108512_Wellnessbrosch_en 04.12.2008 15:40 Uhr Seite U1 www.germany-tourism.de Pleasure and relaxation Germany. Welcome nde to wellbeing Your passport to indulgence ger Destination Germany 108512_Wellnessbrosch_en 04.12.2008 15:45 Uhr Seite 30 LOWER SAXONY 41 DAMP Lower Saxony – refreshing KIEL for body and soul Schleswig-Holstein BORKUM 36 39 Expanses of green countryside, North Sea beaches and the Harz 40 mountains – the diverse landscapes of Lower Saxony. OTTERNDORF CAROLINENSIEL- HAMBURG HARLESIEL “KAMERUN COUNTY” NETHER- 33 34 LANDS BREMEN BAD BEVENSEN Lower Saxony HANOVER BAD HARZBURG 38 35 BAD PYRMONT 37 North Rhine-Westphalia BAD LAUTERBERG For visitors seeking rest and relaxation, fountains softly bubbling away and a TourismusMarketing Lower Saxony has 52 spas and health special bioclimate with beneficial, Niedersachsen GmbH resorts offering a combination of tradi- holistic effects. Relax and unwind, take Essener Strasse 1 tional therapies and modern medicine. time for yourself, learn a more laid-back, 30173 Hannover This region has a long health break healthier lifestyle – on a health break in Tel. +49 (0)511 2704 8850 tradition, as is reflected by its sophisti- Lower Saxony. Fax +49 (0)511 2704 8888 cated, classical spa architecture.The spa
[email protected] resorts in Lower Saxony have wonderful www.niedersachsen-tourism.com parks for strolling, healing water 30 www.germany-tourism.de 108512_Wellnessbrosch_en 04.12.2008 15:45 Uhr Seite 31 33 34 “KAMERUN COUNTY” German potato hotel, there is BAD BEVENSEN saline springs and its excellent an Africa wellness farm doctors and therapists. offering specialities from Cameroon (German: Kame- Bad Bevensen run).