
The Parkes Institute Annual Report Contents

2 Report of the Head of the Parkes Institute, Dr Sarah Pearce 4 Outreach 4 AHRB Parkes Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations 5 Conferences, lectures and seminars in the Parkes Institute 6 Income 7 Postgraduate Studies in Jewish History and Culture

8 Reports by Members of the Parkes Institute 15 Parkes Library report by Jenny Ruthven, Parkes Librarian 15 Special Collections report by Dr Chris Woolgar, Head of Special Collections, the Hartley Library, University of Southampton

18 Publications and papers by members of the Parkes Institute

23 Members of the Management Committee of the Parkes Institute 24 Members of the Board of Studies of the Parkes Institute 24 Fellows of the Parkes Institute 24 Honorary Fellows of the Parkes Institute

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The length of this report is testimony to this year's remarkable range of developments and activities connected to the Parkes Library and Special Collections archive for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish Relations.

It has been a spectacular year of building for the future, with the completion of new housing for the library and archive, the arrival of new colleagues to lead research in new fields, and the appointment of our first administrator in the Parkes Institute.

We are delighted to announce that in June 2004 the University’s Hartley Library opened the doors of its new Special Collections accommodation, in which the Parkes Library and related archives are housed, to its first readers. Funded by the University of Southampton, a £1million grant from the National Heritage Lottery, and the Jewish Claims Conference, this extension provides for at least twenty further years of expansion to the archive, world-class conservation facilities, reading room, exhibition gallery and conference space. Special praise is due to Dr Chris Woolgar, Head of Special Collections, Dr Mark Brown, the University Librarian, and his predecessor, Bernard Naylor, who worked ceaselessly towards this goal.Their vision, professional expertise and energy have led to the provision of a superb setting for all those studying and researching in the Parkes Institute.

This has been a year of great change, with very significant departures and new arrivals among the academic and administrative team that constitutes the Parkes Institute. Professor Mark Roseman, formerly Head of the Parkes Institute and Professor of Modern European History, has moved to a chair in Jewish history at Indiana University, Bloomington. Professor David Cesarani, the former director of the AHRB Parkes Centre, has taken up a research chair in History at Royal Holloway College, University of . Our distinguished Chair, Professor Clare Ungerson, announced her retirement in 2004. All represent a great loss to the Parkes Institute.We will miss their dynamism, institutional support and intellectual leadership. But we look forward to our continued relationship with them all, as Honorary Fellows of the Parkes Institute. David Cesarani continues to act as Revd. Dr James Parkes director of the Port Jews and Holocaust Bystanders projects of the AHRB

2 | Annual Report 2003-2004 The Parkes Institute | The University of Southampon Report of the Head of the Parkes Institute Dr Sarah Pearce

Centre. On the academic staff of the priority for future development plans. Members of the Parkes Institute Parkes Institute, we are delighted to The Institute intends to establish a continue to teach a wide range of announce the arrivals of Dr Natan Meir, programme of research in the study of courses linked to the study of a specialist in East European Jewish Muslim-Jewish relations, leading to the Jewish/non-Jewish relations.Within History, and Dr Tobias Brinkmann, as establishment of a dedicated position in History, English, German and Music, lecturer in modern Jewish/non-Jewish this field within the University of undergraduates take courses on ancient Relations. At the same time, we Southampton. Draft proposals have so Judaism, Jewish magic, the Jewish welcome the arrivals of Dr Steve far received enthusiastic support from a Enlightenment, the Jews of Eastern Taverner and Ms Frances Clarke, wide range of assessors, highlighting both Europe, , refugees and administrators to the AHRB Centre and the critical contemporary relevance and genocide, Jewish literature and music. Parkes Institute respectively, who provide the rich potential for research in this, till Masters programmes in Jewish History essential support in maintaining the day- now, much neglected field, but also and Culture provide further to-day running of our operation.We are pointing to the absence of specialist opportunities for specialisation and also very fortunate to have as the new intellectual leadership in this field both research based on the Parkes Library Chair of the Parkes Institute Professor Jo within the University and the UK at and related archives.Within the Labanyi, Professor of Spanish, and large. Building on our internationally postgraduate community based in the Research Dean of the Faculty of Law, recognized expertise in the study of Parkes Institute, this year saw the award Arts and Social Sciences.This is also the Jewish/non-Jewish relations, our goal is to of the higher degree of PhD or MPhil. to place to acknowledge the tremendous provide an initial forum for dialogue 10 students, with 20 continuing towards role played by Professor Tony Kushner, between the disciplines of Islamic Studies the award of PhD. Special mention who with unfailing professional and Jewish Studies, through public should be made here of Mr William commitment and generosity, gave up lectures (semester 2, 2005) and a Tunley, our oldest student to date, who, research leave to accept the critical role dedicated seminar series (2005-06).The in his late eighties, was awarded an MPhil of leading the AHRB Parkes Centre series will also provide a strong for his study on James Parkes. Mr Tunley’s forward to the end of this phase of foundation for demonstrating interest was inspired by a meeting with funding, and beyond. For this, and for his commitment to the research area in James Parkes in earlier days. outstanding contribution in making future external bids, and generate possible all the recent appointments, the important research links for future inter- As always, we acknowledge with great members of the Parkes Institute owe institutional projects.We are actively gratitude the generous support of the him much gratitude and admiration. engaged on several fronts to secure Ian Karten Charitable Foundation, funding to support, in the first instance, together with the University of The AHRB Parkes Centre completed the creation of a post-doctoral Southampton, in supporting the creation the fourth of its five years as a dedicated fellowship in Muslim-Jewish Relations. of many of the lectureships that form AHRB-funded research centre.This has We are also working hard to lay the the core of the teaching team. Ian been an exceptionally productive year foundations for this exciting and Karten studentships also provided crucial for the five projects of the Centre.Their important development through new support to four students on the Masters publications, conferences, seminars, partnerships with the Maimonides programme in 2003-2004.This media presentations, and outreach work Foundation and the Three Faiths Forum. tremendous level of support has with community and political We also look forward to welcoming to enabled the Parkes Institute to develop organisations, continue to make a major the Institute Dr Mona Siddiqui, head of into one of the leading European centres impact at many different levels of Theology and Religious Studies at the for the study of Jewish/non-Jewish research and public understanding about University of Glasgow, and a leading relations, ensuring the continuity and Jewish/non-Jewish Relations. figure in Muslim dialogue with other development of the vision of James faiths, and to welcoming back Prof.Tudor Parkes within the University setting.The As part of its ongoing commitment to Parfitt, of the School of Oriental and crucial place of the Masters developing the field of study in African Studies, London, a former Parkes programmes, at a time of increasing Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, the Parkes Fellow, to speak on constructions of difficulty for students already bearing the Institute has identified the study of Jews in Islamist groups. weight of undergraduate loans, is Muslim-Jewish Relations as its first indicated by their success in continuing

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AHRB Parkes Centre for the Study of Jewish/non-Jewish Outreach Relations to attract enthusiastic and talented The Parkes Institute welcomed the visit The AHRB Parkes Centre continues to students, many of whom go on each of Julian Lewis MP in May 2004, develop and deliver cutting-edge year to doctoral studies within the highlighting the work we do in the fields research.With the departure of David Parkes Institute. of community relations and inter-faith Cesarani, we should like to take this dialogue as well as education.The Parkes opportunity to thank Professor Martin The recent arrival of Dr Natan Meir Institute participated in a shared seminar Goodman of the Oriental Institute, coincides with an important new programme with the London Jewish , and the Chair of development for Masters students in the Cultural Centre, directed by a former the Management Committee, for his Parkes Institute.Thanks to a funding student of the Institute, Dr Joanna very valuable support in this time of initiative backed by the Rayne Newman. In conjunction with the transition.We also acknowledge with Foundation, the Chevening Foundation Bournemouth Jewish Representative gratitude the ongoing collaboration with and the British Council, two Chevening Council, members of the Parkes Institute our associate director, Professor Tessa Studentships fund places on the MA in gave a series of public lectures on Jewish Rajak of the Department of Jewish History and Culture for students history, aimed at a wide general Classics,University of Reading, who has from Eastern Europe.This year we audience, to be followed this year by a enabled our partnership with the welcome the first students to participate ‘mini-series’ on ‘East European Jewry:The University of Reading to continue to under this scheme, Agnese Pavule from Age of Migrations’.The electronic flourish. Members of the Greek Bible Latvia and Ildiko Kovacs from . exhibition ‘Connections’, created by Tony Project presented their research at the The scheme recognises the tremendous Kushner and colleagues in collaboration annual meeting of the prestigious Society potential value, to the academic world with the Asian-Black-Jewish Forum, is for Biblical Literature in Atlanta, Georgia and the wider community, for developing now 'live' at www.connections- in November 2003. Its project leaders, the study of Jewish/non-Jewish relations exhibition.org. Since its launch party at Tessa Rajak of Reading and Sarah Pearce, in countries which, until the Second City Hall, London, the accompanying were also invited in June 2004 to World War, were home collectively to physical exhibition is touring the country. participate in a Colloquium on ‘Prophecy the largest Jewish population in the This is a major achievement in relation and Islamic Thought’ at the Institute for world. to the outreach ambitions of the Parkes Advanced Study, Princeton, in the search Institute, designed to connect with work for links between early Jewish and based in schools and colleges. In January, Islamic thought.We look forward, as part 2004,Tony Kushner was co-organiser of of the Parkes Institute’s wider research Holocaust Memorial Day in plans, to developing new opportunities Southampton.The event was marked by for dialogue and scholarly exchange a lecture on ‘Genocide and Imperialism’, between Jewish Studies and Islamic delivered by Mark Levene of the Parkes Studies. On 25 January 2004, the project Institute. on the Holocaust and its Legacy held a one-day conference on “Children of the Holocaust”, ending with a special screening of the film Nothing but Life about the experiences and art of Thomas Geve, a child survivor, who was present to introduce the film.The conference explored the experience of child victims of Nazi persecution, how they represented these terrible events, and issues of identity. Under the auspices of the Race and Ethnicity project, the electronic exhibition ‘Connections’, the outcome of collaboration with the Asian-Black-Jewish Forum, was launched at City Hall by the mayor of London,

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Conferences, lectures and seminars in the Parkes Institute

Ken Livingstone, in December 2004.This The Parkes Institute was privileged to 7th October 2003, Dr Alan Stewart year saw the publication of The Image of host an outstanding range of speakers (Birkbeck College, London), ‘Jews in the Jew in Liberal European Culture, from around the world, with packed 17th-Century London’. 1789-1914, edited by Nadia Valman and audiences, a reflection of the sterling Bryan Cheyette. David Cesarani efforts of Frances Clarke, who has done 21st October 2003, Dr James Aitken published Eichmann His Life and Crimes, much to boost public knowledge of (University of Reading), ‘The Essentialist and an edited collection of published Institute events, and to bring the Friends Jew Modern Reconstructions of the Ancient articles on Holocaust History of the Parkes Library together for these ‘Jew’’. Historiography and Debates. Most occasions.We were very pleased to be recently, we celebrated the publication of able to collaborate with our associates in 3rd November 2003, Dr Robert Knight Tony Kushner's We Europeans Mass- the Bournemouth Jewish Representative (Loughborough University), ‘Nazi Loot, Observation, Race and Identity.We look Council and the London Jewish Cultural Taxpayers Money, Historians’ Research forward to the Centre’s major Centre to bring a series of lectures on Reflections on the Austrian Historians' international conference in Jewish history and culture to new Commission’. Southampton, July 2005 on ‘Jews, Race audiences in Bournemouth and London. and Empire’, organised in collaboration 19th November 2003, Prof. John Klier with Ben-Gurion University of the In association with the Race and (University College, London), Negev - the call for papers has already Ethnicity project,Trevor Phillips, chair of ‘Remembering Kishinev. One Hundred Years attracted more than 100 potential the Commission for Racial Equality, gave On’. participants. the annual Claude Montefiore Lecture, providing a comparative and historically 2nd December 2003,Trevor Phillips informed approach to contemporary (Commission for Racial Equality),The race relations.The third Ian Karten Claude Montefiore Lecture. Fellow, Dr Bridget Thomson, delivered the Ian Karten Lecture on the subject of 9th December 2003, Prof. Mark ‘Paul Celan’s Exile’. Professor Robert Roseman, ‘Between Fanaticism and Winston, leading medical scientist and Banality Understanding the Perpetrators of member of the House of Lords, the Holocaust’. delivered the annual Parkes Lecture on the theme of ‘Judaism and Science’, 11th December 2003 Prof. Sander arguing for the important place of Gilman (University of Illinois), ‘German ethical and religious tradition in the Jewish Identities at the Margins - One history of science, and its place today in Hundred Years of Central European Jewry, the contentious area of the science of 1889-1989’. human fertility and reproduction. 25th January 2004, ‘Children of the Holocaust’ (Holocaust and its Legacy project, directed by Dr Andrea Reiter).

2nd February 2004,The Ian Karten Lecture by Dr Bridget Thomson, ‘Paul Celan's Exile’.

18th February 2004, Prof.Yosefa Loshitsky (Hebrew University, Jerusalem), ‘Screening Strangers in Post-Holocaust Europe The Representation of Immigrants, Ethno-Diasporas and Minorities in European Cinema’. (LJCC).

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2nd March 2004, Prof. Jan Willem van The Parkes Institute acknowledges with £10,000 from the Ian Karten Charitable Henten (University of Amsterdam), ‘Anti- gratitude all those who have provided Foundation to fund studentships on the Judaism in a Jewish Text? The Case of the vital financial support for its work and Masters Programmes in Jewish History and Revelation of John’. the work of the Parkes Library and Culture. Special Collections. Members of the 18th March 2004, Dr Dan Levene, Institute are funded by the University of £5,000 from the Cecil and Irene Roth Trust ‘Where do Halakhah and Popular Religion Southampton, the Ian Karten Charitable to enable the completion of Elisa Lawson’s Meet? Magic Bowls from Babylonia in Late Foundation, the Hanadiv Charitable PhD thesis on ‘Cecil Roth and Jewish Antiquity’. (LJCC). Foundation, the Ashdown Trust, and, until Heritage and Historiography’. September 2005, the Arts and 27 April 2004, Dr Cecile Kuznitz (Bard Humanities Research Board.The grant £5,000 from a private donor to fund the College New York), ‘The Circulation of from the Heritage Lottery Fund copying of video tapes of Holocaust Yiddish Culture in Interwar Eastern reported in 2002 has made a major survivors carried out by the Fortunoff Europe’. contribution during the year towards the Archive at Yale University. capital works on the extension project 10th May 2004, Dr Jane Rowlandson to the Special Collections. £5,000 from the Hanadiv Charitable (King's College, London), ‘Gender and Foundation for work on the survey of Cultural Identity in Roman Egypt’. Other grants include: Jewish archives in the UK and Ireland, a major grant from the National focused on the records of business. 10th June 2004, Prof. David Cesarani, Heritage Lottery Fund (£70,000) to ‘Continuities and Discontinuities in Anti- enable the completion of the physical £1,800 from the British Academy to in Britain 1922-2002’. version of the Parkes Institute/ Asian- support attendance at the Port Jews Black-Jewish Forum exhibition. Conference, University of Cape Town. 4th October 2004, Prof. Robert Winston, ‘Judaism and Science’. £50,000 from the Hanadiv Charitable Bequest of £1,000 from Mr B. Courts for Foundation to fund a lectureship in East work with the Anglo-Jewish archives. European Jewish History. Donation of £650 from Dr Jonathan Annual funds from the Rayne Burton. Foundation and the Foreign Office/Chevening Foundation to support Donation of £100 from Canon Gordon T. two MA studentships in Jewish History Rideout. and Culture for students from Eastern Europe.

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Postgraduate Studies in Jewish History and Culture

PhDs completed in the Parkes William Tunley, ‘James Parkes and Elisa Lawson (MA Jewish History and Institute Interfaith Relations’ (Tony Kushner). Culture; AHRB funded), ‘Cecil Roth and Susan Cohen, ‘Eleanor Rathbone and Jewish Heritage and History’ (Tony Refugees’ (Tony Kushner). MA Jewish History and Culture Kushner and Nils Roemer). Gemma Cole (Karten student) Naomi Hetherington (AHRB funded), Catherine Edgecombe (Karten student) Jonathan Leader, ‘ Politics, ‘New Women, New Testaments Christian Karen Griffiths (Karten student) Philosophy and the Historical Imagination’ Narrative and New Woman Writing (Olive Joanne Honey (Karten student) (Nils Roemer). Schreiner, Amy Levy, Sarah Grand)’ (Nadia Greg Smart Anne Lloyd, ‘The experience of members Valman). Abigail Tuddenham (Karten student) Sal Weaver if the Jewish faith in the British Army during Elena Katz, ‘Representations of The Jew in the First World War’ (Mark Levene). Gogol, Dostoevsky and Turgenev’ (Bryan Continuing PhD/MPhil Patrick McSharry, ‘The “New Jews” Lord Cheyette). Margaret Batstone, ‘The Political and George Gordon and 18th-century Religious Thought of Mary Ward’ (Nadia Conversions to Judaism’ (Nils Roemer). Sarah Kavanagh, ‘Jewish Leadership in Valman). Terezin’ (David Cesarani) Margaret Marlow, ‘Comparing Holocaust Peter Batty (MRes Jewish History and Memoirs and Slave Narratives’ (Tony James Jordan (MA Jewish History and Culture; University of Southampton Kushner and John Oldfield). Culture; AHRB funded), ‘Representation Archive Studentship), ‘Modern of Holocaust Justice’ (Bryan Cheyette). constructions of poverty in ancient Judaism’ Graham Morris, ‘Religious Change (Sarah Pearce). Gavin Schaffer (AHRB funded), ‘Scientific Amongst London Jews in the 19th Century’ (Nils Roemer). Race Thinking and Migration Jews and Hannah Dalby (MA Jewish History and Blacks in Britain, 1918-62’ (Tony Culture; AHRB funded), ‘German Jewish Michael Morris, (MA Jewish History and Kushner). Women in Exile’ (Nils Roemer). Culture), ‘Mediation to Martrydom the Emergence of Inter-Religious Dialogue in Steve Taverner (MA Jewish History and Jane Gerson ((MA Jewish History and Late Antiquity’ (Dan Levene). Culture; AHRB funded), ’Josephus’ Culture; AHRB funded), ‘Jews, Food and representation of the early Maccabees' Ethnicity in Nineteenth/Twentieth Century Lena Munday (MA Jewish History and (Sarah Pearce). Britain’ (Tony Kushner). Culture), ‘Diaries of the Warsaw Ghetto’ (Tony Kushner and Nadia Valman). Rabbi Chanan Tomlin, ‘The Reactions of Tim Grady (MA Jewish History and Orthodox Jews in England to the Nazi Culture; AHRB funded), ‘Dying for the Judith Petersen, ‘Representations of the Persecution of European Jews’ (David Fatherland the Place of World War One Holocaust in British Television’ (Lucy Cesarani). Memorials in German-Jewish History’ (Neil Mazdon and Tony Kushner). Gregor and Nils Roemer). Heidrun Ultes-Nietzsche, ‘The Non- Greg Smart (MA Jewish History and fictional Work of the Austrian Jewish Writer Phillip Jewell (MA Jewish History and Culture; University of Southampton Friedrich Torberg’ (Andrea Reiter and Alan Culture), ‘Josephus and magic in the Archive Studentship), ‘The British Press Bance). Jewish Antiquities’ (Sarah Pearce). and the Aliens Question at the Turn of the Century’ (Tony Kushner). Masters in Philosophy completed Amy Kettler, ‘German Soldiers’Wives and in the Parkes Institute Widows during World War II’ (Neil Hazel Starmes (MA Jewish History and Stuart Francis (MA Jewish History and Gregor). Culture), ‘The Representation of Non- Culture; 2-year AHRB award), ’The image Jewish Victims of the Holocaust’ (Tony Katie Klein, ‘Anglo-Jewish Woman Writers of slavery in the writings of Flavius Kushner). and the Literary Marketplace in Josephus’ (Sarah Pearce). Nineteenth-Century England’ (Nadia Valman).

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Dr.Tobias Brinkmann Endowment of the Humanities and It was widely reviewed in the press and Lecturer in Modern Jewish/non- involves scholars from the University of was featured on BBC Radio 4 in Start Wisconsin Eau Claire and the Chippewa the Week on 26 July 2004. I gave public Jewish Relations Valley Museum. I also gave talks at the readings and discussed the book at both After three years as a research fellow at University of Hamburg and at the the Edinburgh Book Festival in August the Simon Dubnow Institute for Jewish Association for Jewish Studies and the Cheltenham literature Festival in History and Culture at the University of Conference. October 2004. Along with fellow guest Leipzig I moved to the University of editors Professor Milton Shain and Dr Southampton in October 2004 to take I have been invited to present talks on Gemma Romain I completed editing the up a post as lecturer in Modern my research at several universities in special issue of Jewish Culture and Jewish/non-Jewish Relations, based in Britain in 2005 and I will also present History provisionally entitled Between History and the Parkes Institute. My papers on my current and past research Neptune and Mercury: Seaports, research concentrates on transatlantic at international conferences in the International Commerce and the Jewish urban history in the 19th and 20th United States, Israel and Australia. I Diasporas, based on papers delivered at Centuries with a (non-exclusive) focus continue to serve as the representative the second international Port Jews on Jewish migration within and from of the Migration/Immigration network of Conference, Cape Town, January 2003. It Eastern and Central Europe to North the Social Science History Association is due to appear in spring 2005. America. In 2000 I completed my and as member of the Academic dissertation on Jewish immigrants in Council of the American Jewish I continued to act as a consultant to the 19th Century Chicago at the Technical Historical Society. Faith Communities Unit of the Home University Berlin. A revised version was Office with respect to planning and published in 2002 as a book. I am now Professor David Cesarani organising Holocaust Memorial Day. On working on an English-language edition. Head of the Parkes Institute and 27 January 2004 I attended the HMD My current research project, titled national event in Belfast at the invitation “Migration and Metropolis”, deals with Director of the AHRB Parkes of the Home Office. On 17 December Jewish and other migrants in Berlin after Centre until August 2004 2003, 26 February 2004 and 16 July the First World War. I am also interested During 2003-4 in addition to directing 2004 I attended meetings of the HMD in Holocaust Memory and History, in the AHRB Parkes Centre I was also Trust Delivery Group. On 4 June and 3 particular in representations in museums head of the Parkes Institute and August 2004 I attended meetings of the and exhibitions. represented the Institute at meetings HMD Steering Group. On 10 February concerned with the strategic 2004 I was a member of the Home In Southampton I have taught two development of Arts and Humanities as Office group delegated to meet BBC undergraduate units. I developed a new well as co-ordinating day-to-day affairs. I development staff to discuss course, “American Immigration History was very fortunate to be assisted in this programmes for HMD 2005. since 1600” for second year students by Dr Mark Levene as deputy head, as which draws on a similar course I taught well as the unstinting efforts of all On 15 December 2004 I attended a at Leipzig University’s American studies members of the Parkes Institute and all meeting of the National Museum department since 1998. I also taught the those associated with its work through Directors’ Conference Advisory course “The Holocaust” for third-year the various Institute committees. In Committee on ‘Spoliation of Art During students. September 2004, I moved to a research the Holocaust and WW2.’ On 21 April chair at Royal Holloway, University of 2004 I participated in a video-linked In October 2004 I was invited to London. I look forward to maintaining meeting of the Research and evaluate an immigration museum project strong links with the Parkes Institute, and Documentation Advisory Committee on in Wisconsin, together with other continue to lead the Port Jews project ‘Jewish Material Claims Against Germany.’ consultants from the University of and the Holocaust and its Legacy project I continued to serve on the Academic Toronto, the National Trust, and the within the AHRB Parkes Centre. Advisory Board of the Rothschild New York Tenement Museum.The In August I published Eichmann: His Life Archive project on,‘The Jewish conception of the museum project has and Crimes.The book is being translated Community and Social Development in been funded by the National into German, Dutch, Swedish, and Italian. Europe, 1800-1940’.

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My doctoral student Rabbi Chanan She has subsequently been awarded a departure of Mark Roseman I became Tomlin was awarded his PhD thesis on postdoctoral Fellowship in the Jewish head of the History department and ‘The Response of Orthodox Jews in Britain Studies department at University later in the year replaced David Cesarani to News of the Final Solution’. Mr Graham College, London. I continue my editorial as director of the AHRB Parkes Morris continued his part time doctoral work on the Journal of Jewish History Research Centre. In both cases it was a research on ‘Religious Change Amongst and Culture and Patterns of Prejudice great honour to replace these London Jews in the 19th Century’ under and have assessed various book-length distinguished colleagues and to ensure my supervision. manuscripts for Palgrave, Cambridge that there was continuity and progress in University Press and Manchester all areas of activity. Much of the summer On 21 May 2004, Professor Tony University Press. I am also on the was taken up with completing the Kushner and I met with Mr Frank Cass international editorial board of a volume application for second phase funding for to discuss the appointment of new of the Posen Library of Jewish of Jewish the AHRB centre. editors and the re-launch of the Journal Culture and Civilisation Anthology of of Holocaust Education. It was agreed Primary Sources, Documents,Texts, and Alongside these managerial that Dr Tom Lawson (King Alfred’s Artefacts. Other outside activities responsibilities I enjoyed my teaching at College) and Dr James Jordan include regular reviews for the Times undergraduate and postgraduate level (University of Southampton) would take Literary Supplement, the Jewish and was delighted that two of my over editorship with Professor David Chronicle and the Independent postdoctoral students, Gavin Schaffer Cesarani, Professor Tony Kushner and newspaper and appearances on Radio 3 and William Tunley, successfully Professor Mark Roseman (Indiana and Radio 4. Finally, I will take up a completed their theses this year. University) as senior editorial advisers. Writing Fellowship in Jewish Literature at Outreach work continued to be an This agreement is crucial to retaining the the Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, important aspect of my activities and I journal as a major vehicle for University of Pennsylvania in the Spring addressed a wide range of organisations disseminating the results of research in of 2005. across the UK, as well as co-organising this project. Holocaust Memorial Day in As the Brownstone Visiting Professor in Southampton. I was also delighted to be It has been a busy year for outreach English and Jewish Studies at Dartmouth able to write and present an ‘Archive activity and broadcasting too (see College, USA (Spring 2004), I delivered Hour’ documentary on Radio 4 in detailed report). One highlight was the annual 2004 Brownstone Lecture on January 2004 to mark Holocaust chairing a panel discussion with Eva ‘Frantz Fanon and the black-Jewish Memorial Day.The subject matter of this Hoffman and David Albahari on writing Imaginary’, a paper on ‘Postcolonial documentary was refugees who settled and memory of the Holocaust for Jewish Literature and the Holocaust’, and a in the north west of England. I also Book Week at the South Bank Centre, Humanities Center research seminar on contributed to a television documentary London, on 2 March 2004. Primo Levi. I am also co-organising a on the renegade fascist,William Joyce, to conference on Bob Dylan at Dartmouth be screened in 2005. Professor Bryan Cheyette College. National talks include a research Chair in Twentieth Century seminar on ‘Bob Dylan and Conversion’, at Research-wise I put the final touches to Southampton University and two my monograph We Europeans? Mass- Literature and Fellow of the research seminar papers at London Observation, ‘Race’ and British Identity in Parkes Institute and AHRB University. the Twentieth Century (Ashgate) and Parkes Centre also to a joint book The Holocaust: In the past year I have continued to Critical Historical Perspectives teach my final year undergraduate Professor Tony Kushner (Manchester University Press), with course on Holocaust Literature and my Marcus Sieff Professor of History Donald Bloxham. It is also pleasing to report that Philosemitism, Antisemitism MA course on Diasporic Literature. One and Director of the AHRB of my AHRB-funded doctoral students and the Jews (co-authored with Nadia has completed her dissertation Elena Parkes Centre Valman, Ashgate) based on the 1996 Katz (on the representation of Jews in The last academic year was challenging Parkes Centenary Conference, was nineteenth century Russian Literature). as well as being stimulating.With the awaiting publication. I have also made

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progress towards completion of my saddened by the departure of Mark Dr Mark Levene monograph Refugees, Ethnicity and Roseman and David Cesarani it is very Reader in Comparative History Memory. Both primary research (at the exciting that we have brought in scholars National Archives and at various heritage of such talent and potential as Natan and Deputy Head of the Parkes sites) and further secondary reading Meir and Tobias Brinkmann who will Institute have been carried out. An AHRB ensure that we maintain our high quality Another busy year has provided a lot of matching leave bid based on this project and innovative work. stimulating developments and directions. was successful but, due to my new Our two joint honours students in responsibilities of directorship, it will not Dr Dan Levene History/Jewish History and Culture, be taken up in academic year 2004/5. Ian Karten Lecturer in Jewish Becky Owen and Ali Smith, completed Nevertheless, completion of this project, their BA(Hons) both achieving 1sts in as required by the AHRB corporate plan History and Culture the process. Given that they are the only by the end of phase 1 funding, is still This past year has been a very research undergraduate students who have taken intended.Various academic articles on active period for me as I started my this programme, this may make them - Holocaust memory, immigration and sabbatical at the beginning of the second and us - uniquely perfect in the annals ‘race’ were also published. semester. I have a whole year, since I was of British undergraduate results. Both awarded an AHRB match leave funding. I students excelled in their dissertations I continue to co-edit Patterns of am busy editing a large corpus of late and were important contributors to my Prejudice and am deputy editor of antique magical texts from various public range of courses in 2003-2004. Jewish Culture and History. I have been and private collections.This work has involved in the negotiations to transfer greatly expanded and now contains The 3rd year special subject ‘The British editorship of the Journal of Holocaust much new and unusual material. At the mandate in Palestine’, as well as my 2nd Education which has now been end of July, I presented two new magical year course ‘Looking beyond the successfully achieved.The Parkes-Wiener texts at the joint annual conference of Holocaust Genocide in Contemporary monograph series, edited by myself and the Society of Biblical Literature and History’, continue to have large intakes, David Cesarani and produced by European Association of Biblical Studies enthusiastic students and highly Vallentine Mitchell, continues to publish that was held at Gröningen in Holland. successful results. In addition, ‘Islam and work of the highest quality. It has been a These will be published in my the West, Historical Roots of Current great pleasure to be involved with the forthcoming book.The work on my Disjunctures’, an entirely new team-taught biographies of James Parkes being book on Metallurgy in the Judaic sources course, devised and led by myself, written by Colin Richmond and Haim is also reaching a conclusion and is produced singular commitment and Chertok both of which will be published scheduled to be submitted for interest from the 30 students involved, in this series in 2005. publication in 2005. On my return to including four European (Socrates) teaching I will be adding two new participants.The course aims to look at I have been coordinating a project to courses to our programme A second the three monotheistic faiths in historical copy material held at Yale University and year course on the Old Testament and a context and hence provides a its major collection of video recordings third year intensive course covering comparative framework for of survivors and was fortunate enough middle and late Aramaic dialects. understanding Jews and Judaism to obtain initial funding for this project. alongside Christianity and Islam. In addition I was delighted to have This year I have been serving my second Thereby, it not only attempts to get obtained the additional three years year of service as a BAJS committee behind contemporary headlines (which funding for Dr Meir’s position in East member. I am also on the Scientific are often problematic where not European Jewish History and Culture committee of the Institute of Archaeo- mischievous) but serves as a showcase which will greatly strengthen the scope Metallurgical Studies at the Institute of for our commitment at Parkes to the and range of our activities. Finally I Archaeology at UCL, and am an creation of a new post in Muslim-Jewish- coordinated our search for a lecturer in honorary research fellow in the Christian relations. modern Jewish-non-Jewish relations Department of Hebrew and Jewish which led to the appointment of Dr Studies at UCL. My other related involvements this year Tobias Brinkmann.Whilst we are have included participation in the

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‘Approaches to Jewish History’ core the education director Dr Joanna the early decades of the twentieth course in the MA Jewish History and Newman (a former student with century. Culture programme; the external Parkes), at London Jewish Culture examining of a highly stimulating and Centre, continues to ensure a close In June, I received a grant from the successful Ph.D, awarded to Jasmine relationship between Parkes and LJCC. British Academy for research towards Donahaye, at Swansea University, for her Other aspects of my profile in this last the revision of my doctoral thesis (on ‘Jewish Writing in Wales’, and my ongoing year include participation in three of a ‘The Jewish community of Imperial Kiev’) role as external examiner for the MA in four part TV documentary series into a book suitable for publication. Holocaust Studies under the auspices of ‘Journeys into Genocide’, by Concordia The grant will enable me to travel to Jewish Studies at University College, Television Productions, shown in a Kiev and Jerusalem as well as London London. My single part-time PhD number of countries including Ireland and Oxford in order to conduct student Anne Lloyd continues to make (but not the UK), to date, as well as a research. excellent progress with her thesis ‘Anglo- January 16 feature article in the Jewish Jews and Military Service, 1914-1918’. Chronicle ‘Global Warning’, about the I was one of approximately twenty role of Jewish prophecy in a time of participants selected for the new It has also been a busy year for lecturing sustained environmental and political International Forum of Young Scholars and conference engagements outside of crisis. on Eastern European Jewry, a joint Parkes. In addition to three international initiative of research centres in Israel, academic conferences, I gave this year’s Inevitably, additional to acting as a brief Russia, and Germany.The ten-day forum, Southampton Holocaust Memorial Day and very interim head of the Institute in hosted this year by the Simon Dubnow lecture at Southampton Institute on the period after Professor Cesarani’s Institute in Leipzig, brings together January 26.This, given the year’s linkage departure work has continued on my promising junior scholars for workshops to the Rwanda genocide 10 years ago, main academic effort ‘Genocide in the in their areas of research, lectures by was entitled ‘Out of Sight, out of Mind Age of Nation-State’.This is now to be senior scholars, and sessions on primary Hearts of Darkness 50 years on from the published in 4 volumes with the two sources and archival resources. Holocaust’, and looked both backwards completed to date now due appear, with and forwards from 1994 in an attempt I. B.Tauris as publisher, in the spring or In February I attended the Sefer to understand the nature of the early summer 2005. I am fortunate to Conference of Jewish Studies in catastrophe in the Great Lakes region have received a Leverhulme award for Moscow, and in August presented a and its international consequences. On a the academic year 2004-5 to research paper on ‘Changes in Religious Behaviour not entirely dissimilar tack I also gave a the 3rd volume which will cover the among Turn-of-the-century Russian Jews’, at talk at Bournemouth University on 1 period 1914-48. the annual conference of the Institute of March 2004, in the seminar series of the Jewish Studies in Kiev. At each International Forensic Centre for the Dr Natan Meir conference I had the opportunity to Investigation of Genocide, hosted by Lecturer in East European Jewish publicise the Parkes Centre’s new Prof. Margaret Cox, and entitled ‘Can We initiative on East European Jewish studies Look Forward to an End to Genocide? A History and in September 2004, our first Historian Peers into the Future’. Since I arrived at Southampton in recipients of special studentships for January 2004, I have introduced a new citizens of East European countries Additionally, on the extra-mural front I Cases and Contexts course for first-year joined us to begin studies for the MA in helped organise, and participated in, the students entitled ‘Jews in the City:The Jewish History and Culture. University of Bournemouth’s adult Urban Experience in Eastern Europe’, and I am currently planning joint projects to education series ‘Vienna and its Jews’, have taken over the teaching of the be undertaken between Southampton convened by Gerald Normie.This again second-year options course ‘The Making and the Institute of Jewish Studies in has proved a very successful aspect of of the Modern Jew’. Our teaching and Kiev, including a study-tour, for students out outreach and has also led to two research resources continue to be and staff, of former shtetls and heavily participants choosing to continue their enriched by the ongoing acquisition of Jewish cities in Ukraine. Also in the Jewish studies at MA level at Parkes. material on East European Jewry, pipeline is a conference on East Close liaison, too, between myself and including a number of Yiddish films from European Jewish history to be held at

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Southampton and attended by scholars and the British Association of Jewish 2004), challenging interpretations of the from Europe, North America, and Israel. Studies (Oxford, July 2004). I have also crucifixion which exaggerate Jewish written a number of contributions to the responsibility. My own contribution was Dr Sarah Pearce forthcoming Dictionary of Jewish- largely to remind viewers of the Ian Karten Senior Lecturer in Christian Relations (CUP, 2005).This is poisonous legacy associated with the fifth year of my work as reviews blaming universal Jewry for the Jewish History and Head of the editor for the long-established crucifixion. Parkes Institute international Journal of Jewish Studies. My main areas of responsibility within Dr Andrea Reiter the Parkes Institute this year were Teaching activities included an Lecturer in German and Fellow divided between various roles: as a undergraduate option for History lecturer in Jewish History and Culture; students on ‘Masada: History and Myth’, of the Parkes Institute co-ordinator of the Masters and a variety of contributions to the I have developed an earlier MA unit on Programmes in Jewish History and Masters programmes in Jewish History Representations of the Holocaust to Culture; co-director of the AHRB Parkes and Culture. I am delighted to report accommodate the historical perspective Centre’s Greek Bible project, based at that my first postgraduate students, and some other artistic representations the University of Reading; and, since Steve Taverner and Stuart Francis, were as well as literature. I contributed two August 2004, as Head of the Parkes successful in obtaining the higher sessions on the literature, paintings and Institute. degrees of PhD and MPhil respectively. I music of fin-de-siècle Vienna to the Adult continue to supervise two PhD students, Education programme of the Now in the middle of the fourth year both working in the field of ancient Bournemouth Jewish Congregations. I Greek Bible project, working together Judaism. As coordinator of the Masters also supervised two MA dissertations. A with Professor Tessa Rajak and Dr James Programmes, it has been a particular PhD dissertation, on ‘The Non-fictional Aitken (Reading) and Dr Jenny Dines pleasure to see the success of the Work of the Austrian Jewish Writer (Cambridge), much of my research Chevening studentships in bringing to Friedrich Torberg’, which I co-supervised activity has been connected to the the Parkes Institute talented and with Prof. Alan Bance, was examined and production of a co-authored monograph enthusiastic students from Eastern passed with minor corrections. on The Greek Bible in its Graeco-Roman Europe.This has also been the first year Context.Together with other members of my work as External Examiner in In January the day-conference Children of the team, I have also contributed to Hebrew and Jewish Studies at the of the Holocaust, which I organized with and edited a volume of studies based on University of Glasgow. the help of Dr. Steve Taverner, took place the project’s international colloquium on at the James Parkes Building.The seven Hellenistic Monarchy (Oxford, 2003), to At local level, I have contributed to speakers included known experts such be published, provisionally, with the several projects connected to supporting as Dr. Sue Vice (Sheffield) and Dr. Nick University of California Press. In local refugees, asylum seekers and Stargardt (Oxford), promising PhD association with the project, I have also newcomers from the new European students and .They written short studies and presented states. approached the topic from a variety of research papers at various national and angles. Over forty participants, international seminars.The highlight of I continue to work on the Committee academics, students, teachers and the the project’s year saw the whole team for Catholic-Jewish Relations, an inter- interested public, received a rich picture, present papers in a dedicated seminar at faith committee advising the bishops of which generated lively discussions that the North American Society of Biblical England and Wales - the focus in the continued well into the lunch and tea Literature in Atlanta (November, 2003). coming year will be on the impact of breaks.The academic sessions were My other main area of research focuses Nostra Aetate 40 years on. complemented by an exhibition of the on studies in Philo of Alexandria, the drawings produced by Thomas Geve as first-century Jewish scholar, and related As part of the response to Mel Gibson’s a fifteen year old following his liberation seminar presentations at an Islamic film The Passion of the Christ, I took part from the concentration camp of Studies Colloquium (Institute for in a Channel 4 Documentary ‘Pilate - the Buchenwald. Mr. Geve, who lives in Israel, Advanced Study, Princeton, June 2004) Man who Killed Christ’ (Easter Saturday, opened the exhibition and commented

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on the film Nothing but Life, made by the successfully examined by Professor Tessa outreach activities. During this period I German director Wilhelm Rösing about Rajak (of the University of Reading’s acted as editorial assistant on the major Geve’s camp experience. Classics Department) and Dr Mishtooni international Journal of Jewish Studies, and A selection of papers will be published Bose (then of the English Department, have sat on the School of Humanities’ in a special issue of Holocaust Studies: Southampton, now of the University of ICT committee and attended the AHRB A Journal of Culture and History. Oxford). In addition to this academic ICT seminar in London, as well as highpoint, I was particularly pleased to redesigned both the Parkes Institute’s Dr Nils Roemer be involved in the organisation and and the Department of History’s Ian Karten Lecturer in Jewish running of the successful ‘Children of the websites. Holocaust’ conference, along with Dr History and Culture Andrea Reiter, which was held in the Dr Bridget Thomson The year I spent on sabbatical was very Parkes Building on the 25 January 2004. Ian Karten Fellow productive.The AHRB matching leave The conference brought together award enabled me to complete a international and national scholars, In February, as the Karten fellow, I gave manuscript of a new book entitled graduate students, and members of the the annual Karten lecture on ‘Paul German Cities - Jewish Memories The public and a several Parkes Friends, to Celan’s Exile’. In the lecture I illustrated Story of Worms as well as to write hear papers on various aspects of how his poetry articulates the physical several new articles.The leave afforded childhood experience during the and mental realities of the European me the opportunity to immerse myself Holocaust.The event was opened by the post-Holocaust experience and explored in a new area of research Jewish urban first-ever exhibition in the United the way the theme of displacement is tourism and the history of Eastern Kingdom of the drawings of Thomas embedded in it. European immigrants in Berlin, London, Geve, who was personally present to and New York.This new interest has led talk about his time in Buchenwald and to I published articles on ‘Ethics and me to redesign an MA course entitled introduce the biographical film of his Reading' and 'Recent Celan Scholarship’, in ‘East Side/East End Jewish Immigration experiences, directed by Wilhelm Rösing, Austrian Studies.The manuscript of my and Settlement in London and New York, entitled Nothing but Life.Throughout this major research project on ‘Poetry and 1880-1920’, which I am teaching for the period, I have been working on revising Trauma’, should soon be completed.This first time during the 2004 academic year. my thesis for publication, as well as a year also involved some new teaching. While on leave, I continued to supervise project mapping the Jewish seafaring In one course we looked at questions of several doctoral candidates and took up experience in the ancient world, which I minority writing and marginal cultural the role of external examiner for the will present at a Parkes public seminar in practices in the work of a range of MA Programme in Critical Religious November 2004, and in the third Port Jewish,Turkish and Afro-German artists. Studies at Sussex University and for the Jews conference in Cape Town in Another, team-taught with Dr. Reiter, M Phil in Modern Jewish Studies at January 2005 (which I am helping to looked at the topographies and cultural Oxford University. organise, along with Mrs Janine Blumberg memories of Jewish Berlin and Vienna. of the Kaplan Centre, University of Cape A third one looked at questions of race Dr Steve Taverner Town). I have also been working on the and difference in German studies. AHRB Parkes Centre Projects papers from the March 2003 Greek Manager and Research Fellow Bible project conference, which are to be published in 2005, as well as In October 2003, I was appointed AHRB technological input into the Greek Bible Parkes Centre Projects Manager and project’s database of Septuagint Research Fellow, to take over some of terminology. the duties formerly completed by Dr Jo Reilly.This proved to be an incredibly I continued to teach on undergraduate busy and fruitful year for me, as I History courses, including ‘Masada submitted my doctoral thesis on History and Myth’, and took an active Josephus and the apocryphal writing 1 role in the organisation of the Parkes Maccabees in September, and I was Centre’s seminar programme and other

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Dr Nadia Valman California, in December 2003, entitled Dr Anthony Bale, Birkbeck, University of Lecturer in English ‘The Ascendancy of the Jews: Politics, London, on ‘Problematics of Jewish Aesthetics and Jewish Representation in Masculinity and Antisemitism: Medieval and Late-Nineteenth-Century England’. Modern’, 28 October 2003. Planning is underway for the 2005 conference that I will be co-organising I continue to be the sole editor of the Prof Bryan Cheyette, University of with Professor Tony Kushner and Dr journal Jewish Culture and History, Southampton, on ‘Frantz Fanon and the Eitan Bar-Yosef of Ben-Gurion University which publishes innovative work by Black- Jewish Imaginary’, 26 February of the Negev.The conference, to be held established and younger scholars in the 2004. in Southampton in late July, will build on various disciplines encompassed by last year’s successful colloquium, and will Jewish Studies.This year I edited Jewish Dr Anat Pick, Rothermere Institute, be entitled ‘Jews, Race and Empire’. History and Culture volume 6 number 1 Oxford University, on ‘Final Analogies (Summer 2003) and volume 6 number 2 Humans, Animals and the Holocaust’, 9 I have been offered a contract for my (Winter 2003). March 2004. first monograph The Figure of the Jewess in Nineteenth-Century Culture with I continued to teach my second-year Kristina Spix, Queen Mary, University Press. Meanwhile, undergraduate course ‘Jewish Fictions’, as London, ‘Dixit Insipiens in Corde Suo non my research on the representation of part of the English BA.The course est Deus:The Jew as Fool in German Late the Jewish East End in British culture of attracts around 60 students each year Medieval Carnival Culture’, 1 June 2004. the 1890s has continued. I have been and as a result several have decided to awarded a research fellowship at the continue to study Parkes Institute related The papers from two Southampton Center for Advanced Judaic Studies at subjects. Some are doing their colloquia that I co-organised have been the University of Pennsylvania, dissertations in Jewish Studies and some assembled into their respective volumes. Philadelphia, to further this research in are planning to go on to do a Parkes Amy Levy Critical Essays, co-edited with the Autumn semester of 2004. MA in Jewish Studies. Naomi Hetherington and based on the 2002 colloquium is the first collection of I completed contributions on British I am pleased to report the award of essays exploring the poetry, novels, short writers for the Encyclopaedia of PhD to Naomi Hetherington in stories and journalism of this late Antisemitism, Anti-Jewish Prejudice and November 2003 for ‘New Women, New nineteenth-century Anglo-Jewish writer. Persecution, edited by Professor Richard Testaments Christian Narrative and New From the East End to East Africa: the S. Levy (University of Illinois at Chicago), Woman Fiction’ (Olive Schreiner, Amy Jew in Edwardian Culture is based on including an essay on antisemitism and Levy, Sarah Grand). Meanwhile, other papers from the ‘Between the East End English literature from Chaucer to Wells. PhD students are continuing their and East Africa:The Jew in Edwardian research, including Margaret Batstone’s Culture,’ colloquium, held in July 2003. A I co-organised and took part in a panel doctoral work on ‘The Religious and contract has been signed with Palgrave with participants including Professor Social Thought of Mrs Humphrey Ward’, for the latter and strong interest has Bryan Cheyette and others from and Lena Munday’s doctoral research on been shown by Ohio State University Dartmouth College, New Hampshire Gender and the Diaries of the Warsaw Press in the former. and the University of Illinois, at the Ghetto’. Association for Jewish Studies Meanwhile, work is proceeding on a international conference in Boston, I continued to co-organise the collection of essays that I am editing Massachusetts in December 2003, interdisciplinary seminar series in Jewish entitled British Jewish Women Writers, entitled ‘The Black- Jewish Imaginary’. Cultural studies ‘Jewish Textualities’, with to be published in 2005 by Wayne State I co-organised and took part in a panel Dr Anthony Bale of Birkbeck College, University Press. with participants from the University of University of London.The series was California Los Angeles, Mills College, hosted by the Institute for English California and the University of Michigan, Studies at London University.This year’s at the Modern Languages Association speakers included: international conference in San Diego,

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Parkes Library report by Special Collections report Jenny Ruthven, Parkes by Dr Chris Woolgar, Head Librarian of Special Collections, the Printed Collections Hartley Library, University 2003/2004 of Southampton

Dr Abigail Wood The Parkes Library moved to its new In June 2004, the Special Collections Lecturer in Music accommodation in the Hartley Library Division moved into its new extension in September 2003.The accommodation.This step represents This year I completed my PhD, ‘Yiddish reading room opened for use in one of the most important advances in song in Contemporary North America’ (at November, readers having had access to the Division’s activities over the last Christ’s College, Cambridge) and am the stock via the ‘Fetching Service’ in the twenty years.The reading room, staff currently working to turn parts of my interim.The new area has seats for over work areas and new strongroom thesis into publications. During the year I 40 readers, includes data connections to accommodation are an impressive sight, also began research into the place of the University network, provides 20 giving us state of the art archive music in Jewish-Christian relations, years of expansion space for stock and is accommodation which will have a major contributing the ‘Music’ entry to the accessible whenever the Hartley Library impact on the work of the Special forthcoming Dictionary of Jewish- is open. Collections. For the archive and Christian Relations to be published by manuscript collections, we now have Cambridge University Press in 2005. The additional space has meant that new strongroom accommodation During the course of the year, I taught a collections of donated and deposited constructed to meet the latest revision session on Jewish music for the MA material stored during the course of the of British Standard 5454, sufficient both students in addition to my regular building project have been retrieved and to hold accessions for the next twenty teaching in the Music department. can be processed for addition to stock. years and to establish a range of This includes 35 shelves of pamphlets different environments suitable for the received from the Library of the Institute curatorial needs of the increasingly for Jewish Policy Research, and the diverse body of media that constitute Joseph Sherman collection of 3,000 the collections the Division holds. Yiddish books donated by the Library of The principal new strongroom has been University College London. fitted with mobile racking, to make the most effective use of the space. Additions to stock have included a There is, in addition, a quarantine area, collection of Yiddish books from Mrs for processing new accessions, which Esther Brunstein, and a number of classic enables us to ensure that only material Yiddish films, bought to support new that is clean and uncontaminated by courses in East European Jewish history. mould or insect infestation passes to the Parkes has also benefited from successful strongrooms. Other accommodation bids to the Library’s Strategic Purchases includes new workrooms for staff and a fund. Material purchased under this new conservation suite. scheme includes further sections of the The opportunity has also been taken Index to on to update our fire suppression and microfilm, the Soncino Classics CD, the detection systems, and to review and BibleWorks CD and a number of archive install new security systems. catalogues and guides to sources for the study of German-Jewish history.We also Our new secure reading room has seats acknowledge with gratitude the gift from for twenty readers, along with places for Mrs Brenda Burns of a number of books a further twelve in an immediately on biblical and patristic studies from the adjacent room, which can double as a library of her late husband, the Rev Dr seminar room for work with original Bill Burns, alumnus of this University. materials. For the first time the Division has an exhibition gallery with facilities suitable for the display of manuscripts and rare books.The coming year will see the establishment of a regular programme of exhibitions in this

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impressive venue, a project in which we Federation. He was a founder member Viscount Samuel, was the British High expect to work closely with academic of the World Jewish Congress and Commissioner to Palestine. Mrs Joseph staff. served as its Vice-President. In the early was a self-confessed Zionist and from 1950s his contacts with Germany led to 1925 onwards Lady Samuel was the Although the building project has pre- the meeting between Nahum Honorary President of the Women’s empted much of our resources during Goldmann, the President of the Jewish International Zionist Organisation. the year, the work of the Division has Material Claims Against Germany, and The letters from Mrs Joseph reflect her continued in all other respects, albeit at a the Chancellor of Germany, which laid extensive philanthropic and social reduced level.The Mountbatten the foundations for the payment of activities, as well as containing family and Conference, held in July 2004, included a German reparations.The Barou papers personal news, and comments upon range of distinguished academic relate almost exclusively to the workings contemporary events. contributions, many based on the of the Conference on Jewish Material The correspondence contains collections in the Library; and this year Claims Against Germany for the period descriptions of her charitable work for has again seen the completion of a 1948-58.This material complements the Jewish Infant Welfare Unit, the free number of doctoral theses closely papers for the British Section of the dental care unit at Whitechapel and the related to the collections. World Jewish Congress, which forms a Beatrice Club for girls, and her hectic part of the archive of the Institute of social engagements, lunches, soirées, The staff of the Special Collections Jewish Affairs held by the Library (MS musical afternoons, visits to the Division currently numbers 13, including 238). countryside, theatre visits and lectures. 4 archivists and 2 conservation posts. Her descriptions of visits to country Appointments are currently in hand for Papers of Dr Gerhard Kaufman villages in England are accompanied by one year posts for an archivist and a Dr Kaufman emigrated from Germany pen and ink vignettes of local scenes. library assistant. to Great Britain as a refugee in 1939, after a brief period in the concentration A collection of approximately 3,000 New regulations for the use of the camp at Dachau. Once in this country, Yiddish books has given the Library its archive reading room and for he was interned once more, on this first major tranche of Yiddish literature, reprographic work based on the occasion on the Isle of Man, 1940-1. and we have received several smaller collections were approved by the Vice- Kaufman returned to Germany after the collections of Yiddish material. Chancellor on behalf of Senate in June war to work as an interpreter at the These mark a new direction in our 2004, to take account of new features in Nuremberg Military Tribunals. collecting and complement the holdings the accommodation and changed His papers include material relating to of Anglo-Jewish literary materials, both working practices. the war crimes trials, correspondence printed and manuscript, that have been between the Kaufman family lawyers and built up in recent years. This year, eleven separate collections, bodies assisting refugees from Germany, filling 45 boxes, were received by gift or as well as a series of personal letters to Cataloguing and the production deposit, and the Library was successful family members while he was interned of guides in acquiring two further collections at on the Isle of Man. Another section of Summary lists of eleven collections were auction in Ludlow in April 2004. the archive encompasses Kaufman’s prepared during the year.These have These papers fit closely with the work as a translator and interpreter at included the papers of Rabbis Ginsberg collections of Anglo-Jewish archives the trials of the industrialist, Alfred (MS 320) and Mattuck (MS 326), of already held by the Special Collections Krupp, and of the directors of I.G.Farben. Gehard Kaufman, as well as sections of Division. the archives of the Women’s Campaign Correspondence between Mrs George for Soviet Jewry, of the Reform Papers of Dr Noah Barou (1889-1955) Joseph and her sister, Beatrice, Lady Synagogues of Great Britain and of the Dr Barou was born in Poltava, Ukraine. Samuel, 1916-33 Education Aid Society, and additions to He left Russia in 1922 and settled in The letters from Mrs Joseph to Lady the archives of the Council of Christians Great Britain, where from 1923 until Samuel mainly date from 1922-7. and Jews, the Institute of Jewish Affairs 1936 he was general secretary of the For part of this time, Lady Samuel’s and the World Congress of Faiths. central committee of Po’alei Zion World husband, Sir Herbert Samuel, later first

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Listing will resume on two large archives, Grants and funding Recent publications based on the the records of the International The grant from the Heritage Lottery archive collections or by staff Association for Religious Freedom and Fund reported in 2002 has made a H.H.Kaplan, Nathan Mayer Rothschild and the West London Synagogue, now that major contribution during the year the creation of dynasty: the critical years sufficient working space is available for towards the capital works on the 1806-1816 (Stanford, 2004) processing.The catalogue of the extension project. Schonfeld papers was published during K.Robson, MS 183 Papers of Rabbi the year. £5,000 has been awarded by the Solomon Schonfeld (1912-84), c.1900-88 Hanadiv Charitable Trust for work on (2 vols. University of Southampton Conservation the survey of Jewish archives in the UK Library, Archive Lists, Catalogues and Routine processing - surface cleaning, and Ireland, focused on the records of Guides series, 8 2003 relaxing, flattening and rehousing business. materials in acid-free folders - has been E.Samuel, At the end of the earth: essays carried out on 480 boxes of archives A bequest of £1,000 from Mr B.Courts in the history of the Jews of England and from both new accessions and from has been received for work with Anglo- Portugal (London, 2004) collections the Library has held for Jewish archives. longer, including the records of the P.Skinner (ed.), Jews in medieval Britain: University of Southampton, the Laski Researchers and seminars historical, literary and archaeological family papers, the papers of Malcolm Among the Southampton doctoral perspectives (Woodbridge, 2003) Weisman, the archives of the Education theses linked to the collections Aid Society, the Institute of Jewish Affairs, completed during the year were those L.B.Smith,‘Greeners and Sweaters Jewish the Women’s Campaign for Soviet Jewry of Chana Tomlin on the response of immigration and the cabinet-making trade and the West London Synagogue. Orthodox Jews in Britain to the Nazi in East London, 1880-1914’ Jewish persecution of European Jewry, and Historical Studies 39 (2004), pp. 103-20 Archive surveys Gavin Schaffer on race discourse in During the year work has progressed Britain, 1918-62. Further research with the survey of Jewish archives in the degrees closely linked to the collections UK and Ireland. An application to the are currently in progress at Hanadiv Charitable Trust to develop the Southampton in areas associated with project further during 2004-5 has been the Parkes Centre for the Study of successful this section of the project will Jewish/Non-Jewish Relations. concentrate on records created by the The collections continue to act as a business community. focus for academic research themes, particularly the work of the Parkes Visits, papers, exhibitions and AHRB Centre. In 2005, the Centre will advice hold two major conferences on Place 29 April 2004 Visitors from the and Displacement in Jewish History and Raine Foundation Memory, in January; and on Jews, Empire and Race, in July 2005. 14 May 2004 Julian Lewis MP The Hartley Institute has supported a 22 July 2004 Joseph Roth research visit by Haim Chertok of Ben Gurion University, to enable him to bring Expert advice was given to the Liverpool to a conclusion his work for a biography Record Office on the cataloguing of of James Parkes. Jewish archives.

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Publications and papers by members of the Parkes Institute

Tobias Brinkmann ‘Ethnic Difference and Civic Unity: A ‘Migration to the United States and Publications German-American Comparison of Jewish Germany: Immigrants vs. Gastarbeiter?’ Communal Philanthropy in the Nineteenth (together with Annemarie Sammartino, ‘Jews, Germans, or Americans? German- Century City’, in T. Adam (ed.), Oberlin College),Workshop “Competing Jewish Immigrants in 19th Century Philanthropy, Patronage, and Civil Society Modernities The United States of America America’, in K. O’Donnell, R. Bridenthal, Experiences from Germany, Great and Germany 1890-1960”, German N. Reagin (eds), Heimat Abroad:The Britain, and North America (Indiana Historical Institute,Washington Boundaries of Germanness (University University Press Bloomington, 2004), pp. D.C./Humboldt University Berlin, of Michigan Press Ann Arbor, 2005, in 179-197. American Academy, Berlin, September press). 2004. ‘Bayerische Juden in Amerika 1820-1900’, ‘Topographien der Migration - Jüdische in Good Bye Bayern - Grüß Gott ‘Von der Gemeinde zur Community: Durchwanderung in Berlin nach 1918’, in America. Auswanderung aus Bayern nach Jüdische Einwanderer aus Mittel- und D. Diner (ed.), Synchrone Welten - Amerika seit 1683, Exhibition Website, Ostmitteleuropa in Chicago 1840-1923’, Zeitenräume jüdischer Geschichte Haus der Bayerischen Geschichte Historisches Seminar, University of (Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen, (Augsburg), 2004, 21 pp.; Hamburg, November 2004 2005, in press). http//www.hdbg.de/auswanderung/docs/ brinkmann.pdf ‘West of the Ghetto: Jewish migrants from ‘Grenzerfahrungen zwischen Ruhleben und Eastern Europe in Berlin and Chicago after Ellis Island: Das System der deutschen Reviews for German Politics & Society, the First World War’, Association for Durchwandererkontrolle im internationalen Neue Politische Literatur, Zeitschrift für Jewish Studies, Chicago, December 2004. Kontext 1880-1914’, Leipziger Beiträge Geschichtswissenschaft, Historische zur jüdischen Geschichte und Kultur 2 Literatur, and H-Soz-Kult. (2004), pp. 209-229. David Cesarani Papers ‘The Dialectics of Ethnic Identity, German Publications Jews in Chicago 1840-1918’, in W. ‘Migration and “Metropolis”: Migrants and Eichmann, His Life and Crimes Helbich, and W. Kamphoefner (eds), Berlin in the 1920s’, European Social (Heinemann, 2004). German-American Immigration and Science History Conference, Berlin, Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective March 2004. (Ed.), After Eichmann. Collective Memory (Max Kade Institute/University of and the Holocaust since 1961, special Wisconsin Press Madison, 2004), pp. 44- ‘Osteuropäische Zuwanderer in der issue of The Journal of Israeli History 23: 68. Migrationsmetropole Berlin’,Workshop 1 (Spring, 2004). (Co-Convener) Bedrohung und Abwehr: ‘Neighborhood Memorials: Jewish Space in Die Weimarer Republik und ihre (Ed.), Critical Concepts: the Holocaust, 6 New York and Berlin’, in C. Ribbat, and A. osteuropäischen Zuwanderer, Institute volumes (Routledge, 2004). Ortlepp (eds),Taking Up Space: New for Migration and Inter-Cultural ‘Introduction’, in After Eichmann. Approaches to American History Research, University of Osnabrück, May Collective Memory and the Holocaust (Wissenschaftlicher Verlag Trier, 2004), 2004. since 1961, special issue of The Journal pp. 123-138. of Israeli History 23: 1 (Spring, 2004), pp. ‘Deutsche, Juden und Amerikaner: Die 1-17 Legacy der “German Jews” in den USA’, Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung und B'nai ‘Holocaust Controversies in the 1990s:The B’rith Kontinental Europa; Conference Revenge of History or the History of Das amerikanische Judentum, Schloß Revenge?’, in After Eichmann. Collective Eichholz,Wesseling, May 2004. Memory and the Holocaust since 1961, special issue of The Journal of Israeli History 23: 1 (Spring, 2004), pp. 78-90

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‘Looking in, Looking Out.The Role of the Panel on ‘Europe and Israel’, Bucerius Comments Jew in the Contemporary World’, in J. Boyd Institute for Research of Contemporary BBC Radio 3 Nightwaves, 19 April 2004 (ed.),The Sovereign and the Situated German History and Society University on the opening of The Holocaust Self. Jewish Identity and Community in of Haifa, Haifa University on 6-7 June Museum in Budapest. the 21st Century (Hebrew University, 2004. 2003) pp. 45-9. BBC World Service Newshour, 20 July ‘Anti-semitism and Anti-Zionism in Britain: 2004 on the anniversary of the plot to ‘Israel: Coming to Terms with the Past’, Continuities and Discontinuities 1922- kill Hitler. History Today, 54.2 (2004), pp. 16-18. 2002’, University of Southampton, 10 June 2004. Bryan Cheyette Reviews in the Independent Review, Publications Guardian Review, Literary Review, Panel on EU Enlargement, Austrian Hampstead and Highgate Express,THES, Cultural Forum/London Jewish Cultural B.Cheyette and N.Valman (eds), The Evening Standard, Jewish Chronicle, Centre, Austrian Institute, London, 27 Image of the Jew in European Liberal Observer. June 2004. Culture, 1789-1914 (London, 2003; special issue of Jewish Culture and Papers Broadcasting History) ‘Eichmann’s Journey’, New North London Radio interviews Cheyette and Valman (eds), The Image of Synagogue, 12 May 2004 BBC Radio 4 The World Tonight, 17 the Jew in European Liberal Culture, 1789- November 2003 on antisemitism in 1914 (London and Oregon, 2004). ‘Globalization and the clash between Europe. civilizations, religions and cultures its BBC World Service Europe Today, ‘British-Jewish Writing and the Turn towards impact on the Jewish people’, Memorial January 23 2004 on anti-semitism in the Diaspora’ in L. Marcus and P. Nichols Foundation for Jewish Culture/Shazar Britain. (eds),The Cambridge History of Centre for Jewish History academic BBC World Service Europe Today, 30 Twentieth-Century British Literature convocation on Jewish Culture in the Era April 2004 on the OECD conference on (CUP, 2004), pp.700-715 of Globalization, Jerusalem, 12 July 2004. anti-semitism. BBC Radio Scotland 21 June 2004 on ‘Muriel Spark in the 1990s’ in U. Behlau ‘ in World War 1’, London Ukrainian war criminals in the UK. and B. Reitz (eds), Jewish Women’s Jewish Cultural Centre, 9 November BBC World Service Newshour, 20 July Writing of the 1990s and Beyond in 2003. 2004 on the anniversary of the July Great Britain and the United States 1944 bomb plot. (WVT, 2004), pp.135-44. ‘’, in series on ‘Britain and America’s Gain the Cultural Impact of TV interviews Hitler's Refugees’, London Jewish BBC 4 Timeshift, 22 March 2004 for a Cultural Centre, 27 June 2004. programme on Jewish humour Tony Kushner Discovery Channel, 16 April 2004 for a Publications Panel discussion on Evil, with Rabbi documentary on Jewish resistance in ‘Britain, the United States and the Jonathan Wittenberg and Professor Poland Holocaust: In Search of a Historiography’ in Robert Pinker, New North London D. Stone (ed.),The Historiography of the Synagogue, 3 March 2004 Discussions Holocaust (Palgrave, 2004), pp.253-75 BBC3 Nightwaves, 16 December 2003 ‘Continuities and Discontinuities in Anti- about Nine Suitcases, Bela Zsolt¹s ‘Who Do You Think You are Kidding, Mr Zionism in Britain, 1922-2002’, for holocaust memoir. Sawoniuk? British Memory of the ‘Convergence and Divergence BBC World Service Newshour, 18 Holocaust and Kosovo, Spring 1999’, in P. Antisemitism and Anti-Zionism in January 2004 a panel discussion about Gray and K. Oliver (eds.),The Memory Historical Perspective’,Tauber Institute, Israel and the Palestinians. of Catastrophe (Manchester University Brandeis University, 24-25 March 2004. Press, 2004), pp.205-221

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‘Jewish Local Studies and Memory Work: a Case Study of Cornwall’, Journal of Jewish Studies vol.LV no.1 (Spring 2004), pp.157-62.

‘Too Little,Too Late? Reflections on Britain’s Holocaust Memorial Day’, Journal of Israeli History Vol. 23.1 (Spring 2004), pp. 116-129.

Papers ‘Great Britons, but what about the Jews?’, public lecture to inaugurate the formation of the Jewish Historical Society of England, Sussex branch, October 2003.

‘Anti-Asylum Seeker Prejudice in Contemporary Britain’, Sussex University Migration Studies seminar, October 2003.

‘Inclusion and Exclusion of Refugees in British History’, International Conference on ‘The Refugee Problem and the Problem of Refugees’, London, March 2003, organised by the University of Cambridge and the British Academy.

‘The Holocaust: Perpetrators, Bystanders and Victims’ Cheshire Reform Synagogue Holocaust Memorial Day, 27 January 2004

‘Allied Responses to the Holocaust’, Imperial War Museum Educators Workshop, 26 July 2004

Dan Levene Publications ‘Jewish Liturgy and Magic Bowls’, in The Proceedings of the 2003 BAJS Conference on Prayer (in press).

(with B. Rothenberg), ‘Word-Smithing Some Metallurgical Terms in Hebrew and Aramaic’, Aramaic Studies 2.2 (2004), pp. 193-206 (in press).

(with T. Kwasman), ‘Calvariae Magicae:The Berlin, Philadelphia and Moussaieff Skulls’ (in press).

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Mark Levene ‘Community, Democracy, and Power: Jewish ‘Philo and Egyptian Religion’, 2 December Publications Voluntary Associations in Late Imperial 2003, Religions in the Ancient Russia’, conference of the American Mediterranean World,Wolfson College, ‘A dissenting voice; or how current Association for the Advancement of Oxford, December 2003 assumptions of deterring and preventing Slavic Studies,Toronto, November 2003. genocide may be looking at the problem ‘Dating the Translation of the Greek through the wrong end of the telescope’, ‘Changes in Religious Behaviour among Pentateuch: Some Methodological Journal of Genocide Research Part 1 6 2 Turn-of-the-Century Russian Jews’, Institute Considerations’, Seminar for the Study of (2004), pp. 153-166; Part 2 6 3(2004), of Jewish Studies, Kiev, August, 2004. Judaism in Late Antiquity, University of pp. 431-445. Durham, December 2003. ‘Battling demons or banal exterminism? Sarah Pearce Publications ‘Philo on Egyptian devotion to the Nile’, Apocalypse and statecraft in modern mass Faculties of Classics and Divinity Seminar, murder’, Journal of Human Rights, 31 ‘Jerusalem as Mother City in the Writings University of Cambridge, March 2004. (2004), pp. 67-81. of Philo of Alexandria’, in J. Barclay (ed.), Negotiating Diaspora Jewish Strategies in ‘On method in dating the Greek Papers the Roman Empire (Continuum Press, Pentateuch’, Kings College, London, May ‘The Revenge of the Refugee? The Limits of 2004), pp. 19-37. 2004. Co-existence in a Fractured World 1700- 2000’, Deadly Neighbours, Bucerius ‘Speaking with the Voice of God: the High ‘Philo and Moses as Philosopher King’, Institute, University of Haifa, 2-3 Court according to Greek Deuteronomy Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, November 2003. 17.8-13’, in C. Hempel and J. Lieu (eds), June 2004. Festchrift for Michael Knibb (Brill, in ‘Exterminatory Violence at Fin-de-Siècle’, press). ‘Philo on atheism and exegesis’, British Africa in Context, 19th International Association of Jewish Studies, Oxford, Biennial Conference, African Studies ‘King Moses.The Portrait of Moses in July 2004. Association in Germany, University of Philo’s Life of Moses:Translation and Hannover, June 2004. Notes’, in P. Crone, E. Gannagé et al (eds), Mélanges de l'Université Saint- Andrea Reiter ‘Imagining Co-Existence in the Face of Joseph (University of Saint Joseph Press, Publications War: Jewish ‘Pacifism’ and the State 1917- Beirut, 2005). ‘Memory and Authenticity: the Case of 1948’, Religions and the Politics of Peace Binjamin Wilkomirski’, in P. Grey and K. and Conflict, An International ‘Pseudepigrapha’, ‘Onqelos’, ‘Josephus’, Oliver (eds.),The Memory of Interdisciplinary Conference, Irish School ‘Philo’, in E. Kessler and N.Wenborn Catastrophe (Manchester University of Ecumenics,Trinity College, Dublin, June (eds), Dictionary of Jewish-Christian Press, 2004), pp. 132-145. 2004. Relations, (CUP, 2005). ‘Erinnerung und Authentizität: Der Fall Reviews in Expository Times, Journal of Binjamin Wilkomirski’, in W. Schmitz (ed.), Natan Meir Jewish Studies, Journal of Theological Erinnerte Shoah. Die Literatur der Papers Studies, Review of Biblical Literature, Ueberlebenden / The Shoah Bulletin for Judaeo-Greek Studies. Remembered. Literature of the Survivors ‘Charity in Times of Change:Varieties of (Dresden Thelem, 2003), pp. 61-73. Jewish Philanthropy in Late Papers Imperial Kiev’, Association for Jewish ‘A Date with the Greek Bible’, Society of ‘Der Briefwechsel Hans Sahl und Hermann Studies conference, Boston, December Broch’, in Exil, Nr.1 (2003), pp. 2003. Biblical Literature, Society of Biblical Literature, Hellenistic Judaism Section, 36-49. Atlanta, GA, November 2003.

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‘Die Identität des ‘exterritorialen Forthcoming Nadia Valman Menschen’. Hans Sahl zwischen Exil und ‘The City of Worms in Modern Jewish Publications Diaspora’, in TRANS. Internet-Zeitschrift Traveling: Cultures of Remembrance’, N.Valman and B. Cheyette (eds), The für Kulturwissenschaften, no. 15/2004, Jewish Social Studies 12 (2005). http//www.inst.at/trans/15Nr/05_02/reite Image of the Jew in European Liberal r15.htm, A slightly longer version of this Culture 1789-1914 (Vallentine Mitchell, ‘Paradoxes of Historical Consciousness - 2004). article is due to appear in the German-Jewish Transformation from forthcoming anthology of the Centre for Wissenschaft into Faith’, Simon-Dubnow German Writers Abroad. N.Valman and T. Kushner (eds), Institute Yearbook 4 (2005). Philosemitism, Anti-Semitism and the Jews Update of entry on Jewish Literature for Perspectives from Antiquity to the Twentieth ‘The Making of a New Discipline:The Century (Ashgate, 2004). Routledge Encyclopedia of Modern London LBI and the Writing of the Jewish Culture, ed. Glenda Abramson, German-Jewish Past’, in C. Hoffmann Routledge (forthcoming ‘Barbarous and Medieval Jewish Marriage (ed.),The History of the Leo Baeck in Fin de Siècle English Fiction’, in Valman Institute (Tübingen J. C. B. Mohr, 2005). and Cheyette (eds),The Image of the Nils Roemer Jew in Liberal European Culture, 1789- Publications ‘Jewish Provinciality and Cultural Heritage: 1914 (Vallentine Mitchell, 2004), pp.111- N.Roemer, M.Brenner, A.Kauders and The Production of Worms as a Destination 129. G.Reuveni (eds), Jüdische Geschicte lesen. in Modern Jewish History’, Jewish Studies Texte der juedischen Geschictsschreibung Quarterly 12 (2005). ‘From Israel Zangwill to Monica Ali’, review im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert (Munich, of Monica Ali,‘Brick Lane’, Jewish 2003). Papers Quarterly, 194 (Summer 2004), pp.81-3. ‘The London Branch’, presented at the ‘Colliding Visions Jewish Messianism and conference ‘The Leo Baeck Institute Review of Cynthia Scheinberg's German Scholarship in the Eighteenth Project’,Tutzing, February 2004. ‘Women’s Poetry and Religion in Century,’ in A. Coudert and J. Shoulson Nineteenth-Century England’, Nineteenth- (eds), Hebraica Veritas? Christian Response to the panel ‘The Emergence Century Literature 59.1 (June 2004), pp. Hebraists and the Study of Judaism in and Function of a New Scholarly Paradigm’. 129-132 Early Modern Europe (Philadelphia UPP, Paper presented at the conference 2004), pp. 266-285. “Judaism as Wissenschaft - Wissenschaft Papers as Judaism:The Development and ‘Weininger, Nordau and Herzl Antisemitism ‘Towards a Comparative Jewish Literature: Concepts of Historical Thinking”, and Jewish writers in fin de siècle Vienna’, National Literary Canons in England and Jüdisches Museum Berlin, Germany, Bournemouth University 17 Feb 2004. Germany’, in B. Cheyette and N.Valman September 2003. (eds),The Image of the Jew in European ‘The Jewish Actress in Victorian Literature’, Liberal Culture, 1789-1914 (Vallentine Bridget Thomson Modern Languages Association Mitchell, 2004), pp. 27-45. Publications conference, San Diego, USA 30 Dec ‘Ethics and Reading’, and ‘Recent Celan 2003. ‘Die touristische Konstruktion jüdischer Scholarship’, in Austrian Studies. Vergangenheiten in Worms’, Werkstatt ‘A Jewish Slave Narrative? James McBride's Geschichte 36 (2004), pp. 57-72. Papers The Color of Water’, AJS 2003 conference, Boston, USA, 22 Dec 2003. ‘Heinrich Graetz’, in A. Herzig (ed.), The Ian Karten Lecture, ‘Paul Celan's Exile’, February 2004. Schlesier des 14. und 20. Jahrhunderts ‘Interrogating the Feminisation of the (Degener and Co, 2004), pp. 190-195. Jewish Man’, Jewish Textualities seminar, Institute of English Studies, University of London, 18 Nov 2003.

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Members of the Management Committee of the Parkes Institute

Professor Jo Labanyi Associate Dean of Law, Arts and Social Sciences (Chair)

Dr Oren Ben-Dor (Law)

Dr Mark Brown University Librarian

Dr Chris Woolgar Head of Special Collections

Ms Karen Robson Deputy Head of Special Collections

Ms Jenny Ruthven Parkes Librarian

Dr Bernard Harris (Social Sciences)

Ms Katherine O’Brien (Development Office)

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Members of the Board of Studies of Fellows of the Parkes Honorary Fellows of the Parkes Institute Institute the Parkes Institute

Dr Tobias Brinkmann Dr Oren Ben-Dor Dr Mishtooni Bose (Law) (Christ Church, Oxford) Ms Frances Clarke Administrator of the Parkes Institute Professor Bryan Cheyette Professor David Cesarani (English) (Royal Holloway, University of London) Professor Tony Kushner Director of the AHRB Parkes Centre Dr David Glover Rev. Richard Coggins (English) (Emeritus, King’s College, Dr Dan Levene University of London) Dr Bernard Harris Dr Mark Levene (Politics) Professor Brian Klug Deputy Head of the Parkes Institute (St Benet’s, Oxford) Dr Andrea Reiter Dr Natan Meir (Modern Languages) Dr Ruth Gilbert (University College,Winchester) Dr Sarah Pearce Dr Patricia Skinner Head of the Parkes Institute (History) Dr Tom Lawson (University College,Winchester) Dr Andrea Reiter Dr Abigail Wood (Music) Dr James Jordan Dr Nils Roemer Coordinator of the Masters Programmes in Mr Gerald Normie Jewish History & Culture Professor Tessa Rajak Dr Steve Taverner (University of Reading) AHRB Parkes Centre Projects Manager Associate Director of the and Research Fellow AHRB Parkes Centre

Dr Bridget Thomson, Professor Mark Roseman Ian Karten Fellow (Indiana University, Bloomington)

Dr Nadia Valman Professor Miri Rubin (Queen Mary, University of London) Dr Abigail Wood Dr Jo Reilly

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