
Published by the Astronomical League Vol. 71, No. 2 March 2019

REMEMBERING BILL BOGARDUS PHOTOGRAPHING THE MOON 7.20.69 5 YEARS TREASURES OF THE LINDA HALL LIBRARY 11 THE COSMIC WEB ONOMY T STR O T A H G E N P I E Contents G O N P I L R E B 4 ...... Reflector Mail DAY Join a Tour This Year! 4 ...... President’s Corner May 11 & 5 ...... International Dark-Sky Association From 37,000 feet above the Pacific Total Eclipse Flight: Chile October 5, 2019 6 ...... Night Sky Network Ocean, you’ll be high above any clouds, July 2, 2019 For a FREE 76-page seeing up to 3¼ minutes of totality in a dark sky that makes the Sun’s corona look 6 ...... Deep-Sky Objects Astronomy Day Handbook incredibly dramatic. Our flight will de- full of ideas and suggestions, part from and return to Santiago, Chile. 9 ...... Remembering Bill Bogardus skyandtelescope.com/2019eclipseflight go to:

10 . . . . . From Around the League www.astroleague.org Click on "Astronomy Day” African Stargazing Safari Join astronomer Stephen James PAGE 19 13 . . . . . Observing Awards Scroll down to "Free O’Meara in wildlife-rich Botswana July 29–August 4, 2019 Astronomy Day Handbook" for evening stargazing and daytime 14 . . . . . Basic Small-Scope Lunar Imaging safari drives at three luxury field For more information, contact: camps. Only 16 spaces available! 18 ...... The Vault of Heaven – Gary Tomlinson Optional extension to Victoria Falls. ̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨̨Treasures of the Linda Hall Library Astronomy Day Coordinator skyandtelescope.com/botswana2019 [email protected] 24 . . . . . The Cosmic Web

Iceland Aurorae 27 ...... Coming Events September 26–October 2, 2019 29, 30 . . . Gallery This is our 6th year running this popular PAGE 30 tour of Iceland. Visit historic sites, gey- sers, and towering waterfalls with a guide; Cover image: Andrew Klinger (Texas Astronomical Society) at night, seek the fabled northern lights. took this image of M31 from dark sites in Texas and Fine restaurants and hotels await you. Oklahoma using a William Optics GT81 (reduced to skyandtelescope.com/iceland2019 f/4.7, 382 mm) with a ZWO ASI1600MM-Cool CMOS camera. Australian Observatories Travel Down Under to tour top OITHv6 – fully updated October 1–9, 2019 observatories, including Siding and the NEW Goals/Log/Sketch Book Spring and “The Dish” at Parkes. Details and ordering only at Go wine-tasting, hike in nature re- www.birrendesign.com The Astronomical League Magazine Tel: 630-336-5321 serves, and explore eclectic Sydney and Australia’s capital, Canberra. Vol. 71, No. 2 • ISSN: 0034-2963 • March 2019 Plus: Stargaze under Southern A FEDERATION OF ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETIES skies. Options to Great Barrier A NON-PROFIT ORGANIZATION Reef and Uluru, or Ayers Rock. To promote the science of astronomy skyandtelescope.com/australia2019 • By fostering astronomical education, Uluru & Sydney Opera House: Tourism Australia; observatory: Winton Gibson • by providing incentives for astronomical observation and research, and See all S&T tours at skyandtelescope.com/astronomy-travel • By assisting communication among amateur astronomical societies. Astronomical League National Office: 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100, Kansas City, MO 64114 (rules of succession per our bylaws), and Carroll position with the League. There is an immediate activity. According to Gaston, “explicit steps need are affected by artificial light at night. In some Iorg, past president, was appointed the new vice opening for his replacement. If you wish to sup- to be taken to limit these impacts [of artificial cases, they are attracted to lit buildings, bridges, Reflector Mail president. This was the first time in our 70+ years port your League, requirements are in the From light at night], which vary according to the and towers, endlessly circling them until they that an officer died in office. A very sad time Around the League section, under “Volunteers intensity, spectrum, spatial extent, and temporal become exhausted and fall to the ground. In other QUARTERLY PUBLICATION OF THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE To the League Board of Directors: indeed. It was encouraging to see that our bylaws Needed.” dynamics of this lighting.” instances, they are injured or killed by flying into Issued by the Astronomical League in March, June, September, and On behalf of the Everglades Astronomical covered such an event, and the positions were Clear skies and smooth sailing, There are two components of artificial light lit structures. Some birds lose their stellar land- December, Reflector (ISSN: 0034-2963) is sent directly, either by postal mail or via a digital link, to each individual member of its Society, Inc., I want to thank you for bestowing filled rather smoothly. We are developing plans —Ron Kramer at night: direct emissions from outdoor lighting marks, causing them to using more energy than affiliate societies and to members-at-large as a benefit of League for our future growth and look forward to the necessary to find their way along their migration membership. Individual copies of Reflector are available at the upon our community the Jack Horkheimer Library Astronomical League President sources and skyglow. Direct emission of light following subscription rates, payable to the League’s national office. . years ahead. from unshielded sources can travel for miles, paths. PAPER SUBSCRIPTIONS: I want to thank John Goss for his contributions making this light a problem in both urban and In some regions, there has been a catastroph- USA & possessions: $3.00 each or $10.00 per year (4 issues) After much and careful consideration, our Canada: $5.00 each or $16.00 per year and leadership as president for the past four years International rural areas. Skyglow is caused by upward-emitted ic loss in insect population compared to earlier Mexico: $6.00 each or $22.00 per year board decided to award the telescope to the Other countries: $7.00 each or $25.00 per year Collier County Library System. The library has a and appreciate his wisdom during these trying light that is scattered by dust, gas, and water in decades. The cause and extent of this is unknown, DIGITAL SUBSCRIPTIONS: times. I also wish to thank Carroll Iorg for accept- the atmosphere. Skyglow is enough to obscure the but this phenomenon is just now being studied All countries, possessions, and territories: $10.00 per year program that allows each library branch through- Dark-Sky out the system to borrow the telescope. This ing the role of vice president. His prior experience Milky Way, which may be used for orientation by and is most concerning. Moths that are attracted REFLECTOR AND CLUB ROSTER DEADLINES gives access of the telescope to the whole com- as both president and vice president made him a some nocturnal animals. The bright direct emis- to light or are mostly active at night may have March issue January 1 Association June issue April 1 munity. In addition, our society and the library logical choice for the appointment. sions in suburban and urban areas can be strong been especially affected. There is considerable September issue July 1 December issue October 1 are working in partnership to train staff and e are working on ALCon 2019, which Bill enough to confuse the diurnal and nocturnal anecdotal evidence that nocturnal light that at- Written and graphic material from this publication may be reprinted only present astronomy programs to the community. Bogardus initially proposed. A unique LIGHTING UP THE NIGHTTIME rhythms of many animals. The illuminance levels tracts circling insects alters the balance of the in- for non-profit benefit of interested parties, provided specific credit is given W to the writer(s), Reflector, and the Astronomical League. Any other use of in urban and suburban areas from direct emission sect population in an area and attracts predators, Our deepest appreciation goes out to all those idea, combining our annual convention with a mateur and professional astronomers have material, including graphics and photographs, is subject to express of lighting vary from about 10 to 100 lux. These such as other insects, lizards, and toads, which permission from the Editor and the Astronomical League. who have made this gift possible. three-day Bahamas cruise, was readily accepted Ą̨long known artificial light at night has to by the executive council. If you plan to attend, be reduced. The health and ecological effects of levels are limited to the immediate vicinity of have an easier time catching prey than previously. NATIONAL OFFICERS —Denise Sabatini the emitting source. Bright skyglow is around 0.2 President President, Everglades Astronomical Society note that most of the rooms on the ship have been light pollution and light trespass are just now ight pollution tends to decrease over urban Ron Kramer filled, and there are only a handful remaining at being more widely recognized by scientists other to 0.5 lux, which is not trivial, considering the ̨areas over the course of the night, while in 9520 Dragonfly Avenue • Las Cruces, NM 88012 L 520-500-7295 • [email protected] our very special price. Once the specially priced than astronomers and a small cadre of biologists full moon on a clear night has an illuminance of a more natural environment, the sky becomes Vice President around 0.1 lux. Carroll Iorg rooms are gone, the only rooms remaining at that concerned about the effects of nighttime lighting lighter as the Moon rises and darker as it sets. 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100 • Kansas City, MO 64114; Dues Reminder time will be at full retail price. on plants, nocturnal animals, and insects. iological responses to lighting are spectrum This alteration of the natural swings in darkness 816-444-4878 • [email protected] ̨dependent. A wide spectrum emission may affect the biological activity of animals and Secretary This ALCon will be different in other ways. The The November 16, 2018, issue of Science has B Bryan Tobias AN IMPORTANT NOTICE FOR increases the likelihood of affecting an organ- insects, and it may also alter the flowering and Astronomical League National Headquarters -B-Que will be held indoors (Holiday Inn, Ti- an “Insights” article (pages 744–746) by Kevin 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100 • Kansas City, MO 64114 CLUB TREASURERS AND ALCORS ism’s sensitive spectral range. Poorly designed budding of plants. Similar effects are claimed for [email protected] or [email protected] tusville, Florida), and will include the awards cer- J. Gaston of the Environment and Sustainability high-intensity lighting, particularly that which is climate change, and it is unknown how much of Treasurer f your club has not yet paid its 2018–2019 emony and keynote speaker. There will be no ban- Institute, University of Exeter, Penryn, Cornwall, Bill Dillon Astronomical League dues, please contact quet and no vendors on the ship (you can order United Kingdom, titled “Lighting up the Night- bright in the blue end of the visible spectrum, that might be from artificial light at night and how 190 Settlers Road • Fincastle, VA 24090 I 703-674-8484 • [email protected] the national office, leagueoffice@astroleague T-shirts and caps on the convention registration time: Artificial Light at Night Needs to Be Reduced induces a variety of human stress responses, much these two forces, artificial light at night and Executive Secretary disrupting sleep patterns, sleep quality, and climate change, could affect biological activity in Maynard Pittendreigh .org, ASAP. We are concerned that we haven’t form). Three separate registrations are required: to Limit Negative Environmental Impacts.” This is 3208 Little Oak Way • Orlando, FL 32812 heard from you, as the dues were payable several for the ship, for the hotel, and for the convention a very good read and nicely summarizes the neg- circadian rhythms. It may increase cancer risk. the coming decades. 770-237-2071 • [email protected] These effects are difficult to study and quantify as National Office months ago. We know you want to continue itself. The convention registration form is on our ative environmental impact of outdoor nighttime The “good” aspect of light pollution is that its Mike Stoakes, Office Coordinator receiving AL benefits without interruption – website (astroleague.org) and in this issue of the lighting. I highly recommend you read the article, it is hard to know the relative importance of cause is known and its solution is simple: turn off Astronomical League National Headquarters 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100 • Kansas City, MO 64114 and we certainly don’t want to lose your club Reflector, just like a regular ALCon, but with the which may be available through your local library. outdoor versus indoor lighting, particularly the unnecessary lights. For many years, I have said 816-DEEP-SKY National office: [email protected] as an Astronomical League member! addition of the boat rooms. And, just like a regular If time and money permit, I also recommend you effects of computer monitors, tablets, and cell that if we can’t solve light pollution, how do we Society rosters: [email protected] phones. For many reasons, it is probably a good League sales: [email protected] ALCon, there will be observing…on the ship. Bring subscribe to the journals Science and Nature. expect to solve more complex forms of environ- National Observing Program Coordinators your binocular s or small (there is very (These can also be read for free at many public idea to reduce our use of screens in the evening mental pollution? It is also probable that the Cliff Mygatt Aaron B. Clevenson before bedtime. [email protected] [email protected] President’s Corner limited storage space in the sleeping quarters). and academic libraries.) I get both. While I rarely negative effects of artificial light at night, when Astronomical League Historian Do not bring your 16-inch SCT or 32-inch Dob. read or understand the main scientific articles in Satellite images of at night show an corrected, will result in reasonably fast recovery, Mike Stewart 913-240-1238 • [email protected] s I write this column in early January, my Remember, you will be on a moving boat! these journals, I thoroughly enjoy the commen- amazing amount of light shining up into space. compared with the decades it will take for carbon LETTERS TO THE EDITOR ̨thoughts wander to the previous six e are looking at several new initiatives taries, editorials, and insight articles that also fill Perhaps one-fourth of the global land area of the dioxide to be reduced in the atmosphere, even if Send to [email protected] with subject line “letter to editor” A months. Bill Bogardus was elected League Win the future. One of the most exciting is the journals, one of which I am now summarizing. Earth is covered by skyglow, and over 80 percent we stopped emitting it today. REFLECTOR STAFF president in July, the same time I was elected to the securing of grants to fund additional programs Images of the nighttime Earth taken by of the human population lives under light-pol- aston suggests five major initiatives to Managing Editor Assistant Editor vice president, Maynard Pittendreigh became within the League. This program is not yet final- astronauts demonstrate the proliferation of luted skies and most likely is also bothered by ̨ameliorate artificial light at night. First, Ron Kramer Kevin Jones G various forms of light trespass. I doubt there is Mobile: 520-500-7295 [email protected] executive secretary, and Bill Dillon was elected ized, but we are already looking for a volunteer electric lighting from industrial, commercial, light should not be introduced casually into areas [email protected] Design/Production new treasurer. Four of the five national officers who has demonstrated success in grant writing at municipal, and domestic sources. Nighttime any place in the continental United States where that are now dark, particularly where dark spaces Editor Michael Patterson you can stand on a tall hill and not see skyglow John Martin [email protected] were either elected or appointed and we were all the local, regional, and national level. If you have images of Earth from the International Space are rare, such as Western Europe, the eastern [email protected] Advertising Representative eager and willing to fulfill the duties assigned by this talent, check out the “Volunteers Needed” Station (ISS) are available from many sources, from a distant town. Certainly most of the popu- United States, and East Asia. Second, the lowest Photo Editor Carla Johns lation of the United States under the age of 60 has Dan Crowson 970-567-8878 our bylaws and to serve the members of the section of From Around the League. a good one being the YouTube video at youtube realistic levels of lighting should be used. [email protected] [email protected] never seen the Milky Way unless they grew up in League. There is another volunteer position available. .com/watch?v=ev9oPUNaqXE. These images are Third, lighting should be limited to where it is Assistant Editor Coming Events Editor or traveled to a rural area. Kristine Larsen John Wagoner Our information technology manager, Vern Raben, thought to provide a good estimate of local pop- actually required and, fourth, only at times when [email protected] [email protected] By the end of November, the League president passed away, the vice president became president has decided to retire after many years in this ulation, energy use, urbanization, and economic No doubt many if not all migrating birds it is needed, not throughout the night if it is not

4 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 5 required. Fifth, the color quality of the lighting lation does not just contain scores of ; it than the other Messier objects surrounding it on on a particular space science topic and related ites or Meteorwrongs?” activity is one of the most commonly observed in a backyard scope fit into has to be considered, with lower correlated color contains hundreds of galaxies. Almost every one the celestial sphere. Were it located at the same NASA missions. A wide variety of resources are popular demos, in which participants determine the lifecycle of a star? This kit includes a poster temperature (less than 2400 K) preferred in most of the 677 NGC objects in Virgo is a . distance, it would rival those galaxies in apparent packed into each kit. Suggested scripts for indi- which rocks from a selection are from space and illustrating the life cycle of as well as a fun, cases. Virgo is known for some pretty impressive brightness. vidual resources are included in each toolkit to which are from Earth. The kit also includes a giant hands-on outreach activity that demonstrates All in all, this Science article summarizes the galaxies. It contains great elliptical galaxies like My image of M58 was taken with a 10-inch help folks get started – especially useful for those Moon banner highlighting the best lunar features how our atmosphere shields us from dangerous known and potential environmental harm from M84, M86, and M87. It also holds impressive f/6.9 Newtonian using an SBIG ST-2000XCM CCD new to outreach – but club members regularly to observe during various lunar phases; the other particles and radiation. artificial light at night. It states the case and spiral galaxies like the Sombrero Galaxy (M104). camera. The exposure was 180 minutes. North is remix and personalize them for their audiences. side highlights impact sites on Earth to facilitate one of these kits could have been made recommends societal changes that have long been Overall there are 11 Messier galaxies in this up and east is to the left. To the right of the galaxy discussions about the potential dangers of near- ̨without the assistance and feedback of lubs that regularly schedule and log their N advocated by those dedicated to fighting light bountiful . lies the brightest star in the image, eighth-mag- Earth objects. the NSN community during their development. ̨events to the NSN website receive a new pollution. It is gratifying to see such work prom- nitude SAO 100179. The faintest stars in the image C • Our Magnetic Sun: A favorite companion for solar Their tireless real-world testing helped give these Two less-mentioned Messier galaxies in Virgo kit every quarter. When clubs receive every avail- inently displayed in one of the world’s foremost are dimmer than magnitude 18. The fuzzy “star” observing events, this kit is focused on space resources the extra polish that helps them shine are M58 and M90. These galaxies are the only able kit, they have the option to request refresher scientific publications. located near the lower left corner is spiral galaxy weather and solar science, and it includes demon- during outreach! Messier objects in Virgo classified as barred spiral materials to replace lost or damaged items. We IC 3604, magnitude 15.3. strations on solar storms, ultraviolet radiation, —Tim Hunter galaxies. I find M58 to be the more interesting of try to keep each set of materials contained in one We’ve made many of our resources available and sunspots. An eye-catching multiwavelength Co-founder, IDA the two since it appears face-on. This orientation Note how tightly wound M58’s spiral arms medium-size box to aid in transport and storage. for download on our website. Even if you aren’t a “3-D” solar poster with a detachable model of the allows for better views of the central bar and are. The spiral arms are not uniform in brightness, Most of our kits include large, robust vinyl post- member of an NSN club, you can still download, Sun is included. spiral arms. resulting in bright arcs rather than complete spiral ers. These giant posters are very eye-catching print, and share handouts and other materials and Deep-Sky Objects arms visible to the eye in larger amateur tele- and draw the eyes of curious visitors at outreach • Shadows and Silhouettes: What are eclipses activities for your own outreach. You can check ost spiral galaxies contain a dense core of scopes. The bar appears to have a central bulge, events. and transits, and how can we observe them? One them out by going to the NSN resource page at ̨stars surrounded by spiral arms. Barred perhaps indicating the galaxy is in transition to or of our handiest demos is included in this kit: bit.ly/nsnresources and searching by keyword, VIRGO’S BEST BARRED SPIRAL GALAXY M We have developed toolkits dedicated to spiral galaxies contain a bar of stars with the from an ordinary spiral galaxy. the “Yardstick Eclipse” model, which uses scale topic, or toolkit. The Night Sky Network is always irgo is the second largest constellation by spiral arms originating from the ends of the bar. many astronomy topics. The NSN’s current kit The constellation Virgo offers a smorgas- models of the Earth–Moon system to allow folks free to join if your club’s volunteers find our ̨size. It follows Hydra and is slightly larger Spiral arms typically contain gas and dust as lineup includes: V bord of galaxies to view each spring. No menu is to demonstrate both lunar and solar eclipses. resources useful. than third-place Ursa Major. The constellation well as numerous nebulae and star clusters. Bars complete without spying the constellation’s best • Exploring the Solar System: Model planets and Other activities show how planets are discovered —Dave Prosper contains three percent of the celestial sphere. contain just stars and appear to lack gas and dust. Program manager for barred spiral galaxy, M58. dwarf planets are packed into this kit, scaled to around other stars. One might think such a large constellation Few spiral galaxies more than seven billion years match the accompanying 1-meter square vinyl outreach at the Astronomical Society —Dr. James R. Dire • Telescopes: Eyes on the Universe: Why do we put would contain myriad galactic star clusters, old contain bars, and some astronomers think of the Pacific in San Francisco, California Kauai Educational Association for poster of the Sun. These props make for great So- telescopes in space, and how do they enhance wondrous nebulae, a plethora of globular star bars may be a transient, recurring phase in spiral Science and Astronomy lar System walks! The poster’s other side features and surpass human vision? This kit discusses the clusters, and scores of galaxies. But alas, galaxy evolution. Up to two-thirds of modern a top-down map of the Solar System on which science behind telescopes and includes “Why none of the above is true! galaxies may contain bars. Even our home galaxy, you can mark the current positions of planets and can’t we see the flag on the Moon?,” an activity SINCE 1926 the Milky Way, is a notable NASA missions. demonstrating not just the difference between barred spiral galaxy. Night Sky Network • Life in the Universe: Who doesn’t get asked magnification and resolution, but also the limits about aliens? This kit features a dive into astro- of our earthbound telescopes. discovered M58 in ASTRONOMY TOOLKITS biology, extremophiles, and the story of life on • Glass and Mirrors: How do telescopes work? How 1779. It was one of FOR OUTREACH EVENTS Earth. The vinyl banner features an Earth timeline do lenses and mirrors combine to make these 14 spiral “nebulae” incredible tools? This kit contains a portable light STELLAFANE idewalk astronomy is one of many types activity on one side, and the other side showcases CONVENTION known to exist S̨of outreach that clubs perform. Astronomy some of the watery worlds of our Solar System. bench setup that can be configured to create open before 1850. The clubs receive invitations year-round to visit Accompanying “Life in the Extreme” cards help models of reflector and refractor style telescopes. The Original Star Party galaxy is located schools, libraries, scout camps, and take part in visitors contemplate how life can survive and even • Supernova: What is the life cycle of stars, and near the northern various community events. Telescopes are usually thrive in seemingly inhospitable environments. how does the death of giant stars both trigger the AUGUST 1- 4, 2019 edge of Virgo. It lies requested, but often volunteers are also asked • Space Rocks: , comets, and meteorites birth of new stars and create bizarre objects like Keynote Speaker Dr. Alan Stern of the New Horizons Mission about one-third of to give a talk, share a science demonstration, or are the focus of this popular toolkit. The “Meteor- neutron stars and black holes? How do the objects the way along a line • Observing • Workshops & Talks otherwise engage with kids in hands-on activi- • Homemade Telescope Competition from the star Vin- ties. Events may be scheduled for the middle of • Fabulous Raf e • Legendary demiatrix (Epsilon the day, inside, or both. Some events, like school Swap Meet Virginis) to the star STEM fairs, happen rain or shine. The resources SAVE THE DATES! ONLINE REGISTRATION OPENS IN EARLY MAY. When we look at the constellation Virgo, Denebola (Beta Leonis). The galaxy lies near and provided by the Night Sky Network’s outreach we are looking towards high northerly galactic in between several other brighter galaxies: M60, toolkits are perfect fits for outreach situations M87, M89, and M90. such as these where telescopes might not work HARTNESS HOUSE declinations, almost as far away from the plane of WORKSHOP AUGUST 1 the Milky Way as possible. So there are virtually out so well, and can even help enrich regular club Brightness estimates for M58 average around Advanced Telescope Making meetings and stargazing activities right alongside no galactic star clusters. Of the 677 NGC objects 9.7. The galaxy is 5.5 by 4.5 arcminutes in size. In • Daylong workshop • Keynote volunteers with telescopes. cataloged in Virgo, not one is an open cluster. small telescopes, the galaxy may look similar to speaker Richard Berry, former Virgo has no NGC nebulae and only one globular its elliptical companions. Eight-inch telescopes Outreach kits are one of the cornerstones of editor, Astronomy Magazine. star cluster (NGC 5634). will begin to reveal its central bar as well as the NSN program. These collections of hands-on (Separate Registration) Even my above statement of Virgo possibly brighter areas of its spiral arms. The galaxy lies 75 activities, handouts, ready-to-use presentations, MORE INFO AT STELLAFANE.ORG containing scores of galaxies is off: the constel- million light-years away, about 50 percent farther models, posters, and other demonstrations focus

6 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 7 Astronomical League President ALCON 2019 Registration Information: July 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 & 29

Mail completed form with your check made Registration Schedule William Bogardus payable to ALCON 2019 to: Please enter your Astronomical League, ALCON 2019 registration amount. 1949–2018 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100 Kansas City, MO 64114 AL Member Non-AL mem. Ambassadors Program, and viewing He obtained his pilot’s license and Please use one form for each attendee. One check is total solar eclipses in China and taught as an instrument rated certi- Individual : ($60)_____ ($100)______the South Pacific. Of course, he and fied flight instructor. He was an acceptable for your group. You may also register at Couples registration: ($90)_____ ($130)______his family witnessed the August aspiring apiarist. alcon2019.astroleague.org and make remittance 21, 2017, eclipse from Casper, with PayPal. Students: ($20)____ urviving are his wife, Kim S. Children under 12 years of age who accompany Wyoming. It was Bill’s image of the S̨Palermo-Bogardus; three solar eclipse in China that graced all daughters: Nicole (Andrew) Wed. and Thu. hotel accommodations: registered adults: FREE registration. (They will Holiday Inn Titusville: (321) 383-0240 Astronomical League commemora- LaPlante, Peru, New York, Mandy need to pay for the optional KSC tour, however.) tive lapel pins and materials for the Bogardus, Saranac Lake, New York, Name: ______Please give their names for ID badges. 2017 spectacle. He also traveled to and Katie (Tim) Kyle, Wethersfield, view the southern skies from Bolivia Connecticut; one stepson, Dave and Chile and observe auroras from Name and Title for ALCon badge______If you are booked on the Royal Carribbean (Jesse Heider-Ayling) Ayling, Sweden. His dabbling in astro- Toledo, Ohio; one stepdaughter, ______cruise, you MUST also register for ALCon. photography led to his image of Becca Bley, Cheektowaga, New York; , below, which earlier four grandchildren; three brothers: Email address: ______To reserve your cruise cabin aboard the Royal appeared on the cover of the June James (Penny) III, Morristown, New Carribbean ship with a $100 deposit, please 2015 Reflector. York, Bob (Helga), Holly Springs, Mailing address: ______contact Marsha at Lin-Mar Travel, ill led a big life, playing many North Carolina, and John (Fran), ______B̨parts. He started his com- Delmar, New York; one sister, Ann 631-736-1049, [email protected] munity role while in high school (David) Fenlong, DeKalb Junction, City: ______State:______in Morristown, New York, by New York; and several nieces, neph- Remember: All cruise passengers must have a being a guitarist in a local band, ews, and cousins. Telephone: ______passport valid through January 2020! The Mustangs. After graduating Amateur astronomy and the from SUNY Potsdam, he became a communities he called home were Astronomical League Club Affiliation, or MAL or high school physics teacher and Lifetime, or Patron? lucky to have had Bill Bogardus ALCon 2019 eventually a principal. Later, he play very active roles. His star will ______Registration Summary served as an emergency medical always shine brightly in our hearts. stronomical League president tion, he ran for Astronomical League technician, a fire department chief, Bill is and will be sorely missed. ê Thursday July 25 Kennedy Space Center Tour and Bus Registration______+ Ą̨Bill Bogardus passed away office, becoming secretary in and a town justice for Morristown ($70 per person 12 years & older; $60 for 3 - 11 years old) on Saturday, November 24, after 2009, then vice president in 2014. and Greenport, New York. Bill was a —John Jardine Goss Star BQ and Awards Ceremony on a year-long illness. His wife, Kim, This past summer, Bill was elected classic car and airplane enthusiast. Past President, Astronomical League Total: ($70 per person 12 & older, $60 under 12) $ _____ Thursday night ($38)______+ was at his side, and members of his Astronomical League president. family had comforted him over the In addition to his leadership Thursday Night Star-B-Que and Awards Ceremony, Kennedy Space Center Tour Thanksgiving holidays. roles in the League, he created and Adult ($70)_____ + Holiday Inn: ($38 per person) $_____ Bill had been in active service to administered the Radio Astronomy Children ($60)_____+ Keynote Speaker Derek Demeter the Astronomical League ever since Observing Program and revital- Friday Bus to Pier ($36 per person, he received his Master Observer ized and administered the Master Are you an AL Master Observer?______, if yes # ______round trip)_____+ plaque at ALCon 2006 in Arlington, Observer Plaque Program. In 2013, Have you already received a Master Observer plaque? _____ Texas. He often remarked that his Bill received the G.R. Wright Award League Donation (Thank you!)______= experiences at that event led him to for Outstanding Service to the Please help the League help amateur astronomy actively participate in the Astro- Astronomical League. by making a tax deductible donation! $______Grand Total: $______nomical League. He encouraged A few of his astronomy-re- his club, the Amateur Observers’ lated but non-League activities The organizers reserve the right to make changes to the event as necessary due to circumstances beyond their control. Society of New York, to host ALCon included being chosen in 2016 for 2009. After chairing that conven- the Astronomy in Chile Educator newsletter are required. Only one ed but often misinformed public, AL interim vice president Carroll If you are interested in using your copy of the photograph is needed. to spark interest in the young, Iorg, vicepresident@astroleague talents to serve in one of these 3. If the newsletter is avail- and to promote your club, all .org. important positions, we would FROM AROUND THE LEAGUE simply by personally introducing like to hear from you. Please able on the club’s website, then INFORMATION its web address (URL) should be people to the wonders encoun- TECHNOLOGY MANAGER volunteer! can provide to professional space information to club members: the club’s website address by April 1 tered in amateur astronomy. given along with any password fter 12 years, the League’s For specific information probe missions. newsletter editor. to [email protected]. Look on the AL website for these required to access it. The editor’s ̨̨information technology regarding the duties and Congratulations, Damian, for Most of the time, newsletter helpful Astronomy Day materials: A photograph (JPEG) and club rec- manager is retiring. We have im- responsibilities of these two receiving the 2018 Leslie Peltier editors don’t get much recognition DEADLINE APPROACHES FOR the Astronomy Day Handbook ommendation letter (PDF) can be mediate openings for candidates offices, please refer to the Award! for their steady task of keeping THE 2019 MABEL STERNS submitted in an email as instruct- (astroleague.org/al/astroday League’s bylaws, which can be NEWSLETTER EDITOR AWARD with experience in: 2019 PELTIER AWARD the membership informed about ed in method 1. /astrobook.html) and Outreach accessed on the League website Downloads (astroleague.org/ • Unix/Linux and the Ubuntu NOMINATIONS OPEN what goes on in their astronomy The Mabel Sterns Newsletter It is strongly recommended at astroleague.org. content/outreach-downloads- operating system clubs. They publish newsletters, Editor Award recognizes the that the Astronomical League’s Candidates should send the The Astronomical League’s astronomical-league). • Configuring firewalls and host- despite often not having enough work of club newsletter editors logo be prominently displayed in nominating committee chair, Leslie C. Peltier Award committee based intrusion detection material to fill the edition, magi- across the country. The deadline the newsletter, preferably on the If you would like to help Carroll Iorg, vicepresident@ requests nominations for 2019. systems (HIDS) cally creating interesting articles for submissions is March 31, front page. administer this great program of astroleague.org, background state- The award was established in at the last minute. 2019. The nomination package bringing astronomy to the people, • Apache web server configura- For complete information ments explaining why they are 1980 to honor the man Harlow should contain a letter from the please contact Gary Tomlinson, tion and SSL certificates With this competitive award, about the 2019 Mabel Sterns interested along with a photo of DAMIAN A. PEACH WINS Shapley once called “the world’s club president or vice president [email protected]. the strengths and weaknesses of Newsletter Editor Award pro- • Administration of a Drupal themselves for publication in the 2018 LESLIE C. PELTIER greatest living amateur astron- telling why their newsletter editor each newsletter must be weighed. gram, please see astroleague.org Astronomy Day 2019: May 11 content management system Reflector. Please limit statements omer.” It is presented to an should be considered for the AWARD Many attributes might be and October 5! and programming Drupal modules to approximately 250 words. All amateur astronomer who has con- /al/awards/sterns/sternss.html. amian A. Peach, FRAS, is a considered, from specific forms award, a recent issue of the news- nomination materials must be tributed to astronomical observa- letter, and a photo of the newslet- 2018 ASTRONOMICAL Contact president@ British amateur astronomer, of content such as membership submitted by March 31, 2019. D tions of lasting significance. ter editor, preferably taken in an LEAGUE WEBMASTER astroleague.org if you are willing astrophotographer, lecturer, and information, meeting information, to take on this challenge. Scott Roberts of Explore astronomical setting. Including Volunteers ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE author. He is best known for his or astronomical calendars to AWARD WINNER OFFICER SUCCESSION photographs of a variety of astro- Scientific generously sponsors the more subjective ones such as the the URL where electronic copies ongratulations to Shawn GRANT WRITER award, which is presented annual- of past newsletters are posted illiam Bogardus, 34th nomical objects, and his career in appearances of its masthead and C̨Loescher and Curt Lam- Needed e have a new volunteer ly at ALCon. Details of the award, on the club’s website would also president of the Astro- the field spans nearly thirty years. layout. bert of the Back Bay Amateur ̨position for a grant W and a list of past recipients, may be helpful. In addition, the postal W nomical League, passed away on Peach’s passion for astrono- The 2018 Mabel Sterns News- Astronomers (backbayastro.org) CHAIR OF THE writer. The qualified individual be found on the Astronomical address of the newsletter editor Saturday, November 24. He was my began in 1988 when he was letter Editor Award winners were: on their selection as the winners will have demonstrated success League webpage at astroleague should be included. The names ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE active in the Astronomical League inspired by books in his school of the 2018 Astronomical League in writing and securing financial .org/al/awards/peltier/peltiers • 1st place: Terry Dufek, of both the newsletter editor and WEBMASTER AWARD since 2006 and held the offices of library. Twelve years later, he Webmaster Award. grants at the local, regional, .html. Popular Astronomy Club the nominating club officer must he Astronomical League is secretary and vice president. He joined the British Astronomical The selection committee eval- corporate, and national levels. • 2nd place: Brian Thieme, appear on the general member- ̨seeking a qualified individual was elected president this past Association, and since then has Nominations must be received uated the submitted websites on T These grants will enable your Warren Astronomical Society ship roster of the Astronomical who would like to chair the Web- summer and began his term on contributed many observations to before April 1, 2019. Unsuccessful their content, ease of navigation, League to develop additional • 3rd place: Dave Thomas, League. The newsletter nomina- master Award. Duties for this po- September 1. The Astronomical its various observing sections. He nominations will be kept on file and ability to attract people. The programs in outreach, observing for consideration in subsequent Roanoke Valley Astronomical tion materials may be submitted sition include placing announce- League was very fortunate to has also written and coauthored Back Bay Amateur Astronomers programs, expansion of the years. Society by any of these three methods: ments in the Reflector and in have him as an active member many papers in the organization’s are fortunate to have such a won- Reflector, STE(A)M, and a host 1. The preferable method social media, assembling a team and as an officer. Bill will be journal. Nominations may be sent derful and informative website. of other projects. The League is emailing the materials. The of judges, collecting the nomina- missed. to the committee chair, Roger THE 2019 does many things with an annual He has provided astronomical supporting club letter and an 2018 ASTRONOMY tions, reviewing the eligibility of S. Kolman, PhD, at rskolman@ WEBMASTER AWARD budget of about $100,000. Astronomical League bylaws images for magazines and books issue of the newsletter should DAY WINNERS the nominees, sending nomination abcglobal.net. he Astronomical League’s Imagine what we could do with provide a course for officer suc- throughout his career. His images be attached in Adobe PDF format, materials to the judges, tallying Webmaster Award acknowl- • Large Metro Area, $150: No an additional $25,000 or $50,000 cession in the event of the death and articles on ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE’S T although Microsoft Word format the results, notifying the winner, edges the club webmaster who winner per year – literally, the sky’s the of the president: have been featured in Astronomy, 2018 MABEL STERNS is acceptable. The editor’s writing a brief announcement for does an outstanding job of web- • Medium Metro Area, $150: limit! Contact president@ Sky & Telescope, Astronomy Now, NEWSLETTER EDITOR photograph should be attached the Reflector and social media, 1. Article II, Sect. 4.b. “The site design and maintenance. Roanoke Valley astroleague.org if you can assist. and Sky at Night magazines. AWARDS as a high-resolution JPEG and ordering and mailing the Vice-President shall assist the • The webmaster of any current Astronomical Society President in the discharge of his/ He was a coauthor on several abel Sterns was the file. Please email entries to award plaque. CALL FOR LEAGUE Astronomical League member • Small Metro Area, $150: her duties and perform them professional scientific papers on Astronomical League’s SternsNewsletter@astroleague This is your chance to help OFFICER NOMINATIONS M club is eligible. Travelers Science Dome at in the case of absence, death, planetary astronomy, with a spe- first newsletter editor and this is .org. the Astronomical League help he two-year term of the office the Gengras disability or resignation of the cial focus on Mars and Jupiter. the seventeenth year of granting • The website will be judged on 2. If electronic submission is amateur astronomy by recogniz- of secretary, and the three- T President.” Peach’s work has been used the Newsletter Editor Award in its content, appearance, ease of impossible, paper copies may be • Best New Idea, $50: Roanoke ing some of those individuals who year term of the office of by NASA and ESA to illustrate her honor. The award recognizes navigation, and ability to attract mailed through the postal service Valley Astronomical Society make astronomy happen. Inter- executive secretary, end on 2. Article II, Sect. 4.f. “In the what ground-based telescopes one of the most important people people. to the League’s national office. Astronomy Day presents an ested? Please contact either AL August 31, 2019. (The one-year event of death, resignation or can achieve in photographing in any club, a person who is a • Club presidents, please send Four copies of the letter of recom- excellent opportunity to increase immediate past president John appointment of the current execu- disability of any executive officer the planets and the support they primary source of beneficial webmaster nominations and the mendation and four copies of the science awareness in an interest- Goss, [email protected], or tive secretary ends on August 31.) other than the President, the 10 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 11 10 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 2019 President shall appoint a succes- and excitedly announcing what Stephen Andrews, Silver, Kern Astronomical Nova Observing Program Raymond Petroff, Oklahoma City Astronomy sor to fill the unexpired term.” you are showing. Next, make Society; No. 41, George J Robinson, No. 3, W. Maynard Pittendreigh, Silver, Club; No 1083-O, Richard Mannarino, Gold, Member-at-Large Lifetime Member; No. 4, Michael A. Hotka, Escambia Amateur Astronomers Association; it possible for them to share Observing 3. Article II, Sect. 3.c. “For Gold, Longmont Astronomical Society; No. No. 1084-O, Daryel Stager, Member-at-Large; photos via social media. Attach Deep Sky Binocular Observing Program 5, W. Maynard Pittendreigh, Gold, Lifetime No. 1085-O, Ed LaBelle, Psalm 19 Astronomy purposes of this subsection No. 403, Daniel Otte, Southern Oregon a universal phone cradle to an Member; No. 6, Brad Young, Gold, Astronomy Society; No. 1085-M, Ed LaBelle, Psalm 19 appointment or succession to Awards Skywatchers; No. 404, Charles E. Allen III, Club of Tulsa Astronomy Society; No. 1086-O, Chris Lasley, eyepiece for taking photos of Evansville Astronomical Society Central Arkansas Astronomical Society; No. an office with more than one (1) Outreach Observing Award targets like the Moon or planets. Double Star Observing Program 1087-O, Jane Wood, Ancient City Astronomy year remaining in an term shall Advanced Binocular Double Star No. 498-M, Steve Layman, Charlottesville No. 617, DeWayne Carver, Tallahassee Club; No. 1088-O, Jeffrey Corder, Ancient City Always let passersby know you Observing Program Astronomical Society; No. 513-S, Susie be regarded as a term of office.” Astronomical Society; No. 618, Steve Benham, Astronomy Club; No. 1089-O, Joe Komiathy, No. 31, Don Knabb, Chester County Stahlhut, Northeast Florida Astronomical are specifically set up for sharing Rose City Astronomers; No. 619, Will Young, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1090-O, Following the succession out- Astronomical Society; No. 32, Michael C. Neal, Society; No. 536-S, Steve Arthurton, photos to Instagram, Facebook, Astronomical Society of Southeast Texas; No. Judy Dolehanty, Ancient City Astronomy Echo Ridge Astronomical Society Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; No. 543-S, lined in the bylaws, AL vice pres- 620, Doug Lively, Raleigh Astronomy Club Club; No. 1091-O, Kalwant Grewal, Ancient or Snapchat. Allow them to take David Huntz, Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; City Astronomy Club; No. 1092-O, Lilian ident Ron Kramer became the Arp Peculiar Galaxies Northern photos themselves, so they can Flat Galaxy Observing Program No. 547-S, William Murrell, Oklahoma City Rodriguez, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. Observing Program Astronomy Club; No. 608-S, Russ Wheeler, 35th president of the Astronom- No. 34, Marie Lott, Honorary, Atlanta 1093-O, Linda Paul, Ancient City Astronomy say “I took that photo,” but assist No. 91-V, Jeff Hoffmeister, Olympic Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; No. 695-S, ical League effective November Astronomy Club; No. 35, Mark Simonson, Club; No. 1094-O, Lisa Baird, Ancient City Astronomical Society Ed Averyt, Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; if necessary. Honorary, Everett Astronomical Society Astronomy Club; No. 1095-O, Lyle Guzman, 24. This will begin his first term No. 701-S, Chris Petroff, Oklahoma City Observing Program Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1096-O, Astronomy Club; No. 760-S, Joe Khalaf, holding that office. President No. 48, Charles E. Allen III, The Evansville Globular Cluster Observing Program Lynne Pouliot, Ancient City Astronomy What you think you know Houston Astronomical Society; No. Astronomical Society; No. 49, Douglas Smith, No. 316-V, Alfred Schovanez III, Astronomical Club; No. 1097-O, Margy Lang, Ancient City Kramer has appointed Carroll about young people may 767-M, Stephen H. Rand, New Hampshire ways in which I have found suc- and YouTube all have live video Tucson Amateur Astronomical Society Society of Eastern Missouri; No. 317-V, Astronomy Club; No. 1098-O, Mike Napper, Iorg to serve as vice president. not be true, nor will it be William Kocken, Minnesota Astronomical Astronomical Society; No. 797-M, Donald Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1099-O, cess engaging with young people, streaming options by which you Morris, Fort Bend Astronomy Club; No. consistent from one year to Observing Program Society; No. 318-V, Russell Carpenter, Sonora Neal Brown, Ancient City Astronomy Club; primarily those at the college can share astronomy virtually in No. 52, Vincent Michael Bournique, Astronomical Society; No. 319-V, Robert 817-M, Charles Hale, Fort Bend Astronomy No. 1100-O, Robert Huerbsch, Ancient City level, using social media. real time. the next. They do love space Regular, Lifetime Member; Harrison, Patron Member; No. 320-V, Lisa Club; No. 849-O, Rand Bowden, Roanoke Astronomy Club; No. 1101-O, Rod Paul, Astronomy and astronomy. Neil deGrasse No. 53, Tom Gazzillo, Regular, Wentzel, Twin City Amateur Astronomers Valley Astronomical Society; No. 864-S, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1102-O, Chesmont Astronomical Society Anika Patel, Fort Bend Astronomy Club; No. Sharon Flemings, Ancient City Astronomy Younger generations do not he Baton Rouge Astronomical Tyson is a superstar to younger Lunar Observing Program 865-S, Sanjiv Patel, Fort Bend Astronomy Club; No. 1103-O, Skip Whitford, Ancient use email as much as their prede- Society, to which I belong, generations, after all. Embrace Beyond No. 1039, Michael R. Martin, Roanoke Valley Club; No. 945-S, Jeff Bennett, Fort Bend Outreach T No. 19, Michael C. Neal, Echo Ridge City Astronomy Club; No. 1104-S, Beth Astronomical Society; No. 1040, Charles E. cessors. Even college professors Astronomy Club; No. 948-S, Michael Neal, Mansbridge, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. uses Facebook to live stream the live streaming as an alternative Astronomical Society; No. 20, Carlos Gramajo, Allen III, Evansville Astronomical Society; No. Echo Ridge Astronomical Society; No. 995-S, 1105-S, Bob Wolski, Ancient City Astronomy face difficulty reaching students Moon at public events. Many to traditional outreach. Share North Houston Astronomy Club; No. 21, 1041, Allen Klus, Tucson Amateur Astronomy Patrick Birck, Prescott Astronomy Club; No. Club; No. 1106-O, David Penney, Ancient City Through Joana Tan, North Houston Astronomy Club Association; No. 1042-B, Rick Eberhart, 998-S, Jerry Shaw, Prescott Astronomy via email, so amateur astrono- college students use GroupMe for your own astronomy images via Astronomy Club; No. 1107-O, Gary Charnoski, Binocular, Rose City Astronomers; No. 1043, Binocular Double Star Club; No. 1009-S, Scott Cadwallader, Baton Ancient City Astronomy Club; No.1108-O, mers should not make the same classes, so they already have the these same platforms. Keep peo- Stephen Rand, New Hampshire Astronomical Observing Program Rouge Astronomical Society; No. 1014-S, Amy Dornier, Astronomical Society of mistake. Sharing information Society; No. 1044, Mike Reitmajer, Rose City Social Media app on their phones. I use ple coming back by inviting them No. 138, Matt Allen, Omaha Astronomical Andy Flowers, Tallahassee Astronomical Southeast Texas; No. 1109-O, Doug Dornier, Astronomers; No. 1045, Jason Brant Dodson, through email and text messages GroupMe to announce observing to follow you on social media. Society; No. 139, Charles E. Allen III, Society; No. 1017-S, Stephen L. Snider, Astronomical Society of Southeast Texas NASA Langley Exchange Skywatchers; No. Evansville Astronomical Society; No. 140, The Albuquerque Astronomical Society; is being replaced by sharing on sessions and satellite passes. Your enthusiasm must be both 1046, Angelo Serra, Member-at-Large Edward Swaim, Central Arkansas Astronomical No. 1021-S, Ed Magowan, Escambia Planetary Observing Program t 40 years old and a member social media platforms. Amateur Astronomers Association; No. No. 36, Alfred Schovanez III, Basic, Manual, Sharing an event on social media contagious and Internet-connect- Society; No. 141, Jerelyn Ramirez, Kansas Mars Observing Program: ̨̨̨̨of Generation X, I bridge 1059-O, Joshua Johnson, Big Bear Valley Astronomical Society of Eastern Missouri; A can reach more people than ed. Go forward with the idea that Astronomical Observers; No. 142, Kristine No. 1, W. Maynard Pittendreigh, Lifetime the gap between a time when It is time for amateur Larsen, Springfield Telescope Makers Astronomical Society; No. 1060-O, Peter No. 73, Valorie Whalen, Advanced, Atlanta those that can attend in person, we cannot reach everyone, but, Member; No. 2, Mark Simonson, Everett Detterline, Member-at-Large; No. 1061-O, Astronomy Club the Internet did not exist and an astronomers to become Binocular Messier Observing Program Astronomical Society; No. 3, Aaron Clevenson, Jim McDowell, Prescott Astronomy Club; especially if the link is shared as advocates for the scientific Radio Astronomy Observing Program increasingly Internet-connected familiar with how to use No. 1155, Ken Wilson, Richmond North Houston Astronomy Club No. 1062-O, Gregory T. Shanos, Local widely. community, we have an obligation No. 19-S, Fred Schumacher, Member-at- world. Social media is the next Instagram, Facebook, Snap- Astronomical Society; No. 1156, Dan Delzell, Master Observer Award Group of Deep Sky Observers and Museum to introduce young people to Prairie Astronomy Club; No. 1157, Fernando Astronomical Resource Society; No. 1063-O, Large; No. 20-S, Dennis Farr, Museum The most important step OBSERVER Astronomical Resource Society; No. 21-S, exciting frontier on the Internet chat, GroupMe, and YouTube astronomy through social media. Torres, The Albuquerque Astronomical Society Dwight Willman, Prescott Astronomy Club; For instance, toward introducing young people Daniel Otte, Southern Oregon Skywatchers No. 1064-O, Daniel Otte, Southern Oregon Mike Stewart, Astronomical Society of Kansas where the younger generation for outreach. Binocular Variable Star Observing City; No. 10-G, Aaron Clevenson, North —Coy Wagoner MASTER OBSERVER Sky Watchers; No. 1065-O, Paul Jones, lives. Unfortunately, amateur Snapchat allows location-based to astronomy is to go directly to Program Houston Astronomy Club Baton Rouge Astronomical Society No. 216, Charles E. Allen III, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1065-S, astronomy is having difficulty video sharing via a heat map them. Set up in places they fre- No. 32, Becky Ramotowski, The Albuquerque Paul Jones, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. Astronomical Society Evansville Astronomical Society Sketching Observing Award quent, even if light pollution is a 1065-M, Paul Jones, Ancient City Astronomy No. 29, George J. Robinson, Member-at- connecting with young people via interface that can be used to BINOCULAR MASTER OBSERVER Caldwell Observing Program Club; No. 1066-O, Robin Jones, Ancient City Large; No. 30, Thomas Baskins, Central outreach through social media. I publicly promote an event as it is problem. Be proactive in bringing Steve Boerner, Member-at-Large; Nora Jean SILVER AWARDS Astronomy Club; No. 1066-O, Josh Jones, Arkansas Astronomical Society; No. 31, Peter happening. Facebook, Instagram, people to the eyepiece by clearly Chetnik, Member-at-Large; Rakhal Kincaid, Ancient City Astronomy Club; No. 1067-O, would like to share with you the No. 251, Steve Goldberg, Houston Detterline, Member-at-Large; No. 32; Charles Haleakala Amateur Astronomers; Al Lamperti, Anil Ketkar, Fort Bend Astronomy Club; Astronomical Society; No. 252, Alfred E. Allen, Evansville Astronomical Society Delaware Valley Amateur Astronomers; No. 1068-O, Annabella Quesada, Fort Bend Schovanez III, Astronomical Society of David Whalen, Atlanta Astronomy Club Astronomy Club; No. 1070-O, Sonny Manley, Sky Puppy Observing Program Eastern Missouri; No. 253, Alan Scott, The Fort Bend Astronomy Club; No. 1071-O, Mark No. 52, Jakob Ridings, Houston Astronomical AAVSO Albuquerque Astronomical Society; No. 254, Messier Observing Program Chapman, Minnesota Astronomical Society; Society; No. 53, Danielle Emmons, Member- Seth Jelen, Rose City Astronomers; No. 255 No. 2787, Mike Reitmajer, Honorary, No. 1072-O, John Walker, Escambia Amateur at-Large; No. 54, Miles Grzyb, Member- American Charles E. Allen III, Evansville Astronomical Rose City Astronomers; No. 2796, Brian Astronomers Association; No. 1073-S, Dennis at-Large; No. 55, Matthew Palmeri, Kansas Society McGuinness, Regular, Northern Colorado Association of H. Hausch, Escambia Amateur Astronomers Astronomical Observers; No. 56, Alaina Bruce, Astronomical Society; No. 2797, Phyllis Eide, Variable Star GOLD AWARDS Association; No. 1074-O, David Decker, San Kansas Astronomical Observers; No.57, Evelyn Regular, Spokane Astronomical Society Bruce, Kansas Astronomical Observers Observers No. 31, Alan Scott, The Albuquerque Diego Astronomy Association; No. 1075-O, Astronomical Society NASA Observing Challenge – InSight Graham Smith, Fort Bend Astronomy Club; No. Two in the View Observing Program 1076-O, Glenn Smith, Fort Bend Astronomy Carbon Star Observing Program Steve Boerner, Member-at-Large; Scott No. 34, Bill Kocken, Minnesota Astronomical Club; No. 1077-O, Annie Wargetz, Fort Bend Discover the universe through variable No. 97, Robert Harrison, Patron Member; Cadwallader, Baton Rouge Astronomical Society Society; Aaron Clevenson, North Houston Astronomy Club; No. 1078-O, Tina Fraizer, stars and contribute to science No. 98, Stephen L. Snider, The Albuquerque Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; No. 1079-O, Variable Star Observing Program Astronomical Society Astronomy Club; Dan Crowson, Astronomical Join today! Society of Eastern Missouri; W. Maynard Tony Fraizer, Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; No. 31, Raymond B. Howard, Patron Member; Comet Observing Program Pittendreigh, Lifetime Member; Gregory T. No. 1080-O, Andy Fryhover, Oklahoma City No. 32, David Whalen, Atlanta Astronomy Club No. 102, Ed Valla, Silver, Tallahassee Shanos, Local Group of Deep Sky Observers; Astronomy Club; No. 1081-O, Mike Mitchell, www.aavso.org Astronomical Society; No. 103, Mark Simonson, Everett Astronomical Society Oklahoma City Astronomy Club; No. 1082-O, 12 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 13 more planning is necessary. These specific equipment, and then you Begin by centering the Moon ability to create a video with a days, two possible solutions top can apply that experience to your in the camera’s viewfinder high frame rate, a requirement my list for capturing consistently circumstances. I use a low-cost and focusing carefully. If you for overcoming the poor seeing of clear and detailed lunar images: Nikon D3000 purchased in 2009 find it difficult to tell if an accu- a turbulent atmosphere. Webcams Basic Small-Scope Lunar Imaging a digital single-lens reflex (DSLR) from a local Wal-Mart. The rate focus is obtained, then fo- are compact affairs, sometimes camera or a dedicated “webcam” primary advantage of this DSLR cus-bracket your shots. To do this, weighing no more than a modern By Jamey L. Jenkins imager intended for solar, lunar, is its large sensor, enabling me to find a position clearly just inside eyepiece, therefore avoiding and planetary work. take wider-field shots than is proper focus and adjust incre- balance issues with the telescope. lowly 2.4-inch (60 mm) telescope, will also apply to those PRIME FOCUS IMAGING possible with a webcam imager. mentally to the outside of proper any makes and models possessing less resolving power, medium- sized telescopes. focus, shooting pictures at each ̨̨of Solar System cameras can perform well. I use a 5-inch The most basic form of M GETTING STARTED position as the focus is advanced. are on the market, and I cannot f/18 achromatic scope and 4-inch telescopic imaging with Invariably some pictures will be et’s say you’ve set up your instruct you on the use of your f/7 ED refractor for lunar and either a DSLR or Solar System in focus. Use a slow ISO setting ̨̨̨small scope to view the particular camera. I use an solar observing. “Achromatic” L camera is the direct objective of perhaps 100 – there is plenty evening first-quarter phase Moon. Imaging Source DMK41 mono- means the objective lens has two or prime focus technique. of lunar light at prime focus, so During the session you decide In prime focus imaging, a camera chrome camera for my pics, but elements, usually one of flint there is no need for ultra-sensi- it might be a great idea to snap minus its lens is inserted in place most of my recommendations are glass and the other of crown tive CCD chips. Optimal exposure some pictures to share with of an eyepiece at the telescope. also suitable for other webcams. glass, bringing different colors time is determined by the optical fellow club members via email, Light gathered by the telescopic Attachment to the telescope is of light to nearly the same focus. system’s focal ratio. The faster Facebook, or perhaps through objective is focused directly onto accomplished with the correct “ED” is an acronym for extra-low the telescopic system, the less a favorite e-group; after all this the light sensitive chip of the size of screw-in nosepiece. dispersion; the 4-inch has two exposure is needed. Be certain to is why we do casual imaging, to camera, using your telescope as A webcam requires a comput- lens elements of a more exotic set the camera to manual mode, inspire fellow observers and to a large telephoto lens. The size er to run image capture software glass, bringing refracted colors starting with a medium range share! of the Moon at focus is deter- to obtain either a single snapshot to an even closer focus than an Nikon D3000 DSLR with T-ring and 2-inch exposure (such as 1/100 second) mined by the focal length of the focuser adapter. Button device in foreground or a multiple-frame video of the achromatic lens. Some high-end You must have a camera to and adjusting accordingly, faster telescope; the longer the focal is for remote hands-off shutter activation. moon. Adjustments to the live refracting telescopes have three record the view through the or slower, until the image appears length, the larger the Moon. You camera view are made via this or four elements to the objective telescope. Frankly, just about any n adapter called a T-ring is properly exposed. Watch for can calculate the approximate lu- software controlling the sensi- lens; these are called apochro- camera will do. I’ve seen increas- ̨̨ necessary to attach a saturation at the limb where the nar diameter formed on the chip A tivity, contrast, exposure time, matic (meaning colorless) and can ingly acceptable Moon shots DSLR, minus its camera lens, to Moon appears brightest, which by multiplying the focal length and frame rate (the number of easily bust your budget. While taken with a cell phone held up to a telescope. Another accessory may wash out detail. Use remote by 0.009. Advantages with this frames captured per second) of there are reflecting and catadi- an eyepiece. This is fine if you are with a nosepiece of the appro- shutter activation or whatever type of imaging include superior the camera. optric (lens/mirror) telescopes content with only the occasional priate size (1.25 or 2 inches) technique is necessary to prevent definition and highest light trans- in the “small” category, most of “lucky” photo, but if you want to screws into the T-ring to connect vibrations from ruining the mission. In other words, prime these telescopes are a bit larger; show the world what can really the camera to the focuser. These picture. Take dozens, if not more, focus imaging is the fastest and still, the suggestions in this article be seen through your telescope, nosepieces are often threaded to pictures! The number one rule sharpest optical arrangement for accept standard eyepiece filters, of successful lunar photography June 8, 2016, Moon with DMK41 camera and William Optics 102 mm f/7 refractor. This is a capturing pictures. A disadvan- two-frame mosaic shot through a K2 yellow filter. an advantage that will be useful is to shoot as many pictures as tage of prime focus, however, can as you gain experience. In order possible, being prepared to throw Amateur astronomical photography, HOW LARGE IS SMALL? be the small size of the Moon; this or imaging in today’s vernacular, to reduce the effects of vibration away most of them because of n this article, we will consider can be counteracted by inserting used to be a craft pursued by in the telescope/camera combi- poor focus or atmospheric smear. ̨̨a small telescope to be one of an amplifying positive or negative only a few ambitious hobbyists. I nation, the camera should allow a That’s about all it takes to capture 5-inch aperture or less. Often, lens system into the optical path However, the digital camera rev- delayed shutter release or the use basic Moon images at prime focus these are refractors, usually por- to enlarge the Moon. Neverthe- olution of the 1990s changed that of remote activation. with a DSLR. less, I always recommend an Lightweight DMK41 video camera forever by opening the door for table and equatorially mounted with a tracking mechanism. Dob- observer start with prime focus The idea here is to trip the novices to capture impressive SOLAR SYSTEM CAMERA ost cameras come with sonian or tripod-mounted alt-az- imaging, and master that skill shutter without your fingers being pictures of celestial bodies. While hile impressive lunar ̨̨their own proprietary imuth telescopes can be used, before attempting any amplifying in contact with, and shaking, M some types of astro-imaging are the camera. Some cameras may images are possible with capture software; custom soft- better suited to large light buckets but the ability to follow the Moon techniques. W still have a source of vibration the typical DSLR, my experience ware can also be used for image and exotic cameras, interesting and across the sky with an equatorial WORKING WITH A DSLR from a dysfunction called mirror is that consistent high-quality capture. One very popular free- educational images of our near- mount is definitely a plus. The odern DSLRs have many slap or bounce. Mirror bounce is pictures result when using a ware is FireCapture, developed by Moon can be made with small theoretical resolution of a 5-inch prevented by locking the mirror in dedicated video Solar System by Torsten Edelmann. A unique backyard telescopes and inexpensive telescope is one arcsecond, capa- M̨̨features that vary an up position before the shutter camera, commonly known as a feature of FireCapture is the log digital or video cameras. That is ble of providing a detailed view of between models, so you must be webcam. Generally, a dedicated sheet created for each video. what we will discuss in this article: lunar features (although imperfect familiar with your particular is activated; some models allow video camera will have finer The log contains data such as capturing basic Moon photos with a seeing usually prevents captur- camera’s operation before going this. Vibration from the shutter pixels, more pixels (in the observer, location, scope, camera, small backyard scope. ing images this sharp). Even the “Supermoon” from November 14, 2016. A single frame shot with the out under the night sky. I can mechanism itself may be avoided 102 mm f/7 refractor and a Nikon D3000 DSLR. note what has worked with my by using a fast shutter speed. monochrome version), and the date, details of the exposure, and THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 15 14 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 2019 necessary to edit the images an artifact called “ringing” where turbulence, a dimmer view, and lunar phases are best imaged in when reduced to a standard view- sharing the images with friends, with appropriate software. The the edge of a feature (such as the increased atmospheric disper- the springtime with the Moon ing size, the overall image will I like to identify features in my sharpest frames from a video are lunar limb) takes on an unnatural sion (smearing white light into a higher in the western evening appear to have better resolution. pictures using lunar maps. As combined into a single frame in a appearance. Save the original rainbow). To combat those issues, sky. Another practical tip is to Therefore, when planning your I learn the names of craters, process known as stacking. (Sin- file in TIFF format and make when possible, image the Moon attempt imaging a bit before the pictures, always consider having mountains, domes, and valleys, I gle pictures from a DSLR can also copies for posting in JPEG format, high in the sky. Lunar images are Sun has set, continuing through- some overlap between nearby note the tiniest craters visible in be stacked.) Freeware options for which is usable in practically all more-or-less grayscale images out twilight; seeing is often better regions to allow the creation of a my images to discover just how stacking include RegiStax, Avi- applications. with extremely weak colors. during this period, before the sky mosaic. fine the view was on the evening I Stack, and AutoStakkert!, the last Introducing deep yellow, orange, gets completely dark. observed. Sometimes it’s amazing being the current favorite among TIPS AND TRICKS or red filters into the optical train Less-than-superb images can GIVE IT A TRY because many of these tiny areas Solar System imagers. Software here are a few tricks the when producing grayscale images be salvaged by pasting several maging the lunar surface with just don’t catch the eye’s attention downloads and instructional vid- T beginning lunar imager can tends to improve seeing condi- together into a mosaic. The field I a small telescope can be a fun until the final image is studied in- eos of their use are easily found implement to insure successful tions and limit dispersion. Early of view will be much wider and, and educational activity. Besides tently on the computer screen.ê online. results. The elevation of the Moon Stacking of images is done to reduce noise, while increasing signal strength, thereby improving detail and resolution. The single or stacked image will be further ad- justed using image-manipulating software. Quality digital photos require calibrating in order to even out pixel sensitivity and remove artifacts created during the imaging process. In my lunar photos I’ve found that the dark and bias frames can be neglected, particularly because we are not creating “science” images, just ca- sual snaps to share with friends. Last-quarter Moon with the 102 mm f/7 refractor and DMK41 camera, October 23, 2016 However, flat frames, which settings of shutter, gamma, and so that there are enough of the highlight uneven chip sensitivity, gain. Generation of the log sheet best frames to justify processing. dust particles on the chip, and frees the observer from making Good seeing also encourages imperfections of the optical sys- copious notes during an imaging capturing many frames because tem, are best utilized by the lunar session. many high-quality frames are then photographer. Again, this article available for stacking, improving The same area of the Moon taken under ecause the Moon is a bright is not the place for detailed how- different lighting conditions. Near Mare object, I typically keep the the detail seen in the image. to instructions, so if you are not Nectaris we see the rugged crater trio B of Theophilus, Cyrillus, and Catharina. versed in obtaining flat frames, gain setting to a minimum in Exposure is adjusted so that Theophilus is 61 miles in diameter, and its order to minimize noise within the brightest regions of the image please consult one of the many central four mountain peaks are approx- tutorials available online. imately 1400 meters high. The smallest the image. Gamma is usually at a do not saturate. The histogram craters visible on the floor of Mare Nectaris setting that maintains a normal feature of FireCapture is great Adobe Photoshop is a are two miles in diameter. Top: April 13, 2016, imaged with a 125 mm f/18 refractor balance in image contrast. for graphically depicting exposure standard tool for editing image and DMK41 camera. Bottom: June 2, 2017, These adjustments can be characteristics; do not let the bar characteristics such as cropping, with a 125 mm f/18 refractor, K2 tweaked to suit the observer. extend beyond 80 or 90 percent, histogram adjustment, and sharp- yellow filter, and DMK41 video camera. These images were cropped from the Focus is accomplished on the to the right of the histogram. ening. Freeware alternatives to author’s larger images. computer screen via the live cam- Again, the best practice is to Photoshop include GIMP, the GNU era view. Set the frame rate as always record as many individual Image Manipulation Program. above the horizon is an important high as possible considering the videos as is practical. This will Most images will be improved consideration. The higher the amount of light available from the increase chances of capturing with a stretching of the dynamic elevation (optimal is the zenith) Moon. I’ve found that successful sharp images. range of the photo and at least the better in order to reduce images are best created from vid- a mild sharpening. Make the ad- the amount of atmosphere that eos of several hundred to several POST-PROCESSING IMAGES justments to suit your preference, lunar light passes through before thousand frames. Poor seeing ne- fter the single snaps or taking care to avoid over-sharpen- reaching the telescope. Thicker cessitates capturing many frames, Ą̨videos are obtained, it is ing the image, which can create atmosphere produces more 16 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 17 lar book Star Tales, often uses the Species and you have a sampling library’s freely accessible online for which the term “rare books” is collections. Ian encouraged me to arguably an understatement. add, “If you’re looking for scans of mpressive as its collection of the great books and star The Vault of Heaven ̨rare astronomical books is, of the past, their holdings are I LHL considers its sizable collec- extensive and the place to start.” Treasures of the Linda Hall Library tion of historic star maps and pace allows only an atlases among its most important S abbreviated listing of the holdings. Its remarkable inventory priceless books held in the of lavishly illustrated sky maps years after that, on September the 1759 “Commonplace Book,” library’s vault. The 1540 Narratio showcases not only humankind’s 21, 1843, someone had recorded once the property of William Her- Prima by Georg Rheticus and measured advancements in celes- the position of on the schel. It is a large notebook-like Nicholas Copernicus’s 1543 De tial discovery, but also changes in plate of Pisces, beneath the tail volume dressed in a white leather Revolutionibus Orbium Coelesti- scientific illustration and printing of the westernmost fish. But these cover. Within, his bold script con- um are two of the library’s most techniques over the centuries. were serendipitous finds, and veyed purpose as he had recorded Pages from Herschel’s 1759 commonplace book prized holdings. These are closely Sky maps are undoubtedly some time constrained me from looking formulas and sketches relating Herschel might have eventually bequest stipulated that a free followed by ’s Almag- of the most exquisite examples further. Many other such historic to optics and observations. My intended to fill these empty pages. public library was to be located estum, printed in 1515, a first of design, copperplate engraving, notations must lie hidden, unseen eye was drawn to a precisely ren- on the grounds of their estate and edition of Isaac Newton’s 1687 and printing to be found. They for hundreds of years, among dered illustration he had labeled The Linda Hall Library (LHL) is named in honor of Linda. In the Principia, and Galileo Galilei’s capture our earliest dreams and By Bob Kerr NASA science missions. Members the pages of these well-used star “A Reflecting Microscope.” About an exceptional resource. And early 1940s, a board of trustees 1610 Sidereus Nuncius and concepts of the heavens while of the Astronomical Society of catalogs awaiting discovery. a third of the book remained 1632 Dialogo. Add in Johannes The comfortably appointed what is particularly remarkable recommended the creation of a impressing us with their stunning Kansas City regularly benefit unused, and I pondered with what Kepler’s 1606 De Stella Nova, room in which I sat was quiet, Next, I turned my attention to is the library has placed nearly library concentrating on science beauty. When inspected close- from special library access nights ’s 1603 Astronomiae lit well, and furnished with a quarter of a million digitized, and technology. My sense is this up in their original form, their and attend featured lectures and Instauratae Progymnasmata, broad tables of polished high-resolution images of vision has certainly been fulfilled, magnificent artistry cannot help exhibitions. the 1620 Instauratio Magna but stun the eye. wood. At the far end, oppo- books, maps, photographs, and if not greatly surpassed. This day, I was visiting to manuscripts, such as I had been of Francis Bacon, and Charles Dr. William B. Ashworth Jr. site the entryway, were long, Lisa Browar, president of the experience firsthand the astron- reviewing, freely available online. Darwin’s 1859 On the Origin of ̨is a consultant for the Linda waist-high bookcases filled with Linda Hall Library and Library omy-related publications within The catalog and easily search- substantial looking reference Foundation, rightfully proclaims its History of Science Collection. able database can be found at books. Behind these were three the realization of that vision: “The The collection’s catalog features lindahall.org. wall-sized windows showcasing Linda Hall Library has become over 10,000 items, but my par- thousands of rare books crowding The breadth of the library’s an international destination for ticular interest was the library’s shelves that reached from floor collection has also inspired fasci- research and scholarship in sci- world-class collection of over 100 to ceiling. Here, safely held and nating astronomy-themed public ence, engineering, technology and historic star atlases. tightly secured, were a great exhibits, now available in digital their histories. Additionally, the many of astronomy’s most irre- n the table in front of me, form. “Out of This World: The Library provides a cultural space placeable and cherished works. O its delicate binding cradled Golden Age of Celestial Cartog- in which public understanding of This was the rare book reading between wedges of foam rubber, raphy,” “The Face of the Moon: science and its role in contempo- Room of the extraordinary Linda the librarian had carefully placed Galileo to Apollo,” and “Thinking rary life may flourish.” Hall Library of Science, Engineer- ’s famous 1603 Outside the Sphere: Views of the One frequent researcher of ing and Technology in Kansas star , . I could Stars from Aristotle to Herschel” the library’s extensive collection City, Missouri. not help but wonder how many may be found online. For amateur of books and celestial This 220,000–square foot hands had turned through these astronomers, there is a treasure is renowned author and lecturer mid-century modern complex is 400-year-old pages. Many were trove here awaiting our discovery Nick Kanas. He is widely recog- home to a staggering collection of worn and dog-eared, and some and exploration (in many ways nized for his authoritative book, some two million books, journals, bore fine handwritten notations, like the night sky itself). Star Maps: History, Artistry, and and documents, with strong pri- almost hidden among the resplen- he library, a not-for-profit, Cartography, and uses the LHL mary and secondary holdings in dent figures of 48 heroes, fair privately funded institution, T online catalog regularly. Several geology, paleontology, natural his- ladies, and monsters populating traces its roots back to the years ago, Nick visited the library, tory, engineering, mathematics, its pages. In 1824, more than 200 philanthropic vision of Herbert and he compliments the staff for and the physical sciences. On the years after its publication, some- and Linda Hall, who bequeathed their knowledge and helpfulness. library’s lower level, the William one had made a notation on the their estate for the purpose of N. Deramus III Cosmology Theater map of Perseus, just below Algol establishing an important cultural Similarly, Ian Ridpath, a lead- delights visitors with images from on Medusa’s left cheek, marking center for the people of Kansas ing authority on mythology and the Hubble Space Telescope and the position of a comet. Twenty Pages from Johann Bayer’s Uranometria City. Their six-million-dollar star lore and author of the popu- 18 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 19 but with no relationship to their er, in a prescient foreshadowing Unlike the awkward woodcuts Prague, De Stella Nova, relat- Coelum Christianum. It comes lary, had emerged from the design actual positions in the night sky. of modern, clutter-free star of earlier years, Bayer’s exquisite ing to the “new star” that had as a surprise, then, that Schiller of star globes. But a key depar- While these crude figures were maps, Piccolomini showed only Uranometria maps were printed appeared several years earlier in used numbers (not so-called Flam- ture for cartographers would be attempts at mythological depic- star patterns and did not include from fine copper engravings. the constellation Ophiuchus. steed numbers – more on that one of orientation. Should the tions, they were not constellation figures. They were accompanied by tables Kepler included a constella- later) rather than Bayer’s Greek celestial sphere be portrayed as containing the nomenclature, de- letters to identify his stars. The though observed from a distant in our modern understanding. Grand Atlas 1: scriptions, and magnitudes of the atlas was also the first to show point in the heavens looking down However, these characterizations Uranometria, 1603 stars in each constellation, based the “Little Cloud,” now known upon the Earth, as depicted on did inspire future cartographers. Sixty years after Piccolomini, on Tycho Brahe’s 1602 greatly as M31, likely a result of Simon star globes (called external or De le Stelle Fisse, 1540 Augsburg lawyer Johann Bayer expanded and improved catalog Marius’s telescopic observations mirror-reversed), or was a geo- Scholars acknowledge the first created his masterful Uranome- of 1,005 stars. Inventively, Bayer in 1612. centric orientation preferable – true star atlas was Alessandro tria atlas showing the positions designated the brighter stars in that is, should the map represent Piccolomini’s De le Stelle Fisse, of more than 2,000 stars. It t is worth remembering the each constellation with letters the view from Earth looking up at also printed in Venice. As the presaged the future of celestial ̨historic context within which from the Greek alphabet accord- I the heavens? first atlas to actually place stars cartography and became the tem- these early star maps came into ing to their perceived magnitude: Several creators of star maps on maps in accordance with the plate on which subsequent atlases existence: Aristotle’s teaching Hall Library’s History of Science Ptolemy documented contempo- alpha, beta, gamma, delta, etc. preferred the former and chanced positions described by Ptole- would be modeled and compared. that perfect heavenly bodies Collection and is an associate rary astronomical knowledge and When the 24-letter Greek alpha- confusion in presenting mir- my, Piccolomini’s atlas enjoyed Bayer brilliantly depicted the orig- were carried upon nested crystal- professor in the Department the thinking of earlier Greek as- bet was exhausted, Bayer used ror-reversed maps which did not wide popularity and contributed inal 48 classic Ptolemaic constel- line spheres with the Earth at of History at the University of tronomers, notably Eratosthenes Roman letters. correspond to what the user saw significantly to the future devel- lation figures, each occupying a the center still found wide-ranging Missouri–Kansas City (while LHL and Hipparchus. The Almagestum tion map based on the Uranome- when observing the night sky. opment of . generous map measuring over 14 ut a difficulty arose from the support, Copernicus was reviled, is located near the university, it of Ptolemy cataloged 1,028 stars tria but he reoriented Bayer’s Piccolomini pioneered the idea inches across. He also introduced ̨̨manner in which Bayer de- and Galileo condemned. But all has no organizational relationship and organized them into 48 con- B backward figure to a Ptolemaic Grand Atlas 3: of providing stars with their 12 southern constellations, includ- picted a number of his constella- this held little consequence for with it). Ashworth is an authority stellations. And, building upon the frontal view and placed the Firmamentum, 1690 own unique identifiers; in this ing , , and , tion figures. Rather than illustrat- the cartographer, his two-dimen- on celestial cartography and has work begun by Hipparchus, Ptole- nova in Ophiuchus’s right (read According to Ashworth, the atlas instance, brighter stars within first conceived by Dutch navigator ing his 48 constellations, Ptolemy sional universe being unaffected conducted research and writ- my crafted the basic one-through- correct) foot. On the same map, of was the first each constellation were assigned Pieter Dirkszoon Keyser from his originally had described them in by such matters. ten extensively on the library’s six stellar brightness scale still Kepler plotted a triple conjunc- to rival Bayer’s Uranometria in lowercase Roman letters. Howev- catalog of 135 stars. manuscript form, referencing the collection for many years. I thank used (with modification) today. In tion of Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn. A brief mention should be accuracy, innovation, and stars within his constellations him for giving generously of his another innovation, Ptolemy took (An unrelated LHL map, the 1690 made about the role star globes influence. However, Hevelius as though the figures were being time and expertise to assist me in a first step toward furthering the Globi Coelestis, marks the path of played in the development of star did produce it with the some- viewed face-on. For instance, preparing this article. accuracy and utility of star maps. a 1682 comet through the right maps. Star globes had become what confusing mirror-reversed Ptolemy had characterized Rigel He accomplished this by describ- foot of Boötes, as discovered by very popular as showpieces, often orientation. It was exquisitely While the library houses over as “the bright star in the left foot ing, in manuscript form, the Cassini. In time, this comet came 100 atlases, Ashbrook defines of .” In the Uranometria, location of every important star to be known as Halley’s Comet.) the two hundred years spanning Bayer curiously reversed the within each constellation figure, 1603 to 1801 as the period during view of figures such as Orion and Grand Atlas 2: Coelum such as noting Algol’s position as which the finest star atlases so they were seen from Christianum, 1627 being “the bright one in the head were produced. He considers the behind, rendering the Ptolemaic ’s imaginatively of the demon.” five most important or “grand” descriptions inaccurate. Confus- fashioned Coelum Christianum celestial atlases of this era to be, The following are examples ing as this may have been for was the first major atlas after chronologically, Johann Bayer’s of influential works found in the users of his time, in so doing, Johann Bayer’s Uranometria. Uranometria (1603), Julius Schil- library that were forerunners of Bayer had (likely unintentionally) Although his craftsmanship and ler’s Coelum Christianum (1627), the grand atlases. taken a step away from reliance accuracy were inspired by Bayer, Johannes Hevelius’s Firmamen- Schiller’s atlas differed in one Poeticon Astronomicon, 1482 on mythological underpinnings tum (1690), ’s unique way: never before or since Printed in Venice, this handsome- and, by using the Greek alphabet (1729), and Johann have Ptolemy’s Greek constella- ly illustrated work was based on to identify stars, toward an era of Bode’s Uranographia (1801). tions been entirely swapped with the ancient literary writings of more precise methods of stellar other figures. Schiller replaced Before examining these second century Roman historian identification. Bayer’s Ptolemaic characters ambitious works, it’s important Hyginus. During the Renaissance, William B. Ashworth Jr. (right) and the author with Bayer and Flamsteed atlases. De Stella Nova, 1606 with superbly engraved constella- to recognize that these atlases it became the primary source for Note rare book vault in background. The essential function of these tion maps based on the Christian find as their foundation the early visualizing what the Ptolemaic early star maps was to provide a . For example, the zodiacal paired with terrestrial globes in engraved by Hevelius himself with influential writings of the Greek constellations might look like. The reference for tracking and plot- constellations became the 12 the ornate libraries of royalty and 56 large, double-page star maps astronomer Claudius Ptolemy of Poeticon was the first to actually ting the movements of the Moon, apostles, Argo Navis was trans- the drawing rooms of the wealthy showcasing 71 constellations. Alexandria (about 100–178 CE). represent mythological charac- planets, and comets. But some- formed into Noah’s Ark, and the classes. A number of conventions Unlike Bayer, Schiller, and other In what came to be known as ters by using simple woodcuts thing new was about to be added. archangel Gabriel replaced Pega- used by cartographers in their previous authors who relied on the (a later Arabic title randomly decorated with stars in LHL has a copy of the 1606 book sus. Interestingly, Bayer assisted creation of flat celestial maps, the star catalogs of others, Heve- meaning “the greatest work”), a fashion pleasing to the printer Hand-colored page from Poeticon Astronomicon, 1482 published in Schiller in the preparation of his such as graphic style and vocabu- lius was an active observational 20 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 21 astronomer and made his own constellation called Triangulum poorly equipped, and Flamsteed numbered the stars in his copy Unquestionably, the edition’s most could rightfully argue losing the measurements. However, fearing Minor, and others specialized in often used his own meager funds of Flamsteed’s catalog. His sister relevant feature is that Bode was charm flowing from their ancient defective results from optical aid, ill-conceived phantasms such as to purchase or improve its modest Caroline then transferred these the first cartographer to confine heritage in the process). he resolutely insisted on na- Montgolfier’s Balloon. Mercifully, equipment. He began in 1677 with numbers in fine pen and ink his constellations within bound- The Linda Hall Library’s ked-eye, “plain sight” observations most were ignored by subsequent a seven-foot equatorially mounted into Herschel’s copy of Flam- ary lines. collection of atlases wonderfully rather than relying on telescopic map makers. sextant carrying twin telescopic steed’s atlas. Other cartographers eventual- showcases how celestial car- sights now in use by others. sights used as a meridian instru- Grand Atlas 4: In 1776, a Flamsteed-deriva- ly followed the idea, but boundary tography achieved maturity. On ment. It wasn’t until 1688 that he Even though Hevelius fol- Atlas Coelestis, 1729 tive edition titled Atlas Celeste lines continued to meander from maps from 1811, 1839, and 1843, finally procured a well-crafted, lowed this traditional path, his This atlas of astronomer John was published in French by map to map, according to the constellation figures are no longer reliable seven-foot meridian mural experienced eye produced ex- Flamsteed distinguished itself celestial globe maker E. J. Fortin. inclinations of the cartographer. depicted by prolifically rendered arc constructed of the finest tremely accurate measurements. from previous atlases by the It featured reengraved plates, a The confusion over constellation engravings, but simply appear as materials available, with which he Using neither letters nor numbers unprecedented accuracy of his smaller, utilitarian size, and more boundaries persisted until 1922 demure outlines. More familiar was able to finally achieve the sta- on his maps, he relied on Ptol- stellar measurements and the artistically pleasing constellation when the International Astro- to modern eyes will be the 1827 bility and, therefore, the precision emaic-type descriptions in his fact that the Atlas Coelestis was figures. Charles Messier used nomical Union finally capped the Pages from Charles Dien’s 1831 atlas atlas of Johann Bartak and the accompanying catalog. Hevelius the largest atlas ever published. he demanded. maps from this Flamsteed/Fortin official number of constellations lases launched by Johann Bayer’s 1831 atlas of Charles Dien, where did create 11 new constellations, Flamsteed’s constellation figures For over 40 years, Flamsteed atlas to record and publish paths at 88 and published a book of Vorstellung der Gestirne, 1805 Uranometria 200 years earlier. no representations of constella- doggedly compiled his great of his comet discoveries. The standardized boundaries in 1930. tions figures can be found at all. Four years later, Bode published catalog of 3,000 stars, eventually library has Messier’s 1782 “Carte Bayer had begun simply Both exclusively employ lines to Grand Atlas 5: a redesigned edition of his 1782 titled Historia Coelestis Britanni- Celeste” map showing the path with the 1,000 stars and the 48 connect each constellation’s pri- Uranographia, 1801 Vorstellung der Gestirne. With cae. An early, incomplete version of the comet he discovered in constellations of Ptolemy. Bode, mary stars, producing geometric ’s next atlas, a more compact size and fewer of this catalog was appropriated 1779 tracking through Hercules, by nesting 17,000 stars and 2,500 shapes. They are recognizable the all-new, extraordinary Urano- embellishments than the Urano- and prematurely printed by Isaac , Boötes, Coma nebulae amidst the likes of Ber- precursors to contemporary graphia, made its debut in 1801. graphia, printing was less costly, Newton and Edmund Halley in Berenices, and Virgo. The map nice’s fulsome tresses and Virgo’s “stick figure” images now seen in It was the largest, finest, and allowing the atlas to find a larger 1712, with preliminary numbers also plots the positions of 28 feathery appendages, had taken monthly magazines or displayed most comprehensive and costly market. In it, Bode introduced added by Halley to Flamsteed’s “nebulous objects” that Messier celestial obscuration about as far on smartphones. star atlas ever published. Its 20 a new constellation invented by partial list of observed stars. This labeled with designations such as as it could go (or sensibly had a double-page plates provided the Hungarian astronomer Maxi- unauthorized printing apparently “nebula 1777” and “nebula 1780.” right to go). The next time you open your most accurate positions to date milian Hell commemorating the favorite astronomy app, became the inspiration for the number of historic star for over 17,000 stars, thousands seven-foot telescope with which unting down dim nebulae don’t think of it so much as so-called “Flamsteed numbers.” maps survive to this day, more than other celestial maps. A Herschel had discovered Uranus and faint stars among these a quick link to the evening’s It seems as though it had never but it is uncommon to find these These included all naked-eye H in 1781. Bode called it Telescopi- heavenly flotsam and jetsam had cosmic smorgasbord, but Page from Flamsteed’s 1729 Atlas Coelestis been Flamsteed’s intention to for- star maps in color. Since none stars, as well as many telescopic um Herschelii and wedged it become both constraint and nui- rather consider it a sort of mally introduce a numbering sys- were originally printed in color, stars to eighth magnitude. He uncomfortably between the head sance for serious observers. With digital wormhole, transporting seven of which still exist today, were all shown face-on, correcting tem, as neither his 1725 Historia each individual map had to be indulgently crowded the Urano- of Castor and the right shoulder the evolution of the telescope and you back to a time when humans including Minor, Canes Ve- what he considered to be the Coelestis Britannicae catalog nor arduously hand-embellished with graphia with over 100 entirely of Auriga. As with other such the elevation of astronomy to an first gazed upon the vault of natici, and Scutum, and he was the unpardonable breach of tradition his 1729 Atlas Coelestis contain watercolors by expert artists. redesigned constellation figures heavenly curiosities, it proved esteemed discipline, star maps ul- the heavens and dreamed. And, first to incorporate into an atlas committed by Johann Bayer and numbered stars. Curiously, while These tend to be remarkable that elbowed their way around transitory and eventually disap- timately were severed from their unless you’re fortunate enough to the 341 southern stars observed perpetuated by Hevelius. Howev- Flamsteed numbers are found in works of art that only royalty the northern and southern hemi- peared. fanciful mythological underpin- live in Kansas City, jump into the by Edmund Halley in 1676. er, fairly unattractive renderings several 18th-century star catalogs or the wealthiest patrons could spheres. Bode also sandwiched According to Ashworth, nings. By the mid–19th century, Linda Hall Library’s digital collec- ach celestial atlas in the plagued his characters, which produced by others, they do not afford, generally being practical in 2,500 nebulae discovered by Johann Elert Bode’s 1801 the time had arrived for star tion – it’s the next best thing to ̨LHL collection is unique in were crude in comparison to the appear on any star maps during only for display. . E Uranographia marked the end of maps to claim their rightful place being there! ê some way and tells a story about elegance of Bayer’s. this era. In fact, the first LHL Vorstellung the era of the grand celestial at- as instruments of science (some celestial cartography’s evolu- Flamsteed’s story began 53 star maps in which Flamsteed der Gestirne, 1782 tion in artistry, accuracy, and years earlier, in 1676, when King numbers actually appear is a set Like John Flamsteed, Johann El- usefulness. In terms of original Charles II founded the Royal of six 1831 star charts titled ert Bode was an accomplished as- constellation concepts, there were Observatory at Greenwich and The Constellations. tronomer and was director of the a fair number of dead ends, as installed him as the first Astron- According to Wolfgang Observatory. Bode’s first unlikely enhancements came and omer Royal. Charles assigned Steinicke, an astrophysicist and atlas was a Flamsteed-derivative went. Commonly, the creators Flamsteed the monumental task graduate in historical astronomy, German language edition similar of star maps felt empowered to of undertaking the most precise William Herschel used a Flam- to the smaller French Fortin men- tamper with the orderliness of celestial measurements ever steed Historia Coelestis Britan- tioned above. The Vorstellung der Ptolemy’s 48 classic constella- made, with great anticipation nicae catalog and Atlas Coelestis Gestirne featured newly engraved tions. In one example, Boötes is that they might lead to the much when he conducted his observ- plates and maps of star clusters seen adorned in a winter coat sought-after solution for deter- ing campaigns of 1781–1785. and nebulae and was populated and fur hat, another cartographer mining longitude at sea. From Steinicke’s research led him to by 1,500 new stars, bringing the assumes the necessity for a new the outset, the observatory was conclude that Herschel personally total atlas count to over 4,400.

22 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 23 remains an exercise bookended by along with nearby “parallel fields” challenge and motivation. for comparison and companion Starting a century ago, just study, was allotted a large block two decades saw profound of Hubble’s time: 540 orbits, or shifts in our understanding 630 hours of imaging. MACS about space and time, from J0717 was imaged in visible light relativity and quantum mechanics by HST, in X-ray by Chandra, and to the expansion of the Universe in radio by the National Radio and the proposal of . Astronomy Observatory. In the late 1920s, Edwin Hub- A composite image of these ble, among others, showed our wavelengths shows a chaotic mix Universe to be expanding. A few of energized gas and galaxies. The Cosmic Web years later, Fritz Zwicky conjec- The brightest galaxy in the field, I LIFT MY EYES TO THE HEAVENS WHENCE COMES MY JOY tured that an unknown substance a giant elliptical, shows a set held galaxies gravitationally of bipolar radio jets similar to together within clusters. Without those of Cygnus A, proceeding it, their speed would have caused for hundreds of thousands, if not them to fly apart. Vera Rubin pro- millions, of light-years away from vided confirmation of dark matter the central galaxy. I am uncertain in the 1970s with her studies of if it is a cluster member or a galaxy rotation curves, showing Abell 2218, a rich composed of thousands of individual galaxies. It sits about foreground object. Harold Ebeling 2.1 billion light-years from the Earth ( 0.17) in the northern constellation of Draco. of the University of Hawaii, one of most galaxies were surrounded When used by astronomers as a powerful to magnify distant galaxies, the The image above, created from seven years of WMAP data, depicts the infant universe. 13.7-billion-year-old temperature fluctuations (shown as color differences) the principal investigators, stated correspond to the seeds that grew to become the galaxies. The signal from our galaxy was subtracted using multi-frequency data. by a large halo of unseen matter. cluster allows them to peer far into the Universe. However, it not only magnifies the images This image shows a temperature range of ± 200 microkelvins. Credit: NASA / WMAP Science Team. of hidden galaxies, but also distorts them into long, thin arcs. Credit: NASA, ESA, and Johan this cluster “is actively growing, The Cosmic Background Explor- Richard (Caltech, USA). Acknowledgment: Davide de Martin and James Long (ESA/Hubble). er (COBE) satellite mapped the and thus a prime target for a of Herschel to the dimensional concluded they had developed one and one-third of the total. No offer By Dave Tosteson cosmic microwave background within a billion years after the 2218, 370, and 2267. This small detailed study of the cosmic web.” filamentary cosmic network of the percent of foreseeable observa- was made in the editorial as to an 14 radiation in the early 1990s, Big Bang, and Mountain and region uses 7 x 10 solar masses he results of the COBE hat’s on the map? We can present. Our perceptions are in tional capacity to fully explore increased percentage known with revealing how tiny quantum his colleagues were unaverse to for its effect. A larger area (up to satellite in the 1990s, along W see it! On a driving trip, flux as we slowly peel back layers these phenomena. With even such current technology, as the piece T fluctuations in the early Universe using a novel technique to push 4 megaparsecs in diameter) sur- with refinements from subsequent digital car maps project positions of mystery, with representations limited ability he speculated they emphasized optimism and oppor- grew into the “web” of matter the venerable instrument further. rounds it where weak lensing can spacecraft such as the Wilkinson onto a road with minimal sights evolving to keep pace, not merely had uncovered between one-tenth tunity for future finds. Prediction seen today: strings and clusters By imaging dense galaxy clusters be studied. This phenomenon is Microwave Anisotropy Probe and markers. Since their function cater to “Have Alias, Will Travel.” of galaxies distributed along dark at medium-deep distances (5–6 determined by a statistical analy- (WMAP) and Planck, have shown is to get us safely and efficiently To paraphrase my home state’s matter filaments. Finally, the billion light-years), Hubble and its sis of the shapes and orientations the early Universe was imperfect- to a destination, the distraction of recently minted Nobel laureate, Hubble Space Telescope (HST) earthbound cousins could use the of background galaxies seen with- ly smooth. The small variations detail is minimized. “Space-times, they are a-changin’.” and large ground-based instru- magnifying effect of gravitational in the field of a galaxy cluster. in energy seen on their all-sky But when I arrive at a place, Given the vast amount of re- ments allowed detailed imaging lensing within these clusters to Dark matter’s milder distorting maps are an imprint of quantum especially a new one, I like search, studies, publications, and and spectroscopy to unearth the study galaxies from the very early effects on these galaxies allowed fluctuations in the fabric of space to get the “lay of the land.” conferences, it might seem most three-dimensional distribution Universe. MACS J0717.5+3745 is mapping this unknown substance at the time of the Big Bang. Think Maps on our handheld devices new ideas and discoveries about of galaxies and the relativistic a group of colliding galaxies at a within the cluster. In 2003, Me- of an ocean with tiny, inherent are accurate, up to date, and the Cosmos had been proposed. lensing effects of mass-bent light redshift of 0.55 (light travel time dezinski used the CLASH study ripples, never smooth even on convenient, but their small size Few things may prove more un- to map this unseen matter within 5.4 billion years) that was one of (Cluster Lensing and Supernova a windless day. As the Universe limits the scope of view, so a true. A recent editorial by David their clusters. All four of these six Hubble “Frontier Fields” used Survey with Hubble) to do a expanded, gravity acted on these large, printed version is hard to Eicher in the November 2016 revolutionary ideas combined in this capacity. HST scientists complete lensing analysis of the areas, and they grew in density beat. At a glance, one gets an im- Astronomy puts things in perspec- in a recent study of a distant studied it over several years and MACS J0717 area. As one of and mass. The Cosmos developed pression of a region to put sights tive. He recalls the proposals of metacluster of galaxies in eastern found the growing cluster to have the most dynamically disturbed a sponge-like character, with rel- in relation to one another. Maps Czech-American astronomer Mar- Auriga concerning the density several interesting properties. clusters known, it is suffused with atively empty “voids” surrounded are also history, condensations of tin Harwit from the early 1980s and shape of this unlit framework MACS J0717 is the largest energy that gives it the highest by filaments at the intersections topography through time. In them about the percentage of discov- of our Universe. known gravitational lens. X-ray temperature in the MACS of the edges of these bubbles, both, the work of those past and eries of potential astronomical att Mountain was director It appears to contain four catalog of about 124 members. evolving into what is known today 15 the dreams of the future are held. phenomena that had been made, M̨̨of the Space Telescope merging clusters, creating an At 2.8 x 10 solar masses, it is as the cosmic web. They show an understanding of a conjecture informed by experi- Science Institute in the early area just under one arcminute the most massive cluster with a These collections of matter At first glance, the scatter of pale dots on this NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope image looks redshift over 0.5, significant for place in time, no different on our ence and insight. With the forces like a snowstorm in the night sky. But almost every one of these delicate snowflakes is a 2000s and proposed using the of strong lensing. This is where are dominated by a substance planet than the utmost reach of and fields and particles known, distant galaxy in the cluster MACS J0717.5+3745 and each is home to billions of stars. This ap- HST to extend the boundaries gravity produces drawn-out arcs constraining theoretical limits of that interacts only through gravity space. In them, we have grown parently placid scene also hides a storm of epic scale. This picture shows a region where three galaxy cluster growth. the technology then available, galaxy clusters are merging and releasing enormous amounts of energy in the form of X-rays. of distance one last time. Its of background galaxies seen and emits no electromagnetic ra- from Ptolemy to Copernicus, and accounting for likely advance- These distant objects are around 5.4 billion light-years from Earth, and were imaged during the famous Deep and Ultra Deep in many of Hubble’s images of The Frontier Fields Program diation. Almost 90 percent of the and from the star-gage galaxy Massive Cluster Survey, a project to study distant clusters of galaxies using Hubble. ments in the near future, Harwit Credit: ESA/Hubble, NASA and H. Ebeling. Fields had shown us galaxies to galaxy clusters, including Abell to image these six galaxy clusters, Universe’s mass is dark matter, 24 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 25 energy produced the volcanoes, back toward us. At the tip, like a red and blue), and all the others mountains, and elevations where “J,” it started bowing back away are 18.3 or fainter. But on that gravity causes water to flow and again at its southeastern termi- morning, many fields had several Coming Events collect between them, with how nus. Its length was an astonishing galaxies readily visible, or just at forces molding the voids, dark sixty million light-years, and it the edge of averted vision. Push- MARCH 2 APRIL 12–13 matter and baryons forged galax- carried a density so high that, if ing the magnification to 650x and *Tri*Star*, Guilford Technical North Carolina Statewide Star ies in such distant clusters as the all proposed filaments were simi- beyond, over several minutes I Community College, Jamestown, Party, 40+ public skywatching Frontier Fields. lar, they would contain more than was able to count ten galaxies in North Carolina, Greensboro sessions from the North Carolina n the July 4, 2012, issue of half the mass of the Universe. the central portion of the MACS Astronomy Club and the Cline mountains to the coast. Į̨Nature, Jörg Dietrich published bserving galaxies in MACS J0717 cluster, mostly to the west Observatory. ncsciencefestival.org/starparty the first identification of a dark O J0717 has been one of my and north of the BCG, whose gtcc.edu/community- APRIL 28–MAY 5 matter filament between two observing projects, and at the coordinates are 07h 17m 37.21s, engagement/cline-observatory/ Texas Star Party, Fort Davis, Texas. galaxy clusters, Abell 222 and 2010 Okie-Tex Star Party I used +37d 44m 23.1s. I then viewed special-lectures-and-events/ texasstarparty.org 223, where Jonah stayed. Several my 32-inch f/4 reflector to view the three clumps extending to tristar.php MAY 3–5 months later Mathilde Juazac its area 6.8 degrees northwest of the southeast that populate and MARCH 30 NCRAL Convention, Moline, used weak lensing to map the Castor, and 26 arcminutes north- define the dark matter filament. All-Arizona Messier Marathon, Illinois. nightsky.jpl.nasa. dark matter in a filament extend- east of the 15th-magnitude spiral The closest of them is located 1.4 Salome Emergency Airfield, gov/event-view.cfm?Event_ ing southeast from the center of CGCG 176-34. On a below-average arcminutes east-southeast of the La Paz County, Arizona. ID=97447 the MACS J0717 cluster. Their night I was able to recover only BCG and revealed two galaxies. saguaroastro.org spectroscopic data gave redshift one galaxy, what I termed the MAY 10–13 Okie-Tex Star Party̨̨okie-tex.com The clump 4.2 arcminutes /all-arizona-messier-marathon distances to reconstruct the first Brightest Cluster Galaxy (BCG). Star Gaze XXVI, Trap Pond State southeast was the smallest of the APRIL 4–5 and researchers are vigorously structures including the highest its one-mile walking loop around three-dimensional shape of any Its actual membership in the Park, Delaware. three but showed four of its mem- Northeast Astro-Imaging attempting to discern its identity. point in Oklahoma, Black Mesa, a the monument providing elevated dark matter filament. Jean-Paul MACS cluster is unknown, but delmarvastargazers.org/event bers to me, and the largest clump Conference, Rockland Astronomy Its structure forms the backbone few miles away, to the Cimarron views of the surrounding plains. A Kneib, who was also involved in close examination of Hubble’s /star-gaze-star-party-2019 8.5 arcminutes south-southeast Club, Suffern, New York. of the Universe, causing clusters River bed. Its three-dimensional number of the over one hundred the research, stated the “chal- deep image shows circumferen- gave up six galaxies. Many of rocklandastronomy.com MAY 11 such as the Virgo structure added a layer of under- cinder cones that dot the area are lenge was to find a model of tial, strongly lensed arcs centered these 22 galaxies were seen with /neaic.html Astronomy Day, Nationwide. that includes our Milky Way, and standing harder to appreciate in visible from the edge of Capulin the cluster’s shape which fitted on it, an indication of belonging. direct vision, or within a few sec- astroleague.org/astronomyday others such as Coma and Her- flat depictions. When I recently crater, and a short, 0.2-mile all the lensing features that we For amateurs without spectro- APRIL 4–7 onds using averted vision. A few /spring cules, to coalesce. Without dark attended that star party in far trail descending 100 feet to the observed.” The conclusion of the scopic redshift data, color and Southern Star took 30–60 seconds to be certain. MAY 30–JUNE 2 matter, clusters, galaxies, and western Oklahoma near the New crater floor is accessible to those group was that the dark matter size of galaxies give limited hints Astronomy Convention, Overall, I spent about an hour 2019 Bootleg Astronomy Star we may never have had a chance Mexico and Colorado borders, I in moderate shape. It seemed a filament had a sinuous shape, about cluster membership. Since Charlotte Amateur Astronomers observing this cluster. With such Party, Green River Conservation to form before the expansion of drove the few miles to the other suitable spot to consider the jux- curving beyond the plane of the the cluster is at northern declina- Club, Little Switzerland, North a beautiful sky I closely examined Area, Harmon, Illinois. the Universe reduced the matter side of Black Mesa to the marker taposition of how Earth’s forma- cluster’s central portion as it pro- tions, I did not attempt viewing Carolina. the POSS and HST images of bootlegastronomy.com density below a critical level. where the three states meet. tion and its remnants of internal ceeded east-southeast, and then it at the 2016 Okie-Tex event, charlotteastronomers.org the area later that morning and We avoided the void. Since dark Navigating cautiously thinking I could re-observe it from /southernstar MAY 30–JUNE 2 estimated with more time likely a matter produces no light, what around the cattle that my Minnesota home. Though the Wisconsin Observers’ Weekend, dozen additional galaxies would APRIL 4–7 effects can amateurs see of this owned the road, I found the western Oklahoma site is more Hartman Creek State Park, west of have been in range. On reviewing South Jersey Astronomy Club mysterious substance? tri-state marker surrounded than one magnitude darker, the Waupaca, Wisconsin. new-star Hubble’s color image, eight of the Spring Star Party, by hills and caves and mesas seeing is more consistent at my .org/index.php?option=com_ he town of Kenton, Oklahoma, 22 galaxies I viewed were red in Belleplain, New Jersey. in a region of historically home during the fall. I was about content&view=category&layout T sits a half mile or so west color, with the others appearing sjac.us/starparty.html diverse geologic activity. to get a lesson on persistence. = blog&id=38&Itemid=82 of the Okie-Tex Star Party. Its blue or white. APRIL 5 As I placed my hand on this With the target placed at eighty highlight is the town museum, in Pickett Astronomy Day, MAY 30–JUNE 4 spot, I mulled the intersection of degrees elevation, I awoke at 4 a house where its curator, Fannie Our visual and cognitive Pickett-Pogue Dark Sky Park, Logan Valley Star Party, Malheur culture, history, and topography a.m. on October 9, 2016, to a Jones, lived as a child nearly nine maps of the Universe have Jamestown, Tennessee, National Forest, Oregon. coming together as might three perfect sky. The stars were rock decades ago and again for many added a piece, an extrusion tnstateparks.com/events sites.google.com/view voids to form a galaxy cluster. steady to near the horizon, and years after she was married. It is of knowledge about the /details/#/?event /loganvalleystarparty the windless and moonless night framework on which galaxies studded with fascinating artifacts, cross the border in New =night-sky-program-3-8-19 MAY 31–JUNE 2 offered only a hint of humidity. I are constructed. It is, in several including Civil War–era wedding Ą̨Mexico lays the Raton– Michiana Star Party 11, set up my large reflector, and, af- ways, a foundational discovery APRIL 6–7 dresses, photographs of the area Clayton volcanic field, a pictur- Dr. T. K. Lawless Park, Michigan. ter collimating and recovering the to be built upon. I experienced Northeast Astronomy Forum through the Dust Bowl years, and esque region encompassing the michiana-astro.org even dinosaur track casts. She Sierra Grande shield volcano field, my first look in the eyepiece a profound excitement to have and Solar Star Party, Rockland emphatically stated the popula- at 8720 feet and the young, was stunning. caught the tiniest thread of this Astronomy Club, Suffern, New JUNE 8 tion of Kenton was 19, not 20! steep-sided Capulin Monument n the Palomar Observatory web in the eyepiece and hope, like York. rocklandastronomy.com Apollo Rendezvous, The map on the wall was a plastic cinder cone. Dated at 60,000 Ǫ̨Sky Survey (POSS) plates Harwit, to glimpse many more /neaf.html Dayton, Ohio. relief-type, showing elevations years old, this area was a worthy (second version, red), the BCG discoveries that transcend our mvas.org ² of the surrounding geologic day trip from the star party, with Capulin Volcano National Monument Credit: R.D. Miller, USGS - USGS Photographic Library is magnitude 17.5 (average of current comprehension. ê 26 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE 27

ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL Coming Events, Continued SOCIETY GALLERY OF CANADA JUNE 22–29 Canada's Astronomy Club Grand Canyon Star Party: North Rim, Fredonia, Arizona. saguaroastro.org Jeffrey O. Johnson League Sales is /grand-canyon-star-party JUNE 26–29 (Astronomical Society THE place to Green Bank Star Quest XVI, of Las Cruces) took Green Bank National Radio Observatory, get your West Virginia. greenbankstarquest.org this image of M33 JUNE 26–30 from his backyard 2019 RASC Rocky Mountain Star Stare, Gardner, in Las Cruces, Colorado. rmss.org New Mexico, Observer's JULY 25–29 ALCon, Kennedy Space Center, Florida. with a Takahashi Handbook astroleague.org TOA-130F refractor AUGUST 1–4 and Calendar! with a QSI 590wsg Stellafane Convention, Breezy Hill, Springfield, Vermont. stellafane.org CCD camera. SEPTEMBER 19–22 $24 each + shipping; RTMC Astronomy Expo, YMCA Camp Oakes, Big Bear City, California. for orders of 12 or more rtmcastronomyexpo.org – $23 each with free shipping!

An exciting GAM is just around the corner, join the party and register your event in this year’s special Apollo100 celebration! Bill Neubert Global Astronomy Month (Astronomical Society Quantities are limited!! of Eastern Missouri) took this image of April 2019 NGC 2403 from Buford $18 each + shipping; for orders of 12 or more www.gam-awb.org Mountain Conser- – $17 each vation Area using a with free shipping! Plus! Celestron C6-N (f/5, Explore the Universe Guide 750 mm) with a QSI Perfect for those who 683wsg-8 camera. are learning their way around the night sky. $20 each + shipping One Sky, One People All Gallery photos Place your order at © their named One Sky, One People creators League Sales One People, One Sky https://store.astroleague.org One Sky, One People

28 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 GALLERY ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE ONLINE SALES All h cool o a a orearoeageorg The Astronomical League online store utilizes secure shopping cart technology and accepts credit cards. Shipping & handling (S&H) is calculated at checkout. Merchandise is also available by mail order: Terry Hancock choose your items, add the applicable S&H fee, and mail your order with check to: roomia Leage ae, 9201 ar ara, ie 100, aa Ci, O 64114 (Western Colorado If you have questions about the merchandise, or discounts on bulk orders, please call Astronomy Club) took the League office, 816-DEEP-SKY, or email [email protected]. this deep image of ASTRONOMICAL M45 from Grand Mesa 50 OFF SALE LEAGUE CANVAS ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE HANDBOO FOR BASEBALL HAT Observatory using a TOTE BAG ASTRONOMY EDUCATORS NATURAL & ROYAL BLUE EMBROIDERED LOGO, A COURSE PLANNING GUIDE ADJUSTABLE; ROYAL BLUE, Takahashi FSQ-130 $12 PLUS $6 S&H 5.5” X 7.25” MAROON, KHAKI, NAVY; REGULARLY $12, NOW 6 $16 PLUS $5 S&H with a QHY367C PLUS $2 S&H camera. ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE SPORTSMANS BUCET HAT EMBROIDERED LOGO, ONE GUIDE TO SIZE; KHAKI ONLY THE STARS 50 OFF SALE $22 PLUS $5 S&H 16INCH OBSERVE ECLIPSES PLANISPHERE NEXT TOTAL SOLAR $21 PLUS ECLIPSE IS JULY 2! $8 S&H REGULARLY $18, ASTRONOMICAL LEAGUE NOW 9 COFFEE MUG (CERAMIC) PLUS $3 S&H $12 PLUS $6 S&H


30 REFLECTOR ✶ MARCH 201 9 THE ASTRONOMICAL L EAGUE 31 Membership Secretary NON-PROFIT Astronomical League ORGANIZATION National Office U .S . POSTAGE 9201 Ward Parkway, Suite 100 PAID Kansas City, MO 64114 TUCSON, AZ #271