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0156 Anelytropsis a Papillosus.Pdf (217.8Kb) 156.1 REPTIUA: SQUAMATA: SAURIA: DIBAMIDAE ANELYTROPSIS, A. PAPILLOSUS Catalogue of American Amphibians and Reptiles. separated the African and American farms, and reserved Anely• trapsidae far Anelytro,psis. The clase relatianship af Anelytrop• CAMPBELL,HOWARDW. 1974. Anelytropsis, A. papillosus. sis to, the Scincidae has aften been nated (Ramer, 1956:548; Greer, 1970), and Napcsa (928) based a subfamily Anelytrap• Anelytropsis Cope sininae (= Anelytrapsinae) af the Scincidae an this genus. I fallaw Miller 0%6) in tentatively placing Anelytro,psis in the Mexican blind lizard family Dibamidae. Anelytropsis Cape, 1885:380. Type species, Anelytropsis papil• losus Cape, 1885, by manatypy. Anelytropsis papillosus Cope • CONTENT.One Recent species, A. papillo,suS, is recagnized. Mexican blind lizard • DEFINITION.A small (200-500 mm. tatallength), limbless, Anelytro,psis papillo,suS Cape, 1885:380. Type lacality, "near burrawing lizard with cancealed eyes; head slightly distinct Jalapa, (Veracruz), Mexica." Syntypes ariginally in the fram bady, cavered darsally with 3 enlarged plates, nastril at callectian af the Camisian Cientifica, naw last. junctian af rastral, lareal and first labial scales; no, ear apen• ing; minute papillae present an rostral, first labial, and lareal; • CONTENT.No, subspecies are recagnized. bady scales smaath, in even ar add number af raws, scincaid, • DEFINITION.The anly knawn species; see characters listed with raunded edges; asteaderms present; vent nat terminal, far Anelytropsis. tail one-faurth bady length, with abtuse end; no, preanal pares; calar brawnish flesh-calar, head and tail tip lighter; pectaral • DESCRIPTIONS.The best descriptians af scutellatian, exter• girdle campletely lacking, pelvic girdle reduced to, a superiar nal and internal marphalagy are thase af Cape 0885, 1900). element (ilium) and an inferiar element af uncertain hamalagy; Smith (935) described variatian in scutellatian and nated the stapes perfarated, in cantact with quadrate; palatines and ptery• presence af caudal chevrans, and Axtell (958) described a gaids nat meeting, palatal teeth absent. specimen fram Tamaulipas, Mexico,. • DESCRIPTIONS,ILLUSTRATIONS,DISTRIBUTION,FOSSILRECORD, • ILLUSTRATIONS.Cape (885) published line figures af dar• and PERTINENTLITERATURE.See accaunt af Anelytro,psis papil• sal, lateral and ventral views af the head, Smith (935) pra• Io,sus. vided phatagraphs af the head in darsal and lateral views, and Axtell (958) included darsal, lateral and ventral view draw• • ETYMOLOGY.Anelytro,psis was prapased to,justify the family ings af the head. The tangue was illustrated by Bagert (964), name Anelytrapidae Cape, which was based an Anelytro,ps Miller (966) pravided lateral and medial illustratians af the Dumeril, a synanym af Feylinia Gray. Neither Dumeril nar cachlear duct, and Etheridge (967) gave a schematic diagram Cape discussed the etymalagy af the name, but it apparently is af the caudal vertebrae. Cape (1892a) illustrated the pelvis. derived fram the Greek ana (up ar upan), elytro,n (shield), and ops (eye). The name is feminine. • DISTRIBUTION.Knawn fram intermediate elevatians (300 to, 2300 m) in the states af Tamaulipas, Veracruz, San Luis Patasi, COMMENT and Queretaro" Mexico, 08°38' N to, 23°43' N). Anelytropsis has been faund in humid trapical farest (Gadaw, 1905), bur• Cape (1885) placed Anelytro,psis, tagether with the African rawing in ratten lags in dense brush (Smith, 1935), under a genera Feylinia and Typhlo,saurus, in the family Anelytrapidae stane an a steep, rugged, bush-grawn hillside (Pape, 1955), (also, spelled Anelytrapsidae by Cape, 1892a, b). Camp (1923) beneath a limestane rack an a hillside in semiarid deciduaus vegetatian (Axtell, 1958), and in pine-aak farest (University af Flarida 29115). The range was discussed by Smith and Taylar (950), and mapped by Bagert (964). I Cansidering the ecalagical versatility af Anelytro,psis, it can I be expected to, range farther westward than present recards ..;; ,/ indicate, into, the states af Nueva Leon and Hidalgo,. In addi• ,.'0/° tian to, published lacality recards, specimens are knawn fram: _i Queretaro" 4.1 mi. SW El Laba, 6700' (University af Flarida 29115) ; San Luis Po,tosi, 3.4 mi. W El Naranjo, (University af '. Michigan Museum af Zaalagy 114444), El Salta (University af ! Sauthwestern Lauisiana 20000), and 15 mi. N Tamazunchale I 100 (University af Sauthwestern Lauisiana 19014). -- ...J MI. o • FOSSILRECORD.Nane. 100 ISo KM. • PERTINENTLITERATURE.Camparisans with related farms TAItAULIPAS are in Cape 0885, 1900). Camp (923) and Underwaad (957) discussed relatianships, Jallie (1%0) cammented an skull elements, and Ramer (1956) mentianed characters af the skull, pectaral girdle, and teeth. Anatamical abservatians are in Cape 0892a, pelvic girdle), Walls 0942, eye), Bagert SAN LUIS POTOSI 0964, tangue), Miller 0966, inner ear), McDawell 0967, middle ear), and Etheridge 0967, caudal vertebrae). General habitat nates, and descriptians af individual speci• mens are in Smith (935), and Axtell (958). Dunn (1931) discussed Anelytro,psis in his analysis af the zaageagraphy af the herpetafauna af the Americas. • ETYMOLOGY.The name papillo,suS (Latin) refers to, the papillae present an the anteriar head scales. • REMARKS.This species is knawn fram anly 16 specimens, af which faur apparently are last. Its bialagy is virtually unknawn. LITERATURECITED Axtell, Ralph W. 1958. A narthward range extensian far the lizard Anelytro,psis papillosis, with nates an the distributian and habits af several ather Mexican lizards. Herpetalagica 14(4) :189-191 .. MAP. The salid circle marks the type-lacality; apen circles Bagert, Charles M. 1964. Little snakes with hands. Natural indicate all knawn lacalities far this species. Histary 73 (7) :16-25. .~~,.-. , ~ 156.2 Camp, Charles L. 1923. Classification of the lizards. Bull. between AnelytTopsis and Dibamus. Occas. Pap. California Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 48(11) :289-481. Acad. Sci. (60): 1-15. Cope, Edward D. 1885. A contribution to the herpetology of Nopc~a, Ferenc. 1928. The genera of. reptiles. Palaeobio• Mexico. I. The collection of the Comision Cientifica. Proc. logica 1:163-188. Amer. Philos. Soc. 22:379-382. Pope, Clifford H. 1955. The reptile world. Alfred A. Knopf 1892a. On degenerate types of scapular and pelvic arches Co., New York. xxvi + 325 + xiii p. in the Lacertilia. J. Morph. 7 (2) :223-244. Romer, A. S. 1956. Osteology of the reptiles. Univ. Chicago 1892b. The osteology of the Lacertilia. Proc. Amer. Philos. Press, Chicago. xxi + 772 p. Soc. 30: 185-221. Smith, Hobart M. 1935. Miscellaneous notes on Mexican liz• ards. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull. 22(6) :119-155. 1900. The crocodilians, lizards and snakes of North Amer• -, and Edward H. Taylor. 1950. An annotated checklist and ica. Ann. Rept. U. S. Nat. Mus. for 1898:153-1270. key to the reptiles of Mexico exclusive of the snakes. Bull. Dunn, E. R. 1931. The herpetological fauna of the Americas. U. S. Nat!. Mus. (199) :vi + 253 p. Copeia 1931(3) :106-119. THOMAS, R. A. 1974. Distribution record: AnelytTopsis Etheridge, Richard. 1967. Lizard caudal vertebrae. Copeia papillosus. Herpetol. Rev. 5(1) :20. 1967(4) :699-721. Underwood, Garth L. 1957. On lizards of the family Pygo• Gadow, H. 1905. The distribution of Mexican amphibians podidae. A contribution to the morphology and phylogeny and reptiles. Proc. Zool. Soc. London 2:191-242. of the Squamata. J. Morph. 100(2) :207-268. Greer, Allen E. 1970. A subfamilial classification of scincid Walls, Gordon L. 1942. The vertebrate eye and its adaptive lizards. Bull. Mus. Compo Zool. 139(3) :151-184. radiation. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. Bull. (19) :1-785. Jollie, Malcolm T. 1960. The head skeleton of the lizard. Acta Zool. 41: 1--64. HOWARDW. CAMPBELL,OFFICE OF ENDANGEREDSPECIES,DE- PARTMENTOF INTERIOR,WASHINGTON,D. C. 20240. McDowell, S. B. 1967. The extracolumella and tympanic cavity of the "earless" monitor lizard, Lanthanotus borneen• Primary editor for this account, C. J. McCoy. sis. Copeia 1967(1) :154--159. Miller, Malcolm R. 1966. The cochlear ducts of Lanthanotus Published 29 July 1974 by the SOCIETYFOR THE STUDYOF and AnelytTopsis with remarks on the familial relationship AMPHIBIANSANDREPTILES. '"".
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