


A) SHARE THE JOHN 3:16 PRESENTATION a. Use the Response Card to share the John 3:16 Presentation.


 If the guest says ‘Yes’ to Salvation, lead him/her to receive Christ by using the salvation below.

 Confirm the decision by using Scriptures:-

i) Open your to :12. Ask the guest: “When you receive Christ into your life, what have you become?”

Answer: A Child of GOD.

ii) Let the guest read the Scripture and answer your question. iii) Congratulate the guest for the decision made.


Dear Lord Jesus, I need You. Thank You for dying on the cross for my . I admit I am a sinner. I open the door of my heart and receive You as my personal Savior and Lord. Please forgive my sins and set me free. Give me eternal life and make me a child of God as You promise. In Jesus’s name I pray. Amen.

PRAYER OF (for those who pray the Salvation Prayer)

Dear Heavenly Father, You know my friend who have made the most important decision in his/her life today. He/She has invited the Lord Jesus into his/her life to be his/her personal Savior and Lord of his/her life. Please bless him/her withYour peace and joy and for him/her to know that You will be with him/her all the days of his/her life. I pray all this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

b. Not ready for Salvation


 If the guest is not ready to receive Christ but is open to know more about God, you may want to say the following:

I understand that you are not ready at this point to make this decision to invite Jesus into your life. But like what I have shared, God is real and hears our . May I pray for you that God will reveal Himself to you and help you to experience His in your life? If this is what you want, please repeat this prayer after me and mean the words in your heart.

You may want to pray the “Seeker’s Prayer” for the guest:

Dear Jesus, although (Guest’s name) does not know You but let him/her know that You are real. Help him/her want to know You more and I pray that You will reveal Yourself to him/her in the way You have shown Yourself to me and other Christians. Please help him/her know Your love and light. Thank you for hearing me and I pray this in Jesus’ name, Amen.

c. ‘No’ to salvation


 If the guest says ‘No’ to Salvation, probe to understand his/her concerns and offer to pray a over him/her.

You may say this:

Lord, I thank You for this opportunity to share Your love with (Guest’s name). I ask that You will continue to keep him/her in health and in joyful , and that one day, (Guest’s name) will come into the wonderful experience of knowing and walking with You. Seal this truth in his/her mind. Thank You in the name of Jesus, Amen.”

C) USE THE ‘CAN WE DO YOU A FAVOUR?’ BOOKLET a. Still within their small groups, cell member to ask the guest if he/she can pray a favour for the guest using the Favour booklet. b. Pray the prayer of blessing for the favour indicated by the guest.

D) GET NECESSARY INFORMATION a. Proceed to fill up the guest’s details in the Response Card. b. Invite the guest to join your cell activities and to come for our weekend Celebration Services. c. Invite the guest to participate in the 7-week ‘You Can’ series. d. Thank the guest for coming and wish him/her a happy Easter Weekend.