Oldham GMSF Concept Plans Broadbent Moss and Beal Valley
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Oldham GMSF Concept Plans Broadbent Moss and Beal Valley Prepared by IBI Group, Amion, JLL and Rider Levett Bucknall CLIENT: Oldham Metropolitan Borough Council PROJECT NAME: Oldham Concept Plans REPORT TITLE: Concept Plans Report IBI REFERENCE: 114313 VERSION: Rev. 3 ORIGINATOR: MG REVIEWER: GP DATE: October 2018 The indicative concept plan and supporting reports for Beal Valley, Broadbent Moss, Cowlishaw, Hanging Chadder and Robert Fletchers were prepared to inform the 2019 GMSF. These have been published to illustrate how the site(s) may come forward if developed and to identify site constraints. Please note that these are high-level indicative concept plans. These are likely to change with the preparation of more detailed masterplans and in conjunction with a future developer’s planning application. Since 2019 further evidence has been prepared to inform the allocations within the GMSF and this may have resulted in changes to the indicative concept plans and some of the recommendations in the supporting report. These changes have been reflected in the allocation policy wording and are set out in the allocation topic papers that will be available as part of the GMSF 2020 consultation. References made in the supporting reports relate to previous versions of the GMSF. Please see the GMSF 2020 for updated references. Contents 1. Introduction 3.2.7 Land Ownership 4.3.2 Form and Use 3.3 Townscape Analysis 4.3.3 Movement and Access 1.1 Overview 3.3.1 Introduction 4.3.4 Urban Grain and Character 1.2 Objectives of the Report 3.3.2 Form and Use 4.4 Design Development 2. Context & Key Drivers 3.3.3 Movement and Access 4.4.1 Introduction 2.1 Introduction 3.3.4 Urban Grain and Character 4.4.2 Stakeholder Consultation 2.2 Allocated Sites Strategic Context 3.4 Design Development 4.4.3 Landowner Consultation 2.3 Strategic Policy Context 3.4.1 Introduction 4.4.4 Key Design Parameter and 2.4 Residential Market Appraisal 3.4.2 Stakeholder Consultation Principles 2.4.1. Introduction 3.4.3 Landowner Consultation 4.4.5 Conceptual Masterplan 2.4.2 North West Residential Market 3.4.4 Key Design Parameter and 5. Delivery Strategy Principles 2.4.3 Oldham Residential Market 5.1 Delivery Considerations 3.4.5 Conceptual Masterplan 2.4.4 Cowlishaw Residential 5.2 Phasing Approach Market 4. Beal Valley 5.2.1 Broadbent Moss 2.5 Key Growth Sectors 4.1 Site Context 5.2.2 Beal Valley 3. Broadbent Moss 4.2 Site Constraints 5.3 Economic Benefits 3.1 Site Context 4.2.1 Introduction 5.3.1 Construction phase 3.2 Site Constraints 4.2.2 Hydrology employment 3.2.1 Introduction 4.2.3 Services and Utilities 5.3.2 Operational phase 3.2.2 Hydrology 4.2.4 Environment & Landscape employment 3.2.3 Services and Utilities 4.2.5 Topography 5.3.3 Additional household expenditure 3.2.4 Environment & Landscape 4.2.6 Contaminated Land 5.3.4 Land value uplift 3.2.5 Topography 4.2.7 Land Ownership 5.3.5 Fiscal benefits 3.2.6 Contaminated Land 4.3 Townscape Analysis 4.3.1 Introduction 5.4 Funding Opportunities 6. Conclusions and Next Steps Appendix A - Planning Policy Introduction OLDHAM GMSF CONCEPT PLANS: BROADBENT MOSS AND BEAL VALLEY Introduction 1.1 Overview The draft Greater Manchester Spatial Framework These sites are in addition to land within the (GMSF) plan is currently being jointly prepared by strategic growth area of the Northern Gateway 1.2. Objectives of the Report all ten of the Greater Manchester local authorities which is located in Green Belt land along the M62 to manage the supply of land for jobs and new corridor. Land within NG2 and NG3 sits within homes across Greater Manchester. Within the draft Following the requests of Oldham council, the the borough of Oldham. NG2 has the potential GMSF, the need for an approximated 227,000 new purpose of this report is to demonstrate the to deliver a range of high quality employment homes, 2.45 million m² of office floor space and deliverability and feasibility of development for floorspace within a landscaped setting, as well as 4 million m² of industrial and warehousing floor the proposed sites at Broadbent Moss and Beal provide strategic housing growth. NG3 provides space across the Greater Manchester region for Valley. Allocation sites Broadbent Moss and Beal significant employment growth opportunities for 2035 has been identified. Although it is anticipated Valley have been considered together given their Oldham with the potential to deliver over 300,000 that the majority of growth can be accommodated adjacency and interdependence in terms of access sqm of advanced manufacturing, business and within urban areas, there is an understanding that and services. This report therefore considers the industrial space in a prominent, accessible and additional sites will need to be identified to meet the sites holistically before considering each attractive setting. A series of housing sites are also needs of the growth proposed. Such sites would be masterplan in detail. allocated. outside urban areas, and a result would require the Within the report, an overview of the strategic release of the land currently designated as Green To support the identification of the allocations, the context and key drivers for the sites has been Belt. Accordingly, in 2017 Oldham Borough Council council has commissioned the production of provided. This section provides a high level policy identified five strategic land allocations across the strategic concept masterplans in order to inform review, market appraisal and overview of key authority that are considered as having the potential preparation of the next stage of the GMSF and growth sectors for the wider Oldham area. to support the GMSF anticipated needs. The sites demonstrate the variability and deliverability of each Following the strategic overview for both sites, the include: site. report then considers each in greater detail, • Broadbent Moss; providing a high level analysis and final conceptual • Cowlishaw; masterplans. Within each section, each chapter includes a high level baseline analysis, comprising • Hanging Chadder; a review of opportunities and constraints, • Beal Valley; and landscape and ecology reviews, and a townscape analysis. This analysis is followed by the inclusion • Robert Fletchers. of outcomes from the consultations with stakeholders and landowners regarding proposals for the site. Collectively, the analysis and outcomes are compiled together to inform a set of strategic 6 OCTOBER 2018 8 OCTOBER 2018 Context and Key Drivers 2.1 Introduction Planning for significant scale of development 2.2 Allocated Sites Strategic Context demands that a wide range of e xisting and p otential issues are appreciated, and that appropriate response to these be embedded in the plan. The borough of Oldham is situated in the north-east Therefore, the conceptual masterplan for Broadbent of Greater Manchester, four miles from Manchester Moss and Beal Valley has been produced to City Centre and covers an area of 55 square miles. acknowledge and respond to an extensive range of Positioned between Manchester contextual factors that represent both constraints and Huddersfield, Oldham has a mixture of to and opportunities for growth and development environments, rangingo fr m high density urban for the site. areas to semi-rural locations. Furthermore, open countryside makes up around half the borough, For the purpose of this report, the following section with the south east corner of the borough falling provides an overview of the baseline research within the Peak District National Park. This provides for the site which has directly informed the a u nique environment for residents and visitors to development of the final conceptual masterplan. take part in cultural and recreational activities. The The analysis has been summarised into the borough is made up of Oldham as the main urban following key themes: centre, as well as the districts of Shaw, Royton, Lees, Failsworth, Saddleworth and Chadderton. The current residential population of the borough • Allocation Site Context; is approximately 228,765 within 97,718 households, • Site Specific Strategic Context; with current forecasts indicating the borough’s • Strategic Policy Context; population is expected to rise to 239,000 by 2026. The proposed strategic allocations of Broadbent • Site Constraints; and Moss, Beal Valley, Cowlishaw and Hanging Chadder • Townscape Analysis. are situated to the north and north-west of the borough, around the urban areas of Shaw and Royton. These sites have an important role to play in meeting the needs of the community in terms of potential employment, enhancing the environment and providing housing opportunities. 10 OCTOBER 2018 impact on the wider area and mitigate against environmental impacts. The scheme should take account of, and mitigate against, areas including open space, footpath networks and 2.3 Strategic Policy Context at risk of flooding and incorporate Sustainable recreation routes that incorporate existing trees, Urban Drainage Systems within the site, so as hedgerows and habitat areas, providing a range to control the rate of surface water run-off. Any scheme will need to accord with relevant of formal and informal recreational facilities and policies within the Oldham Local Plan as providing access to existing public footpath considered necessary and appropriate. networks and woodland areas. In addition, it should Accordingly, new development will need to provide ensure high quality design that is environmentally In addition, highway improvements will be a broad range of housing to diversify the type of driven including the use and water harvesting and required to minimise the impact of associated accommodation within the area and the Borough. recycling, maximum energy efficiency through traffic on the surrounding areas and road. The scale and massing of new housing should good building design and fuel efficient technology, In particular, depending upon access take account of and respect the topography a significant reduction of car usage and household arrangements, improvements may be needed and landscaping of the site.