The Bronte¨S in Context
Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-76186-4 - The Brontës in Context Edited by Marianne Thormählen Index More information Index Recipients of letters are not indexed in that capacity. Nor are names and titles in notes when indexed as occurring in the running text. Titles of works by authors other than the Bronte¨s are indexed (under their authors’ names) only when the primary reference in the running text is to the relevant work and not to its author. Ablow, Rachel, 203 Askew, Anne, 111 Abrams, M. H., 217 Athenaeum, The, 160, 165n, 181n, 274 Acton, Dr William, 329 Athena¨um, Das, 225 Adams, Abigail B., 120 Atlas, The, 161 Adams, J. F. A., 259n Audubon, John James, 144 adaptations of the Bronte¨ fiction, see screen Ornithological Autobiography, 250 versions of the Bronte¨ novels; sequels and Augustine, St, Confessions, 228 prequels to Bronte¨ fiction; stage versions Austen, Jane, 148, 306 of Bronte¨ novels Pride and Prejudice, 297, 301 advertising of books, 161 Austin, Linda, 203 Aesop’s Fables, 99, 144 Australia, deportation of criminals to, 230 agricultural revolution, 276, 281, 296 Author’s Printing and Publishing Assistant, The, agriculture, 276, 277–9 154, 155 Alcott, Louisa May, 201 Aykroyd, Tabitha, 76, 83–4, 98, 297 Alexander, Christine, 3, 60n, 89, 105n, 133n, Aylott and Jones, publishing firm, 154, 155, 160 157n, 171, 249n, 251, 259n, 270, 271; (ed.), 25n, 60n, 67n, 105n, 149n, 214n, 249n Babbage, Benjamin Herschel, 14, 25, 26n Allbutt, Sir Thomas Clifford, 51 Report, 336 Allen, David Elliston, 250 Bacon, Francis, The Advancement
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