug External ground terminal connection for shelter ground.


PURPOSE: The Surge Protection Fault Assembly uses metal oxide varistors, one for each phase A, B, C, and neutral. When a high voltage surge has occurred the MOV will short circuit, causing the lamp to light alerting the operator that a high voltage surge has shorted the MOV. Each phase and neutral has an individual fuse in parallel with the lamps. The surge protection fault assembly is connected in parallel with each input leg and neutral. The system can continue to operate but with out surge protection. This means that if another high voltage spike occurs on that same leg it may damage the equipment. Refer to FIG 2-1 Power Entry Panel.

Surge Protection Fault Assembly 1A2

2-8 AN/TRC-170(V)3

Refer to FO 2-2a, FO 2-2b, and FO 2-2c. The 3-phase AC power comes into the Power Distribution Panel Assembly from the Power Entry Panel via Radio Frequency Inference (RFI) FL1.

Switch S1 Meter Transfer Switch Phase Select: The induced input is taken off the main power line via transformer windings T1, T2, and T3 associated with the RFI filters FL2 through FL5 in the Power Entry Panel. This input power is used by the Phase Select switch S1 and allows monitoring of the current draw for each input phase by ammeter M3. This switch S1 also allows monitoring of the voltage and frequencies of each input phase by voltmeter M4 and frequency meters, M1 for 50/60 hertz and M2 for 400 hertz. Control Circuit Breaker CB13 protects these meters.

Control Circuit Breaker CB13: Is a 3-phase circuit breaker rated at 5 amps. Receives Phase A, B, and C from the Power Entry Panel. Must be activated for the TROPO system to power up. Applies power to the Over/Under Voltage Relay K1 and Phase Select Switch 1. Provides protection for the meters M1 through M4 and Switch S1. If this circuit breaker opens, it will illuminate the Control CB Tripped Lamp DS1 on the Power Distribution Panel. This Control Circuit Breaker CB13 is on the inside of the Power Distribution panel along with fuse F1.

Over/Under Voltage Relay K1: The K1 Relay Over/Under Voltage Relay Assembly monitors the Voltage and Frequency of the input 3-phase power. The line voltage from each leg to neutral is 120 VAC  10 %. Should any phase exceed 140 VAC or be less than 100 VAC, a sensor circuit in the Over/Undervoltage relay will cause K1 to denergize causing the Interior Main Prime Power Circuit Breaker CB1 contacts to open removing power from all units in the shelter. Also, a five (5) volt difference between any two phases will cause K1 to denerigize causing CB1 contacts to open removing power from the shelter.

Interior Main Prime Power Interrupt Circuit Breaker CB1: Next the AC Power comes to the Interior Main Prime Power Circuit Breaker. This circuit breaker is a 3-phase 60-amp circuit breaker. Power is then applied to all the other circuit breakers on the Power Distribution Panel Assembly. If voltage is removed from the coil of this circuit breaker it will cause this circuit breaker to open removing power from inside the shelter.

Circuit Breakers CB6 through CB9: These circuit breakers can be tripped if the coil is energized by the +28vdc that is applied through Thermal Switch S1 in the Road Side Air Duct Assembly (4A4) and Curb Side Air Duct Assembly (7A5). If the temperate reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit the contacts in the Thermal Switch will close, applying +28vdc to the coils of these circuit breaker CB6 through CB9, causing these circuit breakers to open. The circuit breakers that are affected by this circuitry are; the DGM Group, DLED1/ 2, LVPS 1/ 2, and the Shelter Heater.









AN/TRC-170(V)3 Power Distribution Panel, Controls, and Indicators

2-13 Item Indicator Description 1 INTERIOR MAIN - prime Applies prime input power to shelter equipment and power interrupt circuit provides overload protection. CB1 is a 3-phase 60-amp breaker breaker. 2 HPA – circuit breaker Applies prime power to the power amplifier and provides over load protection. CB2 is a 3-phase 30-amp breaker. 3 CONTROL CB TRIPPED - Indicates control circuit breaker is open. indicator lamp (red) 4 FREQUENCY METER A reed-type frequency meter that indicates 400 Hz line frequency. 5 PHASE SELECT - switch Selects phase A, B, or C of primary power to be monitored by meter. 6 VOLTS – meter Indicates the voltage of phase A, B, C of primary power. 7 LIGHT INTLK OVERRIDE In OVERRIDE position, the shelter interior lights remain - NORMAL switch on when door is opened. In NORMAL position, the shelter interior lights turn off when door is opened and red blackout light comes on. 8 DGM GROUP - circuit Applies prime power to LGM 1, GM, TGM, and LGM-2 breaker or LSCDM and provides overload protection. CB6 is a single-phase 10-amp breaker. 9 DLED ½ - circuit breaker Applies prime power to DLED 1 & 2 and provides overload protection. CB7 is a single-phase 2-amp breaker. 10 SHELTER HEATER – Applies prime power to shelter heaters and provides circuit breaker overload protection. CB9 is 3-phase 20-amp breaker. 11 INTR CNVC OUTLET – Applies prime power to convenience outlets in shelter and circuit breaker provides overload protection. CB12 is a single-phase 15- amp breaker. 12 FAN PWR CONV - circuit Applies prime power to AC-to-AC Converter and breaker provides overload protection. CB10 is 3-phase 10-amp breaker. 13 LVPS 1 / 2 circuit breaker Applies prime power and provides overload protection for both Low Voltage Power Supplies. CB8 is a 3-phase 10- amp breaker. 14 VENT FAN - circuit breaker Applies prime power and provides overload protection for the vent fan. CB5 is a single-phase 2-amp breaker. 15 LIGHTS – circuit breaker Applies prime power and provides overload protection for the shelter interior lights. CB4 is a single-phase 5-amp breaker. 16 AMPERES – meter Indicates the input current for each phase. 17 Frequency meter A reed-type frequency meter that indicates 50/60 Hz line frequency. AN/TRC-170(V)3 POWER UP PROCEDURES

Step Action Observation

2-14 1 On the Power Entry Panel outside the Prime power and ground connection is shelter make sure that the Main Power made. cable is connected to the Prime AC Power Connector J1 and the ground connection is made. 2 Ensure that all of the Air Exhaust and Air Exhaust and Air Inlet Panels are Air Inlet Panels are open. open. 3 On the Power Entry Panel open the Primary circuit breakers are in the OFF circuit breaker cover and ensure that all position. circuit breakers are in the OFF position. 4 Ensure that all circuit breakers on Power All circuit breakers on the Power Distribution Panel are in the OFF Distribution Panel are in the OFF position. position. 5 Turn on prime power at source. Note the Prime power is on. frequency (50, 60 or 400 Hz) of prime power. 6 On the Power Entry Panel, set On the Power Distribution Unit, CB EXTERIOR MAIN circuit breaker to TRIPPED indicator is off. ON. 7 Set the INTERIOR MAIN circuit Prime power is on. breaker to the ON position. NOTE If blackout condition exists, set LIGHT INTLK OVERRIDE switch to the NORMAL position. The white shelter lights will turn off when the shelter door is opened. 8 Set the Lights circuit breaker to the ON Lights circuit breaker is in the ON position. position. Ensure that each light switch is pulled out. The shelter lights go on. 9 Set the LIGHT INTLK OVERRIDE The shelter lights remain on when the switch to the OVERRIDE position. door is open. CAUTION Voltage of each phase must be within  5 Vac of each other. Do not continue if the voltage or frequency are out of tolerance as listed in steps 10 through 12. 10 Set the PHASE SELECT switch to  A. The Voltmeter indicates 120  12 Vac. The frequency meters indicates 55  7 or 400  20 Hz. 11 Set the PHASE SELECT switch to  B. Same as for  A, listed in step 10. 12 Set the PHASE SELECT switch to  C. Same as for  A, listed in step 10. 13 On the DGM Equipment set the Power ON-OFF switch to the ON position. 14 Set the DGM Group circuit breaker to DGM Equipment Power indicators are

2-15 ON. on. 15 Set the LVPS ½ circuit breaker to the LVPS Power indicator is on. ON position. SHELTER Hours Meter starts operating. A white marker will appear intermittently between the first two- meter digits indicating that the meter is operating. The meter will become stabilized within 30 seconds. 16 Set FAN PWR CONV circuit breaker to AC-to-AC converter INPUT Power the ON position. indicator is on. You will hear a high pitch noise from the 400-hertz fans that are running. 17 Make sure all air inlets and outlets are Normal airflow is present at all the open. outlets. 18 Set the HPA circuit breaker to the ON HPA circuit breaker is in the ON position. position. 19 If the Voice Orderwire Control unit alarms sounds, depress the SUPPR/TEST push-button. 20 If the FAULT-SUMMARY indicator on Indicator goes off. the Voice Orderwire Control unit is on, press the FAULT-RESET switch. 21 If the remaining circuit breakers the The circuit breakers are in the ON Vent Fan, DLED ½, Shelter Heater, and position. INTR ON Outlet are required to be on. Then proceed by turning them ON.





GROUNDING: The TROPO system must be grounded in 4 places , however only 3 ground rods are needed.

(1). The generator or the power source (2) The shelter power entry panel (3) At both signal entry panels, each of which should have separate ground straps, but which may be connected to the same ground rod..

GROUND SYSTEM: A very important part of setting up the shelter is the installation of these grounds. Bad grounds are one of the most common causes of poor tactical communications. A suitable ground system is needed to provide personnel safety, equipment protection, and electrical noise reduction. A low resistance ground cable attached to the equipment provides personnel safety and equipment protection. Electrical noise reduction is accomplished on communications circuits by ensuring the resistance to earth ground is minimal between signal ground points throughout the communication facility. These ground points prevent noise sources within the van from radiating the noise to the communication circuits.

Some factors that may affect resistance in ground are temperature, amount of moisture in soil, mineral content, and topsoil thickness. The most common ways to improve a ground system is to use larger ground rods in diameter and length. Drive the ground rods deeper than usual.


Air Duct Thermal Switch Circuitry

Both of the AN/TRC-170(V)2 and the AN/TRC-170(V)3 systems Air Duct Assemblies utilize a Thermal Switch to detect temperature. The Thermal Switch S1 contacts close when the temperature reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit, which allows +28vdc to be applied to the coils of Circuit Breakers CB6 through CB9. The +28vdc will then cause these circuit breakers to open. The circuit breakers that are affected by this circuitry are; the DGM Group, DLED1/ 2, LVPS 1/ 2, and the Shelter Heater. The temperature has to drop to 146 degrees before the Thermal Switch S1 contacts open again. This circuitry is designed to prevent damage to the equipment when the Air Duct Assembly temperate reaches 150 degrees Fahrenheit. The one Air Duct Assembly in the AN/TRC-170(V)2 is the 2A1 assembly. The two Air Duct Assemblies in the AN/TRC-170(V)3 are the Roadside 4A4 and Curbside 7A5 assemblies.




PURPOSE: The function of the AC-AC Converter is to convert 50, 60, and 400 Hz prime power to a 400 HZ, 255 volts 3-phase (quasi-square wave) for the purpose of driving the 400 Hertz fans in the Transmit Modem, Receive Modem, Upconverter, Shelter Rack, and the High Power Amplifier (Klystron and unit fans to include the FAINT, and the three Inverters). The AN/TRC-170(V)3 contains only one AC-to-AC Converter (7A4). The AN/TRC-170(V)2 contains two AC-to-AC Converters. The AC-to-AC Converter (6A7) only powers the fans in High Power Amplifier number 2. The AC-to-AC Converter (7A7) powers the fans in the High Power Amplifier number 1, Upconverters 1 and 2, Transmit Modem, Receive Modem, and Shelter Air Duct Assembly. In the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the AC-to-AC Converter powers all the equipment fans.


Input AC Power 115 VAC Frequency 50/60/400 Phase Three (3) Outputs AC Power 255 VAC Frequency 400 Hertz Phase Three (3)

Output Fault Monitor DC voltage logic signal as a Summary Fault. Signal This fault is displayed on the Alarm Monitor Unit as a LVPS fault.


SIGNAL FLOW for the AC-to-AC Converter – Refer to FO 2-1

(1). A3 Power Inverter Assembly: The 115 VAC 3-phase, 50/60/400 Hertz input power is first applied to the A3 Power Inverter Assembly. This 3-phase 115 VAC is applied to a 3-phase bridge circuit consisting of CR1 through CR6. The +28 VDC input from the Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS) is applied to a +24 VDC regulator on the A3 and then distributed throughout the AC-to-AC Converter.

(2). A2 Fault Detector Circuit Card: Receives the +24 VDC from the A3 Power Inverter Assembly and sends this voltage to the A1 Driver Circuit Card.

(3). A1 Driver Circuit Card: The +24 VDC from the A2 Fault Detector Circuit Card is applied to a +12 VDC regulator on the A1 Driver CCA. This +12 VDC is then applied to the start the Clock Generator circuitry. The three outputs of the clock generator circuitry is applied to the trigger timing circuitry, the output of the Trigger Timing circuitry is applied to the Trigger Driver circuitry. The three triggers A, B, and C outputs are then sent to the A3 Power Inverter Assembly. If the A2 Fault Detector CCA detects a fault, it sends a signal to the Trigger Inhibit gates, blocking the Timing Triggers from feeding the Trigger Driver circuitry.

(4). A3 Power Inverter Assembly: The Trigger Inputs A, B, and C are received from A1 Driver CCA. These Trigger inputs are used as inputs to the power Q1 through Q6. The switching of these transistors generates the AC output at a frequency of 400 hertz. The output of these transistors is then sent to Transformer T2. Fuse F1 is mounted on this assembly and limits the amount of current that is drawn on the output voltages that power the fan assemblies within the TROPO system.

(5). T2 Transformer Assembly: The 255 Vac 3-phase 400 hertz output from the A3 Power Inverter Assembly is received by Transformer T2. This transformer is used to increase the current on the secondary output to the load. It also matches the impedance in order to transfer energy from the source to the load. The output of this transformer is then sent to output connectors J2 and J3. Also, samples of the three-phase output are then sent to the A2 Fault Detector Circuit Card.

(6). A2 Fault Detector Circuit Card: Receives the three sample Inverter outputs and analyzes that the output voltages are correct and present. If one or more of the output voltages are missing or low in amplitude, then a fault signal is generated. This fault signal will then illuminate LED DS2 the Output Fault on the front panel and the Summary Fault signal is sent to the Alarm Monitor Unit and displayed as a LVPS fault. It also monitors the +280VDC to ensure that an over voltage condition does not occur, if an over voltage condition occurs then an inhibit signal is sent to the A4 Step-Start Circuit Card.

(7). A4 Resistor Step-Start Circuit Card: If a fault is detected as an input from the A2 Fault Detector Circuit Card it then sends a signal to the A5 Resistor Step-Start Circuit Card causing the relays on the A5 CCA to open stopping current flow.

2-21 (8). A5 Resistor Step-Start Circuit Card: This CCA limits the current flow on the initial turn on. It also controls current flow through relays K1 and K2.

AC to AC Converter 255 VAC 3-Phase 400 HZ Output Distribution

PURPOSE: The function of the AC-AC Converter is to convert 50, 60, and 400 Hz prime power to a 400 HZ, 255 volts 3-phase (quasi-square wave) for the purpose of driving the 400 HZ fans in the Transmit Modem, Receive Modem, Upconverter, Shelter Rack, and the High Power Amplifier (Klystron and unit fans to include the FAINT, and the three Inverters). The AN/TRC-170(V)3 contains only one AC-to-AC Converter (7A4). The AN/TRC-170(V)2 contains two AC-to-AC Converters. The AC-to-AC Converter (6A7) only powers the fans in High Power Amplifier number 2. The AC-to-AC Converter (7A7) powers the fans in the High Power Amplifier number 1, Upconverters 1 and 2, Transmit Modem, Receive Modem, and Shelter Air Duct Assembly. In the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the AC-to-AC Converter powers all the equipment fans.

(1). In the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the AC to AC Converter (7A4) outputs are coupled to the RF Amplifier HPA (2A1) and also to the AC Distribution Panel Unit 13 where it is the distributed to the Upconveter (3A1), TROPO Transmit Modem (4A1), TROPO Receive Modem (4A2), Air Duct Assembly Curb Side (7A5), and the Air Duct Assembly Road Side (4A4). Refer to FIG 2-7.

2-22 255 VAC 3-PHASE TROPO TRANSMIT 400 HZ MODEM 4A1 255 VAC Contains one fan assy 3-PHASE AC AC to AC CONVERTER 400 HZ DISTRIBUTION PANEL 7A4 J2 255 VAC UNIT 13 3-PHASE 400 HZ TROPO RECEIVE MODEM 4A2 Contains one fan assy J3

255 VAC 3-PHASE 400 HZ 255 VAC AIR DUCT Curb Side 3-PHASE 7A5 400 HZ 255 VAC Contains two fans 3-PHASE 400 HZ RF AMPLIFIER HPA 2A1 * See Note UPCONVERTER AIR DUCT Road Side Contains six fans 3A1 4A4 Contains one fan assy 255 VAC Contains two fans 3-PHASE 400 HZ Note: The HPA has six fans: 1. HPA FAN 2. KLYSTRON FAN 3. FAINT ASSY 4. INVERTER A 5. INVERTER B 6. INVERTER C



AC-to-AC Converter Front Panel Indicators and Circuit Cards

Item Indicator Description 1 OUTPUT FAULT LED (red) Indicates an under voltage or over current condition. 2 INPUT POWER LED (green) Indicates the +28 vdc input is applied from the Low Voltage Power Supply.

2-24 3 208V ON LED (green) Indicates the 208V is present at the power supply on the A3 Power Inverter Assembly. 4 A1 Driver CCA Has three green LEDs that indicate that the trigger drive signal is present for each of the three output phases. Normal indication is that the LEDs are on. 5 A2 Fault Detector CCA Has one red LED which illuminates when any one of the internal circuits are faulty. AC-to-AC Converter A3 Power Inverter Module & Fuse F1 Location

2-25 Item Indicator Description 1 A3 Power Inverter Module Provides 255 VAC, 3-Phase 400 Hertz, Output Power for the TROPO fans. 2 Fuse, F1 Fuse, 15 amps for protection of the A3 Power Inverter Module. This Fuse, F1 is mounted on this module.



PP-7904 & PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supplies and DC Voltage Distribution Units



3-1 PURPOSE: The PP-7904 and PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supplies (LVPS) provide the DC Voltages to all the units within the Tropo system excluding the (DGM) Equipment. The outputs from these two Low Voltage Power Supplies are coupled to DC distribution units bus bar and then distributed to various assemblies with the Tropo system. The PP-7904 is called LVPS - 1 and the PP- 7905 is called LVPS - 2. LVPS – 1 supplies only positive voltages and LVPS – 2 provides both negative and positive voltages.


Input AC Power 115 VAC Frequency 50/60/400 Phase Three (3) Phase Outputs Voltage Current Regulation Over Voltage DC Volts + 5.3 VDC 22 Amps 2% + 6 vdc + 15 VDC 18 Amps 2% + 18 vdc + 28 VDC 8 Amps 2% + 32 vdc + 28 VDC 8 Amps 2% + 32 vdc Shut Down Protection If any internal Power CCA exceeds  5% of rated output. If the LVPS has an internal over temperature condition. If any overcurrent exist on any internal CCA voltages. The ganged main circuit breaker will trip, when shelter temperature reaches 150 degrees. Cooling Cooled by an internal fan using the internal +28 VDC (B) provided by the A3 CCA.


Input AC Power 115 VAC Frequency 50/60/400 Phase Three (3) Phase Remote LVPS Disable Logic level 1 (high) is sent from the Transmit or Receive Tropo Modem if an over temperature condition is present in either one of these units. Outputs Voltage Current Regulation Over Voltage DC Volts - 5.3 VDC 22 Amps 2% - 6 vdc + 5.3 VDC 22 Amps 2% + 6 vdc - 15 VDC 18 Amps 2% - 18 vdc + 28 VDC 8 Amps 2% + 32 vdc Shut Down Protection If any internal Power CCA exceeds  5% of rated output. If the LVPS has an internal over temperature condition. If any overcurrent exist on any internal CCA voltages. If an over temperature exist in the Transmit or Receive Tropo Modem. The ganged main circuit breaker will trip, when shelter temperature reaches 150 degrees. Cooling Cooled by an internal fan using the internal +28 VDC (C) provided by the A3 CCA.

SIGNAL FLOW for PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 1) - Refer to FO 3-1


(1) The PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 1) operates on 115 VAC 3-phase, 50/60/400 Hertz input power. The 3-phase input AC is first applied to the EMI Filter FL1, which reduces emissions on the input lines. Neon light indicator DS7 located under the top cover on back left side will illuminate when Phase A and Neutral are correctly passed through the EMI Filter FL1. The output of the EMI Filter FL1 is coupled to a bridge rectifier circuit CR1 and auxiliary power supply Transformer T1 circuitry. If the input power rises to 145 VAC, the Equipment Failure indicator lights and the power supply shuts down. The power supply is protected against damage caused by overvoltage, overcurrent, and overheating. If the power supply-cooling fan fails to properly cool the power supply, the Equipment Failure indicator lights and the power supply output shuts down. In the AN/TRC-170(V)2 the PP-7904 is located on the Roadside and in the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the PP-7904 is located on the Curbside.

(2) The filtered 3-phase 115 VAC is applied to a 3-phase bridge rectifier circuit CR1 and auxiliary power supply Transformer T1 circuits. The bridge rectifier circuit CR1 produces the unregulated +/- 150 VDC and the step down transformer T1 and associated circuitry produces the unregulated + 20 VDC, respectively. These two DC voltages are applied to the four power circuit cards. Each power circuit card develops a regulated dc voltage. DS1 the Power On LED, located on the front panel is illuminated when the +20 VDC is properly developed by step down Transformer T1 and associated circuitry. If the output voltage of a power circuit card exceeds  5 % of the rated output, the Equipment Failure lights and the power supply output shuts down. Also, whenever the Equipment Failure indicator lights, an LVPS signal is applied to the Alarm Monitor to light the LVPS fault indicator. In each of these cases, if the fault condition passes, the power supply is automatically reset. If there is an Overcurrent condition, a front panel Overcurrent indicator lights and the current for this power circuit card is reduced. If the Overcurrent condition passes, the power circuit card output is automatically returned to normal operation. The output of each power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on the card and monitored at the front panel test points.

(3) A1 +5.3 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-1 as the +5.3 VDC (A) output. The output of this +5.3 VDC power circuit card card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test TP-3 and TP-4. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +5.25 to +5.35 VDC.

(4) A2 +28 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-1 as the +28 VDC (A) output. The output of this + 28 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-2 and TP-1. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +27.72 to +28.28 VDC.

(5) A3 +28 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-2 as the +28 VDC (B) output. This A3 power circuit card provides the

3-3 + 28 VDC that powers the internal Fan Assembly B1, for this (LVPS - 1). The output of this + 28 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-8 and TP-7. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +27.72 to +28.28 VDC.

(6) A4 +15 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-2 as the +15 VDC output. The output of this + 15 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-6 and TP-5. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +14.85 to +15.15 VDC.

SIGNAL FLOW for PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 2) - Refer to FO 3-2

(1) The Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 2) operates on 115 VAC 3-phase, 50/60/400 Hertz input power. The 3-phase input AC is first applied to the EMI Filter FL1, which reduces emissions on the input lines. Neon light indicator DS7 located under the top cover on back left side will illuminate when Phase A and Neutral are correctly passed through the EMI Filter FL1. The output of the EMI Filter FL1 is coupled to a bridge rectifier circuit CR1 and auxiliary power supply Transformer T1 circuitry. If the input power rises to 145 VAC, the Equipment Failure indicator lights and the power supply shuts down. This Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS # 2) has a remote disable logic level 1 (high) signal from the Tropo Transmit or Receive Modem that causes the power supply to shut down if heat problems occur in either of the modem assemblies. The power supply is protected against damage caused by overvoltage, overcurrent, and overheating. If the power supply- cooling fan fails to properly cool the power supply, the Equipment Failure indicator lights and the power supply output shuts down. Note that Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-2) has both negative and positive voltages. The PP-7905 is located on the Roadside for both the AN/TRC-170(V)2 and AN/TRC-170(V)3 systems.

(2) The filtered 3-phase 115 VAC is applied to a bridge rectifier circuit CR1 and auxiliary power supply Transformer T1 circuits. The bridge rectifier circuit produces the unregulated +/- 150 VDC, and the step down transformer T1 and associated circuitry produces the unregulated + 20 VDC, respectively. These two DC voltages are applied to the four power circuit cards. Each power circuit card develops a regulated dc voltage. DS1, the Power On LED located on the front panel, is illuminated when the +20 VDC is properly developed by step down Transformer T1 and associated circuitry. If the output voltage of a power circuit card exceeds  5 % of the rated output, the Equipment Failure lights and the power supply output shuts down. Also, whenever the Equipment Failure indicator lights, an LVPS signal is applied to the Alarm Monitor to light the LVPS fault indicator. In each of these cases, if the fault condition passes, the power supply is automatically reset. If there is an Overcurrent condition, a front panel Overcurrent indicator lights and the current for this power circuit card is reduced. If the Overcurrent condition passes, the power circuit card output is automatically returned to normal operation. The output of each power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on the circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points.

3-4 (3) A1 +5.3 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-1 as the +5.3 VDC (B) output. The output of this + 5.3 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-3 and TP-4. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +5.25 to +5.35 VDC.

(4) A2 – 5.3 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-1 as the –5.3 VDC output. The output of this -5.3 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-2 and TP-1. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of -5.25 to -5.35 VDC.

(5) A3 +28 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-2 as the +28 VDC (C) output. This A3 power circuit card provides the + 28 VDC that powers the internal Fan Assembly B1, for this (LVPS – 2). The output of this + 28 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-8 and TP-7. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of +27.72 to +28.28 VDC.

(6) A4 -15 VDC Power Circuit Card: Receives the +/- 150 VDC and + 20VDC input voltages from the bridge rectifier circuitry CR1 and Transformer T1. It then produces a filtered and regulated voltage that appears on TB-2 as the -15 VDC output. The output of this -15 VDC power circuit card can be adjusted by variable resistor R20 located on this circuit card and monitored at the front panel test points TP-6 and TP-5. The output voltage is adjusted for a range of -14.85 to –15.15 VDC.

3-5 PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-1) Indicators

Item Indicator Description 1 POWER ON LED (green) Illumi nates when Transformer T1 and associated circuitry produce the +20 VDC for LVPS-1. 2 EQUIPMENT FAILURE LED (red) Illuminates when the output voltages are not within 5 % of nominal values. 3 OVERCURRENT +28V LED (red) Illuminates when the +28V (B) overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP7 and TP8 as shown on FO 3-1. 4 OVERCURRENT +15V LED (red) Illuminates when the +15V overcurrent is exceeded. . The two test points above are refereed to as TP5 and TP6 as shown on FO 3-1. 5 OVERCURRENT +5.3V LED (red) Illuminates when the +5.3V (A) overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP3 and TP4 as shown on FO 3-1. 6 OVERCURRENT +28V LED (red) Illuminates when the +28V (A) overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP1 and TP2 as shown on FO 3-1.

3-6 PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-2) Indicators Note that LVPS-2 has both negative and positive voltages

Item Indicator Description 1 POWER ON LED (green) Illuminates when Transformer T1 and associated circuitry produce the +20 VDC for LVPS-2. 2 EQUIPMENT FAILURE LED (red) Illuminates when the output voltages are not within 5 % of nominal values. 3 OVERCURRENT +28V LED (red) Illuminates when the +28V (C) overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP7 and TP8 as shown on FO 3-2. 4 OVERCURRENT –15V LED (red) Illuminates when the –15V overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP5 and TP6 as shown on FO 3-2. 5 OVERCURRENT +5.3V LED (red) Illuminates when the +5.3V (B) overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP3 and TP4 as shown on FO 3-2. 6 OVERCURRENT –5.3V LED (red) Illuminates when the –5.3V overcurrent is exceeded. The two test points above are refereed to as TP1 and TP2 as shown on FO 3-2.

3-7 PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-1) Circuit Card Locations

LVPS-1 Curbside in (V)3

3-8 PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-2) Circuit Card Locations

LVPS-2 (Roadside in (V)3

3-9 PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-1) Rear Panel

Connector Jack Description J1 Power 3-Phase VAC Input J2 Alarm Monitor Output TB-1 +5.3 VDC (A) and +28 VDC (A) Output TB-2 +28 VDC (B) and +15 VDC Output E1-GND Ground Connection

PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS-2) Rear Panel

Connector Jack Description J1 Power 3-Phase VAC Input J2 Alarm Monitor Output and Remote LVPS-2 Shutdown from Tropo Transmit or Receive Modem as an input logic level (1) voltage. TB-1 +5.3 VDC (B) and –5.3 VDC Output TB-2 +28 VDC (C) and -15 VDC Output E1-GND Ground Connection

3-10 PP-7904 and PP-7905 LVPS DS7 Neon Light Location

CCA Variable Resistor R20 and LED Locations

3-11 DC Voltage Distribution

PURPOSE: The two Low Voltage Power Supplies in the AN/TRC-170(V)3 are coupled to the DC Distribution Units 14 and 15. These DC Voltages are then distributed to various assemblies within the Tropo system. These DC Voltages are not coupled to the Digital Group Multiplexer (DGM) Equipment.

(3) In the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the PP-7904 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 1) outputs are coupled to the DC Distribution Unit # 14. Please refer to Figure FO 3-5.

(4) In the AN/TRC-170(V)3 the PP-7905 Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS - 2) outputs are coupled to the DC Distribution Unit # 15. Please refer to Figure FO 3-6.

3-12 AN/TRC-170 (V3) Low Voltage Power Supply 7904 & PP-7905 Troubleshooting and Alignment- PURPOSE:

The Low Voltage Power Supplies (LVPS) PP-7904 (LVPS 1) and PP-7905 (LVPS 2) provide the DC Voltages to all the units within the Tropo system excluding the (DGM) Equipment. The outputs from these two Low Voltage Power Supplies are coupled to DC distribution units bus bar and then distributed to various assemblies with the Tropo system. The PP- 7904 is called LVPS - 1 and the PP-7905 is called LVPS - 2. LVPS – 1 supplies only positive voltages and LVPS – 2 provides both negative and positive voltages. PURPOSE:

PP-7904 LVPS 1 PP-7904 Specifications

LVPS 1 is located towards the bulk-head of the shelter and is curbside.

 It contains four CCA power supplies for various shelter components. Most importantly is the AC-AC Converter.  It only provides Positive voltages, however; the +5.3 and +15 VDC CCAs are interchangeable with the -5.3VDC and -15VDC CCAs in LVPS 2. PURPOSE:

PP-7905 LVPS 2 PP-7905 Specifications

LVPS 2 is located towards the bulk-head of the shelter and is roadside.

 It contains four CCA power supplies for various shelter components.  It provides both Negative and Positive voltages, however; the -5.3 and the -15 VDC CCAs are interchangeable with the +5.3VDC and +15 VDC CCAs in LVPS 1. Equipment description:

PP-7905 LVPS 1 Equipment description:

PP-7905 LVPS 2 Equipment description:

PP-7904 LVPS-1 (Curbside) Circuit Card Location

C1 & C2 Equipment description:

PP-7905 LVPS-2 (Roadside) Circuit Card Location

C1 & C2 Equipment description:

PP-7905 LVPS-1 (Curbside) Rear panel Equipment description:

PP-7905 LVPS-2 (Roadside) Rear panel Equipment description:

PP-7904 and 7905 LVPS DS7 Neon Light Location Equipment description:

CCA Variable Resistor R20 and LED Locations Unit 3 – Operations Student Handout Operations PC, Initial Turn On Procedure

If an unsafe procedure is spotted, stop the procedure immediately.

Shelter Turn On Procedure NOTE: Follow these steps in order. 1. Shelter Ground Connection: Verify that the appropriate ground connected to power entry panel. 2. Primary Power Source: Verify that this is connected to shelter but not turned ON. 3. Verify that the Shelter Air Vents opened. 4. Verify that the Exterior Circuit Breakers (CB) is OFF. 5. Verify that the Interior Power Distribution Panel CB’s is OFF. 6. Verify that the Rack Mounted Power are OFF. 7. Verify that the Primary Power Source is ON. NOTE: Turn on the generator and use the frequency meter (in the shelter) to check the output frequency at the generator. The Frequency, should be 60 Hz plus/minus 2 HZ. 8. Turn on Interior Main CB. Turn Exterior Main ON only if Deicer is needed. NOTE: The Exterior Main CB is on the Exterior power distribution panel and the Interior Main is on the inside of the shelter, on the Main Power Distribution Panel. Light CB ON: Interior lights will come on now if Interlock Switch is already in the over ride position and the Light Fixture On/Off switches are ON. If the lights do not come on, continue to the next step. If the lights come on, skip the next step. The Light Interlock Override switch is set to OVERRIDE: Interior lights should be on now. If not, check the On/Off toggle switch on the light fixtures. 9. Turn on CS6716, LVPS and AC-AC Inverter NOTE: Move LVPS Breaker up to mid position and listen for a tone; then rotate all the way up. DO NOT continue if LVPS has faults. No other breakers need to be turned on at this point. The outlet and and lights can be turned on. DO NOT turn on the heater

10. Voltage and Frequency Check instructions CAUTION! The voltage of each phase must agree within ±-5 VAC. Do not continue if the voltage or frequency is out of tolerance. Frequency of each phase must be 55 ± 7 Hz on the frequency meter.

2900 Titan Row, Suite 142 Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 854-1950 Sheet 1 of 1


Terminal Signal Flow

4-1 The AN/TRC-170(V)3 has two Signal Entry Panels (SEP). The signal entry panels are the way we interface with the local subscribers. The SEP in both versions of the terminals are identical. However they are in different locations.

Below we see the curbside view of the AN/TRC-170(V)3 S-250 shelter.

Signal Entry Panel #2 Signal Entry Panel #1


CX-11230 cable input to GM-1 on the MD-1026. To the right of it GM-1 the associated assembly is labeled GM-1. The data format of this type of signal will be Conditioned Di-Phase. CX-11230 input to GM-2 on the MD-1026. To the right of it GM-2 the associated surge protector assembly is labeled GM-2. The data format of this type of signal will be Conditioned Di-Phase. A 26 pair cable input to LGM-1. This connector can handle up to 13, 4-wire LGM-1 digital or analog subscribers. These 16 sets of binding post are inputs to LGM-1. The binding posts allows subscribers to connect directly to the terminal. Using the binding post allows access to all 16 channels available in the LGM. The 26 pair CH 1 – CH 16 cable input can be used in conjunction with the binding posts to access all 16 channels. Each binding post assembly can be removed to access the surge suppressors mounted on the rear of the assembly.


CX-11230 Coaxial cable input to GM-3 on the MD-1026. To the right of it GM-3 the associated surge protector assembly is labeled GM-3. The data format of this type of signal will be Conditioned Di-Phase. CX-11230 Coaxial cable input to GM-4 on the MD-1026. To the right of it GM-4 the associated surge protector assembly is labeled GM-4. The data format /LSCDM of this type of signal will be Conditioned Di-Phase. NOTE: The surge protector must be changed if the LSCD is used. A 26 pair cable input to LGM-1. This connector can handle up to 13, 4-wire LGM-2 digital or analog subscribers. These 16 sets of binding post are inputs to LGM-1. The binding posts allows subscribers to connect directly to the terminal. Using the binding post allows access to all 16 channels available in the LGM. The 26 pair CH 1 – CH 16 cable input can be used in conjunction with the binding posts to access all 16 channels. Each binding post assembly can be removed to access the surge suppressors mounted on the rear of the assembly. An additional two sets of binding post are provided for connection of the ROCU Remote Orderwire Control Unit (ROCU)


Signal Flow through AN/TRC-170(V)3 FO 5-2

Multiplexer TD-1235 (LGM) 6A2, 6A5. The Loop Group Multiplexer multiplexes up to 16 four wire, 16 or 32 KB/s conditioned diphase digital, or 16 voice frequency analog inputs on the line side into one balanced NRZ digital group on the equipment side. There are two LGMs mounted in the AN/TRC-170. LGM #1 is designated 6A2 and LGM #2 is 6A5.

Digital data Modem MD-1026 (GM) 6A3. The main purpose of the GM is to change the cable format to a balanced NRZ signal and vice versa. When used in the AN/TRC-170, the GM interfaces up to four groups of Conditioned Diphase, Bipolar, Dipulse signals or a mixture of the three. Conditioned Diphase is the most commonly used format. The operating mode is selected by installing the appropriate plug-in CCAs in the modem. In addition to mission traffic, each individual group of the diphase GM interfaces a 2 KB/s data orderwire (DOW) and a 16 KB/s digital voice orderwire (DVOW) or an analog voice orderwire (AVOW

Cable Driver Modem TD-1023 (LSCDM) 6A5. The Low Speed Cable Driver Modem (LSCDM) interfaces a repeated CX-11230 coax cable system on the cable side with the AN/TRC-170 system on the equipment side. The cable side input/output is a conditioned diphase signal group that is transmitted up to 40 miles via repeatered cable. The transmission range without repeaters is 1 mile. The LSCDM changes the cable input to NRZ for use by the AN/TRC-170. The LSCDM interfaces analog voice, digital voice, and digital data orderwires and supplies power feed to the cable repeaters (TD-1218 Low Speed Pulse Restorers (LSPRs)). The LSCDM accepts 1 NRZ format group of 72 to 2048 KB/s on the equipment side and transmits 1 group on the cable side (CDI) at 2304 KB/s. This is an optional piece of equipment, which is seldom if ever used. In the AN/TRC-170, the LSCDM is physically substituted for LGM 2, but electrically replaces GM Group 4.

Multiplexer TD-1236 (TGM) 6A4. The Trunk Group Multiplexer (TGM) multiplexes up to 4 data groups into 1 supergroup. It demultiplexes a supergroup into four separate groups at their original data rates. The TGM is capable of controlling a TSEC/KG-94A Trunk Encryption Device (TED) on both the group and supergroup side. Group data rates are from 72 to 2304 KB/s. Supergroup data rates are from 128 to 4608 KB/s.

Trunk Encryption Device TSEC/KG-94A (TED). The TED performs full encryption/decryption of group or supergroup mission traffic. One or two TEDs are used, as required. TED 1 (5A1A1) is used on the radio (supergroup) side while TED 2 (5A1A2) is used on the cable (group) side.

Dedicated Loop Encryption Device TSEC/KG-84 (DLED). The DLED encrypts/decrypts telemetry data that is processed through the CSCE function of the alarm monitor. DLED 1 (5A2A1) is used on the cable side. DLED 2 (5A2A2) is used on the radio side. The DLEDs are not used in the Army versions of the terminals.

VINSON TSEC/KY-58 7A3A1. This device encrypts/decrypts digital voice orderwire traffic originating and terminating at the voice orderwire control unit. It must be installed in the shelter because it is also used to change the analog of the headset to digital signal required by the radio.


Baseband Patch Panel 6A1. The Baseband patch Panel is used to interface the DGM gear with the Tropo Modem. The DLED Patch Panel interfaces the DOW with the Alarm Monitor panel.

DLED Patch Panel 7A1. The DLED patch panel provides for patching the local telemetry signals (DOW) to the radio and/or cable side of the AN/TRC-170. DLEDs can be included or omitted as appropriate. The DLED patch panel also provides a jack & associated lght for monitoring baseband and DLED patch panel activity.

IF Test Panel 5A4. The IF Test Panel contains a loop back circuit and an antenna alinement circuit. The loop back circuit provides a calibrated means of applying the Tropo Modem modulator IF output to any one or any combination of Tropo Modem demodulator inputs. The antenna alinement circuit converts the level of an IF signal to a DC voltage level proportional to the log of any of four IF signal levels. The IF Test Panel is an integral part of the signal flow. The V2 and V3/V5 models are not interchangeable.

Demodulator-Modulator Group OM-71 (Tropo Modem). The Tropo Modem contains circuitry by which digital data modulates a nominal 70 MHz IF at the transmit end (modulator) and recovers data from a nominal 70 MHz IF at the receiver (demodulator). The Tropo Modem processes mission traffic at data rates of 128 through 4096 KB/s. The are two separate components to the Tropo Modem. The first section is called the Modulator 4A1 section.

Electrical Frequency Synthesizer SN-53/AN/TRC-170. The synthesizer provides stable outputs in the 4.47 to 5.07 GHz ranges. These outputs supply local oscillator signals to the Up Converters and Down Converters. The synthesizer is phased locked to the 10 MHz signal from the Tropo Modem. The V3 contains one synthesizer 3A2, which provides a local oscillator frequency to one Up Converter and two Down Converters.

Transmitter Amplifier-Converter AM-7027 (Up Converter). The Up Converter is part of the transmitter subsystem. The Up Converter mixes the nominal 70 MHz IF with 4.47 to 5.07 GHz from the Synthesizer to produce the 4.4 to 5.0 GHz output signal. The V3 has one Up Converter designated 3A1, which drives the High Power Amplifiers.

RF Amplifier (HPA) 2A1. The HPA consists of two major subassemblies: Klytrson and High Voltage Power Supply. The klystron is a 5 cavity, continuous wave, 2 kW, air cooled amplifier. It operates in the 4.4 to 5.0 GHz band. The klystron and High Voltage Power Supply is not used when operating in the LOS mode.

Waveguide Entry Panels. The waveguide panels are located on either side of the door on the shelter. Here we connect the de-icer cables, waveguides, the W-100 cable used with the Remote Antenna Alignment Meter (RAAM) and the noise generator. On the V3 these are designated Units 12 & 13.


Antenna Entry Panel #1 Antenna Entry Panel #2

Antenna OE-354/TRC-170. The Quick Reaction Antenna (QRA) for the V3 uses two 6-foot diameter, linearly dual-polarized antennas which are mounted on a single boom. The rated gain of each antenna is 36.5 dB. These antennas are fed by flexible waveguide and are mounted on a crank- up support, which is part of the M116A trailer chassis. For operation, the antenna assembly is elevated to 12 feet. The two antennas and mounting boom are disassembled form the support and stored in the trailer for transport. Included with the antenna system are azimuth and elevation sensors and position indicators, as well as 3 flexible waveguides.

Receiver Amplifier Converter AM-7026 (Down Converter). The Down Converters are part of the receiving subsystem. The Down Converters provide preselection, amplification and postselection of the received microwave signal. The Down Converters contain a low noise amplifier (LNA) and a mixer which combines the 4.4 to 5.0 GHz received signal with a 4.47 to 5.07 GHz signal from the Synthesizer to produce the 70 MHz IF. One Down Converter (D/C) with each of the two antennas, this achieves space diversity reception. D/C # 1 is designated 3A3A2 with D/C #3 as 3A3A3. There is no D/C #2 present.

Demodulator 4A2. The demodulator performs the inverse function of the modulator. Specifically, it recovers the baseband data from the 4 receiver IF inputs.

Alarm Monitor BZ-250 (CSCE) 7A2. Equipment status information and performance data from all major components, including individual DGM and COMSEC units, are reported to the centralized alarm monitor. Here it is sampled, processed and evaluated and a determination of overall system performance is made. The resulting overall system performance assessment, as well as summaries of individual equipment status, is presented locally and is also formatted into a standard ASCII equipment status and performance telemetry message. The alarm monitor multiplexes this message into a 2 kb/s data orderwire (DOW). The DOW is not used in the Army systems.

4-7 Orderwire Control Unit C-10602 (VOCU) 7A3. The Voice Orderwire Control Unit (VOCU) provides a means of interfacing a VINSON, KY-58 secure voice instrument, with the 16 kB/s Digital Voice Orderwire. The connection is made on first come first served party line basis.

Remote Orderwire Control Unit (ROCU). The ROCU accesses the digital voice orderwire through the VOCU in the AN/TRC-170 shelter. The ROCU does not provide secure voice transmission to the VOCU. The ROCU is connected to the shelter by up to ¼ mile of WF-16 (field wire). The ROCU is also used to monitor the status of the van and provide visual and audible alarms if the status changes.

Analog Voice Orderwire (AVOW) 8A1. The AVOW provides an unencrypted, duplex voice interface with analog voice orderwire channels of the GM and the LSCDM. The AVOW does not connect to the radio side of the AN/TRC-170 terminal. It is also called the maintenance orderwire.

AN/TRC-170(V)3 Roadside Rack


AN/TRC-170(V)3 Curbside Rack

4-9 4.4 - 5.0 GHz 5A2A4 3A1 4.4 - 5.0 GHz 2A1 +60 dBm tropo +24 dBm tropo +27 dBm LOS 6A2 70 MHz @ 0 dBm +27 dBm LOS 1


16 Channels 128 - 576 KB/s e Horizontal U/C 1 HPA 1 n a


1 y Vertical

Terminal Interface 5A2A5 tr

1 odem n



CDI 1 thru 4 /G E

n 678 M W S


(CX 11230) O X


U z H

1 DVOW 16 KB/s to OCU FO 1 thru 4 M 5A2A4

# 2

6A3 07 G

l (CX 11295) DNE Vertical anel e 5. o 72 - 4608 KB/s d P

n o y Horizontal r m t


GM 1 47 t e n 4.


DOW 2 KB/s G /

y 678 D

r W S t 5A1A2 C 10 MHz 4.47 to 5.07 GHz LO t o DC #1 n 3A2 Reference


l Synthesizer 4.47 to 5.07 GHz LO t o DC #3 a 2 From DAR X 4 n DVOW 16 KB/s to OCU Modem


i 6A3 8


128 - 2304 KB/s 7 72 - 4608 KB/s 6A4 6 CS GM 2 l 128 - 2304 KB/s e n DOW 2 KB/s TGM a 128 - 1152 KB/s P h c

128 - 1152 KB/s O Test Signal

DI 70 MHz @ -23 dBm


2 Pat X 4 RA Only with DAR

e AT2

2A Modem

n 0 - 49 dB

a OW from GM-1 7A3 5A


OW from GM-2 X 4 OCU 6A5 h OW from GM-3

c R


16 Channels 128-576 KB/s DA a OW from GM-4 16 KB/s DVOW

LGM 2 P or LSCDM / 5A1A1 Receive BBPP 7A3A1 TED 4A1 Signal d 3A3A2 Tropo 4.4 to 5.0 n KY-58 GHz a 1 Modem b D/C 1


6A3 a 128 - 4608 KB/s it 1

B n

72 - 4608 KB/s 8A1 DVOW 16 KB/s M GM 3 DOW 2 KB/s ounti DOW 2 KB/s AVOW r 5A3

(VinsVINSon)ON o n ng P o at i anel #2 U ct

7A1 e

7A1 odul S y P DVOW 16 KB/s M anel tr 6A3 Level Level n Conv Conv 72 - 4608 KB/s 3A3A3 GM 4 4A2 Receive Signal 4.4 to 5.0 GHz DOW 2 KB/s gnal E i

M D/C 3 p u G o S T r

G to n r per tu u

DVOW 16 KB/s 5A2A1 5A2A2 e S 6A5 R 72 - 4608 KB/s DLED 1 DLED 2 IF LSCDM r Test o t n

DOW 2 KB/s a

o Panel 7A2 i ct odul e 5A4 m S e

CESE D Note: The LSDCM is optional. It phyiscally replaces LGM 2 AN/TRC-170(V)3 (6A5) and electrically replaces GM4 Up Date: 16 SEP 07 Block Diagram FO 5-2.1




The purpose of the Intermediate Frequency Test Panel (IFTP) is to provide a means of testing and measuring the performance of the Transmit and Receive sections of the TROPO Modem at the 70 Mhz IF level without using the Radio Frequency components. It also generates the Receive Signal Level (RSL) voltage to send to the monitor meter in the Alarm Monitor.

Fig. 11-1

The transmit Tropo Modem provides three (3) modulated 70 Mhz outputs (Fig 11-1). Two (2) of the outputs are sent to the Up Converters for signal processing. See also FO 11-1 and -2.

The third output is sent to the IF test panel for loopback testing. Not shown on the diagram above is a BNC connector on the front panel of the IF test panel where the transmitted 70 Mhz IF can be observed with the appropriate TMDE; i.e., Frequency Counter, Spectrum Analyzer or oscilloscope. Variable attenuators are placed in the transmit test signal path to allow level control of the test signal.

The four receive signals (two receive signals in the V3) from the Down Converters pass through the IF test panel and go on to each of the four receiver inputs of the Tropo Modem demodulator .

Four loop back switches are provided on the IFTP front panel (one for each receive path) whereby a sample of the transmitted signal can be injected into any one or all of the Receive Tropo Modem paths. By increasing the attenuation, thus decreasing the signal level being applied to the Tropo Modem Demodulator, we can simulate a weak receive signal and by comparison, determine to some extent the relative capabilities of each of the four demodulator channels.

Note: The I.F. loop back testing should only be done when there is no signal being received by the receivers. Any received signal will mix with the test signal and invalidate the BER reading.

Also note that any switch in loopback causes a Configuration Fault on the Alarm Monitor.


Fig 11-2

1 TEST SIGNAL - Allows monitoring of the 70 Mhz I.F. test signal from the transmit TROPO Modem (-23 dB)

2 40 dB variable Attenuator, attenuates the test signal in 10 dB steps

3 9 dB variable Attenuator, attenuates the test signal in 1 dB steps

4-7 Loop Back toggle switches in the NORM position allows normal operation of the respective receiver to pass through to the receive TROPO Modem. In the LB position injects the sample test signal from the TX TROPO Modem and also causes a Configuration Fault on the Alarm Monitor.

8 Loop Back LED - Lights if any LB switch is in Loop Back.


The V3 (Fig 11-4, below) will not have J12 through J15 and instead will have a J16 and J17. J16 and J17 are inputs to power splitters.

Fig 11-4

J16 takes the input from RX-1 and splits the signal for RX-1 and RX-2 signal paths to the Tropo Modem Demodulator. J17 takes the input from RX-3 and splits the signal for RX-3 and RX-4 signal paths to the Tropo Modem Demodulator. This is why the I.F. test panel is not interchangeable between V2 & V3.

J11 is for the test signal input from the Tropo Modem transmit section. This is fed through to a front panel BNC connector labeled Test Signal. It is also fed to the front panel loopback switches to provide loopbacks to the Tropo Modem Demodulator section as described above, and explained in more detail below.

IF Loopback Testing

The IF Loopback Testing function is provided to check the operation of the Tropo Modem Modulator and Tropo Modem Demodulator. Since the Tropo Modem BER reading is determined solely by examining the Tropo Modem framing pulses being received, a loopback sample of the signal being transmitted will cause the Tropo Modem to frame up on its own signal.

A sample of the modulated 70 MHz IF signal, labeled (TX IF TEST) from the Waveshaping CCA A7 within the Tropo Modem Modulator is coupled to the Tropo Modem Demodulator via the IF Test Panel. This bypasses the Upconverter(s) and all Downconverters. If the Bit Error Rate (BER) for the particular data rate under test is within limits, the Modulator and Demodulator are working properly.

The TX IF TEST signal enters the IF Test Panel at J11, via cable W163. This input can be attenuated up to 49dB using Step Attenuator AT2 mounted on the front panel. The signal level of TX IF TEST can be monitored at front panel J1 Test Signal for a fixed -23 dBm signal.

From AT2 the TX IF TEST signal is coupled to a single input, four output Power Splitter A5. The signal is coupled into the A5 at J1 and leaves at J2 - J5 respectively. These four test signals, TX IF TEST are all at the same level for input to the Tropo Modem Demodulator.

11-4 When the Loopback Switches are placed in the loopback position, the receive signal is still allowed to pass. (See Fig 11-1 and FO's). When testing the AN/TRC-170 in IF Loopback while in system, tune the pre and post-selectors of the Downconverters at least 200 MHz off the receive frequency. This will insure the distant receive signal does not interfere with the loopback. At any time when the van is powered up, the IFTP can be placed in loopback with any one or all of the loopback switches, and if the Tropo Modem is operational, DEMUX FRAME light should go out immediately, and the BER SHORT should go to 10 neg 5 BER within 60 seconds, assuming the following conditions are met:

1. IFTP front panel attenuators set to zero. 2. CW/NORM switch set to NORM. 3. MISSION data rate set above 64 Kb. 4. Bandwidth switch set to 7.5 if MISSION data rate set above 2304 Kb. 5. No interfering signal being received through the antenna ports

Note that the DGM equipment does not even have to be turned on for the above to happen.

As can be seen from this discussion, the IF Test Panel is a major troubleshooting tool. It provides a quick and easy way to make an immediate determination if the Tropo Modem modulator and demodulator are working if used as described above. It also provides, through the front panel BNC connector, a means of observing the signal being transmitted, which can be useful to the repair person. Also, by connecting a Spectrum Analyzer to the receive cables coming in to the back of the IFTP from the Down Converters, the receive signal can be observed to determine its spectral content and to see if there is any interference from other signals. A thorough understanding of the uses of the IFTP will greatly increase your competence as a Tropo operator.





12-1 PURPOSE: The SN-553 Dual Frequency Synthesizer provides two highly stable phase locked Local Oscillator signals covering from 4.470 to 5.0699 GHz range in 0.1 MHz steps. These Local Oscillator frequencies are used for both the up and down conversion to form your operating frequency. The Synthesizer unit actually has two independent sections that generate two Local Oscillator frequencies. One for transmit to the Up Converter and one for receive for the Down Converters, both of which are Phase Lock Looped to a 10 MHz reference signal from the Transmit Modem Rubidium Standard. It should be noted that the frequency output of the synthesizer is 70 MHz higher than the reading on the thumbwheel switches.


Input DC Power DC Voltages +5v, +15v, & +28v from LVPS #1 and –15v from LVPS #2 Reference Oscillator Frequency 10MHz from Rubidium Standard Reference Oscillator Level -3 dBm to + 3 dBm Output RF Frequency 4.470 to 5.0699 GHz Frequency Selection 0.1 MHz steps Transmit Output One output @ + 14 dBm to + 18 dBm Receive Output Three outputs @ + 11dBm to +15 dBm

SIGNAL FLOW for Frequency Synthesizer- Refer to FO 12-1

1. The Reference Control Loop is common to both transmit and receive sections of the Dual RF Synthesizer. The starting point of the reference loop is the Reference Oscillator A9.

a. The Reference Oscillator A9 is a highly stable 100 MHz oscillator. The 100 MHz IF frequency leaves the A9 and enters a power divider on the A8 Multiplier CCA.

b. The Multiplier Assembly A8 receives the 100 MHz IF signal from the A9. This input is applied to a power divider in the A8 module that splits this signal into three equal level outputs. One output is applied to the Reference CCA A7. The second and third output signals are multiplied by a factor of 46 and 48 to result in an output frequency of 4.6 and 4.8 GHz, and sent to both the RF Converter modules A3 and A4.

c. The Reference CCA A7 receives the 100 MHz IF reference signal from the Multiplier A8. The 100 MHz IF reference signal is divided by 10 to produce a 10 MHz output that is applied to a frequency divider and phase detector. This 10 MHz input to the Phase Detector is compared to the external RF (10 MHz) Rubidium Standard input from the Tropo Modem. The resultant error output circuitry produces a correction voltage, called the AFC Correction Voltage. This correction voltage is sent to the 100 MHz Reference Oscillator A9. The second divide by 10 divider produces a

12-2 1 MHz signal that is sent to both the Transmit CCA A5 and the Receive IF CCA A6. The BITE circuitry for the Dual Frequency Synthesizer is contained on the A7 CCA. This BITE consists of circuits unique to the transmit section, receive section, and the reference control loop circuits common to both.

2. The Transmit VCO Control Loop consists of the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1, RF Converter A3, and the IF CCA A5. The transmit loop starts with the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1.

a. The Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1 receives the OSC AFC signal from the IF CCA A5 and is combined with the front panel Transmit-Tune knob controlled signal to drive the VCO to the correct Transmit Local Oscillator frequency.

b. The IF CCA A5 decodes the input from the Transmit-Frequency MHz thumbwheel switch S1. The input of 100 to 300 MHz IF from the RF converter A3 is divided so that an output frequency of 1 MHz is obtained. The amplified error signal out of the IF CCA A5, is sent as the OSC AFC signal to the Cavity Tune Oscillator (VCO) A1 module.

c. The RF Converter A3 module receives the corrected frequency from the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1. The VCO corrected frequency is passed as the Local Oscillator LO frequency of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz to the Up Converter.

3. The Receive VCO Control Loop consists of Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2, RF Converter A4, and the IF CCA A6. The receive loop starts with the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2.

a. The Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2 receives the OSC AFC signal from the IF CCA A6 and is combined with the front panel Receive-Tune knob controlled signal to drive the VCO to the correct Receive Local Oscillator frequency.

b. The IF CCA A6 decodes the input from the Receive-Frequency MHz thumbwheel switch S2. The input of 100 to 300 MHz IF from the RF converter A4 is divided so that an output frequency of 1 MHz is obtained. The amplified error signal out of the IF CCA A6, is sent as the OSC AFC signal to the Cavity Tune Oscillator (VCO) A2 module.

c. The RF Converter A4 module receives the corrected frequency from the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2. The VCO corrected frequency is passed as the Local Oscillator LO frequency of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz to a pair of Down Converters.


Reference Control Loop

The Reference Control Loop is common to both transmit and receive functions of the Dual RF Synthesizer. This Referenced Control Loop is made up of the 100 MHz Reference Oscillator A9, Multiplier Module A8, and the Reference CCA A7.

100 MHz Reference Oscillator A9: This is a highly stable 100 MHz Oscillator. The 100 MHz IF oscillator signal leaves the A9 and enters a power divider on the Multiplier A8 module.

Multiplier Module A8: The A8 receives the 100 MHz IF oscillator signal from the Reference Oscillator A9. This input is applied to a power divider in A8 module that splits the power level into three equal outputs. One output is applied to the Reference CCA A7. The second and third output signals are multiplied by a factor of 46 and 48 to result in an output frequency of 4.6 and 4.8 GHz. There are two outputs on each of the multipliers. One output each goes to the multiplier BITE on the A8 CCA. This monitors for a 6dB loss. If either output drops 6 dB or more, a multiplier fault is sent to the Reference CCA A7. The other output of the X46 and X48 multipliers goes to both transmit and receive electronic switch circuitry on the A8. This transmit electronic switch has a 4.6 GHz and a 4.8 GHz input. This transmit electronic switch gets an input from the decoder circuit on the IF CCA A5. This input tells the switch whether to select the 4.6 GHz or 4.8 GHz that will be mixed with the Local Oscillator and will get the IF in range to the 100 to 300 MHz signals. This receive electronic switch has a 4.6 GHz and a 4.8 GHz input. This receive electronic switch gets an input from the decoder circuit on the IF CCA A6. This input tells the switch whether to select the 4.6 GHz or 4.8 GHz signal that will be mixed with the Local Oscillator to get the IF in the range of 100 to 300 MHz.

Reference CCA A7: The 100 MHz IF input is received by the A7 CCA from the A8 module, and then divided by 10 to produce a 10 MHz signal. This 10 MHz signal is routed two places. First to a phase detector circuit and then to a divide by 10 circuit. This signal is then compared to the 10 MHz Rubidium Standard from the Modem by a phase detector circuit. If these two 10 MHz signals are not the same, then an error signal is generated by the A7 and sent to the Reference Oscillator A9 where it acts as the AFC voltage to phase lock the 100 MHz Reference Oscillator. When the reference loop is unlocked, both transmit and receive IF LEDs will activate. The second part of 10 MHz signal was divided by a selected divisor to produce a signal with an output frequency of 1 MHz that is sent to both the A5 and A6 IF circuit cards.

The Transmit Loop: The Transmit VCO Control Loop consists of the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1, RF Converter A3, and the IF CCA A5. The transmit loop starts with the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A1.

12-4 Cavity Tuned Oscillator (VCO) A1: The output of the VCO is set by the transmit thumbwheel switch S1. The VCO oscillates at a frequency 70 MHz above the frequency set by the thumbwheel switch. The VCO is phased locked onto the correct frequency by the AFC voltage signal from the IF CCA A5. This voltage is 1 volt for every 1 KHz the VCO is off of the desired frequency. The 4.47 GHz to 5.07 GHz is sent over to the RF A3 Converter module.

RF Converter A3: The 4.47 GHz to 5.07 GHz Local Oscillator signal is sent to the A3 RF Converter, where it is sent to a coupler. The coupler has three outputs. The first output is sent to the converter/mixer, where the L.O. is mixed with the 4.6 or 4.8 GHz coming in at J2 of A3 RF Converter that was selected by the decoder circuit to produce a 100-300 MHz IF output. This output is sent out to the IF CCA A5 to be used in the reference loop to produce the 1 MHz signal which will eventually become your OSC AFC. The second output of the coupler goes to a 20 dB isolator, then out a 2 dB pad AT1 where it is routed to the Up Converter. The output of the LO signal is monitored by a detector, and the detector output is sent to the Reference CCA A7.

IF CCA A5: The IF CCA A5 decodes the input from the Transmit-Frequency MHz thumbwheel switch S1. The input of 100 to 300 MHz IF from the RF converter A3 is divided so that an output frequency of 1 MHz is obtained. The amplified error signal out of the IF CCA A5, is sent as the OSC AFC signal to the Cavity Tune Oscillator (VCO) A1 module.

Transmit Frequency Switch S1: This switch sends a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to the Decoder circuitry on the IF CCA A5. This decode circuitry decodes the transmit frequency from the thumbwheel switch S1.

The Receive Loop: The Receive VCO Control Loop consists of the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2, RF Converter A4, and the IF CCA A6. The receive loop starts with the Cavity Tuned Oscillator A2.

Cavity Tuned Oscillator (VCO) A2: The output of the VCO is set by the receive thumbwheel switch S2. The VCO oscillates at a frequency 70 MHz above the frequency set by the thumbwheel switch. The VCO is phased locked onto the correct frequency by the AFC voltage signal from the IF CCA A6. This voltage is 1 volt for every 1 KHz the VCO is off of the desired frequency. The 4.47 GHz to 5.07 GHz is sent over to the RF A4 Converter module.

RF Converter A4: The 4.47 GHz to 5.07 GHz Local Oscillator signal is sent to the A4 RF Converter, where it is sent to a coupler. The coupler has three outputs. The first output is sent to the converter/mixer, where the L.O. is mixed with the 4.6 or 4.8 GHz coming in at J2 of A4 RF Converter that was selected by the decoder circuit to produce a 100-300 MHz IF output. This output is sent out to the IF CCA A6 to be used in the reference loop to produce the 1 MHz signal which will eventually become your OSC AFC. The second output of the coupler goes to the A10 power divider. This

12-5 power divider has three outputs. The fist LO output is terminated into a dummy load. The other two LO Outputs are sent to the Down Converters.

IF CCA A6: The IF CCA A6 decodes the input from the Receive-Frequency MHz thumbwheel switch S2. The input of 100 to 300 MHz IF from the RF converter A4 is divided so that an output frequency of 1 MHz is obtained. The amplified error signal out of the IF CCA A6, is sent as the OSC AFC signal to the Cavity Tune Oscillator (VCO) A2 module.

Receive Frequency Switch S2: This switch sends a Binary Coded Decimal (BCD) to the Decoder circuitry on the IF CCA A6. This decode circuitry decodes the receive frequency from the thumbwheel switch S2.


7 8

Item Description

1 TRANSMIT-TUNE - meter and control – Green segment indicates when internal voltage controlled oscillator is phase locked. Control tunes the transmit VCO (Knob has locked and unlocked position). 2 TRANSMIT SUMMARY FAULT - LED (red) - Indicates a fault in the transmit circuitry or incorrect tuning. 3 TRANSMIT FREQUENCY-TUNE – five-digit thumbwheel switch - Set for desired transmit frequency. 4 RECEIVE FREQUENCY-TUNE - five-digit thumbwheel switch - Set for desired receive frequency. 5 RECEIVE SUMMARY FAULT - LED (red) – Indicates a fault in the receive circuitry or incorrect tuning. 6 RECEIVE-TUNE - meter and control – Green segment indicates when internal voltage controlled oscillator is phase locked. Control tunes the receive VCO (Knob has locked and unlocked position). 7 TRANSMIT TUNNING KNOB – this knob is used to tune the transmit synthesizers cavity tuned oscillator. Adjust the knob until the meter needle is in the center of the green segment. Then adjust to the extreme left and right, then back to the center of the green segment. Make sure that the Transmit Summary fault LED is not illuminated. 8 RECEIVE TUNNING KNOB - this knob is used to tune the receive synthesizers cavity tuned oscillator. Adjust the knob until the meter needle is in the center of the green segment. Then adjust to the extreme left and right, then back to the center of the green segment. Make sure that the Receive Summary fault LED is not illuminated.

12-7 DUAL FREQUENCY SYNTHESIZER SN-553 component location

REMARKS: The following six items are interchangeable A1: Cavity Tuned Oscillator (VCO) WITH A2: Cavity Tuned Oscillator (VCO) A3: RF Converter Module WITH A4: RF Converter Module A5: IF Circuit Card Assembly (CCA) WITH A6: IF Circuit Card Assembly (CCA)

A7: Reference Circuit Card Assy NOT A8: Multiplier Module A9: 100 MHz Reference Oscillator


Connector Jack Description J1 Power DC Voltages Input J2 Dual Synthesizer Fault Alarms Output J3 Transmit Local Oscillator output of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz to Up Converter. J4 10 MHz Reference Input J5 Receive Local Oscillator 4.47 to 5.07 GHz output to Dummy Load. J6 Receive Local Oscillator output of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz to D/C #1 and to D/C # 3. J7 Receive Local Oscillator output of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz to D/C #2 and D/C # 4 only used in the V2. GND Ground Connection

12-9 Synthesizer BITE LED Indications per Fault Conditions

Table 12-1 Synthesizer A7 BITE Lamp (LED) display per fault conditions

INTERNAL FAULT FAULT CONDITION LED INDICATION DS1 The Reference Lock is used by both transmit and receive BITE to indicate a malfunction of the reference loop. DS2 Transmit IF Lock Fault – If the VCO phase lock is at a low or fault level, indicating the VCO is unlocked. DS3 Receive IF Lock Fault – If the VCO phase lock is at a low or fault level, indicating the VCO is unlocked. DS4 Multiplier Fault – monitors for a 6 dB loss of the 4.6 and 4.8 GHz signals. DS5 Transmit VCO Power Out Fault – activates if the power level drops below +11 dBm. DS6 Receive VCO Power Out Fault – activates if the power level drops below +11 dBm.

Table 12-2 Synthesizer Transmit & Receive Summary (LED) display per fault conditions.

Transmit Summary LED DS1 on the front Receive Summary LED DS2 on the front panel will activate when any of these five panel will activate when any of these five conditions occur. conditions occur. 1. DS5 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when the 1. DS6 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when the Control Loop drops below +11 dBm. Control Loop drops below +11 dBm. 2. DS2 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when 2. DS3 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when VCO phase lock is at a low or fault level VCO phase lock is at a low or fault level indicating the VCO is unlocked. indicating the VCO is unlocked. 3. DS4 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when 3. DS4 LED on the A7 CCA is activated when either multiplier output level drops 6 dB or more. either multiplier output level drops 6 dB or more. 4. DS1 LED on the A7 CCA is activated by a 4. DS1 LED on the A7 CCA is activated by a Transmit Reference Lock fault. Receive Reference Lock fault. 5. Transmit Error is initiated if the thumbwheel 5. Receive Error is initiated if the thumbwheel switch is broken or in between switch selections. switch is broken or in between switch selections. This fault won’t light a fault LED on the A7 CCA. This fault won’t light a fault LED on the A7 CCA.

12-10 Troubleshooting the Synthesizer

The following information is found on the under side of the top cover on the Frequency Synthesizer.

Bite Indication Corrective Action 1st Replace the A7 Reference CCA 6 2nd Check 10 MHz Reference In on J4 3rd Replace the A9 100 MHz Reference 1st Replace the A5 Transmit IF CCA 2 2nd Replace the A3 Transmit RF and Converter Assembly 3rd Replace the A1 Transmit Cavity VCO 1st Replace the A6 Receive IF CCA 5 2nd Replace the A4 Receive RF and Converter Assembly 3rd Replace the A2 Receive Cavity VCO 1 Replace the A8 Multiplier 1st Replace the A1 Transmit Cavity VCO 3 2nd Replace the A3 Transmit RF and Converter 1st Replace the A2 Receive Cavity VCO 4 2nd Replace the A4 Receive RF and Converter 1,6 Replace the A9 100 MHz Reference

After replacing LRU’s as specified above without correcting failure, then also: 1) Replace the A7 Reference CCA. 2) Replace the A4 multiplier.

If external light is on and no internal indicators are on: A) Check Frequency setting on thumb wheel switch, 4.4000-4.9999 B) Replace the corresponding IF CCA A5 or A6 C) Replace the A7 Reference CCA D) Replace the thumb wheel switch


(DS1) 6 Reference CCA Out of Lock (DS3) 5 Receive IF CCA out of Lock (DS6) 4 Receive Power Out LOW (DS5) 3 Transmit Power Out LOW (DS2) 2 Transmit IF CCA Out of Phase Lock (DS4) 1 Multiplier Failure



Page Left Blank




Up Converter-Amplifier

13-1 Unit 3 – Operations Student Handout Operations PC, Tropo Radio Tuning Checklist

If an unsafe procedure is spotted, stop the procedure immediately.

Up Converter 1. Set the up converter for transmit operating frequency.

Down converter 1. Set the down converter for operating frequency. Verify Freq is 100 MHZ away from XMT 2. Adjust the Pre-Selector Filter. 3. Adjust the Post Selector Filter. 4. Turn the Noise Test Switches OFF.

Dual RF Synthesizer 4. Set the transmit side to the operating frequency. Tune the Phase Lock Loop Circuit: Adjust the Tuning knob until the meter is in the green area and the summary fault is OFF. 5. Set the receive side to the operating frequency. Tune Phase Lock Loop Circuit: Adjust the Tuning knob until the meter is in the green area and summary fault is OFF.

2900 Titan Row, Suite 142 Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 854-1950 Sheet 1 of 1 PURPOSE: The AM-7027 Transmit Amplifier Converter is commonly called the Up Converter. The Up Converter produces a 4.4 to 5.0 GHz modulated output from a Local Oscillator LO input of (4.47 to 5.07 GHz) and a modulated 70 MHz IF input. The SHF output of the Up Converter is used as drive input to the HPA.


Input DC Power DC Voltages +5v & +15v, from LVPS #1 and –15v from LVPS #2 RF Frequency 4.4 to 5.0 GHz Frequency Selection 5 MHz steps Local Oscillator (LO) 4.47 to 5.07 GHz Frequency Input Local Oscillator (LO) +14.5 dBm to +17.5 dBm Input Level IF Input 70 MHz IF Input Level -3dBm to +3dBm IF Input Impedance 75 , unbalanced Output LOS Mode +26 dBm to 28 dBm TROPO Mode +23 dBm to 25 dBm

SIGNAL FLOW for Up Converter – Refer to FO 13-1

(1) The RF Assembly A1 receives two inputs. The 70 MHz IF input signal from the TROPO Modem and the Local Oscillator LO input signal of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz from the Transmit Synthesizer, to produce a SHF difference frequency of 4.4 to 5.0 GHz, that is sent to the Filter Assembly A3.

(2) The SHF signal from the RF Assembly A1 enters the first section of the Bandpass Filter Assembly A3, a ganged filter arrangement Pre-Select that rejects out of band spurious responses and maintains the bandpass frequency. It is marked in 5 MHz increments. After filtering, the output is routed to the A2 for amplification. .

(3) The Intermediate Amplifier Assembly A2 takes the input from the A3 module and amplifies the signal to a 1-watt output. The amplified signal is routed through a directional coupler and sent out to the A3 Filter Assembly. A RF sample is sent to the RF detector on the A1 module.

(4) The RF output of the IPA A2 module is routed to A3 for filtering. The second section of the Bandpass Filter Assembly A3 is a ganged filter arrangement Post-Select Bandpass Filter that is used to filter this RF signal. The RF Signal is then sent through a directional coupler and out to the RF OUTPUT connector on the front panel. A coupled signal is sent to a detector. When the level is too low, the summary alarm DS1 on the front panel is illuminated. (5) The BITE CCA A4 performs the following functions: detects fault signals from the Up Converter assemblies, provides lamp indication signals, receives logic signals from the Down Converters and

13-2 HPA to have the output of the Up Converter attenuated by 40db as required. Controls the Up Converter output power. Receives logic commands from the HPA for the LOS or TROPO mode of operation.


RF Assembly-Mixer A1: The RF Converter-Mixer Assembly A1 consists of: a converter-mixer, circulators, variable voltage attenuator, voltage-level reference circuits and a fault sensor. The converter-mixer accepts the Local Oscillator LO frequency of 4.47 to 5.07 GHz input from the Transmit Synthesizer and the 70 MHz IF from the Transmit Modem. These two frequencies are mixed to produce the difference SHF frequency of 4.4 to 5.0 GHz. This difference frequency is then passed to the variable voltage attenuator AT1. To maintain the IPA power amplifier A2 within gain compression limits, the voltage variable attenuator AT1 is a voltage controlled device used to establish the desired output power level. The attenuated output to Filter A3 and the IPA A2 Module is controlled BITE CCA A4. The output of the RF Assembly-Mixer Module A1 is sent to the Filter Assembly A3.

Bandpass Filter Pre-Selector A3: The filter assembly A3 consists of two filter sections, both physically ganged together to permit frequency tuning from one knob. The input SHF signal of 4.4 to 5.0 GHz is passed to the first section of filter FL1A that is a bandpass filter. This filter section is a multi-cavity type for limiting out of band spurious effects and filtering converter mix products (such as upper and lower sideband) before the SHF signal is sent to the IPA Assembly A2. It has a bandwidth of 7MHz, and is adjusted from the front panel. The Bandpass Filter FL1 front panel scale is made of a paper strip located behind the Plexiglas. This paper strip is marked in 5 MHz increments from 4400 – 5000 MHz. STOP is written at each end of the strip. DO NOT ADJUST THE FILTER PAST THIS POINT!

IPA Assembly A2: The incoming SHF signal from the Bandpass Filter Pre-Selector A3 is sent to the IPA Assembly A2. This module attenuates signal power, monitors the power level for fault detection, and amplifies the converter signal to a 1-watt output at J3. The IPA output to the Filter Assembly A3 is regulated by a power loop involving reference settings, combined with RF level detection that is a controlled voltage feedback through the BITE CCA A4 to a variable attenuator AR1 in the A2 module. The SHF output signal is then sent to the Bandpass Filter Post-Selector A3. A fault condition within the IPA module is indicated by the IPA ASSY (LED) DS1 on the BITE CCA A4.

Bandpass Filter Post-Selector A3: The amplified SHF output of the IPA A2 module is applied to the Bandpass Filter Post-Selector A3 module. The Filter Assembly A3 accepts the amplified signal from the IPA Module A2. It filters for broadband noise, provides voltage reference control in the LOS or TROPO mode. Also provides voltage threshold detection for BITE faults and voltage monitoring, and maintains RF output power constant against voltage and temperature variations. The filter assembly A3 consists of the following components: a filter FL1B, circulator, directional coupler, reference voltage control/monitor assembly and a diode detector. It also contains a small circuit card the A1 RF level reference CCA, when either LOS or TROPO mode of operation is desired. It contains variable that are used to properly set the output of the Up Converter

13-3 when either LOS or TROPO mode of operation is selected. The Post-Selector section of this filter has a bandwidth of 7 MHz. The filtered RF output is sent to the HPA. The Bandpass Filter FL1 front panel scale is made of a paper strip located behind the Plexiglas. This paper strip is marked in 5 MHz increments from 4400 – 5000 MHz. STOP is written at each end of the strip. DO NOT ADJUST THE FILTER PAST THIS POINT!

BITE Assembly CCA A4: This circuit card performs the following functions: detects fault signals from the Up Converter assemblies, provides lamp indication signals, receives logic signals from the Down Converters and HPA to have the output of the Up Converter attenuated by 40db as required. Controls the Up Converter output power. Also receives logic commands from the HPA for the LOS and TROPO mode of operation selected by the operator at the HPA. It also serves as a low voltage distribution junction box for the Up Converters assemblies. As the RF levels are monitored, fault signals are detected by the BITE CCA. The CCA will either provided a loop response in the form of corrective control signal or a RF inhibit.

Table 13-1 Up Converter BITE Lamp (LED) displays per fault conditions

RF INHIBIT SUMMARY RF ASSY IPA FAULT LED FAULT LED OUT ASSY OUT CONDITION (PANEL) LED LED Off Off Off Off Normal operation of Up Converter On On On On RF inhibit by external inhibit (RCVR Inhibit or XMT Inhibit signals) or faulty BITE CCA A4. Off On On On RF drive signal missing or RF assembly A1 faulty. Off On Off On RF output from IPA missing. Faulty IPA A2. Off On Off Off RF output from filter missing. Faulty filter A3. Off Off On Off RF level over or under threshold at A1 CR3.


Item Description 1 RF OUTPUT Connector – Up Converter Output fed to the High Power Amplifier for Amplification in the TROPO mode. In the LOS Mode the RF transmission passes through the HPA (without amplification) to the antenna. 2 FREQUENCY Adjustable Filter - Tuned to transmit operating frequency. Knob is turned to operating frequency on the window dial. Outer ring knob is turned in the LOCK direction to lock knob. 3 SUMMARY FAULT LED (red) - Indicates a fault in one of the Up Converter modules, or a RF inhibit fault.



A1 RF ASSEMBLY - Mixes/Amplifies 70 MHz input from the Tropo Modem, and the 4.47 to 5.07 GHz from the transmit side of the dual frequency synthesizer to produce a difference operating SHF frequency of 4.4 to 5 GHz. A2 INTERMEDIATE POWER AMPLIFIER (IPA) - Is the final Amplifier in the LOS mode and an intermediate amplifier in the Tropo mode. A3 FILTER ASSEMBLY - Is a multi-channel band pass filter with a band pass of +/- 3.5 MHz (7 MHz BW). A4 BITE CCA – Reports internal faults to the Alarm Monitor and lights the summary alarm LED on the front panel. In conjunction with the A3-A1 (Reference level control module) controls the output of the IPA for LOS or HPA mode of operation. Also reduces the output power of the RF Assembly and the IPA modules, if a RF inhibit is received from the (Down Converters RF Overload) or from the (HPA High VSWR). The BITE CCA also has internal fault LEDs on it that light when failure of the subassemblies occur; (DS1 – IPA Low Power Fault), (DS2 - RF inhibit fault), and (DS3 - RF Assembly Fault).



Connector Jack Nomenclature J1 Power DC Voltages Input J5 U/C RF Inhibit from D/C 1 & 3 Input Fault Alarms Output J6 U/C RF Inhibit from HPA 1 & LOS – TROPO Mode Select Input J7 U/C RF Inhibit from HPA 2 Input *Only used in the V2. J9 Local Oscillator (LO) from Transmit Synthesizer Input J10 70 MHz IF from Transmit TROPO Modem Input GND Ground Connection

13-7 Tropo Upgrade COMTECH Modem Loopbacks Bi-Directional Port Loopback

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

Bi-Directional RX IF Modem Port Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 External Port Local Loopback

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

RX IF Modem External Port Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 Internal Port Loopback To the Distant End

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

RX IF Modem Internal Port Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 Bi-Directional Mux Aggregate Loopback

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

Bi-Directional RX IF Modem Aggregate Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 External Mux Aggregate Loopback to the Distant End

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

RX IF Modem External Aggregate Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 Internal Mux Aggregate Loopback to the Local End

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

RX IF Modem Internal Aggregate Loop 4 3 2

Aggregate Mux

1 -


K Patch Panel Patch K IF Patch Panel Patch IF TX IF 1 Modem Local IF Loopback

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel DVOW Patch Panel

IF Patch Panel Modem 4 RX IF 3

1&2 2 RX IF FromRX IF

Local Aggregate Mux -

Down Converters Down 1 IF Loop

Versa K Patch Panel Patch K

1 TX IF Sample Modem K Patch Aggregate Loopback to the distant end

K-Patch Loopback Plug (Red)

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel IF Patch Panel

IF Patch Panel RX IF Modem Versa-Mux 4 K Patch Panel 3 2 1 Aggregate

TX IF 1 K-Patch Loopback Plug (Red)

IF Section Data Section Versa-MUX K Patch Aggregate Loopback to the local end

K-Patch Loopback Plug (Red)

IF Patch Panel K Patch Panel

IF Patch Panel RX IF Modem Versa-Mux 4 K Patch Panel 3 2 1 Aggregate

TX IF 1 K-Patch Loopback Plug (Red)

IF Section Data Section Local RF Loopback

HPA Up Conv

Ant Entry Panel1 OUT IF Patch Panel


Down OUT IN -

Conv 1 170D IF Test Modem OUT IN

Ant Entry Panel

Panel2 Down Conv 2 IN OUT Warning: Turn AT-5 Full CW, Turn Beam Voltage OFF before proceeding RF Section IF Section RF Loopback Procedure Step 1: Tune the RCV Synth to XMT frequency Step 2: Tune Preselect/Post Select Filters on both DC-1 and DC-2 to the XMT Action: Repair/Replace any equipment causing high BER errors Frequency Step 3: Put HPA in LOS Mode.

When finished repairing follow these steps Note: Observe the RCV RSL on the Modem. The desired level is approximately -60 to -70 dbm. There may be a 5 to 10 dbm difference Step 5: If you had to place the HPA in Tropo Mode; turn AT-5 Full because of the physical separation of RCV waveguides behind the HPA CW, then turn beam voltage OFF. cabinet. Step 6: Tune RCV Synth to Mission RCV frequency If the RSL’s are high enough go to Step 6. if not go to Step 4 Step 7: Tune Preselect/Post Select Filters on both DC-1 and DC-2 to the Mission RCV frequency Step 4: Place the HPA in Tropo Mode. Step 8: After both sides have repaired/replaced all equipment to pass Step 5: After the filament warm-up turn on Beam Voltage. If RSL levels this loopback then put both systems back into a link. are not high enough adjust the AT-5 CCW until the levels are reached. Step 6: Observe the Local Switch or FireBERD show a good BER. This procedure checks out all the equipment in the local Tropo system and help determine if the link issue is local or remote Unit 3 Operations Student Handout PC, CS6716 Pre-Power-Up, Power-Up & IF Loop: CS6716 Modem

If an unsafe procedure is spotted, stop the procedure immediately.

Pre-Power-Up Procedure: 1. Verify Modem Boards(s) Installed 2. Verify Analog Board(s) installed 3. Install CS6716 patch plugs 4. Remove any digital data patch cables

Power-Up Procedure: 5. At AC Distribution panel switch CS6716 CB ON 6. Verify 10 MHz oscillator stability 7. Open front panel and SIMULTANEOUSLY turn on top 2 PCB’s: NOTE: Modem automatically performs diagnostics and AGC calibration.

Internal IF Loop: NOTE: Verifies correct operation quickly, without external equipment. 8. From top level menu, select DIAG, then Loopback, then LOCAL IF. 9. Modem synchronizes 10. RX SYNC LED (green) illuminates 11. MAJOR ALARM (red) extinguished

2900 Titan Row, Suite 142 Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 854-1950 Sheet 1 of 1 Example of IF Amplifier 70-MHz IF satellite communications receivers use 70-MHz IF amplifiers. At these frequencies, SAW filters are used. For our example, an 854660 filter from Sawtek was selected. This unit requires input and output , and operates with standard 50-Ω input and output. Sawtek conveniently provided an EVM board, which greatly simplified prototyping. The circuit shown in Figure 8 produces the 70-MHz response shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9

Figure 8 With the new modem system there is another dual Rubidium timing source available called the OAC-170B. A 10 MHZ reference source is routed from the OAC-170B to the Synthesizer . The legacy DAR Modem produces a 10 MHZ Ref that is still available and would allow the option to feed this timing source to the Synthesizer if the OAC-170B fails.



Down Converter-Receiver

15-1 PURPOSE: The AM-7026 Receiver Converter, commonly called the Down Converter, develops the 70 MHz IF receive signal. The Down Converter is part of the receiving subsystem and takes a selected frequency from 4.4 to 5.0 GHz, converts it to a 70 MHz signal and amplifies it.


Input DC Power DC Voltages +5v, +15v, & +28v from LVPS #1 and –15v from LVPS #2 RF Frequency 4.4 to 5.0 GHz Frequency Selection 5 MHz steps Low Noise Amplifier 25-28 dB (LNA) AR1 Gain LNA Noise Figure 2.1 dB Local Oscillator (LO) 4.47 to 5.07 GHz Frequency Input Local Oscillator (LO) +11 dBm to +15 dBm Input Level Output IF Output 70 MHz IF Output Impedance 75 , unbalanced

SIGNAL FLOW for Down Converter- Refer to FO 15-1

(1) The SHF signal (4.4 – 5.0 GHz) comes from the Waveguide Entry Panel via waveguide to the Preselector FL1 bandpass Filter. This RF signal, has a nominal signal strength of  -80 dBm to - 85 dBm. FL1’s purpose is to pass the locally assigned receive RF Frequency and attenuate all other frequencies outside of the bandwidth. The main output of FL1 is coupled to the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) AR1. A portion of this SHF signal is coupled to RF Detector CR1.

(2) The Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) AR1 has a gain of 25 dB to 28 dB. The amplified received RF signal leaves the LNA and is coupled via cable to Directional Coupler DC2.

(3) Directional Coupler DC2 couples the amplified RF signal via cable to Bandpass Filter FL2. DC2 also is used to couple noise in the receive path during noise test measurements.

(4) This RF signal is passed to FL2 commonly referred to as the Post-Selector Bandpass Filter FL2. This RF signal leaves FL2 and provides one input to the Balanced Mixer/PreAmp A1.

(5) This RF signal (4.4 – 5.0 GHz) is one of the two inputs to the Balanced Mixer/PreAmp A1. The second input is a Local Oscillator LO at (4.47 – 5.07 GHz) from the Receive Synthesizer. The Balanced Mixer/PreAmp Module A1, takes the received RF signal and the LO signal and mixes them internally to produce a difference frequency of 70 MHz IF that is passed to the TROPO Receive Modem via the IF Test Panel.

(6) The RF Detector CR1 monitors the 30dB output sample provided by the Pre-Selector FL1 to determine if an input overload condition has occurred. If an overload condition occurs then a logic zero (0) is sent to the BITE CCA A5.


(7) The BITE CCA A5 provides alarm signals to activate fault LEDs on the Down Converter. In addition, if an input overload condition occurs it will send a logic signal to the Up Converter as an inhibit signal. During noise test measurements it sends a logic signal to the Alarm Monitor as a configuration fault.

(8) The RF Switch S1 is used to switch or terminate the input from the external Noise Source Generator for test purposes, and is controlled by the front panel Noise Test Switch S2.

(9) The Noise Test Switch S2 controls the noise test measurement signal injection into the Down Converter for test purposes via RF Switch S1. The noise source generator is mounted in the shelter. This noise source will be discussed later in the lesson.


Bandpass Filter Pre-Selector FL1: The receive RF signal of (4.4 – 5.0 GHz) via waveguide is sent to FL1. Bandpass Filter FL1, commonly referred to as the Pre-Selector. This is a waveguide tunable bandpass filter, manually tuned in 5 MHz increments utilizing the Pre-Selector tuning knob on the front panel. FL1 has a bandwidth of 7 MHz. FL1’s purpose is to pass the locally assigned receive RF Frequency and attenuate all other frequencies outside of the bandwidth. This Bandpass Filter FL1 provides two outputs: one output is applied to the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) AR1, while the other output is a 30dB output sample used by the RF Detector CR1 to monitor for an input overload condition. During noise test measurements, noise is injected into the input of the Pre-Selector via DC1 from the Noise Source Generator when the front panel NOISE TEST-OPERATE/TEST select switch S2 is set to the PRESELECT position. The Bandpass Filter FL1 front panel scale is made of a paper strip located behind the plexiglas. This paper strip is marked in 5 MHz increments from 4400 – 5000 MHz. STOP is written at each end of the strip. DO NOT ADJUST THE FILTER PAST THIS POINT!

Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) AR1: RF Amplifier AR1 amplifies the receive RF Signal and has a gain of 25 dB to 28dB with a low noise figure of 2.1dB. From AR1 the amplified received RF signal leaves at J2 and is coupled via cable W3, to the Directional Coupler DC2J1. RF Amplifier AR1 is a thermoelectric cooled Low Noise Amplifier (LNA). The LNA fault originates in the RF Amplifier AR1. A detected LNA failure condition will send a logic zero (0) level to the BITE CCA A5.

Directional Coupler DC2: Couples the RF signal via cable CP1, to the coax tunable Bandpass Filter FL2 Post-Selector. The coupler also provides for 20dB noise injection input to the Post-Selector when the front panel NOISE TEST-OPERATE/TEST select switch S2 is set to the POSTSEL position.

Bandpass Filter Post-Selector FL2: The amplified RF signal of (4.4 – 5.0 GHz) via Directional Coupler DC2 is sent to FL2. Bandpass Filter FL2, commonly referred to as the Post-Selector. This is a coaxial tunable bandpass filter, manually tuned in 5 MHz increments utilizing the Post-Selector tuning knob on the front panel. FL2 has a bandwidth of 7 MHz. FL2’s purpose is to pass the locally assigned receive RF frequency and attenuate all other frequencies outside of the bandwidth. This

15-3 Bandpass Filter FL2 provides a filtered output that is sent to the Balanced Mixer Preamp A1. During Noise Test Measurements, noise from a Noise Source Generator is injected into the front end of Bandpass Filter Post-Selector via coupler DC2. The Bandpass Filter FL2 front panel scale is made of a paper strip located behind the Plexiglas. This paper strip is marked in 5 MHz increments from 4400 – 5000 MHz. STOP is written at each end of the strip. DO NOT ADJUST THE FILTER PAST THIS POINT!

Balanced Mixer/Preamp A1: Has two inputs, one input comes from the Bandpass Filter FL2, the second input is a Local Oscillator LO signal that is 70MHz above the received RF signal (4.47 to 5.07 GHz) from the Receive Frequency Synthesizer. The Balanced Mixer circuitry within the A1, takes the received RF signal and the Local Oscillator LO signal and mixes them internally to produce a difference frequency of 70 MHz IF signal. The Pre-Amplifier circuitry within the A1 provides two functions to the 70 MHz IF signal. The first function is to amplify the 70 MHz signal and provide a gain of 8dB. Next the 70 MHz IF signal is applied to an impedance matching network of 75, to interface the 70 MHz IF signal with the rest of the receiver circuitry.

RF Detector CR1: A 30dB sample taken from the receiver RF Signal is coupled from FL1 to the RF Detector CR1. The RF Detector CR1 is set to produce a logic zero (0) output when the RF power level exceeds the threshold by 2.5dBb and is sent to the BITE CCA A5. The threshold, measured at the input to the Down Converter is set at 17.5dBm. So at +20dBm (100mw) an Overload fault condition has occurred and a logic zero (0) is sent to the BITE Assembly CCA A5. The most likely cause of a RF overload is when the Down converter is tuned to the same frequency as the Upconverter.

BITE Assembly CCA A5: This circuit card monitors and distributes the Down Converter faults and provides status to the Alarm Monitor Panel. These indications are as follows for the AN/TRC- 170(V)2 Receiver CONV-1 through Receiver CONV-4, and Receiver CONV-1 and CONV-3 for the AN/TRC-170(V)3 system. In order to alleviate damage to the Down Converters, the BITE Assembly CCA A5 provides a logic signal called an Up Converter Inhibit when an Input Overload fault condition is detected by RF Detector CR1. This signal will shut down both Up Converters in the AN/TRC-170(V)2, and the one Up Converter in the AN/TRC-170(V)3 system. If CR1 detects an Input Overload condition a signal is sent to the A5, which turns on DS2 on the front panel and inhibits the Up Converter. If a fault is detected in LNA (AR1) the summary alarm DS1 is activated.

RF Switch S1: The RF Switch S1 is used to switch or terminate the input from the external Noise Source Generator for test purposes, and is controlled by the front panel Noise Test Switch S2.

Noise Test Switch S2: In the OFF position, the Down Converter is configured for normal system operation. In the PRESEL position, the noise test measurement signal is injected into the front end of FL1 via the 30dB port of coupler DC1. In the POSTSEL position, the noise test measurement signal is injected into the front end of FL2 via the 20dB port of coupler DC2. When the PRESEL or POSTSEL positions are selected, a Configuration alarm is reported to the Alarm Monitor unit.


Item Description 1 SUMMARY FAULT - LED (red) indicates a failure of a within the low noise amplifier (AR1). This failure is also reported via relay closure to the alarm monitor. 2 INPUT OVERLOAD - LED (red) indicates a preamplifier-input signal of at least 100 mV has been detected. This overload is reported to the alarm monitor via relay closure and used to generate the RF inhibit signals for the Up Converter. The most likely cause of a RF overload is when the Down converter is tuned to the same frequency as the Upconverter. 3 FREQUENCY MHz PRESELECTOR - Tunable band pass filter with a BW of 7 MHz in 5 MHz steps. Tunable from 4.4 to 5 GHz. Used to tune the input of the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to the desired receive frequency 4 NOISE TEST – Three position rotary switch used to control relay switching of the Noise Source Generator input via an internal RF switch S1. Used to test for the proper operation of the LNA.

OFF - In the off position, the noise generator is switched to a dummy load. Relay closure within the BITE assembly A5 is actuated to report noise test off status to the alarm monitor. PRESELECT - The test noise is injected at the input of the FL1 Pre-Selector. When the switch is in this position a CONFIGURATION alarm is reported to the Alarm Monitor Unit. POSTSELECT - The test noise is injected at the input of the FL2 Post-Selector. When the switch is in this position a CONFIGURATION alarm is reported to the Alarm Monitor Unit. 5 FREQUENCY MHz POSTSELECTOR – Tunable band pass filter with a BW of 7 MHz in 5 MHz steps. Tunable from 4.4 to 5 GHz. Used to tune the output of the Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) to the desired receive frequency.


FL1 Wave Guide Pre-Select band pass filter has a 7 MHz Bandwidth. Manually tunable in 5 MHz increments. AR1 Low noise Amplifier (LNA) 25 to 28dB gain. FL2 Coaxial Post-Select band pass filter has a 7 MHz Bandwidth. Manually tunable in 5 MHz increments. CR1 RF Detector monitors the output sample provided by FL1. If signal strength is 20dB (100 mw) or greater then sends a RF overload fault to the BITE CCA A5. The most likely cause of a RF overload is when the Down converter is tuned to the same frequency as the Upconverter. A1 Balanced Mixer/Pre Amplifier mixes the Local Oscillator frequency with the receive frequency to produce the 70 MHz IF. S1 RF Switch used to switch or terminate the input from the external Noise Source Generator used for testing purposes.


Connector Nomenclature Jack J1 Power DC Voltages Input J2 Noise Source Input J4 7O MHz IF Output J5 Local Oscillator (LO) Input J7 U/C Inhibit & D/C Fault - Configuration Alarm Output GND Ground Connection


V3 Noise Source Generator

NOISE SOURCE GENERATOR: The Noise Source Generator is a broadband noise source in the 4.4 to 5.0 GHz spectrum. The Noise Source Generator is mounted in the shelter. The Noise Source Generator is used to test the Down Converters. It receives (+ 28 vdc) from the Down Converter under test. The output of the Noise Source is injected into the Down Converter when the Noise Test Switch (S2) on the Down Converter is placed in either the PRESEL or POSTSEL position. The Noise Source is mounted in rack location (4A4) in the AN/TRC-170(V)2, and mounted in rack location (3A4) in the AN/TRC-170(V)3 system.

Connector Nomenclature Jack J1 Power DC Voltage (+28 vdc) from D/C Input J2 Test Noise to D/C #3 Output J3 Test Noise to D/C #1 Output J4 Test Noise to Mounting Panel Output J5 Test Noise to D/C #4 Output * Only used in V2 J6 Test Noise to D/C #2 Output * Only used in V2 J7 Test Noise to Mounting Panel Output * Only used in V2

15-8 CHAPTER 14

High Power Amplifier

Fig 14-1a

14-1 Unit 3 Operations Student Handout Operations PC, HPA Tuning Procedure Refer to TM 11-5820-934-13-2-1, Table 4-27 and 4-28

If an unsafe procedure is spotted, stop the procedure immediately.

High Power Amplifier 1. Verify that the waveguide ports are connected to one of these: Antenna Internal Dummy Load External Dummy Load 2. For Control Beam Voltage, verify that the Toggle switch is OFF. 3. Verify that the HPA Circuit Breaker is ON. 4. For the HPA Tuning Compartment, do the following: Match Serial Numbers on the electron tube to the serial numbers on the tuning chart. (Follow the instructions on the tuning chart.) Tune to the nearest specified frequency. Turn Tuners 1-5 to the matching CAV 1-5 settings Turn the Bandpass Filter Dial to the specified transmit frequency. Verify that the Drive Adjust Control fully cw. 5. Verify that the Check Mode FIL LED is lit. Set the KLYSTRON meter select switch to BEAM X 1K

6. Verify that the BITE compartment panel RANGE is set to HI or LO.

7. Verify that the Control-Beam Voltage switch is ON. 8. Verify the following: On the KLYSTRON meter, observe 6 KV± 0.1 KV (LO), or 7.6 KV ± 0.1 KV (HI) Verify that the RF Input meter is set to DRIVE. Verify that the RF OUTPUT-TROPO-REFLECTED PWR meter is set to KLYSTRON. Verify that the RF OUTPUT-TROPO-FORWARD PWR meter is set to KLYSTRON. 9. On the LO beam voltage setting, turn the DRIVE-ADJUST control to obtain a reading of .2 KW on the RF OUTPUT-TROPO-FORWARD PWR meter.

NOTE: If in HI power, use Step 10. 10. On the HI beam voltage setting, turn the DRIVE-ADJUST control to obtain a reading of 0.4 KW on the RF OUTPUT-TROPO- FORWARD PWR meter.

NOTE: If in LO power use Step 9.

2900 Titan Row, Suite 142 Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 854-1950 Sheet 1 of 2 Unit 3 Operations Student Handout Operations PC, HPA Tuning Procedure Refer to TM 11-5820-934-13-2-1, Table 4-27 and 4-28 High Power Amplifier 11. Hold the DRIVE-ADJUST/CALIBRATE switch in the CALIBRATE position, adjusting the compression calibration control to obtain the DRIVE meter reading in the green area. 12. Set the KLYSTRON meter select switch to BODY X 0.01. NOTE: Meter should not read above 50 milliamps during the rest of this procedure 13. While adjusting the Drive Adjust control, hold the DRIVE-ADJUST/CALIBRATE switch in the ADJUST position, to obtain a reading in the green area, or 5 on the KLYSTRON meter, whichever occurs first.

2900 Titan Row, Suite 142 Orlando, FL 32809 (407) 854-1950 Sheet 2 of 2 db, dBm, and Watts Relationship and Conversion Rules dBm - A unit of measure used to reference signal strength to electrical power level. Unlike dB, which is a relative measure, dBm is an absolute measure, and can be used to express very small values (dBm) and very large values (dBW). db – Is a ration of increase or decrease in dBm or Watts (RF Power). Watt - Term used to express the amount of wattage power.

1. 30 dBm is equal to 1 Watt.

2. An increase of 3 db doubles the power a. 33 dBm = 2 Watts b. 36 = 4 c. 39 = 8 d. 42 = 16 e. 45 = 32 f. 48 = 64 g. 51 = 128 h. 54 = 256 i. 57 = 512 Note: these are not mathematically accurate but good reference for the field. And this works decreasing also: 27 dbm = .5 Watts (Which is approximately the power from the AN/TRC-170’s Upconverter in LOS mode)

3. An increase of 10 dBm multiplies x 10 Watts. a. 30 dbm = 1 watt b. 40 = 10 Watts c. 50 = 100 d. 60 = 1000


FIG 14-1b


AT 1 Dummy Load

A10 RF Input Assy

LOS Forward Waveguide Switch LOS Reflected Coax S8 V1 Klystron DC 1 HY1 RF Circulator FL 1 S1 RF Switch INPUT S1 From AT 5 HY3 U/C J1 Circulator 42 dB gain

DRIVE ADJUST Dummy HY5 Load Tropo Drive Reflected Compression Sample Circulator DL FL 2 Tropo Drive Forward AT 3 ANT LOS HPA W/G Reflected

Klystron Reflected

Klystron Forward A2 RF Protection & Metering CCA Coax S2 Switch Meter Inputs

Compression Reference TROPO Delay line Compariator 20" of RG-142B DC 2 RF OUTPUT -50 dB TP J8


Adjust Nominal Ouptut M5 A5 LED Matrix CCA Tropo-Low 800 W Tropo-High 1600 W Fault Inputs from various CCAs Calibrate LOS- 794 mW

Antenna Reflected From Shelter To A2 CCA Antenna Forward J7 mounted Directional J6 Coupler

Up date High Power Amplifier (Microwave Subassembly) 7 May 97 21


PURPOSE: The HPA accepts an RF input signal in the 4.4 to 5 GHz range from the AM-7027 Transmit Amplifier Converter, (Up Converter), and in TROPO mode, amplifies it by approximately 35 dB, and presents it to the antenna for transmission. In LOS mode, the power generating function (the klystron) is bypassed, and the signal is presented directly to the antenna port for transmission.

A simplified diagram of the High Power amplifier is shown in Fig 14-2 and FO 14-1

1. In LOS operation, the RF input signal is +27 dBm (500 mw) from the Up-converter, and passes through the following components in the HPA on the way to the antenna. (follow solid line path):

 Coax switch SW-8: Selects TROPO or LOS.  With LOS selected, signal goes through LOS directional coupler (DC), which samples forward and reflected LOS PWR and sends to front panel meter for measurement.  Wave guide SW-1: Selects Antenna or Dummy load (Anntenna selected shown).  When Antenna is selected, the LOS signal proceeds through:  Tunable Band pass filter FL2 (BPF),  Test point DC - a 50 dB directional coupler used to sample the output power.

14-3  Circulator (CIR)--used to separate TX and RX signals, (V2 only)  ANT FWD/REFlected power DC, for front panel monitoring.  Finally, a harmonic filter to the antenna waveguide port.

2. In TROPO operation, the signal from the Up-converter is +24 dBm (251 mw), and passes through the following components in the HPA on the way to the antenna.

 Coax switch SW-8: Selects TROPO or LOS.  Gain Adjust attenuator (Adjusts the input drive to the HPA).  FWD/REF Drive DC - samples input forward and reflected power for front panel meter.  Klystron - 42 Db gain amplifier.  Klystron FWD/REF DC - Monitors forward and reflected power of the Klystron  Harmonic Filter, Wave Guide SW-1, and from there it will follow the same path as the LOS.

All the directional couplers are used for monitoring the signal path. RF drive, forward/reflected power (VSWR), when properly interpreted, become very powerful aids during fault isolation.

3. The HPA klystron is operated as a Class A amplifier, meaning there is no distortion of the amplified signal. The function of the gain compression control in the HPA is to allow us to operate 3 db below the peak power point of the klystron. When properly set, this will allow us to obtain maximum output with minimum distortion of the amplified signal. Improper use of the compression control and adjusting the HPA for maximum power will result in distortion of the transmitted signal, and a poor bit error rate (BER) at your distant end receive. Adjustment and use of the gain compression control will be discussed later during HPA tuning and power up.



FIG 14-3

4. A schematic of the Klystron and its associated power supplies are shown above (Fig 14-3). The Klystron for the V3 HPA is a five-cavity type. The RF input is coupled into cavity 1, which is tuned to the center frequency. Cavity 2 is tuned above center frequency, while cavity 3 is tuned below center frequency (stagger tuned), which allows for broad band operation (wider tuning range). Cavity 4 is tuned several MHz off the center frequency thus providing for better stability. The output cavity 5 is coupled to the waveguide and is tuned to the center frequency.

5. The filament supply provides 6 vac to the Klystron heater circuit. Because the tube has a directly heated common cathode, the filament supply has to be floating (not referenced to chassis ground) as the beam supply is also connected to the cathode. Both the filament Voltage and Current are

14-5 monitored and metered by the A1 control logic assembly, located below the klystron in the HVPS compartment.

6. The beam supply return is connected to the Klystron Anode and the Beam Voltage and Current are also monitored and metered. Typical values for High power range are 8 KV and .8 amps respectively, while for Low power range they are 6 KV and .6 amps.

7. Body current is an undesirable internal current due to electrons straying off course or being deflected to the cavity walls. This is an undesirable current that may be due to gas within the tube or poor focusing. The tube has a very strong permanent magnet for Beam focus. This is also monitored and is usually from 5 to 30 ma; the lower the better (trips fault at 76 ma). Please don't call your C & E complaining about not having any body current!

8. There are three major safety hazards associated with the HPA and klystron:

a. High voltage levels. The beam voltage can be as high as 8,000 volts, which can cause serious injury or death. These voltages are well insulated and there is no reason an operator should come into contact with them, but it should be understood that they exist.

b. High radiation levels. Always observe the radiation hazard limits established by the engineer tape or other radiation boundary identification. Failure to do so could reduce your future reproductive capability to that of a mule.

c. High heat. Temperatures in the exhaust area of the klystron approach 500 degrees. This is hotter that most ovens.


FIG 14-4



























14-9 The microwave compartment shown below is accessed through the klystron tuning access panel located in the center of the HPA cabinet.

Gain and compression adjustment controls are located here along with the tunable bandpass filter FL2, and klystron. The five cavities are adjusted for the desired transmit frequency through the use of a tuning tool, and by following a tuning chart, located on the inside of the hinged access door. (Note: the serial number of the klystron and the serial number on the tuning chart must match). MICROWAVE TUNING COMPARTMENT

FIG 14-5

REF PANEL MARKING OR FUNCTION TYPE OF DEVICE 37 BAND PASS FILTER FL2 Provides HPA output filtering, adjustable, in the range of 4.4 to 5.0 GHz in a 20 MHz bandwidth. (NOTE: this must be tuned in both the LOS and TROPO mode of operation)

38 COMPRESSION Vernier adjustment control for setting gain compression when the Cal- CONTROL, AT3 Adjust toggle switch is in the Cal position.

39 GAIN CONTROL Drive control for adjusting the amount of RF drive to the HPA. Used in Also referred to as the conjunction with the Cal-Adjust toggle switch to perform the gain DRIVE ADJUST attenuator, or pot, AT5. compression procedure and to arrive at the final output power setting for the HPA. NOTE: fully clockwise (CW) is maximum attenuation (no drive). Always turn fully CW before powering HPA up or down.

40 KLYSTRON TUNERS Five cavity tuning controls for setting the klystron amplifier frequency. Each has a mechanical readout for matching the calibration chart of the particular klystron.



FIG 14-6

The lower compartment of the HPA houses the A6, A7, A8 power inverters, the A9 Fast Acting Interrupt (FAINT), and the A3 high voltage power supply (HVPS), which are used to produce the required operating voltages to operate the klystron. The operating voltages are 6 Kv for low power tropo, 8 Kv in high power TROPO and 6 vac for the klystron filament. The A1 control logic assembly is also located in this compartment. Details of these components follow.

Not shown here is also the A2 CCA which is located in the upper left hand corner of the HPA. The A2 CCA is also used to provide protection and control of the HPA (checks for high VSWR) and will shut down the HPA before damage occurs.

FAST ACTING INTERRUPT (FAINT) ASSY A9. PURPOSE: The FAINT assembly performs two functions: it converts the 3 phase prime power input to a 280 Vdc used by the three inverters to power the HVPS. It also provides controlled methods of turn-on and fast turn-off, in case of failure in an inverter or the HVPS circuitry. If a standby fault such as an inverter hangup is detected by the A1 Control Logic Assy A8 CCA , it sends to the FAINT a FAST OFF TRIGGER that immediately shuts off the 280 Vdc to the inverters, thus shutting down the HVPS and the klystron. Such a problem will also cause a fault indication in the BITE matrix discussed below.

14-11 INVERTER ASSEMBLIES A6, A7, AND A8. PURPOSE: The three inverters convert the input 280 vdc from the FAINT to a 220 Vac 10 kHz sine wave for the High Voltage Power Supply (HVPS). This method of conversion from ac to dc in the FAINT, and then again to ac in the inverters, allows operation regardless of the input line frequency.

HIGH VOLTAGE POWER SUPPLY (HVPS) FIG 14-7 PURPOSE: The major function of the HVPS is to step up the 220 Vac,10 KHz input from the inverters, rectify it, and then filter it for use by the klystron. The 220Vac is applied to a 10 KHz step-up transformer that drives a full wave rectifier to provide a cathode/filament voltage of -8 kV (- 6 kV in Low Range). The HVPS interfaces with standby fault monitoring to immediately shut down high voltage to the klystron when the parameters monitored indicate a problem in either the HVPS or the klystron. The parameters monitored are identified below.

FIG 14-7



The A1 Logic Assembly is located in the lower compartment with the HVPS FAINT, and power inverters (see Fig 13-6). The main purpose of the Logic Assy is to identify and declare most of the HPA faults to the matrix display and other fault lights. Detailed descriptions of the functions of the eight CCAs in the logic cage can be found in the TM, Ch 5, and FO 46 in the TM foldouts shows the signal flow. Following are brief descriptions of the eight cards in the A1 Logic Assy.

A1 Off Fault CCA. The previously described "OFF FAULTS" are latched and provided to the A4 LED MATRIX DRIVER CCA which turns on the appropriate LED in the A5 LED MATRIX CCA located behind the panel above the klystron. The A1 CCA also identifies the FAINT, INV A, B, and C Overtemperature faults and lights one of four LEDs on the A1 CCA itself.

A2 Standby Fault CCA. The previously described "STANDBY FAULTS" are latched and provided to the A4 LED MATRIX DRIVER CCA which turns on the appropriate LED in the A5 LED MATRIX CCA located behind the panel above the klystron.

14-13 A3 Logic CCA. Checks Card Interlock Signal to verify that all CCAs are properly inserted, and generates an INITIATE pulse to the high voltage generation circuits if the Beam Voltage is turned on and all other conditions are met (Tropo mode, Filament on). It also performs switch debounce for those switches.

A4 LED MATRIX DRIVER CCA. Accepts the fault signals from the A1 and A2 cards, decodes them, and drives the LED Matrix LEDs.

A5 Filament Inverter CCA. Generates the Klystron filament voltage and provides to the A3 HVPS to pass on to the klystron. Also has an adjustment to set the filament voltage. Contains circuitry that evaluates the filament current and voltage feedback, and sends the appropriate fault signal to the A1 Off Fault CCA.

A6 Trigger Amplifier CCA. Accepts, amplifies, and passes on to the A9 FAINT, the triggers that start the A6, A7, and A8 Power Inverters generating the voltages that drive the HVPS. It also sends to the FAINT the trigger that, when a fault has been identified by the A8 Inverter Error CCA, immediately shuts down the Power inverters.

A7 Trigger Control CCA. Processes the Beam On Command to generate the Run Up command and triggers and passes them to the A6 Trigger Amplifier. It also processes error signals from the A8 Inverter Error CCA to tell the FAINT to shut down the Power Inverters.

A8 Inverter Error CCA. Checks klystron cathode voltage and FAINT 280Vdc output and sends an error that generates a Fast Off trigger to the FAINT and shuts it down. It also has adjustment pots for Hi and Lo range power.



Here the BITE matrix display is shown. The display, which is located in the upper center of the HPA, has a 4 by 8 LED matrix which is used to display faults. A fault chart is attached to the hinged door for quick reference. Items 29 through 36 are part of the 4 x 8 LED matrix. For example, if LED at location row C column 2 were to light, this would be an indication that the -12v was in an undervoltage condition. A more detailed description will be found in charts to follow.

FIG 14-8


25 LOW POWER ALARM ADJUST Sets alarm threshold - normally set by the operator for 200 CONTROL watts below the available peak power after proper gain compression. NOTE: this can only be done when the antenna is selected, not in dummy load.

26 LAMP TEST - TOGGLE SWITCH When pressed, lights all LEDs

27 RANGE - TOGGLE SWITCH Selects high or low power TROPO.

28 TROPO - TOGGLE SWITCH Selects antenna or dummy load. NOTE: When in the LOS mode the selection of ANT or DL are reversed from what is shown








































There are three (3) basic automatic BITE monitors associated with the HPA. They are: 1. RF INHIBIT 2. RF POWER OUT 3. FAULT MONITOR


RF INHIBIT. RF inhibit is generated when either an antenna, klystron, or HPA WG reflected fault has been detected.

This will cause the summary fault LED on the front panel of the HPA to illuminate, as well as the appropriate matrix LED in the BITE compartment. An RF inhibit signal is also sent to the associated Up Converter to shut down the RF drive to the HPA. The RF inhibit will cause the HPA to go to a standby mode under the following conditions.

HPA WG reflected power greater than 230 watts Klystron VSWR greater than 1.6 : 1 or (4.5%) Antenna VSWR greater than 2 : 1 or (11%)

RF inhibit sensors are taken from the directional couplers (DC) which are located in the RF signal path. Threshold and comparisons of forward and reflected power are performed in the RF protection and metering CCA (the A2 CCA which is located inside upper left hand corner of the HPA). The

14-18 ability to simulate one of the above faults is built into the A2 CCA. Depressing one of the momentary switches will cause an LED to illuminate in the BITE matrix as follows.

Simulated function Switch LED position HPA WG reflected S1 D7 Klystron VSWR S2 B7 Antenna VSWR S3 C7

The HPA control panel summary fault LED will illuminate in 5 seconds from the fault simulation, if the fault has not been cleared by the reset switch. Once the summary fault illuminates, it will take 2 resets to clear the control panel and matrix LEDs.

A2 Protection and Metering CCA

NOTE: Although not part of the HPA, the receivers have RF overload circuits which when activated will send RF inhibit signals to both Up Converters, thus shutting down the HPAs. This is to protect the D/C's Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) if it is accidentally tuned through one of the transmit frequencies while an HPA is powered up.


The RF output monitor in the protection A2 CCA compares the antenna forward power to the fault threshold set by the Low Power Alarm adjust control, located in the HPA bite compartment (Fig 13-8). If the forward power decreases below the alarm setting, a low power fault will be sent to the alarm monitor and control panel, and front panel OUT PWR FAULT LED (Fig 13-4) will illuminate. Adjustment of this level has a range of 10 to 2000 watts. The purpose is to provide an alert to the operator that the power output has dropped. The threshold is usually set 200 watts below 14-19 the available peak power available after gain compression. This is done by reducing the drive adjustment attenuator (CW) until the output level drops by 200 watts. Then with a flat blade screwdriver, adjust the low power alarm pot (R1) in the HPA bite compartment until the OUT PWR fault light just illuminates. The drive is then returned for normal output and the light goes out. Only if the output drops below the setting will the light come on, and an alarm will sound on the Alarm Monitor Panel. This adjustment can only be made when the ANT/DL switch is in the ANT position. This means that the antenna port must be connected to the antenna, or to an external dummy load.

Fig 14-9 Fig 14-10 FAULT MONITOR.

The HPA fault monitor consists of an Off Fault monitor, a Stand-by Fault monitor, and an Initialization Circuit. When a fault has been detected, the system is placed in either stand-by or off state and an attempt is made by the initialization circuit to reset and clear the fault. If successful, the HPA is reset to its operating condition. However, only 2 reset attempts are allowed in a 9 second period. If 3 faults are recorded during this time, the 3rd fault will shut the HPA down. The difference between shutting down in the stand-by and in the off modes, is that the stand-by mode will disable only the HVPS beam voltage, while the off mode will disable the HVPS beam voltage and also the klystron filament voltage. This means that in the off case, start up will require a 5- minute filament warm up period.

In both off and stand-by modes the particular fault will be displayed on the LED matrix in the HPA (14-9), as a summary fault on the HPA front panel, (14-10) and an HPA fault on the alarm monitor.

The Standby faults and Off faults (shut down) definitions were described in detail above in "HPA BITE indications".

NOTE: your ability to determine normal operation, and fault isolate the HPA will depend largely on your understanding the material that has been covered. Please read the preceding material very carefully until you have a complete understanding of it.



All operating frequencies should be 100 MHz apart. No receiver should be set at 140 MHz below the selected transmit frequencies. These frequency requirements are established to prevent receiver RF overload and image frequencies from passing through the receive path. Image frequencies will be received with the normal received signal causing the receive signal levels (RSLs) to be acceptable, but the bit error rate (BER) will be bad. Remember, the bit error should be 10-5 for short and 10-7 for long. Remember that if a receiver has an RF overload the Up Converters will receive a transmit inhibit signal and reduce their outputs, and in turn, shut down the HPA.


Because the AN/TRC-170 has several temperature control circuits that will cause your tropo system to shut down, care must be taken to insure that proper ventilation takes place. All vents must be open, and filters must be cleaned on a regular basis. The frequency of this cleaning is dependent on the climate and weather conditions.




a. On the 2 KW amplifier 2A2, insure that CONTROL switch BEAM VOLTAGE is set to OFF.

b. On 2 KW amplifier 2A2:

1. Set TROPO/LOS control switch to TROPO and verify TROPO indicator light is on. At this time the filament timer begins to run. In about five minutes the FIL light will come on. If setting up to transmit to antenna, verify the green MODE indicator DUMMY LOAD is extinguished. If not, remove four captive screws on the BITE indicator panel and toggle TROPO ANT/DL (momentary spring loaded toggle switch) to ANT. If in garrison, insure the switch is toggled to DL (Dummy Load), and the light is on.


2. Check status lights for a SUMMARY FAULT. If so, depress momentary FAULT RESET toggle switch to extinguish fault light. d. On transmitter converter 3A1:

1. Adjust frequency control to specified transmitting frequency (must be the same as transmit frequency set up on Frequency Synthesizer 5A4)

2. Lock frequency control setting.

3. Verify that SUMMARY FAULT light is extinguished. e. On 2 KW amplifier (2A2) tuning compartment, loosen six captive screws on panel to gain access to the tuning compartment (see Fig 13-7) f. Locate plastic laminated tuning chart and insure that it matches the serial number of the klystron. Locate your operating frequency on the chart. If you have been directed to tune to an odd frequency, choose the next higher even frequency on the chart to tune the klystron to.

CAUTION: Do not turn any of the tuner drives on the klystron to a counter reading of less than 50 or higher than 950. The mechanism may become disengaged and tube damage may result if tuner drives are adjusted for counter readings outside this range.

NOTE: Always approach the final setting while turning in a counterclockwise direction. If the tuning knob must be turned clockwise, go past the desired setting by at least one full turn of the drive and make final setting by turning the drive counterclockwise.

g. Using the special tuning tool from the Accessory Kit, set tuning cavities 1-5 respectively according to the tuning chart. h. Unlock the Filter control (FL2) and set to specified transmit frequency. Lock filter when finished. i. Inside the tuning compartment, set DRIVE ADJUST attenuator fully clockwise. j. On the 2 KW amplifier 2A2 front panel (see Fig 13-4) set the following meter switches.



k. Inside the LED matrix compartment (fig. 13.8) set the range switch to LO or HI power range, as desired.

l. (Optional step) Inside the LED matrix compartment set the low power alarm fully counter-clock- wise. This prevents the LO PWR FAULT light from coming on while you are bringing up power.

HPA turn on and check out: In this and other sections it will be noted repeatedly that the Drive Adjust control (AT-5) should be in the fully CW position before turning on the Beam Voltage switch. The Drive Adjust control is an "Attenuator", so turning it CW means that the attenuation becomes greater, thus cutting down on the signal driving the Klystron. The Drive Adjust attenuator should always be turned fully clockwise before turning on, or turning off the beam voltage. This prevents the klystron trying to come up to full power immediately when the Beam Voltage is applied, or dropping from full power to zero when Beam Voltage is removed, causing electrical shock. After the Beam Voltage switch is turned on, the AT-5 Drive Adjust attenuator is turned CCW to remove the attenuation, thus applying Up-Converter drive to the klystron, and causing the power out to increase.

a. If desired, input drive from the up converter may be checked at this time by watching the RF input meter while turning the AT-5 Drive Adjust attenuator in the klystron compartment counter-clock- wise. Reading should be about 250 milliwatts (25 dBm) in TROPO mode, about 500 mw (27 dBm) in LOS mode. When you have determined that you have sufficient drive available, return the Drive Adjust fully clock-wise.

NOTE: At this point, if the green filament LED is not lit you will have to wait until it is lit before proceeding.

b. Turn on HPA 1 circuit breaker on power entrance panel.

c. Turn the Drive Adjust AT-5 fully CW. This insures there is no drive signal into klystron!

d. Turn BEAM VOLTAGE switch ON, and at this time the beam voltage should read approximately 6 Kv if in LO range, 7.8 Kv if in HI range. This is usually not too critical. However, during semi- annual alignment, the actual voltage in HI range should be set to that marked on the klystron itself, next to the Serial Number. C&E should do this following procedure in the Adjustments section.

THE FOLLOWING STEPS, (d through f) DESCRIBE THE "GAIN COMPRESSION" PROCEDURE. It sets the input klystron drive so that all frequencies within the passband are equally amplified to within  1 dB, and to minimize distortion at that power output level

e. Turn the AT5 Drive Adjust attenuator CCW for a klystron forward power reading of .2 KW (200 watts) if operating in low power with a beam voltage of 6 Kv, or .4Kw (400 watts) if operating in high power, with a beam voltage of 8 Kv.

14-23 f. While holding the DRIVE momentary toggle switch in the CALIBRATE position, adjust the AT3 Compression Calibration attenuator in the tuning compartment for a reading in the green of the drive meter. Once reading is observed, release switch. g. While holding DRIVE momentary toggle switch in the ADJUST position, continue to turn the AT5 Drive Adjust counter-clockwise until the drive meter reads in the green portion of the scale. The klystron forward power reading should read above 1000 watts in Hi Range and is usually above 400 watts in Lo Range. h. Adjustment of the Low Power alarm is accomplished after proper Gain Compression is completed, by turning the Gain Adjust (Drive) attenuator clock-wise until the klystron forward power reading drops 200 watts, then adjust the low power alarm in the bite compartment until the LOW PWR FAULT LED just lights. Return the power back to its original output level by rotating the Gain Adjust CCW. Now if the power output drops by 200 watts or more, an alarm will sound on the Alarm Monitor panel, and the front panel LOW PWR FAULT will light.

NOTE: You should now check all your HPA meter readings and insure that everything is normal.

This completes the normal HPA tuning procedure.

REMOVING POWER FROM HPA. a. Turn the Drive Adjust AT-5 fully CW. This insures there is no drive signal into klystron! b. Turn Beam Voltage toggle switch to OFF. c. Turn off HPA Circuit Breaker. d. Wait for klystron to cool off before turning off the AC-AC Converters.

This completes the turn off procedure.



Alarm Monitor and RAAM


PURPOSE: The Alarm Monitor accepts and displays shelter faults, the BER from the Tropo Modem indicating the quality of the transmission, and the position of the antennas.

The Alarm Monitor display panel provides fault, operational, and configuration alarm status for individual subassemblies. The operator should use the indicators on this panel to direct him to the defective subassemblies. There are 25 fault or status reporting subassemblies for the V3 shelter. For the most part, these are dry-contact closures that are decoded in the Alarm Monitor and prioritized for display on the local status panel and/or recorded for transmission to the Communications Nodal Control Element (CNCE) using the DOW or telemetry circuits.



Item Indicator Explanation 1 GO- GREEN LED Indicates that the radio is in a go ready/functional status and no faults exist 2 FAULT-RED LED Indicates a fault condition exist in the radio set 3 CONFIGURATION This alerts that the shelter is not configured for proper or RED LED normal operation, one of the following conditions exist; 1. HPA in Dummy load position 2. Tropo Modem in CW position 3. VOCU not in THRU mode 4. Remote Antenna Alignment Meter (RAAM) connected to the shelter 5. Any Down Converter (receiver) having the Noise test switch in other than Off 6. On the IF test panel, any Receiver in Loop-Back 7. Telemetry Combiner in Loop-Back 8. Alarm Monitor CCA A2 S1 in ON position. NOTE: The above conditions are somewhat self-explanatory. However, the CCA A2 S1 requires some explanation. When in the ON position it sends a constant GO status to the ROCU and disables the audible alarm at the ROCU. When in the OFF position allows audible alarm to function in a normal manner



Item Indicator Explanation TRANSMITTER 4 CONV 1 A fault present in the Transmitter Up Converter 1 5 SYNTH 1 A fault present in the TX side of Frequency Synthesizer 1 6 HPA 1 A fault present in HPA 1 7 CONV 2 A fault present in Transmitter Up Converter 2, not used in V3. 8 SYNTH 2 A fault present in the TX side of Frequency Synthesizer 2, not used in V3. 9 HPA 2 A fault present in HPA 2, not used in V3. RECEIVER 10 CONV 1 A fault present in Receiver Down Converter 1. 11 CONV 2 A fault present in Receiver Down Converter 2, not used in V3. 12 SYNTH 1 A fault present in the receive side of synthesizer 1. 13 CONV 3 A fault present in Receiver Down Converter 3. 14 CONV 4 A fault present in Receiver Down Converter 4, not used in V3. 15 SYNTH 2 A fault present in the receive side of synthesizer 2, not used in V3. TROPO MODEM 16 FAULT A fault present in the either Transmit or Receive side of the TM. 17 BER Amber Indicates that the BER long is between 1 x 10-2 to 1 x 10-4 LED 18 BER Red Indicates the BER long is worse than 1 x 10-2 LED

16-4 Item Indicator Explanation DATA ORDERWIRE 19 RADIO Indicates synchronization failure on the radio side of telemetry SYNC (DOW). 20 CABLE Indicates synchronization failure on the cable side of telemetry SYNC (DOW). 21 MONITOR Indicates loss of synchronization timing from either the radio or cable side of telemetry (DOW). MISCELLANEOUS 22 EQPT Indicates that the shelter temperature is approximately 135º F TEMP (Automatic shut off will occur at approximately 150 º F) 23 TED 1 / 2 Indicates fault in Trunk Encryption Device 1 or 2 24 DLED 1 /2 Indicates fault in Dedicated Loop Encryption Device 1 or 2 (DOW). 25 ECCM Not used 26 VOCU Indicates a fault in the voice orderwire control unit. 27 LVPS Indicates a fault in Low Voltage Power Supply 1 or 2 28 ANT Indicates a deviation fault in Antenna 1 or 2, from original antenna alignment DGM 29 GM LS Indicates a loss of input on the Group Modem. 30 LSCDM LS Indicates a loss of input on LSCDM. 31 SA Indicates a summary alarm fault on one of more of the DGM equipments.


A Programmable Logic Array (PLA) is used in the Alarm Monitor to decode the fault inputs from each assembly and assigned a priority. This prevents a fault ripple effect and subsequent multiple fault indications when only one assembly is likely to be at fault. For example, a transmitter up-converter fault would likely cause an HPA fault due to loss of input drive signal. The PLA circuits would inhibit the HPA fault and display only the up-converter fault. The following is a list of inhibited faults.

FAULT INHIBITED FAULTS (will not be shown) U/C 1 HPA 1 U/C 2 HPA 2 SYNTH 1 TX U/C 1, HPA 1 SYNTH 2 TX U/C 2, HPA 2 MODEM TX U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2 DGM TROPO MODEM, U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2 TED 1 TROPO MODEM, U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2, DGM TED 2 TROPO MODEM, U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2, DGM, TGM, GMLS TROPO MODEM, U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2, DGM, GM SA LSCDLS TROPO MODEM, U/C 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2, DGM, LSCDM SA,

16-5 FAULT INHIBITED FAULTS (will not be shown) MODEM RX DGM ANT TROPO MODEM, DGM D/C 1-4 TROPO MODEM, DGM SYNTH 1 RX D/C 1 & 3, TROPO MODEM, DGM SYNTH 2 RX D/C 2 & 4, TROPO MODEM, DGM DLED 1 TCRCV SA DLED 2 TCRCV SA LVPS TED 1 & 2, DLED 1 & 2, FREQ STD, HPA 1 & 2, U/C 1 & 2, Tropo Modem, Synth 1 & 2 TX and RX, all D/C 1 through 4, LSCDM SA, GMSA, VOCU, VINSON, TCXMT SA, TCRCV SA, CESE SA, ANT FREQ STD TED 1 & 2, HPA 1 & 2, U/C 1 & 2, Tropo Modem, Synth 1 & 2 TX/ RX, all D/C 1 through 4, DGM, TCXMT SA, TCRCV SA, CESE SA, ANT

ANTENNA MONITOR The purpose of the Antenna Monitor group is to provide means for antenna alignment without Receive Signal, and provide azimuth and elevation alarm should the antenna shift out of tolerance after the initial alignment: Note: this is done by means of an AZEL box attached to each antenna. Further, it will provide a means of observing the receive signal level (RSL) in each of the four radio receiver channels. Note: The RSL for each Down Converter (receiver) is obtained from the IF test panel as each receiver signal path passes through the IF test


Item Explanation 32 RSL INTEGRATION: TOGGLE SWITCH, Refers to receive signal level (RSL) SHORT: This position allows the monitoring of the RSL with a short time constant. Meter responds rapidly to changes in received signal level. LONG: This position allows the monitoring of the RSL with more resolution and a longer time constant; approximately 90 seconds. RESET: Allows resetting of the long time constant circuit 33 ANTENNA: A toggle switch; chooses Antenna 1 or 2 for monitoring of RSL and antenna position. 34 METER SELECT SWITCH: Allows selection of meter function. RSL 2/4: Meter indicates RSL for Receivers 2 or 4. 16-6 Item Explanation RSL 1/3: Meter indicates RSL for Receivers 1 or 3. OFF: This position disconnects the meter. EL: Meter indicates elevation angle for antenna selected by ANTENNA SW AZ: Meter indicates azimuth heading for antenna selected by ANTENNA SW 35 METER: Meter measures RSL and each antenna position in degrees. 36 ANTENNA 1: Used to set antenna 1 heading 37 ANTENNA 2: Used to set antenna 2 heading 38 EL 1 – A variable resistor used to set antenna 1 elevation meter reading 39 EL 2 – A variable resistor used to set antenna 2 elevation meter reading

The alarm Monitor in the AN/TRC-17O is part of an overall technical control function referred to as the Communications Equipment Support Element (CESE). The CESE collects system status and performance information from the components comprising a radio assemblage, examines and/or processes this information, and then formats it into a message for transmission to the CNCE. The CESE therefore monitors and evaluates signals from the major components or subassemblies of the radio assemblage. A standard ASCII status and performance message is formed and inserted into the DOW data stream for transmission to the CNCE via the Telemetry Combiners. It is inserted into one of the thirteen 8-bit time-division multiplex (TDM) data channels. In so doing, the CNCE is continuously informed of the operating status of the radio set, and is able to dispatch appropriate maintenance personnel as required, and redirect message traffic. This is the DOW function, and is not implemented in the Army systems. Monitor Meter

Antenna Position and Received Signal Level readings



Item Name Explanation 40 CCA A2 ROCU AUDIBLE ALARM SWITCH ON Disables the audible alarm on the remote voice orderwire control unit (ROCU) and sends a constant GO status indication on the ROCU. (will not report faults to ROCU) Note in the ON condition will cause a Configuration Alarm. OFF Allows the audible alarm to function in the normal manner 41/42 CCA A4 STATION ID CODE SWITCH: Two thumb-wheel switches used to select the station I.D. code in TENS (41) and UNITS (42) (Provided by planners) 43 CCA A4 CHANNEL SELECT SWITCH. 13 Position thumb-wheel switch used to select the DOW sub-channel. (Provided by planners) 44/45 CCA A6- THROUGH MODE SWITCHES: S1, A7-S1 A6-S1 A7-S1 RESULT DOWN DOWN Normal DOW telemetry UP DOWN No telemetry on cable side DOWN UP No telemetry on radio side 46/47 CCA A6- END OF LINK SWITCHES: Selects end of link when both are

16-8 Item Name Explanation S3, A7-S3 set to the up position. Set both down for normal through operation. 48 CCA A12 ANTENNA SELECT SWITCH: 10 Selects 10 foot antenna dish for elevation monitoring. 15 Selects 15-foot antenna dish for elevation monitoring. Not used 49 CCA A13 ALARM MONITOR - METER TEST SWITCH: Spring-loaded test switch, when held in the up position the meter should read center scale.


PURPOSE: As the name implies, the RAAM is used for antenna alinement. Using the RAAM remotes the RSL and Degree readings from the Alarm Monitor Panel. This allows the operator to simultaneously move the antenna and observe the RSL readings.

Theory of Operation: The RAAM is connected to the shelter during antenna alignment via W-100 cable. Please refer to the photograph on the left. When connected it will cause a configuration alarm on the Alarm Monitor Panel inside the shelter. The Antenna Monitor functions are remote through the RAAM allowing the operator to make adjustments to the antenna dish position while observing RSL and degree movement. The degree movement will only function if the AZ~EL setup was performed prior to connection of the W-100 cable. The RAAM offers three additional features to that of the Antenna Monitor.

1. An expanded RSL scale with an offset adjustment. This allows the operator a better view of the effects of fine antenna adjustment.

2. The AZ/EL positions can be viewed with a X10 multiplier; one degree on the meter scale will equal ten degrees.

3. The RAAM has a control for received signal bandwidth. When S1 is in the CW

16-9 position the RSL passes through a 50 KHz filter rather than a 5 MHz filter. The Tropo Modem at the distant end must be in CW mode to use this position. This offers a 20 dB signal-to-noise ratio advantage for marginal links during antenna alignment.

The RAAM should always be used during antenna alignment. If the RAAM or W-100 cables are defective, the RSL Meter on the Antenna Monitor can be used. However, an additional person is required to monitor the meter while the antenna is being moved. The BER on the Tropo Modem should never be used as an indication for antenna alignment.



Item Name Explanation Meter M1 RSL Scale indicates receive signal level in µA 0-100 for receiver as selected by Meter select (3) and Antenna select (4) The Position indicates in degrees Antenna Elevation or Azimuth as selected by Meter select (3) and Antenna select (4) EXP SCALE OFFSET Expands RSL scale for fine measurements (makes meter more sensitive to change) Meter Select Nine position switch used in conjunction with Antenna Switch (4) to monitor RSL and antenna Positions Note antenna 1 is RED while antenna 2 is Black RSL 2/4 Selects monitoring RSL of (RX 2 BLK) or (RX 4 RED) RSL 1/3 Selects monitoring RSL of (RX 1 RED) or (RX 3 BLK) RSL 2/4 Same as above with expanded scale RSL 1/3 Same as above with expanded scale OFF Disables and turns power off to the meter. EL X1 Selects monitoring of antenna Elevation as selected by the antenna switch ± 2.5º AZ X1 Selects monitoring of antenna azimuth as selected by the antenna switch ± 2.5º El X10 Selects monitoring of antenna Elevation as selected by the antenna switch ± 25º AZ X10 Selects monitoring of antenna azimuth as selected by the antenna switch ± 25º ANTENNA Selects Antenna 1 RED or Antenna 2 Black Bandwidth Two position switch, in CW inserts a 50 KHz band pass filter to improve the signal to noise ratio Note distant end must have the TM in CW & 3.5 MHz BW. In the data position the RSL passes through a 10 MHz band pass filter. Integration In the short position it sets a 1 second interval between meter updates for RSL. In the long position it sets 64-second intervals between meter updates. Reset resets integration circuits as selected without updating the reading on the meter.


Close-up of RAAM Meter

16-13 Chapter 17 Antennas



17-1 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook Antenna Equipment

The antennas are presently linked with the shelters as described below. These antennas are interchangeable. The corresponding gains of the antennas have an effect on the maximum distant of a communication link. Interchanging antennas may change your waveguide requirement since the V2 requires 4 waveguides and the V3/V5 needs only 3.

V2 Antenna OE-353/TRC-170. The V2 uses two 9.5-foot diameter linearly dual-polarized antennas having a rated gain of 40.5 dB. These antennas are fed by flexible waveguide and are normally elevated to 15 feet by field assembled tripod structures. Each antenna is used for transmitting and receiving. The parabolic reflectors are composed of four petals, which are separated for transport and storage. The antennas and their mounting structures are disassembled and packed into a low profile pallet for transport and storage. Included with the antennas are azimuth and elevation sensors, position indicators, and an erection kit containing tools and storage containers. This system is supplied with 4 flexible waveguides. It also sometimes referred to as the Low Profile Antenna (LPA), which is easily confused with the Lightning Protection Assembly (LPA).

V3 Antenna OE-354/TRC-170. The Quick Reaction Antenna (QRA) for the V3 uses two 6-foot diameter, linearly dual-polarized antennas which are mounted on a single boom. The rated gain of each antenna is 36.5 dB. These antennas are fed by flexible waveguide and are mounted on a crank- up support, which is part of the M116A trailer chassis. For operation, the antenna assembly is elevated to 12 feet. The two antennas and mounting boom are disassembled form the support and stored in the trailer for transport. Included with the antenna system are azimuth and elevation sensors and position indicators, as well as 3 flexible waveguides.

V5 Antenna AS-3954/TRC. The V5 antenna uses two 8-foot diameter, linearly dual polarized antennas having a gain of 38.5 dB. These antennas are fed by flexible waveguide and are normally elevated to 12 feet by field assembled tripod structures. Each antenna is used for transmitting and receiving. The parabolic reflectors are composed of four petals, which are separated for transport and storage. The antennas and their mounting structures are disassembled and packed into a carrier mounted on a Heavy HMMWV (2.1 T). This antenna does not have azimuth and elevation sensors, position indicators. It comes with an erection kit containing tools and storage containers as well as 3 flexible waveguides. The antennas lightning rods attached to each antenna. Therefore, there is no need to employ a LPA. This antenna system is used exclusively by the Marine Corps.

Lightning Protection Assembly (LPA)

The lightning protection assembly consists of two, four section telescoping masts approximately 30 feet tall (when assembled), one sky wire 135 feet long, six anchors, two ground rods, and two mast base plates. The masts are installed 65 feet apart and slightly behind the two antennas, the sky wire is suspended between the two masts and then grounded on both ends. The LPA acts as a large lightning rod by being the highest point at your station, it is supplied with the V2 and V3 systems. The LPA is stored inside the shelter.

17-2 Chapter 17 Antennas A. Operation of Pocket Transit.

AZIMUTH 1. The pocket transit is used to obtain the pointing direction for the antenna and to determine if the transmission path is free of obstructions. CAUTION Electrical equipment and metal objects can cause pocket transit to give incorrect readings. Move away from items as required:

ITEM DISTANT High Tension Power Lines 60 yards Field Gun, Truck, or Tank 15 yards Barbed Wire 10 yards Machine Gun 3 yards Rifle 1 yard

POCKET TRANSIT 1 Mirror 6 Elevation Dial 11 Colored Needle end 2 N-north indicator 7 W-west indicator 12 Centering Bubble 3 Scale Index 8 Declination Screw 13 Circular Level 4 Rear Sight 9 Front Sight 14 Elevation Level 5 Azimuth Scale 10 Hole in Mirror 15 Elevation Vernier (case rear)

2. Angles given on the profile sheet are for magnetic north. Before attempting to sight the azimuth, ensure pocket transit declination dial is adjusted for 0°. 17-3 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook

3. Hold the pocket transit waist-high with the mirror facing away from the operator. The mirror and large sight are inclined so the tip of the sight and distant objects can be seen in the mirror simultaneously.

4. Keeping the circular level centered, rotate your body until the white end of the needle points to the desired angle (azimuth listed in the Satellite Access message). Objects seen in line with the centerline of the mirror and front sight is the desired azimuth direction.


1. Set the vertical angle vernier scale to the desired angle (elevation angle listed on Profile sheet).

2. Extend the large sight parallel with the face of the pocket transit with the peep sight at its tip folded at right angles, as shown at the right.

3. The mirror is held at approximately 45° to the transit face. Sight through the peep sight and the opening in the mirror while holding the instrument in a vertical position along the sighted azimuth as shown below.

4. While sighting through the transit, use the mirror and vary the elevation angle until the long bubble is level. You are now looking at the required elevation.

5. Rotate the body slightly left and right to ensure a clear sky is seen. Any obstructions seen through the sight is an operational hazard and eliminates the possibility of using the location.

17-4 Chapter 17 Antennas


When working with a compass you must understand there are two norths. The first is True North, which is the North you see on the map. This points towards the North Pole. The second north is magnetic north, which points towards the Hudson Bay in North America. The compass needle will point towards the magnetic north.

Sometimes we are given the Azimuth readings in reference to true North. To obtain a True North reading using a compass we must calculate the Declination Angle into the reading. The dictionary defines declination as the angle formed by a magnetic needle with line pointing to true north. The figure below shows a map of the United States with the approximate declination angles. The heavy black line is the 0 degree declination line. This is the line where the Magnetic and True North angles are identical. It runs from Florida to Michigan. If you are in New Jersey the 0 degree declination is West of you, therefore you must ADD the declination angle to the compass reading to get a True North reading. In this case we would add approximately 10 degrees. If you are in Arizona the 0 degree declination line is east of your position. This means you must SUBTRACT the declination angle to get a correct reading. In this case we would subtract approximately 15 degrees. The exact delineation angles are contained in the legend of the military style Grid maps. The map on page 2-7 is given only as a reference.

17-5 CECOM LAR Tropo Operation Handbook

Continental United States with the Declination corrections. East = Subtract West = Add

17-6 Chapter 17 Antennas

17-7 Appendix A

TROPO Radio Terminal Sets Cross Reference List

AN/TRC-170(V)3 P/N: 951100-5 NSN: 5820-01-148-3976 LIN:R93035

Module Number To Noun Nomenclature To Part Number To National Stock Number

February 2013

Appendix A-1 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 AC to AC Converter NSN: 5895-01-142-6627, Part Number: G111118-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Driver, CCA G111119-1 5998-01-140-8629 A2 Fault Detector, CCA G111120-1 5998-01-141-7397 A3 Power Inverter Module G111121-1 6130-01-141-6000 A4 Resistor Step Start G395352-1 5998-01-372-0268 A5 Resistor Step Start Assy G395350-1 5998-01-430-5311 C1 , Fixed 602D1434 5910-01-158-5565 G227977-1 DS1 & DS3 Diode Light Emitting G227152-3 5980-01-158-2734 DS2 Diode Light Emitting G227152-1 5980-01-070-9490 JANTX1N6092 F1 Fuse A25X15-1 5920-00-843-9007 A025F015 K1 Relay MS27418-1B 5945-00-850-1144 L1 Reactor 806713 5950-01-158-9718 G109826-1 RT1-RT3 Resistor, Thermal SG-40 5905-01-159-7312 G166111 T2 Transformer, Stepdown 806711 5950-01-158-9738 G109825-1 T3-T5 Transformer, Power 806702 5950-01-158-9739 G109828-1

Air Duct Assembly Part Number: 951449-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number B1-B2 Fan, Vaneaxial BT2310V-2 4140-01-141-4470 978084-1 S1 Switch M24236/25- 5930-01-158-9082 AGMBC MIL-S24236/25 Bearings Ball, Fan AMS1RDD 3110-00-198-2926 Gasket, Blower 978649-1 4140-01-232-8978

Appendix A-2 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 AM-7026/TRC-170 Down Converter NSN: 5820-01-146-7736, Part Number: 951150-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Balanced Mixer/Preamp G109004-1 5895-01-143-8445 A5 BITE, CCA 951131 5998-01-141-9015 951131-1 AR1 Low Noise Amplifier WJ-CR47-100 5996-01-142-8097 G107323-1 AT2 Dummy Load M39030/3-01 5985-01-047-6462 CP1 Adaptor, Connector 2994-6002 5935-01-023-3013 CP2 Adaptor M55339/02-30001 5935-01-062-2412 MIL-A-5533912 CR1 Detector, Radio Frequency G109005-1 5895-01-143-0398 TDTX0294-1 DC2 Directional Coupler 950948-1 5985-01-158-0110 DS1 Diode Light Emitting JANTX1N6092 5980-01-070-9490 FL1 Bandpass Filter, Pre-Selector G107318-1 5915-01-145-0084 K019670003 FL2 Bandpass Filter, Post-Selector 950559-1 5915-01-142-0718 200450 S1 Switch, Radio Frequency 143C70100 5985-01-013-4087 950953-1 S2 Switch, Rotary 280640-F1E 5930-01-159-0813

AM-7027/TRC-170 Up Converter NSN: 5820-01-141-8161, Part Number: 951160-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Radio Frequency Assy 854892 5998-01-141-3118 854892-1 A2 Intermediate Power Amplifier 951138-1 5820-01-143-3488 A3 Filter Assembly 951137-1 5915-01-143-5753 A4 BITE, CCA 951133 5998-01-141-8147 951133-1 B1 Fan, Tubexial 0333397 4140-01-157-2950 1048081-1 DS1 Diode, Light Emitting JANTX1N6092 5980-01-070-9490 MIL-S-19500/519 Bearings Ball, Fan 09-1213-010 3110-00-401-1915 309-1213-010

Appendix A-3 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 AM-7221/TRC-170 High Power Amplifier NSN: 5820-01-156-5947, Part Number: 1051953-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Control Logic Assembly 1052293-1 5820-01-142-9222 (CLA) A1A1 Off/Faults, CCA 1052287-1 5998-01-142-6789 A1A2 Standby Fault, CCA 1052288-1 5998-01-142-6778 A1A3 Logic, CCA 1051963-1 5998-01-142-6774 A1A4 LED Matrix Driver, CCA 1052290-1 5998-01-142-6779 A1A5 Filament Inverter, CCA 1051962-1 5998-01-142-6788 A1A6 Trigger Amplifier, CCA 1052291-1 5998-01-142-6791 A1A7 Trigger Control, CCA 1052289-1 5998-01-142-6790 A1A8 Inverter Error, CCA 1051961-1 5998-01-142-6777 A2 RF Protection & Metering, G111101-1 5998-01-143-0428 CCA A3 Power Supply, DC (HV Tank) 1051955-1 6130-01-141-1153 A4 Control Panel , G166147-1 5998-01-143-8450 A5 LED Matrix, CCA 1052292-1 5998-01-142-6780 A6-A8 Inverter 1051954-1 6130-01-141-6001 A9 Faint 1051956-1 5998-01-142-3769 A10 Radio Frequency Input 19861 5985-01-160-6600 AT1 Dummy Load, Electrical C707 5985-01-363-1091 AT3 Attenuator, Variable M24215/9-001 5985-01-158-0056 (Gain Compression) AT5 Attenuator, Variable AU-26GX/40934 5985-01-160-1108 (RF Drive) AT6 Attenuator, Variable G57592-2 5985-01-420-5966 B1 Fan, Tubeaxial 979834-1 4140-00-904-3357 B2 Fan, Centrifugal 023765 4140-01-311-8072 C1 Capacitor, Dieletric G210969-1 5910-01-159-0780 CR2-CR5 Detector, Radio Frequency MA7709-A0143 5895-01-158-5980 CR6 Semiconductor, Device JANTX1N5616 5961-00-146-3870 DC1 Directional Coupler G107173-1 5985-01-160-1252 FL1 Filter, Lowpass G107177-1 5915-01-158-4373 FL2 Filter, Bandpass CMC500825 5915-01-142-3646 FL3-FL4 Filter, Lowpass F190DS 5915-01-157-9998 HY1 Circulator, RF G107176-1 5985-01-160-3419 HY2 Adaptor, Waveguide 187AC106-2E 5985-01-272-3440 HY3-HY5 Circulator, RF 950947-1 5985-01-142-3405 R1 Resistor, Var. (Alarm Adj) RV4LAYSA102A 5905-00-646-5958 S1 (RF) Switch RF, Waveguide L0187BSL2X22 5985-01-160-1106 S3 Switch, (Ant-DL) MS24523-27 5930-00-683-1633 S4 Switch, (Lamp Test) MS90310-281 5930-00-088-8762 S5 Switch, (High-Low Power) MS90310-231 5930-00-914-6458 S6 Switch, Interlock (HV Tank) MS25253-1 5930-00-683-2814 S7 Switch, Interlock (Front Door) MS16106-1 5930-00-519-8144 S8 Switch, Coax RF LOS-Tropo M3928/15-08 5985-01-055-2083 V1 Klystron, Electron Tube VKC-7819B/U 5960-01-140-4253

Appendix A-4 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 AM-7221/TRC-170 High Power Amplifier (Front Panel) Assembly NSN: 5820-01-156-5947, Part Number: 1051953-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Control Panel, CCA G166147-1 5998-01-143-8450 CR1-CR2 Semiconductor JANTX1N5616 5961-00-146-3870 DS1-DS5 Diode, Light Emitting G227152-3 5980-01-158-2734 DS6-DS7 Diode, Light Emitting JANTX1N6092 5980-01-070-9490 M1 Meter, (Klystron) G166511-4 6625-01-158-8726 M2 Meter, (RF Input) G166511-1 6625-01-159-5686 M3 Meter, (Reflected Power) G166511-3 6625-01-158-8775 M4 Meter, (Forward Power) G166511-2 6625-01-159-5687 M5 Meter, (Drive, Adj-Calibrate) G166511-5 6625-01-158-2530 M6 Meter, (Filament Hours) M7793/5-002 6645-00-255-1369 M7 Meter, (Beam Hours) M7793/5-002 6645-00-255-1369 S1 Switch, (Fault Reset) MS24523-26 5930-01-015-3602 S2 Switch, (Tropo-LOS) MS24523-27 5930-00-683-1633 S3 Switch, (Adjust-Calibrate) MS24524-27 5930-00-660-3947 S4 Switch, (Beam Voltage) MS24523-22 5930-00-683-1628

Analog Voice Orderwire Unit NSN: 5820-01-143-7683, Part Number: G166861-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Analog Voice, CCA G166718-1 5998-01-140-8630 DS1 Diode, Light Emitting JANTX1N6092 5980-01-070-9490 DS2-DS7 Diode, Light Emitting G227152-2 5980-01-070-8972 LS1 Alarm, Audible Electrical SC628MT 6350-01-158-2820 R1-R2 Resistor, Variable RV6SAYSD252C 5905-00-008-8254 S1 Switch, Rotary 280651-F3P 5930-01-309-6851 S2 Switch, Push MS25089-3C 5930-00-501-1749 Headset H-182/PT 5965-01-205-6249

BZ-250/TRC-170 Alarm Monitor & Antenna Monitor NSN: 6350-01-143-6944, Part Number: 951260-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 CESE Decoder, CCA 951057-1 5998-01-141-7400 A2 CESE Timing, CCA 951073-1 5998-01-141-0925 A3 CESE Message, CCA 951061-1 5998-01-141-8143 A4 CESE Regulator & Switch 951071-1 5998-01-141-7401 A6-A7 CESE Telemetry, CCA 951077-1 5998-01-141-7402 A8 Connector, Assembly 951174-1 5935-01-159-2442 A9 Panel, Front Assembly 951175-1 N/A A10 Panel, Assembly Left Rear 951171-1 N/A A11 Antenna, Monitor Panel 951176-1 N/A A12 Antenna Monitor (A), CCA 951295-1 5998-01-141-8140 A13 Antenna Monitor (B), CCA 951297-1 5998-01-142-0926

Appendix A-5 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 C-10602/TRC-170 Control Orderwire Unit NSN: 5820-01-142-8007, Part Number: 951250-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A2 Electronic, Bridge, CCA 951114-1 5998-01-141-8145 A3 Encoder-Decoder, CCA 951112-1 5998-01-141-7403 A4 Vinson Buffer, CCA 951116-1 5998-01-141-7404 A5 Call & Fault Indicator, CCA 951251-1 5998-01-141-8146 A6 Panel Assembly, Front 979024-1 N/A A7 Connector Assembly, Rear 970922-1 N/A A8 Wire Wrap Plate Assembly 951179-1 N/A LS1 Alarm, Audible SC628MT 6350-01-158-2820 R5 Resistor RV4SAYSD252C 5905-00-054-0422 S1 & S5 Switch, Push MS25089-1C 5930-00-847-9863 S2 Switch, Rotary 280627-F1E 5930-01-159-0814 S3 Switch, Code Indicator 9-R-141 5930-01-158-3849 S4 Switch, Code Indicator 9-R-142 5930-01-158-3839 S6 Switch MS25089-3C 5930-00-501-1749 S7 Switch, Rotary 280628-F4E 5930-01-159-0815

Heater Assembly Part Number: 978665-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number HR1-HR3 Heating Element FS1062 4540-01-161-0139 S1-S3 Switch, Thermostatic 4391-8-326 5930-01-158-5037

IF Test Panel (V)3 Only NSN: 6625-01-156-6740, Part Number: 951263-2

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Amplifier 979300-1 5996-01-459-3548 A2 Log Amplifier 979807-1 5996-01-160-4223 A3-A4 Power, Divider DS-866 6625-01-159-0929 A5 Power Divider PDM-40-55/19227 5841-01-057-2154 A6 Power Divider 979631-1 6625-01-159-0928 AT2 Step Attenuator A-2587 5985-01-159-0718 AT7-AT10 Attenuator, Variable 979964-1 5985-01-158-4455 & AT13 DC1-DC4 Directional Coupler 979802-1 5985-01-158-9170 DS1 Diode Light Emitting JANTX1N6092 5980-01-070-9490 FL1 Filter Bandpass 979803-1 5915-01-158-8891 FL2 Filter, Bandpass 979820-1 5915-01-158-9856 K1-K4 Relay, RF Switch G107421-1 5985-01-159-0855 K5-K7 Relay, RF Switch 979827-1 5985-01-159-0854 K8 Relay SEM-12-70/23031 5985-01-159-0854 S1-S4 Switch MS90311-231 5930-00-913-2983

Appendix A-6 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012

OE-354/TRC-170 ( V)3 6 Ft Antenna NSN: -5985-01-430-9750, Part Number: G538466-1

Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number Antenna Support G122633-1 5985-01-199-1456 Antenna Support G122633-2 5985-01-315-9982 Cable Assembly, W100 951414-1 5995-01-186-3970 Cable Assembly, W104 996340-2 5995-01-327-6179 Cable Assembly, W105 & W106 996701-1 5995-01-186-6438 Cable Assembly, W107 & W108 996703-1 5995-01-186-6439 Azimuth Actuator Assembly G125279-1 5985-01-198-1924 Azimuth Actuator Assembly G125279-2 5985-01-314-2057 Azimuth Actuator & Indicator Assy G125252-1 5985-01-373-1553 Azimuth Actuator & Indicator Assy G125252-2 5985-01-374-0669 Actuator, Erection Drive G107440-1 5985-01-198-1923 Boot Dust Seal G110736-3 5975-01-205-6327 Boot Dust, Moisture Seal G110736-2 5930-01-216-2030 Clevis, Actuator Tie Down G110647-1 5342-01-248-2635 Feedhorn Transmit and Receive (Rear) G110408-2 5985-01-197-6863 Feedhorn Receive Only (Front) G110408-1 5985-01-197-6862 Sensor, Electrical Azimuth 979256-1 5998-01-144-6659 Waveguide Assembly G125350-1 5985-01-190-3492

Power Distribution Unit (V)3 Only Part Number: G166159-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number CB1 Circuit Breaker G166010-1 5925-01-159-6609 CB2 Circuit Breaker G125964-1 5925-01-159-6610 CB3 Circuit Breaker AM1-Z10-3-5 5925-00-522-2557 CB4 Circuit Breaker AM1-Z10-1-2 5925-00-522-2532 CB5 Circuit Breaker AM2-Z229-5 5925-01-159-6611 CB6 Circuit Breaker AM2-Z229-4 5925-01-159-6612 CB7 Circuit Breaker AM3-Z12-5 5925-00-521-0715 CB8 Circuit Breaker AM4-Z68-5 5925-01-159-6595 CB9 Circuit Breaker AM4-Z68-6 5920-01-160-0069 CB10 Circuit Breaker AM1-Z10-6-15 5920-00-522-2593 CB11 Circuit Breaker CD3-Z-345-1 5920-01-161-9561 CR1-CR4 Semiconductor JANTX1N5622 5961-00-026-9661 DS1 Lamp, Glow M15098/11-002 6240-00-539-8959 Lens LC13RN2 6210-00-978-8463 F1-F2 Fuse FO3B250V1A 5920-00-636-0963 K1 Relay, Voltage Sens G166226-1 5945-01-223-9231 M1 Meter, Frequency 322959 6625-00-005-7085 M2 Meter, Frequency 322997 6625-00-844-6631 M3 Meter MR26W100ACAAR 6625-00-484-1879 M4 Voltmeter G538142-1 6625-01-429-0125 S1 Switch MS21995-1 5930-01-046-4636

Appendix A-7 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number S2 Switch MS24524-22 5930-00-655-4247 XDS1 Lampholder LH74/4 6210-00-485-9848 Knob MS91528-2K2B 5355-00-559-8943

Power Entry Unit (V)3 Only Part Number: G

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number CB1 Circuit Breaker CD3-Z346-1 5925-01-160-6240 CB2 Circuit Breaker G125964-2 5925-01-159-6608 CB3 Circuit Breaker AM1-Z10-3-5 5925-00-522-2557 CB4 Circuit Breaker AM1-Z10-6-15 5925-00-522-2593 E1 Post Binding, Ground Stud 227-1343P2 5940-00-500-8712 FL1 Filter, Radio Frequency A-3131 5915-01-142-0387 FL2-FL5 Filter, Radio Frequency M15733/27-0013 5915-01-029-6471 J1 Connector, Receptacle MS90558C44413P 5935-01-092-4269 J2 Connector, Receptacle S3G-5405-AB 5935-01-159-3259 J6 Connector, Receptacle MS17343R20C4S 5935-01-159-2347 J7 Connector, Receptacle MS25199-1 5935-00-934-1631 J8-J9 Connector, Receptacle MS17343R18C11S 5935-01-159-3099 R1-R4 Resistor RCR32G204JM 5905-00-484-0268 T1-T3 Transformer, Current 164873 5950-01-045-0728

PP-7904/TRC-170 Low Voltage Power Supply # 1 (LVPS-1) NSN: 6130-01-142-8169, Part Number: 951270-1

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 +5.3 VDC, CCA 82D0524-1 5998-01-141-8997 A2-A3 +28 VDC, CCA 82D0526-1 5998-01-141-8998 A4 +15 VDC, CCA 82D0525-1 5998-01-142-6746 B1 Fan 011035 4140-01-186-9977 C1-C2 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/04-0084 5910-01-457-4594 C3, C6 & Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0226M 5910-01-182-3254 C12 C4 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0295M 5910-01-129-4454 C5 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0267M 5910-01-159-2583 CR1 Diode, Bridge 3-Phase M19500-483-03 5961-01-244-8488 DS7 Lamp, Glow M15098/11-001 6240-00-892-4420 FL1 Filter, Radio Freq Inter A-3178A 5915-01-158-4737 L1 , Reactor 82A0686-1 5950-01-159-0823 R1-R2 Resistor RWR84S1002FR 5905-01-186-6788 R3-R4 SG-7 5905-01-165-5371 R5-R12 Resistor RLR07C1002GR 5905-01-047-1531 S1 Switch, Thermostatic M24236/19-EMB 5930-00-628-4982 T1 Transformer, Power 81C0303-1 5950-01-313-6039

Appendix A-8 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012

PP-7905/TRC-170 Low Voltage Power Supply # 2 (LVPS-2) NSN: 6130-01-143-9598, Part Number: 951270-2

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1-A2 +5.3 VDC, CCA & 82D0524-1 5998-01-141-8997 -5.3 VDC CCA A3 +28 VDC, CCA 82D0526-1 5998-01-141-8998 A4 -15 VDC, CCA 82D0525-1 5998-01-142-6746 B1 Fan 011035 4140-01-186-9977 C1-C2 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/04-0084 5910-01-457-4594 C3, C6 & Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0226M 5910-01-182-3254 C12 C4 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0295M 5910-01-129-4454 C5 Capacitor, Fixed M39018/07-0267M 5910-01-159-2583 CR1 Diode, Bridge 3-Phase M19500-483-03 5961-01-244-8488 DS7 Lamp, Glow M15098/11-001 6240-00-892-4420 FL1 Filter, Radio Freq Inter A-3179A 5915-01-158-9857 L1 Inductor, Reactor 82A0686-1 5950-01-159-0823 R1-R2 Resistor RWR84S1002FR 5905-01-186-6788 R3-R4 Thermistor SG-7 5905-01-165-5371 R5-R12 Resistor RLR07C1002GR 5905-01-047-1531 S1 Switch, Thermostatic M24236/19-EMB 5930-00-628-4982 T1 Transformer, Power 81C0303-1 5950-01-313-6039

Remote Orderwire Control Unit (ROCU) NSN: 5820-01-141-3094, Part Number: 951240

Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1 Remote, CCA 951301-1 5998-01-141-9017 DS1 Diode, Light Emitting G227152-3 5980-01-158-2734 DS2 & DS4 Diode, Light Emitting G227152-2 5980-01-070-8972 DS3 Diode, Light Emitting G227152-1 5980-01-070-9490 LS1 Alarm, Audible SC628MT 6350-01-158-2820 S1 Switch G107064-7 5930-01-189-8909 S2 Switch 28211 5930-01-188-8895 S3 Switch MS27903-5 5930-01-224-5815 TB1-TB2 Transient Protector Module R900128-4 5920-01-310-9162 Headset H-182A/PT 5965-01-205-6249

Shelter Interior Lights

Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number Lamp, Clear 50PAR36VWFL 6240-00-469-5100 Lamp, Red 4414R 6240-00-946-4809 Switch MS25089-2H-1 5930-01-209-4162 Transformer, Power 01318 5950-00-400-1482

Appendix A-9 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 SN-553/TRC-170 Synthesizer, Electrical Frequency NSN: 5820-01-142-3749, Part Number: 951495-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number A1-A2 Cavity, Oscillator 708265-001 5895-01-144-3567 A3-A4 Radio Frequency Converter WJ-C29-1 5895-01-140-6008 A5-A6 Intermediate Freq, CCA 708266-001 5820-01-140-6030 A7 Reference, CCA 708220-001 5998-01-142-9270 A8 Multiplier, Dual Frequency PBM0008 5895-01-141-8924 A9 Oscillator, Crystal 233-5368 5995-01-144-2550 A10 Divider Power, 3 Way D326CS 5985-01-169-7913 AT1 Attenuator, Fixed 2082-4135-02 5985-01-205-7526 DS1-DS2 Semiconductor, Device M19500/519-02 5980-01-096-2084 M1-M2 Meter 611-18369 6625-01-158-7416 S1-S2 Switch 3-W-259 N/A

SN-571M Electrical Synchronizer (V)3 Only NSN: 5895-01-310-2545, Part Number: A3102110 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number DS1-DS4 Lamp, Incandescent MS15567-1 6240-00-143-3060 K1-K2 Relay, Electromagnet MS24168-A4 5945-01-178-5212 K3 Permissive Paralleling Relay 11500 5945-01-376-0827 S1-S2 Switch, Toggle MS27407-3 5935-00-105-5331 S3 Switch, Toggle MS24660-21A 5930-00-844-5821

Surge Protection Fault Assembly Part Number: G166084-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number DS1-DS4 Lamp M15098/11-002 6240-00-723-3378 F1-F4 Fuse FO3B125V8A 5920-00-636-0964 R1-R4 Resistor RCR32G273JS 5905-00-104-5757 RV1-RV4 Resistor, Voltage Sensing V130PA20C 5905-01-202-2971 XF1 Fuseholder, Block G166359-1 5920-01-252-3091 Lampholder LH74/4 6210-00-485-9848 Lens LC28YN2 6210-00-451-8323

CS6716 Modem NSN: 5895-01-545-1604, Part Number: 204F009700-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number CS6716 Analog Card 304F009549-1A 5998-01-546-1329 CS6716 Processor Card 304F009548-1A 5998-01-546-1330 CS6716 Backplane 304F009550-1 5998-01-546-4521 CS6716 Front Panel Assy 213F008829-2 5895-01-546-2757 CS6716 Fan Assy 204F009702-1 4140-01-546-9695 CS6716 Hot Mock-Up Kit 5895-01-552-6114 CS6716 Modem Upgrade Kit (V)3 K64766176 5820-K6-176-6176 & (V)5

Appendix A-10 TROPO Cross-Reference December 2012 Versa-Mux 4000 NSN: 6030-01-544-7484, Part Number: 113F009447-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number DiPhase/Fiber Port Card 97680008-000 5998-01-546-5662 NRZ 422 Card 97680010-000

Oscillator Amplifier Converter OAC-170D NSN: 5895-01-545-0715, Part Number: 404F009770-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number 10MHz Rubidium Standard 113F009732-1 5963-01-546-0383

Redundant Power Supply NSN: 6130-01-544-7811, Part Number: 113F009229-1 Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number Power Supply Module 113F009229-1 6130-01-544-7811

Upgrade Miscellaneous Items Module # Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number ADC Patch Panel 404F009342-2 5895-01-544-7018 Looping Plug LPMW-75 5935-01-546-2041 150 Ft Remote Cable 112F009776-21 5995-01-546-5223 Interface Panel - Tan 404F009318-1 5820-01-544-7017 Interface Panel - Green 404F009318-2 5820-01-544-7019

Miscellaneous Noun Nomenclature Part Number National Stock Number Anchors Duckbill G227487-1 4010-01-253-6717 Cable Assembly Power, 10 Ft. SC-D-883964G9-1 5995-01-190-5573 Cable Assembly Power, 40 Ft. SC-D-883963GRP-3 5995-01-134-3159 Detector RF, CR1 &CR2 (Behind PDU) MA7709-A0143 5895-01-158-5980 Coupler DC1, (Behind PDU) G107172-1 5985-01-158-9169 Filter Low Pass, (Behind PDU) F109D5 5915-01-157-9998 Filter Element Air, HPA 06-1502-3498 4130-01-157-6551 Noise Source Generator, G107322-2 5820-01-142-6628 (Mounted in Shelter) Headset H-182A/PT 5965-01-205-6249 General Signal Noise (Part of AAC Kit) 8002107 N/A Switch Thermostatic, S2 & S3 M24236/1-MJKJH 5930-01-108-9476 (Mounted in Shelter Racks)

Appendix A-11