A Prayer for Our Nation Leader: O God, Judge of the Nations, How Wrong They Are About Sin, Righteousness and Judgment
Do not be ashamed, then, of the testimony about our Lord or of me his prisoner, but join with me in suffering for the gospel, relying on the power of God, who saved us and called MARCH 8, 2020 us with a holy calling, not accourindg to our works but according to his own purpose and TERHAD PP 8460/11/2012(030939) grace. This grace was given to us in Christ ISSN: 1394-3294 Jesus before the ages began. Vol. 27 No. 09 THE CATHOLIC WEEKLY 2 Tim. 1:8b-9 INSIDE The cry of the earth is P13 no different than the cry of the poor P18-20 Coming together to P14 pray for good health Youth launch Lenten P16 Pioneer batch of theology programme, P5 Sumbangan umat Katolik dalam BM8 DEPTh graduate membina negara sejahtera Campaign at CDM P21-22 Personal conversion needed to confront Satan’s lies ATICAN: There is an ur- sion for Christ crucified as represented in gent need for personal “the many innocent victims of wars, in at- tacks on life, from that of the unborn to that Vconversion without which of the elderly, and various other forms of the temptations of Satan, and the violence.” presence of evil, create a “hell here Christ’s wounds are also represented in on earth,” Pope Francis said in his “environmental disasters, the unequal dis- tribution of the earth’s goods, human traf- 2020 Lenten message. ficking in all its forms, and the unbridled “Christian joy flows from listening to, thirst for profit, which is a form of idolatry,” and accepting, the Good News of the death he stated.
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