The Progress of Cystoscopy in the Last Three Years
The Progress of Cystoscopy- in the Last Three Years. BY WILLY MEYER, M. D., MBimwwiHi.n ■■ Attending Surgeon to tne German aDd New York Skin and Cancer Hospitals. RKPSHtTKB FROM €TJ}e Neto Yorfe ir8eDtcsl journal 30 far January , 1892. Reprinted, from, the New York Medical Journal for January 30, 1892. THE PROGRESS OF CYSTOSCOPY IN THE LAST THREE YEARS.* By WILLY MEYER, M. D., ATTENDING TO THE GERMAN AND NEW YORK SKIN AND CANCER HOSPITALS. Three years ago Dr. Max Nitze, of Berlin, the inventor of the cystoscope, in his well-known essay, Contribution to Endoscopy of the Male Bladder,f stated that we could now, with the help of the cystoscope in its handy and improved shape, establish a strict differential diagnosis between the diseases of the bladder. He further said : “ Having seen with the cystoscope that the bladder is healthy, and that the morbid process therefore involves the upper urinary pas- sages, most probably the kidneys, it is tempting to put the question whether we shall be able to prove with the cysto- scope which kidney or which pelvis of the kidney is dis- eased. Either we could attempt to push a thin catheter under the guide of our eyes into the orifice of the ureters, to draw the urine directly from each kidney separately, or we might be able to observe with the cystoscope out of * Read in part before the Medical Society of the State of New York at its eighty-fifth annual meeting, Albany, February 3, 1891. f Y. Langenbeck’s Arcliivf. Min. Chirurgie, vol.
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