Ndex of Persons/Places
INDEX OF PERSONS AND PLACES 581 The majority of references are to Part II of the Calendar (Additions) and apply to item numbers. References to Part I (Corrections) are by page numbers, and are placed last in each group of references in which they appear. None of the Rotuli Scotiae material has been incorporated in the Index. Where any person is mentioned in a document solely as a witness, the appropriate index reference has been distinguished by the prefix (W). Similarly the prefixes (S) and (C) denote that a person was merely a signatory to the document con- cerned, or is named as having been present in the Privy Council on a particular date. When necessary, these have been com- bined, for example as (CS). Obscure individuals bearing surnames common in both England and Scotland, and described as Scottish in the originals, are designated as such by the abbreviation (Sc) in the index entries. The same abbreviation is used to distinguish certain subjects, such as parliaments, which could be either English or Scottish. Aaron, Jew l^ of York], Dieulacresse son of, 21 Agen, Idep. Lot-et-Garonne, France], scriviner (named) of, Abchester see Habchester 725 Abel, Adam, messenger, 562(b) Agenais (Agen), [France], 734 Aberconway, Cam, -see Conway Aiguillon (AguUyn), Idep. Lot-et-Garonne, France), lands Aberdeen, bishops of see Cheyne, Henry, Kininmund in, 640 Aberdeen (Aberden, Aberdene), lAberdnsl, 327. 343, Airaines (Darreyns), Bernard, 329 492(xiii), 562(b), 584, 620. 1050, 1063 Aird (Dulard, Lard), Cristian (Cristin) alias Christian de, brewers of, 475 valet, 472(n,w) burgesses (nawecfl of, 35, 632 Airedale (Airdale), LVorksJ, valley, Esholt priory in, 708 castle.
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