I. Introduction. Hybrid Mesopotami- with Annû Qaqqad Pazuzu “This Is
Iconography of Deities and Demons: Electronic Pre-Publication 1/5 Last Revision: 10 December 2007 Pazuzu shown; and large, round, deep-set eyes under thick eyebrows. Animal horns, a I. Introduction. Hybrid Mesopotami- horizontally cut human beard, human ears, an demon. According to literary sources P. round bulges on his head, and a throat represents a ferocious wind that brings marked by horizontal lines are further destruction to cultivated land, cattle, and characteristic features of this demon. An humans. This wind was originally identified elongated, small, canine body with the ribs with a hot, southwesterly wind due to an clearly visible, human shoulders and arms incorrect understanding of a Sumerian ending in the claws of a predator, and incantation (LENORMANT 1874: 48), but re- human or animal thighs which turn into cent research (CHARLIER 1992; HEEßEL bird’s talons form the body. Two pairs of 2002: 2, 62-66) shows that an identification bird’s wings on his back, a penis erectus with a cold, wintry, northeasterly wind is ending in a snake’s head, and the tail of a much more consistent with the textual scorpion complete P.’s hybrid iconography. evidence. Regardless of the pose P. is presented in, Representations of P., usually in the these parts of his iconography are shown on form of small heads, were extremely all elaborate pieces. popular since his image was used to ward A variation of this standard iconography off other demonic beings. P. served is found on the reverse of a Lamashtu- particularly as the antagonist of the baby- amulet (2) portraying a demon with cow snatching demon →Lamashtu, and was a ears, closed human mouth, a long snake-like favourite amulet of pregnant women and tail, and the left arm raised, not the right as young mothers.
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