Shaw & Crompton Parish Council Council Offices, 1 Kershaw Street East, Shaw, OL2 8AB Tel: 01706 847590 Mob: 07926 186652 e-mail: [email protected] NOTICE OF MEETING

There will be a meeting of the ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE to be held remotely via the Zoom platform on Tuesday 2 February 2021 commencing at 7:00pm when the business set out in the following agenda will be transacted. Meeting quorum is 3

Committee membership Councillors Beeston, Berry, Flores, Gloster, Marbrow (Vice Chair), Moore (Chair), Rowlinson and Sykes.

Meeting quorum is 3 The meeting will be open to the public for the whole or part of the proceedings.

Tony Hilton Dated: 28 January 2021 Tony Hilton Clerk to the Council

Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched to silent or is switched off completely during the meeting


1 To receive any apologies for absence.

2 To receive declarations of interest in any contract or matter to be discussed.

3 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting on the 12 January 2021.

4 Public Participation A period not exceeding 15 minutes set aside to listen to matters raised by members of the public.

5 Developing Health and Wellbeing in : To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. To receive updates in relation to a) growing hub activity at Crompton Cemetery/Fraser Street – the Clerk b) a list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers - Councillors Gloster, Hamblett and Moore.

6 Sustainability Standards implementation To receive updates and consider actions in relation, but not limited to, the following:- a) Green Office and Sustainability toolkit – Councillor Gloster (see attached questionnaire response);

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b) Single use plastic / Plastic free fast food outlets / Waste Terra Cycle : an update in relation to visiting local outlets with a questionnaire – Councillors Flores/Gloster; c) ‘Refill your bottle’ scheme for shops and others in the town centre

d) Local business use of biodegradable consumables - to consider an advisory note on the matter from Councillor Moore and

e) Food and Climate Change – to receive an update from Councillor Gloster on (i) leaflet hyperlinks (ii) a leaflet list and categories (iii) contact with ‘I Love Shaw’ regarding promoting this initiative.

7 Local Foodbank organisation To consider representation on/liaison with the local foodbank body - Councillor Moore.

8 Financial report for the period 1 April 2020 – 31 January 2021 To review the attached report and consider further priorities for 2020/21.

9 2021/22 Budget To review recommended priorities for the next financial year in line with the Business Plan (see attached).

10 Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit a) To receive the attached update report from Martin Riley and consider further action . b) To consider a proposal to invest in footpath improvements and update the Crompton Circuit leaflet – Adam Holt; c) To receive an update from Councillor Gloster/The Clerk on the reporting of footpath issues to OMBC/Unitypartnership.

11 Groundwork reports - Adam Holt a) To review the proposed 2021/22 maintenance contract (see separate attachment) and agree further action; b) To consider the attached update reports from Adam Holt and agree further action.

12 Commemorative bench and tree planting To consider installing a commemorative bench and planting trees in accordance with the previous agreement by full Council (see attached report)

13 Walking route around To consider the attached report from Barbara Smith (HMR Circle) and agree further action (see separate sample leaflet attachment),

14 Sir William Hopwood commemorative plaque – High Crompton To consider the attached request from Barbara Smith (HMR Circle) and agree further action.

15 Dates of Future Meetings Tuesday 7:00pm: 2 March, 4 May 2021.

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Item 3 SHAW & CROMPTON PARISH COUNCIL Environment Committee Minutes of a remote meeting held on Tuesday 12 January 2021 via the Zoom platform.

Present: Councillors Beeston, Flores, Gloster, Marbrow and Sykes. Councillor Marbrow in the Chair.

Also in attendance – the Clerk and Mr Peter Jones (member of the public)

The meeting started at 7:00pm

1 Apologies for absence: Councillors Berry, Moore and Rowlinson; Mr Martin Riley and Mr Adam Holt (Groundwork).

2 Declarations of Interest: Councillor Sykes declared a personal non- prejudicial interest in matters relating to Groundwork.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting The amended minutes of the meeting held on the 1 December 2020 were confirmed as a correct record. 4 Public Participation As the member of the public present did not wish to raise any matters, the meeting continued to the next item without the need for an adjournment.

5 Clerk’s report – Developing Health and Wellbeing in Shaw and Crompton: To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. 5a) Local growing hubs activity at Crompton Cemetery Committee noted the Clerk’s report which had been circulated with the meeting papers and agreed with the recommendations included in the report:-

(i) Contact Beal Vale Primary School to enquire how well the allotment works and what happens to the produce they grow; (ii) Establish which local schools may operate an allotment or growing hub similar to Beal Vale. (iii) To report back on information and/or responses received for Committee to consider further action. 5b) A list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers.

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It was agreed to defer this item to the next meeting. 6 Sustainability Standards implementation Committee considered the following updates:- a) Green Office and Sustainability toolkit – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster As the Clerk is currently working from home, there is no progress on this item until the Clerk returns to the workplace. In the meantime, it was agreed that Councillor Gloster liaises with the Clerk regarding a ‘Green Office’ questionnaire; b) Single use plastic / Plastic free fast food outlets / Waste T erra Cycle – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster Although there was no specific progress to report, it was agreed that Councillor Gloster liaise with Councillor Flores to develop a list of ideas to include in a questionnaire for local fast food outlets to complete. c) ‘Refill your bottle’ scheme for shops and others in the town centre – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster No progress to report although this is also a question that can appear in the questionnaire when approaching outlets (see above minute 6b para 2); d) Local business use of biodegradable consumables Lead member : Councillor Moore No progress to report in relation to an advisory note and it was agreed that the item be deferred to the next meeting. e) Food and Climate Change – Lead Member : Councillor Moore The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Saddleworth Parish Council regarding the possibility of including the ‘Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change’ information and links on their website and was awaiting a response. 7 Local Foodbank organisation - Lead member : Councillor Moore As Councillor Moore was unavailable, the item was deferred to the next meeting. 8 Financial report for the period 1 April – 31 December 2020 Committee noted the report which had been circulated with the meeting papers. 9 2021/22 budget Having considered suggestions for the following year’s budget, it was agreed to recommend a budget of £30,000 for 2021/22 to Council for approval.

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10 Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit - Martin Riley In the absence of Martin Riley, the Clerk talked through Martin’s report referencing a number of issues on 5 footpaths. Having reviewed the report, Committee expressed particular concern about Footpaths 12 and 149 and agreed to bring to the attention of Jean Greer.

11 Public Path Extinguishment Order and Public Path Diversion Order – Footpath at Hey Hill Farm, Low Crompton Road Committee both noted and supported the changes to the footpaths as contained in notices which had been circulated with the meeting papers. 12 VE Day Commemorative bench Clerk’s updates The Clerk reported that the new bolts have now been fitted and the job is complete. 13 VJ Day Commemorative bench The Clerk reported that the bench has now been installed and the work is now complete. It was agreed that the Clerk would pass on Committee’s thanks to the contractor. 14 Dates of future Meetings Tuesday 7:00pm: 2 February, 2 March, 4 May 2021.

The Chair thanked everybody for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 8:15pm.

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Item 4 Public Participation


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Item 5 Developing Health and Wellbeing in Shaw and Crompton: To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. To receive updates in relation to a) growing hub activity at Crompton Cemetery/Fraser Street – the Clerk and b) a list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers – Councillors Gloster, Hamblett and Moore

There are no written reports associated with these items, therefore THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Item 6 (a) Sustainability Standards implementation Green office questionnaire – Parish Council premises at 1 Kershaw Street East SHAW & CROMPTON Parish Council Sustainability Survey for the Parish Council Offices, 1 Kershaw Street East, Shaw OL2 8AB

Completed by : Tony Hilton, Clerk to the Council

Date: 26 January 2021 1. Do we use environmentally friendly website hosting ? Yes No

Yes This is the response from the Parish Council’s web host:- “I wasn’t actual sure about the green credentials of the hosting, so I had to ask the datacentre… their reply is below. Basically their offices are eco-friendly and the datacentres they partner with worldwide are committed to energy saving – so I’m not 100% sure if this ticks the “eco-friendly hosting” box but it sounds like it?”

Reply from the Data Centre:-

We currently use offices that run using 100% renewal solar energy generated by an on-site solar farm. Our datacentre providers have also committed to following complete energy- saving best practises and can still provide the infrastructure we require to run our autoscaling platform. Because we need a high-end infrastructure set up the choice of datacentres is more limited to those that are capable of providing the network links we need to run an autoscaling and load- balanced platform which can also support our global CDN.

No Action ______

2. Have we eliminated single use cups ?

Yes No Yes Individuals repeatedly use own personal cups

No Action ______

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3. Do we use Organic or Fair-Trade products ?

Yes No Yes, what do we use ______

No Action : Source/buy organic/Fair-Trade products (tea/coffee/sugar)

4. Do we use recycled paper ? Yes, what do we use ______

No Action : Source/buy recycled paper from stationery supplier

5. What do we Recycle? Yes Paper, cardboard, plastic, aluminium

No Action ______

6. Is heating set up optimally 20-22 degrees C? Yes, what do we use ______

No Action Will need to check

7. Do we use default double side printing?

Yes Yes

No Action ______

8. Do we use an email signature to reduce printing Yes Yes on rare occasions for contracts, but currently using an electronic signature on Council meeting papers. However, this doesn’t necessarily stop papers being printed out by recipients.

No Action ______

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9. Do we carpool when appropriate?

Yes, what do we use ______No Action

Not applicable to the Clerk

10. Do we ensure lights are switched off? Yes Yes

No Action ______

11. Do we conserve water? Yes Regular checks for toilet, taps and pipe leaks

No Action ______

12. Do we have smart lighting? Yes We have a number of LED lights in the building but need to replace others. We do not have smart lighting technology, such as ‘smart lights’ that let you control a bulb remotely via an app on your phone, through a smart speaker or even by talking to them (in other words, you can programme when the lights go on and off) No Action Ensure all lights are LED

13. Is out lighting energy efficient?

Yes, what do we use ______No Action : Need to replace all external lights with LED lights

14. Do we have automatic power off devices Yes We have an MFD (printer/copier) which powers down when not in use whereby an inbuilt motion detector powers the machine up, otherwise no. No No


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15. Do we use an energy from waste plant?

Yes, what do we use ______No No

Action None – there are no nearby energy waste plants

16. Do we have an Environmental Policy Yes Adopted in December 2018 but needs updating

No Action : Review existing policy and update

17. Do we use non-hazardous and Eco-friendly cleaning products? Yes Our cleaning contractor uses some eco-friendly products and has an environmental policy in place to offset, such as using local providers, laundering rather than replacing where possible, buying recycled paper products etc. No Action ______

18. Do staff use scrap paper for internal notes

Yes Yes No Action ______

19. Do we have light sensors in less used spaces?

Yes, what do we use ______No Action : Investigate cost of sensors and where to locate them

20. Have we measured our Carbon Footprint?

Yes, what do we use ______No Action : Carry out a measurement

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21. Do we use a comprehensive recycling scheme?

Yes Trade waste collection contract No Action ______

22. Do we optimise natural lighting and ventilation?

Yes Open window roller shutters, blinds and sash windows No Action ______

23. Do we use a credible carbon offset programme?

Yes, what do we use ______No Investigate further

Notes : 1. If we are extending this questionnaire to other users of the building, we may need to refer some of these questions to the PCSO’s and Prince’s Trust for their response, such as Questions 1 – 5, 7 – 11, 14, 16 -18, 20, 22 - 23.

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Items 6 (b – e) Sustainability Standards implementation – Councillor Gloster

There are no written reports associated with these items, therefore THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Item 7 Local foodbank organisation update – Councillor Moore

There are no written reports associated with these items, therefore THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Financial report for the period 1 April 2020 – 31 January 2021 Item 8 Cost Centre : Environment Committee Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 EXPENDITURE Budget Actual Outstanding Outturn Balance to date commitments Projection £ £ £ £ £ A. Groundwork contract 11,550 11,270 0 11,270 280 B. Floral display service 4,200 5,155 0 5,155 -955 C. Projects (1 – 14) 10,340 see note 1 9,000 0 Projects (C1 – C14) 19,340 4,336 635 4,971 14,369 sub-total Total Environment 35,090 20,761 635 21,396 13,694 C1. VE Day bench – Fabrications 780 0 780 Northeast (supply/delivery) C2. VE Day bench - OMBC 750 0 750 (site preparation/installation) C3. VJ Day bench – Fabrications 830 0 830 Northeast (supply/delivery) C4. Groundwork – to add bark mulch 103 0 103 to oak tree at Cheetham Hill C5. Groundwork – to remove 190 0 190 discarded felled tree branches from unadopted road off Cowlishaw Lane/Scowcroft Lane C6. Groundwork – replace timber 0 635 635 risers/backfill (Cowlishaw) C7. Groundwork – prune overhanging 80 0 80 branches/remove from site (17 Longfield Park, Cowlishaw) C8. Groundwork – tree stump 250 0 250 removal (Millennium Gardens) C9. Groundwork – stock netting clad 360 0 360 fence reinforcements (Beal Riverside Walk) C10. Groundwork – replacement 823 0 823 treads/mesh reinforcement to boardwalk C11. Groundwork – cut back the 170 0 170 footpath route at Charlbury Way/Swinford Grove C12. National Tree Charter – 0 0 0 associated costs C13. Updating of the Crompton 0 0 0 Circuit leaflet C14. Other projects 0 0 0 sub-total 4,336 635 4,971 Balance remaining for ‘Projects’ expenditure assuming current earmarked allocations (Outstanding Commitments) are realised

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Item 9 2021/22 Draft Budget

Priorities Budget Business Plan reference £ A. Groundwork contract 11,000 Action 2 B. Floral display service 5,560 Action 2 C. Projects (to be agreed) 13,440 TOTAL 30,000

Business Plan 2019 – 23

Priority – Caring for the Environment and Protecting our Community Action Lead Body Timescale 1. To support and contribute to initiatives which ensure Environment Throughout the that Shaw and Crompton moves towards a more Committee lifetime of the ecologically friendly status by – plan Implementing Sustainability Standards across Shaw and Crompton in relation to – Green Office (reducing carbon footprint); Free water; Single use plastic in fast food outlets.

2. To support the development and improvement of Environment Throughout the green corridors, walkways and footpaths to link different Committee lifetime of the parts of the town to parks and green spaces plan

5. Increase the infrastructure for electric car charging Environment TBA points Committee

6. Promote and campaign for Environment TBA • increased use of renewable energy Committee • conservation of biodiversity in particular bee habitats • better environmental/air quality • reduction of greenhouse gases/climate change • more allotments/other places where food can be grown

7. To engage local business to support the above Environment TBA initiatives Committee

8. To plant more trees Environment TBA Committee

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Item 10 (a) Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit – Martin Riley 1. Footpath 50 at Hey cottages off Buckstones Rd – long standing obstructions. The Peak & Northern Footpaths Society have served notice on OMBC under the appropriate section of the Highways Act 1980. OMBC should by now have served notice on two landowners regarding this illegal obstruction, which is two fences, one with barbed wire across and a pile of tree logs across the line of the path.

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2. Footpath 79 [Crompton Circuit] off Samuel Lane, High Crompton a broken step stile has been repaired, I don’t know who has done the repair

Martin Riley 27 January 2021

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Item 10 (b) To consider a proposal to invest in footpath improvements and update the Crompton Circuit leaflet – Adam Holt

Proposal : to carry forward the previously agreed budget of £1,000 (for an updated leaflet design) to use as match funding for Awards for All grant bid (or similar). The additional grant money – potentially a further £10K – could serve to make improvements along the route and to engage with the community in delivering COVID secure volunteer days

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Item 10 (c) To receive an update from Councillor Gloster/The Clerk on the reporting of footpath issues to OMBC/Unitypartnership.

There are no written reports associated with these items, therefore THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Item 11 (a) To review the proposed 2021/22 maintenance contract (see separate attachment) and agree further action;

As there is a separate attachment relating to this item THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Item 11 (b) Groundwork update report – Adam Holt

1. Maintenance contract – the next visits are due in March. No visits to sites are contracted during the months of January and February. 2. Cowlishaw site – steps have now been replaced. A buff coloured surface topping will be added shortly. Invoice to be raised for outstanding £635.

3. Beal Riverside Walk – one report from the public has been received regarding tree work activity along the Beal Riverside Walk site. This being the footpath running along the between Linney Lane and George St playing fields. Brash has once again been fly tipped behind residential properties on Miller Meadow Close. The issue has been reported to the Oldham Council enforcement department.

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Item 12 Commemorative bench and tree planting Shaw and Crompton Liberal Democrat Group 22nd October 2020

Notice of Motion for November Parish Council

The Liberal Democrat Group of the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council wishes to direct the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council to record its gratitude for keyworkers who have worked tirelessly and at great personal risk to treat and care for all parish council residents who have been affected by the COVID19 pandemic. We propose that the Parish Council also take this opportunity to express its condolences to all residents in our area who have been directly affected by the virus, or have had to deal with the death of a loved one as a result of the virus. We are very sorry for your loss. Shaw and Crompton Parish Council Liberal Democrat Group is of the view that it would be highly appropriate at this time to dedicate a memorial in a place for reflection to help both key workers who may be dealing with the effects of work related stress resulting from the pandemic and for anyone affected by those who have suffered or who were lost in the first wave of the pandemic.

Shaw and Crompton Parish Council Liberal Democrat Group therefore proposes that: 1) Council funds be set aside to enable the purchase of a specially commissioned bench for placement in the memorial garden in Shaw Town Centre, in the style of the recently commissioned benches to commemorate the VE and VJ memorials in 2020;

2) Council funds be set aside to enable the trees that will be planted in the Shaw and Crompton area during this and the next municipal year, as a result of the current work of the Environment Committee and the Clerk, to be dedicated to the memory of those lost to the pandemic who lived in Shaw and Crompton;

3) The memorial bench be dedicated by a nurse who lives locally, and that the local healthcare and social care teams from institutions in Shaw and Crompton be especially invited to participate in the dedication ceremony;

4) The Clerk to the Shaw and Crompton Parish Council take instruction to write to the Chief Nurse in , Ruth May, to inform her of our plans, and invite her to send a representative to the dedication ceremony for the memorials.

Proposed: Cllr Richard Marbrow

Seconded: Cllr Susan Moore


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Item 13 Walking route around High Crompton – Barbara Smith I am a member of HMR Circle, Crompton area. Circle is a social enterprise organisation supporting older people and enabling them to live their lives the way they want. There would normally be a huge array of social events from meals out, days out, experiences and visits to places of interest. They also have a volunteer driver service and access to various trades people.

These have been temporarily curtailed and they now concentrate on quiz nights, helping to get people on line with the loan of tablets, zoom chats and walks. For the last few months I and my neighbour, Jean Kay have been leading walks around the local area. For further information on Circle do have a look at the website -

These walks are very popular and as a direct result and through a fellow member, Mike Dodd, who you know, I have been asked to document one of these walks for a leaflet being produced by TfGM for which they have received funding. They have issued such a leaflet on the Moston area and I have attached a scan of the map produced (see separate attachment).

I have unearthed various historical bits of information for this leaflet from the internet, from a local long term resident and from Frances Stott, among others.

The walks we do around the area mostly follow the Crompton Circuit covering High Crompton and Pitt Lane, High Crompton to Low Crompton and High Crompton Park to Dunwood Park. These are all on various maps available but I can let you have more detailed plans of all three along with photographs should you want them in due course.

My immediate priority is to complete and supply TfGM with the historical information and once this project is completed, within the next month, you are welcome to what I have for the History section of your website. All of it is in the public domain I have simply collated it with acknowledgements and thanks to contributors. Due to the current restrictions most of this is online, though sometimes well hidden.

In the meantime if I have missed anything or you need further information please ring or email me I think the seven yearly event of Beating of the Bounds is due to take place this year so an opportune moment to document walks in the area.

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Item 14

Sir William Hopwood commemorative plaque – High Crompton Park - Barbara Smith

As I said in my original approach to you, my neighbour and Circle member, Jean Kay and I would be pleased to see the commemorative stone in High Crompton Park found or replaced with the information on Sir William Hopwood who donated the park and financed the bowling green in 1920. His story is interesting and again I can forward this information to you in due course for your website history section.

If I can be of any further help I am happy to do so. I would also be pleased to talk to your committee should they want further information. It would be appreciated if the Parish Council have any ideas on promoting Circle to the older members of Crompton residents. It is a lifeline to some members even in normal times and worth the councils support in any way they can.

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