A Regular Quadratic Form Over a Field K of Characteristic
Revista de la 115 Unión Matemática AqeDtiDa VQlumen 84, 1988. ROUND QUADRATIC FORMS ENZO R. GENTILE A regular quadratic form � over a field K of characteristic ,¡. 2 is called l'ound if either it is hyperbolic or i t is aniso tropic, satisfying the following similarity conditions : for any K r€presented by the isometry < > holds . x E �, x � � �, We shall study in this Note, round forms over a linked field v mainly with u - invariant u(K) � 4. If dim � = 2 .l, v � 2, l odd , this study was made by M.Marshall [M] . We here complete it to forms of dimensions 2l, l odd . We rely on results in [M] . 1. PREL IMINARI ES . K will denote a field of characteristic ,¡. 2. Quadratic forms over K will be regular (i .e.non-degenerate) and written in diagonal form cal "", an>, a i E K. Jí � and I{J are quadratic forms , � 1 I{J deno tes orthogonal sum and � .I{J, tensor product o If � is a quadratic form, with D(\Ú) we denote the set of all elements of K represented by and � DN) := D(�)\{O} . For a , ..., a K , the n - fold Pfister form l n E < 1 , a > . < 1 , a > ... < l , a > will be deno ted by «a , a , ..., a ». l 2 n l 2 n A non- empty �ubset T of K will be call ed a pl'eol'del'ing if i t is closed respect to sums and products , Le. if T+T e T -and" -- T.T T. e 116 A ( quadratic) forrn � over K will be called round if either , i) � is hyperbolic or ii) � is anisotropic and for all x E D(�), x O, <x> .� � , i.e.
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