Bull. Bull. Kanagawa prefect. Mus. (Nat. Sci.) , No. 24, pp.47-62, Mar. 1995

On the (Anisoptera. ) of Indochina with with Descriptions of Six New Species and Little Known Species

Haruki KARUBE Kanagawa Pr efec tural Mu seum ,Naka-ku ,Yokohama , Kanagawa 231 ,Japan

インドシナのミナミヤンマ属の覚え書き - 6 新種および希少種の記載

苅部治紀 神奈川県立博物館

インドシナ におけ るミナミ ヤンマ属は, これまでご くわずかな記録がある だけで あったが. 近年. 筆者 らの調査に よっ て,各地からかなりの標本が収集されている 。 今回は,乙の中から Ch . yokoii sp. n ov. (タイ) , C h . alb omarginatus sp. no v. (ベトナム) , C h. n ak am urai sp . no v. (ベトナム), C h. sac hi yoae s p. no v. (ベトナム), C h . mi yas hit ai s p. no v. (ラオス), C h . takakuw ai sp. sp. nov. (ベ トナム) の 6 新種を記載し,さらに原記載以来 初 年ぶりの記録であり,初めてオスが知ら れる C h.

aura aura tu s Martin (ベト ナム )を再記載した 。また, Ch. nasu tus Ne 巴dham は,ベトナム国内から 初めて記録さ れるもので ある 。

Abstract. S以 n 巴w species of th e g巴nu sα 1101 ogomplms are d巴scr ibed・ C h. yokoii s p. nov . from N.

Th ailand, alli ed to C h. arooni , C h. albomarg in atus sp n. ov .a nd C h. nakamura1 sp. nov .from N. Vi 巴tnum ,all of

which are similar to eac h ot h 巴I at fir st sig ht but co nsist an ind 巴p巴nd 巴nt sp 巴Cl巴sgroup I巴spec ti ve ly , C h. sac hi yoae sp. sp. no v.from N. Vi etnum , belongin g to th e same group of C h. kit awa k1i fr om S. Chi n a, and C h. mi yas hitai sp

nov .from NE L aos; C h. takakuwai sp. nov .fr om N. Vi 巴むrnm ,alli 巴d to C h. se ]ysi from India. In addition , C h

auratus auratus is reclescribed af ter 111t e1val of about 巴ight y yea rss in ce th e ori ginal cl esc ript1on , and th 巴 m ale is first recorde d. K ey Words : Chl orogo mphu s,Indo chm a, new spec ies

Acknowledgements * Al l th 巴 holoty pes des ig nated in this paper ar巴 pr ese 1v ec1 m

I w i sh to ex pre ss my h巴arty th a nks to Dr. Y asuak iWa tan ab巴, th 巴 Kan agawa Prefectura lMu s巴um of Natural History

La b orato1y of E ntomol ogy, To k yo Un ive r・sity of Agricultur e and Dr. D. A. L. Da vi巴s of Ca mbrid g巴 for th eir constant Key to the male of 1「idochina species of the genus guiclan c巴, to Mr. Ma satosh i Takakuwa o f th 巴 Kana gawa Ch/orogom phus lT l 内十h凶 叫 フ旬〈 OLYtAVιU-rLgn巴SlSM wwbげはE8I前 :uon--日辺呂町 a Pr巴fectura lMus eum of Natura l History for hi s kindn ess in 日 M 、 1HHhu リ ,IO--auHEi 巴 O mmUuod・bl 1 re ading th eo riginal manu sc ript , and Mr. It su ro Kawashima - J J 2PA h ・酌 , 今コ バ I 唱 川 目 t md fo r hi s kind he lp in drawin g who le body fi gur 巴s us巴d in thi s IM , paper. paper. Thank s ar 巴 also du e to M 巴ssrs. Stephen Brooks of Fra ns almos t flat or sli ghtl y protrud ed ante n acl 4 th 巴 Natural Hist01y Mus eum ,Kazuma Kitagawa ,Shin.ii Na gai, 3. Sup e rior app 巴nclag 巴 flat and sl 巴nd 巴r,shap 巴d as pin ce1s .

T 巴tsuo Miy ashita, Shin-Ichi Nak am ura, and M asato Yokoi and Infenor app 巴nclage sha ll ow ly excava ted Miss Sachiyo Nirasawa , for th eir kindn ess in suppl yin g wi th s ach1yoae sp. n ov. interesting interesting materials and in he lping m e in various ways. 一 .Sup e rior app end age robust with di stin ct lateral spm es 48 H.KARUBE

Inferior Inferior appendage de巴ply and triangularly excava t巴d一一 一一一 C hlorogomphu s auratus M ar tin , 1910

nasu れJS (Figs. 1-11)

4. 4. Superior app 巴nclag e lon ger than th e inferior , which is Chlorogomphus auratus Ma rt in , 1910 ,B ull. Soc. ent .Fr., shallowly shallowly excavat 巴d takakuw 且,i sp. nov . 66 ; Fraser, 1929 ,M ern . Indian Mus. 9 (3) : 14 7- 148 .

. Superior appendage short 巴r than th e inferior , which is M a le. Abdomen (incl. appendage) 54.9 ・58.lrnm in len gth. d巴巴 ply excavated miya shitaisp. nov. Hindwing 47.9-53.Smm in l巴ngt h, with ma xim um width 16.3-

5. 5. Abdominal segmen ts 4-lOth without any markings. Sup 巴rior 17.8mm. app 巴ndag e sh ort and robust. Inferior appe nd age short , with Head largely bl ack , lab ium wh iti sh llo ye w , labrum black , many spin 巴s at apex anteclypeus black, with upp er and lower edg 巴s bro wnis h ;

nakamura1 sp. n ov. postclypeus yellow except for black low 巴I 巴dge, ridg 巴 of

一.Abclomm al s巴gment s 4-7th with yellow markings 一一 一一一 antefron s broadly ye llow , eyes almost adjacent, th 巴 di stance 6 0.5mm ; vertex eaves -shap 巴d, occiput b lack, subco nic al.

6. 6. 10th abdominal seg m 巴nt tri angularl y protrud ed 一一 一一一一- Prnthorax black, with ant eri or margin yellow . Pt erothor ax apicad apicad 7 black with yellow markin gs ; antehumera lstr ip e narrow ,gently

~ 10th abdomina l seg m ent mod erat e . Sup 巴rior and gradually broad 巴ned dorsad ; hum era l strip e as wid 巴 as appendage short er than inferior , with lateral sp ines. dorsal apex of the form 巴r ;a nterior 3/4 of m 巴t巴pist 巴mum

albomarginatus albomarginatus sp. nov . ye llow ; low er 巴dge of metepimeron and metapoststernum

7. 7. Sup e rior app 巴ndage v巴ry short. Inferior appe ndag 巴 sti ck - ye llow. s haped, with many spines Win gs n 巴arly hyalin e, with brownish marks at each ap 巴x; yokoli yokoli sp. n ov. median space with 2 cro ss veins , triangl es 3 ・3β. 3, 4 : 4/4 4: , 一 .Sup eri or appe ndag e lon ger tha n inferior appendage , which 4 3β3 ,4 4/4 4, that of fore ba sa l costa l・ distal= 1 .1.3 : is ex pand ed atmiddl e and provided with two big sp ines at ap ex 1.3 ,th atof hind. ba sa l costa l distal=l 0.8 1. 2; anall oop auratus auratus 18 21-celled ; nodal index : 15- 28 29-16 /18- 23 . 23 18 , 16・25

26-17/20 ・23 23 司 21, 17-28 ・29-17/20-21: 23-22 , 19-29 31 - 20/

Key to the female of Indoch ina species of the genus 22-24: 25-23 ; pt 巴ro stigma black, 4rnrn in l巴ngt h and covered

Chlorogomphus 4-cell es in th e fore, 4.2rnrn in le ngth 3.5 ・c巴!ls in 出 巴 hind . 1. 1. Triangl es of hind wing recta ngular or equilat era l 2 Abdomen black , sym m etricall y with ye llow markings as

- Triangl es of hindwin g ob long 5 follow s : spot at ventral h alf of 1st, broad ,s lightl y obliqu 巴 band

2. 2. Eyes widely sepa rated. Abdominal 7th segment without any runnin g from antero-ventral part to m1ddl 巴 par t of posterior marking 3 mar gin, which 1s conn 巴ct 巴d with th 巴 fon

一.Eyes mod era tely separat ed. Abdominal 7th seg ment with margin , strip e along ve nt ra l ed ge of 3rd ,巴 ac h antero-dor sa l ye llow marking 4 s pot of 3rd to 7th, which isa littl e separated from one of th e

3. 3. Body size middle. Win gs slen d er. T 巴nth ventral lob 巴 not opposit 巴 site ,th 巴 3rd one being the larg es t and prolonged nea r exce eding paraproct sachiyoae sp. nov . V 巴ntral edge along ant 巴rior margrn and 7th one be ing somewhat

Bod y size lar ge. Win gs broad. Tenth v entral lob 巴 cl 巴arly larg 巴r than the prec edin g 3 ; 8- lOth entir ely bla ck ; 10th broadl y excee ding paraproct nasu 印5 triangularl y lobed at apex, th 巴 lob e be ing shallowl y concave at

4.Body size middl 巴. L abrum with yellow markings. Sev enth median part and round ed ly inclined downw ard s in apical part. yellow yellow marking spread along lat巴ra l side Caudal appendag e black. Superior app 巴ndag 巴 wid 巴Jy and

takakuwa1 takakuwa1 sp. nov. de 巴pl y furcate, the furcation b 巴coming thinn er from b ase to

- Body siz 巴 larg e. Labrum without y巴llow markings. Seven 出 basal 1/3 and a little curved ven trad , lat era lpr 句巴 ction si tu ated llow yellow marking like as rin g nea r apex. Inf 巴rior appendage robust, bilobed , rapidly

miyashita1 miyashita1 sp. nov. thick 巴n巴d towar ds th e middle in lat 巴ral vi 巴w ,th 巴 lob 巴sstron gly

5. 5. Wings V 巴iy broad, cov ere d with black markings at about ba sa l prolon ged inwards and eac h with two sp in es at inn er part of half half 6 apex.

一.Wrngs bro ad, trng ed with go ld en yellow -一 一一一 一- auratus Accessory genitalia with ant 巴rior lamina rapidly becoming

6. 6. Ey 巴s very widely separated. Vert ex with a pair of thinner towards apex , hamulus posteriori s th ic k, with apex a protuberanc e nakamurai sp. nov. little point 巴d ant 巴riad.

一. Eyes wid 巴ly separated. Vertex without protuberances P 巴nis with vesicle shallowly, widely, longitudinally grooved albom arg uiatus sp. nov. at middl e; 2nd strongly curv ed ventrad , with s pine which is about 1 /2 length of 3rd ; 4th triangul ar, with a pair of C hlo rogomphus of lnd oc hm a 49


u;三 :

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Figs. Figs. 1-11. Chlorogomphus aurat us M arti 口

2 ,4, 6 10 male ; 1, 3, 5, 11 f巴,m al巴 s 1 head in frontal vi 巴w ,2,3 th orax; 4,5 abdomen ;6 caud al appe nd age in dor sa l

view; 7 same in lateral vi 巴w ; 8 accessory g巴nitalia in lateral view; 9 last segment of penis in lateral vi巴w; 10 sam 引 n

ve nt ral view ; 11 apical segm 巴nts of abdomen in ventra lv ie w.

projection s which are about 1βl 巴ngth of 4th,with 巴ach apex M acu lat巴 patt 巴rn s imilar to th at of m a le, thou gh more ofv 巴ntral plat 巴 robust which is stro ngly r巴flex ed upward s, and d巴V 巴lop 巴d with with dorsal part appar 巴ntly 巴xce巴ding th e apex of ventra l pl a te, H ea d bro ader than in m ale ,巴yes m ore widely sepa rate d , longitudin all y grooved in ant e rior half , w ith a pair of di stinct vertex proj ec ted as ea v巴s-shape, flat in dorsa l part. raisings raisings along the groov e, and somewhat oblique ly trun ca te 明lings golden ye llow ,oft 巴n with browm sh markin gs ,巴ac h

Wl 也 slight excavity at ap ex in lat era l vi 巴W ap ex of wings with semicircular spot whi ch almost cov 巴rs di stal

Female. Female. Abdom 巴n (incl. appendage) 59.5-65.2mm 111 area from pt e rostigma (some sp 巴cimens without this markin g

l巴ngth . Hindwing 54.7-60.311101 in l巴ngth 司 wit h maximum width or wit h broad transver se bands near nod 巴) , m e dian space w ith 19.7-22.Smm . 2 cross ve in s; triangl es 4 3/6 5 , 4: 4β5, 6 :5 /6. 6, 4 .4 /4 50 H .KARUBE



// .ー

Tヒ;三~ 18 ごミ ~ 9

Figs. Figs. 12-1 9. Chlorogomphus yoko11 sp. nov

12 . head ; 13 thorax; 14 abdomen; 15 caudal ap penda ge in dorsal view; 16 sam 巴 in lateral view,

17 17 acces sory g巴nit alia in lat 巴 Ial vi 巴w ; 18 last segment of pen i s in lateral view ; 19 sam 巴 in v巴ntral vi 巴W

5,6:6/6 5,6:6/6 6,出 at of fore: ba sa l・ costal: distal= 1 1.3 1.4 , that trap 巴zo idal , with apex slightly ernarginat 巴 at midd l巴.V 巴ntra l of of hind: basal costal :distal = 1 0.7 ・1.1 ; anal loop 20 27 cells lobe of 10th faintly exceed ing paraproct.

(38 (38 c巴lies in on 巴 specimen) ; nodal ind ex 19-33 34-21ρ2 - 27 Distribution. N .Vi 巴tnum.

28-22, 28-22, 18-31 :31 ” 17/19 24: 25 -1 9, 19 -27 28 -1 8/19-24 25 -23, Materialsexamined. Mt. Tamdao ,ne 日I Hanoi , N. Vi 巴tnum 18-30 29-19 /21-23 23-22 , 16- 27 28 17 /19 ・22 22 20 ' 2 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ , 10. VII- VIII. 1990 , Si.nji Nagai leg; 1 ♀ ' 30 ptero s tigma black , 4.4mm in length and cov 巴ring 4.5-ce ll s m V. 1993, H. Karub 巴 l巴呂 3 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 31 .V. 1993, H. Karub 巴

th e fore , 4.6mm in l巴11 旦th ,a ncl 4.5 ce ll s in 出 巴 hind. leg ; 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 19. V- 2. VI. 1993 , native leg 司 3 ♂♂ 2 平平, 3.

Abdom 巴n with markin g patt 巴rn sa m e in ma le, 2nd wit h V. 199 4,H .Karube and S. Nirasawa leg. broad er ob liqu e band and with a lon gitudinal m e dian spot at Notes. Fras er, 1929 regarded this speci 巴s as am 巴mb 巴I of

apical apical 1/3 of dor sum ; 3rd to 7th 巴ach wi th larg er triangul ar gro up of magnifrcus , but Asahrna , 1981 tr ea ted as a spec1 巴S spot spot at base and with stripe along V 巴ntral edg e. allied to arooni. It became clear that this species sure ly bel ongs

C 巴rc ia littl e shorter than 10th. Va lvu la V 日Iva 巴 b roadly to the group of arooni by the pr 巴sent study including mal 巴 Ch/oro gomp hus of Indochina 51

spec!Il1 ens ,出 巴 charact 巴rs of which are fir sdt escnbe d m 出 .is paper pa ir of projec ti ons which are about 1 /2 I巴ngth of 4th , wi th

V 巴ntra lplat巴 deep ly bilob 巴d ,巴 ach th e lob 巴 be ing so111ewhat

Cohlorog mphu s yo koii sp. nov . robu st and n巴arl y ver ti ca ll y r eflexed n 巴arap 巴x, with do rsa l part

(F ig s. 12 -19 ) slightl y 巴xcee d in g th 巴 apex of ve nt ral plate, longitudi n all y

Mal e. Abdom 巴n (in cl. ap p 巴ndag 巴) 55.8mm in length . groov 巴cl in an t巴rior 1 /4, wi th a pair of di stin ct rai sin gs along

Hindwing 47.lmm, wit h maximum w idt h 15.Smm th e groov 巴, 白nd V 巴rt 1ca ll y trunca t巴 and ac ut 巴ly angulat ely

H 巴ad black with ye ll ow markings ; labium brownish y巴ll ow ; pro.1 巴cted downwards at ap 巴x in lat巴ra lvi 巴W la brnm bla ck with y巴ll ow V -shap 巴cl mark at the miclcll e , Femal e. U nkn own anteclyp eus black ; po stcl ype us ye llo w, w ith low er 巴cl g巴 bl ack , Distr ibution. N. T hail and antefrons antefrons b lack, w ith ye ll ow band at upp er 巴cl g巴、巴Y 巴sa lmo st Type mat erials. Ho lotype ,♂, Nan , N. Thailand, 24. IV. me 巴ting ,th 巴 clis tanc 巴 0.8111111 , vertex swo ll en as eaves -shap 巴, 199 2, nativ e l eg

with with dor sal part almost flat ; occ iput black a nd pyra111idal. Notes 目 Thi s n 巴W SP 巴ci巴S very clo se ly related to Pro tho rax black , w ith margins ye llow . Pterothorax black Chlo rogo mphu s arooni from Pe ninsul a Th ai lan d, but eas il y w ith ye ll ow 111arks; antehu111eral stri p 巴 grad u all y becoming distinguished from th at by th e mal e ana l ap penda ge. broad 巴r toward s upp 巴r apex , hu111 巴ral strip 巴 thin , about half narrow 巴r than th 巴 upp e r ap 巴X of th 巴 form e r , C hlorogomp/ws a/b omar grn at us sp. nov .

111 es infr a巴piste mu111 bla ck , metepist ernum la1 gely y巴ll ow , (F igs. 20-30) anterior anterior part of 111etmfra epist ernum ye ll ow ,w hi ch is co ru1 巴ct巴d M 且le. Abdo m en (in cl. appe nda ge) 66 .3-69.7 111111 in leng th with th e former , low 巴re dge of 111 巴tep im 巴I o n an d Hindwin g 48.6 -4 8.9111111 in len gth. m ax i.mu m width of hind 14.2 - m 巴tapost st巴n1u111 y巴llow 14. 8mm.

Wing s hya!i n巴, w ith browni sh mark s at eac h apex , m 巴dia n H 巴ad black with y巴!l ow ma rkin gs ; lab ium browni sh w hi t巴3 spac e with two cro ss ve in s; tri angl es 3 ・3/3 :3, th at of th e for e ・ with bord 巴I brownish , labrum bl ack ; an tecl ypeus black , b asal: cos tal dis tal=l 1.1 1.1 ,that of th e hind ba sal: costal po stclyp 巴usy 巴llow , with a pair of bl ack spo ts at lat 巴ral 1/3, and distal= distal= 1 : 0.8 1.1 , anal loop 13 /13-ce ll ed ; nodal ind 巴X 13 with lon gitudinal black str ip 巴 which is brok 巴n at th 巴 mid di 巴 i

24-21 24-21 :12 / 15 17-16 17 ; pterostigma of fore wings 3.8111111 in ant 巴fron sblack ,w ith a y巴!l ow band at upp er and lat 巴ra l巴dges , l巴ng th and cover in g 3.5 ce ll s in th e for 巴,4.lmm in 1巴ngt h and th 巴 dis tanc巴 betwee n eyes 0.6111111 , v巴rt 巴x swo ll 巴n,巴 av es -

3.5 3.5 cell s m 出 巴 hind . shape d , occip ut sub co ni ca l atupper mar gin .

Abdo111 巴n black with ye ll ow markings , 1st seg m e nt with Prot h orax bla ck, w ith ant enor and low 巴r edges yellow ventral ventral 1βy巴!l ow , 2nd wit h broad obliqu 巴 band iunning from Pt 巴rot horax bl ac k,sym m etrically with y巴ll ow 111arks as fo ll ows

ant 巴ro -vent ral ar 巴a to post 巴ro 』 dorsa l area and co nn 巴cted w ith an tehu111 巴ra lst rip 巴 wh ich is sli gh tl ys pr 巴ad at th 巴 dor sa l巴nd, th e form er ye ll ow mar k , 3rd to 7th eac h w ith a pair of ye ll ow hum 巴ral strip e w hi chi sa littl e broad er th an th ew id est part of s pots at antero -dor sal b order , of w h ich th e 3 rd on es are th e fo rm 巴r, fascia cons ist of po stero -v e ntral edge of triangul arly ex pand 巴d and almos t cov 巴rba sa l 1/3, and of which m 巴sep im eron, anterior area of m etinfra ep1sternum an d the the 7出 on 巴 S slightly lar ger than the pr eceding 2 ; 8- lOth entir ely ant erior 2/3 of m 巴tep istemum ,組 d fascia co n sist oflow 巴redge black ; 10 血 rounded at sid 巴s, broadly triangularly proj 巴cte d of metepirneron and all par t of m 巴tapo sts t巴mu111. posteriad , th e proje c tion dully point 巴d at th e tip in dorsal view Wing s hya lin 巴,apex cl ecora t巴d with se micircular brownish and with a long itudinal cica trix at apical 3/4 marks from Rl ove rI R3 ;巴 ac h median space w ith 2: 2/2: 2,

Caud al app 巴ndag 巴 bl ack. Superior appendage very short, 3 3. /3 3: , triangl es 4 :4 /4 4, 4 5 /5 ・5, that of for 巴 . b asa l. tnangularly tnangularly protruded lat巴ra d, with two vag ue projections at costa l: dista l= 1 1.46. 1.53 , thatofhind ・basa l:costa l ・dista l= apex. apex. In ferior appe nd age slend er, very faintl yc urv ed inward s 1 0.9 :1.1. A nal loop 20 /2 0, 25ρ4 , noda l index 18- 29 ・29 - in in dorsal view , spindle-shap ed in lat era l view , sli ghtl y curled 17/21 -20 ・23-20. 19-30 27-18 /26 -24 24-24 , pteros tig111a bla ck, inwards , grad ually curv ed upw ards and thinn ed in apical half ; 4.Smm in l巴ngth ,cov 巴ring 4 ce lls in th e fore ‘5.2111111 in leng th surface surface dense ly granulat e in more than apical half ,出 e granul es and 4.5 ce ll s in th e hind. rath 巴I sub co ni ca l. Abdom en robust ,bla ck with ye ll ow 111arkings ; 1st s巴gme nt

Acce sso ry gen italia with ant e rior lamina rob ust bu t rapidl y w ith s111all ve nt ra ls pot and postero ・ventral ,e longat ee llipti ca l tap er 巴d nea r apex, ha111u lu s posterioris straight and thi ck, spo t, th ese two b eing b arely co nn ect 巴d wi th eac h oth 巴r at thinned thinned in apica l half , with a little point ed an te riad at ap ex. ventral corne r , 2nd s巴gme nt dec orat ed with 4 maculations

Peni s with vesicle solid , shallowly , wid e ly, longitudinall y spot on and over auricle, so m 巴what obliqu e, short band at grooved at middle ; 2nd s trongly curv ed V 巴ntrad, w1 出 spin e m ed io・dorsa lpart, dor so ・apical ellipti ca l spot and long m a rk which is abo ut 1/3 tim es as long as 3rd , 4出 triangu lar, with a along ventra l edg巴,出巴 2nd being cl ea rl y sep arated fr o111 出 巴 52 H.KARUBE

L '

どヨ 寸己J ー三善

Fi gs. 20 -30 . Chl orogomph us albomarginatus sp. n ov 21 , 23 , 25 29 m al e; 20 , 22, 24 , 30 ・fema l巴; 20 hea d in dorsal view; 21, 22 thorax , 23, 24 abdo m en ; 25

caudal caudal appe nda ge in dorsal view ; 26 sam 巴 in late ral view; 27 accesso ry genitalia in late ra l view; 28 last

seg m e nt of p巴ni s in lateral view; 29 ・ sam 巴 in ventral vi ew ; 30 apic al segm 巴nts of abdo men in ve ntr al view

m ark of oppos it 巴 sit 久 and the 3rd bein g bar ely so ; 3rd w ith 3 vi 巴w, parall el- sid 巴d,bil obed with iimer mar gii1 s rounded ,巴ac h

mac ulati ons, of which th e m 巴di an strip e is ex tr emely thml y apex with tw os pines on dorsa l part , th 巴 ap ica lone of which is

connect 巴d with th 巴 oppo s1t 巴, wit h ap ical spot and long m ar k rath er large r than th 巴 ant en or

along ven tral 巴dg e , 4th to 6t h eac h w ith ap ica ls ma ll sp ot ; 7 to Acc essory ge nit ali a wi th ant e rior lamin a rapid ly thinn 巴I 10th 10th b lack. towa rd s apex , w hi ch is thm and stron gly hooke dd orsa d ,

Cauda l appen dag 巴 bl ack .Sup 巴rior app end age robust , hamulu s po s terioris slend 巴r, with apex a littl e pointed ant eriad.

s horter than th e infe rior ,pmc ers shap 巴d with sto ut lat巴ral spin 巴 P eni s with ves icl e squ ar 巴ly ,mod 巴rat 巴ly groove dm edi a ll y,

at at abo ut ba sa lh alf ; apex be nt out sid 巴 m dor sal view. In fer ior and square ly projec ted ventrad ; 2nd curv ed ve ntrad ,w ith sp in 巴

appendage sli ghtl y broad ened towards b 巴hin d middl e in lateral about h alf short er th an th e 3rd ; 4出 b 巴11- shaped ,wit h a pair Chlorogomphus Chlorogomphus of Indochin a 53

of of long straight proj 巴ctions about half shorter than 4th, with 17.9mm apices apices ofv 巴ntralplat 巴 shap 巴d as pin 田 rs and reflexed upwards , Head black , labium brownish whit e with margin brown , dorsal dorsal part slightly long 巴r than V巴 ntral plate, nearly truncate labrum black ; anteclypeus black ; postclyp 巴us black , with a pair at at apex and protrud 巴d as bill ventrad 111 lateral vi 巴w , and of yellow Y -shap 巴d spots on th 巴 middl 巴, antefrons black, with longitudinally longitudinally grooved m 巴dially m anterior half , with a pair of broad yellow band at ant 巴norlβof dorsal part, which is not raisings raisings along the groove not so developed. reac hing lateral edg 巴, th 巴distancebetweeneyes0.9mm, vert 巴X

Female. Abdom 巴n (incl. app 巴ndage) 58.6mm in length. swoll 巴n, with U-shape notch at dorsal part, occ1put black, with

Hindwing 55.lmm in l巴ngth with maximum width 23.4mm. apical ridg e swollen.

Maculations Maculations of head and thorax similar to male , but wmgs Prothorax black with ant 巴rior margm narrowly yellow. and abdomen v巴1y differ 巴nt. Pt e rothorax black with yellow marks ant 巴humeral stripe thin

Head coloration as in male ;v 巴rt 巴xg 巴ntly protruded, with slightly broadened towards lower ap 巴x, hum 巴ral strip 巴 thin, a pairofcallositi 巴5 on 血 e raising ; occiput flat, eyes more widely rather broader than the form 巴r, not reaching separated separated (1.lmm) . mesinfraepisternum , ant 巴rior 3/4 of met 巴pist 巴mum and

Pt 巴rothoraJ( with color patt 巴m as in male; antehum 巴ral anterior bord 巴r of m 巴tinfraepisternum yellow, th 巴 marking stripe stripe almost disapp 巴ared; humeral stripe slightly slenderer being tapered ventrad; v巴ntral margin of met 巴pimeron and than than in male. m 巴tapoststemum yellow.

Wings short and broad. Fore wing decorated with blackish Win 旦 shyaline, with apex blackish marks; m 巴dian space with marking in basal about 2β ,th 巴 apical margin being oblique, 3 or 2 cross veins of the fore and 2 cross V 巴ins of the hind ;

町田巴ding 1/3 of 出巴 distanc 巴 betwe 巴n pterostigma and node triangles 4 4β. 4, 3: 2/4 .4, 33: : /3 : 4,3 : 3/2: 3, 3 3 /3 3, and reaching pt 巴rostigma through costal space, with vague that of the fore: basal: costal: distal= 11: 3.1 that of the milky milky whit 巴 mark at middle along apical margin of the former hind. basal. costal: distal= 1. 0.8: 1.2, anal loop 16 ~19- blackish blackish marking. Hind wing with blackish marking in basal cell 巴d; nodal ind 巴x 18-30: 27-18/23. 22. 24: 23, 17-27. 25 about 1/2, th 巴 apical margin oblique and hardly reaching 16/19-21: 22-20 , 20-30 29-19ρ5-23 ・21 : 22, 18-32: 34-19/21- pterostigma 出rough costal space, with basal hyalin 巴 mark as a 23: 26-21, 19-29: 29-17/22-22 23-22; pterostigma black, comma-shap 巴db 巴ad, and with a vague milky white band along 4.7mm in l巴ngth, and covering 3.5 cells in the fore, 50.5mm in apical apical margin of 出巴 form 巴r blackish marking ; triangles 5 7/ length and 4.5-cells in the hind.

5 4, that of fore: basal. costal: distal= 1 1.2 ・1.1, that of hind : Abdomen slightly thickened at apical 3 segments, black with basal basal costal distal= 1: 0.7 :1.1 ; anal loop 31/34-c 巴II 巴d Nodal yellow markings 1st s巴gm 巴nt with larg 巴 ventral spot , 2nd index index lost-30: 30-17/20-22: 22-20; pt 巴rostigma black ,5.lmm segment larg 巴ly y巴llow, with black dorsal spot; 3rd yellow at in in length, and covering 4.5 cells in th 巴 fore, 5.6mm in l巴ngth, basal 1/2 , with ventral margin yellow (th 巴S巴 three yellow and 6 cells in th 巴 hind. maculations forming V 巴ry broad yellow band) 4th to 10th Abdomen robust, espeCJa!ly in basal 3 segments, without entirely black. markings excepting yellow stemite. Caudal appendag 巴 black. Sup 巴rior appendag 巴 robust and

C 巴rci minute, about 2/3 times as long as 10th segment. short, faintly curved inwards, with obliquely truncat 巴d at apex,

Valvula valva 巴 trapezoidal. Tenth ventral lobe slightly with ve ntral spine near ap 巴x. Inferior appendage v巴ry short exceeding exceeding paraproct. and robust, with a pair of acut 巴 projections on the middle,

Distribution. Distribution. N.V i巴tnum. broadly truncate as dull V-shape at ap 巴x in dorsal view , apical

Type series. Holotype ,♂, Mt. Tamdao , near Hanoi, N 1/2 rapidly thickened and reflexed upwards, with many minute

Vi 巴tnum , 31. V. 1993, H. Karube leg. Allotype, 1 ♀,sa m 巴 comcal granules on surface. locality locality as the holotype, 19. V- 2. VI. 1991 , Nativ 巴 l巴g. Acc e ssory ge mtalia with ant 巴rior lamina rapidly th =巴r

Paratype: Paratype: 1 ♂, sam 巴 locality as the holotype, 3. V. 1994. H towards apex , de 巴ply depressed 巴xc 巴pt aroundi.ng , with apex

Karube leg. not so pointed, ham 凶u五.post 巴rioris slender and rath 巴rstraight ,

Notes. Notes. Female of this new species strangely resembl 巴S to with apex hardly pointed

Ch. 且丘k 且murai at first sight, but rs obviously disti.ngmsh 巴d from Penis with V 巴sicle deeply, narrowly, longitudinally and that that by th 巴 characters of head, appendage ,etc. roundedly grooved at th 巴 middle, triangularly protrud 巴d

ventrad ventrad in lateral vi 巴w, 2nd curv 巴d ventrad, with spin 巴 about Chlorogomphus nakamurai sp. nov. 1/3 length of 3rd, 4th longitudinally pentagonal, with a pair of (Figs. (Figs. 31-41) long , twisted proJections which are about 2/3 length of 4th,

Male. Male. Abdom 巴n (incl. appendag 巴) 56.5-58.8mm in length. with ventral plate pincer-shaped, somewhat abruptly refl 巴xed

Hindwing 50.3-51.4mm in l巴ngth, with maxrmum width 17.3 upwards at eac h apex, with dorsal part very faintly 巴xc 巴edmg 54 H.KARUBE

m::P' でア幅一叩哩高骨



36 三三 39 可 v二8 f ヨ 40

Figs. Figs. 31 41. Chlorogomphus nakamura1 sp. nov

32, 32, 34, 36-40 ・ma !巴, 31, 33, 35, 41 ・femal 巴, 31 h巴ad in frontal view; 32, 33: thorax; 34,35 abdomen ; 36

. caudal appendage in dorsal view ; 37. sam 巴 in lateral vi 巴w, 38 accessory genitalia in lateral vi 巴w; 39 last

segment of penis in lat 巴ral view; 40 same in ventral vi 巴w; 41 apical segm 巴nts of abdom 巴口 in V 巴ntral view.

apex of ventral plat 巴, longitudinally grooved medially m black , ridge of ant 巴frons a little light- coloured , vertex with a

ant 巴rior 1/4, and roundedly truncate at apex in lateral view pair of int 巴restmg protuberances posteriad, which is V 巴ry big

Female. Abdom 巴n (incl. appendage) 61.9mm in l巴ngth. and long and reaches bord 巴r of occiput; occiput connected

Hindwing 59.9mm in length, w1 血 maximum wid 出 24.4mm. with vert 巴x, wide and narrow ,巴Y巴SV 巴ry wid 巴ly separat 巴d ,

Head broad, larg 巴ly black ; labium brownish white ; labrum distance between 巴Y巴s 2.6mm, the most near 巴st point sihrntecl

black, ant 巴clypeus black , postclyp 巴us v巴ry broad, entir 巴Jy at bord 巴E of occiput. Ch/orogomphus Ch/orogomphus of Indochina 55

Proth orax bl ac k, yellow at pos t巴ri or and late ral edg es. strip 巴; o ut 巴I sid 巴s of fo I 巴 and n}id coxae ye ll ow,

P t巴roth orax ro bust , black with ye llow marks: ant ehum era l met 巴p1 st巴m um llow ye ,exce pt for blacki sh po ster ior margin , strip e very narrow , absent on upp 巴r and lower part , hu 立1巴ra l me tin fraepistem um w ith l arge spo t at posterior half ,which is stri pe n ar row, disappeared on ven tral par t, an teri orh alf of co nn ec ted w ith the form erb and ; m etapoststem um 佃 dl owe r me t巴pi stern um ye llow , and po st -ve ntral edge of m etepim ero n 巴dges of m 巴t巴P 江nero n ye ll ow. and m 巴tapos tstemu m y巴llow. Win gs hyalin e ,巴ac h 111 e dian spac e with two cross vem s,

Win gs broad ; each b asal ha lf cov 巴I巴d with bl ack i sh mark tnangl 巴s2 ・4/3 2,th at of for 巴: ba sa l・cos tal distal= 1 1.4 exce pt basa l co rn er, thi s m ark bein g mar gin ate by milky w hit e 1. 2, th at of hind ba sa l cos tal dist al=l .1.3 1.4 .Anal loop band ,and ex te nding a littl 巴 ove rnode ; ap 巴x with s mall blackish 11 /12 , nodal ind ex 1 2-21: 25-12 / 13-19 20 ・15 , pt erostigm a s pot ; m e dian spac 巴: 3 .2 /2 3 ,2 ・2/3 :2 ; tri ang les 5 :5 /5 5, black ,3.7mm in l巴ngth and cov 巴ring 3.5- ce ll s in th 巴 fore ,4.lmm

6 : 6/5 6,5 :6/ 5 5 ,出at of for e lbasa :costal :di s tal= 1 1.3 in l巴ngt h and 3-c 巴ll s in th 巴 hind.

1.4 , that of hind : basal: co stal distal= 1 : 0.7: 1.1 ; a nal lo op Abdom ensl 巴nder and l ong, black with ye ll ow ma rkmgs as

32 /31 -回 lled ,37β9 ,35 β1 , nodal ind ex : 20-29 :3 1-18 :/23-22 . follows l arge spo t at v entral h alf of 1stsegme nt , two band s in

22 -22, 20 -29 32-20ρ1-24: 23 ”22 ,20 - 31 :32- 20 /22- 25: 24-23 ; 2nd o, ne is obliqu 巴,印ns from ant巴ro- v巴ntra lmargin to m edi o・ pteros tigm a black, 5.4mm in length , and cov erin g 5 cells in th e dors al area , is conn ec t巴d with the form 巴I sp ot at ant eri or fore, fore, 5.6mm in le ngth and 6 ce ll s m 出巴 hind . margin , rapid ly b 巴com 巴s thinn 巴r at th e upp er part and do 巴s

Abdomen robust, n巴arl y blackish , each v entral edge of 1st notr eac h th 巴 dorsal top ,anot her band ju st befor e 3rd is about to7 th seg m ent s, ye llow lin e, w hic h is grad uall y becom in g 1/6 width of 2nd and rec tangularly prolon gs be hind 1st alon g thinner thinner towa rds ap 巴X ve nt ra l巴dge, ve ry thin ring at middle of 3rd, eac h dorso- apical

Cerci Cerci minut e, about 1/2 short 巴r than 10 出 segm 巴nt. Valvul a s pot of 3rd to 6th, of whi ch 5th one almo st disappears and 6th va lva 巴 trap 巴zo idal . T 巴nth with V 巴ntral lob e, sligh tl y exc 巴巴 din g one 1s th 巴 larg 巴st. paraproct paraproct at ap 巴x. Ca ud al ap p 巴nda g巴 blac k, rath er slend er. Superior Distributi on. N .V1etnum. appendag e curv ed in wa rd s, with s tout ob liqu e ve ntral sp in e at

Type series. Ho lot yp 巴2 ♂, C uc Phoun g, nea rH anoi , N basal 3/5 ; apex asymmetrically bilob ed in dorsa l vi 巴w, with

Vietnum , 29. V . 1993 , H . K arub e leg . Allotype ,♀, same outer proc ess trian gu l arly protruded V 巴ntrad. In fer i or localit y as th e holot yp e, 28. V. 1991 , S. Nakamura l eg. appe ndages li ghtl y long er th an th es up erior, thi cke ned b efore

Paraty p es 6 ♂♂,sam e dat a as ho lo type , 5 ♂♂2 ♀♀ ,sam e apex in latera l vi巴w, and so m ew hat cu rved upwards at apex , loca lity as th 巴 holotype , 30. IV . 1994 , H. K arub e l eg, 1 ♂, w ith 2 minut es pin es on dor so ap ical ar巴a,a pex obliqu ely same locality as th e holotyp e, 1.V .1994 ,H. Karn be leg. trnncat e with emarginat e midd le part in dorsa l view.

Notes. Notes. Thi s spec ie s was fo und onl y along a fin e str 巴am in Accessory gemta li a with an ter ior lamina tape red towards lime lime ston e tab leland s, w hich flows the dist an ce of abo ut lOOm apex ,w hi ch isc ur ve d po steriad ; hamu lu s pos teriori s long , through through th 巴fores tand th eni s inha l巴db elow a chiff. M ale h as wav 巴d and thi ck, with apex a littl e point ed ant 巴riorl y. a habit of patroling on th e upp er st ream in dark forest , and P 巴m s deli ca te , v巴side very sha llowl y 巴xcavat 巴dm ed iall y; f巴mal 巴 lays eggs into small m udd y pools n 巴ar出e so ur ce str 巴am 2nd strong lyc mv ed ve ntrad , with spin 巴which 1sa bout 1/2 tim es

as as lon g as 3rd , 4th tri angul ar, w ith a pair of proj 巴ctio ns whi ch

Chlorogomphus sac hi yo ae sp. no v. are about 1/3 1巴ngth of 4th, w ith eac hl obe of ve ntral plat e

(F igs. 42-52) straight and slend er, weak ly I 巴flexed upw ard s at apex , witl1

Mal e. Abdomen (incl. app 巴ndag 巴) 67.6111111 in lengt h. dorsal part a littl 巴 lon g巴r th an V 巴ntral pl ate, nea rly trnn ca te at

Hin dw in g 45 .lm111 in lengt h,w ith 111aximum w id th 14.8mm apex w, ith median groo v巴 rnnning in ant er ior1 β

H ead bl ack with yell ow markings, wit h frons trian gul arl y Female. A bclom 巴n (in cl. appe nda ge) 61. 7mm in length . protrnd ed , labium w hit ish y巴ll ow; labrn111 black , an t巴cl yp 巴us Hindwing 48. 3mm in length , with maximum wid th 15 .8111111. black , with lowe r edg e ye ll ow , postc]yp eus yellow , rid g巴 of Macul ation s almos t simila r to thos e of male ant 巴fro ns with tr iang ul ar y巴llow band , eyes almost m 巴巴 tin g, H ea d w ith co lorati on as in ma le, fron s gent ly protrud ed th e distanc 巴 0.5m 111 , vertex eaves 寸 rnp ed ; occip ut sma ll , forwa rd s; occ iput fl at; eyes mor 巴wid 巴ly se parat ed (1.1 mm ) sub conical. Pterot h orax wi th co l or pa tt e rn as in m ale. Pro th orax bl ac k, with anterior margin ye ll ow. Pt ero th orax Wing shya lin e; triang] es3: 4.β :3,th atoffore: basal costa l blac k, with ye ll ow mark s as fo llow s. ant ehu111 巴ra l stup e distal = 1 ・1.7 1.6, th at of hind basal. cos tal distal=l: 1.2 exp and ed at th 巴 dorsal ap 巴x , hum eral strip 巴 about 2.5 tim es 1.3 , ana l oop 16/ 17-ce ll ed, nodal ind ex. 13 - 23 23-14 /18- 18 as as wide as th e former ; m es infr ae pist 巴mum wi th ye llo w mark 17 16 ; pteros tigma black , 4.lmm in le ngth and cov erin g 3.5 w hic h covers pos te rior h alf and is connecte d with hum 巴ra l ce ll s in th e fore, 4.5111111 in leng th and 3.5 ce ll s in the hind . 56 H.KARUB E 司、


48 三三 可 -:: ミミ

Figs. Figs. 42-52. Chic コrogo mphu s sac h 1yoae sp. nov

42 ,43 ,4 5, 47 51 m al e; 44, 46, 52 female; 42 hea di n do rsa l vi 巴w ; 43, 44 thora x ; 45, 46 abdom 巴11; 47

cau dal app endage in dor sal vi 巴w ,48.s am 巴 in lat 巴ral vi ew; 49 acce ss o ry genitalia in lateral view; 50 last

S巴gme nt of p enis in lat era l v iew; 51 sam 巴 in ventra l vi ew; 52 api cal s巴邑 ments of ab dom 巴n in ve ntra l vi巴W

Abdominal markings snnilar to tho se of mal e, yell owish N otes . Thi s new sp 巴cies clo se ly resembles to C h. sp. from

maculations maculations of 2nd mor 巴 d巴ve lop 巴d, of which th 巴 obliqu e band S. C hin a (w 凸lb e describ edb y Karub 巴) Th 巴S巴 two b 巴long to is is connected with apical ring ; 5th apic al s pot distmct. sa m 巴 group.

C 巴1℃ iminut e, about 2/3 tim 巴5 白s long as 10th s巴gme nt

Valvula valva e wid 巴ly trap 巴zoidal. T enth v巴ntral lob e not C hloro go mphu s na s utus N 巴巴 dham ,1930

exc 巴eding paraproct. (Figs. 53 62)

Distribution. Distribution. N. V1 巴tnum Chlorogomplms na s utus N 巴巴 dha m, 1930 , Zoo!. sinica , (A)

Type material. Holotype ,♂, Mt. Tamdao, n巴ar H 副 1oi, N. 11 (1) .9 7 , Fras er, 1933 ,M 巴m. Indian Mu s., 9 205-260;

Vietnum ,2. V. 1994 ,H. Karub e l eg. Allotyp e,平, sam 巴 locality Klots 1947 Am er. Mu s. N ovit. 1341 :3-4 ; Ch e n, 1950 ,

as as the holotyp 巴,8.V. 1994, nativ 巴leg Q. JI. Tai 明ran Mus., 3: 142; Asahina , 1961 , Tombo, 4. 3 Chlorogomphus Chlorogomphus of Indochina 57

5; Asahina, 1966 , Ent. Medd., 27 :225 ; Asahina , 1978, P 巴nis moderate in shap 巴' v巴side hemispherical in ventral

Kontyu ,46: 15; Asahina, 1978 ,Tombo, 21: 7-9 . apex ,吐 ie projection being V 巴w shallowly and longitudinally

Male. Male. Abdomen (incl 目 appendage) 63.5-67.2mm in length, scooped on V 巴ntral surface , 2nd strongly curved ventrad, with hindwing 48.1 52.2mm in length, with maximum width 14.6- spine about 1/2 length of 3rd ; 4th b 巴11-shap 巴d, with a pair of

15.8mm. long proj 巴ctions which are about 0.75 times as long as 4出, with

Head with ant 巴frons distinctly triangularly protruded a pair of lobes of ventral plate robust and straight , with ap 巴x anteriad anteriad and black with yellow marks ; labium brownish yellow , slightly E巴 flexed upwards , apex of dorsal part of 4th slightly labrum black , anteclypeus black with upp 巴r part y巴llow ; swollen ant 巴riorly, exceeding V 巴ntral plate , m 巴clian notch of postclypeus postclypeus y巴llow, black at lower 巴dge, faintly with small black 4th rnnning in ant 巴rior 1/2, with a pair of nsmgs along the notch. spot spot at about 1βfrom each sic! 巴, antefrons black, with apical Female. Abclom 巴n (incl. appendage) 69.5-76.7mm in

1/4 1/4 broadly y巴llow ; eyes almost meeting , the distance 0.5mm ; leng 出 i hindwing 54.3 ・57.Smm in l巴ngth, with maximum width vertex vertex roundly swoll 巴n , with m 巴clian notch at dorsal part , 18.4-18.8mm . occiput occiput black, subconical. Maculations similar to those of male, though more spread.

Pro thorax black with ant 巴rior margin yellow. Pterothorax Head broad 町 than in mal 巴; frons faintly protrnded ;巴yes black black with yellow marks as follows : antehumeral stripe tap 巴f巴d widely separated (about l.lmm) ; vertex more 巴xpanded, with

V 巴ntrad, hum 巴ral stripe about twic 巴 as wide as the former, and three small projections on dorsum , occiput subconical.

little a little cmv 巴d inwards , posterior half of mesinfraepist 巴mum Y 巴llow markings of pt 巴rothorax larg 巴I than in male , with y 巴!low patch , coxae entirely y巴llow, ant 巴rior 2/3 of ant 巴humeral strip 巴narrow, disappeared at lower part , hum 巴ral met 巴pistemum obliqu 巴ly with ye llow band , low 巴f 巴dge and stripe 3 tim 目前wide as the form 巴r. dorsal dorsal small spot of metepimeron ye llow, metapostst 巴mum Wings hyaline ; median spac 巴 with 2 cross veins , triangles entirely entirely yellow. 4 3/4 4,3 : 3/4 4, 4 4/5 5 ,that of fore ・ basal costal distal=

Wings nearly hyaline , median spac 巴 with 2 cross veins, 1: 1.3 :1.3, that of hind : basal :costal distal= 1 ・1.1 : 1.2 , anal triangles triangles 3 4/3 3 ,2 3/3 3, 4: 4/3 3,3 : 4β. 3, 4: 4β :3, that loop 14 20 cell 巴cl; nodal index 16-26 27-17/17-22 22-20 ,17- offore offore basal costal distal=l 1.3 1.4 , thatofhind: basal 25.24-18ρ1-21 : 19 20 , 14-27 :28-15/18-22 23-20 ; pterostigma costal costal . distal= 1. 1.2 . 1.5 anal loop 9-13-celled, som 巴times black, 4.6mm in l巴ngth and cov 巴ring 4 cells in th 巴 fore ,4.8mm

16-c 巴li ed ; nodalindex 17-25 26-17 / 22-19 21-18 ,18-28・26- in l巴ngth and 4c 巴lls in th e hind.

16/18-21. 16/18-21. 22-17, 18-25. 26-17 /21-23 ・23-19, 15-24 23-15 /19- Abdom 巴n 巴xpand ed in basal thr 巴巴 and 7th to 9th s巴gm e n ts,

23 23 .21-20, 14-25 24-13 / 16-20 . 19-18 ; pterostigma black, 4mm cylindrical il1 4th to 6th, black with y巴llow markings as follows in in l巴ngth ,and covering 4 c ells in the fore, 4.2mm il1 length and 1st with large spot at V 巴ntral part ,2nd with evidently large mark 4 cells in the hil1d. at ventral more than half and a thin stnpe at dorsal half as il1

Abdom 巴n sl 巴nd 巴I and long , black with yellow markings , fig.; a pa 江of yellow spots of 3rd to 6th sometilnes disappeared

1st 1st s巴gmentwith V 巴ntral patch ; 2nd segment with large spot at in 3rd and 4th, 6th of which are enlarged in apical 1/4.

ant 巴ro-v 巴ntral part and with apical ring, th 巴 form 巴I with two Cerci about half short er than 10th s巴gm 巴nt , valvula valvae stripes, stripes, one is prolong 巴d anteriad along V 巴ntral adge, another broadly trap 巴zoidal, with middle part of apex sharply pointed. is is rectangularly so ventrad ; 3rd with very narrow indistinct ring Tenth ventral lobe parabolically protrud 巴d at apex, clearly

at at medio-dorsal part ; 3rd to 6th each with yellow line at stemite , 巴xc 巴巴 ding paraproct at apex. d巴co rat 巴d with a pa!f of spots at dorso-apical area though very Distributions. S. Churn, N. Vietnum. small small or sometimes disappearing il15th, of which a pair of 6th Materials examilied. Mt. Tamclao, near Hanoi, N.V1 巴tnum

are are the largest and are spread at post 巴rior 1/6 ; 7th-10 出 black. 1 ♂ 1 ♀, 20. V. 1991 ,M. Takakuwa leg; 2 ♂♂ , 30. V. 1993,

Caudal app 巴ndag 巴 black. Superior appendag 巴 slightly H. Karub 巴 l巴g.29 ♂♂ 2 ♀♀ ,19. V.-2. VI. 1993, Nativ 巴 leg shorter shorter than th 巴 inferior , rapidly b 巴coming thinn 巴r towards Notes. This is th 巴 first record from V1 巴tnum. Vietnumes 巴

apex ; lateral spine stout and robust , situat 巴d at basal 1/3. sp 巴Clll1 巴ns somewhat differ from thos 巴 of CS.China in th 巴

Inferior Inferior appendage slender , almost parall 巴1-sided, clearly strncture of caudal appendag 巴 bilob 巴d, deeply and widely 巴marginat 巴d as V -shape at apex , each lobe with two spin 巴s at dorsal apex and narrowly round 巴d Chlorogomphus miyashitai sp. nov

at at apex in dorsal vi 巴w. (Figs. 63-73)

Acc 巴ssory g巴mtalia moderate, anterior lamilrn gradually Male. Abdomen (incl. app 巴ndag 巴) 58.lrnm in l巴ngth b 巴coming thinner towards apex, de 巴ply d 巴pr 巴ssed 巴xcept for Hmdwing 42.7rnm ill length, with maxilnum width 12.lmm. margil1s margil1s , hamulus post 巴rioris robust, with ap 巴x sharply pomted , H 巴 ad slightly, triangularly project 巴d ant 巴riorly, black with

and cmv 巴d ant 巴riad at ap 巴x. y巴llowish markings , labium pale yellow ; labrum black , 58 H.KARUBE

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1 圃哩醐圃了~盟国画盛時 ~ ~ー?一 ' I

三ョ 62

ーJ ノ て~9 ー三ミ 1

Figs. Figs. 53 62. Chlorogomphus nasutus N 巴巴 dham 53, 53, 55, 57 61 male ; 54, 56 , 62 female ; 53,54 thorax; 55,56 abdomen; 57 caudal appendage in dorsal

view; view; 58 sam 巴 in lat 巴ral view; 59 accessory genitalia in lateral view; 60 last segment of penis in lateral

view; view; 61 : sam 巴 in ventral view; 62 ・ apical segments of abdomen in v巳ntral view

anteclypeus anteclypeus yellow, postclyp 巴us y巴llow, with a pair of whit 巴 and curv 巴d mwards under the m1ddl 巴, mesmfra 巴p1sternum

markings at about 1βfrom eac h side, ant 巴frons black, with y巴llow, m 巴S巴pimeron with narrow strip 巴 at anterior part, which

yellow yellow band at upp 巴I 巴dg 巴 , distance betw 巴巴 11 巴Y巴5 0.5mm ; 1s broad 巴n 巴d V 巴ntrad and brok 巴n at middle and upp 巴r part;

V 巴It巴x swollen ,巴 aves-shap 巴cl, with dorsal part almost flat , metep1st 巴rnum with broad band at posterior 3/4,

occiput occiput subconical ,y 巴llow with black border. metinfra 巴pistemum with spot at ant 巴rior half , met 巴pimeron

Prothorax black, with anterior and lateral eclg 巴sy 巴llow. with two narrow strip 巴s, one is situat 巴d at antenor ー 1/3 and

Pterothorax Pterothorax black with yellow marks as follows : antehumeral som 巴what broadened towards dorsal apex, and anoth 巴I is so

stripe 巴' xpanclecl at upp 巴r encl ; hum era l stripe about 2.5 times at low 巴r edge , m etapoststemum larg e ly y巴llow

as as wicl 巴 as median part of th 巴 form 巴r, and faintly broaden 巴d Wings hyaline ; each median space with 2 cross vems ; Chlorog omphus of Ind ochina 59

tnangles tnangles 2 2/2 2, that of 出e fore basal :costal :distal= 1: distal= 1 :1.8 1.6, that of hind basal costa l distal= 1 1.2 1.4: 1.4: 1.4 ,出 at of 血巴 hind basal costa l: distal=l 1.3: 1.5; anal 1.4; analloopl5/16,nodalindex 12-23 23-12/13 18 19 ・14 ' loop 9-celled; nodal index: 13-24: 23-13 / 16-18: 21-17; pt 巴rostigma black , 3.3 mm in length and cov e ring 3.5 cell s in pterostigma pterostigma black ,2.9mm in l ength and cov 巴ring 3 c巴lls in th 巴 自己 fore ,3.8mm in l ength and 3c ell s in th 巴 hind. fore, fore, 2.9mm in length and 2. 5 cells in th 巴 hind. Abdominal maculation s somewhat diff ere nt from thos e of

Abdom en sl end 巴r, black ,symm etrically with y巴!l ow markings male: 2nd with broad ob liqu 巴 yellow band from ant 巴ro v entral

as as follows ・larg 巴 spot at V 巴ntral half of 1st ,antero-ventral large margin just befor 巴 post 巴ro-dorsal marg 肌 with V 巴ntr 日1edg e marking and amrnlat 巴 fascia just befor 巴 apical margin of 2nd black , 3rd without V 巴ntral patch , 7th maculation prolon g巴d

(two (two bord er at lower part) ,th 巴 fonner being prolonged dorsad ant eriad along lat 巴ral margin. and connected with the maculation of opposite sid e, antero- C 巴rc1 about 1/2 short er than 10th segment. Valvula va lv ae ventral ventral spot of 3rd ,巴 ach apical spot of 3rd to 7th , of which th 巴 trapezoidal. T 巴nth V 巴ntral lob e 巴xc 巴eding paraproc t at ap 巴X

7th 7th on 巴 is the lar gest and abo ut 1/6 width of 7th segment, and Distribution. NE Laos. eac h ventral patch of 6th to 9th , of which the 6th and 9th ones Type series. Holotype ,♂ ,Xien Kwang , NE. Laos , 4. IV are are very small ; 8th to 10th black. 1993, T . Miyashita leg. A ll o typ 巴,♀, sam e locality as th e

Caudal Caudal appendage black. Super ior appendag 巴 slightly long er holotype , 22. VI. 199 3, T. Miyashita l eg than than th 巴 infer ior, slender parallel-sid 巴d but slight ly curv 巴d Notes. This n 巴W sp 巴ci 巴s dos 巴ly r巴! at es to Ch .selysi , but inwards inwards at iim er margin , thiim ed at about apical half ; V巴 ntral eas il y distinguish 巴d by th es hort supenor app endag 巴 spin 巴 short and robust ,situated at basal 1ρ ; each ap 巴 x faintly

巴marginat 巴 in dorsal view. Inferior appendag e parallel-sid 巴d, Chlorogomphus takakuwai sp. nov belob 巴d, swo ll en ventrally behind 出巴middle , with two spmes (Figs.74-84)

at at dorso-apical ar 巴a 口1 lat 巴r vi 巴w ,s巴micircularly excavated λ4 且le. Abdom 巴n (mcl. a1 コp巴ndage) 66 .3- 69.7111111 ml 巴ngt I1. apica ll y on dorsu111 ; ap 巴X som 巴w hat bi.lobed with sinuat e Hmdwmg 48.6-48 .9111111 in length, with 111axiinu111 w idth 14.2-

111iddl 巴, with e ach lobe triangularly pointed at the tip. 14.8mm.

Accesso1y Accesso1y g巴nitalia with ant 巴rior la111ina rapidly thi1m ed H 巴ad triangularly prolonged anteriorly , black with yell ow

towa rd s apex and acutely ref! 巴xecl upwards ; ha111ulus 111arkmgs , labium pal 巴 yell ow, with ant erior border brownish , post 巴rio1-is slend 巴r,waved , with apex point 巴d anteriad . labru111 black , ant 巴clyp eus y巴llow ,with each side black ,

Penis Penis with vesicle notched ventra ll y at median part ,squar ely postclypeus yellow , with V 巴ntral border black , ant e frons bla ck, project 巴d ve ntrad in lat eral view , 2nd cmvecl V 巴ntrad, with spin 巴 withupp 巴redg 巴Y巴ll ow , cli stanc 巴b 巴twe en 巴 Y 巴5 0.4111111 ; vert ex which is about 2/3 1巴ngth of 3rd seg111ent , 4th sl enderly swoll 巴n, eaves -shap ed , occipu t subconical. triangular, triangular, with a pair of long proj 巴cti ons which are about 2/3 Prothorax black , with ant e rior and low er edges y ellow. of4 白, with ventra l plate very deeply clivaricate at apica l hal f, Pterothorax black with ye ll ow marks , ant ehum eral str ip e rath er with with rath 巴I d 巴巴 ply ref! 巴xed upwards , with dorsa l part lon ger broad ,expand 巴d at upp er apex , humeral stripe about as wide than ventral plat 巴, groov 巴 d 111edially in anterio r 2/3 and as upp 巴I part of the for111er , and famtly broadened and cwv 巴d somew hat oblique ly trun cate and broadly protruded ventrad outwards under the middle ; mesmfraepist 巴mum with short at at apex in lateral view . fascia at upper part ; 111et e pisternum ye ll ow 巴xcept for black

Female. Female. Abclo111 巴n (incl. appendage) 62.5mm ii1 length , fascia along posterior margm , th e yellow band beii1g about 4 hindwmg 47 .8111m in l巴ngth, with maxiinu111 width 15.6111111. tiines as wide as the marginal black one and truncately broken

Maculati ons si111ilar to those of 111al 巴 b 巴low metastigma ; 111etinfra 巴p1st 巴rnu111 with larg e spot at

Head black with y巴llow 111arkmgs ; labiu111 whitish ll ye ow ; 111icldl 巴 , m 巴tepi.tn 巴ron with short fascia at upp 巴r part ; ventra l labru 111 bl ack , with a pair of ye llow markings at middle , 巴dge of 111etepi.tneron and v entral half of po ststemum black. anteclypeus anteclypeus black, with ye ll ow patch at the medio-clorsal part , Wmgs hyalme with brownish apic 巴s , each median space postclyp 巴us y巴!low on all ov 巴r; lateral and dorsal ridg es of with 2 cross veins, triangles 3 :2β3, 2 3/2 2, 2 ・3/2 2,2: antefrons antefrons yellow; vertex eaves -shaped with median notch , 2/2: 2, that of the fore: basal costa l distal= 1: 1.5 ・1.5 , that occiputpiramidal occiputpiramidal and y巴!lowish; d凶tan 田 between eyes 0.8111m. of th 巴 hind basal costal :distal= 1 :1.3 :1.5 ; ana llo op 8-11-

Pro Pro thor ax black, posterior and lat 巴ra l edges marginated with 田 !led ; n odal index 15 ・25: 24-15 / 18-20: 19 ・19 , 14-25 25 ・/14 ye llow . Pterothorax black with yellow, antehumera l stripe 18-20 :20 ・18 , 15-25 24 -17 /18-19 :20-20 ,16 ・23 :24-13 /19 ・22 nanow and disappear 巴d at lower part ; hum eral strip 巴 waved 19-18; pterostig111a black ,3.8111111 ill l ength and cov 巴rmg 3.5- near 仕1巴 middle. c巴!ls in the fore ,4.lm111 in l巴ngth and 4.5-c e ll s i.t1 th 巴 hind. Wi.t1gs Wi.t1gs hyaline , ting ed w1 出 brown; median space w ith cross Abdomen slender , black , sy111111etr ica ll y with ye ll ow veins: veins: 2. 2β :2 ; triangles 3: 3/4: 4, that of fore . basal costal ・ 111arkings as follows : spot at ventra l half of 1st, antero-ventral 60 H.KAR UBE


~ 1

可℃i ヨミ 9 12

Figs. Figs. 63 73. Chlorogomphus miyashita1 sp. nov 64, 66, 68 72 mal e; 63, 65, 67, 73 ・female ; 63 head in fr ontal view ; 64, 65 thorax ; 66,67 abdomen ; 68

caudal caudal appendag 巴 in dorsal view; 69. same in lateral view; 70 accesso ry genitalia in lateral vi 巴w; 71 last segmen t of penis in la teral view; 72 same in ventra l view; 73 api .cal segments of abdo m eni n ventra l view

and ap ico-do rsa l markin gs in 2nd , which are co nn 巴cted w ith inwards at inn erm argin ,w ith stou tV 巴ntra lsp in e at basal about eac h ot h 巴r at middl e ar 巴a th e former being co nn 巴cted with 2/5, thinn ed from th 巴r巴 to ap 巴x; apex a littl e emarg in at 巴 in spo t of 1st at an teno r margin ,巴 ac hv e ntral fascia of 3rd and dor sa lvi 巴W Inferior app 巴ndage thicken 巴d below to wa rd s th e

4th , eac h ap ical ring of 3rd to 7th, the 7th one of which is th e middle in latera lvi 巴w, bilob ed in apica hl alf,a p巴X trap 巴zoida ll y larges t ; 8th to 10th black. truncat 巴,sli gh tl y protrud ed at midd le ;巴ac h lob 巴 triangular ,

Ca ud alapp 巴ndag 巴 black. Sup erior appen dage long 巴I th an with two sp in es at dorso -apica l area the the in fer ior , slend er and parall el- si ded, but slightly curv ed Acc esso ry genitalia wi th an t erior lam in a rapidly ta pered Chlorog 口mph us of Indoc hina 61

、u 司 に己~ν 79

、町五 ー三三 3

Figs. Figs. 74-84. Chlorogomph us takakuwa1 sp. nov

75, 75, 77, 79 83 male; 74, 76 , 78, 84 female; 74 head in frontal view; 75,76 ・ thorax ; 77,78: abdomen ; 79

caudal caudal appendag 巴 in dorsal view; 80 same in lateral view; 81 ace 巴ssory genitalia in lateral view; 82 last

segment of penis in lat 巴ral vi 巴w; 83 same in ventral view; 84 apical segments of abdomen in ventral view

towards ap 巴' x, which is suddenly reflex 巴d ; hamulus postenons divaricate in apical about 1βand weakly refl ex 巴d upward, with rath 巴r robust, with apex a little point 巴d ant 巴riad. dorsal part clearly long 巴r than V 巴ntral plate, grooved m 巴di ally

Perus Perus with vesicle squarely proj 巴ct 巴d ventrad and grooved in ant 巴rior 2βand very faintly obliquely truncate and rath 巴r as as a stratovolcano in vertical section 2nd curved ventrad with broadly protruded ventrad at apex in lat eral view spin 巴 which is about 1 /2 I巴ngth of 3rd s巴gment , 4th sl 巴nderly Female. Abdom 巴n (incl. app 巴ndag 巴) 68.9-69 .7mm 111 triangular, triangular, with a pair of long straight project10ns which ar 巴 length. Hindwmg 52.4-55.9mm in length, maximum width 16.7- about 1/2 times as long as 4th, with ventral plate v巴ry d巴巴 ply 18.8111111. 62 H.KARUBE

Maculations almost as in mal e of Natural His tory, suborder Anisoptera. K ontyu , 46 234-252

Head color as in male ;v 巴rt 巴x protrud 巴d with two swellmgs , Asahin 且, S., 1981. A new Chlorogomphus from Thailand (,

occ1put narrow ;町田mor 巴 widely separated (1.2mm) Cordu!egastridae) Proc. Jap. Soc. syst. Z コol., 20 35 38 Asahina, Asahina, S., 1986. Revis ional not 巴5 on Nepalese Assamese Pt 巴rothoracic color pattern as in male, but fascia of species species of th 巴 genus Chlorogomphus (Odonata, Cordugastrida 巴) m 巴tinfra 巴pistemum broad 巴f Cho-Cho ,Fukuoka, 9 (1) 11-26 Wings hyalin 巴, som 巴times decorated with reddish brown Chen, Chin-Wen, 1950. A r eview of the genus Chlor <コgomphus S巴lys 111 日rking at 巴ach base ; each m 巴dian space with 2 cross veins , of eastern China. Quar t. J. Taiw. Mus., 3 137 15 0

triangles triangles 4 4/4 4, 4 5/5 : 4, that of for 巴 basal costal . distal= Fras 巴r, F C, 1929. A revision of the Fissiliabiodes (,

1 .1.5 1.4, thatofh:i:nd. basal costal distal=l .1.1 1.3, anal Petaliiclae and P 巴ta luric!ae) , I. M 巴m Indi an Mus. ,9 69 - 167

Fraser, Fraser, F C, 1933. Ar 巴vision of th 巴Fissiliabiodea (Cordul 巴gastric! 且e, loop 15-18 田 celled ; nodal ind 巴x: 15 26 26-17/20-21 23-20, 17-

28 ・30 -15 ρ0-23 :22-21. Pt 巴rostig ma black, 3.8mm in length Petaliicla 巴and Pe ta!urida 巴) , II. Mem. I ndian Mus., 9 205-206 and covering 3 cells in the fore, 4.lmm in length and 3.5 cells Fraser, F C, 1940. Anew speci 巴s of Chlorogomphus (oder Odonata) Proc. Proc. R. ent. Soc. Land., (B) 9 55-56 in in the hind. Kl ots, E. B., 1947. Chinese c!ragontlies (Odonata) in th 巴Anl 巴r M us Abdomen long, with basal 2 and last 3 segments thick 巴ned, Nat. Nat. History Am 巴r Mus. Novit. , 1341 1-13 coloration as in male, but yellow mark of 7th developed as a LieftinclζM A, 1954 . Hancllist of Malaysian Odonata. Treubia, 22 ring ring just before apex. (Suppl.) xiii+ 1-202

Cerc1 long, as long as 10 也記gm 巴nt. Valvula valvae shallowly Lieftink, M. A, 1960 .On the identity of some littl e known South 回 st bilobed. T 巴nth V巴 ntral lobe not exceeding paraproct Asiatic Odonata in Europian museums descr ib 巴d by E. DE Selys Distribution. Distribution. N .Vietnum. Longchamps. memorie Soc. ent. ital., 38 229-256 Martin, Martin, R., 1910. Un nouv 巴au Chlorogomphus Selys. Bull. Soc . e口t Type series. Holotype ,♂ ,Mt. Tamdao , n ea r Hanoi, N. Fr. Fr. 1910 65-66 Vietnum , 19. V- 2. VI. 1993, native leg. Allotyp e, 1 ♀, same Navas, Navas, R. R. L., 1936. Nevropter 巴set insectes voisins. Chine 巴t pays locality locality as the holotype, 31. V. 1991, H. Kamb 巴leg. Paratypes : environnants. environnants. N 巴uvieme serie. Not 巴5 巴nt. chin., 3 (4) 37 62 sam 巴 locality as th 巴 holotype 1 ♀‘16.V.1992. M. Takakuwa Needham, J. G., 1930. Manual of the of China. Zoo!. Sm1α leg; 1 ♂, 2.VI.1993, S. Nakamura 1巴g' l ♂ 1 ♀, 19.V- (A) 11 1 -399

2.VI.1993, native leg. Ris, F , 1927. Ein nεu 巴r Chi 《 ngo η1phusat 」s China (Odon) , Ent. Mitt

Notes. this n 巴w species res 巴mbles Ch. miyashitai, but is 16 (2 )ー 103-105

easily easily distinguished from the latt 巴r by th 巴 large-siz 巴cl body and Selys, L. , 1854. Syn. des Gomphines. Bull. Acad. Belg. Torn., 21 (2) 23-112. 23-112. Apart. Brux. 8. (93 pag .) structure structure of caudal app 巴ndage. Selys ,L. , 1857. Mon. Gomphphines (Selys et Hagen) M 巴n. Soc. de Liege , 11 257- 720 References Selys, Selys, L., 1873. Appendic 巴 aux troisiemes additons et liste des Asahina, Asahina, S., 1956. Dragonflies from West Tien Mu Shan, central Gomphin 巴s, decrites dans !es synopsis 巴t ses trois additions. Bull China. China. Ent. Medd., 27 204-228 Acacl. Acacl. r. Belg., (2) 36 492 531 (sep.47 87) Asahina, Asahina, S., 1961. Contributions to the knowledge of the fauna of Selys, Selys, L., 1878. Quatriernes additions au synopsis des Gomph1nes central central China. Tombo ,4 1 17 Bull. Bull. Acad. r. Belg, 2 ( 46) 408-471, 658-698 (sep 3-1C6) Asahina, Asahina, S., 1966. Notes on Chines 巴 Odonata, I. K ontyu, 34 131- Selys. Selys. L., 1891. Viaggio de Leonardo F 巴a in Birrnania e region1 v1cme 135 135 ロxii. Odonates . Annali. Mus. civ. Stor. not., Genova 30= (2) 10 Asahina, Asahina, S., 1969. Notes on Chines 巴 Odonata, II. Th 巴 Odonata of 433-518 433-518 Metas 巴quoia Expedition. Kontyu, 37. 192-201. St. St. Quentin, D., 1936. Liberren aus dern c!isstrikt Dargeering n巴bst Asahina, Asahina, S., 1969. South Vietnam Odonata take 口 by Mr. Y. Inou 巴 beschreibun beschreibun gernerneuen Chlorogomphu 丘 Art. Konowia, 15 102 J呂p. J. Zoo!., 16 1 18, 27. 105 105 Asahina, Asahina, S., 1970. Notes on Chines 巴 Odonata, III. Kellog Collect1on Williamson, Williamson, E. B., 1907. The doragonflies (Odonata) of Burma and 日i the California Acad 巴my of Sciences. Kontyu, 38 198-204. lower lower Siam. 2. Subfamili 巴 S Cordulegastrinae,Chlorogomphinae, and Asahina, Asahina, S., 1978. Notes on Chinese Odonata , VII. Further studies Gomhpinae. Proc. U.S. nat. Mus., 33 (1571) 267 317 on the Graham collection pr 巴E巴rv 巴d in th 巴U S National Museum