November 2001 1 2 File 770:140 America or surface mail rates overseas. 140 Air printed matter rate is $2.50. File 770:140 is Telephone: (626) 305-1004. edited by Mike Glyer E-Mail:
[email protected] at 705 Valley View Art Credits Ave., Monrovia CA Taral: Cover, Back Cover 91016. File 770 is Alan White: 4, 12 available for news, Bill Rotsler: 2, 8, 25, 26 artwork, arranged Kurt Erichsen: 16, 24, 31 trades, or by Teddy Harvia : subscription. Grant Canfield: Subscriptions cost $8 Keith Stokes: (photos) 3, 10, 11 for 5 issues, $15 for Sue Mason: 10 issues, mailed first Julia Morgan-Scott: 6, 9 class in North Vince Docherty: (photos) 15 gradually work their way tition. Some writers were outraged that a non- along the shore. Paddling sf book won, referring to the result as “Harry energetically, they leave a Potter and the Hugo of Shame.” Although the surprisingly large wake and Hugo rules allow the award to be given to collectively look like a works of sf or fantasy, one can understand fleet of landing craft ap- how this could be forgotten, since fantasy as proaching the beach. practiced by Tolkien, Lovecraft, Moorcock, The domestic geese etc. has never won before. Other writers, and Editorial Notes by Mike Glyer swim in shallow water and pick at the bottom fans too, were upset that someone who doesn’t The Hills Are Alive With The Sound of like the rest, until someone walks onto the know the sf community won its top award. Fanac : This fanzine is coming to you from the landing behind our home.