~elJlpl e ,B;' th- SL ff . ~~ ,.. .cl!'N:: '(, 2:!IT c, ~Broad & Glenham StG . Providence , K. I . THE JEWISH HERALD Vol. XII, No. 5 PROVIDENC13/ , R. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 5 Cents the Copy NOTABLES ATTEND Will Retell Rescue Hundreds InJured in Riots STRAUS FUNERAL More Than 2,000 Mourners · Through Jewish Districts Fill Temple Black Shirt Head Xe,,· York (WNS)-),frs. Franklin LOCAL B'NAI B'RITH POLICE BAN PARADE; D. Roosen~lt, Go1·crnor Herbert H. Lehman of . Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City and DISCUSSES PLANS Andre de l.aboulaye, French Ambas­ AVERT BLOODSHED sador to the United States. were among the notables who attended the Banquet Is Arranged For funeral rites for Jesse I sidor Straus, Commissioner Disregards former American Ambassador Richard E. Gutstadt Frauce and until a few years ago the Pleas of Five Mayors president of R. H. ).[acy and Com- On :\fonday, October 26, Richard E. pa(i;hers among the 2,000 mourners i?:,~s~~~:•gt~/c~~i~; sp~;kt~~ a -~;~1!;~~n~f London (W NS)-Deeply stirred b y who filled Temple Emanu-El, where the 1-fnai Jfrith, following a b"'anquet the narrow avoidance of what would Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson conduct- tendered in his honor. ha\·c been Eng\and"s bloodiest rio t had 11ot a huge mass dcmoustration of Sir :~11 :~~v~~n~~a:h:eO'!~:sr.tm~;~;eof rs~~:: A regular business meeting of the Oswald Mosley's Fascist blackshirt legions through the crowded Jewish of Harvard, Mr. Straus' alma mater, ~;!~:::;•t0;;1e\\:~di~~~1u~ai: th~l~:1~y 1 districts of London's East End been o f th: State Chamber of_ C_?1111~ erce c;ommand~r Edward Ellsb!rg, naval for Aged, where the gene ral program prohibited by the police at the last and 01 the New York busme~_s .''.~or,id~ officer, engm~er an~ contributor to ior the coming ,car wa s discussed. moment, British public and official ~ fea~ur~ of ~h~,/~~~ra,t~~~;,1cl.,igl~at many magazines, will speak before Tickets to t?1e banquet for i\lr. opinion are looking to Parliament and th! t~{i~~fano hyn~n which was su·u·g i:ili~t:rsae~n~e~~:sgu~f ~~en d~;~~~~ ~~11t:adt3g1~l- b~ ohtain1~ from Jose';.ih the Cabinet to take immCdiate meas­ o n the_ Titanic_when it s~n_k, with '.\fr. ning, in the Temple Ve~uy_. ,~::~-it Falk.~~i iai~~!stmi:~~~~r o;treet: ures to put an end to Fascist violence Straus parent:, among 1b lost pas- Commander Ell sberg will be rt- Admittance for '.\[r. Gm,;;tadt"s ta lk is and intimidation. Although the parade was call ed off, sengers. 24 years ago. :;~~ 11~~~;1~1dart:!\3-11~r~-J~tcte /;:sr~~te 1~! free. sc,·eral hundred persons were injured, many seriously, and about 80 arrested 100,000 Jews Quit ;:•1i~~/~1tt~ht~c;:~~1d,~.ri"1 b~1~~!~~~'1lpi~f Americans Have Invested ------when a militant throng of 100,000 anti• Fascists jammed c,·ecy stmt in the Germany Since 1933 ;1~te~t:~ei}it1~r~i1:11;}t1~c~u~:~~1ber is 33 Million in Palestine REFUGEE RABBI Is East End. prepared to block the Fas- Geneva (\·VNS)-Sin,e the ad\·ent ______cist;:' march if the po)ice permitted it. of the Nazi regime 11 5.000 refugees . k S . DEAD IN PALESTINE \Yarned for weeks of impending have fled from Germany. it was an- ha~ti;we~~:d· $}3~°6Qf}.~bo~f~;;:e$JQS,~ trouble, the Commissioner of Police nounccd here by Sir Keil '.\laicolm. NAZI EDITORS FACE 0OO.000 \\"hich is estimated to have a11d the Home Office had ignored the 1 !-reaf~~e Go:n~:~ioR!f~~:~:_c,~.;~~;!ss1~f~ 1~ been invested in Palestine_ or. spent in Jer~tsale1~1 (WNS-Palcor Agency)-: t~~s b~frot~\t~~o~!n°~h~h~:1~~ 11 ~:!~ N y LIBEL ACTION the furtherance of the Z1omst cause, Dr. J:.phraim Karlbach, former Rabbi . I_ h g t I d th h 1 5 1 1 1 t:a:1~~:~:~1i~~eiJ,}g~f:!~1!~~~~ ii~ 1~:~i • • '.t:1 erii~i,arc:~1s~J ;~~rr~~ i;;~asl;s~r~~: te 'i;~rt~~n~~rt:~;~•y l~~:r:i;iti\~:~i~; ~~~;~!fl;~~il;:~~::f 1::;~r:~e~~~~t~~u~l - number were l00,000 jews. J0,000 oi 1'.1 a rnessa~e addressed to Nathan educa!1011al work among Jewish .ch1l- A ,;,a~ii:i b . ·ceor e Lansbur whom have settled in Palestine. :"\cw 't'ork ( \V:"\S) - Theodore S!r'.1u s, cha1~n:an of the Ne,,· Y_ork dr7n tn Germany, P oland and Litl;u- l.ahor Icade~ a~ pctitio~ signed l'. There arc s ti11 25.000 Jewish refugees Schrader and \ Valier K_appe, editor;: of L111tcd Palc~tiue Appea l, for pubilca- arna. He was once head of a Jewish 100000 .( c;1s and the plea- of Jew in the various emigrc centers, Sir Xeil the Deu~scher \.Yeck ru! and Beo bac!~- tion in the year_ book to be issu_ed on hi~h sch?o! in Leipzig wbi~l~ trained ish. or a~:i~:tion~ also went' :mheCded~ said. His report indica ted that in ad- tcr. ~azi org:in. ,n•r~ parol_~d un~il October 28th w1th the presentation of children 111 the H~brew trad1t1011 from T!, g. I _ . , l I II dition to the refugees who went to qctob~r 2nd by '.\lag1 .s tratc l·arre\1 m the _Night of Stars. ,f.,ss:rting tl!at kindergarten to college._ . io~ic:01~::,t~m~;td ~~1~:;t~t~~l~~ntl~ee~r:a 1 Palestine 200 refugees \ierc sent 10 \ orkvi\le Conn after they \\ere ar- Chn,tendom has an 1ne~capable rn- A graduate of the Hildesheim Rab- ,- ! w 000 bs bl. other countries every month. ra1gned on a charge ot libel preferred tfr~si;· in f5s~st~;g {~w~ to I reb~1ild tinita\ Seminar~\ it Berlin. ]Df/. ~ar\- \\"l~~o~~nce a:p;~crs~d una\·oidable when 1 1 1 1 ~!~~];\'er ~t[) 0 ~;-th{a(~ar;~~_r:b~:.~~1e;~ :t~t/~;:~et ~} ~1/~ ~-o0,o;0~s}:~~! \1~~~ni~; _E~,~:ernwE.~1ro;•i ~/t; ;om\~~~~/~~_1 ~,~'.~ the assembled Fascis~s fo~md . t~1e1r Women Pioneer Convention and assis tant to Joseph Ridder, head of l~a_lest1ne !< o me 10,000 are American ~sh sc holar. He was a lead111g hg11re r?ule of marsh blo,ke? b) anli-Fas- thc German divisioB of the Democratic c1t1ze11s. m the extreme O rthodox branch of c1st s. Long bcf'?re th~ time set for the In Boston, October 15-18 ::\lational Committee. the Jc.wi sh comnrnnity, the Agudath 1~arade the a11tt-Fasc1~ts crowded the :'lliss \·Vurzburger cl1arged that the M , Cl b S k I srael. Following the ach-cnt of the l11!e of m.,:1rcl~ , determmed 1~ o t to per- The Women Pioneer Club wiil ho ld paper·s last issue co ntained a story al- en S U pea er H itler rc_gime in Germany. Or. Karl- 1111 1 the l·~s~1st_ ,dcmonst~ation. . it s next meeting Monday afternoon at leging that s he had becit expelled from bach emigrated from Germany to All tl!e ~mJl!ncs w~re ~ufferc~l wh

H~~arly tC1~;ct1~ h!~~!~ ~~- with '.\fr s. ~~:~~:/leclared she 11cl"cr attended $10,QOO,OOO Estate WHO'S WHO LISTS EINSTEIN Plans are being completed for the Los Angeles ( W NS)-Thc late Irv- Chicago (WNS)-Pro fessor Albert Con vention of the Wome11 Pioneer JEWISH LEADER D I ES ing Thalberg, 37-year-olcl production Einstein moved another step forward Organization to be he!d October 15-18 Rome (W)l"S)-Angelo Sercni, one chief of Metro-Goldwyn•Mayer, left an toward beco ming an American when at the Statler H otel 111 Bosto11. The of the outstanding Jews of modern estate valued at $10,000,000, the bulk of the 1936-37 edition of ""Wh o":- \ Vito in which was bequeathed to his wife, Nor- America'· includecl his name for the t~~ef;~fl~ip:~e M~:~ae:seh;~ ~r;;~a, A~~ : !::r;11i~a~~~~n~~~-e·stc::;e~,::~se~h~fo:i;~ ma Shearer, the ac tress, it was re- firs t time. Professor Einstein, who has thur Ko rman; the alternates arc Mes- Jew to receive fro m the Vat ica11 1l;c vealed when hi s wi ll was filed for pro- li,·ed in this co11111ry since 19:!J. has ~lam_e s H enry Burt, L. Sher man, Ben- ;.Order l\•laurizio". He was a lso a bate. taken out his firs t citizenship papers. Ja mrn Rakatansky and Henry Chact. Gra11d Officer o f the l talia11 army. H adassah Begins Season To Award $50 Cash Prizes Tuesday With Luncheon In Community Fund Contest 11 0 be l\':1~:~rJ~~ i}\ 1~; tects~~1~:~ztss p~::~ 6. Letters must be signed with 0 1 2 11 d th tio;;'.",\t\~:~:e~ii~~1~ai:~d {11 ~~1/ /~~e ~f im_ 1937, the 50,000-membcrship Jubilee sored by the J ewish Commuuity Cen- your full name, address, age, au e disturbed conditions in the H oly Land, clrtvc. 1:nrnchc~\ last y~:i.r. l~lans _for the James G. McDonald, fo rmer League tcr on the subject, "\.Vhat the Pro\·i- r ;ne 1°\ your Sun:ar or Hcbrtw 100 Providence Chapter of H adassah will loc~l Cl~aptcr ~ part1c1p:1llon 111 the o f Nations High Commissioner for dcncc Communit y Fune\ Docs for Us ·/ bt I you attcn • or your c ub swing into a new and busier .-, easo n of na1 1onw1dc search for_ 13,000 uew

Vol. XII, No. 5 PROVIDENCE/, R. I. , FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 5 Cents the Copy NOTABLES ATTEND Will Retell Rescue Hundreds lnj-ured in Riots STRAUS FUNERAL

More Than 2,000 Mourners · Through Jewish Districts Fill Temple Black Shirt Head New York (WNS)-1\frs. Franklin LOCAL B'NAI B'RITH D. Roose,·e lt, Governor Herbert H. POLICE BAN PARADE; Lehman of New York. i\fayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City and DISCUSSES PLANS Andre de Laboulaye, French Ambas­ AVERT BLOODSHED sador to the United States, were among the notables who attended the Banquet Is Arranged For funeral rites for Jesse Isidor Straus, Commissioner Disregards former American Ambassador to Richard E. Gutstadt France and until a few years ago the Pleas of Five Mayors president of R. H. i\facy and Com- On l\fonday, October 26, Richard E . pa6~hcrs among the 2,000 mourners ,9~~~st~!·gt~tc:w~ sp~;kt~~ a ~;~1!;~~11if Londo n (WNS)-Deep!y stirred by who filled Temple Emanu-E!, where the B'nai Jrrith, following a lfu"nquet the narrow avoidance of what would Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson conduct- tendered in his honor. ha\·e been England's bloodiest riot had 1101 a huge mass demonstration of Sir :~11:~:iv~~n~?~h!eD'!~:s;tm~.!~;eof rs:~~~~ A regular business meeting of the Oswald i\'1o sley's fascist b!ackshirt of H arvard, Mr. Stralls' alma mate.r. /~~dl~~~t~ai} th~,LH 1ity legio ns through the crowded Jewish ~~~~;::~•tt:;1 distric ts of Lo ndon's East End been 11 ~i~d tl~f t~~atNe~ht~~tb t~!i 11 ; 5~ \~~e:i~~ otr?c°er;:m:~:f~e! d:~~d !~~~f~~t o~av~ fo r Aged w here the general p rogram prohibited by the police at the last 1 mo ment, British public and official A fcatur~ of th~, funerat .scrv1ce~ wa~ m any magazines, will speak before ior,}~:et~oi~~ngt{~~.tr ~ 1i:edMr. b~; 1 1t1:;c~ opinion are looking to Parliament and 1 1 :~: tt~~~faithy1~;~t~w1~~ ~1dl~:a.!~ t:-1~'g ;:t~~t:tac~nte~~:s~slu~~ ~~end~-;r~e~~ Gutstadt may be obtained fro m J oseph the Cabinet to take inunc.diate meas­ ures to put an end to Fascist violence on the T1tamc when it s~nk, with ~fr. ning, in the Temple Vestry. :}:~~i~· /:lk~~iha~~~sti!:/~~;~r o;tre~: and intimidation. Straus' parents among its lost pas- Commander F. ll sberg will be re- Admittance for :\fr. Gutstadt's talk is sengers. 24 years ago. membered as the hero of the rescue of free. Although the parade was called o ff, the .<=ub marine S-51 \\'hich .<= torv he se\'eral hundred persons were injured, 100,000 Jews Quit will relate on :\fo11day. :\l oti o:; pic- many serious ly, and about 80 arrested t11 res o f the re,:.c uc will he sho wn o f Americans Have Invested ------when a militant th rong of 100,000 anti- Germany Since 1933 the entire Operation. Each member is Fascists jammed every street in the asked to inviti.: O llC male gue:-t. 33 Million in Palestine REFUGEE RABBI Is East End. p,cpa,cd to block the Fas- Geneva (WNS)-Sinre the ad\'ent ______cis ts' marc h if the po)ice permitted it.

1 1 ~~v:h~e~a[~io1~tg~~:m;:1~:~0i~ ~\~!~tg~~~ NAZI EDITORS FACE ~cw York (WNS) - A:11e~1Qgs DEAD IN PALESTINE 1r d~i1 ~ :e;~efoCo,~~~f;s~o11~~ ~f pe;iit~! nounccd here by Sir Neil i\lalcolm. ~~·.toi~H'~\~l~~~!h$~~,0~~;1~~at~~I t ~~ ha;; and the Home Office had ignored the 11 0 ~~eaf~~e c:r::t~ioR! f~~:~~. c~,;:~:1!ss1~f~~~ been invested in Palesti1~e. or. spent in Jer~1s ale 1~1 ( WNS- P alcor Agency)-;- t~~s b~frot~ieh~ ~; ~:n°~h~hde~~n~::~ the furtherance of the Z1omst cause, Dr. Ephraim Karlbach, former Rabbi • 1 • h g t I d th h fi~; ~~\:'!i~~r'~~c 1:;f~g~~~~l~~~~~l ~f ~;~ N Y LIBEL ACTION it is declared by George Wads worth, oi Leipzig, Germa ny, ha:, died here. \\~;\ W~lC JWSt o tav:nrs~~dgat~ou~ l League's Assembly. I ncluded in this • • ;A m erican consul general in Palestine, He ha? been for many years ?ctivc .in l~e;:~i~c, ap: ;ubt;~nJ~wish areas. ' number were I00.000 few s. 30.000 o i 1'.1 a mcssa~e addressed to N athan educa~10nal work among Jewish .chd- <\ /ar~ti;i b . Geo r e Lansbur who m have settled in Palestine. New '{o rk ( \.Y l\ S) _ Theodore Straus. cha1rmao of the New Y ork dren Ill Germany, P oland and L1thu- 1 ·1 1 I g ) t't' g . d { ' T! ·n r000 I · l f Schrader and \Valter h'.appe. editor s of L'nited Palestine Appeal, for publica- ania. He was once head of a Jewish iQ~Jgooe~c.er, a ~e \ 1011 l signef J Y in tl~;r~a~rin~t1emi~rc cC1~;~~"s: S~t~t:i~ the Deu~ schcr Wcckruf and P,eo bach.- tion i11 the year. book to be issu.ed Oil hi~h sch?o! in Leipzig whi~l) trained is lt ·or a~:f~:~;~ n:nals~l~\·~n~a ~ntieeJ;~~ said. His report indicated that in ad- ter. Nazi organ, wer~ paroled llll!!l October 28th w1th the presen.ta t1on of cl11ldren 111 the Ht brew trad1t10 11 from Tl . g . l \ ' . r 1 1 d II dition to the refugees wh o went to (?ctob~r Zn~I hy :\ lag1 :- tra1c Farrell m the .Night of Stars. ,:,'ss~rtmg tl!at kindergarten to college.. . o~ic:~~:~:t1:;1\1 ~~1;:;1~nd~~1 ti~/ ar:a Palestine 200 refugees were sent to )' ?rkville Coon after th~y \\'ere ar- ~ 1;:~)~1~~ o ~~ si~~i~1;11Je\~~e~~~pa~!bui~1d bi1~c:rai~:~1l~a~~ te l~~~:~~hDt : ~1;~~ ~•ith 5.000 b\bbies. 0 th 1 1 er countries C\'e ry m onth. :~,~ 1~:~I ~l:c~ncl;;/g)a~te li~{\1~;b:t:;:;'. their homeland. Mr. Wadsworth point- bach was well-kno wn througho ut Violence appe~red.una\·oidable when daughter of Do ro thy \•Varing. a writer ed out t hat of the 400,000 Jews now in Eastern Europe as a prominent Jew- the a :>sc mbled l•asc1sts found . their Women Pioneer Convention and assistant 10 Joseph Ri dder. head o f Palestine some 10.000 a rc Amer ican ish scholar. He was a leading figure route of marrh bloc-kc? hr ant1-Fas- the German divis ion of the Democratic, ci ti zens. in the extreme Orthodox branch of cists. Lo ng before the time set for the In Boston, October 15-18 N:itional Committee. the J~wish co mmnnity, the Agudath parade the anti- Fascists crowded the :\!iss \.Yurzhu rger ch arged that the M , Cl b S k I srael. Following the adHnt of the line of march, determined not to per- The W omen Pio ne er Cl ub wiil ho ld paper·s la st issue contained a story a l- en S U pea er H itler regime in Germany. Dr. Karl- mit the F<_l s~is~ demonstratio n. its next mee ting Monday afternoon at leging that she had bee1t expelled from bach emigrated from Germany to All tl!e 1t1J1~ries w<: re suffere~L whea 1 11 1 2 o'clock at A rcadia H all. 109 \.Ya sh- Hunter College in 193• for Communis1 r:~~l~~ine, where he lived until his :~ ~1~~~ 1-;:isJi':l~~r;~.<= ~\~~~. P~~ic\r i~t 1 1 0 ~~~o,~c~:~~t~~ ~!~~~ne1tii:~ a S ~~;;~~~ j ~!~~~tt! 11 :i11: 5t~~~~t h:~e1\ ; ~t1~1e'\:~11~ smashed the windshield o f Mosley's : !~~t~r~~~~~f~,~illngiv~~;;~tt:;~1.)fe~ fr~:t~;:;~lc~101~~~;it:ft1e s'. o }{\ ~;·ett~~~~ Irving Thalberg Leaves car and narro wly mi ssed hitting him. social hour will fo ll o w. with Mrs. burger declared she ne1·cr a ttended $10,Q00,000 Estate H enry Chaet as hostess. Hunter. WHO'S WHO LISTS E INSTEIN Plans are being completed for the Los Angeles (WNS)-T he late I rv- Chicago ( \VNS)-Profcssor Albert Con ve nti on of the W o men Pioneer JEWISH L E ADER DIES ing Tha lberg, 37-year•old production Einstein m oved another step ior wanl Organization to be he!d Octo ber 15- 18 Rome (\.V~S)-Angelo Sereni. o ne chief of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, left an to ward becoming an American when at the Statler Hotel 111 Iloston. The of the out standing le ws of modern estate valued at $10,000,000, the bul k of the 1936-37 editio n of ··w1io·s Who in delegates arc Mesdames L. Smira, P. Italy, is dead here. ·A member o f the which was bequeathed to his wife. Nor- America" included his name for the M. Ph.} llips. Mo rris Bceher and Ar• Ital ian parliament. Sereni was the only ma Shearer, the ac tress, it was re• fi rst time. Pro fessor Einstein, who has thur Ko rman ; the alternates arc Mes- Jew to receive fro m the Vatican the vealed when hi s wi ll was fi led for pro- liYed in th is country sin ce 1933. has ~am.e s Henry Bnrt. L. Sherman, Ben- '•Order Maurizio". H e was a lso a bate. t.ikcn 0 111 hi s first citizensh ip papers. Jam111 Rakatansky and Henry Chaet. Grand O fficer of the Italian army. H adassah Begins Season To Award $50 Cash Prizes Tuesday With Luncheon In Community Fund Contest More than. $50 in cas h prizes will 6. Letters must be signed with .oWn•,;lt hcot,h,v,,,•,Pt,.Po'no, aac,l,,do.,f,,;ttsl, ,22!,a' dcc "o" -1 irn. 1937, the 50.000-mcm be rs hi1> Jubilee be awarded 111 a .lette r co nte~ t s po n- your full name address, age and the t' " so red by the J 7w1sh.. Conimumty Ce1)- na me of our' S unday or' H ebrew disturbed cond itions in the Holy L and, dri ve , launc hc~~ la st y~a.r. ~tans .for t he J ames G . Mc Donald, former League tcr o n the subJect, \.Vhat the Prov1- S 'f Y tl d 1 1 1 1 Provid ence Chapter of Hadassah w ill loc~ I Cl~ aptc r ~ part1c1pat1011 m the o f Nations High Commissioner for dence Conumm it y Fund Docs for U s ·t 100 b 1 you a en · or your c ub swin g into a new and busier :-. easo n of nat io r1w1dc search fo r . 13,000 uew ~ erman. Refugees a nd now an asso- a nd Wh y \Ne Sho uld Support It." 1 you e o l!g t~ o ne . . acti vit y. at its compl imentary lu nch- 1!1embers; 11 cc1l cd to acl11e \·c the latter c1ate, editor of the New York Times, is Rules and iuformation governing 7. Letters will be Jud.ged o n how eon to be he ld in Temple Beth-Israel hgurc. will be pre~e 11ted a t th e Lunch- co mtng to T ~mple E manu-EI. on Wed- the con test arc as fol lo ws: well rou. cove: the s11bJect a nd the

Tuesday. ' ' co,.,. aud the .~ haptcr e~tcr1ds an i11vi- nesday eve1nmg, ,N.o,vember 4, to open 1. Any boy or girl between the manner 111 which you express your- In view of the current setbacks in tat1 ? 11 to.a ll prospects to attend the the season s activities o f the Temple ag es of 8 to 14 will be known as a self. the work of building the ho meland, afTa,r as 1ts g11cs t ~. E m anu-EI Men's Club. Junior a nd any boy or girl between 8. Letters m ust be submitted not American H adassah is dedicating Mrs. Be u Kane i" chairman, assisted i\fr, McDonald's services to t he Ger- the a ges of 14 through 17 will be later thau Thursday, N ovember 5. a new, as real Z10 n,sts should it s en- by i\l rs. J D Gro-.s 111a11 co•ch,11r111a n, mau Refugees has won world-wide known as a n Intermediate. and will 9. Letters s hould be mailed or tire resou rces o f energy a nd funds to i\ l r~ Rose i\larkensolm, program, Mrs praise a nd his final report to the be eligible to participate in this con- bro ught in person t o the J ewish Co m - the Z1o n1 st cause, in o rder that de- De n Bro mbe rg '!1c11.1bersl11p and Mrs. 1-: eague o f N.a ti ons caused an i11 tcrna- t est. . . munity Cen ter, 65 Benefit street . layed programs may fo rge ahead L~~ Cohe n, hos1ntaltty. t1 oual ~e nsat10 11_. Mr. Mc Donald i~ to Z. }--,e tters must be o ngma!. . 10. In order to help you write a toward the g~al of fu lfi llment. J he program will feature an address ~p,eak _1 11 P~ o v1dcncc 0 11 . the subJeft, 3. l ry to undcrstaud the su bJect good letter, we have prepared infor- From a national observ~tion, it !!as by Mrs. Archibald S ilverman, who has .r-. ry 1xpcr-e11ces a s H igh Co!~1 m1s- tho ~oughly and fit your lette r to t he m atio n material that you can obta in been g lea ned that Amer1cau Jewish la.te ly rctt1rn ed from Palestine. M rs. s1o ner or t. ~~ German Rc.fugees. subJcct matter sug~ested. , fro m the followin ersons: wo manhood, through H adassah, stands Silverman will spea k 011 "Inspiration H ;rbcrt I 1e man 11 , p resident o f the 4. Letters. subn~1tted !n11 st be e1t h~r Rabbi I srael .J. ~oldman T 1 firmly. resolved to ~uswe~ Arab de- o ut. o f P~lestine". Dr. Clara Lo itman• &fens 1iubS also a nnounces that !YPe d or w ri ~tcn 111 legible handwrit- Emanu-EI; R abbi William G'. a:~~ee struc11on and terro ri sm with a p ro mise S nuth will discuss "Current Events" eorf1e • o kol sky, ,cor respondent, 1ng, on one side of paper only. T I B th E I· R bb" M . S h ' of in creased support of the Palestinian and i\fiss Florence Rosen piani~t will trave. er, andFa ut ho r, wtll speak at the 5. , L etters submitted by Juniors he~p CT e i B t: 11 rrrB .c u~- f~~:r~ro:fi(~~fas,i~1~ le: .~cer :re t,:1irire- o ~ cr .nmsic:il e nt~rtainme;1t.. - ' ~k~~ ~ll~!1b%1ct ·i:br,tw? J~~sl rr. Sokol• ~~0:::i r:~h:~ ~ !,11o~~s~ot:~;:: .~';,~ Sc«:::; dr::pceo ng~e~a:i;.i: ;Av:;:s~~~ pledge will be instrumental in ubri, ec~ fh.e l.~ unch.eon i.s scheduled I? com- O n 1 h u rsday cve!1m g, Novembe r I?, milted by Intermediates should be no l?m ; Rev. M ey~r Smtth, Congr ega- ing to a s uccc~!ll hil co 1 . t pig mei'1 ce at 12 .30 ? clock a1)d wd l pre- a spo rts program will be featured. T hi s less than 300 word s and no more than tion Sons of Zio n ; Ja cob I. Co hen, -- nc usiou 3 ur• cc( e a sho rt bus. mess sessio n. (Continued on Page 2) S00 w ords. (Conti nued on Page 5) r 2 THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 Lakehurst Official DIRIGIBLE TO FLY Political Advertisement. News About Current Film OVER PROVIDENCE Appointed Leader Attractions and People

Harold Rotman, Esso Dealer By Louis Pekarsky !~f~~te ,h! k~!~tg ()~'1~~;m~t~~~~,i•\~~~1~:~ Makes Announcement Rupert Hughes' gently humorous James Glcaso11 , Louise Latimer, Betty chiding of Benny Goodman during the Grable. and Grace Bradley. Ben Stoloff radio broadcasts on which they appear directed for R. K. 0. Radio. Providence and other parts together has been mi sunderstood by one Rhode I sland and Southern New Eng- tuner-in on the air lanes. The radio land wi ll be given a close-up view of dialer wrote a letter to the famous au- the Hindenburg Z eppelin today. The thor in which he stated. ··1 can no longer At Fays giant airship wi1! Ay over six North restrain my wrath over your supercili- ?l'l artin :Mooney, the H earst report- Atlantic states on an exhibition trip ous attitude toward the music of Amer- er who created a sensation with his from Lakehurst and back, taking the ica's favorite swing band, Benny Good- series of articles in the New York entire day. This will be the 1.-st t ime man's. \·Ve who app reciate the intricate American. spills the works on the wo- the airship wi ll be seen th is year in execution and harmonics oi Mr. Good- man racket in his latest ti lm story, the United State:. as it wlll then go o n man's arrangements resent the way in ··~,fi ssing Girls." T his new Chester- the South American route. which you invariably introduce the band. tie!cl melodrama will be the attraction Announcement of .the fli ght was Mr. Shilkrct deserves all the praise you at Fays Theatre. made today by H arold Rotman, Esso give his fine orchestra. but why can't you Roger Pryor. J\·luriel E\·ans. Sidney Dealer, who said that Esso Market- be a li ttle nicer to Mr. Goodman?'' It's Blackmer, Noel Madison, Ann Doran, COMMANDER ROSENDAHL er s had accepted an invitation to join all meant in fun. because Hughes and George Cooper, Dewey Robinson. ______the trip w ith a g roup of their business Benny are great friends. \Val!is Clark. Matty Fain. Lloyd In- associates and friends. ----- graham. and Warner Richmond have The Aight will start early on Octa- At the Majestic important roles i11 " .Missing Girls." NEEDY JEWS IN ber 9. Shortly after the landing a t the ;.Give Me Your H eart'' is said to be The pictme was cli rected by P h il Ro- i .akchnrst Naval Air Stati on the dir- one of the most movingly beautful ro- sen and produced by George R. Bat- igil?le wi ll ta~e off again on the last mantic dramas ever screened. The cheller. Mr. Moo1.1ey ~l~o wrote tl~e REICH INCREASES of its 20 crossmgs of the North Atlan• SAMUEL KAGAN scenes are lai d in rural England, Italy screcnpla}: fron~ h1s ongmal story rn tic scheduled ~o~ .this rear. l~he itiner- :ind :'\ew York Ci ty. T he picture is col~aborat1011 with Jo_hn _vv. Krafft. 1 1 1 1 8 . . ~~t \i!a~ h~rc:::~b ~~~';/~~l~~;~i\~~ dee::~;~ Samuel C. K agan has been :1 ppoint- .~5 :~i~~d l\~~est!~e successful stage play, Bai)~-e J~~~~1:.r.r~s1;~~t:~~v\~1~ ie~ie~Yif 1 11 1 1 1 0 1 1 nu~:~!~ 0 ~\,;,~~i--ti:; i~ ~a: ~:; t ~~~ [!f~~\n ~:1t~ ~ ~~~i:u~,t~~fc : t~~~~ ;;~~:~ ed ~y William ~hawcross through -::h e . Kay Fr~nci~. re~~n~l): seen :i s 1!!e ~pir- \·aude\·ill e acts. year tha.n in 193?, the Berlin Jewish invited the d irigible to pay them a 'fly- ~at1onal ~omm1ttee, to lead the Jew- 1tual '.1f.r?m,e of y\1 h1le Ang~]. ,!·l?r- _____ commurnty has issued an appeal _ to ing Yisit, the day's flight schedule will 1sh campaign for the state o{ Rhode ence y N1ght1ngal,?--;-1s starred 111 _ Give Bits of News ~i~i';~~ ~f1~•rr;l(r~;e~d~~;0 J1;,\~i~;~tr,:~~~= be re~tricted. The . Esso . Marketers. Island. Mr. K ~gan is also ~ can~i- t~,~ eq~~r1/t~r1\an1:\t1,:r::~~~~\~a ;l~~ts;1~ Jack Be1111y's \·acatio n is over and ter relief fund. T his fund was set up l~~!~ve\oer1,~l~1cd!ri \tf~r ;t~\k~~~:~s:e;,~: date for re-election £or councilman 111 i~ supported_ by_ George Brent. Roland the famed fun ­ last year whe1! Jews were excluded pasf summer. h~ve been >crmitted to the l~th ward.. Mr. K agan ~Jans to l oung, Pati:_1c_ h:nowles. Henry St~phcn- maker is back at fr~Hll th~ benefits of the government cooperate in the planninR" bf the itincr- orgamze a J ewish Democratic Club. son am_! l·ncda Incscort. Archie L. work 011 the Par- ;h~:i:e~1t}~11;J~ oirciaf1~r;1~:;u:~i:n~~~; t{r and a s a result. 'Ma~sachu_sctts. The first meeting will be h eld Thur~- ).j~~~Tl)~hr:l~t1;trange are the my steries amol111t lot. I-le that the Jewish employment bureau wde Tslallcl a nd Connecticut will b e day, October 15. at the D emocratic which ha,•c ma(le their wa\· to the screen. :~l\~~1~:) 11 ,~h~upcr- would be Closed after January 1st. CO\·e rcf hiore fully than any other Headquarters, 340 Weybosset street. Among the strangest is lJ;1iversal°s "Ye\- Samuel Goldwyn To aid Jews planning to emigrate to part O t c route. lowstone." the second icature now ;it the get.~ the palm for E~1glish and _Spanish-speaking cou,n------11ajcstic the.it re. This offering-. set in s I a r _ bllild i 11 g tries., the adm111 1strators of the spec1_a l the picturesque grandeur of Yellowstone among indi\·idual Jew1~h school~. ha~: op:~ed c~urses 11~ Move to Protect Jews M FADDEN FORME :-.Jational Park. concerns the murder of prodHccrs.. Lui se Spamsh and E.ngh~h. I he I rankfur C R·1 man tos~ed up bv the gre·tt geyser in l • • 1 tcr Volksblat~ report_s _th at there is n?t in Upper SiJesia , '.hat' beaut:· S!}(lt 0·1 :\"ature: ··\ buried {arncr 1.5 iaitr Marian Marsh a single Jewish opt1c1an anywhere 111 • · 1 ~ 0 0 . · once agam - 1cr •Germany. CONGRESSMAN, DIES tre,1s'.1re: wc-rt 1 ., !'l .09 . 15 sought b_y dog. Johnny. which ran a\\'ay, has re- m;rn_i 01 the figu_res 111 the _s tory. Tl11s turned to her ti resid c. Aren't yo11 Deny Rumor That W~~:~' ]~~~th ~~~~js~~iti;;~,~~t ~:~~ lc~!f to the m;~n s escu and her husband were_ livrng at tors o f the protection clauses in the White Shirt C rnsadcrs for Economic mot ion' picture \\'ith f~r Marlene Dietrich's first starring the royal palace was greeted with laugh- Cpper Silesian convention. is being Liberty in c1wclopes hearing hi s frank. a Chinese setting picture after h er return from Europe

11 1 1 tcr. ----- :r;:f~\ ~;;;tl:nt1'io~!~;'' ri~11!e~~f~~~ ri;ti~: ;.g~:~tif~~e 1~::~~cl;h~ p~~~;r:~: )~il~e J:~:.~ :::~~ /:1 ;~ ~~:cn~~. Gracie Allen and l\lary l.i\·i11 gstone 1 Spain Hints That Jews pii:;:1i~nci~v~::~io~1° ::it~z:~- instrnmcnt of ~~~~11~1!~ eo~~~~ii,~1t:a;;;:t~le1~'iPr~~~i;o ~i~ ~~:;~~ \:t~i~ iz1~l h~f i'1~!11~,.l~e:i1) \~~i:~ l~~t1/~~;c1~!~;~~;fr~~~ Will Not be Welcome protecting Jews living in Upper S il e- dress in which he revealed "details" the Cnitcd S1;11cs. a H o llywood hospital at about the sia. a part of Germany. from the anti- of a so-called schcnw for the creati on His \\·ife. Cecelia ~ame time. The two fa mous comedi- Scmitic legislation of the Nazi regime of a "Jewish world state." He ,\·a~ Lorre. attracti\'C enncs arc close pcr.<:0 11al friend ,: . "'.\ri ss Bnrgos. Spain (W:\'S)-A hint that following the submission of the Franz also accused of co-operating with Clark Gable \·ic1111ese actre~s . r\llen ~uffercd from larn1gitis and Jews will not be welco me in Spain in Bernheim petition to the League of Na- Na zi age11t s and the Sil\'Cr Shirt,;. also has the sa1_11e went to the hospital for a· rest. l\li ss the cvc111 of a Fascist triumph in the 11 011 s 111 1n:n as a result of \\h1ch Ger- !n 193:i he anno unced h" candld,icy thought_ in min<\. ··\\·e arc_ .m~king our l .i~·ingstonc lost l_1cr '.o.1_1sil s .... _ Ik~1 civil war was given by General Fran­ many \\aS compelled to uphold the m1- for President of the Umted St,1tes on money 111 Amer~ca and. unlike ,I _number !.)Oil. _o ne ~If Balt1mo1e ,, )cading :-on~. cisco Franco, newly proclaimed dicta­ nority rights clauses of the P ohsh-Gcr- an out and out anti-Semitic platform of others .. we mtend to speud 1t here. and_ lus wife. Bebe Damcls. arc ap- tor. in a statement outlining his policy. man convention. under the spon ~o rship of .in orgaui- \Ve \o\·e 11 h~r~ a1.1d want to SJ~m\ th~ pca nng on the London .o. tagc . The hint wa s contained in his assertion 11 that ''we will live in harmony with all The administrative committee also zation ca!ling itself the "Independent rcSI o f ~ur hvcs ), );our-or .sdiou~ GAspee 6414 other peoples. showing preference, how­ fMmed a permanent committee o f l!'l to Republican-National C hristian Gentile fay our;dci°_un?r· .-_o rre 1s.ai "'ie~ G [d G F b 1 11 ever, for those countries of language, deal with :1 11 matters relating to the C:o mmittce.''_ This year he '.''as run- icF:1~1~1\;e K,:J!k irsl~;i~\::::f~~ Pirf.ap,~,;1~ era • ein erg, D. S. p_ race and ideals most nearly approaching w.orld Jewish Con~ress and to be com- 11111g as an mdepe.ndent c;nd1date f~r toured Holl\'w~cl a short w~ilc back, CHIROPODIST-PODI ATRIST our own." 1 1 ~:~;l\\i~! ~::~l ~~~~:~i~~ ra~~~nb~~:n~ftt~I~~ ~~:~~~~s\~' it~;~,~~ ~:1~>\>~I:: ~fe:ii~s:,~~i~i~\~ says Clark Gable is a ."regular" guy. FOOT SPECIALIST nd Emanu-El Speaker ~:gt~~ ~-~or~l111!~l~:\s~1 P;~;~;~~s~fL~~1;~:~= of anti-Semit ic groups. At t he Albee 704 HA~~::::i:/ z~: ~ ~;;i~::e:t St. (Continued fro m Page 1) ization throughout the United States for ).larion Talley. the coloratura-soprano r======c, the establi shment of local units o f the Mayoress From Chile who macle her si11gin g bow at the 1-. let- program will present several of the Congrcss was also authorized. ropolitan Opera l-1 011se at the age o f D. M. WATKINS CO. leading coaches and sports news wri t- ,..,------. nineteen. will prove even more popular in her sc reen debut-the leading femi­ A Complete Line of 1 0 nine role in Republic 's "Follow Yo11r :~!1~£ ~~ ~,!~~~~'. a~,-J~t~ ;,~l~a~ 1~1i!e~i~~; 0 BITUARY Jewelry Findings and Screw Heart," which opened la st night at the wi ll bring an address by Rabbi I srael Machine Products i\·f. Goldman. en titled "Ten Years a '------' Albee Theatre. No stone was left unturned by the Jewish C haplain in the State Prisons. " SAMUEL BACKMAN Call The March meeting wi ll feature a Republic studio to provide for the petite GAspee 27S8--27S9 for 1·fcn's Club Supper and an address by Fm1eral services for Samuel Backman, diva a fitting vehicle equal fo any she Harry Sandager. In April, the season uo. who died last Sunday morninJ,! at hi s had during her skyrocket stage career. QUALITY AND SERVICE wil l close with the annual radio show. home. 104 Orms street, we re held la~t She was surroumled by a cast that reads 274 PINE STREET ~fonday morning. Burial was in Lincol11 like a ''blue book" of the stage and screen Park Cemetery. -with a co-star of great charm and Unveiling Notice Mr. Backman. as president of Chev re singing ability, Michael Bartl et t, lyric Shomerci Synagogue, was acti ve in many tenor of Paris. Rome, New York and The unveiling of a m onument Jewish organizations and charities, incl ud­ Hol lywood. ROVIDENCE for the late Mrs. Sarah Feinsel­ ing the Hebrew Free Loan Association Just to lend atmosphere to the story ber will take place Sunday, Oc­ and the Hebrew Sheltering Society. H e which is laid in the old South, the studio PHOTO tober 11, at 12:30 o'clock in Lin­ wa s head of S. Backman & Co .. dealers brought from New York the widely ENGRAVING CO. coln Park Cemetery. Rabbi in bag and burlap. known Hall J ohnson Negro chorus-who Mo rris Schussheim will officiate. Surviving Mr. Backman arc hi s widow, won undying fame as the singers in Makers o f Halftones Relatives and friends are invited Mrs. Anna Backman. and four children, "Green Pastures," Gotham stage h it. to attend. Mrs. Jose1>h Pcrcelay o f Pawtucket. :111d Slack penal po licies arc mirrored in and Line Plates "Don't Turn 'Em Loose.'' R. K. 0. Al­ !....p•-•-• -• -• -• - •-•-• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• -• - ii-' 1~~1~;l~:1d\i<~~~k5i_a,~a:i,~~~n~~~r '!1f !f11i~ bee Theatre second attraction. IS PINE STREET i Bruce Cabot is a ruthless killer at ci ty. 929<4 large as a result of :111 apathet ic parole Telephone GAapee Max Sugarman board. and Lewis Stone. in the top lead. D AVID GOLDENBE RG portrays his father and a courageous ad- Funeral Home Funeral services for David GoldcnbcrJ,t. 60. retired wholesale g rocer, of 1 t7 Rad­ cliffe street, who died 0£ a heart attack Paying a long-deferred visit to New Funeral Director st Latest fall styles for men at and Embalmer s::::da;t!i'lo~:~,?licago, were held Ja York is Mn. Alicia C. De E rrazuris, Mr. Goldenberg had conducted a who is shown on the S . S. Santa Bar- MEMORIALS wholesale grocery business in Boston un- ba ra. Back home in Chile the senora Excellent Equipment ti l nine months ago when he came here to is m ayor o f Providencia, one of the TH~ Bl(OWN .IHOP Refined Service live with his daughter and son-in-la"Y, country's most aristocratic residential THAVr:R ✓T, A'f "T4, /~I, p,,,1wal Dir«ltw'' • fN!.VOLr:NT ..,,.L~';;;~c~cK• PftOVIDfNCf.llL ~If~. b~lc~n~~:/ ?\t!:~~e lG~Jc,:~ communities. She is believed to be the 146-150 RANDALL STREET ~~~i~~: AT BROWN CAMPIJ✓ DEzter 8094 DExter 1636 berg, and a daughter. Nary Goldenberg, Ant woman to h old such a post in a of Boston. South American republic. '------...... ! THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 3 Pawtucket Synagogue Carnival Heads · In Violin Recital PA WT. SYNAGOGUE Personals TO HOLD CARNIVAL :\frs. Philip Taber, of Lo11gfcllow street, had as he r guest her brother, Ed­ Mrs. Martin Curran ward I. Dash, of Oakland, Californ.a, Is who spent several days here while enroute Appointed Chairman from Havana.

At a meeting held last Tuesday eve- The Bar•MitHah of M. David Bell, 11i11g iii Pawtucket, preparation s wer e son of Mr. a nd i\·lrs. Josh11a Bell of 79 lan11chcd for the allllual Carnival to be Sackett street, will take place to mor­ held in the ves try of the Synagogue row morning at T emple Beth-I srael. o n the evening,; of October 25. 26 and Friends and relatives o f the family arc 2i. This affair promises to be the cordia lly invited to attend. No cards gn.: atcst of any yet un

,~~\ss;~~~it1\~1 _i1~ ~~1s51i~~~~;,dent of Con- ~~~~~ a::a!s~s ;:eo A~:~~ea! 1':nw_ ;~~i~r~~~~ ~~at~~ :~ai~vir~~~~ar~l'e l~::~11 ; Mr. and Mrs. Lewi~ Miller of 81 vited audienc~ ~f_relat_i ves and .friends. g g, · ' · bassador to France. _Mr. Post~l here contributed $300,000 to a dormito'r¾ Glenh~m str~et entertained at a bridge T_he ~oung violm1st will ~e assisted ~y traces for us the hfe of this o ut- named for his father and also to the p~rty 11("; the1r !10 mc laS t Sunday eve- his sister Anna, who will appear 1n standing merchant and diplomat Harvard Husincss School. Fo r many ~ ng1:, ueS ts mcluded Mr. and Mrs. two groups of dances. ~h,o, as the scio!1 of one ~i Ame~- years he was an overseer of H arvard · ecker, M r. a ncl Mrs. H . Nurem- From the time when he be an to JUDGE REFUSES 1~a s most prominent J ewish . fami- College, one _of the four J ews to have ~1rs~ ~~;rant Mrs. C. Nurc.m be rg _aucl study. so me\\"hat over a yea~ ago, 1 ::cs, played so_ no~e a par! ~ t he held thi \ 1off1cc. He a!so. ~ave large and M~s. F'.11 8~~~~v~lla i~J i\f;j~is ~~~~;: Harold has had t he go_o d . f<;>rtunc to fe of our nation. The Ed1to • su n~s to Ne,:,:_ Yor~ ~ 111 vei s1ty and. to selber of P rovidence. · have as his teache r the d1st111g11ishcd EDMONDSON PLEA T he passing o f Jesse Isidor S traus vari?us .Je\v1 ,, h religious and ch anta- ___ violinist and composer, Hugo Norden end:-, another c_hap_ter in t~e sag:_i. of ble .111 stitt1llons. . . A Simchas Torah party was given of Cra11sto n. Taking a l~sson almost r " the Straus family m Amern~;i. Vir_tu- F1ye ~ears ago he made his bow m yesterday afternoon at t he H o me for C\·ery day. H a_rold has cnJ oyed a con­ Ne \~• ,_ o rk ( W_NS )_- 1 he la st legal all)'. every member of tl11 s fa~111_ly, pubh~ ltfe ":"hen G:ove rno r Roosevelt the Aged. Miriam Kaplan, IO, enter- sta1_1t and 1111111terrupt~d development tcchmcality standmg m the way of the which has given so many d1stm- appointed him chairman of t he New tain ed the old folks with a ·. r _ t111t1l at the present tune he has ac- tria_l o f _l<_obcrt Ed\\"ard Edn1011dso11, gnished names to America and to ':-,m- Yo~k Stat~ . Temporary Em.ergen:cy gram of Jewish pieces. piano p O quired a tcch~1iqt1c tl_1at is quite 1111- ;111t1: Se,~111 ic pamphleteer. on charges erican Jewry has made history. !he Rehef Admm1strat1on. To this office _____ usual fo r a child of !us age. of libeling the Jewish religio n, Secre- founder of tl;e fami ly, Lazarus Straus, he brought unusua l executive ability W . . . tary o f l.:d.rnr Perkins and Dean Vir- came to this country in the 1840's and a broad grasp of social problems. arsa\V Y1dd1sh Writers ~!~!a 1~::~1~~:t~1~fc1if b1):arc~~1~r;i01 ~c~: ~v~~~ f~~~n \'t~;~gl;~~~ti~/1 ~e~;~~ai~eri~::~ ~:r~~- h~~~=~g~:db:~:r:at~~afr'!:e;s~: Boycott Sholom Asch Jury Convicts Distributor sion,; J11dgc Collins \1·he11 he denied a mo\·emc11t. Lazarus was the fa t her the Citizens' Committee on the U n- W WNS) Tl of Anti-Jewish Leafl ets 1 11 1 ~;: ~1~:f;~~l~c 1;11:~ i f~;(~~:~11c~~~-n~ethti~ ~[I ~~i~~l~~ 1 ~~:.~~~ i~~i~,a~e~~a idc~~;i~i~j e~~l~:,;:~t1~3~i~:ia~oh:\~::~1~~ a real Cluba:?{Va~sa,~ is boy~~tJ~;t~ofo~;; set-1'.a ~k fo llows~ ano ther prc\'lously with American and Jewish life for two factor in politics a s organizer and Asch, world- famous Yiddish novel ist ad 1_111_111 stered to l'..dmond~on by Ju~ge generations. president of the Roo sevelt Business p;11etli~i~~v1~~~ r~/1~li:h;e~~~~l f\'t\~ Los Angeles ( \VNS)-A municipal 1 ~~;!~~niln:i~~ltti;; 11"'~tt1~~ei;1\1~!u:~/~~ ~t~ Nathan was one of the greatest -a_nd Pro_fes sion~I Lea~t1e, an o rganiza• dish writers incensed against him be- ~N~:~ 0 jt;!sal~!~~. ~at~e~~~::c~fdth~=:~~i)~ 1 grand jury which indicted Edmond- ~::i~~::f ::~~ii~~u~: i~:l P::~~f~ ~J~i~: ~vi~ct !:~~;>;~~iic~{al~:~s~~!\~1.: ss 1~~;~idt~ 1:l~~ pa~l~!ti~~ t :s ~?1:f~~le~e a;~d s!fdeet~iel~a~~ Semitic S ilver Shirts, on a charge of "on. the tlr~t Jew in the United States ca11d1da cy. A straw. vote which he con• declared tha t there was no need to ex- violating the city handbi ll ordinance. ------!Cabinet. Isidor, father of Jesse, was ducted among bnsmess men through- pand the Yiddi sh language in the Jew- Allen. a11 unem.ployed engineer, was tried an outstanding merchant and commu- out tl!e country wa~ one of th.e fi .rst ish H o meland. in Municipal Judge Leo Aggeler's court nal leader. But Jesse Isidor Straus, augunes _of the ultimate 11 ommat1o n ----- for circulating anti-Jewish and inflam- VvS/TOUR who always insisted Oil having his and e lection of i\fr. Roosevelt. Maccabee Soccer Team matory literature on a downtown street name written out in full a s a tribute When the latter won the nomina- corner in Los Angeles. to hi s father. who went down on the tion. Straus was one of his stronges1 Wins Its Second Game He was arrested on the charge of H er- ~- , combined in himself the supporters. After the electio n he was man Braverman and Ben Shapiro, to genius ;rnd the talents of his famous widely mentio ned fo r a p lace in the Pl11l adelph1a, Pa ( \VNS)-The Mac- \\hom he handed one of the circulars DPTl[RL DEPRRTmEn uncles and his father. He was not Cabinet. political prognosticators say- cabec soccer team, champions of P ales- the prosecutor 111 the case ,\as Assist only a successful merchant b ut an ing that he would become Secretary tine, won it s second st raight game in ant U. S. Attorney 1fcFarland. able diplomat and public servant as of Commer ce, a post o nce held by his the United States when it downed the The circulars, printed in Chicago and well as a communal fig11re o f broad uncle, O scar Straus. Passon tea m of the American League by bearing also an East Pasadena pos t of- intercsts. Rallied Business Men 1-0 in a closely fo ught game at Munici- fice box number, were reported to have Clerked First Duri ig the crisis o f the da s im me- pa( Stadium before. a. crow!1 o f 30,000. cont~ined derogatory staten_1,ents about . diatcl l followin the inau n~ation o f Ilhya . 'Westerman, 111 ~1dc right of the President Roos~velt_ and the Jew D~a l," Born in New York City 111 1872, p ·) R g 1 . 1~33 St Palestme players, tallied the only score. and bore the 1m1irmt o f the American S traus' entire career was identified ~f.sicl c;i' . ooscve 1 ~11 1. • 1 rau~ This victory gave the Maccabees their \Vhite Guard, an anti-Semitic and 11 s ee Dr. Kllba noff with the great metropolis. He was ;:n~e\ c~~~1~_esj1i'1\~:li. >~ tsn~~~ aa;~r 2~th succ~ssive triumph in their tour of semi-Fascist organi zation. All en is to be ou r .optometric :t\~f/:t~t :~1vc~i~op~~~:ra\~~~{ ~~\?::: advert_isemcnts he so1li gl~t to pr~v~nt fa countries. sentenced on October 13th. eve ,peclall,t.. nor H erbert H_. Lehm;rn, and at lfa:- f::;n~,::~ ai11~~n~ l~l(~~\l~cs ~;,rii~:1ar~1; Quali ty Glasaes at vard• fr o i~i w.lnc h .he was graduated Ill merchants, had confidence. His ad­ 1 1 0 1 Re;i,sonab:e Prices ~!R~· tht %a,;~~\/ ~at\i~:~at~la~1/ t:~ vertiscments said : " l trnst my gov­ Don'I Gel he soon turned to co mmerce, becom- ernmen t. I_ trust ?ur ha11k s. I do 11ot · 1 · Al 1 & St raus ex pect the impossible. I shall do noth­ · Hurl .1(' A p L ~N·s• ii1;~o~kf'\iesm~~\;/;tm:1~;1 lal~~ o re. 'Hi; i~1g hysteric~]. If it is 11ormal to carry 1 Cl ~~ltv... rl A~?~\1c1A:.i !!IE E,i gramlfither. L~::arus, was one of the )~tt~Jc 1~:•;'\0 ng~n~r6i~i~~.e\ '~:;:~;: ~~~;; I t's easy for a serious accident to owners of that fir m and also of R. 1-1. little no w. 1 will not stampede. T happen when eyes are not protected r ·lac_y . & f~~npft\ , r Whei& he was ~i wi ll not lose 11crYe. I will keep my or when they fail to see clearly. GORDONS SERVICE 1~:r:1~~ttl1e b usi,;c; ~ af~~ m ~he ~-ro~;1:l head.'' Appointed Ambassador There's no need to risk your safety. STATIONS 11p under the tutelage of \us fa ther. Tt was shortly after thi s that he was Protect your eyes by wea ring indus• 600 Pine st. 627 Eddy St. In 1912, when Isidor Straus was appointed Un ited States Am bassador trial safety goggles; Correct your de­ drowned on the Titanic's maiden voy- to France. Straus wa :- 1101 t he first fective vision by the use of proper I Block from Broad Cor. Cra ry St. age, Jesse Straus succeeded him a s J ewish am bassador or mini ster fro m glasses. SAYS- -- president of the establishment which this co1i11try but he was the firs t o f was to become under his direction the his race to represc11t th is coun try in Coll 7()()() world's la rgest department store. En- a major Europea11 power. Veteran ya.r,.u : n, but he stuck to ciatio n in 1922 and t hroui;ch this po si- his po"t and gave it uo only when his tio n became o ne o f the" best-known n hysicians wa rned that he was imper- '------•• busines~ men ii, the cou11tr y. iling his lire. 4' THE JEWISH HERALD, FRIDAY, OCT0BER-9, 1936 -The Jewish Herald 'James W. Wis'e

Tbe Jewish Home Newspaper of Rhode Island Published Every Week in the Year by The Jewish Press Publishing Company Around the Town

Jacob Leichter, Advertising Manager Walter Rutman, Editor With Leonard Harris

76 Dorrance Street, Case-Mead Building, Providence, Rhode Island TELEPHONE GASPEE 4312 New Things late \Viii Rogers invariably opened hi s .\lf'mber Worldwide ~rwl'O ~rvic<' with :--'<'\l"S C'o rrespon1~~ ~~~:~. _ fra~i1\1 1 ~~~ :~: Jk~v:;q~ ~ ~t~~~~\1;,y~,e ital~\, ·t:; agree to donate their senite:-; to 1-litlcr's army is ha rdly a cause arc upon the foreign-born. We must gcll is a photographic cnthn.« iast ... I had never left"' ... We spotted hi111 1 1 1 1 1 fot jubilation. lt is, incl eecl , 011 a par with t he pt·adise of pres~- ~;~:=i~ t 1\~,~t r,~~c<:!: s~;;::~/~~a~~ ~~~:; !~n~/;0 f~!~;~1;:::'11fo~,b~ll c~;;:,~~~~ .~i'?1~~ ~\:!t 1~:11~nc;;il~;.:i \11~ d0t!;~c~ 1;i~c.s~:i~i~ iug mC'dicall y traiucd pdsone1·s•of- war into the seni<·e of the Op· down.'' Boston rcndcz\"ous for the local lads bing like three old cromes posing forces. and lassie.~ is the Hi-Hat Club.. Will ?o%e!~~ve~~:~ F~~;tds Chinese 'l'he only benefit nny 1·ef'nµ:e e .Je\\-ish phys ic·ia.11 could hope to HAIL TOSCANINI'S An Embarrassed Student general a safety razor? .•. Every time gain from retm·ning to Germany under !"hi~ condit"ion is tha l This w eek's favorite story, snitched his barber shaves him, he has four from the Columbia Jester :-The stu- of his soldiers, with drawn guns, cover there his status wonld no lo11ge1· be t hat of n refugl~(• dependent ANTI NAZI STAND dent in the cafeteria rested his tray the barber ... the Charles Strasmichs upon outside nssi~tanc·e in il ~ti-angl' 1·0 1111t1·.r where et·o110 111i c and • before the meat counter and pointed visited their son, Irving, at New professional l'.O llditions preYe nt him from tn king his p1·u pe 1· plate ~·So! ~s ot~~~ceha~~s:i~1.. thCo:~;;re:~ ~~;;~: a~e r.:rsr/t~t:n~o':bw a:! Jaa~~ in the national life. New York (WNS)- Hailing the re- the student: "Did I hesk you to name from that convention in. Atlantic Cit.Y cent refusal of Arturo Toscanini. it?" ... First Aid Drug Boss Starr ··.If the Brown !ea1:1 improves this A purely physica l benefit , !'o r moi-ally there would seem to be wo rld-famous conductor, to permit is wearing a path between h ere and week a~ much as 1! did _last week, we little choice between dependen<"e on d1a1·it.,· and being· ht>lpful to any concerts directed by him at the P ortland, Maine. where the new addi- wouldn t be surprised 1£ they took Sal;,:burg Festi\"al in Austria to be tion to his chain is to be located ... Ha.rvar~ ... If they do, we b.et ~ ap- lhe Nazi~ in their se lf-nppoint·e(f tn~k of bnildinµ: up ;1 st1·0 11 g broadcast 10 Gcrma11y, 76 members o f E rnst Nathan is putting on weight ... stem will have a _lot to do with 1t ... army dedicnt"ed to t hP h1sk of Nazif'yinµ: t he world. the P hilharmouic Symphony Orches- Sam Kennison is a perpetual pipe Sam .Soforenko infos t~at there ~re tra and 900 other American musician.~ smoker ... Sir Oswald Mosley, leader 943 different contracts m general m­ 'l'he onl y consolat"ion, indeed, that· Oerman ~TewH urn t·onl"eiY­ scn t him an open lette r o f appreciation of the Blackshirts of England. was su~anc~. · .Ar~hur L evy, M? Hendel in the form of an engraved scroll. married to a Chicago J ewess ... When ~n M~lt Sapmsley arehoppm~around nbly find in thi~ development is tha t a t last the Nm~is h;nr to111e The letter rC'ads a s follo\\" S: •·1,Nc, they say a person is slowing down. m the interest of the C ommunity Fund to recognize t hat non-Aryan~, sub-human thoug:h t" hc.r br, 11111 kc the undersigned mu~icians, including meaning that they are getting old, d: · And by t~e way, I hope o ur J ews members of all the nnportanl musical they actually mean that their pulse ~g· down this year and take care of good doc tors-and excell ent t.:<11111011 -fodcl e r. o rganizations in New York, many of rate is less ... i.e. baby has a pulse o f t eir share of the burden. whom have _h;1d the honor an~ pr_i\·i- 130 to 140 ... The pulse in old a ge r uns , , J oe an~ Jerry lcgc of playmg under your direction. from 60 to 75 ... Congratulations to . I hat good-lookmg secretary ;it wi;; h to t·hank you wholeheartedly fo r Sidney Flanzbaum and Selma New- Strau ;; and Smith's office is a .Popf'yC "Jewish Disabilities'' rour recent stand ag.ai11s1 broa_dcast- berger on their approaching marri· ge ~a 1\ f-l~rold R othman is d oing <1u ite ing your superb music to Nazi Ger- ... Norma Shearer will continue to ,l J?b with E s;; o product.« on No rth ------many a s a protest against the Hitler appear in pictures, despite all rumors ;\lam strecl. near Randall ... Joe ( From a speech delivered by may be accomplished by a bra\c ncy rcfm,ed, thl• ha1Hlit i- \\" recked Hut were . they always . a mere Hut all these \"ictories were gained 1h e i11t eri\1r o f 1he house, kill in~ aml rn o ney-cl_1ang1ng, 111 011cy-gett111g. 111 0 11- not by the help o f intolerance. but in injuring thc Go lclllinger s. ~li ~~m g ,c\·­ cy-h oardmg race ? Nob ody knows bet- ~pile of the o ppo s- ition of intolerance. eral h uudrcd d 0 llar~ hidden in another 1cr than my ho n? rahl_e friend the The whole his tory of Chri ~tiariity r,10 111. the ba ndits escaped 11 it h a loot ~!ember o f the Un1 vcr~11y of Oxford ,,roves that she has little indcc Junior Hada~~ah C01ffe ntio11 which is T he li rst meeting of the Young Gable. He is positi,·ely hand ;;. ome and turned fro m Zurich. Switzerland. Beth-Israel Daughterhood to be held i.11 Washingto n. D. C. , De­ \Vo mcn's H ebrew A ssociation which a thoro11ghly charming perso n - in where he attended the \,\To rJd J ewi;- h cember 25. 26, 27 and 28. will he held at the Jewis h Comm1111it v fact. he is "rcgnlar.'' Congress, will also be present. Formed; Book Review 'Held .\liss F.n!ly11 Siegal, -..;oprano. sang Center o n Octohcr 20, will bring a·s a fe\\' selectio n ;; accornp;rnil·d by Mrs. speaker i\[r,; _ Rose C. Spou11d of llos­ The tlrst meeting of the Temple Bella Goldenberg Halpert at t hc to n who will discuss ,;An E\·c ning Hcth•l srad Sisterhood was held .\1 011 pi:rno. l~efreshm cnt :: were "'cn·cd. with the Yiddish i\

Attended Local Schools Paul J. Robin, chairman of the Abra­ Abraham \•V. Sydney, born at 42 British Cabinet Called Into ham VI/. Syd1rny Dedication Commit- Orms street, within a stone's throw of Emergency Session 1ec, announces that Jllans arc being the square, was graduated from Can­ compl~tcd for the dedication of the dace Street Grammar School in 1908, ,,quarc located at the junction of Doug­ Classical H igh School in 1912, was a l.ondon (\N~S)-Enraged by the las avenue, Orms and Davis streets, rnember of Brown Uni\"ersity, Class of last-minute acti o n of the police in ban­ to be known as the Abraham VV. Syd ­ ning a mo nster Fa;; eist demonstration ney Square. The dedication will take tt~~e;1~i1y awl~~il~l!)rscft~o?ec~~~O \~; throllgh the heart of London's Jewish place on NoYcmbcr 1. a~ 2:15 o'clt?ck. 1918. qllarter. a gang of SO anti-Semitic Fas­ Prior to the dedicauo11, exercises H e enlisted in the regular army on cists raided the )cwi;; h di ;; trict, smash­ and a parade wil! be held from the rear December 7, 1917, at the Walter Reed ing windo\\"s in· shops. Se\·era\ hours of the State House, along Smith street, General H ospital, Washington, D. C., earlier the police had dispersed a simi­ Chalkstonc a\·enuc. Douglas a\·cnuc, was assigned to the l\'ledical Depart­ lar ga11g. and Orms street, in which a ll the Posts ment Anny Medical School, \1/ashing­ As an aftermath oi the rioting and and Auxiliaries of the Veterans of For­ ton. D. C., promoted to Private, First­ the previolls disturbance resultiug MILTON SAPINSLEY eign Wars. American l,cgio11, Disabled Class, o n February I. 1918, sailed for irom the ban on the demonstration of \•Var Veterans, and Spanish American overseas' service on March 6, 19 18, and Sir Oswald ~!osier's !Hack Shirts, the War Veterans will participate. There died at D11ukurque, France, on Decem­ Hritish Cabinet ,,·as called into emer- As chairman of the liason commit­ will a lso be :i large delegation from ber 19, 1918. many Fraternal Organizations in the gencr session to consi der <:>utlawing_a\l t ee, Milton Sapinsley will speak before He is at present survived by his political par.ides and possibly proh1b1t members of t he various boards of the city. Represen tati ves of the Cnited mother, Mrs. Gertrude Svdney, a States Government, State and City, the _we~ring of uniforms by pri\·ate or- five Jewish Agencies of the Provi­ brother, Jack Sydney, and two sisters, ga111zat1ons. dence-Cranston Community F und, Alclermanic District, Temples and Al­ Mary Sydney and Mrs. Esther Bloom, ESMOND BOROD lied Veteran Organizations ha,·e been all of P rovid ence, and a brother. T . The annual coniercnce of the British Monday evening at the J ohn L. Car ­ invited to speak on that occasion. l .abor Party at Edinbur_gh has gone penter Memoria l Building, 100 North Paul Sydney, of Chicago. Esmond Borod has been appointed on record as demanding an immediate Main street. Other speakers include The committee in charge of the dedi- General Historia n of the Jewish W ar innstigation of Fascism in England. Richmond Viall and Mr. Ca r ey. cation consists of Paul J. Robin, cha!r- Veterans by Harry Schaffer, national Dramatic School Opened 1 1 0 1 1 man: H arry A.: Ho_ffman, par~de chatr- commander-in-chief, it was announced :1~ i :i~~ sLi1~ t~em?ai~fin~~;: t~'J~ l~1~ ------By P rovidence Girl ;~~~lll, !J~!~~. E~~;~~~\;:~:coo:'.O!Ar~h~'; •_ o_d_ay_. ______Simou. who for days refused to heed pleas to ban the Fascist demonstratioll. Stone, refreshments: Abram Halpert, EMANUEL DANCE Ruth Dworman. of this city, \\"ho plaque committee: Ruben Sugarman, has studied dramatics \\"ith HowaMI fl o ral and ground co mmittee; Com­ J CR S WELCOMES Brown and Harvard Clash Butler of Columbia Uni versity, a nd mander Esmond Borod, ex-officio: CHAIRMAN CHOSEN ~liss Alla E. Lewin of Emerson Uni­ I n ·i11g Gla ntz, treasurer, and Dr . .Mau­ Tomorrow at Cambridge rice i'.'lcllion, in\"itations' chairma_n. versity, has opened a school of the NEW MEMBERS drama, at 357 Westminster street, to STATEMENT O F O WNERSHIP Officials in c harge of the Emanu-El Brown and Harvard meet in the ini­ he know_n as the 1.ittle Th<:;itre Scl!ool Statcmcllt of the ownership, manage- Ele\'en llew members were \\"Cl­ Thanksgiving Dance were announced tial major-game tes t for both teams at last Monday at a meeting of the Tem­ IPlrov1~enceD. Cours_es w~l _b e g~ven ment circulation, etc., rt."h s contain statements embracing af- will fly by way of Ro u1na111a and fiant's full knowledge aml belief :.1s to the Greece, 111aki11g stops at lfocharest and "Squared Circle" circumstances and condi ti ons under which Athens. The trip will require 24 h,rnrs stockholders and security hol ders who do each way. The ai r line was li rst pro- Everything Sim­ 11ot appear upon the books of the com- posed hy tlic late Dr. Nah11111 Sokolow. pany as trustees, hold stock :md securities ple as A - B - C in a capacity other than that of a bona More dollars per consumer are fide ow11o r : a11d this affiant has 110 reason rcache{l through the columns of the to believe th:tt any other person, associa- JEWISH H E IVILD. Never before have any radios 0 5 been so simple to tune a nd o/ i~1~i~~;t';\~'\,~t sa:?s1~~~-r~!~11j ~~ F ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ~~~~• operate. Tell-Tale Controls or other securities than as so stated by him. "For Q uality and Service" have their names written in 5. That the average numher of copies therp-plain)..y tell you their of each issue of this publication sold o r E. S. Crandall's use. Turn any contrbf-and distributed, through the mails o r other­ a w o rd telling you what wise, to paid subscribers duri11,1t the Dairy happens flashes in the Tell­ twelve months preceding the date shown Tale slo t . O perating a Zenith is not only simple, it's fun! ~:~c d~~iy \~~~ic~:;~~;;'~1~\~~) is rc