The Vegetable Roundup
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provide inspection and certification of the quality of fresh vegetables accord- ing to the U.S. grade standards, and maintains a staff of Federal inspectors for processed vegetables. Use of the U.S. grade standards and inspection services by the vegetable industry is voluntary, and users must pay a fee for the inspection service. The U.S. grade standards and in- Michael A. Castille spection services are used extensively Elsie H. Dawson by the packers, processors, buyers, and Edward R. Thompson others in wholesale trading as a basis for establishing the value of a product. You may find an indication of the U.S. grade on some fresh and processed vegetables in your grocery store, al- The Vegetable though this is not required by Federal law. A few States require that some Roundup- products be graded and labeled on the basis of either Federal or State grade From Buying standards. Grade designations found on pack- ages of potatoes, onions, carrots, and to Cookii^ occasionally other fresh vegetables in retail stores do not mean the product Shopping for vegetables can be a de- has been officially graded unless the light or a chore. A delight if you know package also bears die official USDA what to look for, a chore if you don't. grade shield or the statement "Packed The selection ranges from locally under Continuous Inspection of the grown sweet corn, harvested only hours U.S. Department of Agriculture" or ago, to the more exotic artichokes or "USDA Inspected." brussels s{)routs which may have been U.S. grades for fresh vegetables are: transported thousands of miles by fast U.S. Fancy—^This is the premium jet to your city. grade for some vegetables. It means Nor is your selection limited to fresh the vegetables have outstanding qual- vegetables. Modern technology brings ity and appearance compared to that you canned and frozen vegetables that usually available. Only a very small were harvested weeks or months ago percentage of a crop qualifies for this at the peak of their goodness, and grade. preserved for your future use and U.S. No. 1—^This is the highest grade convenience. for most vegetables. In a normal year, But vegetables, whether fresh or about two-thirds of a crop meets U.S. processed (canned, frozen, or dried), No. 1 grade. These vegetables have can vary in quality. These variations good quality and appearance and few in the taste, texture, and appearance defects. of a vegetable usually make a differ- ence in its price. Michael A. Castille is a Marketing Specialist^ U.S. grade standards, which define Fruit and Vegetable Division {Fresh Products), the differences in quality found in Consumer arui Marketing Service. vegetables, have been established by Elsie H. Dawson is Head of the Consumer Use the U.S. Department of Agriculture of Foods Staff, Human J^utrition Research Divi- for most fresh and processed vege- sion, Agricultural Research Service. Edward R. Thompson is a Marketing Specialist, tables. USDA also administers the Fruit and Vegetable Division (Processed Products), Federal-State Inspection Service to Consumer and Marketing Service. 174 Other grades for fresh vegetables— the quality stated, even though it has U.S. No. 2 or U.S. Combination—are not been officially inspected for grade. not likely to be seen in retail stores. The brand name of a frozen or Like fresh vegetables, most canned canned vegetable is also an indication and frozen vegetables are packed and of quality. Producers of nationally priced according to their quality even advertised prcducts spend consider- though a grademark is not on the label. able effort to maintain the same But if a vegetable is packed under con- quality year after year. Unadvertised tinuous USD A inspection, the indi- brands may also offer an assurance of vidual cans and packages may carry quality, often at a slightly lower cost. the U.S. grademark: And many stores, particularly chain- U.S. Grade A or US. Fancy—Grade A stores, carry two or more qualities vegetables are carefully selected for under their own name labels (private color, tenderness, and freedom from labels). Often the only indication of blemishes. They are the most tender, difference in quality between private- succulent, and flavorful vegetables label products is the price. produced. Other factors that affect the price U.S. Grade B or U.S. Extra Standard— of canned or frozen vegetables—and Grade B vegetables have excellent how you want to use them—are the quality but are not quite so well se- form or style of the vegetable—whole, lected for color and tenderness as sliced, cut—and whether special sea- Grade A. They are usually a little sonings, sauces, or flavorings have less tasty. been added. Whole vegetables gen- U.S. Grade C or U.S. Standard— erally cost more than cut styles because Grade C vegetables are not so uniform it is hard to keep these fragile products in color, tenderness, and flavor as whole during processing. Added sauces vegetables in the higher grades, and or special flavorings, of course, also they are usually more mature. They add to the price, but let you serve are a thrifty buy when appearance is something different without any extra not too important—^for instance, if work. you are using the vegetables as an Experience is the best teacher in ingredient in soup or soufliie. any type of buying. But here are a few The "Packed under Continuous In- general rules that may help you: spection of the U.S. Department of Don't buy fresh vegetables simply Agriculture" shield may be shown because the price is low. It doesn't pay along with the grade shield, or it may to buy more vegetables than you can be shown by itself. use without waste. Most fresh vege- Sometimes the grade name is indi- tables can be stored for 2 to 5 days, cated without the "U.S." in front of except for root vegetables, which can it—for example, "Fancy" or "Grade be stored from one to several weeks. A." A canned or frozen vegetable with It's "penny foolish" to buy fresh this designation must measure up to vegetables affected by decay. A few cents extra for vegetables in good condition is a good investment Fresh vegetables are usually at their best quality and price at the peak of the season when they are in plentiful supply. USDA will notify consumers through newspapers and other media when vegetables are in abundant supply across the country. Be careful to prevent injury to fresh vegetables when you are picking them out in the store. The consumer pays INSPECTION SHIELD for carelessness in the long run. 175 -^W--!:- USDA inspector examines scallions during harvesting by Navajo Indians in Arizona. Be sure to check the label on canned, Don't buy cans of vegetables that frozen, and dried vegetables. Besides leak or bulge at either end. Bulging or describing contents of the package, the swelling indicates spoilage. Dents in label may tell you the grade, variety, cans do not harm the contents unless size, and maturity of the vegetables; they have actually pierced through seasonings; number of servings; cook- the can or sprung the seam. ing directions; and give recipes or Packages of frozen vegetables should serving ideas. Fair packaging and be firm. Because frozen vegetables labeling regulations require that the should be used immediately after they label give the net contents in total have defrosted—to avoid loss of quality ounces as well as in pounds and ounces and possible contamination—do not if the package contains 1 pound or buy packages that are limp, wet, or more, or less than 4 pounds. This sweating. These are indications the should make it easier for you to com- vegetables have defrosted or are in the pare prices. process of defrosting. Packages stained 176 by the contents may have been de- attractive as a hot vegetable or as a frosted and refrozen at some stage in cold salad. the marketing process. The vegetables Fancy-cut vegetables, such as french- may not be contaminated, but refrozen style green beans or julienne carrots vegetables will not taste as good as (french-style and julienne are both those that are freshly frozen. sliced lengthwise) usually cost more Buy the quality and style of canned than other cut styles and, because they and frozen vegetables to fit the use are more attractive, are intended for you plan to make of the vegetable. use as hot vegetables or cold salads. Grade A or Fancy vegetables are the Short-cut green beans, diced car- pick of the crop and may cost more rots, and tomato pieces are examples than Grade B or C vegetables. They of the least expensive styles of proc- are good for a special luncheon or essed vegetables, and the styles that dinner. Grade B or Extra Standard are best used for soups, souffles, or vegetables may not look or taste quite stews. as good as Grade A vegetables, but Whether you buy fresh or processed they are good served alone or in cas- vegetables, knowing how many pounds seroles or gelatin salads. Grade G or or what package or can size to buy is Standard vegetables are just as nutri- sometimes a problem. The serving size tious as Grades A and B, but they commonly used for adults is H cup, and don't look as attractive. They are more for young children, }i cup. But of likely to be used in making soups or course, how much you serve depends purees, and they also may be used in on your preference for the particular souffles.