The President's year of this association runs from February to February, and this, has been one of the busiest years in our 37-year history. Services to the membership have more than tripled; more committees are at work; our public relations program has expanded tremendously; our cooperation with the National Association has been more exten­ sive; our directors have been busier than ever; and our meager financial income has been used entirely to further this program.


(a) We obtained 21 new members and lost 11. (b) Thirteen bulletins were published. They have been enlarged over previous years and have included more complete feed news. The news bulletins have been more up to date, accurate and newsworthy, I am sure you wi 11 agree. (c) The Legislative Committe~ and your secretary have spent many hours on legis­ lative work, in which they were successful in helping to block a 22% increase in Workmen's Compensation Insurance premiums, obtained partial success in an appropriation for Colo­ rado State University wheat quality research, and successfully passed a new feed bi 11 and pink wheat bill. (d) Because of increased activities, office correspondence has increased, with postage costs up to $500 and telephone up to $400. (e) The Country Elevator Committee was successful in getting increased bonds re­ quired of truckers and is currently seeking to increase the bonds on scale installors. We have a copy of all bonded agricultural handlers, including truckers, available for anyone who wants a copy. (f) Mutual cooperation with the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee was a constant goal for the year, even under sometimes difficult circumstances. Five ~ighly successful meetings were held in eastern Colorado with members and the C.W.A.C., which did much to alleviate misunderstandings. The meetings were held to get your grass-roots thinking on these problems. Efforts are sti 11 under way to improve relations between producers and handlers. You wi 11 be interested to know that as a result of resolutions adopted at these meetings, and similar meetings in most other wheat states concerning sedimentation testing, it is ?robable that the U.S.D.A. wi 11 permit elevator operators to store wheat either on a sedimentation station average or a protein basis. It is clear that without the united efforts of the entire industry, we would not have been able to achieve this compromise with the U.S.D.A. (g) Cooperation with the National Association has included many letters from this office to our Congressional delegation and to the U.S.D.A.; a successful national member­ ship campaign in Colorado; cooperation on the national cost studies; and we worked close­ ly with ' the National officers and executive committee in helping to create this current 66th annual convention and its various social events. Your help in this convention has been magnificent. We also sent your secretary to the national convention in Washington last year at the expense of the Association, at which he gained information which was helpful to us in making this convention a success. (h) Your secretary is currently preparing the 1962-63 Mountain States Directory which wi 11 show an increase in advertising and greater accuracy in listings, to make our directory one of the best in the . We would appreciate it immensely if each of you would personally thank these firms who advertise in our directory, because it is one of only three methods we have of financing the association.

2. COMMITTEE WORK (a) The Youth Activities Committee again successfully sponsored the annual 4-H Club Grain Market"ing· Contest and the Junior Milling and Baking contest. Both of these turned out to be the largest and most successful in our history. We have one of our Milling and Baking scholarship winners currently at Fort Collins, the scholarship being paid for by the association. (b) The E~ecutive Committee has held regular meetings with the secretary concern­ ing association problems, activities and decisions. (c) The Legislative Committee, in addition to legislative work as above reported, was also successful in helping to get the inventory tax reduced 5%. (d) D,:spite the death of our former active Chairman, D. L. Chase, the Feed Commit­ tee has re-established the joint Colorado State University--Feed Industry Coordinating Committee, which has been meeting regularly to establish joint recommendations which feed dealers and C.S.U. could make to livestock and poultry producers. Three new members have been added to this committee for more wide-spread representation and better balance. The Feed Committee also cooperates actively with the American and Midwest Feed Manufac­ turers' Association. (e) The Country Elevator Committee has held a series of meetings with the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee to establish joint action as to wheat mi 11 levy collections and administration, surveys and cost analyses. They also have met with the State Agri-

more .... culture Department on several occasions to work out mutual problems concerned with grain storage and state laws, and are currently working with the Wheat Marketing Special­ ist at Colorado State University to conduct an elevator management school early in May. (f) The Resolutions Committee has worked closely in supporting resolut_i.ons sub­ mitted to the U.S.D.A., Congress and our Nat!onal Association. (g) The ·Membership Committee staged a whirlwind contest for ~ew m~mbers and their efforts are contihuing along that line. (h) The Transportation Committee's work this year has been largely supplying information on transportation, rates and policies.

3. DIRECTORS (a) Your directors held five meetings during the year to take action on associa­ tion business. These meetings usually last al 1 day, and please keep in mind ~hat all of the directors pay their own expenses at these meetings, including the one heid at Lost Trai 1 Ranch last June. · The Association does not reimburse the directors for any of their expenses. The membership owes the directors a vote of thanks for the time and money they spent on this voluntary basis, on :behalf of the Association. Major decisions which vitally af,fect the success of any trade association and its contribution t.o the': 1menibers'hip are -_debated widely at tfrese directors• meetings. '· .

4. PUBLIC RELATIONS (a) Concerning association activities, your secretary was able to obtain 18 stories and 7 pictures in the Post; 22 stories and 4 prctures in; the Rocky Mountain News; and 9 stories in virtually eve_r:y weekly newspaper in the rural areas of Colorado. This sets an .all-time record for publicity in the Association. In addition, he obtained 36 stories and 14 pictures in the various trade papers and journals throughout t~e country. (b) A.n economic survey 'was conducted through the membership, which indicat~d that the grain, and feed industry is <;:ine of the _largest in the state, and this material has been pr~pare~.· in the form of a lS-minute speech which the secretary has given o~ various occasions ,and w:,ich other members are being cal led upon to give, to better acquaint the public with : the contribution this industry makes to the economic bloodstream of Colorado. · (c) In addition to attending the National Convention in Washington, your .secretary also attended . the Wyoming grain a.nd feed c;onvention and both of the Colorado Press Associ­ ation conventions. To my personal knowledge, he has spent considerable of his own personal funds in helping to promote publicity space in the various papers and radio stations. (d) In his 21 months with the Assoc.iation, the secret,ary has made one complete tour of the stat~, cal ling on the membership, and wi 11 embark on another tour sbon.

'-INANCES · '. i "

(a) This Association· has only three methods OT income: dues, con~ention and directory profits. This ~o~ey' is spent as outlined above, for rent, office services, printing, postage, wages, ' tra'vel, committee wo:-k, di rectory printing, taxes, scholarships, and convention expenses. Being a non-profit association, the money taken in is spent entirely for association se~vices and activities, in which our primary goal is to help imp~oye and protect your business.

In conclusion, I want to thank all those members who have served on committees, / particularly the Feed and Country Elevator Committees, the directors and the Executive Committee, and all of you who have attended these meetings at your own expense. It has been a great pleasure on my part to have worked with the Executive Secretary .. Bob Wier, and his assistant Elaine Holmbeck, over the past year, who in many instances have spent considerable time over their usual' routine hours to meet deadlines and to see .that the pertinent information was made available to the membership. Because of th~ir ~articular interest in seeing that your Association functioned to the best of their abi_lity, they have been very receptive to any suggestions from the membership, and welcome any that you may see fit to offer. Remember, this is YOUR Association, and we hope you wi 11 use the services of these fine people to the utmost; I am sure they will see that any sugges- tions on the part of the members wi I I be properly considered. I am grateful to all members for having done your part to make your Association one of the finest in the United Jtates. /

5 1 9 B o s t o n B u i I d I n g • D e n v e r 2 , C o I o r_a d o • P h o n e : A C o m a 2 - 6 4 9 0 November, 1960 RiC:fi': -t) flOBEflT L. WIER, Executive Secretary ~)Q'j 12 i'.:JvU

OFFICERS Dear Exhibitor:

President James W. Rawson The 36th Annual Convention df the Colorado Grain, Mi !Jing and Feed D~alers Burllngton Association wi IJ be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a Vice President Del Ellis tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention. Denver We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center

DIRECTORS of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths.

Floyd B. Borders Stratton Attached to this letter you wi 11 note the exhibit booth layout as it will be established in the Hilton lobby. You will note that there are two 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13 and two 10' x 14 , nine spaces 10 x 10', three 8 x 6 , Don Briggs 1 Haswell and twelve 8 x 5'. Since the Denver Hi !ton has increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­

Robert s. Davis crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Colorado Spring, the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ever before, because the convention delegates wi II need to go through the exhibit area A. F. Gamble to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Denver anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Terence J. Hall Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new Akron and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It wi II interest you to know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ L R. Henderson Craig stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are

Harold Johnson placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has Fort Collins been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily.

Hubert Kohlmaler As you wi II note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi II lease for $100 each Yuma for the three days, the next largest will go for $80 each, the three next largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. M. E. Koonlt Amherst As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice on a first-come, first-served basis. Kenneth Y(. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space in the new Denver Hi I ton better than the old system, even though costs John F. Malo Denver are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit.

Dale Reimer Holyoke If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi II out the applica­ Howard Stehweln tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in Mont, Vista November , l 960 Page 2 mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi II also be interested to know that for the first time we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

..,_,_,..,.,,_, ..... i_,.... ,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_,_, .... , ....,_,_,_,_,_,_ ,_,_._• .,.... ,_,_,_, __ ,_, ..... 1 ..... ,_, .... ,_, ...... ,_,_,_,_,_,..... , ...., .....,_, .... , ....., ....,_, ..... ,_, .... , ....,_,_,_ ... _, .... ,_, .... ,_,_,_,_,_, .... , ...., ..... ,_,.... ,_,_ ,,. ",n, I\ I\ I\ 1, I\, .. I\ I\ I\ 1, I\ I\ 1, .... 1-.. I\ 1-.. I\. I\ I\, 1, I\, I\, .. #\"' I' I\ I\ l

BOOTH CHOICE lst ... (9. .... 2nd ...... 3rd ...... 4th ...... Fi rm •. tJ. .c/:(,1."!. ~ ~I/.~ .. .J.c.4.f. f . • •(~ ..•.•.•.••.....•.•....••.••..•..•...

Address ...... •...... --~ >PJ 64 .w, !' ;~...... R.f!~V.t.11-.. . (;, ..~~!.a.~/?/! .~...... By ...... a · r. . ~~-~ Our sign should read.J.f1P.~~'!.~f~~... Jc .1(.f.. ~ .-.... (Try to keep it short) - }).;) o-t-- ~ 15{, ,~~ ~f1i' Co L'o 'ta do § 'ta in, d1JI.. i L[in fl and 9 e e d fJ:) ea [ 1:, 't ~ df ~ ~ o a i a t i O n REC :WfrD

5 1 9 Bu i Id In g • Col;; t ,r 2, . Co I o i ado • Ph one : A C O ma . 2. 6 4 9 o

November, 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President Dear Exhibitor: Jam11 W. Rawson Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed,,, . Vice President Association will be held Februc3ry l9-20-2l;,J96l·.at the newtienver Hilton '' Del Ellis Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move v,,ti,11 be a Denver tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at bhe ·; coriven~i~n.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wiil be right in the center ' of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you wi 11 note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You wi 11 note that there are two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13 and two 10' x 14 , nine spac_es .10 x 10 , three 8 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. -S·ince the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-S~woy, we are requ'ired to in­ Colorado Springe crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money_this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi 11 need to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to regi_~ter, plus the fact we ·are Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of re~fstr~ti6ns at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secr~tc3ry of the association. Also, many of .our. members wi ·ll \--/ant tci ·attend. to visit the fabulous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It wi II interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Fort Collins placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done previously, and new interest among feed men . i~ showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi 11 note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi I I lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next M. E. Koontz Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you wi 11 appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi I ton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. Holyoke If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

Ctn...uJ ~ -- 9'.....i«.Xiton, ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

~ ~ -- 9,&IWC,'t.Xft-, mi~. 1962 ....

November , J 960 Page 2

mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and handling ' your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that for t.he first time we wi 11 provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of .blue ~lus~. ~ith the exhibitor's name i~ standard size and color.

Cordially yo~rs,


Robert L .. Wier Executive Secretary

'···;·:(-; .:... ,_,..,..~t-t .~~:: .... '.· ,_,::::· .... ,_, .. ..,,_,' ::· .... ,_,·,: .. :·"""""_,_..,,_,_, ...., .... , .... """" ,_,_,_,,.. ..;-: ,_,_,_,: :·: .... ,..... ;~.-,_,_,_,_ ..:· ,.... :·, .... :· ,..... -.-~:::· ,_, .... ,.... ,.... ,.... ;:::· 1..... 1_,_, ...., ..... :·: ,.... · ,.... :··.-,_,_..,, ;:(V:· ...., .... ,_, .....,_, ... ..,1 ....., .... ,.... 1_,_,,. :· :..· ,_,,.~:: .. ,_,_,_,_,_, ;;:...... :· ,.... ·:: ,.... : ·,...... ,.... :· ,_, ... ..

· ·Fi rm ...... ·...• ~ .....CP.~;tfi,-µ, p,Tfi:.E.L. .'l:AtJ.K. 9P"!'f?M(Y.....•.•......

Address ...... · 1509 West , .. ,.,,,,,,,,,,,,·,,,,·,,,•···············•··12th Street ·· •···· Kansas City, Missouri e~·0a····'.·········.-·············· .························· By .•.•..•.•• ·•••••••••••••••••••..•...•••••.•..•.•..•.•.•....••.••• ,, ••.•..•. R.G.Parsons, Sales : . · Our sign should read ..c.o.~;r~. ~'.I'~J... J.'~J<:. 9P!'frf.~J:..... (Try to keep ii: short} ,'n·.. },. il'n',./n'~,~~ ,'..;;•0•-,f.,;;\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ I\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ I\ ii\ I\ ,I\ ii\ ii\ ,I\ ii\ I\ ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ I\. I\ ii\ ,I\#\ ii\ ,I\ ii\. ii\ ii\ ii\ ii\ '"I\ ii\ I\ ,'n'\ ,',. ill\ II\,'..;',.),.:,,;',. II\,',. I\,-, ii\ ii\ 17 28 18 BOOTH CHOICE 1st ...... 2nd ...... 3rd ...•.•.... 4th 07.• ,_ .... . · . Dr. Salsbury's Laboratories F1 rm •.•.•..••.•. ....•. , ••...... •••.....••..•...... •.•...... 500 Gilbert Street . . Address ...... · ...... Charles C.i ty, Iowa ...... • ...... James M. Keith, Merchandising Services Manager . By ...... · ...... ~ ...... Dr. Salsbury•s Laboratories Our sign should read.9~l:-f~~~.9;~?L~~~~ ...... (Try to keep it short) M.T • . qamu_11t Denver because .the .convention delegates w111 net:o Lu ':JU L111uu<:J11 Lne exn1bit area to get to the convention meetings .and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Ha·u anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made . by the secretary of the association. Also, many. of our members wi 11 want to attend· to visit the fa~ulous new L R. Henderson and architectura.lly prize·-winnin.g .Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of ~~i ~~sociation wi 11 . have a sub­ stantial portion ·of ·the three~day .program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collins pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis · on associ 9tion services for feed members than has been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeler Yuma As you wi I 1 note, the four far·g·e·r· exhibit spaces wi I I I ease for $100 each

M. E. Koonll for the three days, the next largest will go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi !ton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehweln Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in ~ -- g)e.,w.aJ<-~. ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

... . : Our sign should read •.W.e: ·.~h .. S.l)t.."A .!e.s-: ... (Try to keep it short)

.. ; .... · ,,.,

I .. . , II j S • A. F. 1>1amo1e Denver beca~ Se the COnVen ti On de j ega teS Wi J J need tO ' go tn ruu9t1 . l.lH~ . ~XI ii L) I (. ·d 1· ~a to get to the convention meetings and to regi·ster, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at· this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, m2ny of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Hendenon and architecturally prize-win~ing Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collini pate a larger number of feed dea_l ers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done previousi~, and new . interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmelar Yuma As you will note, the four -large_r exhibit spaces will lease for $100 each

M, E. Koontz for the three days, the next 1argest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John r. Malo We are confident that you wi 11 appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stthwtin Monte Vl1ta of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

ltu..uJ ~ -- !De.nw<-'X.Fion, :}'~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

~ ~ -- 9)e.n,w,:_Xfto... ~. 1962 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary January, 1961


President James W. Raw,an Burlington Dear Exh i b i tor :

Vice President Oel Ellis The 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Oenver Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will . bea OIRECTORS tremendous improvement for,·all exhi.bitors ani;I delegates at the Convention. We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center Floyd B. Borders Stratton of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk wi 11 be right by the exhibit booths.

Don Briggs Huwell Attached to this letter you wi II note the exhibit booth layout as it will be es,tablished in the Hilton lobby. You will note that there are two 1 1 1 1 1 Robert S. Davis spaces 10' x 13 and two 10 x 14 , nine spaces 10' x 10', three 8 x 6 , Calorada Springe and twelve 8'- x 5'. Since the Denver: Hilton has increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are · required to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. Jn one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor will get much more f6r his · money this year than -ever before, because the. convention deleg~tes will need to go through the exhibit area Terence J. Hall Akron to get to the convention meetings· and to reg·ister, plus the fact. we are anticipating a recor~ n~mber of registrations at this convention, based on a personal state-wide survey m·a·de by the secretary of the associanon. L R. Hendenan Craig Also, many of o.u.r. mell!bers wi 11 want to attend to visit the fabulous new and architecturally prize-·winning oe·nver Hilton. It will interest you to

Harald Johnson know, also, that .the fee~ committee of our association will have a sub­ Fort Collins stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger. number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Hubert Kohlmeier placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than ' has Yuma been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily.

M. E. Koontz As you will note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $100 each Amherst for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. Kenneth W. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence. John F. Malo Denver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Haward Stehwein Mante Vitia January, 1961 Page 2

that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the associationl each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION u3t,,,e_ _~ -v:~ Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

BOOTH CHOI CE I st .. iF',~ nd ...... 3rd ...... 4th ......

Fi rm .S'u.1?.f?."r-:--C-, ...S .~n:.V.lC..E: 1' .\.~.c...... _..

Address .\.3. ~ .. .\,, .~5.r.- ..AU~t--\ }-l ):;..••• ·~ ~"•••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . µ .~:t~.l-:\ . t:--\ -:'Sa~ ,. ~~.~ .cs.~~ ......

By- .-L-,. ~ .•.. 13 J ,I::;=; H .'-:--.'",, .~ ...... o - . Our sign sign should read ...... M O .W. R .-:- .. \ .. R.0 .£3 ..... (Try to keep it short) I!:>'(

. SuP'P'-Y Seo;r2v1c.t=:../ li--H. • ------~--- --


hot 2 0 detector, inc.•

214 THIRD STREET · DES MOINES 9, IOWA · ATiantic 8-9541

December 6, 1960

Mr. Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building Denver 2, Colorado Dear Bob: Certainly appreciate your letter of reminder pertaining to your up­ coming convention in February. At the present time it is the company's plan to not reserve an exhibit booth but to attend the convention without a booth. We certainly appreciate your kindness in reminding us and offer to select a good booth. Will see you at the Denver-Hilton Hotel in February. Sincerely,


KF:mgg . ' the cXhl 01 tur WI,, ,:j'-~ .,,__ _ A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi 11 need to go througr.i . the"'t:Ai11u1 1; c...... to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a petsonal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new L. R. Hendenon and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collins pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done·previously, and new interest among feed .men is showing up .daily. Hubert Kohlmeier . . ' - Yuma As you ·wirf.note, ·th~ four larger exhibit spaces will I-ease for $100 each M. E. Koontz for the three days_, .the next lar·ges·t ·wi rJ go for $80 each, the three next Amherst large·st fcfr $'75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. . . Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, pre~ious exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first~served basis; ' . ' . . .

John F. Malo We are confident that. you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi lfon bette·r than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you wi 11 have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit.

How11rd Stehw1in If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

C1..uu,f ~ -- g)~_Xft.o.., !J'~ 19, 20, 21, 1961 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L WIER, Executive Secretary January, 1961


Prnldtnt Jamn W. Rawson ~ .. : Burllnaton Dear Exhibitor:

Viet Prnldent Del Elll1 The 36t~ annual convention of thi Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Denver Assotiatlon -will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hotel, after many years at the ol-d Shirley-Savoy; This move will be a DIRECTORS tremend,ous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will ·right in the center Floyd B. Border, We be Stratton of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and conne<::ted . to) ·. the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk .wi,11 be right .by the. exhibit booths.

Dan Brigg, Hnwell Attached to this '• Jetfer you wi 11 note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 be I ished in the Hilton lobby. You wi 11 note that there are two 1 1 1 1 1 Robtrt s. Davll spaces 10' x 13' and two 10 x 14 , nine spaces 10 ·~ 10', three 8 x 6 , Colorado Sprlnga and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has -increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor will get much more for his money this year than ever before, because the convention delegates wi 11 ne.ed to go through the exhibit area T ere nee J. Hall Akron to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. L R. Henderson Craig Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit ·the fabulous new and architecturally Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Harold Johnson know, also, that .the ·feed committee of our associat·ion· will have a sub- Fort Collin, ... stantial portion of the three day.program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Hubert Kohlmeier .. placing greater emphasis on assaciati'on ·services for feed than has Yuma been done, an·d new interest among . feed men ·is showing up dai Jy...... ' ;· M. E. Koontz As you will note, the·four.iarger exhibit spaces will lease for $100 each Amherst for ·the ' three days, the next ,largest wnl 'go for $80 each, the three next largest _for .$75 each, ·a·nd· 'the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. Kenntth W. Lloyd ' . ' Denver We are confident that you wi 11 appreciate the advantages of exhibit space

John F. Malo in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence. Oenver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of t....o or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista

ct...... £~ -- g)e.n.wt-Xfton, j='~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

mat,onai ~ntion __ g)e.n.wt-Xtt-, ~....&. 1962 - January, 1961 Page 2

that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi II also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

1 lncidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION uh~-t -v;-&.-v Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary



Address ( Our .sign sign should to keep it short) v //~. R. J- ~ ~~~ ~~au..e_,, I~~ 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary January, 1961


President James W. Rawson Burlington Dear Exh i b i tor :

Vice President Doi Ellis The 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Denver Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a DIRECTORS . tremendpus improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

Floyd B. Borders We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center Stratton ~f the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk wi 11 be right by the exhibit booths. Don Briggs Haswell Attached to this letter you wi II note the exhibit booth layout as it will be es.tablished in the Hilton lobby. Yo.u.will note that there are two 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Robert S. Davis Spaces 10 X ]3 and two 10 X 14 ·, nine Spaces )0 X 10 , three 8 X 6 , Colorado Sprlna1 and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are r~quired to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor will get much more for his money this year than ever before, because the convention delegates wi 11 need to go through the exhibit area Terence J. Hall Akron to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on

L. R. Henderson a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Craig Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new and architecturall~ prize-winning Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Harold Johnson know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ Fart Collins stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger number of feed dealers to at tend than ever before. We are ··. Hubert Kohlmeier placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has Yuma been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily.

M. E. Koontz Amherst As you will note, the four larger. exhibit spaces will lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 - each, the three next largest for $75 each, and the twelve·smaller ones for $65 each. Kenn•th W. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you wi II .appreciate the advantages of exhibit space John F. Malo in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence. Denver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista January, 1961 Page 2

that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor 1 s name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,



Firm ...... 6£a~.A .. ~... d ...... Address ...... /.?..O ..... :e>.¥, .. ~f(?...... ;3~·)· ..~ ......

By , "" ,Y7~ ~-tf}~,,,,,",,",,,"",,,,,,,,,",,,,,,,,,,, Our sign sign should read.f?.atF.t.$... G.fl.,1f/N'.. 4.e-~~nP.N(Try to keep it short) eo,.. 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary January, 1961


Prealdent Jam11 W. Rawson Burllngton Dear Exhibitor:

Vice Prealdent Del Ellis The 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Denver Association will be held F~bt~ary 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hote I , after many years at the o Id Shir I ey•Savoy. This move wi 11 be a DIRECTORS tremendous -improvement for ·all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

Floyd B. Borders We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center Stratton of the hotel lobby, directly· in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. · The registratfon desk wi 11 be right .by the exhibit booths.

Don Briggs Haswell Attached to this letter you wi 11 note the exhibit booth layout as . it will be l i shed in the Hi 1ton lobby. You wi 11 note that :there -are two 1 1 1 1 1 1 Robert I. Davia spaces 10' x 13' and two 10 x .14 ; nine spaces · 10 x · 10 , three 8 x 6 , Colorado Sprlnga and twelve 8 1 x 5',. Since the Den.ver Hilton has increas~d its ·charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this Y,ear than ever before, because the convention delegates will need to go through the exhibit area Terence J. Hall Akron to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on

L. R. Henderson a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of . the. association. Craig Also, many of our members will want _to attend to visit the fabulous new and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It will int'erest you to Harold Johnson know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ Fort Collins stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Hubert Kohlmeier · placing greater emphasi.s on ·association services for feed. membe·rs than has Yuma been done previ'ously, and new interest. among- feed men ·(s showing up daily.

M. E. Koontz Amherst As you will note~ ~h~ four larger exhibit spaces wi II lease for $100 each for the three days, the next Jar~esi ~i 11 go for $80 each~ .the thre~ ~ext I argest -for $75 each, and the twe Ive sma.1 ler ones for· $65 each. Kenneth W. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space

John F. Malo in the new Denver Hi )ton, but · remember, time is the essence. Denver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Haward Stehwein Monte Vista January, 1961 Page 2 that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You will also be interested to know that we wi 11 provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color:

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRA IM, MILLI NG AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION ~~-,~~ Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary :::::~::o;~::s•c:C:c:c,-:c,~dc:dc:C:,:7:@:::~~:~~:~~~~::o~o:~~''.'~::::-:c:~~~'.''.~'~:>

Firm .....~ .. ~.~ .. ·..•...... Address ... ~S.~~ ...... ···················q··············································· By .... O~.. T.y.7...... '...... Our sign sign should read ...... (Try to keep it short)

~~~te EJ-iG"!A/EF/f'l,uG, /A./c , Co' 1 L'o'ta d o §'tu in,

519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Color.ado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President Dear Exh i bi tor : James W. Rawson Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Coiorado Grain, Milling and }'eed Dealers Vice President Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Del Ellis Hote1, after ~an~ years at the old Shi(ley-Savoy. This move will be a Denver 1 tremendous 1mpro.vement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We "'1ill have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the conventibn Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you will note the exhibit booth layout a~ ft will Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You wi 11 note th~~ there are two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 1 x 13 1 and two 10 x 14 , nine spaces JO' x 10 , three 8 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davit Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver be~au~e the convention delegates wi 11 need _to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Tere nee J. Hall anticipating -a -record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, ·many ·of -our -members .will v1;1 nt to . attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Hendfflon and a rchitecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It wi 11 interest you to Craig know, also~ that the feed committee of our association wi II have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collini pate a larger number . of feed deaJer~. to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on association se~~ic~s for f~ed me~bers than has · been done previously, and. new interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi JI note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $100 each

M. E. Koontz for the three da-ys·, the next J·arges-t wi H go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you wi II have a greater opportunity to make pl~ns for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as po ssible, kee?ing in

CLuuu.f ~ -- g)UW&"<-Xlt-, ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961 November, 1960 Page 2 mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that for the first time we wi 11 provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary-

..,_,_,_,_, ....,_, ..... ,_, ..... ,_, .....,_, ....., ...... ,_,_ ...... ,.... , ..... ,_,_,_, ..... ,_,_,_,_,.... ,_,_,_,_.,,...,. ..., ..... ,.... ,_, .... ,..... ,..... ,.... ,.... ,_,_,_, ...... , ..... , ..... ,_, .... ,..... , ..... ,_, .... ,_, .... ,..... , .... ,.... ,.... ,_, ..... ,_,.,,, .. ,_,_,_,_,,_, .... ,... .. ,_, ..... ,..... ,_, ... :::;: "::: :-::" """"""""" ··;·: ~ :· :·~·; :·:· :· :··: :· ::: :· :·;~:-·:: :· :· ·: :::?E:5 :· :·::: ·,-:·: ~j::·:·: :· Fi rm.~ ...... 9-f-:.I.~. J:FJ\J.G~~.J~Ql}I , ~.. DJ:J:11$ J:1. ,QQJ:1 If.t ...... Address ..... J.. ?). 7. . \'J !3.s. t. ~-:th .- ...... · ...... ; ;· ...... I1V19JH~99.11 ,: .l.Cfl..1~~49 .... ~ . ~~ ......

By ••.••••• .I?~fA. ~'?;t.C.~I!l~. Ngx:: ...... co Our sign should read ..a:;ns ..:i; ga.... & . EQUIPM-ENT .. ,,;.(Try to keep it short)


The contract was handled out of our York, Nebraska 18st y8ar . We are handling it out of the Hutchinson, Kansas office thi s year . ;

519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary January, 1961

OFFICERS . :::i .. '

''· ·': - ' President James W. Rawson Burlington Dear Exhibitor:

Vice President Del Ellis The 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Denver Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a DIRECTORS tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delega~es at the Convention.

Floyd B. Borders We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center Stratton of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk wi JI be right by the exhibit booths. Don Brlg111 Haswell Attached to this Jetter you wi JI note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 be Ii shed in the Hi I ton I obby. You wi I I note that there are two 1 1 1 Robert s. Davis spaces 10' x 13' and two 10' x 14 , nine spaces 10' x 10', three 8 x 6 , Colorado Springs 1 1 and twelve 8 x 5 • Since the Denver I-Ii lton has increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor ~i II get much more for his money this year than ever before, because the convention delegates will need to go through the exhibit area Terence J. Hall Akron .to get to the· convention· ·mee.tings and to register, plus the fact we are anticipating a record number of. registrations at this convention, based on L R. Henderson a personal state~wide survey made by the ·secretary of the association. Craig Also, many of our members will _want to.attend to visit the fabulous new and architecturally prli~:winning Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Harold Johnson know, also, that the feed co~mittee .of our association will have a sub- Fort Collins stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a 1arger number of fee_d_ de.a 1er .s. to at tend than ever before. We a re Hubert Kohlmeier placing greater e'inpha·srs· ·on association services for feed members than has Yuma been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily.

M. E. Koontz Amhent As you wi II note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi II lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest wi II go for $80 each, the three next largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. Kenneth W. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you wi II appreciate the advantages of exhibit space John F. Malo in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence. Denver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista

CL..n.uJ' ~ -- g:,~_Xfton, ::r~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

~ional' e..n.wwon -- g)~-Xlton. ~. 1962 January, 196 I Page 2

that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and hahdlihg your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION rf3t~.t ·~&-v Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary


Fi rm . : E .E.1:T ..•...)];::~P .l.!ff~P. '...... 1075 LOCUST ST. Address- • • • • e e e. e ••et t t t t t t • • t t • 0 t Ott t t t t t t t t t ,o ti, t t t ll t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t It t t t It

Our sign sign should ..' ); G .-:i:i:~ ...... (Try to keep it short) w-eJ..-

CONFIRMINC TBLEPHONE CCNVERSATION. 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , I 960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


Pre1ldent Dear Exh i bi tor : Jame1 W. Rawson Burlington · The 36th Annual Convention of the Co)orado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers

Vice President Association. will be held February · 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver ,, Hilton Del Elll1 Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a Denver tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the c~nter of the hotel lobby, dir.ectly in front of, and connected to, the .~o'nve'ntion Fiord B. Borders meeting rooms~ The registration desk will be right by the exhib)t booths. Stratton Attached to t~is letter you wi 11 note the ·ex~ibit booth \Jayout' ~s it wi JI Don Briggs be ·established in the Hilton lobby·.· You will note that there are two ,,, Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13' and two 10 · x 14 , nine spaces 10 x 10 , three 8 x 6 ; and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert s. Davis floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ Colorado Spring, crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi II need to go through the exhibit area \! to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are

Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based ·on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretafy ~f the association. Also, many of our members wi II want to attend to visit .the fabulous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning benver Hilton; Ii ·wi II interest you to Craig know, also, that the.feed committee pf ou~ association .will have a sub­ stantial portion of the thrE:le,-day ·program on .Monday 'ni~rning, and we ~ntici­ , I Harold Johnson pate a larger number of feed dealers to ·attend than ever .before. We are Fort Collln: placing greater e~phasis on ~ssoci~tion services -fot .leed members than has been done previously, and new interest -among feed men is sho~l~g up daily. Hubert Kohlmeler Yuma ~ I As ;' ~ wi)l~note, the four larger exhi.bit spaces wi II lease for $100 each for the thF~e day~, the next largeit will go for $80 each, the three next M. E. Koontz Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lio rd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this Jetter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. Holyoke If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehweln of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ Monte Vista tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

C1.n.n...a.f ~ .. 9)uwc.'<.Xfton, 1"~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

mational' ~ .. g)uw«.'<-Xfton. ~. 1962 ------~"--:------,

November , 1960 Page 2

mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the app I i cation form from you , we wi 11 send you. de ta f ls on sh i_ppi ng and hand li'ng your di sp I ay. ·You wi 11 a 1so be interested to know that for the first time we wi II provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you. ·

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours, : i COLORADO GRAIN, MILLHJG AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION ·. {]3-.~Ml- ~~ . Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

1 -:-;':;~~h'0'\;'n',;'rin'n':-;':··k;';-;':··}u':;':;'r,':""i':·N-k1:;':;'n'r,':;':;'n'n'n':;'0':;'(;'~',·{:"'k ..~',~ :·-/:;':.. '-' •~ ...':;'~':;':;':;'n':;':;':'i':;':;'n':;'n':-;':;': ...}:-k .,'~'~'\k;'rk;':,':"i'~': . . . ·.. - .. 7 BOOTH CHOICE . · Is t .. /.1 .. ... 2nd . .Y. . . . 3rd. . ' ...... '.. 4th. ·~. ·· ...... • I\ f.J :;.. l) u c 1 /Uc.. . · . · · F1 rm ...... Fc. --r:c:;; . v .••..o? f/~. -••••••••,s.· •••••••••••••••••.••••••.••••••• .••••.••••• . · . 1.3. 70 ')/~ ·.S.~ . Address...... ~ ...... ·, .. , ...... ~ .. 'fl-., .. ~ ~ ...... :. ·.. ·.·... .

By. •. -: .... ~ ...... _:: . ; ...... ~ ...... •. . . .

0 ur signs. h ou Id read . .,rccEb...... P(U:i"bvc.,s. p ..../ Al,.. -., . (T ry to. k&ep ,,;--- .,ts h ort ) 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary 2--·~ r.,,b OFFICERS \. \ . '.') President · Dear Exhibitor: James W. Rawson Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Vice President Association wi 11 be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Del Ellis Denver Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will ~ea tremendous improvement for all exhi.bitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS ; We will have twenty-eight exhibit spt3ces which will be right in the center of the hotel ·1obby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention Floyd B, Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exh.ibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter. you will ,note~the exhibit booth Ja~out ~~ it wi II Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby-. · You will note thpt there are two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Spaces 10 X )3 and two )0 X 14 , nine Spaces 10 x ',]0 , three 8 X 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hi ]ton has increased its charges for Robert S, Davis Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi II get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi II need to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J, Hall antitipatin~ a record number of registrations at this conveDtioD, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, many of our member~ ~i II want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning Denver .Hilton. It wi II interest you to Craig know, .also; ·that ·the feed "committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collins pate a 1-arger nun1ber' of ·feed dea I ers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on associ~tion services for feed memb~rs than has been .done -previou·s]y, and new ·interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi11 · note, the four l~rger exhibit spaces wi II lease for $100 each

M. E. Koontz for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 eacb, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you wi 11 have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi JI out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

Ct....uJ ~ -- g)e.rwc,'<_Xfton, ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961 November, 1960 Page 2

mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi II also be interested to know that for the first time we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

lhcidental'ly, th~ , booths will be furnished and er~cted by the associati'on, each booth consi~~ing of a newly covered b~ckdro~ ·of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's· narn~ in standat-d size and color.

Cordially yours, . ) i ··~ ! COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION ~-~~~ - Robert l . . Wier ; . Executive Sec,retary

. . ' . .. ,_,_,_1,..,.1,...,t..,..,1,. .. 1_,..... ,_,.,. ..,_,_,~ ... ,_;_, .... ,_;;,;,,_,_,_,,..,,_,_,_,,.,1,..,.1.... 1_1_1..,.,1 ..... ;...... _ .. ,_,.... 1..... r.... 1_, .... 1_, .. ..,1_, .... ,..... ,.... ,-~ ..... ,.... , .... ,_1..,..,1_1 .... ,..... , .... ,.... ,.. ~1-•~ ... 1_1,...,,_1,.. .. ,:...1~1-1.,.,1..,.,,..... ,..... ,.... ,_,,. I\#'\ #l, '' #\ #\ #\ #l, 4'\ I\#\ I\#~ f\ #\ #\ 0 "" t\ n, #\I\,,"' i\ {\ I .. t\ ,I\ I'\ ,I'\,'" I\#\ i\ I\#\ i\ I\#\, I\#\,,-'"'" I\(\ I\.,, I\ ... , I\ I\ I\, .. " .' 1, l't, I\"'·''#\ I\ 111, I\ I\'~ I\ I\, I\ I\ I \ '1, I\ I\

BOOTH CHOICE ·. ' lst .. Z..'f:~ .·:.2nd ...f..f .. --:-~ 3;d;, .. /.J.. 4th ...~ . -- > 4 · j [_-, .. · . · /I · / ..· . , F. . k. t',1, . - ~ s . ~ . . , . . -( L / .. ,,_ r rm...... =t;, t • •• . • . • 7 ...... •;,r · .•.• .' i'1/' • • • • • • • • • , '. • • ... • ••••••• • ? . I c.; 1/'. , ..· C, • / ' ,..L C. . '· . . Address, · :J.t ~...... &,: ,. · ~...... ,, .... .:... ,...... ,.. :. , ......

~y ..•• /4 ~ :_.: :~ :j( ':,)./2 ~:~ ~-~ :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 1 Our sign shou Id read A-.~~ .~... ~\:~: .~.. ~.~' ... !\>. ... ':'/Tr~.rt6- ee~ ' it short) ',.A 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , I 960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President James W. Rawson Dear Exh i bi tor : Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Vice President Association will be held February 19-20-21; 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Del Ellis Denver Hotel, after m'ciny y~ars at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a tremend~us imprbvement for all exhibitors and d~legate~ at the Convention. . . . DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit' spaces which. will be right in the center of the hote 1 I obby, di rec t ly in front ·of, ahd. connected to, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letier you will note the exhibi.t booth l~~out as it wi 11 Don Briggs be estabJ·ished in the Hilton lobby. You wi'll \iote that there:~re two Haswell 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13' and two 10 x ·Ht,', nine spaces 10' x J'o•, three 8 x 6 , and twelve 81 x 5'. Since !the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis Colorado Sprlng1 floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi II get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi II need to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, many of our members wi II want to attend to vi~it the fabulous new L R. Hendoroon and architecturally prize-winning Denver ~i lton. It wi II interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ stantial portion .of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Coffins pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasi~ on associ~tion ~eivices for feed me~bers than has been done pr~viously, and new iht~rest among feed men is showing up d~ily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi 11 ~6ie, the four largei exhibit spaces wil I lease for $100 each

M. E. Koontz for the three days, th~ ~ext largest .will ·~6 for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and .the· twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years .p.ast, ·previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi ]ton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

~ ~ -- !]e.

<&at,onaf ~ -- g)e.

Incidentally, the booths will be 'furnished and erected by 'the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

w~ . - . Address... . .•...... ili...... , ...... ) .. , ~- . ··· f ·· .~ .; ...... By ..•.}. l~:<=

519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2·6490

November , 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary

'1 .... ,


President Dear Exh i bi tor : James W. Rawson Burlington The 36th Annual Conv~ntion of the Co16rado .Grain, Milling and F~ed Dealers Vice President Association will .be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new 1:foriver Hilton Del Ellis Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a Denver tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Conventio·n.

DIRECTORS We wi 11 have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wi 11 be right in the ~enter of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected {o, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right b~ the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you wi II note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You wi 11 note that there are two Haswell 1 1 1 spaces 10' x 13' and two 10 x 14', nine spaces 10' x 10', three 8 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert s. Davis floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ Colorado Springs crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor vJi 11 · get much· mo're for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates will need to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention· meetings and to ·registe"r ', plus the fact we are

Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by · the· secretary. of the association. Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Hend1r1on and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hi ltoh. It ~ill interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Fort Collins placing greater emphasis on association services for feed memb.ers than has been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showi~i up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi 11 note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi I I lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next M. E. Koontt Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi I ton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. Holyoke If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stthweln Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

Cln.n..a.f ~ -- 9'e.ru1«-Xhon. ~~ 19, 20, 21 , 1961

m....t,onal' ~ -- 9'uwu-Xfton. ~. 1962 November, , . 1960 Page 2 ~ : '.• ' : .. . ', \ ', .· mind thijt .choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as · we ; receive the app Ii cation form from you, we wi 11 . send you deta i 1s on shipping and handlin~ your display. You wi II also be interested to know thaf for the first ·ti me we wi 11 provide a guard sery ice for your exh i,b its at no '. cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting .of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue Flush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO . GRAIN, ' -MI Lt I NG AN.D . FEED DEALERS ASSOC IAT I ON (p, ~~~~ Robert :f. 'wi er Executive ~~creta~y .. , ....

...... ,_,_, .... ,_, .... ,,. ... , ...., ...., ...... ,_..... , ....., ...., ...... ,_, ..... , ...., ...., ....,_, ...... , ...., ....,_,_, ..... , ...., ....,_,_, .... ,_, .... 1 .... ,.-., .... , ...., .... , ..... , .... ,_,...... , ...., ...., ...., ....,_ ..... , ...., .:.~,.:.._,.... .1..... ,_,_, .... , ...... , ...., ..... , ....,_,,. .... , .. , .. , .. ,,,,,,, ...... , .. ,,,,,,,,,.. ,,,.,,, ...... , .. , .. , .. , ...... ,, "'"'''''""'".. '"'''" "''''''' .. ''' ,.,., .. ,,,,.,,,,,,,,_ ,,,,.,,,,,,,,,_u)...... ,..... (.\ \ ,_,, ...... , ,.... , ...... , ,_, .. ,, ...,,, .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , .. , ...... - ··: · · /Lt . f . I BOOTH CHOI.CE . . lst ...... 2nd .... ~(..... 3rd ...... •. 4th ...... 1 1 1 Fi rm ..... • . • ••••....• : •' .. ••• .' •••••••••••• : • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • CO, f Address ...... t .•••.••••.•••••..•••••.• , ....•.....•••••••.•••• •• ......

By •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••.•••..•••.•.••.•.••••••.•••.••

I Our sign shou Id read...... ; ~ ...... , ...... (Try to keep i t short) 519 Boston B uilding• De n ver 2, C o l o r ad o. Pho ne: AComa 2-6490

November , 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President ,Ex~,i James W. Rawson Dear bi tor: Burlington The 36th AnnJal Convention of the Colorado Grain, Mi !ling and Feed Dealers Vice President Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton ·· Del Ellis Denver Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in ,th~· ~enter of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the conve'riticm Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you wi II note the exhibit booth layout as it wi II Don Briggs be established in -the Hilton lobby. _You . wil_l note that there are. two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13 and two 10 x 14 , nine s~aces JQt x 10 , three 8 1 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hi I ton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis Colorado Spring, floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. ln- ;one way, this is. regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more fo,r his money 'this year than ,.ever befqre, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi II need to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus t'f:,.e .fact we are T ere nee J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this conv~ntion, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new ·_ L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It wi 11 interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi 11 have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collini pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on asso~iatioh services for feed membe~s than has been· d6ri~ previously., and. new interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeler Yuma As y'ou ·wnl note, tbe four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $lo0 each

M. E. Koontz for the three days, the next largesi ~ill go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest ·for ·$75 ·each, .and .the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. ·

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first- served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that yOu wi l I· ·appreci.ate _th.e advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hi !ton better than the old system , even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to t ake one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and re turn as soon as possible, keeping in

~ ~ -- 9'e.ru2=.Xf.t.on, 5"~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

m...tional' ~ -- g)e.ru2a,,_Xft.,.., ~. 1962 November, 1960 Page 2 mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you detai Is on shipping and handling your display. You wi II also be interested to know that for the first time we wi II provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in sta~dard size iand cotor.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION .·, ' (prb?~~ Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

Fi rm •...... • Browtde .Manuf act.1.lI'i:c.g. Company ......

Address ... ,J;'lQJS: •.3~ ...... ,\jq.y~:r+YJ~~9t

By ••••• :~::(~;::~:::::::::::::

Our sign shou.Td read.~~9~+~.l:ifg:,99:.':1~~~!.t.~~~1:t! .. (Try to keep it short) 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November ; 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


Prosldent Dear Exh i bi tor : Jam11 W. Rawson

Burlington 1 The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Gr~in, Mi I ling and Feed Dealers 1 Vice Pr11idenl Associ atioh wi 11 be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hi I tao Del Ellis Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a Denver ~endous improvement for all exhibitors and deleg?tes at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center

of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to 1 the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be r~ght by the exhibit booths; . , Stratton Attached to this letter you will note the exhibit booth layout as it wi II DonBrlggs -....,v be established inthe Hilton lobby. You will note that there. are two ,: . ,, 1 1 1 1 Haswell 1 X ]3 1 1 X , X · ;'•.'': ~S_paces )0 and ·two 10 14 nine spaces 10 10 1 th,r,ee 8'x 6 1 1 ana twelve 8 x 5 • Since the Denver Hilton has increased its· char~e.s tor Robert S. Davis tioor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ Colorado Springs crease our charges, In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ev~r before, A. F. Gamble Denvar beca4se the convention delegates wi I I need to go through the exhibit area to get to ·the convention·meetings and to register, plus the fact we are

Tarence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal .state-wide· survey made by the sec;:retary of the association. Also, many of Our members will ~ant· to visit the fab~Jous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize.-.winning Denver Hilton. lt. wHI interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our associa~ion will have .a.sub­ stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson pate a I arger number of fee·d dea l.ers to attend than ever before. We are Fort Collins placing greater empha~is on association services for· feed members than has been done previously, arid new interest amo~g feed. men is shciw~ng up daily.

Hubor~:;:imai~ As you will note, tbe _four larger exhibit spaces wIII lease for ~100 each for the three days, the next largest will go for $80 each, the ~ M. E. Koontz I' 6 Am~~ largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for$ 5 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denvar in the new Denver Hi I ton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. Holyoke If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard stehweln Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

cr.....uJ ~ .. g)~_Xfron, ~~ 19, :w, 21, 1961

'DL.tianal ~ -- fDuw«-Xfron, ~. 1962 November, 1960 Page 2 mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that for the first time we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor•s name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,


BOOTH ·CHOI CE · 1s ~ •••• 2nd ••• ZU ..... 3rd •.•• 25 . •.. 4th .• • ZQ .....

Fi rm .. EQQ:YQ+QP•,4:J.f. l3:r:J. t,~i;iiQ•, . +QQ ·, .....•......

. . '. 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado, Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary January., ' 1961


President James W. Rawson Burlington Dear Exhibitor:

Vice President Oel Ellis The 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Deale~s Denver Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hi !ton Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move wi 11 be a DIRECTORS tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

Floyd B. Borders We wi 11 have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wi 11 be right in the center Stratton of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention meeting rooms. The registration desk wi 11 be right by the exhibit booths. Don Briggs Haswell Attached to this letter you wi 11 note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 be es.tablished in the Hilton lobby. You will note that there are two 1 1 1 Robert S. Davis spaces 10' x 13' and two 10' x 14 , nine spaces 10' x 10',. three 8 x- 6 , Colorado Springs and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ A. F. Gamble crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way Denver the exhibitor will get much more for his money this year than ever before, because the convention delegates will need to go through the exhibit area Terence J. Hall Akron to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus.the fact we are · anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on L R. Henderson a personal state-wide survey made by the _secretary of the association. Craig Also, many of our members will want to attend to visit the fabulous new and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton . It will interest you to Harold Johnson know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ Fort Collins stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Hubert Kohlmeier placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has Yuma been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily.

M. E. Koonti Amherst As you will note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest wi 11 go for $80 each, the three next largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each. Kenneth W. Lloyd Denver We are confident that you wi 11 appreciate the advantages of exhibit space John F. Malo in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence. Denver If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Dale Reimer of t1NO or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the application Holyoke blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista

~ ~ -- g,eflJW<_Xfton, J'~ 19, 20, 21, rn61

mat,onai ~ -- 9:leflJWt-Xl'ton, ~. '1962 Jahuary, 196 I Page 2 that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and handling your display. You will also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color. ·

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION 13t.,,e_ _'1 ~U--v Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

BOOTH CHO I CE Fi rm ...... 7//&. .. .. C,

Address ...... , < •• • 2?. .._ ... .M. 4',¢:--r.:, .... ~.7: t .•.•••..•.••..•..•...... D.EA/._tl. ~~ .. CJTry to keep it short) r~ 1/ D'v; ~v ~ \s /\,\ ff ~'{\ \\~ /40)'

.• 5 1 9 B o s t o n B u i I d i n g • D e. n v e r 2 ~ C o I o r a d o • P h o n e : A C o m a 2 • 6 4 9 0

January, 1961 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


Pruldent Dear Exhibitor: ~ I • •",, JamH W. Rawson Burllnatan The 36th annual '~tnvention of the Colorado Grair,i, Hilling an'd Feed Dealers

Vice Pruldent Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Oenver Hilton Oel Elll1 Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. · This ·move wUl be a Oenver tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and.· :dele·gates at the Convention.

OIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which will be right in the center of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected _to, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration cfesk will be right . by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this 'iett~r you will note,. :the exhibit boo·th ' layo~t as it will Don Brigg, be is,hed in the .Hilton lobby.· You wi 11 note that there are t\.'K> Haswell 1 1 1 spaces. 10' 'x ll' and t\'.O 10' x 14', nine spaces 10' x 10 , three 8 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Sin~e the-Denvet·Hi lton has increased its .charges for Robert s. Davis flqor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy; we are :required to in­ Colorado Sprlnp crease our charges. 1.n .one way, ·thi·s ·rs regrettable, but in another way th.e. .exh.i .b i tor ·wiTJ' ·get much more for his mo!1f:!Y . .thi .5. year· than ever before, A. .F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates· wi11 ' n~ed to go through the exhi~it area to get to- the·convention meetings and to register, plus·the "fact we are

Terence J. Hall anticipating a record .nl:llllber of ·registrations at this con_vention,~based on Akron a personal state~wid~ survey made by the secretary bf th~ a~sociation. Also, many of our members . .wi 11 wan·t to ·attend to visit the fabulous new L. R. Hendenon and architecturally pr.ize-winning Denver Hilton. It will interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association will have a sub­ stantial portion of the three day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson pate a larger number of feed dealers to attend than ever before. We are Fort Collln1 placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlm1ler Yuma As you wi II note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi II lease for $100 each for the three days, the next largest will go for $80 each, the three next M. E. Koonll Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton, but remember, time is the essence.

John F. Malo If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Denver of t\.'K> or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the application blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in mind Dale Reimer Holyoke

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista january, 1961 Page 2 that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis, As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shipping and handling your display. You will also be interested to know that we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the associati9n, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and si.s of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION · Jh.,,g_., .0~ Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

BOOTH CHOICE I t .. .// ... 2nd ...... 3rd ...... 4th ...... Fi rm ..... fJu .TL~... H.F.<;; ..... C.O. ,...... ·...... Address ..... 7.J/??.C? ..... e:/1-.$.1. ... !..3.~ ... ~ .?":< ...... /\(~/VS,}-.$. .. C.1. r.y.: .. .~ by, .M~~......

By •••.• , •.••••.•....•..••..•••..•••.•.••.•.•••••••••.•••••••.••••..•...•.•.•

Our sign sign should read./3o:'(l... ~/J...H."941.t1PA~.7.V~.I.A/.G..(Try to keep it short)

C a ; 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , 1960 1 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President De·at Jame, W. Rawson Exhibitor: Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Vice President Association will be held February 19-20-21, .1961 at the new Denver Hilton Oel Ellis 1 Denver Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley"'"S1voy. This move will be a tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at ·the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wi 11 be right in the center of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention Fiord B. Border, meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you will note the exhibit booth lByout as it wi 11 Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You will note that t~ere are .two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10' x 13' and two 10' x 14 , nine spaces 10 x 10 , three 8 x 6 , and twelve 8 1 x 5'. Since the Denver Hi !ton has increased its·.·charges for Robert s. Davis Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to -in­ crease our charges . .·.·. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver becaLlse the cbnvention d~legat~s wi 11 n~ed to go through the exhibit area to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall · -anticipating a -record nOmber of registrations at this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association. · Also, many -of our -members wi 11 want to attend to visit the fabulous ~ew L R. Henderton and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hi !ton. It wi 11 interest you to Craig know, -also, that the-feed committee -of our association wi 11 have a sub- · stantial portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johntan Fart Callin, pate a larger -number of feed .dealers -to. attend than ever . before. We are placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done previously, ;and new interest among feed men. is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma .As you wi II note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease . for $100 eac~

M. E. Koontz for the three days, the next largest ' will ' go for $80"ea"ch, ' the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Llard As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jahn F. Mala We are confident that you wi 11 appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this Jetter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you wi 11 have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Haward Stehweln Mante Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

CLm.uJ ~ -- 9)~.Xit.,,., :J~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

~ ~ -- 9)~.Xit.,,., ~ . 1962 November, 1960 Page 2

mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we will send you details on shipping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that for the first time we will provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furhished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary

BOOTH CHOI CE .1st. .+Q.~.J..0.Znd .. ~ . ~ .~ ... 3rd ...... ·. ·... 4th ...... ' Fi rm.· .•.... ; .~q~t~{S.~~~ ~S. . ~~q ~ ...... ·...... : ...... Address ...... • .. , ...... ~~~1?&~'?1:'~·~·.~£:~1:'~~~ ~...... ·~~ ·/y ·...... ~·...... ·,. ·...... By .... : .. ,·,,,,·, ."4 ·~~: .,@~li' •tt • • • ~: .• • • ·• • • • • • • • ·•• · • • • : ·. • • •• • • • • • • • ' . -· n. Uo u.e.LLJ..L-lC ; vice res o Our sign should read ...... (Try to keep: it short) . . HAGEMEI STER I S INC . . HEMI N«iB'ORD, NEBRilKA

lflti/ >11 a/ C / ... I ·-- I, 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

·) .. ' November ,-. ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President Dear Exhibitor: James W. Rawson Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Vice President Association will be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Del Ellis Denver Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wi .11 be right in the center of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and con~ected ·to, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton Attached to this letter you wi II note the exhibit booth layout as it wi 11 Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You wi 11 note that there are two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Spaces 10 X 13 and two 10 X 14 , nine spaces 10 X 10 , three 8 X 6 , 1 1 and twelve 8 x 5 • Since the Denver Hi !ton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid -at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges~ In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get ·much more .for .his money this year than ever before, A. F. · G'amble Denver ·· -because· the conv~ntion delegates wi 11 ~eed to go through t8e exhibit area to get to the convention' meetings and, to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall anti cip-ati ng .a r~cord number of reg i strat·i ons at th-is convention, based on Akron a personal state-wi~e sLlrvey made .by the secretary of the association. · ·Also, many .of .o~r members wi 11 want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning Denver Hilton. It wi 11 interest you to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our association wi l_l have a sub­ stantial portion of the. th_r_ee-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Callins pate a larger number of feed· dealers to attend than ever before. We are placing greater emphasis on association services for feed members than has been done previously, and new interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi 11 note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $100 each

M. E. Koontz for the three days, the next largest will go for $80 each , the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

Jahn F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehwein Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

Ct..ruu.f ~ -- 9'en.m-Xlton, ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

~ionaf ~ -- g)aww,_Xf.tan, ~. 1962 November , 1960 Page 2 mind that choices are awarded on a first-come, first-served basis. As soon as we receive the application form from you, we wi 11 send you details on shi~ping and handling your display. You wi 11 also be interested to know that for the first time we wi 11 provide a guard service for your exhibits at no cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths wi 11 be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plush and sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color~

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary ;:• i , ..

BOOTH CHOI CE 1st./. '7. ... 2nd .. /.. 7:... 3rci ... .7. . .4th .../. .3.... Fi rm ..... C ..4-. . (/, :r. P...... C.'a, t?-. ;9. .,, , · · · , · ." · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · Address ... / l!. ..~?? ..... / -.~ .r.T: A-.{~.!..°.-:-< .... .4. ~ r. !=! ...... ,.t(..; ·'. .IT. ."; . ;.;,::.r. ~ :"Ty, • . . • •c.q,. ~- P. ,...... By ... /?-.. ,t;:.; ' .- .. f3. ). ~./7.//.~J;)...... ; ......

Our sign ~hould read ...... ,; ...... (Try ·to keep it short} 519 Bost o n B uilding• Denver 2, C o lora d o. P ho ne: AC o ma 2-6490

November , 1960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President Dear Exhibitor: James W. Rawson Burlington The 36th ;AnnLi.::rl Convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Vice President Associ atioft'' wi l 1 be held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hi I ton Del Ellis Denver Hotel, after many years at the old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a tremendous improvement for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We will have fwet;)ty-ei•ght exhibit spaces which will be right in the center of the hotel lobby, drrectly in front of, and connected to, the convent~on Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The registration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton ., Attached to this letter you will note thJ11xhibi~ booth layout·~s it ~r)1· Don Briggs be established in the Hilton 'lobby. You will note that there are two . Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10 x 13 and two 10 1 x 14 , nine spaces 10 x 10 , three 8 x. 6r, and twelve 81 x 5'. Since the Denver Hilton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, ~ut in another way the exhibitor wi 11 get much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gamble Denver because the convention delegates wi 11 need to go through the exhibit a~ea , . to get to the convention meetings and t~ register, plus the fact we are · · T er once J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at .this convention, based on Akron a personal state-wide survey made by the secretary of the association.· Also, many of our members wi 11 want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. Henderson and architecturally prize-winning _Denver · Hi lton. It wi 11 interest you ·to Craig know, also, that the feed committee of our associ.ation ·wilf have a sub­ stantial portion of the three-day_ program on Monday morning, and we antic(­ Harold Johnson Fort Collins pate a larger number . of feed dealers to attend than .ever before. We are placing greater·emphasis on assoc~ation ·servi~es for feed members than h~i been done previously~ .and ·ne~ interest among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi 11 note, the four larger exhibit spaces wi 11 lease for $100 each

M. E. Koonll for the three ·days, the next largest will go .for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve· ·sm.aller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehweln Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fill out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in

Ct..w,J ~ -- 9,en.,wr._:'JGho,., ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

m..t,onJ ~ -- 9'~-Xfton. ~ . 1962 November, 1960 Page 2 . : ~: ..n ,: ! ·~~nd ; th~t choices are awarded on a first-come, first-ser~~d basis. As soon as we ' receive the ~pp Ii ca ti-on form from you, we will send you deta i 1s on shipping and handli'ng your display. You will also l?e interested to know that for the first time we wi ·Jl provide a guard service for your exhibits at. no ·cost to you.

Incidentally, the booths will be furnished and erected by the association, each booth consisting of a newly covered backdrop of gold plushand sides of blue plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color.

Cordially yours,

• ' i : COLORADO GRAI~, klLLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION : •. ··, ., . ~d-·if~- Robert L, Wier " . J . l ' Executive Secretary · •• j ' L". ·~ f

..,_,_,_,_, ..... ,_,,. ..1_, .... ,_ ...... , ...,..1 ....1 ..... ,_,_,.,.,,_, .... ,_,_,_,.,. .. ,_,_,_,,. ... , ...., ....,_,_, .... , ...... _,.,. ..,_, .... , ...... , .....,_,_.,,_,_,_, .... ,_ , .....,_,,. .. , ...., .....,_,,. ..,_, __ , _,,.... , ....1 ..... ,_,,... ,_, .... ,_,_,_,_,_,_.,,,.. .. ,_, .. .. , .....,_, ,.. ,, ... , ... ,,,.,,,,,,.,,,,,,,,.,,,,,.. .,,,,,,.,,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.. t .. r·'"""""'"''"''''''''''"''''''"''''''''''"'"''·'''''''''"''"'''""''''''"'''''''''''"''''''"''"' . . . ~ / ~ - .. · . I 11. BOOTH C ICE ~JI ls~ .... 2nd ..... ,. .... Jrd ...... 4th ......

Fi rm. r • • (:"J ·~ . ~ ... ~ ...... , ... , ...... , , ...... , . , ...... <:J I , ,.· .. _ ~ ~ · Address .....9 ~ -····· .·~ ·· .···;Jl.··· ··'.························ . .·...... ~J.+..4...... ~ ...... By.,<] .~ .: ~ .~~...•.... r~.. :ffi.~ ...... ··. )_ /. fAOf 'ERi<> 1,.-ftJM/Gl\/iJRj Our sign should read ...... tJ !-.' ..... (I.V:~!'I!";J ...... (Try to keep it£f short) '~'Si)) 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary' February 13, 1961


President James W. Rawson Burlington

Vlea President MEMORANDUM Del Ellis Denver TO: ALL EXHIBITORS

DIRECTORS Gentlemen: Floyd B. Borders Stratton This is a letter of explanation.

Don Briggs In order to develop the feed portion of our 36th annual convention to its Huwell ultimate goal of "How to Survive in the Feed Business", the Feed Conmittee outlined a program of speakers and information to show feed dealers how to Robert s. Davis better serve their customers, how to make a survey of their own trade areas, Colorado Springs and how to determine if they should put in mixing and bulk handling equip­ ment. In order to develop the latter point, the Committee felt they should A. F. Gamble Denver have an equipment expert to tell them what they would need in the way of equipment, and how much it would cost. Terence J. Hall Akron On December 22, 1960, we wrote to the Grain Processing Machinery Manufac­ turers Association, asking them if they would supply us with a speaker for L. R. Henderson this convention. We heard nothing from them and airmailed another request, Craig and as of January 28 we still had heard nothing. In desperation, in order to complete our program on time, we finally asked Dick Colvin, National Harold Johnson Accounts Sales Manager of the Agricultural Products Division of Butler Mfg. Fort Collini Co., to fi 11 in on this emergency and explain to the dealers what they wi I I need in the way of equipment. Naturally, he will not make any specific Hubert Kohlmaler 11 Yuma pitch" for his own equipment, but we wanted you to know that this was our situation at the last min 1 1te.

M. E. Koontt Amherst We sincerely hope this meets with your approval.

Kenneth W. Lloyd Cordially yours, Denver COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION John F. Malo Denver

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista

Ctn.uu.£ ~ -- g)uv2e,__Xfto,., ::r~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

July 18, 1961

Supply Service, Inc. 1326 East Avenue "A" Hutchinson, Kansas Attn: Hr. T. S. Olehler Dear Mr. Blehler:

This is a belated letter of sincere thanks for your helpful participation In our 36th annual state convention at the Denver Hilton hotel.

The reason we have not written our heartfelt thanks earlier is because we were waiting to see if the national association would permft exhibit booths at the national convention, which will be held March 21•23, 1962 at the Denver Hilton. The executfve committee of the national association met with the Colorado erecutlve coomittee in Denver, July 8, at which time we discussed this proposal with them. They pointed out that the national convention historically has never permftted exhibition booths and they would not change this tradition for the Denver meeting. Some of you ex­ pressed hopes that you would be permitted to exhibit at the Denver national convention, and that is "'1y we have held up writing you. However, we will stage our 1963 state convention at the Hilton In late February. This time we wl11 make much better arrangements for all exhibi­ tors, both as to location of booths and participation by the delegates . We are already planning a handsome reward for delegates who visit the conven­ tion booths . Thi"s Is a method employed by other state associations witch has worked out very successfully, bot h from the standpoint of the associa­ tion and the exhibitors. So, mark your calendar now so that you will have this budgeted in your 1963 accounts, and we will be In touch with you in plenty of time. The 1961 convention turned out to be so successful according to all the reports we have had from delegates from the five urroundlng states, that we are con­ fident our 1963 conventfon will be even bigger and better.

Thank you again, and \varmes t regards, COLORADO GRAIN, HILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION

Robert L. Wier Executive Secretary 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

November , I 960 ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary


President James W. Rawson Dear Exhibitor: Burlington The 36th Annual Convention of the Colorado Grain, Mi I ling and Feed ·Dealers Vice President Assoc~ation ,will ~e held February 19-20-21, 1961 at the new Denver Hilton Oel Ellis Oonver Hotel, after ~any ye~rs ~t the ,old Shirley-Savoy. This move will be a tremendous imp-rovement 'for all exhibitors and delegates at the Convention.

DIRECTORS We wi I 1 have twenty-eight exhibit spaces which wi 1 I be right in the ·center of the hotel lobby, directly in front of, and connected to, the convention Floyd B. Borders meeting rooms. The regi~tration desk will be right by the exhibit booths. Stratton 1 - Attached to this letter you wi I I note the exhibit booth I ayout as it wi I 1 Don Briggs be established in the Hilton lobby. You wi II note that there are two Haswell 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 spaces 10' x 13 and two 10 x 14 , nine spaces 1·0 ~ 10 , three 8 x 6 , and twelve 81 x 5'. Since the Denver Hi !ton has increased its charges for Robert S. Davis Colorado Springs floor space over what we paid at the Shirley-Savoy, we are required to in­ crease our charges. In one way, this is regrettable, but in another way the exhibitor will get .much more for his money this year than ever before, A. F. Gambit Denver because the convention del~gates wi I I need to go through the exhibit area ···to get to the convention meetings and to register, plus the fact we are Terence J. Hall anticipating a record number of registrations at this convention, based on Akron . a · personal state-wide survey made by the .secretary of the association. Also, many of our members · wi II want to attend to visit the fabulous new L R. H·endmon· and archi.tec.t.urally prize-winning Denver Hilton·. It will in.terest you to Craig know, also, that the feed ·commi .ttee of our association will have a sub­ stanti-al portion of the three-day program on Monday morning, and we antici­ Harold Johnson Fort Collins . pate a larger number of feed .dealers to attend than ever before. We are · placing greater emphasis on association ·ser~ices for feed members than has been done previ~~~l~, ~nd new intere~t. among feed men is showing up daily. Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma As you wi If notei the .fou~ larger exhibit spaces wi II lease for ~JOO each

M. E. Koontz for the three days, the nexi Targest ·will go for $80 each, the three next Amherst largest for $75 each, and the twelve smaller ones for $65 each.

Kenneth W. Lloyd As has been our custom in years past, previous exhibitors get first choice Denver on a first-come, first-served basis.

John F. Malo We are confident that you will appreciate the advantages of exhibit space Denver in the new Denver Hilton better than the old system, even though costs are a little higher. We want this letter to reach you in plenty of time Dale Reimer Holyoke so that you will have a greater opportunity to make plans for your exhibit. If you are planning to take one of these exhibit booths or a combination Howard Stehweln Monte Vista of two or more, as best suits your purpose, please fi 11 out the applica­ tion blank on the opposite side and return as soon as possible, keeping in ~ -- g)__ 'Xfton, :J~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

'DL..tionai ~ -- g)__ 'Xfton,

Inc i dent·a 11 y, the booths wi 11 be · fu:·rn i shed and erected by the association, each boot_h consisting of a_.·'n·e~ly ~ov'ered backdrop of gold plush and sides of bl~e plush, with the exhibitor's name in standard size and color,

Cordially yours,


Robert L. Wier Executiv~ Secretary

BOOTH CHOICE 1st ..... ~ .... 2nd ...... 3rd ...... 4th ...... ·.. . ' . -

F i rm . . ·. ·.... · ...... ·...... ~ ...... ·. ·...... ~ ..

Address ... ~. ·...... ·... :. :. ·...... ~-.. ~·.. ~ - ~ : ~ ......

By . . .. : . . ~ .• -~ ..; ,· , . .. . .· . . . • ...... ~ . : ...... ·. ~ ...... , . . . , . . .: ...... ;. . .; ·...... -,--, . ' .

Our sign should read ...... , ...•...... ~. {Try to keep it . short)

. I (6) (7)

,J (5) (9) ..~ #1PO ~,."'°' E I I' I I (t.J) (4) I !#6s (I 0) I I t/100 t :/f /00 I I flJ' !f· : (ZO) : 'I• .. f,o'- I 1,165 lco~ J ....- ~ ..,4~ .... I I 10 ( .3) I I I (11) I I ~ #80 #tro I I I (2) I 08) ':'If (27): (J 2) A~°l>~""bMi RA-.1 ~80 l,65 .ttu·, #80 ... Ju"l,ci._ ~-a-- "'' I I I I I .. (1) : Q"V (28) l I I , ,,.¥ I (;3) " $80 I #'bf"' I I #BC> IW\e"'c 't jcoi....} ff' i· · jcoL ! TR.&..:. - I rR6q_ I 'ST, I (/1) "' ... !J!3.C:f\ J 0 I . $BO ....

,._ A~1'etf\~~'\ .t."'~2. ;.. (15) Gl\~, 011"°" 1t.... o .. #

~ ~ ... , ,, Rl'IIY\P Te / _ - i:-o'°b.t-----

I M J ,: (6) (7) (8) ~· 1/75 #7S" # 75" i"I------C.<1>\.... I<>' S"' • ' ...,, • 10• -

I r. • I J I ,. (5) I (9) •u I "'at- FIOO I #100 ~ ru I I I E I I ' (ii) ('i..4): Ct) I !#66' #As-1 (I 0) I I I Q/00 l I 1/ft>O l I I cw !; . : (ZO) 0.5) : ~ $· !• !;. lc.o L- I 1,165 ,(l~I !co~ I ..... I I s· I I "'~ I -' 10' (3) I -- I : Q9) (1 I) ~ b) l I I I ~ #SO 1#65' /I 65' /.8'0 I I I (2) I 08} ~ CZ7): --. JI)~\;.~\:)""'< lttl\. ~, #80 l#u- #6£• 'ljso J"vtc,oll. ~ .... R-i- t i,• I I I I (1) I ,Q 7) (28) : I --/6 I I (/3) #80 I ,11,¥ #ef , I #BO IV'\aroc '1 jcoi.. ! ~· .. s· EJ TR.11..:. OR&q,,·ST. ,.,. RC: F\ (/1) ~ !J .. n . ljgo .... ih'.>1l'4'1\b .. "\ ~"'~2. ;.. (/5) GR.~~ cl a~ .... 10l ..... o Jo- #"i!O 1'1' (! z z I:,) lcoL. I 0 0 IC.61..1 11so s·


R $ Sil. n,.'bl.'\ K."'.• 3 -a; '< ... GR11"'d 611 ... 1.. •o"" ~ ~ ~

~ ~

0 T"S1.E.l ~hT \i.L.,,;:.v. -. '8. X. q• , .:, R.An\P Tc, / _ - C"o~°'i- --- -

I N J \

CONRAD N. HILTON, President DENVER 2, COLORADO · AMherst 6-3911


Mr. Bob Wier Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building Denver, Colorado

Dear Mr. Wier:

It is a pleasure to enclose a copy of our menu event order for each of your food functions, for your 1961 convention, running from the 19th to the 21st of February.

If you have any corrections or additions, please do not hesitate to contact this office at your convenience. A policy of the hotel requires a guarantee, indicating the number of persons you expect to be responsible for, within twenty-four hours prior to the functions.

We are looking forward to serving your fine group. s~r?~ Alberto C. Lalli Banquet Manager






~~~rE:f_N_r_s ___M_Ro_BO_D_W_IE_R ______n:L NO AC 2 ... 6490

BILI.ING ADDRES.~~-_5_l_9_B_OS_T_ot_J_B_U_I_LD_D_JG-=''---D_El_'1V_E_R....:c,_CL_L_O_R_AID______

CHARACTER OF FUNCTION, ____..,,,,L=Jn=!Q .... H....,E..,,,O,._.N ______ROOM GOLD

DAY AND DATE !'UESDAY .. FEBRUARY 21, 1961 GUARANTE~----- SET-UP. 15/20 ______TIME 12,30 PU .S MENU: PRICE C2 o 75 + T&T;1~ TOTAL ?JolO


NO. WAfTER,,7.______PSA]Il ~1:BLBA Bb'VERAGE W£A1HE.n-______~Hl-* COMMENTS ______


A.C. LALLI/eg February Bj 1961 Serial ¥6.51 BANQUETS AND FUNCTIONS


ARRANGEMENTS .MADE 9y____ =_'-fi:t....c•;...._B_OB_W-'-'IER ______TEL. NO AC 2... 6);.90

DILLING ADDRES$..,.._,...a5_1..;..9_BO_S_T_O_N_BU_I_L_D_I_N_G.._, _D_E_N_VE_H._,_c_o_L_OR_.t_1.D0______-;---=:::--~-r-r~ ~ r- ~ cH,mw~i_o_F __L_ill_J_CH_F.._"O~_t=-~=-;-a..-.------ROOM ~ II - ~ DAY AND DAT ....f ___!>1_m_m_A_Y_-_FE_B_R_U_Af_RY_2_0 0 ' ..... ,'--1 __ 96_t __ QUARANTE------SET-UP 275/300

------TIME $'2 y 65 + T&T ~ '§ ..)- TOTAL $)000 _..,,,..,. __,. MENU: PRIC...______






A.C. LALLI/eg ?ebruary 8)1 1961 Serial .!1653 r-c;c:r1 c.10:J


ARRANGEMENTS.MADE BY______MRo BOB T.rIM_,'Rn_,. ------TEL NO .. ___AC 2... 6'-90_u ___ _

BILLING ADDRES .....$ __5_19_B __ OS_T_m_r_B_U_I_LD_IN_G....:,;.____DE?_JVE_R..;.,_co_L_O_R_A_OO __ ~------

CHARACTER OF FUNCTION, ____RE=i:.-=o=E=Pl'..=..,I::.=01,.,_J _---=D=I=N1='!E=R.:.....::.:D~Al':.!.!C:::.:E=------ROOM GBR JBR 2• J

DAY AND DATE HONDAY .. FEBRUA.>tY 20, 1961 GUARANTE1:.-... _____ SET·UP450/500 6 PM :IS(:-~PTION --·------TIME 7 PH DINN'ER MENU: PRICE f:4oL5 + T&T , r TOTAL S5,,00 .S: .'.-- CAPTAIN TO COMPLETE




SETUPz H3A;) 'I' A.BL~ ?OR ( 32) PE'tSONS o~: 16" RISER on THZ HORTH HALL :.1IT.r L3:/JT:S1N AND P.A. RSST !tomm TABLES OF (8) PE!.1SONS. HAVE STAGE J?OR. SHOW 20 x 18 1611 HIGH WI'rH STA..\'DING PoAo HAVE PIANO AlID :-iIKE@ $10.00o


::{EGEPTIOH1 6 P:! ~ 7 Pl-I I:' ASSS:IDLIES 2-3 ------.I'""'t\=v=r;"""":I....,O"'""'s=p=1'rALITY BAJ 1:ITH HILTON B'M!D LABELS @ 65¢ P£3. DJ.UJKo '.1:Sc-OPS}; I3A t Ar•''l'::SR DDm::.:t WITil T '13LE SERVICE, ALSO ON EACH BAR


A.C. LALLI/eg February B, 1961 Serial //655 \ " BANQUETS AND FUNCTIONS


BILLING ADDRES;:,.$ __5_1_9_B_os_~T_O_t ,_; _B_U_IL_D_I_!_JG...::.,__ .::.E_l_Tv_'E_· P...::.. ,~:_o_LO_R_A_D_O ______

0 CHfu~l1ii,__F __--=L=A=D=IE=--:' S=---=D=I=tJ-'-'·!=ER=--=!.>="H=a=·l:-- ______ROOM JBR I

DAY AND DATE SUllDAY = F'EBRUA.1Y 19, 1961 GUARANTE. ______SET·UP. 110/120

TIME 5z,30 PM

MENU: PRICE :21.oOO + T&'r


DISJOINTED HAL:i' SPRilm CHICKER SAU~ GR '-JJDMERE NO. CHARGE..,______RICE AU SAFFRON FOOD REVE:NU,.______PI:As 'v-!ITH PSAPL omoF A:m SLICED ~!USHR00~1S ****** BEV. REVENU...______T03~ED SAL!i.D CAPTAIN(S), ______PASS Th'O DJ.ESS111GS !\.3 ..10:lT:..,D ROLLS ***-!:-:!-* NO. WAITERS.______

8TJA.tB ...... 11.RY PA:tFAIT WEATHER_.______COOKIES COMMENTS ______3EV:::UAQI; **-:HHHc


p O AO ~wmm TAD LES OF ( 8) PE]S(;I!S 0


A.C. LALLI/eg February 88 1961 Serial '!65~ BANQUETS AND FUNCTIONS

N~RE J'tfGA~?iP'!Pr~~,._L __co_1_o_RAD __ o_G_R_A_I_N-=-,_r_u_LL_I_NG_A!_?~_rn_ItEE_· _D_D_E_A_LE_RS __ A_s_so_c_I_A_T __ I_m_~ ______

ARRANGEMEt•ffS _MAO::: gy____ _.T'_...:'ffi.._...... ,B.,.,.OB..__.,W,..,.I .... ER...,,______TEL NO AC 2-6h90

BlUING ADDRES$,___ 5.,_,.l,...9'-=B=OS=T=O=t,.,_J -=B=U=IL=D=I=N=G,..,___,D=F.=~NE:...:.=E.R~, ....,C...,,O=L=O=RADO=.__~------


DAY AND DATE SUNDAY ... FEBRUAH.Y 19, 1961 GUARANTE,______SET-UP. 350/400 ______TIPA._f_-.gQ~Z)41.Q~P..,.}1---­

MENU: PRIC,f,;.. __f:...;;,2:..;;•...;;.6.::-..5 .....,+__:;T...,..&.,....T_ TOTAL f J.,00





A.C. LALLI/eg February 8$ 1961 Serial f/65h Co[o'l.aJo §'l.uin, d11/i[[in9 and '.J-eed :L)e.aD.'l..1.. c:/f.1..:1ociation 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado, AComa 2-6490 Execut ive Secretory

·--BULL EJI N------~-o._w._ER-IKSE_N_.J Robert L. Wier

C O N V E N T I O N E X T R A January 20, 1961

Dear Members end Friends --

Well, the big shindig is just about ready for your enjoyment and profit. About al 1 there is left to do is for you, and all of you, to sign up today and BE THERE. Your 36th annual convention will be held at the Denver Hilton Hotel Sunday, Monday and Tues­ day, February 19, 20 and 21, with a scintillating program of fun, fellowship and informa­ tion, which will show you how to make more money.

Registration wi 11 start at 2 p.m. Sunday on the lobby floor. The fee is only $8.50 for the guys; the ladies are registered free. The men 1 s smoker starts at 5:30 and as you guys who have attended in the past know, this is one of the fun highlights of the convention. Those of you who haven't attended won't want to miss this event. ft includes beer and coffee and a delicious buffet dinner. This is free to all who are registered. At the same time, your ladies wi II be entertained with either a show and demonstration on DuPont's new miracle fabrics, or a corr,edy show of the silliest women's hats in the world, staged by the famous "Mad Hatter. 11 · This is the funniest show the ladies have ever seen. Fancy dinner, too!

11 Monday morning wi 11 feature a 20-minute fi Im cal led "The Twelve-Month Summer , pre­ pared by the American Dehydrators Association, which wi 1 I be of terrific interest to every dehydrator in the region. This will be followed by a talk by Raymond Doll, agri­ cultural specialist of the Federal Reserve Board of Kansas City, on "How to Survive in the Feed Business'', which is the main theme of the Monday morning meeting. Following this wi 11 be a panel discussion by George Reynolds, president of the Colorado Cattle Feeders Ass'n., and Gerald Mack, widely-known Colorado poultry feeder, on what feeders expect from their feed dealers. This discussion wi II be followed by a talk by Oakley Ray, vice president of the American Feed Manufacturers Ass'n. , along the ma i n theme of the meeting. It will be climaxed by a talk by an expert in the feed machinery business, who will explain what you need in the way of equipment to improve your services and make more money. A question and answer period wi JI follow.

At the Monday noon luncheon, we h2.d hoped to have the new Secretary of Agriculture, Orville Freeman, or one of his assista~ts, but this does not look too hopeful at this time. But you can be sure we wi I 1 have an outstanding speaker.

Monday afternoon's meeting will include talks by T. H. Anderson, deputy direttor of Commodity Stabilization Service in Kansas City, on the grain storage situation, and Richard Schmidt, who was the attorney for the Senate Investigating Committee last year, studying grain storage rates. He wi 11 give you the inside story of the rate negotiations. A question and answer period wi 11 be avai I able. James Thornton, of the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee, will explain to you in detai I the proposed new method of col ­ lecting and reporting the 4-mil 1 wheat assessment, which affects every grain elevator.

Monday evening will feature the usual, fabulous cocktail party with music, enter­ tainment and flowers for the ladies, beginning at 5:30. The banquet this year wi 11 fea­ ture a surprise delicacy that some of you have never enjoyed before, followed by a ter­ rific entertainment by the Taylor Trio from the Taylor Supper Club, with an entirely new and sparkling show. Don't miss this, because as you realize , it's outstanding! Dancing in the grand ballroom follows. No doubt, there wi 11 be some hospitality rooms avai !able.

~ §'taut, 0fu01ut~ a,nd, ~ud O')eafll'IA Cf.oMddi.on 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado


Tuesday morning you wi I I hear a ta I k by Mr. W. L. Newsom.t from Garvey __ Uevators of Fort Worth, Texas, who made several valuable talks on ccist:.s .· ane--·-p-rofits in the grain business at Texas Cost Conferences. You wi 11 also hear a brand new feature this year on raising and marketing safflower by a representative of the Pacific Vegetable Oil Co. Dean Saffer and James Free, winners of your annual 4-H Club grain marketing contest, wi 11 give you a brief report on their trip to Chicago to study grain marketing procedures at the Chicago Board of Trade.

The convention will be climaxed by the annual business meeting and election of directors. There are several important problems to be discussed at the annual meeting, so don't miss this! Two valuable door prizes wi II be awarded for attendance at each of the three main meetings, climaxed by the annual $100 gift certificate.

And don't forget to visit all of the interesting exhibit booths next to the conven­ tion hal 1.

N OW, DOESN'T THAT SOUND LIKE A WONDERFUL PROGRAM YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS??? ...... And, bear in mind that this ye,':tr you may aftend the convention at less cost, because you will need lodging for only two nights. · we previously sent you a hotel reservation card ---the sooner you return this card, the better choice of rooms you wi 11 have. And re­ member, too, your convention expenses are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Enclosed you will find an advance registration blank which we hope you wi 11 fi 11 out and return NOW. Advance registration saves you both time and frustration. Please send it in right away.

Incidentally, Mat Rodney, of Fort Morgan, chairman of the Resolutions Cornm:ittee, wants to hear from anyone who has a suggestion or idea to present to the committee.


It is essential that your association office be advised quickly how many of you plan to attend the ~ational Grain and Feed Dealers Convention in Washington, D.C. March. 22-24, so that we may make advance arrangements for receptions and delegates' tables at the Congressional banquet. We have already received .notice of six members planning to attend and we would like ·to kn()w if you also plan to attend. Please call or drop us a postcard. We would like to have a large delegation from Colorado.

Conventionally yours, 0-.. J j,'J/u . (~ Ir I {.,I £-( Bob Wier Co[o'taJo §', d11/.i[[in9 and 9-e.e.d (]:)e.ale.'t:i cft1-j_ o ciation

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado, AComa 2-6490 Executive Secretory ·--8 UL LET IN ______o_. w_. E_R'K_SE_N---J

Robert L. Wier

January 6, 196 I * M E M O R A N D U M * TO: ALL MEMBERS

This is an urgent reminder to you about our 36th annual state convention, to

be he]d at the Denver Hilton Hotel February 19, 20 and 21, which we assure you will

be one of the most outstanding conventions ever held. A terrific program is being

lined up for your enjoyment and information.

The convention wi 11 include the wonderful fellowship Smoker and Buffet Sunday

evening for the men, and the dinner and fashion show for the ladies. Monday morning

wi 11 be devoted to a theme of "How to Survive in the Feed Industry." The Monday noon

luncheon wi11 feature one of the top officials of the new national administration.

Monday afternoon there will be talks and discussions of vital interest to every man

in the grain industry. Monday evening features the always fabu1ous social hour and

banquet, with a surprise treat in the main course of the dinner, plus a spark1ing

entertainment program and dancing. Tuesday morning, you will learn how to make more

money in the grain and feed business, concluded by the annual business meeting and

election of directors. We will send you the detailed program as soon as it is firm.

You will notice the pro9ram ends Tuesday noon, which means only TWO nights•

lodging this year. Enclosed is a brochure describing the new Hilton Hotel and a

reservation card so that you may make early reservations. Naturally, you may stay

at any hotel you wish, but wherever you stay, BE SURE TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS IN


Conventionally yours, ...... n4-lli Ir ~ Bob Wier

~ ~>tru,n, 0TLfil.n~ a,nd, ~ud. ille.afe'l.6 Cf.6oociltli.o.n

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado

BULLETIN 519 Boston Building• Denver 2, Colorado• Phone: AComa 2-6490

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary

OFFICERS January 26, 1961

President James W. Rawson Burlington MEMORANDUM Vice President Gel Ellis Denver TO: ALL OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS

DIRECTORS Gentlemen:

Floyd B. Borders Stratton According to the minutes of the directors' meeting at the 35th annual con­ vention, the directors adopted a motion instructing the secretary to notify all directors of the expiration date of their present terms. After much Don Briggs Haswell searching of the minutes and other records in the association office, we have tried to determine as accurately as possible these expiration dates, as fol lows: Robert S. Davis Colorado Springs Rawson - Two more years on his second term. A. F. Gamble El 1 is - Second term expires. Denver Borders - First term expires. Terence J. Hall Briggs - One more year on his first term. Akron Davis - Two more years on his second term.

L R. Hendenon Gamble - Two years left on his third term. Craig Hal 1 - First term expires

Harold Johnson Henderson - Two years left on his first term. Fort Collins Johnson - Two years left on his second wrm. Kohlmeier - Served one year for J. S. Parker Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma Koontz - Two years left on second term. Lloyd - First term expires. M. E. Koontz Amherst Malo - First term expires. Reimer - One year left on first term. / Kenn,th W. Lloyd One year left on second term. _,,, Denver Stehwien - Please, directors, if this isn't accurate in your particular case, notify John F. Malo Denver Jim Rawson. This is the best we could do with the records available. And, don't forget to get in your advance registration for the convention!

Dale Reimer Holyoke Sincerely, frJ .r':·CYJ/u Howard Stehwein ~ <. ,/ I ! ,u·,. Monte Vista Bob Wier '

Ctnnaaf ~ -- g),)l_Xfion, ~~ 19, 20, 21, 1961

m..t,onaf ~ -- g),)l_Xft-, ~. 1962 BEimont 3-6573 7000 WEST COLFAX LAKEWOOD, COLORADO

Jan ry 7, 1961

.u- Bob .lier Colo Grain , Feed Dealers 519 Boston Bldg Dttnver, Colorado I' - Th1e !o a contra.ct. ~~t.1een the Colorado Grain nnd Feed ___ -@ hereinai'ter ,call d the party of the first part and Sammy Toole's TAYLORS, inf~pinclent contract.ore, hereinafter calle~ the Jqlrty of the oecor,p rt. The party of the second part agrees to do how approxiaa.tely one hour long beginning at 8100 p. m. on V.ond y February 20, 1961 at the Grand Ballroom in the Hilton Hotel, Denver, Colorado for the party of the first part.

The party of the first part agreeo to f'urn1eh three microphones and one piano for the said performance.

The party of the first part agrees to pay the atl!rl of Three Hundted and Fifty ( ,50.00) to the p rty ot the second part at th end of the said performance.


Bo< j:Jtf1er -'1t4::z ~ for Colorado Grain and Feed aler~

In duplicates Please eign nd ~eturn both oopieo your copy will be returned to you.


519 B o ston Bui l ding• D enver 2 , Colora do• Phone : AComa 2-6 49 0

ROBERT L. WIER, Executive Secretary February 13, 1961


Prnldent Jamn W. Rawson Burlington

Vice President MEMORANDUM Del Ellis Denver TO: ALL EXHIBITORS

DIRECTORS Gentlemen: Floyd B. Borders Stratton This is a letter of explanation.

Don Briggs In order to develop the feed portion of our 36th annual convention to its Haswell ultimate goal of 11 How to Survive in the Feed Business", the Feed Committee outlined a program of speakers and information to show feed dealers how to Robert S. Davis better serve their customers, how to make a survey of their own trade areas, Colorado Springs and how to determine if they should put in mixing and bulk handling equip­ ment. In order to develop the latter point, the Committee felt they should A. F. Gamble Denver have an equipment expert to tell them what they would need in the way of equipment, and how much it would cost. Terence J. Hall Akron On December 22, 1960, we wrote to the Grain Processing Machinery Manufac­ turers Association, asking them if they would supply us with a speaker for · L R. Henderson this convention. We heard nothing from them and airmailed another request, Craig and as of January 28 we still had heard nothing. In desperation, in order to complete our program on time, we finally asked Dick Colvin, National Harold Johnson Accounts Sales Manager of the Agricultural Products Division of Butler Mfg . Fort Collins Co., to fi I I in on this emergency and explain to the dealers what they wi 11 need in the way of equipment. Naturally, he will not make any specific Hubert Kohlmeier 11 11 Yuma pitch for his own equipment, but we wanted you to know that this was our situation at the last minute.

M. E. Koontz Amherst We sincerely hope this meets with your approval.

Kenneth W. Lloyd Cordially yours, Denver COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION John F. Malo Denver (p-,{j-crfZ:l Dale Reimer Robert L. Wier Holyoke

Howard Stehwein Monte Vista RESTAURANTS In c luded in th e six p ubli c dining areas of The Denver Hilto n is the colorful , modern Coffee House on Concourse level , and the intimate Pub a nd g la mo rous Columbine Bar on street and Main Lo bby level s, respectively .


ALBUQUERQUE DAYTON NEW YORK Hilton Hotel Dayton Biltmore Waldorf-Astoria Statler Hilton ATLANTA, Ga . DENVER Savoy Hilton Hilton Inn Denver Hilton (Opens Jun e, 1960) PIITSBURGH Pittsburgh Hilton AURORA, Ill. DETROIT Hilton Inn Statler Hilt on ST. LOUIS ( Opens early 1961) Statler Hilton EL PASO BOSTON Hilton Hotel SAN ANTONIO Stat ler Hilton Hilton Inn Hilton Hotel Hilton Inn BUFFALO FORT WORTH Statler Hilton Hilton Hotel SAN FRANCISCO CHICAGO Hilton Inn Conrad Hilton HARTFORD ( International Airport) Pa lmer House Statler Hilton SEAITLE CINCINNATI HOUSTON Hilton Inn Netherland Hilton Shamrock Hilton (Opens late 1960) Terrace Hilton TARRYTOWN, N.Y. Ma in din in g room o f t he hote l is stately C ou rt Place , seat ing 250 for LOS ANGELES luncheon, 22 5 for d inn er d ancing . CLEVELAND Beverly Hilton Hilton Inn (Opens lale 1960) Statler Hilt on ( Beverly Hills) COLUMBUS Statler Hilton WASHINGTON, D.C. Deshler-Hilton Statler Hilton NEW ORLEANS DALLAS Hilton Inn CHIHUAHUA, Mexico Statler Hilton (International Airport) Palacio H ii ton


AMSTERDAM, Holland HAVANA, Cuba PANAMA, R.P. Amsterdam Hilton Habana Hilton El Panama Hilton ( Under construction ) ISTANBUL, Turkey ROITERDAM, Holland Istanbul Hilton ATHENS, Greece Rotterdam Hilton ~ Athens Hilton MEXICO CITY, Mexico ( Under conslmction) ( Under construction) Continental Hilton ' ACAPULCO, Mexico SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico :~ BERLIN, Germany Caribe Hilton Las Brisas Hilton Berlin Hilton MONTREAL, Canada TRINIDAD, Port-of-Spai n, W.I. CAIRO, Egypt, U.A.R. Queen Elizabeth Trinidad Hilt on :, ,r,- Nile Hilton / a CN R hotel) ( Under ruction ) .. __ _

G ou rm et's deli ght- t he exquisite Carte Blanche Room, specia li zing in French c uisine, service and flaming dishes . NEW CONVENTION CENTER- -·-- An atmosphere of hearty well .b eing pervades The G rill-and its t em pt ­ ing men us of steaks, chops and gril lades. now under construction

Sc heduled to open July 1, 1960, The Denve r Hil ton ' s new Con­ vention Center will o ff e r a tota l area of 25,000 square feel of unparalleled convention facili ties. The lower le vel , 14,000 square feel, is comprised of three meeting rooms wi th respec­ tive capacities of 550 for meetings and 380 for mea ls; 250 for meetings a nd 175 for meals; and , 150 for meetings a nd 100 for meals.

On the upper level w il l be three additional rooms w ith ca­ 1 pacities of 200 for meeti ngs end 150 for meals; 125 for meet­ ings and 80 for meals; and, 70 fo , meetings and 40 for mea ls. There w ill be ample provis ion fo r placi ng exhibits in a ll or any port of e ither the upper o r lower levels of The Denver Hilton 's new Convention Center...... ~ ,l ~ •' ' N I S!.,. t

Modern beauty and luxury are keynotes of this typical parlor in Denver Hilton two-room suites. Exquisite fabrics and accessories assure guests' pride. CONVENTION-BANQUET FACILITIES: DATA: The Grand Ballroom of The Denver Hilton seals 1,600 fo r banquet service or 2,000 for convention meetings. The area may a lso be di ­ Th e Denve r H dto n off ers 884 g ue st roo ms a nd su1tes . Each room is vided into three 1nd1v1duol Assemb ly Rooms , 1nclud1ng th e Junior equ1pp('d wtlh radio, television and tn di v1dua lly -controlled a1r -co ndi­ Ballroom, by means of mo vable, soundproof wa ll s- lo provide od e ­ t.ioning a s o servi ce of the hotel. quote foci l1t1es for groups of lesser nu mber. A he a vy-d ut y a ut o lift Th ere a re six p ublic dining areas, offering a complete choice o f is ad1ocen t to th e G rand Ba llroom , permitti ng easy movement of menu from qu ic k sna cks to superb gou rmet specia1t1es . convention and meeting decora tions , occ essor ies ond oth er ma teria l Thr ee un, q uc and d 1s t1ncl1ve bars and cocktotl lounge areas ore fro m the hotel s loading dock to the desired loco t1on 1n the ba ll room. a vailable in The Denver Hilton. Complete, separate kitchen foc1l1t 1es a llow fosl and excellent service More than a sc ore of smart re tail shops and public se rvice facilities of all banquet functions . are located w1 th1n the perimeter of the hotel

RATES: Single Rooms-$8.50 to S 14 00 Double Rooms, Double Bed 12 pe rs ons)-$14 00 lo $23.00 Double Ro oms, Twin Beds 12 persons) -$15.50 to $23.00 Studio Twins 12 persons )-$17.50 lo $23.00 Two . Ro ·o.n Suite s 12 persons)- $26.50 lo $44 .00 Three-Room Sui te s 14 persons)-$55.50 lo $75.00

One of the many colorful and unique guest rooms in The Denver Hilton, this design is based on lore of the early-day West, when gold mining was king. A handsome sitting room by day, it b.ecomes a spacious bedroom at night.


* DENVER HILTON HOTEL 9. DENVER U. S. NAT'L BANK BLDG 2. U. S. POST OFFICE 10. FIRST NATIONAL BANK BLDG 3. CUSTOMS BLDG On the Mezzanine Leve l o f The Denve r Hilton there are si x banquet II. BROWN PALACE HOTEL 4. CITY & COUNTY OF DENVER a nd meeting ro om s plann ed lo a ccomm oda te from 65 lo a s many BLDG a s 180 people 1f used individua ll y; o r, as many os 575 people if 12. SHIRLEY-SAVOY HOTEL they ore fully opened to adjoin each othe r. Th e 5th fl oor of th e 5. DENVER CLUB BLDG 13. STATE CAPITOL hotel features 15 smaller meeting rooms wi th a capa ci ty of 30 lo 40 6. DENVER CONVENTION & people for conferences or dining . TOURIST BUREAU 14. UNION STATION Serving the entire hotel, a 600-cor parking area is connected 3 floors 7. DENVER LI BRA RY 15. U. S. MINT below st reet-level . Rapid , safe elevators, rising th e en tire 22 floors of The Denver Hi lt on adjoin th is facile motor-lobby. 8. DENVER MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM 16. COSMOPOLITAN HOTEL -

AFTER THE HARVEST A FREE Color 16mm Sound Film From Color, 28 min. Here's what takes place on the trading floor of the world's largest com­ modity exchange, and how it affects you - from harvest time to the purchase of a loaf Jlc~le~ 1JI of bread. Here you see free enterprise at work. Buyers and sellers trade commodities in a public market place, and help assure you of the ]Piid~1res lowest possible price for your food. A Freedom Foundation Award winning film. (Board of Trade of the City of Chicago)

1------1 I • ldeol Pictures I I Gentlemen: We wish to borrow the 16mm Available to Schools, I sound film AFTER THE HARVEST for use on one of the following dotes: 1st choice dote Churches. Industry, I I Please send a confirmation of this order so 2nd choice dote thot we moy pion our schedule. We ogree to Institutions, Clubs, I poy postage, ond to fill out ond return prompt­ and Community Groups I ly the "audience report form" you provide. 3rd choice dote I My Nam,...______not below Jr. High level I Organization,______I Address ______I I City______Zane__State,______I Anticipated aiH and type of audience...... ------I SJCUIJJ I '060:,14:, 908E ·oN ~JWJad SIONI'1'11 'I Of)~IH~

OIYd J.'l3lll.S ll3l.VA\ H.Lnos ·3 8S 39v.1sod ·s ·n 3J.V~ ;,nns

- BUSINESS REPLY CARD - fint Clo11 P•r,nit No ,e43•.Sec. 34.9, P. L. & It . Chica9e 1, Ill. - Ideal Pictures - 58 E. SOUTH WATER STREET - CHICAGO l, ILLINOIS - - 1961 CONVENTION--ASSOCIATION ' ~

JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY OTHER 6 18 35 5 9 17 5 8 3 6 1 1 2 1 l 1 1 ..___....----- ~ 1 ....._____..... ~ ~y ~ i \ \ I ~1? ~ ------½~



5 13

3 OTHER 1 14 2 \. 5 ' \(lo . 1

~ 3 3lt ~ 'd-:> //1~:m~q kn-~ ~4-,/-,,~ COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION ~ 519 Boston Bui !ding - Den ver 2, Colorado - Phone: AC 2,..6490 a~

James w. Rawson, President Robert L. Wier, Exec. Secretary

February 6, 1961

Dear Grain and Feed Dealer:

NOW IS THE TIME -- if you haven't already done so -- to sign up for attendance at your exciting 36th annual con vention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association, at the Denver Hilton Hotel, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, February 19-21.

This is the one convention you won't want to miss, because of the important array of outstanding speakers, entertainment and exhibitors. You FEED MEN especially wi II want to attend this year, because the entire Monday morning session is devoted to techniques, methods, procedures and ways and means of how to survive in the feed business. DEHYDRATORS also should attend. GRAIN MEN certainly will get money-saving ideas at the Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning meetings, where expert researchers and market men will show you how to make or save money. The entertainment will fea­ ture a comedy hat show for the ladies, God bless 'em (don't forget to invite them!), a buffet-smoker, social hour, dinner dance and fabulous entertainment by the Taylor Supper Club Trio, the hottest entertainment group in Denver today.

And remember, you don't have to be a member to attend this convention. Keep in mind, also, that the convention time is somewhat shortened over previous years, with more essential information and fun packed into a day and a half.

Enclosed, for your convenience, is a copy of the program, an advance registration sheet and a publicity release. We hope, if you come to the convention, you will give this to your local newspaper the week before you leave. Be sure to fill in the blank spaces.

Everything is arranged. All that's left now is for YOU TO BE HERE. SIGN UP TODAY .

Sincerely yours,

COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION ·'ll/l/~- ""t/14?1H" Ir, ,,;/,M_r,.,:7/?./ es W. Rawso President

P.S. Six (6) valuable prizes, including a $100 gift certificate, wi 11 be awarded for attendance at the convention. C.0{07.aJo §', c:/l!{L[[in9 a nd '.J-ge.J f]:)e.afe'l.:i c;/f:i.j_ociation

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado, AComa 2-6490 Executive Secretary

,__ BULL EJ IN --:--:---:;--:----~~--.-----o-. w_. _ERI-KSE_N_J 3h3~ ~ Robert L. Wier /0.Jo/ ~~ January 6, 1961

* M E M O R A N D U M *

TO: ALL MEMBERS This is an urgent reminder to you about our 36th annual state convention, to

be held at the Denver Hilton Hotel February 19, 20 and 21, which we assure you wi 11

be one of the most outstanding conventions ever held. A terrific program is being

lined up for your enjoyment and information. The convention will include the wonderful fellowship Smoker and Buffet Sunday

evening for the men, and the dinner and fashion show for the ladies. Monday morning

will be devoted to a theme of 11 How to Survive in the Feed Industry." The Monday noon

luncheon will feature one of the top officials of the new national administration.

Monday afternoon there wi 11 be talks and discussions of vital interest to every man

in the grain industry. Monday evening features the always fabulous social hour and

banquet, with a surprise treat in the main course of the dinner, plus a sparkling

entertainment program and dancing. Tuesday morning, you wi 11 learn how to make more

money in the grain and feed business, concluded by the annual business meeting and

election of directors. We will send you the detailed program as soon as it is firm.

You will notice the program ends Tuesday noon, which means only TWO nights•

lodging this year. Enclosed is a brochure describing the new Hilton Hotel and a

reservation card so that you may make early reservations. Naturally, you may stay

at any hotel you wish, but wherever you stay, BE SURE TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS IN

PLENTY OF TIME, Conventionally yours, .j..._) • /} -.tu· :-, ...J.._) Qf.!"- ·· 1, ~ Bob Wier

~ ~1taui, 0fufiln~ a,nd, ~~d illQ.Ufelt.6 Cf-060<'ittli..on

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado


. ~ ,


: ;;.::r ·_.,., ),

. C·. •''•- i!i_;·.

: ~··

:,, .. , !.·j ! .. ! l. ·.' ··'.:.; {_., .. , ~iL. : :·i, 1961 CONVENTION ADVANCE REGISTRATION BLANK

TO: Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado

Pre-register the following persons from this firm for your Convention February 19 through 21 at the Hilton Hotel in Denver.

Fi rm ......

Address ......

l. Name ...... and .wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

2. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

3. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total l}. Mame ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

5. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total Check enclosed in the amount of$---- to cover above registrations. Date ------Signed ------Registration: Fee of $8.50 required for each man attending convention. No registration fee for wives, all tickets optional.

Women 1 s Program: Dinner and Fashion Show for ladies Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Free. Tickets included with registration.

Smoker: Sunday evening, Feb. 19, for men. Free. Tickets given with each regis­ tration.

Luncheon: Monday, February 20.

Dinner-Dance: Monday evening, Feb. 20. Tickets $5 each. Includes cocktail party. Flowers given to each lady attending dinner-dance. Dinner, entertainment by Taylor Trio and dancing.

Hotel Reservations: May be made through Association office or write directly to Denver Hi I ton Hotel, or any hotel of your choice. PROGflAM ---- 36th ANNUAL CONVENTION THE COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION February 19-20-21, 1961 Denver Hilton Hotel - Denver, Colorado SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 19 2:00-6:00 p.m .... Registration ...... •.. , ...... Hilton South Lobby. 2:00 p.m...... Di rectors Meeting ...... Gold Room. 2:30 p.m...... Resolutions Committee Meeting ...... Gold Room. 3:00 p.m...... Nominating Committee Meeting ...... Gold Room. 5:30 p.m...... Buffet-Smoker ...... Grand Ba 11 room #2. Courtesy Denver Feed & Grain Club. 5:30 p.m...... Ladies Dinner & Entertainment ...... Junior Ballroom #1. Featuring the "Mad Hatter", comedy hat show. Courtesy Evans Grain Co., Salina, Kansas. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8 :00 a .m. • ...... Registration ...... Hilton South Lobby. 9:00 a.m ...... Call to Order ...... Junior Ballroom, Pres. James Rawson. Invocation ...... •...... •...... Rev. Harvey Hollis. Welcome •...... Governor Stephen McNichols. 11 "Twelve Month Surnrner ••••••••••••••• 20-minute color film on dehydrating. Wayne Oxley, National Director. "Future of the Rctai I Feed Dealer" .. Dr. naymond J. Doi 1, Sr. Agricultural Economist, Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Mo. 11 "What Feeders expect of Feed Dealers ••• Geo. Reynolds, Pres., Colorado Cattle Feeders Assn., and Gerald Mack, turkey feeder. Attendance prize drawing and JS-minute coffee break. "Market Surveys" ...... Oak I ey Ray, Vice President, American Feed Manufacturers Association. "A new Concept in Feed Merchandising Facilities11 ... Richard Colvin, Outler Manufacturing Co. Attendance prize drawing. 12:30 p.m ••...... Luncheon ...... Grand Bal I room #2. Address ...... , .. , ...... (Top-Notch Speaker, to be announced.)

2:30 p.m ...... Cal I to Order ...... Junior 13al I room. Attendance prize drawing. Address ...... T.H. Anderson, Deputy Director, Commodity Stabilization Service, Kansas City, Mo. '~n Insider's Vie~• ...... Richard Schmidt, former Counsel for the Symington Committee investigating grain storage rates. Attendance prize drawing. 6:00 p.m ...... Social Hour ...... Assembly Rooms 2 & 3. ,,.,---.. . . Courtesy Denver Grain Exchange. 7:00 p.m: ...... - Q1nner Dance ...... Grand Ballroom. • ) Flowers courtesy Morton Salt Co. ( J Entertainment by Taylor Supper Club Trio, courtesy Ralston ,-,\ ~Ii/.. / .- ':--,_,, Purina Co., The Farr Co., lntermountain Elevator Co., /""....:.:.-_.i,\\ ) ( .,, -~t-·,_',i•. Simpson & Co., Farmers Union Terminal Elevator Co., "'( > ' -., ' '/ . ' ... --1 1 :1)-,: ··. • : '.::,1 , \::·~.._:._., Carg i 1 1 , Inc. , and Truckers Te rm i na I EI evator Co. r-·· \ C.i '/\ ~ ./ \ ' .. ·' Dancing to music of Mat Kramer's Orchestra, courtesy ,,..- .· _j \ \.- '- ' ,~· _,,/'\\ ,., Colorado Mi 11 ing & Elevator Co. ,,,...., j '·t CHA-CHM- CHt\ ~/ TUESDAY , FEBRUARY 21 9:30a.m .••...... Reconvene ...... Junior Ballroom #l Attendance prize drawing. Address ...... •...... W.L. Newsom, Garvey Elevators, Ft.Worth. "Safflower" ...... Joe Smith, Vice-President, Pacific Vegetable Oil Co. 11 11 Wheat Assessment Reporting ...... James Thornton, Executive Director, Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee. Annual business meeting and election of directors. Report of 4-H Club youths on grain marketing contest. Discussion of legislative and congressional problems. Awarding of $100 Gano Downs gift certificate. NOTE: There will be 28 exhibit booths for your patronage and attendance in the lobby area of the Hilton Hotel, directly behind the registration desk. COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION 519 Boston Building - Denver 2, Colorado - Phone: AC 2 .. 6490

James W. Rawson, President Robert L. Wier, Exec. Secretary

February 6, 1961

Dear Grain and Feed Dealer:

NOW IS THE TIME -- if you haven 1 t already done so -- to sign up for attendance at your exciting 36th annual con vention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association, at the Denver Hilton Hotel, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, February 19-21.

This is the one convention you won't want to miss, because of the important array of outstanding speakers, entertainment and exhibitors. You FEED MEN especially wi II want to attend this year, because the entire Monday morning session is devoted to techniques, methods, procedures and ways and means of how to survive in the feed business. DEHYDRATORS also should attend. GRAIN MEN certainly will get money-saving ideas at the Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning meetings, where expert researchers and market men will show you how to make or save money. The entertainment wi 11 fea­ ture a comedy hat show for the ladies, God bless 1 em (don 1 t forget to invite them!), a buffet-smoker, social hour, dinner dance and fabulous entertainment by the Taylor Supper Club Trio, the hottest entertainment group in Denver today.

And remember, you don't have to be a member to attend this convention. Keep in mind, also, that the convention time is somewhat shortened over previous years, with more essential information and fun packed into a day and a half.

Enclosed, for your convenience, is a copy of the program, an advance registration sheet and a pub 1 i city re 1ease. We hope, if you come to the convention, you wi 11 give this to your local newspaper the week before you leave. Be sure to fill in the blank spaces.

Everything is arranged. All that 1 s left now is for YOU TO BE HERE. SIGN UP TODAY.

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Six (6) valuable prizes, including a $100 gift certificate, will be awarded for attendance at the convention. /· / .?--t/

Co[o"l. a Jo § 't u. in , d1/( i [ fi n 9 an d '3-e-ed ~e. a f e."l. 1. dt1.j.ociation 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado, A C oma 2 -64 9 0 Exec ut ive Secretory

8 U L~J IN :-----:----=:;:----~-----o-. w_. ER-IKSE-N....J -:r- 3/'V/ ~ h iT~~/I -><-J""•,.., //)~ ~ Robert L. Wier ~ f • / r , ~~~ January 13, 1961 * M E M O R A N D U M * Gentlemen:

This is an urgent reminder to you about our 36th annual state convention, to

be held at the Denver Hilton Hotel February 19, 20 and 21, which we assure you will

be one of the most outstanding conventions ever held. A terrific program is being

lined up for your enjoyment and information.

The convention will include the wonderful fellowship Smoker and Buffet Sunday

evening for the men, and the dinner and fashion show for the ladies. Monday morning

will be devoted to a theme of "How to Survive in the Feed Industry." The Monday noon

luncheon wi 11 feature one of the top officials of the new national administration.

Monday afternoon there will be talks and discussions of vital interest to every man

in the grain industry. Monday evening features the always fabulous social hour and

banquet, with a surprise treat in the main course of the dinner, plus a sparkling

entertainment program and dancing. Tuesday morhing, you will learn how to make more

money in the grain and feed business, concluded by the annual business meeting end

election of directors. We will send you the detailed program as soon as it is firm.

You will notice the program ends Tuesday noon, which means only TWO nights•

lodging this year. Enclosed is a brochure describing the new Hilton Hotel and a

reservation card so that you may make early reservations. Naturally, you may stay

at any hotel you wish, but wherever you stay, BE SURE TO MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS rn


Conventionally yours, ~~·-fYdt Bob Wier

~ §lt(Ufl 1 ~ }Lfiln~ and ~ucl 9)...ufil'l6 (tMduli.on 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado

BULLETIN ()' fe> - ~ !~~· / 1' . 4. "7"~ COLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION 519 Boston Building - Denver 2, Colorado - Phone: AC 2-6490

James W. Rawson, President Robert L. Wier, Exec. Secretary

February 9, 1961

Dear Grain and Feed Dealer:

iJOW IS THE TI ME -- if you haven I t a I ready done so -- to sign up for attendance at the exciting 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Mil ling and Feed Dealers Association, at the Denver Hilton Hotel, Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, February 19-21.

This is the one convention you won't want to miss, because of the important array of outstanding speakers, entertainment and exhibitors. You FEED MEN especially wi II want to attend this year, because the entire Monday morning session is devoted to tech­ niques, methods, procedures and ways and means of how to survive in the feed business. DEHYDRATORS also should attend. GRAIN MEN certainly will get money-saving ideas at the Monday afternoon and Tuesday morning meetings, where expert researchers and market men will show you how to make or save money. The entertainment wi II feature a comedy hat show for the ladies, God bless 'em (don't forget to invite them!), a buffet-smoker, social hour, dinner dance and fabulous entertainment by the Taylor Supper Club Trio, the hottest entertainment group in Denver today.

And remember, you don't have to be a member to attend this convention. Keep in mind, also, that the convention time is somewhat shortened over previous years, with more essential information and fun packed into a day and a half.

Enclosed, for your convenience, is a copy of the program and an advance registration sheet.

Everything is arranged. All that's left now is for YOU TO BE HERE. SIGN UP I.Q.Qfil:..

Sincerely yours,


P.S. Six (6) valuable prizes, including a $100 gift certificate, will be awarded for attendance at the convention. 1961 CONVENTION ADVANCE REGISTRATION BLANK

TO: Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado

Pre-register the following persons from this firm for your Convention February 19 through 21 at the Hilton Hotel in Denver.

Fi rm .•.••.•...... - ...•.•..•...... •.....•...... , .•...•

Address ...... l. Name ...... and.wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

2. Name ...... , ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

3. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

L~. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

5, Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each (} Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total Check enclosed in the amount of$---- to cover above registrations. Date ------Signed ------Registration: Fee of $8.50 required for each man attending convention. No registration fee for wives, all tickets optional.

Women's Program: Dinner and Fashion Show for ladies Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Free. Tickets included with registration.

Smoker: Sunday evening, Feb. 19, for men. Free. Tickets given with each regis­ tration.

Luncheon: Monday, February 20.

Dinner-Dance: Monday evening, Feb. 20. Tickets $5 each. Includes cocktail party. Flowers given to each lady attending dinner-dance. Dinner, entertainment by Taylor Trio and dancing.

Hotel Reservations: May be made through Association office or write directly to Denver Hilton Hotel, or any hotel of your choice. PROGRAM---- 36th ANNUAL CONVE NTION THE ~OLORADO GRAIN, MILLING AND FEED DEALERS ASSOCIATION February 19-20-21, 1961 Denver Hilton Hotel - Denver, Colorado SUMDAY, FEBRUARY I 9 2:00-6:00 p.m .... Registration ...... Hilton South Lobby. 2:00 p.m...... Di rectors Meeting ...... Gold Room. 2:30 p.m...... Resolutions Committee Meeting ...... Gold Room. 3:00 p .rn...... Nominating Committee Meeting ...... Gold Room. 5:30 p.m...... Buffet-Smoker ...... Grand Ba I I room #2. Courtesy Denver Feed & Grain Club. 5:30 p.m...... Ladies Dinner & Entertainment ...... Junior Ballroom # 1. Featuring the 11 Mad Hatter", comedy hat show. Courtesy Evans Grain Co., Salina, Kansas. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 20 8:00 a.m .•...... Registration ...... Hi I ton South Lobby. 9:00 a.m ...... Call to Order ...... Junior Ballroom, Pres. James Rawson. Invocation ...... Rev. Harvey Ho I Ii s. Welcome ...... Governor Stephen McNichols. "Twelve Month Summer•• ...... 20-minute color fi Im on dehydrating. Wayne Oxley, National Di rector. 11 Future of the Rctai I Feed Dealer" .. Or. Raymond J. Dol I, Sr. Agricultural Economist, Federal Reserve Bank, Kansas City, Mo. 11 11 What Feeders expect of Feed Dealers ••• Geo. Reynolds, Pres., Colorado Cattle Feeders Assn., and Gerald Mack, turkey feeder. Attendance prize drawing and 15-minute coffee break. "Market Surveys" ...... Oakley Ray, Vice President, American Feed Manufacturers Association. 11 11A new Concept in Feed Merchandising Facilities ••• Richard Colvin, Cutler Manufacturing Co. Attendance prize drawing. 12:30 p.m ...... Luncheon ...... Grand Ballroom #2. Address ...... (Top-t~otch Speaker, to be announced.)

2:30 p.m ...... Call to Order ...... Junior Dall room. Attendance prize drawing. Address ...... T.H. Anderson, Deputy Director, Commodity Stabilization Service, Kansas City, Mo. 11An Insider's View" ...... Richard Schmidt, former Counsel for the Symington Committee investigating grain storage rates. Attendance prize drawing. 6:00 p.m ...... Social Hour ...... Assembly Rooms 2 & 3. ,,,,.---.. Courtesy Denver Grain Exchange.

7:00 p.m : •••••• >:,~inner Dance ...... Grand Bal I room. 1 / Flowers courtesy Morton Salt Co. \ / Entertainment by Taylor Supper Club Trio, courtesy Ralston /'· i '.(i" ..---:;--,., , Purina Co., The Farr Co., lntermountain Elevator Co., 4 /".-...:.:-.)... \.. ,. ) ( · , .....'k. 'i'·,'-.. ,. Simpson & Co., Farmers Union Terminal Elevator Co., :r :')t( .. ·\~ .._,. //j r\ \.~~:.:::?" ~argi 11 , I ~c. , and Truckers Termi na I EI evator Co. r:: i ,.,, A J..-- 1 \_ ' -·· \ Dancing to music of Mat Kramer 1 s Orchestra, courtesy .: : ; i-'-' ,_ / · ,\'. _,/\ \ , Colorado Mi 11 ing & Elevator Co. ,-,w,,,,.__, .. ,,,..- -.,. ,. ' v fr' j ,,--CHA-CHM- CHA TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 21 9:30, a.m ...... Reconvene ...... Junior Ballroom # 1 Attendance prize drawing. Address ...... ',/.L. Mewsom, Garvey Elevators, Ft.Worth. 11 11 Safflower ••••••••••••••••••••••••• Joe Smith, Vice-President, Pacific Vegetable Oil Co. 11 "Wheat Assessment Reporting ...... James Thornton, Executive Director, Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee. Annual business meeting and election of directors. Report of 4-H Club youths on grain marketing contest. Discussion of legislative and congressional problems. Awarding of $100 Gano Downs gift certificate. NOTE: There will be 28 exhibit booths for your· patronage and attendance in the lobby area of the Hilton Hotel, directly behind the registration desk. 3~-@ tf cf - ;,+o ,./ t?~-~ PRESS RELEASE

FROM: Bob Wier, Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colo.

Denver, Colo.--(Special)--More than 500 delegates are expected to attend

the 36th annual convention of the Colorado Grain, Milling and Feed Dealers Associ­

ation at the Denver Hilton Hotel February 19-21.

Registration wi 11 open Sunday, Feb. 19 at 2:00 p.rn. followed by a buffet­

smoker for the men Sunday evening and a dinner and comedy hat show for the lady

delegates. Mrs. Robert Harrison of Wheatridge, known as 11 The Mad Hatter", will

present her famous show on v.omen 1 s funny hats.

Monday will feature talks by Dr. Raymond J. Doll, senior economist for the

Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City; George Reynolds, president of the Colorado

Cattle Feeders Ass'n., and Gerald Mack of Lyons, Colo., a poultry feeder.

Also on the Monday program will be Oakley Ray, vice president of the American

Feed Manufacturers' Ass 1 n., and Dick Colvin, national accounts manager of the Butler

Manufacturing Co. A color film on alfalfa dehydrating will be one of the highlights

of the meeting, with Wayne Oxley of Wiley, a director of the American Dehydrators


The theme of the Monday morning session is 11 How to Survive in the Feed


Monday afternoon, Feb. 20, will feature talks by T.H. Anderson, deputy direc­

tor of the Commodity Stabilization Service of Kansas City, and Richard Schmidt,

former counsel for the Symington senate subcommittee investigating grain storage

rates. Schmidt will talk on an "Insider's View" of the storage rate hearings.

James Thornton, director of the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee, will also

talk. A social hour, banquet and dance will be held Monday night, with entertain-

ment by the Taylor Supper Club Trio.

Tuesday morning, Feb. 21, W.L. Newsom of the Garvey Elevators of Fort Worth,

will give a talk on costs and profits, and Joe Smith, vice president of the Pacific

Vegetable Oi I Co., wi I l talk on storage and uses of Safflower as a feedstuff.

Dean Saffer of Arriba, and James Free of Montrose, winners of the Colorado

Grain and Feed Dealers 4-H Club grain marketing contest, will give a report on their

trip to Chicago. The meeting will be climaxed by the Association's annual business

meeting and election of five new directors.

######## .. Cofo'f.ado §', .:::::A.l(i[[ln9 and 9-eed :L)e.afe:u. dt1.j_ociation

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado, AComa 2-6490 Execut ive Secretary

,__ BULL ET IN ------:=;---;----::~-~-----o-.w_. E_R,_KSE_N__J 561/ e a¥ _ Robert L. Wier

C O N V E N T I O N E X T R A $. I b ,9.) 20, 1961

Dear Members end Friends - - Well, the big shindig is just about ready for your enjoyment and profit. About all there is left to do is for you, and all of you, to sign up today and BE THERE. Your 36th annual convention will be held at the Denver Hilton Hotel Sunday, Monday and Tues­ day, February 19, 20 and 21, with a scintillating program of fun, fellowship and informa­ tion, which wi 11 show you how to make more money.

Registration wi 11 start at 2 p.m. Sunday on the lobby floor. The fee is only $8.50 for the guys; the ladies are registered free. The men's smoker starts at 5:30 and as you guys who have attended in the past know, this is one of the fun highlights of the convention. Those of you who haven't attended won't want to miss this event. It includes beer and coffee and a delicious buffet dinner. This is free to all who are registered. At the same time, your ladies wi 11 be entertained with either a show and demonstration on DuPont's new miracle fabrics, or a comedy show of the si Iii est women 1 s hats in the world, staged by the famous "Mad Hatter. 11 This is the funniest show the ladies have ever seen. Fancy dinner, too~ Monday morning will feature a 20-minute film called 11 The Twelve-Month Summer", pre­ pared by the American Dehydrators Association, which wi 11 be of terrific interest to every dehydrator in the region. This wi 11 be followed by a talk by Raymond Doll, agri­ cultural specialist of the Federal Reserve Board of Kansas City, on "How to Survive in the Feed Business 11 , which is the main theme of the Monday morning meeting. Following this wi 11 be a panel discussion by George Reynolds, president of the Coloradb Cattle Feeders Ass'n., and Gerald Mack, widely-known Colorado poultry feeder, on what feeders expect from their feed dealers. This discussion will be followed by a talk by Oakley Ray, vice president of the American Feed Manufacturers Ass'n., dlong the main theme of the meeting. It wi II be climaxed by a talk by an expert in the feed machinery business, who will explain what you need in the way of equipment to improve your serv i ces and make more money. A question and answer period will follow.

At the Monday noon luncheon, we had hoped to have the new Secretary of Agriculture, Orville Freeman, or one of his assista~ts, but this does not look too hopeful at this time. But you can be sure we wi 11 have an outstanding speaker.

Monday afternoon's meeting will include talks by T. H. Anderson, deputy direttor of Commodity Stabilization Service in Kansas City, on the grain storage situation, and · Richard Schmidt, who was the attorney for the Senate Investigating Committee last year, studying grain storage rates. He wi 11 give you the inside story of the rate negotiations. A question and answer period wi 11 be available. James Thorntbn, of the Colorado Wheat Administrative Committee, wi 11 explain to you in detail the proposed new method of col­ lecting and reporting the L}-mill wheat assessment, ~vhich affects every grain elevator.

Monday evening will feature the usual, fabulous cockta i 1 party with music, enter­ tainment and flowers for the ladies, beginning at 5:30. The banquet this year will fea­ ture a surprise delicacy that some of you have never enjoyed before, followed by a ter­ rific entertainment by the Taylor Trio from the Taylor Supper Club, with an entirely new and sparkling show. Don't miss this, because as you realize, it's outstanding! Dancing in the grand ballroom follows. No doubt, there wi 11 be some hospitality rooms available.

~ §1tau1., 011.ttn~ a,nd, ~iud, illeaf12 'L6 ctoociu,{w,n

519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado


Tuesday morning you will hear a talk by Mr. W. L. Newsom, from Garvey Elevator$ cf Fort Worth, Texas, who made several valuable talks on costs and profits in the g'i-a(~---.:..:..,..-~~·-· business at Texas Cost .conferences. You wi 11 also hear a brand nevi feature this year on raising and marketing: ~afflo~er' by •a representative of the Pacific Vegetable Oi J .Co. Dean Saffer and James, fr~i:'-wifmers of your annuf!l 4-H Club grain marketing contest, \;,i: 11 ::·, , .give you a brief -report o~ thei·( trip to Chicago :to study grain marketing procepures at the Ch1cago Board of Trade. · · ·

The convention will be . climaxed by the annual business meeting and election of directors. There are several important problems to be discussed at the annual meeting, $0. don•t miss this~ Two valuable door prizes wi 1.1 be awarded for attendance at each of the three main meetings, climaxed ·by the annual $100 gift certificate. ·~' : And don•t forget to ,Ml~it all of the interestin~ ~*hfbit booths next to the conven ~ _tion hall.

N OW, DOESN 1 T THAT S'.::UND l .lKE A WONDER.FU_l PR,OGRAM YOU WON'T WANT TO MISS??? ...... And, bear in mind that this year you may atte~d th~ conv~ntiorr at less cost, because you wi 11 need lodging for · oAly two nights. We previously sent you a hotel reservation card ---the sooner you return this c·ai-d,- the b~tter choice of rooms you wi 11 have . .' And re­ member, too, your conven~ion expenses are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. Enclo~ed you will find an advance registration blank whi°cti ,_'we hope ,you will fi 11 out and return NOW. Advance registration saves you both tirneand frustrat:iqr:_i. Please send it in right away.

Incidentally, Mat Rodn~y, of Fort Morgan, chairman of the- Risolutions Committ~e , wants to hear from anyone who _has a suggestion or i'dec1 to, present to the committ;;e.


It is essential that your associat:on office be advised quickly how many of y 8u plan to attend the National Grain and F.eed Dealers Conventiqp- in Washington, D.C . Mai·c:,1 22-24, so that we .may make advance arrangements for receptions and delegates I ta.b Jes ·at the Congressional banquet. We have already received notice of six members planning to attend and we would like to know if :you also plan to attend. Please call or drop us '~"­ postcard. We would like to have a large delegation from Colorado.

Conventionally yours,

::__--< ·;/, ...... ,.___ - - I~\/~ ­ I . ~d\,ir._ ~ ~ - \ '\/ . ,;( '~:7- • • t ~ "--- } ' I I ~ 1961 CONVENTION ADVANCE REGISTRATION BLANK

TO: Colorado Grain, Mi I ling and Feed Dealers Association 519 Boston Building, Denver 2, Colorado

Pre-register the following persons from this firm for your Convention February 19 through 21 at the Hilton Hotel in Denver.

Fi rm ......

Address ...... , ..

I. Name ...... •...... and.wife? .... () Registration-$8,50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

2. Name ...... •...... and wife? .... () Registration-$8,50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

3. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

L}, Name ...... •...... and wife? .... () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total

5. Name ...... and wife? ... . () Registration-$8.50 each () Luncheon Tickets February 20-$3 each () Banquet Tickets, February 20-$5 each Total Check enclosed in the amount of $____ to cover above registrations. Date ______Signed ______

Registration: Fee of $8.50 required for each man attending convention. No registration fee for wives, all tickets optional.

Women 1 s Program: Dinner and Fashion Show for ladies Sunday evening, Feb. 19. Free. Tickets included with registration.

Smoker: Sunday evening, Feb. 19, for men. Free. Tickets given with each regis­ tration.

Luncheon: Monday, February 20.

Dinner-Dance: Monday evening, Feb. 20. Tickets $5 each. Includes cocktail party. Flowers given to each lady attending dinner-dance. Dinner, entertainment by Taylor Trio and dancing.

Hotel Reservations: May be made through Association office or write directly to Denver Hi !ton Hotel, or any hotel of your choice. .,.



FEBRUARY 19 20 21

Loren Aber Hayden Grain Co. Hayden, Colo.

Bi 11 Adams Colo. Pump & Supply Co. Denver, Colo.

B • L. Adorne i t The Pillsbury Co. Minneapolis, Minn.

Art Allis Nopco Chemical Co. Salt Lake City, Ut ah

DinkAllen Sweetwater Cotton Oi I Co. Sweetwater, Texas

Donald Anderson Anderson Elevator Jaroso, Colorado

R. H. Anderson Wheat Be lt Supply & Service, Inc. Co 1by, Kansas

C. O. Arnold Industrial Fumigant Fort Worth, Texas

Bob August Pueblo Elevators, Inc. Denver, Co lo.

P.A."Arch" Archambault Arch Sales Company Denver, Colo.

W.F."Bi 11 11 Archambault Arch Sales Campany Denver, Colo.

Ear 1 Auten The Barteldes Seed Co. Denver, Colo .

J. O. Bain Morton Salt Company Denver, Colo.

Car 1 L. Backes Longmont Seed Company Longmont, Colo.

Boyd Bailey Bailey Brokerage Company Denver , Co 1o .

E. w. Baker C. K. Brown & Associates Denver, Colo.

B.E."Bark" Barker Walsh Grain Company Walsh, Colo.

Joe Bartcher Medora Grain, Inc. Hutchinson, Kans.

John Basey Basey Grain Company Denver, Colo.

Thomas Basgall Scott City Grain Co., Inc. Scott City, Kans.

Walter Baucum Sweetwater Cotton Oil Co . Sweetwater, Texas

Bob Benjamin Agate Elevator Agate, Colo.

Bob Benton Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. Denver, Co lo.

Ray S. Berger Excel lo Commodities, Inc . Denver, Colo .

John R. Berry Farr-Wyoming Company Torrington, Wyo.

William L. Benner Terrell Grain Company Kit Carson , Colo.

Lee Bi 11 stone H. E. Wi l son & Comp any, Inc. El Paso, Texas Russ Black Morton Salt Company Denver, Colo. Wi 11 i am L. BI i ck Roggen Farmers Elevator Assn. Roggen, Colo.

Floyde D. Boone Olathe Elevator, Inc. 01 a the, Colo.

Dick Borders Snell Grain Company Genoa, Colo.

Floyd B. Borders Snell Grain Company Stratton, Colo.

J. H. Boyersmith Technical Consulting & Service, Inc. Wichita, Kans.

Donald Boyken Aer-Vac, Inc. Mason City, Iowa

James Brancucci Royal Chemical Company Denver, Colo . Page 2 01 i ver E. Brees Farmers Union Co-op. of Lindbergh Pine Bluffs, Wyo.

E. H. Brown Gilcrest Feed & Elevator Gi !crest, Colo.

Scott R. Brown, Jr. Brownie Mfg. Co., Box 32 Waverly, Nebraska

Scott R. Brown, Sr. Brownie Mfg. Co., Box 32 Waverly, Nebraska

E. F. Broyles Ault Grain & Bean Elevator Co. Ault, Colo.

Jake O. Broyles Colorado-Kansas Seed Co. Lamar, Colo.

Helmut Brunner Northern Feed & Grain Co. Gi I I, Colo.

James Buckner, Jr. Industrial Molasses Co . Denver, Colo.

Charles Burns Basey Grain Company Oen ve r , Co Io ;

Clayton Burton Mueller Grain Company Good I and, Kans.

Le I and M. Busch Lexington Mi II & Elevator Co. Lexington, Nebr.

M. F. Dusch Albers Milling Company Ft . Lupton, Colo.

U Gene G. Brown Snell Grain Company Stratton, Colo .

Vaughn H. Cable Selco Supply Company Eaton, Colorado

Wi ! lard Cantin Equity Union Grain Co.-Board of Trade Kansas City, Mo.

Marshall Carpenter Hegman, Inc. -506 Grain Exchange Minneapolis, Minn.

LI oyd Car 1son Carlson Brokerage & Sales Co. Greeley, Colo.

Jim Carney lees-Carney & Company -913 Lewis Bldg. Portland, Oregon

David Case Koller Grain Company Minden, Nebr .

Tom Casey Fulton-Denver Co., Box 5127 TA Denver , Colo.

R.E. Casselman Peetz Farmers Co-op. Elevator Peetz, Colo.

W. T. Chafee Ralston Purina Co. Denver, Colo.

J. Floyd Chance Gooch Mi I I Lincoln, Nebr .

Dale H. Chapman Anderson-Thompson, Inc., Box 917 Lamar , Co Io .

D. L. "Doc" Chase Colo . Mi I ling & Elevator Co. Denver, Colo.

Gwyne Chartier A-C-E Supply & Equipment Co. Sa 1 i na, Kans .

Harris K. Clark Jarvis Construction Co. Salina, Kans .

L. J. Clark Briggsdale Farmers Co-op . Elevator Briggsdale, Colo.

Norm Clayton Morton Salt Company, 470 S. 13th E. Salt Lake City, Utah

George Close Dow Chemical Co., 1430 Moline Aurora, Colo.

J. C. Cloud The Smoot Grain Co. Sa 1 i na, Kans.

Melvin Clough Holyoke Cooperative Assn. Holyoke, Colo .

Gene Coats Vy-Lactos Laboratories Des Moines, Iowa

C. Curtis Coffey Truckers Terminal Elevator, Inc. Denver, Colo.

Larry Coffey Ou Pont Co. , I 649 Post Dr i ve Omaha, Nebr.

A. R. Cohen Sun 1and Mi 11 s Denver, Colo .

Ray Co 11 en Oannen Mi !ls, Inc., 6350 Brighton Denver, Co lo. Donley Cronkhite Cronkhite Grain Co. Haswel I, Colo. Page 3

R.O. "Dick" Colvin Butler Mfg . Co., 7400 E. 13th Kansas City, Mo.

Delbert A. Conover Akron Co-op. Elevator Akron, Colo. l_t!V 1-1 ~ Ce/vii/1;?4., L(;q ff. CNA.IS'LL-- ~ ,e"' /AJ Cd_ r)gkJv~ Hugh H. Cortney Olsen Grain Company, Box 141 Kimbal I, Nebr.

Harry Couns i I Northrup, King & Co., Box 2328 Denver, Colo.

Lindsay Cox Screw Conveyor Corp., 1543 N. Mosley Wi ch r ta, Kansas.

Curtis H. Craig Albers Mil ling Co., Box 342 Fort Lupton, Colo.

R. J. Crawford Grain Merchants, Inc., 352 N. Broadway Wichita, Kans.

Arthur Creten, Jr. Kansas Grain Inspection, 801 Harrison Topeka, Kans.

Gene Crist Morton Chemical Co. w~ chi ta, Kahs.

R. I. Cross Santa Fe Railway Co . Amari I lo, Texas

Vernon L. Dahl Denver Flour Mills Co. Denver, Colo.

Dick Dalton Butler Mfg. Co., 1214 Elm St. Longmont, Co lo .

Sam A. Darrough Lincoln CGF Grain Co., 925 Terminal Bldg. Lincoln 8, Nebr. R.S. 11 Bob" Davis Simpson & Company Colo. Springs, Colo. Bi II Davison Butler-Welch Grain Co. Omaha, Nebr.

Ke i th C. Deaver Colton Grain Sidney, Nebr.

John DeMers DeMers & Son Sunol, Nebr.

I van Do 11 ar Walston & Co . Denver, Colo.

Garrett B. Dudden Dudden Elevator, Inc . Venango, Nebr.

Ken Dunham Thompson-Hayward Chemical Co. 1501 W. 13th Ave. Denver, Colo.

T. E. Duncan Jack' s Bean Company Fort Morgan, Colo.

Don Dunn The Carey Salt Co., 623 S. Grant Ft. Collins, Colo.

T. J. 11 Bud 11 Dwyer Morton Salt Co., 6175 The Paseo Kansas City, Mo.

William S. Edwards Feed Products, Inc. Denver, Colo.

J :::i hn Egan Wiggins Farmers Co-op. Elevator Co. Wiggins, Colo.

Adrian Ehernberger Fort Morgan Mi !Is Ft. Morgan, Colo.

De I EI Ii s Colorado Milling & Elevator Co. Denver, Colo.

Elmer Ellis Haigler Co-op . Equity Exchange Haigler, Nebr.

A. F. Esgar Tempel & Esgar, Inc . Wiley, Colorado

Wayne Fager I und Snell Grain Co. Flagler, Colo.

Ross Farnsworth Cargil I, Incorporated Longmont, Colo.

Ben R. Ferguson Dodgen Industries, 4677 Lafayette St. Denver, Colo.

D. O. Ferris Colorado Scale Co., 1020 Carr St. Lakewood, Colo.

George Fleming Farm Chemical Co., Box 697 Longmont, Colo.

C. W. Fletcher Continental Grain Co . , Box 1841 Amarillo, Texas

Connie Fliginger Cargill, Inc., 514 Benson Bldg. Sioux City, Iowa

Irv Forsberg Fred Forsberg & Sons, Inc. Thief River Falls, Minn.

Cloyd Fox Alexander Grant & Co . Denver, Colo. Page 4

Harmon Fu I ton Denver, Colo.

A. H. Fuhrman Burrus Mi !Is, Inc., JO GO Board of Trade Kansas City, Mo.

E. P. Fredricks Cook-Fredricks & Co., Lewis Bldg. Portland, Oregon

A. F. Gamble Farmers Union Marketing Assn. Denver, Colo.

James B. Gammon Dannen Mills, Inc., Box 6705 Denver, Colo.

Neal Garner Plains Coop. Qi I Mill, Box 509 Lubbock, Texas

Dwight Gaston South Eastern Colo. Co-op. Ho J l y , Colo .

J . S. Geise I , Jr. Geisel Grain Co., 1432 Board of Trade Kansas City, Mo.

Herb Geseki ng Hopkins Elevator Palisade, Nebr.

Ivan E. Getman Ranch-Way Feed Mills Co. Ft. Collins, Colo.

M. M. Gi I I ham Peetz Farmers Co-op. Elevator Peetz, Colo.

Armond Goodman Goodman Grain & Seed, Inc. Akron, Colo.

John Goodwi 11 Lystad's Exterminators & Fumigators 548 Crestridge Rd. Omaha, Nebr.

Tom Grace Kimball County _Grain Co-op. Kimbal I, Nebr.

Jerry Gray Hot Spot Detector, Inc. #5 Eastborough Rd. Sa I i na, Kans.

Newton A. Gray Truckers Terminal Elevator, Inc. Denver, Colo.

Bruce Hagemeister Hagemeister~s, Inc. Hemingford, Nebr.

Rex Hagemeister Hagemeister Grain Co. Crawford, Nebr.

Terry Hal I Hal I Grain Co., 101 W. R.R. Akron, Colo.

R. D. Hardin Great Western Sugar Company Denver, Co lo.

Earle Harding Hess Grain Driers, 713 S. 84th St. Omaha, Meb r .

Flint Harding Cargi J J, Inc. Denver, Colo.

Dale Hargrove Seibert Equity Co-op. Seibert, Colo.

J. C. Harley Stockton Elevators, Box 1566 Stockton, Calif.

Melvin B. Harms Harms Grain Co., Box 358 Cheyenne Wells,Colo.

Gale Harold Stauffer Chemical Co., 3595 Grape Denver, Colo.

Thomas P. Ha 1 I Hall Grain Co. Akron, Colo.

Hersch Harrison Snell Grain Co. Arriba, Colo.

R. K. Hart Hart Grain Co., 448 - 16th St. Greeley, Colo.

Delbert Hawkins Peetz Farmers Co-op. Elevator Peetz, Colo.

Dav id F. Hawkinson Morrison-Quirk Grain Corp. Hastings, Nebr.

Ken Hammi 11 Oasey Grain Co. Denver, Colo.

John Heitz Lamar Flour Mills Co. Lamar , Co 1o .

Elwood Henderson Lloyd Morrison, 904 Seneca Sa J i na, Kansas

Leonard R. Henderson Gilbert Meats Grain Co. Craig, Colo.

Gene Higgason Bartlett & Company Good i and, Kans. Page 5

Joe Hickenbottom Gooch Milling Co., Box 1545 Sterling, Colo.

J. O. Hibbard Research Products Co., 625 E. Crawford Sa 1 i na, Kans.

E. D. Hock Simpson & Company, 201 w. Colorado Colo. Springs , Colo . LI oyd Hodges Hodges-Kinnie Grain Co. Julesburg, Colo .

Charl es W. Holdren Jackson Grain Co. Syracuse, Kans .

Chuck Holmquist Holmquist Elevator Co., 431 Grain Ex. Omaha, Nebr .

Bert Hopkins Hopkins Elevator Palisade, Mebr.

Joe Hudson Harmack Grain Co. Platner, Col o .

Jack Hughes Earl A. Hogan Co., 833 Board of Trade Kansas City, Mo.

Ray Humble Morton Salt Company Denver, Colo.

W. L. Hutchings Denver Grain Exchange Denver, Colo.

Frank Jaros, Jr. Jaros Coal & Grain Co., 638 South Ave. Grand Junction, Colo.

Chuck Johnson Lystad's Pest Control & Fumigation McCook , Mebr.

Harold W. Johnson Ranch -~ay Feed Mills Co. Ft . Collins, Colo .

Roge r K. Johnson Hart Grain Company Greel ey, Colo.

W. O. Johnson Denve r-Be ll Grain Co., 008 Empire Bldg. Denve r, Colo.

John H. Johntz Garvey Grain Co. Wichita, Kans .

He rschel Katchen Mountain States Mixed Feed Co . Denver, Colo .

Harry Kanatzar Rocky Mountain Bag Co., 2 So. Je rsey Denve r, Colo.

H. M. Keener Simpson & Company Li men , Co 1o.

John Keenen Monte Vista Flour Mills Monte Vista, Colo.

Kenneth Kerr Rocky Mountain Bag Co., 2 So . Jersey Denver, Colo.

Joe Ke I logg Kellogg Grain Company Denver, Colo.

Otha E. Key Pla ins Co-op . Oi I Mill; Box 509 Lubbock, Texas

Wm. H. Kieser, Jr. Feed Products, Inc. Denver, Colo.

Wm. H. Kieser, Sr. Feed Products, Inc. Denver , Colo .

Wayne Ki le Upland Grain Co., Box 38 Upland , Nebr .

Wi 11 iam Ki I gore Ralston Purina Company Denver, Colo.

Bob Kissi ck Ge is Ir ri gation Co : , Inc. Hutchinson, Kans.

Milton Klint Morrison-Quirk Grain Corp. Hastings, Nebr .

J . M. Know I es Vilas Grain Co. Vi 1as, Co Io.

Hubert Kohlmeier Yuma Farmers M & M Co-op. Co. Yuma, Colo.

E. L. Ko I ars Kolars Grain Co. Be 11 a ire, Kans.

M. E. Koon t z Amherst Cooperative Elevator , Inc. Amherst, Colo.

Clyde F. Krause Supply Service, Inc., Box 73 Hutchinson, Kans.

Lee Kraxberger Snell Grain Co. Hugo, Colo.

John Kriss John Kriss Farms Co I by , Kans . Page 6

Fred V. Kroeger Farmers Supply Co . , Box 1090 Durango, Colo .

Keith C. Kvasnick Arriba Grain & Feed Co., Inc. Arriba, Colo.

B. W. Larson Kimball, Nebraska

D. E. Lawson American Cyanamid Co., Box 238 North Platte, Nebr.

Al Laybourn Simpson, Laybourn, Miller & Stark Sal i na, Kans .

Fe I ix LcB I anc Peetz Farmers Elevator Peetz , Colo .

CI arence Lebsack Lebsack I s Feed & Seed, Inc. , Box 832 Sterling, Colo.

Haro Id Le Platt Monte Vista Flour Mills Monte Vista, Colo.

Harlan Lewis Gartlett and Company, Oox 213 Yuma, Colorado

Howard P. Lindfors Lindfors Farmers El evator, Inc . Strasburg , Colorado

Glenn Light May Valley Elevator May Valley, Colo.

Leon R. Lambert J.O. Ehrsam & Sons Mfg. Co. 13070 Willow Lane Golden, Colorado

John L. Lindsay, Jr. Smith-Douglass Co., Dox 1571 Te xas City , Texas

Gordon Link McPherson Terminal Elevator Co. McPherson, Kansas

Ken Lloyd Walsto" & Company Denver , Colo .

Di ck Logsdon Grain Dealers Mutual Insurance Co. Denver, Colo.

Don Lueck McKe sson & Robbins Denve r, Colo.

W. 0. Luehring Hi- Plains Elev. Machinery Co., Box 825 Salina, Kansas

Ham Lynch J. Lynch & Co., Box JO GO Sal i na, Kansas

\./i 11 i am Lyons Mi tsu i & Co., Ltd., 204 Board of Trade Portland , Oregon

Clarance Maack Kanorado Co-op. Kanorado, Kansas

Leroy Magnuson Evans Grain Company, Ooard of Trade Sa Ii na, Kansas

J. K. Malo Jntermountain Elevator Co. Denve r, Colorado

John F. Malo lntermountain Elevator Co. Denver, Colorado

Jud Manning Colo. Pump & Supply Co., S60 5 . Lipan Denver, Colorado

Jim Marsh Terminal Grain Co., nox 323 Grand Island, Nebr.

Jack Marty Cancroft-Marty Feed Co. Trinidad, Colorado

Roy T. Mason Stauffer Chemical Co., 636 Calif. St . San Francisco, Calif.

Charles W. Mattingly Carey Salt Co ., 1708 Maplewood Pueblo, Colorado

F. E. Mcclenahan Produce rs Grain Co., In c ., Box 717 Grant, nebraska

Everett L. McConnell Haxtun Farmers Co-op . Elevator, Box 97 Haxtun, Colorado

Dale R. McDonald Sterling Alfalfa Products, Inc., Box 162 Sterling, Colorado

Lester R. McDonald McDonalds Elevator , Box (,5 Santanta, Kansas

Rex M. McCullough Ameri can Cyanamid Co., Box 596 Denver, Colorado

Knox McDaniel Leslie Salt Co . , 17 8 W. 3rd So. Salt Lake City, Utah

Morris McElrath Lubbock Cot ton Oi l Co. , Oox I l C, I Lubbock, Texas Page 7

Keene McGa 11 i ard Ke! 1099 Grain Co., Box 906 1 Denver, Colo.

Dave McGee Golden West Mi !ling Co., Oox 478 Longmont, Colorado

S. A. McMaster, Jr. McMaster Grain Co. Sioux City, Iowa

Fred L. Merri 11 Wichita Flour Mi !ls, 701 E. 17th Wichita, Kansas

Merel T. Meyer Meyer Oros. Hatcheries, Sox 1528 Greeley, Colorado

James Mi I burn Mi !burn, Inc., 2025 S. Hol Jy Denver, Colorado

Bob Mi 1 ler Simpson, Laybourn, Mi 1 !er & Stark Sa I i na, Kansas

Donald D. Millikan C-G-F Salina Elevator, Box 192 Sa I i na, Kansas

Charles Mi 1 ler Colorado Mi !ling & Elevator Co. Denver, Colorado

Evan Mi I !er Mi Iler Elevator Co. Bennett, Colorado

Me r 1 i n W. Mi I 1s Archer-Daniels-Midland Co., 618 Gm. Exh. Omaha, Nebraska

Dick Minnick Limon Co-op. Exchange, Box 545 Limon, Colorado

Ray Mon roe Monroe Grain Aeration Co., 707 S. Main Hutchinson, Kansas

\.Im. J. Moon Kellogg Grain Co. , Box 9061 Denver, Colorado

Donald M. Moore Bertrand Elevators, Inc. Monume nt, Kansas

Howard Moo re Hodges - Kinnie Grain Co. Julesburg, Colo.

George L. Morche Geo. L. Morche Grain Co., Wi Icy Bldg. Hutchinson, Kans.

0. \.I . Morris Ho 1 I ywood Termite Cont ro 1 Co. 938 N. Eastern Ave. Los Angel es, Calif.

Jay Murdy Dr. Salsbury's Labora tories, 1118 W. Oak, Ft. Collins, Colo.

Harry 0. Nachtigall Southeastern Colorado Co-op. Ho 11 y, Col or ado

R. L. i·leet Rocky Mountain Brokerage, [3ox JOSI Gree ley, Colorado

J. A. t~ e 1son Peetz Farmers Coop. El evator Peetz, Colorado

Id. L. Newsom Garvey Elevators, Inc., [3ox 945 Ft. Worth, Te xas

Si 11 !Jeverve Consumers Co-op. Assn., 1270 South Forest, Den ver, Colo.

W. C. f'l i cho 1s Morrison Grain Co ., Inc., Gox 1087 Sa Ii na, Kansas

[3e rn a rd Ni c ke I Mi c ke I Gr a i n , Inc . Axte ll, Ne braska

Robert T. Nic kel i,!icke l Grain , Inc. Ax tel I, tleb raska

[3ob Nolan Cargi II, Inc., 731 Grain Exchange Omaha, Neb raska

J. L. O'[lrate USDA Grain Inspection, 32 ~ US Court House Kansas City , Mo .

Patrick J. O'Connor Evans Grain Co., Board of Trade Sa Jina , Kansas

Do n Ogg Iowa Soya Company Redfield, Iowa

Maurice Oser Os er Ex terminating Co., 1118 Stout Denver, Colorado

Hayne E. Oxley Valley Alfalfa Mi I ling Co . Wi 1ey, Co I or ado

Dave Page Den ve r Elevators Co. Denver, Colorado

J. S. Parker Farmers Union Co-op. Elevator Co. Wray, Colorado

11.G. 11 Dick" Parsons Columb ian Steel Tank Co., 1509 W. 12th Kansas City, Mo. Page 8

Bob Pa Im Palm Grain Company Pine Bluffs, Wyoming

Roy Pearson Ranch-Way Feed Mills Co. Ft . Collins, Colorado

Wayne Pc te rson Pacific Supply Co-op., Box 4380 Portland, Oregon

George Piester Piester Grain Co. Minden, l~cbraska

John C. Pi rn i e Farmers Grain & Supply Broken Bow, ~ebr.

Wi I ford Prange Prange Construction Co. Greeley, Colorado

W. W. Prevost Ultra-Life Laboratories, Inc . , 1104 Lake Ft. Morgan, Colorado

Glenn Proctor Snell Grain Company Stratton, Colorado

Reece Ragland KWAL Paints, Inc., Om~ 5231 Denver, Colorado

Dick Rankin Aeroglide Corp., 9001 Gregory Blvd. Kansas City, Mo.

James W. Rawson Plains Grain Company Burlington, Colo.

Di l I Reavis Industrial Fumigant Co., 923 State Line Kansas City, Mo.

Dale Reimer Reimer-Smith Grain Co. Holyoke, Colorado

Duane Renne 11 s Ranch-Way Feed Mi I Is Co. Ft. Collins, Colo.

Bob Rei sser Wheat Dclt Supply & Service, Inc. Colby, Kansas

Lyle Reoh Denson Quinn Co. Sioux City, Iowa

James L. Reyher fl at • I. Alfalfa Dehydrating & Mlg. Co. Manzanola, Colo.

Herb Reyher Reyher Mi I ling Co., Box 427 Mcclave, Colorado

Russe 11 Reyher Reyher Mi I ling Co. Mcclave, Colorado

Willis Richardson Morton Chemical Co., L:.QJ Oakland St. Denver, Colorado

Jim Robb Merri 11 Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Denver, Colo.

Kay Robohm Royal Chemical Co., Denargo Market Denver, Colo.

Al Rodeghiero Morton Salt Co., 933 Sherman Denver, Colo.

Matt C. Rodney Rodney Elevator Co . Ft. Morgar,, Colo.

George A. Rolfes Rolfes Aeration Co . , [lo;< 5l.f8 Boone, Iowa

Ed Romain The Pillsbury Co. Wichita, Kansas

Warren E. Root Roct Grain Co., 1430 Goard of Trade Kansas City, Mo.

V. L. "Bud" Sackett Cheyenne We 11 s E1 evator Corp. Cheye nne \./e I Is, Co Io.

Larry R. Sale American Cyanamid Co., 11 G5 S. Elizabeth Denver, Colo.

E. C. Samuelson Tri co Feed Mi !Is Minden, Nebraska

D. R. Sanderson S & J Feeding Corp. Norton, Kansas

Ed B. Scanlon Garvey Elevators, Inc., Oox 177 Hastings, Nebraska

Frank A. Scarpel la Ranch -Way Feed Mi !ls Co. Ft. Collins, Colo.

\,/a 1 I y Schm i d t Geis Irrigation Co . , Inc. Hutchinson, Kans.

Lee Schnieder Schnieder Feed & Seed Paoli, Colorado

Robert C. Schoeneshoefer Commercial Solvents Corp. Denver, Colorado

B. J. Schultz Oemis Bro. Bag Co., 42G Guaranty Bank Denver, Colorado Page 9

George Schum Rocky Mountain Brokerage, Box 1051 Greeley, Colorado

Francis Schwartz American Salt Corp. Arvada, Colorado

Dick Schworm The Cudahy Laboratori es, 5002 S. 33rd Omaha, Nebr aska

Avery Scott Jirdon Industries, Inc. Morri 11, Nebraska

George P. Scoular Scoular-Bishop Grain Co., 1404 Bd. of Trade - Kansas City, Mo.

Fred W. Seclhoff Roggen Farmers Elevator Assn. Roggen, Colorado

Everet t P. Segelstrom A.T. Ferrell & Co., 107 S Locust Denver, Colo.

Ron Sellman Cargi l I, Inc., 319 Symes Bldg. Denver, Colo.

Clinton E. Seney Oarton Salt Co., 13 60 S. Sherma n Denve r, Colo.

Ralph Severen Goodman Grain & Seed Co. Akron, Colorado

Dale C. Seyler The Kanorado Corp. Kanorado, Kansas

Bi l I Sharp Sharp Construction Co. ~Jorton, Kansas

William H. Sharpe Pierce Elevator, Inc. Pierce, Colorado

Harry. M. Shaw Richardson Scale Co., ll:-19 E. Central Wichita, Kansas

Carl Showalter Colo. Alfalfa Products Co. Milliken, Colorado

Earl Showalter, Jr . Showalter Grain Co. LaJunta, Colorado

Jay Showalter Showalter Grain Co. LaJunta, Colorado

Jack Shupe Shupe 3rothers, Box 919 Greeley, Colorado

John L. Shupe Shupe Brothers, Box 919 Greeley, Colorado

r Don Siekrneier Colo. Pump & Supply Co . , SGO .,J . Lipan Denver , Colorado

Len Si e kme i er Colo. Pumpt & Supply Co. Denver, Colorado

John Simpson Simpson, Laybourn , Mi 11 er & Stark Sa Ii na, Kansas

Gr ::>Ve r Si mp son Simpson, Laybourn , Miller & Stark Sa I i na, Kansas

John R. Slater Slater Bros. Grain Co. Atlanta, Nebraska

\,J. Jay S l i fer Arrow Da g Co., 35GO Wynkoop St. Denver, Colorado

C. : I. Smith Continental Grain Co . , 217 Grain Exchange Omaha , Nebraska

Kenneth A. Smith Open Door Ranch & Feed Mi 11 Delta , Colorado

Lloyd J. Smith Iowa Soya Company Redfi eld, Iowa

Herbert E. Southal I Big Thompson Mi I ling & Elevator Co. Loveland , Colorado

Tom Spelts Denver Elevator Co. Keenesburg, Colo .

Milton R. Stafford Feed Products, Inc., 1370 - 11th St. Denver, Colorado

Dal e Stanton USDA, 1401 Corby Bldg. St. Joseph, Mo.

Bob Stark Simpson, Laybourn , Mi Iler & Stark Sal i na, Kansas

A. E. (Gene) Stephens Richardson Scale Co., 8 17 G Nola Dr . Denver, Colorado

[3 i J J St i C ke J S McMaster Grain Co . , G23 Denson Bldg. Sioux City, Iowa

Ralph Stoll Denver Elevators Co. Denver, Colorado

Joh n E. Stover Stover Grain Co., Inc. Sharon Springs, Kans. ..

Page 10

Smoky Stover Dannen Mills, Inc., [lox l~29 St. Joseph, Mo.

Dr. John Stroud Pabst Orewing Co. Mi lwaukce, Wisc.

Arnold Sweany Evans Grain Co., Board of Trade Sa I i na, Kansas

Harold Swift ~at 1 I. Alfalfa Dehydrating & Milling Co. Manzanola, Colorado

Frank Taggart Farmers Commission Co., Board of Trade Wichita, Kansas

W. R. Talley Hi-Plains Steel, Box 1223 Greeley, Colorado

Charles E. Tallman Tallman Grain Co . Brandon, Colorado

L. H. Tandy Wi Jliams Grain Co., 1575 Elmira Aurora, Colorado

Don C. Taylor lntermountain Elevator Co., Box 840 Longmont, Colo.

Glenn Taylor Farmers Elevator Company Chappell, Nebraska

Monroe Terrell Terrell Grain Co., Box 107 Kit Carson, Colo.

W. C. Theis Simonds-Shields-Theis Grain Co. Kansas City, Mo.

Neil A. Thompson Kl•/AL Paints, Inc., 800 Hater St. Denver, Colorado

Deane Timothy Morthern Colo . Grain Co., 4lf3 - 16th St. Greeley, Colo.

Reed Timothy Gilcrest Feed & Elevator, Oox 36 Gi !crest, Colo.

Dwight S. Tolle Romeiser Grain Co., 13m< 368 Salina, Kansas

Ray[. Tongate Carey Salt Company Hutchinson, Kans.

Vic Touslee Valley Feed & Grain Co. Greeley, Colo.

Paul Trower Evans Grain Co., Board of Trade Bldg . Sa I i na, Kansas

G.E. 11 Jerry11 Tucker F.11. Peavey & Co., 229 Henry Bldg. Portland, Oregon

Art Uhl \.Jest Plains Grain, Inc. Mari enthal, Kans.

Don Vallin Bird City Grain Bi rd City, Kans.

George Van Booven Lafayette Elevator Co. Lafayette, Colo.

Morris Vance Ster! ing H. Nelson & Sons, Inc. Salt Lake City,Utah

Warren G. Van Dyke Dannen Mi I Is, Inc. Mi I liken, Colorado

A.L. 11 Bi 11 11 Vaughn Columbian Steel Tank Co., Box 605 Estes Park, Colo.

Otto Venter Venter & Mi !burn, Inc. Decrtrai I, Colo.

D. A. Vi llnow Bemis Bro. Bag Co., 42 G Guaranty Bank Denver, Colo.

Bob Vitera Harmack Fumigation Co. Cheyenne Wells,Colo .

Billy L. Vogel Potato Growers Co-op. Co. Eaton, Colorado

Maurice \.Jae Id in Romeiser Grain Co., 130:< 3Ci 3 Sa I i na, Kansas

H. 0. Wales Harmack Fumigation Co. Cheyenne Wells,Colo.

J. M. Walsh Harris-Upham & Co. Denver, Colorado

C. O. \.Jalters, Jr . 11 Chuck11 American Salt Co., 310 E. 18th Scottsbluff, Nebr.

A. S. Walters lntermountain Elevator Co. Denver, Colo.

George W. Walton Butler Mfg . Co. Kansas City, Mo.

Roy ~/atson Colo. & Southern Ry., 513 C.A.Johnson Bid. -Denver, Colo. •

Page I l

Harold D. Webster Des Harteau Commission Co. Lamar, Colorado

Harold Weinberg KHAL Paints, Inc., 800 Water St. Denver, Colorado

James E. Welch Sirqioon, Laybourn, Mi Iler & Stark 2742 S. Stuart Denver, Colorado

Don Wells Colorado Mil ling & Elevator Co. Denver, Colorado

E. l(e i th \,Jeyer Hot Spot Detector Systems, Box 23 6 Plainview, Neb raska

Kenneth E. Hertz Ne braska Consolidated Mi !ls Co. Grand Island, Nebr . 376 IL Cleburn

Wendel l v.~1ce le r Cargill, Inc. Fort Dod ge, Iowa

Chet \,Ji ckstrom Farmers Union Grain Terminal Assn. Sioux Ci ty , Iowa

Herbert L. Wierman The Summit Grain Co., 1130 - 16th St. Denver, Colo .

E. D. Wilber Ame r ican Cyanamid Co., 6100 E. 60th Kansas City, Mo .

[3 i 11 Wilson Black, Sival ls & Gryson, Inc. Denver, Colo.

Tom vii l son J. Lynch & Co., Board of Trade Sa I i na, Kansas

Clarence D. Woelk Boulware Grain Co. Sheridan Lake, Colo.

Paul \,Joo I fol k \~olfolk Grain Compan y Towner, Colorado

Wm. M. Wooters Welsh Grain & Feed Sterling, Colo.

Ken \.Jr i ght Wright-Lorenz Grain Co., Dox 5 19 Sa 1 i na, Kansas

Wilbur Wurzbacher Holyoke Co-op. Assn. Holyoke, Colo.

H. L. Yearsley Chase Dag Co ., 158 Fillmore #302 Denver , Co lo .

\.!. S. Young Farmers Grain Cooperative, Box 508 Ogd en, Utah

Howard Yost Shupe & Yost, 2721 - 3th Ave. Greeley, Colo.

John H. Zilch A1·cher-Dan i els-Mid I and Co. Windsor, Colo .