Shaw & Crompton Parish Council Council Offices, 1 Kershaw Street East, Shaw, OL2 8AB Tel: 01706 847590 Mob: 07926 186652 e-mail: [email protected] NOTICE OF MEETING

There will be a meeting of the ENVIRONMENT COMMITTEE to be held remotely via the Zoom platform on Tuesday 2 March 2021 commencing at 7:00pm when the business set out in the following agenda will be transacted.

Committee membership : Councillors Beeston, Berry, Flores, Gloster, Marbrow (Vice Chair), Moore (Chair), Rowlinson and Sykes. Meeting quorum is 3 The meeting will be open to the public for the whole or part of the proceedings.

Tony Hilton Dated: 25 February 2021 Tony Hilton Clerk to the Council

Please ensure that your mobile phone is switched to silent or is switched off completely during the meeting


1 To receive any apologies for absence.

2 To receive declarations of interest in any contract or matter to be discussed.

3 To approve as a correct record the Minutes of the meeting on the 2 February 2021.

4 Public Participation A period not exceeding 15 minutes set aside to listen to matters raised by members of the public.

5 Food and Climate change : ‘Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change’ a) To consider the approach being taken by Saddleworth Parish Council, who will be represented by Councillor Richard Darlington, Chair of the Environment Committee, Saddleworth Parish Council and b) to receive a verbal update from Councillor Gloster on (i) leaflet hyperlinks (ii) a leaflet list and categories (iii) contact with ‘I Love Shaw’ regarding promoting this initiative.

6 Developing Health and Wellbeing in : To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. To receive a verbal update in relation to a list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers - Councillors Gloster, Hamblett and Moore.

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7 Sustainability Standards implementation To receive updates and consider actions in relation, but not limited to, the following:- a) Green Office and Sustainability toolkit – Councillor Gloster;

b) Single use plastic / Plastic free fast food outlets / Waste Terra Cycle : an update in relation to • the draft questionnaire for local shops/businesses – Councillor Gloster • the Waste Terra Cycle service – Councillor Gloster

c) ‘Refill your bottle’ scheme for shops and others in the town centre – Councillor Gloster

d) Local business use of biodegradable consumables - to consider an advisory note on the matter from Councillor Moore

8 Local Foodbank organisation To consider representation on/liaison with the local foodbank body - Councillor Moore.

9 Financial report for the period 1 April 2020 – 28 February 2021 To review the attached report and consider further priorities for 2020/21.

10 Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit a) To receive the attached update report from Martin Riley and consider further action . b) To receive a verbal update on an external grant bid to invest in footpath improvements and update the Crompton Circuit leaflet – Adam Holt

11 Clough Triangle (off Mark Lane, Shaw) To review the maintenance regime at this site and agree further action (see attached photographs) – Councillor Gloster;

12 , Shaw – river restoration measures consultation by Groundwork To consider the attached invitation to take part in a stakeholder consultation event.

13 Commemorative NHS/Keyworkers bench and tree planting To consider the proposed design of the bench – see attached images – and agree further action.

14 HMR Circle (Crompton branch) – health walks in High Crompton To consider the attached report.

15 Beating the Bounds To consider arrangements for this event and agree further action.

16 Sir William Hopwood commemorative plaque – High Crompton Park To receive a verbal update on the search for an image of the plaque – Councillor Sykes and the Clerk.

17 Dates of Future Meetings Tuesday 7:00pm: 4 May,1 June, 6 July, 7 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December 2021; 11 January,1 February, 1 March, 3 May 2022.

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Item 3 SHAW & CROMPTON PARISH COUNCIL Environment Committee Minutes of a remote meeting held on Tuesday 2 February 2021 via the Zoom platform.

Present: Councillors Beeston, Flores, Gloster, Marbrow and Sykes. Councillor Marbrow in the Chair. Also in attendance – the Clerk, Mr Adam Holt (Groundwork), Ms Barbara Smith and Mr Peter Jones (members of the public)

The meeting started at 7:05pm

1 Apologies for absence: Councillors Berry and Moore.

2 Declarations of Interest: Councillor Sykes declared a personal non-prejudicial interest in matters relating to Groundwork.

3 Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting held on the 12 January 2021 were confirmed as a correct record.

4 Public Participation Ms Barbara Smith attended to speak at items 13 and 14. Mr Peter Jones did not wish to speak or raise any matters under item 4 and as such the meeting continued to the next item without the need for an adjournment.

5 Clerk’s report – Developing Health and Wellbeing in Shaw and Crompton: To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. 5a) Local growing hubs activity at Crompton Cemetery Committee noted the Clerk’s verbal update that he had finally made contact with the secretary of the Crompton Cemetery growing hub/allotment and enquired as to whether there was any potential for the allotment to supply produce to the local foodbank. Unfortunately, the allotment holders only grows sufficient produce for themselves and would not be in a position to upscale their growing activity.

It was agreed that the Clerk would report back to a future meeting as to whether local schools with allotments, in the first instance, Beal Vale Primary, could supply produce to the foodbank.

5b) A list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers. As there has been no progress with this item, it was agreed to defer it to the next meeting whilst in the meantime Councillor Gloster would speak to one of the contractors carrying out work at the Mosshey Street housing development to see if they may be able to advise.

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6 Sustainability Standards implementation Committee considered the following updates:- a) Green Office and Sustainability toolkit – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster The ‘Green Office’ questionnaire had been completed by the Clerk and circulated with the meeting papers. Councillor Gloster suggested that as some of the resulting work may require specialist advice beforehand, Mark Kenyon be approached to carry out a full survey of the building.

It was agreed that (i) an energy performance survey of the Parish Council building be carried (ii) Councillor Gloster ascertains whether Mark Kenyon would carry out the survey and if so, at what cost (iii) this item be considered further at a future Resources Committee.

b) Single use plastic / Plastic free fast food outlets / Waste Terra Cycle – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster Although there was no specific progress to report, Councillors Gloster and Flores had discussed ideas about what questions to ask local shops/businesses regarding their use of plastic consumables to be included in a questionnaire. Having considered the matter further it was agreed that (i) Councillor Gloster would email Committee members with the current list of questions for Members to review and reply back with any further suggested questions for inclusion.

Councillor Gloster also reported that ‘Waste Terra Cycle’ have a service charge of £130 for a small office waste box which can be filled with paper, plastic, toner cartridges etc., which when full is collected by Waste Terra Cycle who provide you with another box (again at a cost of £130 each time).

It was agreed that Councillor Flores supply Councillor Gloster with the contact details of a person in Rossendale who utilises this Waste Terra Cycle service and that Councillor Gloster to report back at the next meeting with further information.

c) ‘Refill your bottle’ scheme for shops and others in the town centre – Lead Member : Councillor Gloster No progress to report although this is also a question that can appear in the questionnaire when approaching outlets (see above minute 6b). It was agreed to write to local businesses, as and when they are allowed to re-open to enquire as to whether they would be part of a ‘refill your bottle’ scheme.

d) Local business use of biodegradable consumables Lead member : Councillor Moore No progress to report in relation to an advisory note and but it was agreed (i) to include a list of suppliers of biodegradable consumables on the website and that such information be brought to the attention of local businesses within the questionnaire (see minute 6b) and that (ii) the advisory note element be deferred to the next meeting.

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e) Food and Climate Change – Lead Member : Councillor Moore The Clerk reported that he had spoken to Saddleworth Parish Council regarding the possibility of including the ‘Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change’ information and links on their website and they had referred the matter to their Environment Committee to review.

7 Local Foodbank organisation - Lead member : Councillor Moore As Councillor Moore was unavailable, the item was deferred to the next meeting. In the meantime it was agreed that Councillor Beeston liaise with Councillor Moore between meetings on this item with the view that Councillor Beeston takes the lead should Councillor Moore be content with that.

8 Financial report for the period 1 April 2020 – 31 January 2021 Committee noted the report which had been circulated with the meeting papers.

9 2021/22 budget Committee agreed to proceed with a recommendation for approval by full Council of a budget of £30,000 for 2021/22.

10 Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit - Martin Riley 10 a) In the absence of Martin Riley, the Clerk talked through Martin’s report referencing a number of issues on Footpaths 50 and 79, which Committee noted;

10 b) Adam Holt presented a proposal to apply for a grant from ‘Awards For All’ to fund footpath improvements and an updated Crompton Circuit leaflet (or booklet), which the Committee supported in principle and agreed to earmark £1,000 from the Environment Committee budget as match funding;

10 c) A recent email exchange between Councillor Gloster and Jean Greer was shared with Committee in which Councillor Gloster had enquired as to when Unity Partnership contacts landowners to remind them of their responsibilities (regarding footpaths on their land) to which the reply was considered unsatisfactory. It was agreed that the Clerk liaise with Councillor Gloster in composing a response back to Jean Greer to include specific examples of issues with footpaths that have been reported to the Environment Committee from Martin Riley and to repeat Councillor Gloster’s original question.

11 Groundwork reports – Adam Holt 11 a) Committee noted and approved the 2021/22 maintenance contract proposed by Groundwork and requested that the Groundwork maintenance team take ‘before’ and ‘after’ photographs in relation to the routine litter picking work referenced in the maintenance contract;

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11 b) Committee noted the update report which had been circulated with the meeting papers.

12 Commemorative and tree planting Committee agreed to earmark £1,200 towards the cost of installing a commemorative bench in the War Memorial Gardens in Shaw and associated ceremony to acknowledge the outstanding work done by the NHS/Care Workers throughout the pandemic. It was agreed that the Clerk liaise with (i) the bench manufacturer regarding the design and to bring back a design to Committee for further consideration and (ii) OMBC to consider where the bench may be installed within the gardens and to copy Councilllors Gloster and Sykes in correspondence with OMBC on the matter.

13 Walking route around High Crompton – Barbara Smith Barbara Smith, of the Crompton branch of the Heywood, Middleton and (HMR) Circle, addressed Committee on work she has been carrying out regarding the mapping of a walking route around High Crompton, a written overview of which had been circulated with the meeting papers. Committee noted Barbara’s report.

14 Sir William Hopwood commemorative plaque in High Crompton Park – Barbara Smith Barbara Smith initially asked whether the Parish Council knew of the whereabouts of a plaque of Sir William Hopwood which used to be in High Crompton Park. It was agreed that Councillor Sykes would enquire with OMBC Parks Service and that the Clerk would put out an enquiry on the Parish Council website and Facebook to find out if anybody knows where the Committee can access an image of the original plaque.

15 Dates of future Meetings Tuesday 7:00pm: 2 March, 4 May, 1 June, 6 July, 7 September, 5 October, 2 November, 7 December 2021; 11 January, 1 February, 1 March, 3 May 2022.

The Chair thanked everybody for their attendance and contributions and closed the meeting at 8:45pm.

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Item 4 Public Participation


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Item 5 Food and Climate change : ‘Take A Bite Out Of Climate Change’ 5 a) To consider the approach being taken by Saddleworth Parish Council, who will be represented by Councillor Richard Darlington, Chair of the Environment Committee, Saddleworth Parish Council The following is an extract from the minutes of the Saddleworth Parish Council Environment Committee meeting on the 15 February 2021 1. Take a Bite out of Climate Change. Cllr. Darlington requested that items 5 and 6 be discussed together. The Chair agreed. For members to consider collaboration with Shaw and Crompton Parish Council, visit the website: and consider their involvement with the initiative- ‘Take a Bite out Of Climate Change’ and to consider including the initiative on Saddleworth Parish Councils’ website. It was resolved that Cllr. Darlington would write a paper demonstrating what the Environment Committee are doing currently and what the committee would like to do going forward and to put forward a climate change agenda for consideration at full council in March.

2. Open Letter: Young Climate Activists An open letter from young climate activists to world leaders Members to consider a response (

5 b) To receive a verbal update from Councillor Gloster on (i) leaflet hyperlinks (ii) a leaflet list and categories (iii) contact with ‘I Love Shaw’ regarding promoting this initiative.

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Item 6

Developing Health and Wellbeing in Shaw and Crompton: To explore the role of the Environment and the Parish Council. To receive a verbal update in relation to a list of environmental projects to be included in planning application recommendations to housing developers – Councillors Gloster.

There are no written reports associated with this item, therefore THIS PAGE IS INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK

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Item 7

Sustainability Standards implementation To receive updates and consider actions in relation, but not limited to, the following:-

7 a) Green Office and Sustainability toolkit – Councillor Gloster;

7 b) Single use plastic / Plastic free fast food outlets / Waste Terra Cycle : an update in relation to • the draft questionnaire for local shops/businesses – Councillor Gloster • the Rossendale experience of the Waste Terra Cycle service – Councillor Gloster

7 c) ‘Refill your bottle’ scheme for shops and others in the town centre – Councillor Gloster

7 d) Local business use of biodegradable consumables - to consider an advisory note on the matter from Councillor Moore

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Item 8 Local foodbank organisation update – Councillor Moore

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Financial report for the period 1 April 2020 – 28 February 2021 Item 9 Cost Centre : Environment Committee Col 1 Col 2 Col 3 Col 4 Col 5 Col 6 EXPENDITURE Budget Actual Outstanding Outturn Balance to date commitments Projection £ £ £ £ £ A. Groundwork contract 11,550 11,270 0 11,270 280 B. Floral display service 4,200 5,155 0 5,155 -955 C. Projects (1 – 15) 10,340 see note 1 9,000 0 Projects (C1 – C15) 19,340 4,336 3,085 7,421 11,919 sub-total Total Environment 35,090 20,761 3,085 23,846 11,244 C1. VE Day bench – Fabrications 780 0 780 Northeast (supply/delivery) C2. VE Day bench - OMBC 750 0 750 (site preparation/installation) C3. VJ Day bench – Fabrications 830 0 830 Northeast (supply/delivery) C4. NHS/Keyworkers 0 1,200 1,200 commemorative bench C5. Groundwork – to add bark mulch 103 0 103 to oak tree at Cheetham Hill C6. Groundwork – to remove 190 0 190 discarded felled tree branches from unadopted road off Cowlishaw Lane/Scowcroft Lane C7. Groundwork – replace timber 0 635 635 risers/backfill (Cowlishaw) C8. Groundwork – prune overhanging 80 0 80 branches/remove from site (17 Longfield Park, Cowlishaw) C9. Groundwork – tree stump 250 0 250 removal (Millennium Gardens) C10. Groundwork – stock netting clad 360 0 360 fence reinforcements (Beal Riverside Walk) C11. Groundwork – replacement 823 0 823 treads/mesh reinforcement to boardwalk C12. Groundwork – cut back the 170 0 170 footpath route at Charlbury Way/Swinford Grove C13. National Tree Charter – 0 250 250 associated costs C14. Updating of the Crompton 0 1,000 1,000 Circuit leaflet C15. Other projects 0 0 0 sub-total 4,336 3,085 7,421

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Item 10 (a) Footpaths and footpath maintenance and the Crompton Circuit – Martin Riley 1. Footpath 42 at Boothstead Edge at the back of Crompton Moor – with the help of Ken Smith, I put back in place 3 waymarker stumps, 2 of which had been knocked over and also replaced some missing Crompton Circuit discs on them. 2. On Crompton Moor on land owned by Rowan Ashworth, we removed barbed wire from step stiles recently installed on Footpaths 45 and 47.

Martin Riley 25 February 2021

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Item 10 (b) To receive a verbal update on an external grant funding bid to invest in footpath improvements and update the Crompton Circuit leaflet – Adam Holt

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Item 11

Clough Triangle (off Mark Lane, Shaw)

To review the maintenance regime at this site and agree further action (see attached photographs) – Councillor Gloster to introduce this item.

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Item 12 River Beal, Shaw – river restoration measures consultation by Groundwork Greater

Dear Colleagues and Partners,

We would like to thank you for your contributions to the River Roch Catchment Environmental Improvements project so far. As a result of your support, the shortlisting and programme development is progressing well, and stakeholder engagement has brought forth a wealth of useful and interesting information.

We would like to provide you with a final opportunity to review the evolving shortlist of measures and programme, and feed in any final comments you may have. We would also like to begin a conversation about how the final programme can be mobilised and delivered.

Monday 15th March 1-3pm, using zoom (please register in advance using the link)

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting. You will also receive an agenda and more information from us nearer the time, which will help you prepare for the workshop.

If you require further information at this stage, please contact Paula Pearson, details below.

Many thanks for taking the time to contribute and share your knowledge.

Kind regards

Adam Chapman, Project Manager, Environment Agency

Anna Gee, Principal Geomorphologist, Aecom

Paula Pearson, Projects and Partnerships Lead, Groundwork GM

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Item 13 Commemorative NHS/Keyworkers bench and tree planting To consider the proposed design of the bench – see below images – and agree further action

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The cost of the manufacture and delivery of the bench (as per the images) is £950 and delivery is £80. Installation by OMBC is £375 Total £1,405 (excl VAT).

The original budget allocated for this work was £1,200 but this to also include tree planting and a ceremonial event involving an NHS representative. Therefore, Committee may wish to consider increasing the budget to meet the above anticipated costs of the bench in the first instance and then to source costs of tree planting.

Below is an image of the commemorative benches already installed (commissioned/purchased by this Committee) showing where the Parish Council logo was positioned (laser cut into the legs).

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Item 14 HMR Circle (Crompton branch) – maps of health walks in High Crompton (courtesy of Barbara Smith) – the Clerk to introduce this item To consider the attached report. As promised here are maps of the 4 walks we lead with the HMR Circle around High Crompton.

If these are of interest to the Parish Council I can do a description for each one showing stiles and detailed instructions.

We also do a history tour just around the centre of the area with descriptions of various points of interest.

Hope this is OK for you. Let me know if you need anything further.

Regards Barbara

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Map 1 : Linear High Crompton Park to Dunwood Park

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Before using this it might be as well if you, or one of your committee, walk it and I would be happy to do this with you just to check I have included all the instructions correctly.

Regards Barbara

High Crompton Park to Dunwood Park

Map 1 Situated approximately 3 miles to the north of Oldham and on the border of Lancashire and Yorkshire, High and Low Crompton were small hamlets with no manorial status. The area was made up of forest, farms and swamps reaching to a height of 800ft above sea level. The area of Crompton was a collection of estates with absentee landlords, which lead to a degree of self-sustenance, thus creating a small population of hardy laborious people. Due to the rugged upland areas crop growing was not possible and the land was mainly used to farm sheep, leading to the production of woollen cloth, sold to the merchants of Manchester and Rochdale and despite its remoteness Crompton became a relatively well- off area. In the 15th century the main occupation of the inhabitants was farming and wool weaving. In the 18th century small factories sprang up, powered by water wheels, for the production of woollen cloth. To ensure the buoyancy of this market there was a law passed in 1675 that all deceased were to be buried in woollen cloth. The woollen cloth industry was followed by the production of cotton yarn during the Industrial Revolution. Starting our walk at High Crompton Park walk past the bowling green and turn right along the conservation area of Park Cottages and onto Rochdale Road. High Crompton Park and the bowling green were financed by Sir William Hopwood and opened in 1920. Born in 1863 he went to work as a piecer at Shaw Spinning Company, later becoming a director and buying the mill. He was on the board of directors at several other mills in the area. Due to the number of mills being required and not enough land available in the area, the value of the properties rose exponentially and at one time there were reputed to be the largest number of millionaires per capita in the country. He was knighted in 1921 for his philanthropy making over £50,000 in gifts. He was declared bankrupt in 1931 but cleared his debts in full. He died in 1936 and two days later his wife died. There is a large memorial stone in Shaw cemetery. Continue onto Rochdale Road and turn right towards Rochdale. Turn right again onto Moss Gate Road. At the corner of Moss Gate Road and Rochdale Road is the former site of Greenhill Methodist Chapel it was opened in 1871 following the rise of Methodism in the area. In the 1830s a Sunday school was opened over a shop at the corner of Fitton Street and Rochdale Road, teaching the children in the area to read and write. Initially 50 alphabet sheets were

Page 23 of 29 purchased at a cost of 4d. Quickly outgrowing the premises a building at Greenhill Farm was bought. Proving popular with three services and with a register of over 160 pupils attending Sunday School each Sunday this building also became too small. A site was found for a new church and Greenhill Chapel was built costing £2000. The debt for both buildings was finally cleared in 1896. The turn of the century brought further problems when it was discovered that damp on the walls had caused extensive damage to the building and pointing to the outside and tiling the inside was undertaken. 50 years later the building was infected again by dry rot and this proved to be the end as the building was demolished in 1963. On the opposite side of the road at the corner of Samuel Lane is the former building of the Crompton Cooperative Provident Society built in 1868. Provident Societies were formed to provide social security benefits. For a small weekly amount, their members could claim on the fund in times of sickness and other difficulties. An early form of insurance. Continue along Moss Gate Road and follow the path and then the track along to Whitfield Hall. There are good views from the track looking down over Shaw and the hills beyond. This is following the Crompton Circuit and is signposted. At the road junction either turn left up to the farm and turn right through the farmyard. There is a cobbled road down to Dunwood Park. Alternatively turn right at the junction and follow the road to the park as on the map.

This part of the route can be muddy and strong footwear is recommended . Have a cup of tea and a snack at the café, lots of tables outside, take a stroll round the park and make the journey back the same way This is a linear walk and in total it is approximately 3 miles. Acknowledgments to St. Andrews Church for the information on Greenhill Chapel.

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Map 2 : Circular High Crompton to Low Crompton

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Map 3 : Circular High Crompton to Thornham

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Map 4 : High Crompton to Low Crompton and Cowlishaw

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Item 15 Beating the Bounds To consider arrangements for this event and agree further action.

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Item 16 Sir William Hopwood commemorative plaque – High Crompton Park To receive a verbal update on the search for an image of the plaque – Councillor Sykes and the Clerk.

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