To See Your Face Is Like Seeing the Face of God”: a Narrative Study of the Story of the Strife and Reconciliation Between Jacob and Esau (Gn 25-33)

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To See Your Face Is Like Seeing the Face of God”: a Narrative Study of the Story of the Strife and Reconciliation Between Jacob and Esau (Gn 25-33) Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses 83/1CHRONICLES (2007) 241-264. doi: 10.2143/ETL.83.1.2021751 241 © 2007 by Ephemerides Theologicae Lovanienses. All rights reserved. CHRONICLES DOCTORAL DISSERTATIONS 2005-2006 PRESENTED AT THE FLEMISH-ENGLISH FACULTY OF THEOLOGY, LEUVEN: S.T.D. Dissertations 1. Alfred AGYENTA. “To See Your Face Is Like Seeing the Face of God”: A Narrative Study of the Story of the Strife and Reconciliation between Jacob and Esau (Gn 25-33). XLIV-355 p. – Promoter: M. Vervenne. Defence: 7-2- 2006. 2. Johan ARDUI, Rockin’ in the Free World: God, rock en de roep om be- vrijding. Promoter: L. Boeve. Defence: 30-5-2006. 3. Samuel ATINGA. Death and Dying: A Study of the Mortuary Rites of the Frafra of Northern Ghana in the Light of the Christian Funeral Liturgy. An Attempt at Inculturation. XLIII-331 p. – Promoter: K. Depoortere. Defence: 6-7-2006. 4. Arnella Francis CLAMOR. In Search of a “Via Media” between Atheism and Catholicity: A Dialogue with John Henry Newman. XXIV-323 p. – Promoter: T. Merrigan. Defence: 4-5-2006. 5. Stefaan FRANCO. De complementariteit en de specificiteit van het gemeen- schappelijk priesterschap van alle gedoopten en het dienstpriesterschap van de gewijden tegen de achtergrond van het onderscheid “essentia et non gradu tantum” (Lumen gentium 10). LX-419 p. – Promoter: K. Depoortere, co-promoter: R. Michiels. Defence: 27-6-2006. 6. John KUSUMALAYAM. Human Rights: Individual or/and Group Rights? An Attempt towards a Holistic Understanding of Human Rights Based on the Christian Concept of the Human Person as the Imago Trinitatis. LXXXII-310 p. – Promoter: J. De Tavernier. Defence: 29-3-2006. 7. Quy Cong LAM. Die Heilsbedeutung der Menschheit Jesu Christi in den Werken des Augustinus von Hippo. LV-325 p. – Promoter: M. Lamberigts. Defence: 16-12-2005. 8. Augustine LOBO. “The Title ‘Son of God’ in Mark 1,1-15”: A Study of Its Origin and Meaning in the Light of Modern Scholarly Discussion. – Pro- moter: A. Denaux. Defence: 12-5-2006. 9. Hellen MARDAGA. De gevangenneming van Jezus in het vierde evangelie: Een onderzoek naar bronnen, redactie en theologie van Joh 18,1-12. XLIV- 265 p. – Promotor: F. García-Martínez, co-promotor: J.-M. Sevrin. De- fence: 3-7-2006. 10. Eusebius MBIDOAKA. Theological Reflections on the Ministry of Priests in Igboland of Nigeria: Towards a Social and Liturgical Sensitization of Igbo Priests. IX-275 p. – Promoter: J. Lamberts. Defence: 4-7-2006. 11. Joseph Thomas PAMPLANIYIL. Crossing the Abysses: An Exegetical Study of John 20:19-29 in the Light of the Johannine Notion of Discipleship. XCIX- 415 p. – Promoter: R. Bieringer. Defence: 19-5-2006. 9992_ETL2007/1_13_Chronicles 241 06-20-2007, 16:59 242 CHRONICLES 12. Tomasz-Zdzislaw POWICHROWSKI. Les prières eucharistiques pour la récon- ciliation: Théologie et mystagogie pour aujourd’hui. 450 + 119 p. – Pro- moters: K. Depoortere, P. De Clerck. Defence: 22-12-2005. 13. Joeri SCHRIJVERS. Ontotheological Turnings? The Decentering of the Modern Subject in Recent French Phenomenology. XII-320 p. – Promoter: L. Boeve. Defence: 16-5-2006. 14. René TABARD. Voie africaine de christologie des apparitions pascales. 303 + 551 p. – Promoters: G. Van Belle, Y.-M. Blanchard. Defence: 19-5-2006. 15. Rolando Aurigue TUAZON. Narrative Ethics of Liberation: Exploring the Role and Interplay of Tradition, Story and the Other in Ethical Practice and Reflection. IXX-445 p. – Promoter: J. Verstraeten. Defence: 12-5-2006. 16. Bede Uche UKWUIJE. L’Humanité de Dieu: Pertinence de la doctrine trinitaire d’Eberhard Jüngel pour la nomination de Dieu dans le contexte de la théologie africaine de l’inculturation. 327-502 p. – Promoters: J. Haers, V. Holzer. Defence: 13-12-2005. 17. Linus VANLAERE. Zorg. Een wijsgerig- en theologisch-ethisch grondslagen- onderzoek met toepassing op de zorg voor suïcidale ouderen. XLIV-330 p. – Promoter: C. Gastmans. Defence: 11-1-2006. 18. Bart VERBESSELT. Huizen tussen Babel en beloofde land: Dilemma’s van een multiculturele samenleving. XII-348 p. – Promoter: J. De Tavernier. De- fence: 7-12-2005. PRESENTED AT THE FACULTY OF THEOLOGY, LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE: S.T.D. Dissertations 1. M.D. BOBADILLA CRUZ. Jesús: Cristo universal. La unicidad y la universalidad de Jesucristo en la cristología contemporánea. 445 p. – Pro- moter: E. Brito. Defence: 20-3-2006. 2. E. LITAMBALA MBULI. Les formations théologiques dans l’Église catholique de la République démocratique du Congo. Réalisations. Enjeux théologi- ques et méthodologiques. 2 vol., 441 p. – Promoter: Ph. Weber. Defence: 30-1-2006. 3. G. MUNIMA MASHIE. La figure de Jean-Baptiste dans le récit johannique. 293 p. – Promoter: J.-M. Sevrin. Defence: 7-9-2006. 4. E. NWACHUKWU. Quest for Salvation. An Ecumenical Challenge to the Christian Denominations in Igboland-Nigeria. 448 p. – Promoter: Ph. We- ber. Defence: 24-10-2005. 5. C.A. OSUJI. Where is the Truth? Narrative Exegesis and the Question of True and False Prophecy in Jer. 26-29 (MT). XIV-523 p. – Promoter: A. Wénin. Defence: 31-1-2006. 6. F. PURWANTO. L’Ecclésiologie dans l’œuvre de Gustave Thils. XIII-481 p. – Promoter: Ph. Weber. Defence: 9-6-2006. 7. Th. VAN DEN DRIESSCHE. L’altérité, fondement de la personne humaine dans l’œuvre d’Edith Stein. 2 vol., 535 p. – Promoter: É. Gaziaux. Defence: 30-6-2006. 8. E. VANGU-VANGU. La théologie de Marie-Dominique Chenu. Réflexion sur une méthodologie théologique de l’intégration communautaire. 467 p. – Promoter: J.-P. Delville. Defence: 26-6-2006. 9992_ETL2007/1_13_Chronicles 242 06-20-2007, 16:59 REPETITIONS CHRONICLESAND VARIATIONS IN JOHN 243 REPETITIONS AND VARIATIONS IN JOHN AN INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM HELD AT LEUVEN (NOVEMBER 7–9, 2006) INTRODUCTION From 7–9 November, 2006, sixty five participants met for a colloquium on Repetitions and Variations in the Fourth Gospel, which focused on Style, Text and Interpretation. The colloquium was organized by the Faculty of Theology of K.U.Leuven under the guidance of Prof. dr. G. Van Belle in cooperation with the Centre Interdisciplinaire d’Étude des Religions et de la Laïcité, Université Libre de Bruxelles, and L’Unité d’Exégèse Biblique, Université Catholique Louvain-la- Neuve. Participants, senior and rising scholars and students, came from Germany, Belgium, South Africa and the United States. The colloquium had a pleasant at- mosphere and ambiance. The speakers all supported reading the Gospel as a textual unity and histori- cally dependent on the Synoptic Gospels, though the question was never treated in detail. The papers were concerned more with literary, linguistic and thematic questions within the Fourth Gospel than with historical or theological issues. Par- ticular attention was also laid on the role of the reader and discussions were con- ducted on the relation between text, reader and author. I. THEME The central question of the colloquium that had been posed to the scholars pre- senting papers was: “How do you treat Repetitions and Variations in the Fourth Gospel from the perspective of your own research?” The background argument stated that repetitions, variations and amplifications represent the evangelist’s primary techniques for communicating with his readers. While these techniques as such were in widespread use in ancient culture, the Old Testament and in Jewish and early Christian literature, they are particularly promi- nent in John, and in the hands of the author, the application of these techniques becomes very creative. The frequent repetitions in the Gospel of John have been subject to a variety of explanations. Scholars have ascribed them to the author’s linguistic poverty; the style of an older man; numerical symbolism; the structural arrangement of the narrative; the text’s meditative disposition; a pedagogical aide-memoir; the text’s homiletic background; or the Gospel’s Christocentrism. There are thus several basic questions on the countless repetitions in the Fourth Gospel; and diverse ways in which the elusive language of the Fourth Gospel can be assessed. Complicated conclusions can be drawn from these obser- vations. Should the intensive repetition of words be seen as redundant or as im- pressive? Can a study of the repetitions indicate the textual and theological unity of the Fourth Gospel? How should the Gospel be read – as a literary work – as a theological treatise – as an exaltation of Jesus Christ? Or is it merely a product of an early Christian community? Is there more? Do we have a theoretical and sci- entific common understanding for assessing the style and language of the Fourth Gospel, and how it should be read? 9992_ETL2007/1_13_Chronicles 243 06-20-2007, 16:59 244 CHRONICLES II. PAPERS The resulting papers could be divided into three categories: 1. History of Interpretation and Methodology The envisaged colloquium wished to provide an account of previous research on style and language in the Fourth Gospel in relation to the most recent trends and thinking on the debate between philology and religion and the theory and as- sessment of style. For example, in the past the same characteristic had been deemed to be good and at other times as inferior. Gilbert VAN BELLE (Leuven) opened the colloquium with his lecture on Rep- etitions and Variations in the Fourth Gospel: A Neglected Field of Research? He concentrated on T. Popps’s doctoral dissertation on repetition, variation and am- plification1. In his contribution, G. Van Belle wished to determine “whether the repetitions and variations in the Fourth Gospel are indeed as important as Popp’s work would have us believe”. G. Van Belle “welcomed his study with great en- thusiasm as a ‘leading source for the Louvain research project on repetitions and variations’”, asking: “Are we correct, however, to describe the repetitions (and variations) as ‘a favourite Johannine stylistic feature’”? This question was fol- lowed by a second: “If so, what is their meaning for the interpretation of his Gospel?”.
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