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poLrTrcAL AND TNFORMATIVE REVTEW / TIRANA No.3(28)/MAY-JUNE ,d\ With the inauguration ol the neu pigironcokc line in Lhe Metallurgical Combine at Elbasan a Ereat lorward step has been Lalcen on the road of the lurthu industrialisation ol socialisl Al'oania Irr the photo of the fir.st col,el.r 7"le ieto pieiron cl Albanian brand. /\ uiew ol llte traditionai May Day parade in Tirana. On the ttibune Pattv and State lzoders toith cornrade Enuet Hoxha st lhe heacl 4* E ffiFre#ffi lsa!/'x.,tl' CO]ITE]IIS: A new victory of the policy of the PLA in the uplift of the generol wellbeing of the people 6 ,,zERl I POPUIuT,, The worker-peosont control - on importont foctor for the strengthening ol the sociolist order l0 HEKURAN ISAI A document of extroordinory volue lor the present ond the future of sociolist Albonio 18 The deepening of the closs struggle on the ideologicol ond culturol front 35 HAMIT BEOJA From the life of the country 4l Plunderers of the peoples of developing countries 54 NIKO KETRI Press Review Sl DECI OF THE CC AilD THE Coullclt 0F Mlills O]I THE REDUCTIO]I OF HIGH SAt 11{ THE PAY SYSTEM OF THE FURTHER NARROWIilG COUilTRY people been secured on the basis of the The Central Commitee o,f the PLA and the Council of Minis- cultural level of the has diffe' ters of the PR of Albania note with satisfaction that in the constant increase of social production, and the essential mental and physical labour, revolutionary atmosphere which prevails all over the country, rences between country and town, This enthusiasm and this the working olass, the cooperativist peasantry and the peo- have been narrowed step by step. rvith a new impetus ple's intelligentsia, inspired by the directives of the 6th Con' high spirit of mobilisation is bursting out of the founding gress of the PLA, the decisions of the 4th, sth, 6th, 7th and during the jubilee year of the 35th anniversary draft-Constitution of the 8th Plenums of the OC of the PLA and the programmatic spee- of the PLA and the discussion of the and the working mas- ches of comrade Enver Hoxha, have raised to a higher level PSR of Albania, when the working class new great battle, the their proletarian consciousness, determination, drive and mobi- ses, in town and country, have started a of the peo- lisation at work to consolidate, defend and carry the revolu- battle of the 6th five-year plan of the development tion and the socialist construction in our country constantly ple's economy and culture. made possible through a ahead. These historic achievements were During rnore than three decades of socialist construction, stern class struggle against the internal and external enemies, past Albania has realised deep-going revolutionary transformations against blemishes and remnants of he in the consciousness been achieved by smashing in every field of life. The dictatorship of the proletariat and its of the working people. They have pressure, blockades and sosial basis, the main pillar of which is the alliance of the work- and defeating the attacks, the all-round and modern re' ing class and the cooperativist peaszrntry, have been further encirclement of our country by the imperialists consolidated. The socialist economy has been developed and visionists. deepening strengthened unceasingly as a multi-branched, complex econo- In the unceasing process of the development and my with stability, which is growing steadily stronger and to of the socialist revolution, the Party of Labour has always con' and which the crises or any other ills, characteristic of the capita' sistently applied the line of struggle against manifestations atti- list-revisionist economy are unknown. The defence of the ho- influences of bourgeois and revisionist ideology and liberal against libe- meland and the socialist victories have been further reinforced. tudes towards them, the line 'of the class struggle is The working masses, freed from all oppression and exploita- ralism, bureatrcracy, technocratism and intellectualism. This tion, led by the Party and educated with the ideology of the a struggle of great importance for the fate of the revolution which the working class, have gone all out and are working with revolu' and socialist construction, to prevent any split from tionary drive for the rapid devetropment of the productive for' dictatorship of the ptoletariat might be endangered. Under the pea- ces and perfection of the socialist relalions in production, con- leadership of the Party the working class, the cooperativist in sistently applying the Marxist-Leninist principle of self-reliance" santry and the people's intelligentsia have risen to their feet The constant raising of the general material wellbeing and the this struggle. st0ir OT THE PtA TERS OF THE PR OF ATBANIA ARIES, Oil SOME IMPROYEME]ITS WORKIilG PEOPIE Al{D OI DIFFERETCES BETWEEN AruD TOWil In the present stage of the struggle for the complete con' with this Marxist-Leninist revolutionary line, always on the ba- struction of socialism the perfecting and constant revolutionisa- sis of the socialist law of distribution according to the work tion of socialist relations of distribution are of great impor' done. The application of this system has made it possible to tance. Having a correct Marxist-Leninist revolutionary concept narrow the differences between low and high rvages, between of the role and importance of these relations, the Party has fol- the incomes of officials, workers and cooperativists and esta- Iowed the line of the gradual narrowing of differences bet- blish fairer proportions between them. Ouite the opposite occurs rveen the levels of income and the ways of life of the working in capitalist and revisionist countries, where the remuneration class and the cooperativist peasantry and the categories within of work is based on the enrichment of the minority which op- them, between town and country. It has always taken care to presses and exploits the majority. mainiai.n as fair a ratio as possible between the salaries of the To further develop the line followed in the field of distri' cadres and the incomes of the workers and cooperativists, not to bution, bearing in mind the directives of the 6th Congress of allow marked differences in incomes, which give rise to the the PLA and the teachings of comrade Enver Hoxha as rvell as birth of degenerate elements and privileged strata and direc' supporting and approving the revolutionary initatives of the tly endanger the dictatorship of the proletariat and the construc' working people for the improvement of the system of pay and tion of sooialism. At the same time, the Party has always fought, remuneration for work done, to further [arrow the differences also against tendencies of petty-bourgeois equalitarianism in the between mental and physical labour, between country and town field of remuneration, which is alien and harmful to socialism, according to the conditions and possibilities tvhich the socialist The system of wages and salaries for workers and officials development of the people's economy has created, the Central and the system of remuneration of the lvork of cooperativists Committee of the PLA and the Counci! of Ministers of the PB have been built and improved from time to time, in conformity of Albania, DE(IDED I. ON THE REDUCTION OF HIGHER SALARIES AND ON SOME IMPROVEMENTS IN THE SYSTEM OF WAGES AND REMUNERATION OF THE WORKING PEOPTE 1 With the aim of achieving more correct proportions bet- of leading cadres, the intelligentsia, and cadres of the armed ween the pay of rvorkers and officials, and between the salaries forces, which are from 900 leks and upwards a month, without of different eategories of offieials, to reduce the higher salaries affecting low and medium wages, with the exception of certain 1rll28),t976 ALBANIA TODAY cases to preserve the necessary proportions. The reductions of cation of the same branch, while the young specialists who fi- higher wages will be from 4 to 25 per cent of the present wage. nish vocational middle schools and are appointed as staff of- This measure of great ideopolitical importance has as its ficials will, as a rule, receive the wage of one stage lower. aim the further revolutionisation of the cadres, bringing their 5. To further stimulate the interest of the workers and spe- peo' standard of living nearer to the general level of the masses, to cialists of enterprises, executive committees of the district rai- ba,r the way to cateerism, to encouraging the desire for office ple's councils, ministries, and other central institutions, in work, and many other evils whose influence is towards bour' sing their ideo-political, cultural and technical-professional le' geois-revisionist degenetation. vel, the system of assessment of the level of qualification of the 2. In response to the revolutionary initatives of the rvor- workers and specialists through cultural-ptofessional certifica- kers of literature and arts, education and science to do away tion will be applied. de' with extra bonuses over and above their basic salaries and to This system will aim at carrying into effect the vital better achieve better harmony of material incentives with moral ones, mand that not only must the working class produce ever giving priority to moral incentives, to reduce the salaries of and more and more material blessings, but first and foremost, as pedagogic-scientific workers of the higher schools and scienti- the class in power, it must ceaselessly improve its capabili' play its fic tesearch institutions fuom L4 to 22 pet c€nt, to reduce bo- ties, so that under the leadership of the Party, it will The nuses for scientific titles and degrees up to 50 per cent and the role more actively in running the entire life of the country' workers bonuses for literary, artistic and scientific creative works 30-50 cultural-professional certification should also help the per cent, and to cancel a number of other extra payments in and specialists to respond betber to the tasks of the development certain branches of the economy which are unjustifiable in the and deepening of the technical and scientific revolution, by ap- present conditions.