~elJlpl e ,B;' th- SL ff . ~~ ,.. .cl!'N:: '(, 2:!IT c, ~Broad & Glenham StG . Providence , K. I . THE JEWISH HERALD Vol. XII, No. 5 PROVIDENC13/ , R. I., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1936 5 Cents the Copy NOTABLES ATTEND Will Retell Rescue Hundreds InJured in Riots STRAUS FUNERAL More Than 2,000 Mourners · Through Jewish Districts Fill Temple Black Shirt Head Xe,,· York (WNS)-),frs. Franklin LOCAL B'NAI B'RITH POLICE BAN PARADE; D. Roosen~lt, Go1·crnor Herbert H. Lehman of New York. Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia of New York City and DISCUSSES PLANS Andre de l.aboulaye, French Ambas­ AVERT BLOODSHED sador to the United States. were among the notables who attended the Banquet Is Arranged For funeral rites for Jesse I sidor Straus, Commissioner Disregards former American Ambassador Richard E. Gutstadt Frauce and until a few years ago the Pleas of Five Mayors president of R. H. ).[acy and Com- On :\fonday, October 26, Richard E. pa(i;hers among the 2,000 mourners i?:,~s~~~:•gt~/c~~i~; sp~;kt~~ a -~;~1!;~~n~f London (W NS)-Deeply stirred b y who filled Temple Emanu-El, where the 1-fnai Jfrith, following a b"'anquet the narrow avoidance of what would Rabbi Samuel H. Goldenson conduct- tendered in his honor. ha\·c been Eng\and"s bloodiest rio t had 11ot a huge mass dcmoustration of Sir :~11 :~~v~~n~~a:h:eO'!~:sr.tm~;~;eof rs~~:: A regular business meeting of the Oswald Mosley's Fascist blackshirt legions through the crowded Jewish of Harvard, Mr. Straus' alma mater, ~;!~:::;•t0;;1e\\:~di~~~1u~ai: th~l~:1~y 1 districts of London's East End been o f th: State Chamber of_ C_?1111~ erce c;ommand~r Edward Ellsb!rg, naval for Aged, where the gene ral program prohibited by the police at the last and 01 the New York busme~_s .''.~or,id~ officer, engm~er an~ contributor to ior the coming ,car wa s discussed. moment, British public and official ~ fea~ur~ of ~h~,/~~~ra,t~~~;,1cl.,igl~at many magazines, will speak before Tickets to t?1e banquet for i\lr. opinion are looking to Parliament and th! t~{i~~fano hyn~n which was su·u·g i:ili~t:rsae~n~e~~:sgu~f ~~en d~;~~~~ ~~11t:adt3g1~l- b~ ohtain1~ from Jose';.ih the Cabinet to take immCdiate meas­ o n the_ Titanic_when it s~n_k, with '.\fr. ning, in the Temple Ve~uy_. ,~::~-it Falk.~~i iai~~!stmi:~~~~r o;treet: ures to put an end to Fascist violence Straus parent:, among 1b lost pas- Commander Ell sberg will be rt- Admittance for '.\[r. Gm,;;tadt"s ta lk is and intimidation. Although the parade was call ed off, sengers. 24 years ago. :;~~ 11~~~;1~1dart:!\3-11~r~-J~tcte /;:sr~~te 1~! free. sc,·eral hundred persons were injured, many seriously, and about 80 arrested 100,000 Jews Quit ;:•1i~~/~1tt~ht~c;:~~1d,~.ri"1 b~1~~!~~~'1lpi~f Americans Have Invested ------------ when a militant throng of 100,000 anti• Fascists jammed c,·ecy stmt in the Germany Since 1933 ;1~te~t:~ei}it1~r~i1:11;}t1~c~u~:~~1ber is 33 Million in Palestine REFUGEE RABBI Is East End. prepared to block the Fas- Geneva (\·VNS)-Sin,e the ad\·ent ____________ cist;:' march if the po)ice permitted it. of the Nazi regime 11 5.000 refugees . k S . DEAD IN PALESTINE \Yarned for weeks of impending have fled from Germany. it was an- ha~ti;we~~:d· $}3~°6Qf}.~bo~f~;;:e$JQS,~ trouble, the Commissioner of Police nounccd here by Sir Keil '.\laicolm. NAZI EDITORS FACE 0OO.000 \\"hich is estimated to have a11d the Home Office had ignored the 1 !-reaf~~e Go:n~:~ioR!f~~:~:_c,~.;~~;!ss1~f~ 1~ been invested in Palestine_ or. spent in Jer~tsale1~1 (WNS-Palcor Agency)-: t~~s b~frot~\t~~o~!n°~h~h~:1~~ 11 ~:!~ N y LIBEL ACTION the furtherance of the Z1omst cause, Dr. J:.phraim Karlbach, former Rabbi . I_ h g t I d th h 1 5 1 1 1 t:a:1~~:~:~1i~~eiJ,}g~f:!~1!~~~~ ii~ 1~:~i • • '.t:1 erii~i,arc:~1s~J ;~~rr~~ i;;~asl;s~r~~: te 'i;~rt~~n~~rt:~;~•y l~~:r:i;iti\~:~i~; ~~~;~!fl;~~il;:~~::f 1::;~r:~e~~~~t~~u~l - number were l00,000 jews. J0,000 oi 1'.1 a rnessa~e addressed to Nathan educa!1011al work among Jewish .ch1l- A ,;,a~ii:i b . ·ceor e Lansbur whom have settled in Palestine. :"\cw 't'ork ( \V:"\S) - Theodore S!r'.1u s, cha1~n:an of the Ne,,· Y_ork dr7n tn Germany, P oland and Litl;u- l.ahor Icade~ a~ pctitio~ signed l'. There arc s ti11 25.000 Jewish refugees Schrader and \ Valier K_appe, editor;: of L111tcd Palc~tiue Appea l, for pubilca- arna. He was once head of a Jewish 100000 .( c;1s and the plea- of Jew in the various emigrc centers, Sir Xeil the Deu~scher \.Yeck ru! and Beo bac!~- tion in the year_ book to be issu_ed on hi~h sch?o! in Leipzig wbi~l~ trained ish. or a~:i~:tion~ also went' :mheCded~ said. His report indica ted that in ad- tcr. ~azi org:in. ,n•r~ parol_~d un~il October 28th w1th the presentation of children 111 the H~brew trad1t1011 from T!, g. I _ . , l I II dition to the refugees who went to qctob~r 2nd by '.\lag1 .s tratc l·arre\1 m the _Night of Stars. ,f.,ss:rting tl!at kindergarten to college._ . io~ic:01~::,t~m~;td ~~1~:;t~t~~l~~ntl~ee~r:a 1 Palestine 200 refugees \ierc sent 10 \ orkvi\le Conn after they \\ere ar- Chn,tendom has an 1ne~capable rn- A graduate of the Hildesheim Rab- ,- ! w 000 bs bl. other countries every month. ra1gned on a charge ot libel preferred tfr~si;· in f5s~st~;g {~w~ to I reb~1ild tinita\ Seminar~\ it Berlin. ]Df/. ~ar\- \\"l~~o~~nce a:p;~crs~d una\·oidable when 1 1 1 1 ~!~~];\'er ~t[) 0 ~;-th{a(~ar;~~_r:b~:.~~1e;~ :t~t/~;:~et ~} ~1/~ ~-o0,o;0~s}:~~! \1~~~ni~; _E~,~:ernwE.~1ro;•i ~/t; ;om\~~~~/~~_1 ~,~'.~ the assembled Fascis~s fo~md . t~1e1r Women Pioneer Convention and assis tant to Joseph Ridder, head of l~a_lest1ne !< o me 10,000 are American ~sh sc holar. He was a lead111g hg11re r?ule of marsh blo,ke? b) anli-Fas- thc German divisioB of the Democratic c1t1ze11s. m the extreme O rthodox branch of c1st s. Long bcf'?re th~ time set for the In Boston, October 15-18 ::\lational Committee. the Jc.wi sh comnrnnity, the Agudath 1~arade the a11tt-Fasc1~ts crowded the :'lliss \·Vurzburger cl1arged that the M , Cl b S k I srael. Following the ach-cnt of the l11!e of m.,:1rcl~ , determmed 1~ o t to per- The Women Pioneer Club wiil ho ld paper·s last issue co ntained a story al- en S U pea er H itler rc_gime in Germany. Or. Karl- 1111 1 the l·~s~1st_ ,dcmonst~ation. it s next meeting Monday afternoon at leging that s he had becit expelled from bach emigrated from Germany to All tl!e ~mJl!ncs w~re ~ufferc~l wh<!.I 2 o'clock at Arcadia Hall. 109 Vlash- Hunter College i11 1934 for Comnmnist 1-'a"lesti ne, where he lived until his the a11t1-l•asc_1s ts re.<: 1sted poli ce _at- ingto n street. ?\-!rs. \1/i!liam Strong, acti,·ities and that her mother was a death. tempts to d1s1~erse. them. :-\ bnc,k who recently returned from a year's Jewess a nd a secret agent o f the Con- ----- smashed the w111dsh1.eld of_ ~-fosle_y s : : ~ ~/1or~1~~~:~f~1~il:ngi,·;;1;~;ti:;~~)re~\ r;~t~11~:;\ca~101\~~:::.ft~e s'.o ~i11~tW~~~= Irving Thalberg Leaves car and narrowly 1111s sccl hittmg 111111. H~~arly tC1~;ct1~ h!~~!~ ~~- with '.\fr s. ~~:~~:/leclared she 11cl"cr attended $10,QOO,OOO Estate WHO'S WHO LISTS EINSTEIN Plans are being completed for the Los Angeles ( W NS)-Thc late Irv- Chicago (WNS)-Pro fessor Albert Con vention of the Wome11 Pioneer JEWISH LEADER D I ES ing Thalberg, 37-year-olcl production Einstein moved another step forward Organization to be he!d October 15-18 Rome (W)l"S)-Angelo Sercni, one chief of Metro-Goldwyn•Mayer, left an toward beco ming an American when at the Statler H otel 111 Bosto11. The of the outstanding Jews of modern estate valued at $10,000,000, the bulk of the 1936-37 edition of ""Wh o":- \ Vito in which was bequeathed to his wife, Nor- America'· includecl his name for the t~~ef;~fl~ip:~e M~:~ae:seh;~ ~r;;~a, A~~ : !::r;11i~a~~~~n~~~-e·stc::;e~,::~se~h~fo:i;~ ma Shearer, the ac tress, it was re- firs t time. Professor Einstein, who has thur Ko rman; the alternates arc Mes- Jew to receive fro m the Vat ica11 1l;c vealed when hi s wi ll was filed for pro- li,·ed in this co11111ry since 19:!J. has ~lam_e s H enry Burt, L. Sher man, Ben- ;.Order l\•laurizio". He was a lso a bate. taken out his firs t citizenship papers. Ja mrn Rakatansky and Henry Chact.
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