![On the Genus Chlorogomphus (Anisoptera: Chlorogomphidae) Of](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Bull. Bull. Kanagawa prefect. Mus. (Nat. Sci.) , No. 24, pp.47-62, Mar. 1995 On the Genus Chlorogomphus (Anisoptera. Chlorogomphidae) of Indochina with with Descriptions of Six New Species and Little Known Species Haruki KARUBE Kanagawa Pr efec tural Mu seum ,Naka-ku ,Yokohama , Kanagawa 231 ,Japan インドシナのミナミヤンマ属の覚え書き - 6 新種および希少種の記載 苅部治紀 神奈川県立博物館 インドシナ におけ るミナミ ヤンマ属は, これまでご くわずかな記録がある だけで あったが. 近年. 筆者 らの調査に よっ て,各地からかなりの標本が収集されている 。 今回は,乙の中から Ch . yokoii sp. n ov. (タイ) , C h . alb omarginatus sp. no v. (ベトナム) , C h. n ak am urai sp . no v. (ベトナム), C h. sac hi yoae s p. no v. (ベトナム), C h . mi yas hit ai s p. no v. (ラオス), C h . takakuw ai sp. sp. nov. (ベ トナム) の 6 新種を記載し,さらに原記載以来 初 年ぶりの記録であり,初めてオスが知ら れる C h. aura aura tu s Martin (ベト ナム )を再記載した 。また, Ch. nasu tus Ne 巴dham は,ベトナム国内から 初めて記録さ れるもので ある 。 Abstract. S以 n 巴w species of th e g巴nu sα 1101 ogomplms are d巴scr ibed・ C h. yokoii s p. nov . from N. Th ailand, alli ed to C h. arooni , C h. albomarg in atus sp n. ov .a nd C h. nakamura1 sp. nov .from N. Vi 巴tnum ,all of which are similar to eac h ot h 巴I at fir st sig ht but co nsist an ind 巴p巴nd 巴nt sp 巴Cl巴sgroup I巴spec ti ve ly , C h. sac hi yoae sp. sp. no v.from N. Vi etnum , belongin g to th e same group of C h. kit awa k1i fr om S. Chi n a, and C h. mi yas hitai sp nov .from NE L aos; C h. takakuwai sp. nov .fr om N. Vi 巴むrnm ,alli 巴d to C h. se ]ysi from India. In addition , C h auratus auratus is reclescribed af ter 111t e1val of about 巴ight y yea rss in ce th e ori ginal cl esc ript1on , and th 巴 m ale is first recorde d. K ey Words : Chl orogo mphu s,Indo chm a, new spec ies Acknowledgements * Al l th 巴 holoty pes des ig nated in this paper ar巴 pr ese 1v ec1 m I w i sh to ex pre ss my h巴arty th a nks to Dr. Y asuak iWa tan ab巴, th 巴 Kan agawa Prefectura lMu s巴um of Natural History La b orato1y of E ntomol ogy, To k yo Un ive r・sity of Agricultur e and Dr. D. A. L. Da vi巴s of Ca mbrid g巴 for th eir constant Key to the male of 1「idochina species of the genus guiclan c巴, to Mr. Ma satosh i Takakuwa o f th 巴 Kana gawa Ch/orogom phus lT l 内十h凶 叫 フ旬〈 OLYtAVιU-rLgn巴SlSM wwbげはE8I前 :uon--日辺呂町 a Pr巴fectura lMus eum of Natura l History for hi s kindn ess in 日 M 、 1HHhu リ ,IO--auHEi 巴 O mmUuod・bl 1 re ading th eo riginal manu sc ript , and Mr. It su ro Kawashima - J J 2PA h ・酌 , 今コ バ I 唱 川 目 t md fo r hi s kind he lp in drawin g who le body fi gur 巴s us巴d in thi s IM , paper. paper. Thank s ar 巴 also du e to M 巴ssrs. Stephen Brooks of Fra ns almos t flat or sli ghtl y protrud ed ante n acl 4 th 巴 Natural Hist01y Mus eum ,Kazuma Kitagawa ,Shin.ii Na gai, 3. Sup e rior app 巴nclag 巴 flat and sl 巴nd 巴r,shap 巴d as pin ce1s . T 巴tsuo Miy ashita, Shin-Ichi Nak am ura, and M asato Yokoi and Infenor app 巴nclage sha ll ow ly excava ted Miss Sachiyo Nirasawa , for th eir kindn ess in suppl yin g wi th s ach1yoae sp. n ov. interesting interesting materials and in he lping m e in various ways. 一 .Sup e rior app end age robust with di stin ct lateral spm es 48 H.KARUBE Inferior Inferior appendage de巴ply and triangularly excava t巴d一一 一一一 C hlorogomphu s auratus M ar tin , 1910 nasu れJS (Figs. 1-11) 4. 4. Superior app 巴nclag e lon ger than th e inferior , which is Chlorogomphus auratus Ma rt in , 1910 ,B ull. Soc. ent .Fr., shallowly shallowly excavat 巴d takakuw 且,i sp. nov . 66 ; Fraser, 1929 ,M ern . Indian Mus. 9 (3) : 14 7- 148 . Superior appendage short 巴r than th e inferior , which is M a le. Abdomen (incl. appendage) 54.9 ・58.lrnm in len gth. d巴巴 ply excavated miya shitaisp. nov. Hindwing 47.9-53.Smm in l巴ngt h, with ma xim um width 16.3- 5. 5. Abdominal segmen ts 4-lOth without any markings. Sup 巴rior 17.8mm. app 巴ndag e sh ort and robust. Inferior appe nd age short , with Head largely bl ack , lab ium wh iti sh llo ye w , labrum black , many spin 巴s at apex anteclypeus black, with upp er and lower edg 巴s bro wnis h ; nakamura1 sp. n ov. postclypeus yellow except for black low 巴I 巴dge, ridg 巴 of 一.Abclomm al s巴gment s 4-7th with yellow markings 一一 一一一 antefron s broadly ye llow , eyes almost adjacent, th 巴 di stance 6 0.5mm ; vertex eaves -shap 巴d, occiput b lack, subco nic al. 6. 6. 10th abdominal seg m 巴nt tri angularl y protrud ed 一一 一一一一- Prnthorax black, with ant eri or margin yellow . Pt erothor ax apicad apicad 7 black with yellow markin gs ; antehumera lstr ip e narrow ,gently ~ 10th abdomina l seg m ent mod erat e . Sup 巴rior and gradually broad 巴ned dorsad ; hum era l strip e as wid 巴 as appendage short er than inferior , with lateral sp ines. dorsal apex of the form 巴r ;a nterior 3/4 of m 巴t巴pist 巴mum albomarginatus albomarginatus sp. nov . ye llow ; low er 巴dge of metepimeron and metapoststernum 7. 7. Sup e rior app 巴ndage v巴ry short. Inferior appe ndag 巴 sti ck - ye llow. s haped, with many spines Win gs n 巴arly hyalin e, with brownish marks at each ap 巴x; yokoli yokoli sp. n ov. median space with 2 cro ss veins , triangl es 3 ・3β. 3, 4 : 4/4 4: , 一 .Sup eri or appe ndag e lon ger tha n inferior appendage , which 4 3β3 ,4 4/4 4, that of fore ba sa l costa l・ distal= 1 .1.3 : is ex pand ed atmiddl e and provided with two big sp ines at ap ex 1.3 ,th atof hind. ba sa l costa l distal=l 0.8 1. 2; anall oop auratus auratus 18 21-celled ; nodal index : 15- 28 29-16 /18- 23 . 23 18 , 16・25 26-17/20 ・23 23 司 21, 17-28 ・29-17/20-21: 23-22 , 19-29 31 - 20/ Key to the female of Indoch ina species of the genus 22-24: 25-23 ; pt 巴ro stigma black, 4rnrn in l巴ngt h and covered Chlorogomphus 4-cell es in th e fore, 4.2rnrn in le ngth 3.5 ・c巴!ls in 出 巴 hind . 1. 1. Triangl es of hind wing recta ngular or equilat era l 2 Abdomen black , sym m etricall y with ye llow markings as - Triangl es of hindwin g ob long 5 follow s : spot at ventral h alf of 1st, broad ,s lightl y obliqu 巴 band 2. 2. Eyes widely sepa rated. Abdominal 7th segment without any runnin g from antero-ventral part to m1ddl 巴 par t of posterior marking 3 mar gin, which 1s conn 巴ct 巴d with th 巴 fon 一.Eyes mod era tely separat ed. Abdominal 7th seg ment with margin , strip e along ve nt ra l ed ge of 3rd ,巴 ac h antero-dor sa l ye llow marking 4 s pot of 3rd to 7th, which isa littl e separated from one of th e 3. 3. Body size middle. Win gs slen d er. T 巴nth ventral lob 巴 not opposit 巴 site ,th 巴 3rd one being the larg es t and prolonged nea r exce eding paraproct sachiyoae sp. nov . V 巴ntral edge along ant 巴rior margrn and 7th one be ing somewhat Bod y size lar ge. Win gs broad. Tenth v entral lob 巴 cl 巴arly larg 巴r than the prec edin g 3 ; 8- lOth entir ely bla ck ; 10th broadl y excee ding paraproct nasu 印5 triangularl y lobed at apex, th 巴 lob e be ing shallowl y concave at 4.Body size middl 巴. L abrum with yellow markings. Sev enth median part and round ed ly inclined downw ard s in apical part. yellow yellow marking spread along lat巴ra l side Caudal appendag e black. Superior app 巴ndag 巴 wid 巴Jy and takakuwa1 takakuwa1 sp. nov. de 巴pl y furcate, the furcation b 巴coming thinn er from b ase to - Body siz 巴 larg e. Labrum without y巴llow markings. Seven 出 basal 1/3 and a little curved ven trad , lat era lpr 句巴 ction si tu ated llow yellow marking like as rin g nea r apex. Inf 巴rior appendage robust, bilobed , rapidly miyashita1 miyashita1 sp. nov. thick 巴n巴d towar ds th e middle in lat 巴ral vi 巴w ,th 巴 lob 巴sstron gly 5. 5. Wings V 巴iy broad, cov ere d with black markings at about ba sa l prolon ged inwards and eac h with two sp in es at inn er part of half half 6 apex. 一.Wrngs bro ad, trng ed with go ld en yellow -一 一一一 一- auratus Accessory genitalia with ant 巴rior lamina rapidly becoming 6.
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