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~elJlpl e ,B;' th- SL ff . ~~ ,.. .cl!'N:: '(, 2:!IT c, ~Broad & Glenham StG . Providence , K. I . THE JEWISH HERALD Vol. XII, No. 5 PROVIDENC13/ , R. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 5 Cents the Copy NOTABLES ATTEND Will Retell Rescue Hundreds InJured in Riots STRAUS FUNERAL More Than 2,000 Mourners · Through Jewish Districts Fill Temple Black Shirt Head Xe,,· York (WNS)-),frs. Franklin LOCAL B'NAI B'RITH POLICE BAN PARADE; D. Roosen~lt, Go1·crnor Herbert H. Lehman of New York. Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City and DISCUSSES PLANS Andre de l.aboulaye, French Ambas AVERT BLOODSHED sador to the United States. were among the notables who attended the Banquet Is Arranged For funeral rites for Jesse I sidor Straus, Commissioner Disregards former American Ambassador Richard E. Gutstadt Frauce and until a few years ago the Pleas of Five Mayors president of R. H. ).[acy and Com- On :\fonday, October 26, Richard E. pa(i;hers among the 2,000 mourners i?:,~s~~~:•gt~/c~~i~; sp~;kt~~ a -~;~1!;~~n~f London (W NS)-Deeply stirred b y who filled Temple Emanu-El, where the 1-fnai Jfrith, following a b"'anquet the narrow avoidance of what would Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson conduct- tendered in his honor. ha\·c been Eng\and"s bloodiest rio t had 11ot a huge mass dcmoustration of Sir :~11 :~~v~~n~~a:h:eO'!;~;eof rs~~:: A regular business meeting of the Oswald Mosley's Fascist blackshirt legions through the crowded Jewish of Harvard, Mr. Straus' alma mater, ~;!~:::;•t0;;1e\\:~di~~~1u~ai: th~l~:1~y 1 districts of London's East End been o f th: State Chamber of_ C_?1111~ erce c;ommand~r Edward Ellsb!rg, naval for Aged, where the gene ral program prohibited by the police at the last and 01 the New York busme~_s .''.~or,id~ officer, engm~er an~ contributor to ior the coming ,car wa s discussed. moment, British public and official ~ fea~ur~ of ~h~,/~~~ra,t~~~;,1cl.,igl~at many magazines, will speak before Tickets to t?1e banquet for i\lr. opinion are looking to Parliament and th! t~{i~~fano hyn~n which was su·u·g i:ili~t:rsae~n~e~~:sgu~f ~~en d~;~~~~ ~~11t:adt3g1~l- b~ ohtain1~ from Jose';.ih the Cabinet to take immCdiate meas o n the_ Titanic_when it s~n_k, with '.\fr. ning, in the Temple Ve~uy_. ,~::~-it Falk.~~i iai~~!stmi:~~~~r o;treet: ures to put an end to Fascist violence Straus parent:, among 1b lost pas- Commander Ell sberg will be rt- Admittance for '.\[r. Gm,;;tadt"s ta lk is and intimidation. Although the parade was call ed off, sengers. 24 years ago. :;~~ 11~~~;1~1dart:!\3-11~r~-J~tcte /;:sr~~te 1~! free. sc,·eral hundred persons were injured, many seriously, and about 80 arrested 100,000 Jews Quit ;:•1i~~/~1tt~ht~c;:~~1d,~.ri"1 b~1~~!~~~'1lpi~f Americans Have Invested ------------ when a militant throng of 100,000 anti• Fascists jammed c,·ecy stmt in the Germany Since 1933 ;1~te~t:~ei}it1~r~i1:11;}t1~c~u~:~~1ber is 33 Million in Palestine REFUGEE RABBI Is East End. prepared to block the Fas- Geneva (\·VNS)-Sin,e the ad\·ent ____________ cist;:' march if the po)ice permitted it. of the Nazi regime 11 5.000 refugees . k S . DEAD IN PALESTINE \Yarned for weeks of impending have fled from Germany. it was an- ha~ti;we~~:d· $}3~°6Qf}.~bo~f~;;:e$JQS,~ trouble, the Commissioner of Police nounccd here by Sir Keil '.\laicolm. NAZI EDITORS FACE 0OO.000 \\"hich is estimated to have a11d the Home Office had ignored the 1 !-reaf~~e Go:n~:~ioR!f~~:~:_c,~.;~~;!ss1~f~ 1~ been invested in Palestine_ or. spent in Jer~tsale1~1 (WNS-Palcor Agency)-: t~~s b~frot~\t~~o~!n°~h~h~:1~~ 11 ~:!~ N y LIBEL ACTION the furtherance of the Z1omst cause, Dr. J:.phraim Karlbach, former Rabbi . I_ h g t I d th h 1 5 1 1 1 t:a:1~~:~:~1i~~eiJ,}g~f:!~1!~~~~ ii~ 1~:~i • • '.t:1 erii~i,arc:~1s~J ;~~rr~~ i;;~asl;s~r~~: te 'i;~rt~~n~~rt:~;~•y l~~:r:i;iti\~:~i~; ~~~;~!fl;~~il;:~~::f 1::;~r:~e~~~~t~~u~l - number were l00,000 jews. J0,000 oi 1'.1 a rnessa~e addressed to Nathan educa!1011al work among Jewish .ch1l- A ,;,a~ii:i b . ·ceor e Lansbur whom have settled in Palestine. :"\cw 't'ork ( \V:"\S) - Theodore S!r'.1u s, cha1~n:an of the Ne,,· Y_ork dr7n tn Germany, P oland and Litl;u- l.ahor Icade~ a~ pctitio~ signed l'. There arc s ti11 25.000 Jewish refugees Schrader and \ Valier K_appe, editor;: of L111tcd Palc~tiue Appea l, for pubilca- arna. He was once head of a Jewish 100000 .( c;1s and the plea- of Jew in the various emigrc centers, Sir Xeil the Deu~scher \.Yeck ru! and Beo bac!~- tion in the year_ book to be issu_ed on hi~h sch?o! in Leipzig wbi~l~ trained ish. or a~:i~:tion~ also went' :mheCded~ said. His report indica ted that in ad- tcr. ~azi org:in. ,n•r~ parol_~d un~il October 28th w1th the presentation of children 111 the H~brew trad1t1011 from T!, g. I _ . , l I II dition to the refugees who went to qctob~r 2nd by '.\lag1 .s tratc l·arre\1 m the _Night of Stars. ,f.,ss:rting tl!at kindergarten to college._ . io~ic:01~::,t~m~;td ~~1~:;t~t~~l~~ntl~ee~r:a 1 Palestine 200 refugees \ierc sent 10 \ orkvi\le Conn after they \\ere ar- Chn,tendom has an 1ne~capable rn- A graduate of the Hildesheim Rab- ,- ! w 000 bs bl. other countries every month. ra1gned on a charge ot libel preferred tfr~si;· in f5s~st~;g {~w~ to I reb~1ild tinita\ Seminar~\ it Berlin. ]Df/. ~ar\- \\"l~~o~~nce a:p;~crs~d una\·oidable when 1 1 1 1 ~!~~];\'er ~t[) 0 ~;-th{a(~ar;~~_r:b~:.~~1e;~ :t~t/~;:~et ~} ~1/~ ~-o0,o;0~s}:~~! \1~~~ni~; _E~,~:ernwE.~1ro;•i ~/t; ;om\~~~~/~~_1 ~,~'.~ the assembled Fascis~s fo~md . t~1e1r Women Pioneer Convention and assis tant to Joseph Ridder, head of l~a_lest1ne !< o me 10,000 are American ~sh sc holar. He was a lead111g hg11re r?ule of marsh blo,ke? b) anli-Fas- thc German divisioB of the Democratic c1t1ze11s. m the extreme O rthodox branch of c1st s. Long bcf'?re th~ time set for the In Boston, October 15-18 ::\lational Committee. the Jc.wi sh comnrnnity, the Agudath 1~arade the a11tt-Fasc1~ts crowded the :'lliss \·Vurzburger cl1arged that the M , Cl b S k I srael. Following the ach-cnt of the l11!e of m.,:1rcl~ , determmed 1~ o t to per- The Women Pioneer Club wiil ho ld paper·s last issue co ntained a story al- en S U pea er H itler rc_gime in Germany. Or. Karl- 1111 1 the l·~s~1st_ ,dcmonst~ation. it s next meeting Monday afternoon at leging that s he had becit expelled from bach emigrated from Germany to All tl!e ~mJl!ncs w~re ~ufferc~l wh<!.I 2 o'clock at Arcadia Hall. 109 Vlash- Hunter College i11 1934 for Comnmnist 1-'a"lesti ne, where he lived until his the a11t1-l•asc_1s ts re.<: 1sted poli ce _at- ingto n street. ?\-!rs. \1/i!liam Strong, acti,·ities and that her mother was a death. tempts to d1s1~erse. them. :-\ bnc,k who recently returned from a year's Jewess a nd a secret agent o f the Con- ----- smashed the w111dsh1.eld of_ ~-fosle_y s : : ~ ~/1or~1~~~:~f~1~il:ngi,·;;1;~;ti:;~~)re~\ r;~t~11~:;\ca~101\~~:::.ft~e s'.o ~i11~tW~~~= Irving Thalberg Leaves car and narrowly 1111s sccl hittmg 111111. H~~arly tC1~;ct1~ h!~~!~ ~~- with '.\fr s. ~~:~~:/leclared she 11cl"cr attended $10,QOO,OOO Estate WHO'S WHO LISTS EINSTEIN Plans are being completed for the Los Angeles ( W NS)-Thc late Irv- Chicago (WNS)-Pro fessor Albert Con vention of the Wome11 Pioneer JEWISH LEADER D I ES ing Thalberg, 37-year-olcl production Einstein moved another step forward Organization to be he!d October 15-18 Rome (W)l"S)-Angelo Sercni, one chief of Metro-Goldwyn•Mayer, left an toward beco ming an American when at the Statler H otel 111 Bosto11. The of the outstanding Jews of modern estate valued at $10,000,000, the bulk of the 1936-37 edition of ""Wh o":- \ Vito in which was bequeathed to his wife, Nor- America'· includecl his name for the t~~ef;~fl~ip:~e M~:~ae:seh;~ ~r;;~a, A~~ : !::r;11i~a~~~~n~~~-e·stc::;e~,::~se~h~fo:i;~ ma Shearer, the ac tress, it was re- firs t time. Professor Einstein, who has thur Ko rman; the alternates arc Mes- Jew to receive fro m the Vat ica11 1l;c vealed when hi s wi ll was filed for pro- li,·ed in this co11111ry since 19:!J. has ~lam_e s H enry Burt, L. Sher man, Ben- ;.Order l\•laurizio". He was a lso a bate. taken out his firs t citizenship papers. Ja mrn Rakatansky and Henry Chact.