Information for New Students at the Faculty of Science Spring 2016 Table of contents

Dear novisch 3

Schedule 4

Greetings from the presidents of the Science Student Union 6

The Mentor Committee 7

The Faculty of Science – Teaching close to research 8

About LUNA 9

The Student Councils 10

Studentlund 11

How to find Housing 12

A vocabulary for the novisch 13

Map 16

To-do list 17

The astronomy building at Sölvegatan 27 in Lund, headquarters of the union. dul


Welcome novisches! Firstly, congratulations on making the decision of studying in Sweden’s best student city! Secondly, congratulations in choosing to study the natural sciences, the most noble of all educations! No but seriously, it´s great that you chose to study here in Lund at our fine faculty. You may have grown up in Lund or you are from New Zeeland and have never been to Sweden before, in both cases you are very welcome to the novisch period at the science union at Lund university (LUNA)! The novisch period exists to, in a super fun way, welcome all science students to Lund and show you what Lund and the university has to offer. We organize fun activities, parties, inform you about all sorts of things, and teach you all the tricks and perks of Lund’s student life. We want EVERYBODY to be a part of this, so there will be activities both with and without alcohol and we will never force you to do anything that you do not want to do.

An introduction will be held on the 16th of January where you will get information from the faculty and LUNA. Register beforehand ( for a free ! If you miss this meeting you can still come to all our other activities and ask about anything that you may have missed, it's never too late to catch on. However the last activity, the Novisch-sittning requires that you have registered and payed no later then Monday the 18th at the union office.

We are here for you, literally 24/7 for the whole novisch period, so if you have any problems just contact us. You can either call the emergency phone (0767 89 88 68) or email us at [email protected]. Also check out our Facebook page; Luna novish period spring 2016. Here you will find information about all the activities. As well as the Mentor committees own page, Fadderutskottet. Just search for these and you should be able to find them.

We two mentor generals, along with the rest of the Mentor committee and the other mentors will lead you into Lund’s student life and hopefully prove to you that you have made the right choice to choose to be a part of the Faculty of Science at the University of Lund.

So again, welcome and we´ll see you the 16th! Best regards from your mentor generals Arvid and Hasse


All novisches are welcome to all our activities! We will arrange one “sittning” (seated or party), the “Novisch-sittning” (23/1). If you want to participate in this sittning you have pay 150SEK in cash at LUNA’s office no later then the 18th. The registration to this sittning is not complete until LUNA has received the payment. You also need to be a member of Studentlund in order to attend! Check out to learn how to register and if you have any questions/issues, contact the Vice President at [email protected].

In the registration link to the introduction day (see belov) the 16th, which you need to fill in in order to get , we will ask if you are interested in going to the sittning. Note that this is not a registration and you still need to go to the unions office (Sölvegatan 27, Lund) in order to get a seat! We ask this only to get an estimate on how many that want to go to the sittning.

16/1 Saturday - Introduction day (registration required for free ) The first day of the novischperiod! You are introduced to the university, the science faculty and LUNA. At this event you will meet your fellow students and the mentors for the first time. There will be lots of really useful information and afterwards we will play some games together. If you register beforehand by using the link below you will also receive free lunch! LINK:

Time: 11.00-14.00 Location: Lundmarksalen, the astronomy building, Sölvegatan 27.

16/1 Saturday - Introparty Later on the 16th there will also be a introduction party to celebrate your first day in Lund! Get to know your fellow novisches and your mentors and just enjoy yourselves. We will not provide any alcohol so you will have to bring your own booze (BYOB, good term to know). Alcohol is not mandatory, of . Bring whatever you prefer to and be prepared for a good time and possibly a few surprises. Time: 19:00(..) Location: Hallands nation (Thomanders väg 1), fourth floor (lgh 1303). Mentors will be stationed outside and show you the way in.

17/1 Sunday - BYOB (bring your own ) Everyone is probably going to be tired after the party so on the day after we will just meet up to eat some brunch together and chill. Bring whatever you crave. Get to know everyone in a more relaxed way. Maybe we will play some boardgames (bring some if you have any) or watch a movie, whatever bruh. Time: Drop in after 11.00 Location: Rydbergs pub at Fysicum, Sölvegatan 14 18/1 Monday - Courses Start Don´t forget to show up to your course start, so you don´t lose your spot. If you for some reason can´t make it, make sure to contact the person in charge of the course so they know that you still wish to attend. Time: Check your schedules! Location: Check your schedules! Don´t know where that location is? Ask your mentors, they have probably been there before!

18/1 Monday - Kind of amazing race It´s time to get to know Lund a bit better. Travel around the inner city and campus while solving riddles and tasks in order to figure out where you´re going next. Time: 18.00 Location: Clemenstorget (close to the train station).

20/1 Wednesday - QUIZ LUNA´s very own quizmaster Sebastian will arrange a wonderful night of riddles and intellectual challenges. Time: 18:00 Location: Lundmarksalen, the astronomy building, Sölvegatan 27.

22/1 Friday - Master - student edition A big part of the student life is knowing how to fast and cheap food and still make it tasty. Compete against each other to see who is the best student chef! We provide the ingredients, you provide the . Time: 18.00 Location: Delphi (Magistratsvägen 55C), C building, third floor (lgh 1208). Mentors will be stationed outside and show you the way in.

23/1 Saturday - The Novisch-sittning (Payment and registration at LUNA office as well as Studentlund membership required, 18+) The final activity of the novischperiod! It will be an evening where we celebrate the fact that you are now true students of Lund. This activity is a sittning which will be located at Sydskånska nationen. This is your first true sittning, with a three-course dinner and the dress code is business formal (dark suit). If you happen to not have the required clothing, don´t fret, just come in whatever you have available. There also will be a pre-party with drop in from 17.00 at Rydbergs pub at Fysicum (Sölvegatan 14), for you who want to start early and get in the mood. MUST PAY IN ADVANCE AT LUNA OFFICE (Sölvegatan 27) Time: 19.00 (..) Location: Sydskånska nationen, Tornavägen 5 GREETINGS FROM THE PRESIDENTS OF THE SCIENCE STUDENT UNION

Welcome to Lund University, the Faculty of Science and above all, the science student union, LUNA. Our names are Fredrik, Julia and Madeleine and we are the vice president, president and head of corporate relations at LUNA for the fiscal year 15/16. Arriving to the university town of Lund is a new start for many, and speaking from experience we can with certainty say that your time in this implausible town will give you experience, knowledge and a whole lot of wonderful memories. The union’s primary task is to supervise and influence the education at the faculty of science by means of student representation at the faculty level as well as the institutional level. The influence is based on the list of rights for students at Lund University. We as the presidium represent the members of the union towards faculty and the university. Outside of the supervision of studies LUNA organizes a number of activities for our members, the largest one being the novisch period, which is meant to introduce new students to Lund and to help them make new friends. We also arrange sittnings, inspirational lectures, a labour market fair and much more. Aside from the studies there is a multitude of things to participate in Lund, spex, student orchestras and of course the union are just some examples. Lund has one of the best student-life situations in Sweden and the most important thing during your time as a student is to have fun, which is worth thinking about when you are studying! Lastly we want to wish you a really pleasant start of your time in Lund, if you feel confused or if there is a problem you can always turn to us at the union. And if things are fine you are till welcome for a cup of coffee and a chat! Our office is just to the left at the entrance to the astronomy building. Welcome to Lund! We’ll see you on the 26th of August.

Julia Weber Fredrik Ekwurtzel Madeleine Burman President Vice President Head of Corporate Relations [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 0706-90 10 18 0706-90 10 17 0723-41 06 02 Contact us at:

Tel: 046- 222 03 18 Email: [email protected]

Or visit us at: Facebook: Lunds Naturvetarkår

Office: Sölvegatan 27, the Astronomy building. THE MENTOR COMMITTEE

The Mentor committee, or Fadderutskottet, abbreviated FU, is the committee that organizes and executes the welcoming of new students to the union. The committee is made up of a president and around eight members. They are easily recognized by their tailcoats bearing the committees initials on the back and by their sunny disposition.

The Mentor committee works all year around. They plan the novischperiod, carry it out and evaluate it, then rinse and repeat. Before every period they hold interviews and elect mentors to help them. Then a series of meetings are held where the committee together with the mentors plan activities and educate everyone how to be a good mentor.

Two of the members of FU are appointed as generals each term, one senior and one junior. These two are a little more in charge then the other members of FU. Do not hesitate to ask the people of FU basically any question you have about Lund!

Before the novisch period they can most easily be reached at [email protected] or Fadderutskottet (FU) at Facebook. THE FACULTY OF SCIENCE – TEACHING CLOSE TO RESEARCH

A word of welcome from the Pro-Dean

Dear Students,

As the Pro--Dean of undergraduate studies, it is my pleasure to welcome you to Lund University and the Faculty of Science. Your choice to study a Bachelor or Master’s degree program at the Faculty of Science is your first step to an international career. We will provide you with a deep understanding of the world around you and equip you with the skills to help society seize the opportunities and solve the problems of the 21st Century. As a student, you will benefit from the opportunity to build a network of contacts among fellow--students, university staff and researchers alike — a valuable asset for your future.

Lund University is recognised as one of the World’s best full-scale universities, and has been consistently placed in the world's top 100 universities in recent years, which is especially true for many of the study programmes at the Faculty of Science. We are a learner-centred, research-intensive faculty with outstanding academic programs and a broad spectrum of courses at basic and advanced levels. Our teaching is close to research, and during your studies you will be supported by enthusiastic, dedicated and experienced academic staff members who are continuously improving their professional skills. Students can expect to be equipped with critical thinking, logical analysis, computational skills, and problem-solving so that they are well-prepared for a wide range of careers in industry, education, the private sector and government agencies. University studies also mean you are responsible for your own learning, so you must plan ahead and dedicate adequate time to your studies.

Lund not only means academic studies, but also a very dynamic student town, which you should make the most of during your time here. For instance, I can recommend our very good training facility Gerdahallen. Finally, I want to encourage you to join the student union LUNA (Lunds Naturvetarkår) and take part in their many activities. Our faculty is continuously developing and improving not least due to a significant student engagement in our committees and in the Faculty Board.

Once again, welcome to the Faculty of Science!

B o-Anders J ö n sson



LUNA is the student union for all students who study at the Faculty of Science in Lund. You can become a member of LUNA if you study astronomy, biology, environmental health protection, environmental science, mathematics, mathematical statistics, meteorology, molecular biology, medical physics, physical geography, physics or theoretical physics. The membership is provided when becoming a member in Studentlund (More information is provided). LUNAs main purpose is to work with quality insurance and educational coverage at the faculty of science. We are so to say the science students’ voice in discussions with Lund University and with the faculty. Our goal is to make sure that the courses and programs maintain a high quality and that the study environment is good for all science students. To be able to do this we have student representatives in all decision making organs here at the faculty and at the separate institutions. The union also has its own organisation with over 50 positions of trust. We have student volunteers, who work with everything from career fairs and work- and study environment to arrival activities for new students, arranging parties and trips for the union members! It is the students who decide how the union should work and if you are interested in being involved as a student representative, host student political opinions or just arranging activities for students outside of class, the union has something for everyone. The union gives you an excellent way to affect your education and to learn and experience more during your time in Lund. As mentioned before LUNA works with a lot of things to make your time as a student better and funnier, and it is important for us to provide benefits to our paying members. Some of our standard arrangements are the career and job fair ATLAS, “Novisch” activities, “sittningar”, bike trips and inspirational lectures, mostly with free lunch! (See the wordlist on page 17 for explanations!)

LUNAs office is in the Astronomy building, directly to the left of the main entrance. Come in if you want to know more and have a chat over a cup of coffee. Cooperations LUNA cooperates with a lot of different organisations to be able to give the members even more benefits. For example LUNA is a part of “LUS” which is an umbrella organisation for all the student unions in Lund. Through LUS we have a collective student voice towards the Vice-Chancellor and the University management. It is also through this cooperation that you get to read the student magazine Lundagård (in English on web), get help with housing issues via Bopoolen and the chance to take beneficial loans through Kreditkassan.

LUNA is also a part of SFS (the Swedish National Union of Students) who works with student political questions and is the collective Swedish student voice against the government. The final big cooperation which can be of very good use for you is with the trade union Naturvetarna, who are experts in issues regarding your profession. It’s a trade union for all scientists, students, PhD and employees and you become a member via During the year LUNA and Naturvetarna might hold some seminars about employability etc. and you can also meet them on the Swedish arrival day and the career fair ATLAS. The Student Councils

Matematics: MUR

MUR is the student council for everyone studying mathematics. We organize social events and work to improve the education and mathematics courses. MUR has its own room (room 144) in the mathematics department, just straight across the hallway from lecture hall C, where you who study mathematics are welcome anytime to study, chill out or fika! We also have free fika every Thursday 12.00-13.00 and board game nights every Thursday at 18.00. If you have questions or want to become active in MUR, you can contact us at [email protected], "MUR - Matematiker utan randvillkor" on Facebook or just come by and see us in the MUR-room!

Filip Nygren - Vice chairman of MUR

Physics: GLuFS

Glada Lundafysikers Studieråd or GLuFS is the study council for physics, theoretical physics, astronomy and meteorology, within the science union, LUNA. GLuFS is responsible of monitoring the education at the Physics Department from a student perspective. We have representatives in various committees connected to both the union and the faculty of science. In addition to the above, we also plan and arrange common activities like board game nights, sittings and study trips. You can find us in our room L211 at Fysicum where we serve a weekly fika on Tuesdays during lunchtime.

If you have have any questions or concerns related to your studies in physics or about GLuFS don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or facebook page: Glada Lundafysikers Studieråd.

Best regards GLuFS Board / Johanna Jangefelt Frising - Chairman of GLuFS

A student council is a part of LUNA that only works on a specific institution. The student councils are, so to say, the corner stones of the Union and its function. This is because the student councils are closest to the students on the institution and can hence take in the opinions from our members directly. Most of the students have opinions regarding e.g. lectures, literature, study rooms and so on. All of these opinions are important when working with quality insurance and in the student council you can discuss such issues with fellow students. If you participate in the student council meetings you will also get interesting and valuable information about what is happening at your institution right now and also about what happens in the Union and on a national level. The student councils have meeting approximately once every month (differs a bit between the institutions) and there is often coffee!

The student councils are also a great meeting point for students with similar interests and it is usually very fun to take part and engage in the work. The student councils are a great meeting place and you are welcome if you just want to listen or if you want to become active and possibly even be elected to be president of the council. Some examples of activities that the students in the councils arrange together are sittningar, own parties, game nights and interesting study visits or lectures. It’s up to those who are active to set the agenda! LUNA has six student councils: BÖÖL –biology, ecology and molecular biology. GLUFS –astronomy, medical physics, meteorology, physics and theoretical physics. KERUB –chemistry. MUR –mathematics. MYS –environmental science and environmental health protection. SNG –geology and physical geography. Studentlund

Studentlund is the whole Student life gathered in one membership. Studentlund consists of the nations, the Academic Society and the student unions. When you become a member of Studentlund you get access to a social community and cultural events. You also get the opportunity to influence your education, establish contacts with the labor market, access housing queues and more. One membership - the entire student life

New members

Once you have been accepted as a student at Lund University, please register as a member on For more information on registration and how the membership fee is paid, go to: You can only join Studentlund when you have received a valid acceptance letter.

The Studentlund partnership means that you can’t choose to become a member in only one of the organisations, you have to become a member in all three parts. After you have been admitted you can register as a member on the Studentlund webpage.

1. Visit the webpage 2. Click on “Step 1: Sign up”. 3. Read and accept the general terms. 4. Press ”Sign up” 5. Read and accept terms from TRF. 6. Fill in your social security code and application code. (If you don’t have a Swedish social security code (ex. 910101-0101) you use the Ladok- number that you get from the university. The Ladok-number consists of your birth date and four more letters/digits (ex. 910101-T505). Your application code is found on your University application or Letter of Acceptance.) If you don’t have this information available, please visit a nation of choice during opening hours. Otherwise continue to step 5. 7. Pay with credit card. It is also possible to do a bank transfer but this may take several days! 8. Print the receipt. Or visit LUNAs office (Sölvegatan 27, Lund) and we can print it for you! This receipt works as your student-id until the card drops into your mailbox. 9. Now you must visit a nation to register. The membership is not complete until you have done this! Now you are a member and the Student card will arrive soon and work as your student-id during the semester. If you have any problems or questions you can come to LUNAs novisch activities and we will help you!

How to find housing

Thousands of students arrive to Lund in the beginning of each semester, and therefore the housing situation always becomes a problem. The ways to get a room or an apartment differ a bit if you are an international student compared to Swedish students. We have gathered some information and tips for you is you have not solved the housing issue yet.

LU Accommodation is a part of Student Services at Lund University and they offer housing to international students. It is not guaranteed for all students to get a room through LU Accommodation but you should definitely apply!

You can read more about the terms and how to apply by visiting, then click on

1. “Apply, fees, scholarships, housing” 2. “Housing” 3. “LU Accommodation”.

There are also other ways to find housing and here are the most known student accommodation agencies:

BoPoolen is the housing agency owned by the Lund University Student Unions (LUS). They offer a large number sublease housing, provide information about regulations and laws and have also gathered a long list of tips when searching for housing in Lund. You should visit their homepage

AFB (AF Bostäder) provides affordable corridor rooms and apartments. You have to be a member of Studentlund to be able to rent an apartment at AFB. When you have got your letter of admission make a housing application at

Some valuable tips:

• Put some effort and time in finding a place to live. The housing situation and all of the agencies might seem as a jungle but if you give it some time it will be worth it. • Register at many agencies and put yourself on the list at AFB. It is better to have many options, and maybe you will get an offer for a better apartment later on. • Don’t be picky. Maybe you won’t get your dream housing from the beginning, but a small room not very close to school or a shared one is better than nothing. • Talk to other students or your fadders, they might have contacts or a room to rent, or a couch to borrow. A VOCABULARY FOR THE NOVISCH

AF The Academic society (AF) is an old society (founded 1830) and is a part of the Studentlund membership. AF has many committees that do for example student theater, radio, TV, art and much more.

AFB Akademiska föreningens bostäder, ”Academic society housing”. Provides cheap housing for all members of AF (i.e. Studentlund).

AF-borgen Magnificent castle in the middle of Lund which is owned and run by the students through AF.

ASO The Absurd Student council Olympiad, a prestigious battle between LUNAs student councils which is arranged every semester.

Ball The nicest parties in Lund. You dress up in formal wear, put on your medals and enjoy a luxurious dinner with entertainment. The evening ends with dance until late hours.

Botan Botaniska trädgården, the botanical garden. A lovely park in the middle of Lund where you can sit and read or just hang out and walk around the plantations.

Dean In Swedish dekan. The person in charge of a faculty. At the Faculty of Science the dean is Olov Sterner, professor in chemistry.

Department In Swedish Institution. An organisational division within the University which lies under the faculties. Are responsible for education and research within a specific area, e.g., the Department of Biology.

Eftersläpp The party after a sittning (see explanation on the next page)

Fadder Your guide and mentor in the Lund student world.

Faddergeneral In charge of the fadders and the novisch activities.

Fadder committee In Swedish Fadderutskottet. One of LUNAs committees which plans the novisch periods before each new semester.

Faculty An organisational division within the University which is responsible for education and research within a subject area, e.g., the Faculty of Science. There are eight faculties at Lund University.

Gerda Gerdahallen. The largest training center in Sweden with a wide range of sports and activities to friendly prices.

KC Kemicentrum, the Chemistry Building. We have a lot of our activities here and you find it far up on Sölvegatan.

Kår Organisation that represents the students towards the faculty and the University, take part in all discussions and decisions regarding education and study environment and more.

Lundagård The park in the middle of Lund, next to Lund Cathedral and the white University main building. Or the Student magazine Lundagård. Lundakarneval A great carnival and city festival in which thousands of students are engaged. Is arranged every fourth year and next time is in May 2014. Super fun and you can’t miss it!

Lunära högtiden Traditional annual party that LUNA and HTS (The Student Union for Humanities and Theology) arranges and celebrate the moon.

LUS The Student Unions at Lund University. A cooperation body for student unions in Lund, LUNA is one of them.

Munta Oral exam.

Nation A student organisation that arranges a lot of different social activities, meeting points and some also have student housing. There are 13 nations in Lund and 12 are a part of Studentlund (note that Smålands nation is not a part of the Studentlund membership).

N-fak Abbreviation of “the Faculty of Science”.

Nolla New student at engineering faculty, LTH.

Nollning Arrival activities for ”nollor”.

Novisch New student at Lund University.

Novischfrid Mentors are not allowed to engage in romantic/sexual relationships with novisches during the novisch period.

P6 Projekt Sex, gives away free condoms and have e.g. seminars lectures on sexuality. Their office is in AF-borgen.

Prefekt The head of a department.

Presidium The president of a union, working full time. On LUNA the presidents are Jesper Sjöström Strobel and Anton Bodahl

Sexmästare The persons that arranges parties, trips, evenings and other fun activities in a union or on nation.

SFS The Swedish National Union of Students. A cooperation body for all student unions in Sweden, LUNA is one of them.

Sittning Typical student dinner with (large) elements of singing. If nothing else is mentioned the dress code is often jacket.

Sjön Sjön A small pond in LTH campus. This is sometimes involved in novisch activities in Lund and you can probably get some interesting stories from your fadder.

SOL Centre for Languages and Literature, next to the University Library.

Tenta Written exam.

Tentamen Examination of the major elements of a course. Tentafest Common occurrence after examination, generally a big party. Some celebrate, some mourns, make sure that you can celebrate.

UB The Lund University Library.

Vice-chancellor In Swedish Rektor. The leader of the whole University. The vice-chancellor at Lund University until the end of 2014 is Per Eriksson.

Vice Dean In Swedish prodekan. At the Faculty of Science there is one vice dean for undergraduate studies, Bo-Anders Jönsson, and one for postgraduate studies, Almut Kelber.

Some final advice

Course literature It is often cheaper if you buy it online, it is good to compare the prices between different resellers. Remember to order a while before the course starts, the delivery might take a while. There are also a lot of big bookstores in Lund and they have most of the books you will need, some with student discount!

Study technique The best way to study is not the same for everyone. It this is your first semester, take some time to find out your favourite way and try some different approaches. The departments have a lot of good tools, for example some hours of exercises with help from older students, and you should really use this.

Choose a nation Every nation has its own characteristics. Check out their websites and ask your fadder or fellow students about their choice. Remember that you can take part of all the nations activities, regardless of which one you are a member of, but you can usually not work or get a room at a specific nation if you are not a member. If you change your mind you can easily change nation next semester, however not during this semester.

Stress Especially when exams are getting close you might feel a bit stressed and anxiety-ridden. If you need someone to talk to you can always visit the union or talk to someone at “Studenthälsan” (The Student Health Centre), you can find their opening hours and other information on

Welcome to Lund and hope to see you soon! MAP OF NORTHERN CAMPUS


Become a member of Studentlund! ( Check out the housing situation and register on many places. Register for food on the introduction meeting! Pay for the novisch activities if you want to join all the parties and the great sittning. It costs 150 SEK and you can pay cash on LUNAs office (Astronomy building, Sölvegatan 27). Go to LUNAs introduction meeting Saturday the 16th. Go to the introduction meeting at your department. Visit the presidents of LUNA in the Astronomy building. Go to a nation and register, to fulfill the Studentlund membership.

Don’t forget to bring:

University application or Letter of Acceptance A nice outfit for the Novisch-sittning Cook-book Towel A big and happy smile