Thursday, May 31, 2001 ! Volume 7, Number 38 Page 1 of 9 Bush and Bayh on The lessons of the father Howey !"#$%$"&'%(&#)*&+%,"#-&,%&.&*$,%$/+#' “Teach, your children well, their father’s hell, it slow- ly goes by.... - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, “Teach Your Political Children” * * * By BRIAN A. HOWEY in Indianapolis To truly understand the decisions being made by one Report player absolutely critical to the 2004 presidential equation - George W. Bush - and another who could have impact on the The Howey Political Report is published by NewsLink same level - U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh - you have to understand Inc. Founded in 1994, The Howey Political Report is an independent, non-partisan newsletter analyzing the the lessons they learned from their powerful fathers. political process in Indiana. In the wake of the defection by Sen. James Jeffords Brian A. Howey, publisher out of the Republican fold, the pundits were blowing in full force. Stuart Rothenberg predicted that the Republican loss Mark Schoeff Jr., Washington writer of the U.S. Senate would make President George W. Bush a Jack E. Howey, editor one-termer. Shift to a Democratic Senate majority would be The Howey Political Report Office: 317-254-1533 bad news for Evan Bayh as it would force the emphasis PO Box 40265 Fax: 317-466-0993 away from the moderate centrists that Bayh had assembled, Indianapolis, IN 46240-0265 Mobile: 317-506-0883 and into the hands of incoming Senate Majority Leader Tom [email protected] Daschle. HPR’s assessment is that it is way too early to rele- Washington office: 202-775-3242; gate G.W. Bush to the dustbin of single term presidencies or Business Office: 317-254-0535. to assume that Bayh’s growing clout will be significantly reduced in the new Senate. Subscriptions: $250 annually via e-mail or What are fascinating are the political journeys Bush fax; $450 annually including the HPR Daily and Bayh have taken, finally emerging from the broad shad- Wire. Call 317-254-1533 or 254-0535. ows of their fathers after enduring humiliating defeat. This © 2001, The Howey Political Report. All rights needs to be taken in the context of America’s swinging ideo- reserved. Photocopying, Internet forwarding, faxing or logical pendulum, where Bush and Bayh are defining the reproducing in any form, in whole or in part, is a viola- parameters. In President Bush’s mind and actions, the tion of federal law and is strictly prohibited without consent of the publisher. American conservative movement is still gathering steam. Continued on page 2

“This is very serious with regard to gover- Ticker: DST ticks before Buyer p. 2 nance and the confidence of the American McDaniel re-elected unanimously p. 6 people. This is an awesome (decision) and, in Phoenix PAC to help GOP raise $$ p. 7 my view, irresponsible ....’’ - U.S. Sen. RIchard Horse Race: Goodnight tabs JLT p. 8 Columnists: Colwell, Stedman p. 9 Lugar on Sen. Jeffords’ decision to leave the GOP Thursday, May 31, 2001 Page 2 of 9

BUYER WEIGHS DST: The technology group that tried to get the Indiana General Assembly to approve Daylight Saving Time is now seeking to get U.S. Rep. Steve Buyer’s House Commerce Committee to include Indiana in an emer- gency bill designed to help four Western states deal with the energy crisis. The legislation would exempt the four states from the 1964 Uniform Time Act, which was amended by those Vietnam era campaigns and has U.S.Sen. Birch Bayh in 1972 Bush-Bayh, from page1 to include the provisions been hard pressed to even talk about what that allow Indiana to be Evan Bayh’s activities and pronounce- position he took on the war while it was exempt from DST. Buyer ments suggest that the pendulum is begin- waged. After graduating from Yale, G.W. has indicated he’s open to ning to swing the other way. Bush joined the Texas Air National exploring the issue, but that Guard. A&E’s Biography says that after he would want the rest of Defeated fathers - GHW Bush Lt. Bush left the guard, “The early 1970s the Indiana congressional marked a distinctly unfocused period in delegation to weigh in. George W. Bush was a teenager Bush’s life as he moved back to East Buyer said that Indiana leg- when his father ran for the U.S. Senate in islators have indicated a 1964 and was defeated by Sen. Ralph Texas and worked intermittently as a man- preference to have Yarborough, a liberal Democrat. As the agement trainee at an agricultural firm and Congress deal with the younger Bush headed for Yale, his father on U.S. Senate campaigns in Florida and sticky issue. became the first Republican congressman Alabama.” He left Texas for Harvard in from Houston, swept in during the GOP 1972, earned his MBA in 1975 and then NE LEGISLATORS RIP tidal wave of 1966 and winning re-elec- ran for Congress in 1978, losing with 47 O’BANNON: Northeast tion with Richard M. Nixon heading the percent of the vote. Indiana Republican legisla- ticket in 1968. George H.W. Bush - with a Bush continued in the oil business, tors blasted Democrats and quit drinking in 1986 on his 40th birthday, the O'Bannon administra- zero percent ADA rating - aimed for tion Wednesday before Yarborough again in 1970, but he was then moved his family to Washington in business leaders in Fort upset by the more conservative Lloyd M. 1987 to work on his father’s presidential Wayne during a Chamber- Bentsen Jr. in the primary and went on to campaign. He became “his father’s most sponsored wrap-up of the defeat the elder Bush that fall. In that trusted confidant and major point of con- just concluded session election, Bush - who supported Nixon’s tact for his colleagues,” Biography report- (Victor Locke, WPTA). controversial Vietnam policy - was unable ed. “He also became known as a talented State Sen. David Long said to make the sharp ideological contrast on speaker and the campaign’s chief liaison "businesses got hammered which he had planned his campaign, to Christian conservatives.” by Democrats in the anticipating that Yarborough would be his In the ‘88 campaign, G.W. Bush Senate" when they walked out on a last-minute vote for opponent. watched as his father drove home the dis- U.S. Rep. Bush’s son doesn’t tinction between President Reagan and Continued on page 3 appear to have played much of a role in himself, offering to create a “kinder, gen- Page 3 of 9 Thursday, May 31, 2001 tler America” as if some of the conserva- high school, Birch Bayh seemed increas- tive realities of Morning in America had ingly out of step with Hoosier voters. He been too harsh. defeated Richard Lugar (Nixon’s “favorite G.W. Bush then returned to Texas mayor”) in the Watergate year of 1974. in 1989, where he headed a group that But even in that terrible Republican year, purchased the Texas Rangers. From afar, Lugar was competitive as his numbers he watched his father preside over the fall rebounded after the Nixon resignation, a business exemption, of communism, win the Gulf War - two dived with President Ford’s pardon, designed to counter the legacies of the Reagan military buildups - revived in mid-fall despite an Indianapolis lawmakers’ failure to elimi- only to find a largely rudderless presiden- Police Department scandal, then finally nate the inventory tax. cy when G.H.W. Bush reneged on his “no bottomed out after Ford came to Indiana Long says Republicans in new taxes” promise while ’s against Lugar’s pleadings, and used the the Senate agreed to pass death took the fire out of the president’s campaign appearance to promote his WIN the budget, sans elimination of the inventory tax, on the belly. The first Bush presidency seemed to program. Hoosier voters didn’t buy into understanding the exemp- have its successes built on the Reagan Fords Whip Inflation Now banalities. But tion would be approved, but foundation of activism and strength, while the end result was a less than impressive the Democrats, he charged, its own activities were listless and wan- 51-46 percent Bayh win. "double-crossed us" at the dering and prompted movement conserva- The message had to gnaw at Evan last minute. State Sen. Tom tives to bolt - lessons not lost on the son. Bayh, now a freshman at Indiana Wyss said there were "fail- G.W. Bush appeared to play a University. Had the bloom come off liber- ures in leadership down smaller role in the 1992 defeat and within alism in the heartland? there, very poor communi- a year he surprised nearly everyone - In 1976, the answers were much cation systems in the exec- including his family - when he announced clearer. Lugar defeated another liberal - utive branch." Wyss went on to predict "we'll have a he was running for governor of Texas. Sen. Vance Hartke - with almost 60 per- very contentious session cent of the vote while carrying 83 coun- next year." Sen. David Ford Defeated father - Birch Bayh ties. That year, Evan Bayh experienced his charged the O'Bannon As a child and teenager, Evan Bayh first political defeats as he helped work on administration "doesn't watched his father - U.S. Sen. Birch Bayh his father’s 1976 presidential campaign in have long-range plans for - become a truly epic American political New Hampshire and Iowa (as G.W. Bush anything we do. Education, figure. Birch Bayh authored two amend- would do 11 years later). Birch Bayh energy, economy all lack long-range plans." Wyss ments to the U.S. Constitution. He was never found traction as the Democrats added, "there's a long- the father of Title IX, which revolution- went with a moderate Southern governor - of Georgia. range plan for transporta- ized collegiate athletics. But coming from tion, but the governor In 1980, it was Evan Bayh who conservative Indiana, Sen. Birch Bayh won't release it." State Rep. was a leading Senate liberal who angered managed what would become his father’s Dennis Kruse charged the many Hoosiers with his opposition to the last campaign. Sen. Birch Bayh was rout- budget that was approved is Vietnam War while leading the charge ed in the Reagan Revolution by conserva- "bad, not right" predicting it against two of Nixon’s Supreme Court tive U.S. Rep. Dan Quayle. U.S. Rep. will ultimately spend $1 bil- nominees - Harold Carswell and Clement John Brademas also lost. After that, Evan lion more than expected Haynesworth. Bayh retreated from the Hoosier political revenues. Kruse says "we get a tax increase when we Bayh had ascended to the U.S. scene, got his law degree from the should be getting tax cuts, Senate in 1962 at what could be consid- University of Virginia, then reappeared in 1984 stumping for State Sen. Wayne like the federal government ered just off the apex of the American lib- is giving. We need less Townsend in the governor’s race. On a eral movement. As a young boy, Evan government, not more." Bayh watched President Johnson carry media tour that fall, Evan Bayh pro- Indiana in 1964. Birch Bayh toyed with a nounced his “fiscal conservatism” that O’BANNON FSSA APPOINT- run for the presidency in 1972, then allowed him to capture his moribund MENT CRITICIZED: Rep. Jeff pulled out when cancer struck his wife, party’s secretary of state nomination in Espich, R-Uniondale, Marvella. By Evan Bayh’s senior year in 1986 and launch his political career. believes John Hamilton, the The lessons of the late 1970s were continued on page 4 Thursday, May 31, 2001 Page 4 of 9

clear for Evan Bayh. Indiana was a con- party’s candidate in 2000,” wrote Sam servative state. “Liberal” became the dirty Howe Verhovek. “The more intriguing “L-word.” G.H.W. Bush’s declaration of question may in time turn out to be “no new taxes” had sunk in, as Indiana whether today’s Republican Party wants Legislative Insight’s Ed Fiegenbaum someone like Bush as its nominee.” Back new head of the state’s recalled during a 1988 primary campaign then, G.W. Bush was a man “cautious social service agency, is swing through Kokomo, the home of his about wearing my religion on my sleeve one of a number of “Frank’s primary opponent. in the political process.” friends” who have been Bayh’s fiscal conservatism spread By May 2001, Bush was being por- appointed to state jobs by across his issues portfolio. In addition to trayed by the news media as anything but Gov. Frank O’Bannon no general tax increases, a big excise tax a moderate. After months of pushing the (Associated Press). “He cut, and his handling of the Jack Crawford massive $1.7 trillion tax cut, refusing to looks for his political extra-marital affair, the Alan Methany adopt Clintonian arsenic water levels cronies, people who have weekend pass from prison, and his send- (while leaving Christine Whitman twisting been involved in his cam- ing the Indiana State Police into homi- at the EPA), the promotion of Star Wars paigns and maybe don’t have the distinctions in cide-plagued Gary positioned Evan Bayh and the faith-based initiative, the blocking terms of capabilities,” as the most conservative governor in mod- of overseas aid to family planning organi- Espich said. He gave high ern Indiana history. zations, Attorney Gen. John Ashcroft and marks to O’Bannon While Bayh and his inner circle a national energy policy that points appointee Katie Humphreys, never owned up to it, there was talk of the toward nukes and Arctic drilling has mod- the departing secretary of grand strategy: his two years as a cost-cut- erates up in arms, Bush seems very, very the Family and Social ting downsizer in the secretary of state’s conservative. Anna Quidlen of Services Administration, office led to the governorship; his fiscal captured the mood best - a week before who is returning to the pri- and social conservatism in the governor’s U.S. Sen. James Jeffords jumped the GOP. vate sector in South Bend. office positioned himself to route the “Moderate Republicans have felt under Hamilton was commissioner of IDEM from 1997 to 1999 GOP’s right wing (Peter Rusthoven and siege for years now, but for some of them and left to run unsuccess- John R. Price) in 1998 in a race where the the first 100 days of Bush II have been the fully for the 8th District con- Democrat was even to the right of the last straw. The masquerade of the cam- gressional seat in the 2000 Republican nominee, Paul Helmke. The paign ... has left the gullible feeling Democratic primary. U.S. Senate would be the staging platform snookered,” she wrote. for the ultimate prize ... the American What Bush has done is learned WINSTON EYES RUNNING presidency. from the mistakes of G.H.W. Bush. His FOR LEGISLATURE: father lost the movement conservatives Reliable sources tell HPR after the Gulf War and, thus, the 1992 that Indiana Democratic Conservatism today election. The Bush I presidency mean- Chairman Robin Winston is The political ground is not firm not only looking to buy a today. It is wet and shifting. Almost like dered, so Bush II is taking on activist trap- new house, he may be look- quicksand. pings. ing at a new House seat for President G.W. Bush blended the The HPR forecast is that Bush is himself. Democratic Reagan and Bush I presidencies to form working aggressively to mark up corner- sources say Winston will his “compassionate conservatism” move- stone achievements early - like Reagan consider running for “an ment that nudged him into office last did in 1981 - and to pacify the conserva- open seat” in the Indiana December. The problem is, G.W. Bush’s tive wing of the party so they don’t bolt. House in 2002 in Marion presidential campaign had the “moderate” As we head into 2002, the administration County. He’s expected to will moderate. Or as Quidlen puts it, “The make a decision by the end feeling oozing out of every pore. His point of all this tacking and shoring is of June. September 1998 story in Magazine left the distinct impres- clear: The next election.” LUGAR SEES GRIDLOCK sion that G.W. Bush was a moderate. The problem with the hard tack to OVERTAKING SENATE: “Bush does not seem to be offering the the right is that Bush and the movement Congress will be engulfed orthodoxy that some Republican conserv- conservatives overplayed their hand. first by chaos and then by atives insist will be necessary in the When Jeffords left the party and the continued on page 5 Page 5 of 9 Thursday, May 31, 2001

Democrats took control of the Senate, could easily lose the conservative wing of gone were the chances to fill the federal the party if he over-compensates. In fact, and Supreme Court benches with conserv- Sen. Evan Bayh’s proteges were predict- ative jurists. Gone is the window to drill ing last summer that Bush’s biggest for Texas tea in the Arctic. dilemma wouldn’t be Senate Democrats, It is a scene that has played out but House Republicans. gridlock in the wake of here in Indiana, where movement conser- Republican Sen. James vatives in the GOP use abortion as the top Bayh’s dilemma Jeffords' decision to switch litmus test, while Evan Bayh and Frank his party affiliation to U.S. Sen. Evan Bayh has run con- Independent, according to O’Bannon have feasted on the moderate, servatively and has now embarked on a Sen. Richard Lugar [R]. The female independent voting bloc. George tack of his own to the left of center. move, which Jeffords Witwer Jr. notes that the movement con- Words like “bipartisan” and “centrist” announced on Thursday, servatives make up about 30 percent of speckle his press releases and public pro- will end the tenuous the electorate and without paying more nouncements. He was stung last summer Republican control of the than lip service, they’ll sit out any given when the National Organization of Wo- evenly divided Senate. In an election. Republican Chairman Mike men publicly condemned his abortion HPR interview with Mark Schoeff Jr., Thursday at the McDaniel has been drawing a line on a record during the veepstakes and liberals Capitol, Lugar said it was piece of paper, a perpendicular line in the like U.S. Rep. Maxine Waters waved him middle, and telling conservatives like unclear when committee off as a pretty-boy pretender from the composition and staffing Witwer and Eric Miller, “Here’s where right. would change. The Senate you are” (far right) and “here’s where the Earlier this week, U.S. Sen. Zell had been running on a com- next candidate for governor needs to be” Miller, D-Ga., himself a targeted party plex power-sharing agree- (the middle). switcher, seemed to be talking about Bayh ment. But after Jeffords' Quindlen wrote in Newsweek, “No when the New York Times reported, move, emotions are raw. person of either party can win the presi- “(Miller) argues that his party — as it Committee markups on leg- dency without a substantial number of exists in Washington, anyway — is now islation have been canceled and work on presidential moderates, who by their own description far too liberal and partisan to aspire to nominees has halted. "Even make up 50 percent, give or take a few winning the Southern states needed to percentage points, of all Americans. It without the legitimatization recapture the White House. He warns that of a (new) system, people was only when dragged them his Senate brethren, particularly those are already pushing and kicking and screaming to the middle of who look in the mirror and see the next shoving," said Lugar. "We the road that Democrats got two terms in president, will rue the day they voted are going to have a political- the White House. called against the Bush tax cut.” ly chaotic situation in the these people the silent majority, but unless Which is precisely just what Bayh Senate and in the commit- they can make their peace with being sold did on that critical Memorial Day week- tees for some period of one thing in a campaign and then having end vote. time. In fact, this may not be resolved until the election to live with something far different and The opportunities still exist for Sen. of 2002." Lugar met with far less desirable, they had better find a Bayh to reach out as he did as Gov. Bayh way to speak up in the modern din of Jeffords twice this week, and try to help President Bush do what he urging him to stay in the political discourse.” did as Gov. Bush, which was to rule Republican party. In meet- A hard tack to the center by unabashedly from the center. ings that included other President Bush is also fraught with dan- The risks are akin to canoeing a GOP senators, Lugar said ger. Already Republican U.S. Reps. Mark favorite but flooded river. You know the that gridlock emanating Souder and Mike Pence are in a virtual scenery, but the current pushes your pad- from Jeffords' switch would state of rebellion over what they see as a dle in ways you don’t want to go, the jeopardize progress on tax, watered down education bill that they say stumps and limbs vanish just beneath the education, energy, and enti- tlement policies. Lugar said will eliminate true choice while fattening roiling surface, and one bad move can lit- he told Jeffords: "The good up the federal bureaucracy. erally end your political life. " Bush has lost the moderate center of the country right now is and the U.S. Senate with Jeffords. He continued on page 6 Thursday, May 31, 2001 Page 6 of 9

McDaniel wins an impressive victory

By BRIAN A. HOWEY Murphy called reports of his candi- INDIANAPOLIS - Could you real- dacy for chairman “laughable” and told ly blame Mike McDaniel for the rise of HPR, “I’d never even thought of it. to give the president and Evan Bayh? Or Stephen Goldsmith’s Mike’s been a friend for 14 years. I had the country the chance to autumn 1996 gubernatorial meltdown? Or no dog in that fight at all.” address serious issues. David McIntosh’s July 2000 “property Some of the nine new committee Unlike other historical taxes have doubled” goof-up? members came to the central committee departures from one party The resounding answer from the after upsetting old guard members, which to another, this is the only new Indiana Republican State Committee included Mike Miner defeating Don Clark one that had the prospect of sporting nine new members, was “No.” in the new 3rd CD, Larry Shickles upset- bringing significant change Did McDaniel catch a little hell for ting Max Middendorf in the 9th, and Kyle to governance. This is very serious with regard to gov- letting voter lists and technology slip dur- Conrad winning the vice chair in the 1st. ernance and the confidence ing the end of the last decade? Yes, but he They were urged by some of their of the American people. had spent much of 2000 rectifying that lag county chairs to instigate change on the This is an awesome (deci- that had allowed the Democrats to win the central committee, whose efforts in com- sion) and, in my view, irre- House in 1998. piling voter lists and updating technology sponsible." In the end, What happened on Thursday was a were criticized. Jeffords may be hoist on new term for McDaniel, who had been at “The state officers received high his own petard, isolating the helm since 1995, with some specific marks from some for being available and himself and undermining the centrist agenda he benchmarks in technology and fundraising friendly,” one 9th CD county chair said. advocates. "The moderates that could signal the final modernization “But when the discussion turned to tech- in our meeting said, 'Jim, phase of the Grand Old Party that once nology, strategy and voter data, the con- we're the ones you're pun- was the Midwest’s dominant machine, but versation became ugly. More than half an ishing,'" Lugar told HPR. since 1994 was deprived of so many big hour of discussion ensued from county victories. chairmen extremely upset by being out- KLAIN SAYS JEFFORDS’ The nine new Central Committee paced by the Democrats in both data and MOVE NOT A DISASTER members bring a new, younger edge to a usage of technology as well as campaign FOR GOP: While some pre- support. The horror stories were numerous dicted disaster for President group where, during the last term, no one Bush’s agenda, former had an e-mail address. and several chairmen expressed concern Hoosier and Clinton aide “It couldn’t have been more posi- that McDaniel was not up to the challenge Ron Klain told the New York tive,” McDaniel said minutes after his of leading in those areas.” Times that the Jeffords unanimous re-election after fending off a Conrad of Newton County won defection could be a bless- challenge from State Rep. Robert Behning the vice chairmanship in the 1st CD in a ing in disguise. "In the long by blazing the phone lines and having for- close contest with Mike Aylesworth of run, this may help Bush mer chairman Rex Early call in some Porter County. "I hope I can offer the state because if it's not just lip chits. “To a person, everyone pledged committee a different vantage point, a dif- service, and he actually works with Democrats, that their full support.” ferent point of view," Conrad said (Times will make him a better presi- McDaniel said that reports from the of Northwest Indiana). "The party has dent," said Klain, a former state committee staff that State Rep. Mike struggled with reaching out to different aide to Tom Daschle, who Murphy was mounting a challenge came age groups, different ethnic groups (and has held assorted posts on when the committee considered making to) rural areas. I think I can bring a differ- Capitol Hill and in the the party treasurer into a chief fundraiser. ent perspective." Clinton administration. "The Murphy and Bob Grand have played New 6th CD Chair Jean Ann question is, does he major roles in GOP fundraising efforts, Harcourt, a former RNCC member, told respond to the challenge the same way Clinton but Grand opted out of the committee pic- HPR, “Changes will be demanded by the responded to the challenge ture because of party by-laws that prevent new committee. The county chairmen and lobbyists from serving. vice chairmen want to WIN.” " Page 7 of 9 Thursday, May 31, 2001

Phoenix Group rises to assist the GOP mentBy BRIAN A. HOWEY Phoenix Group is impressive. Kittle is INDIANAPOLIS - The debate that CEO of Kittles Furniture and Grand is a raged in Republican circles ranging from senior partner with Barnes & Thornburg the state committee to perimeter outposts law firm. Tobias is former CEO of Eli such as New Albany and Merrillville cen- Lilly. All have been prodigious in 1995?" tered on how to upgrade the GOP. Republican fundraisers and all have been But one group of Republican dismayed at the lack of success of major DOCKSIDE PROPONENTS financiers has already begun to take mat- Republican statewide candidates over the GEARING UP FOR ANOTHER ters into their own hands. The Phoenix past decade. TRY: In the wake of another Group, led by Jim Kittle, Bob Grand and The Phoenix PAC is poised to failed attempt to persuade the General Assembly to Randy Tobias is forming a foundation address some of the issues that Indiana and PAC to “train and nurture talented legalize dockside gambling Republican Chairman Mike McDaniel in Indiana, proponents of the people, use existing knowledge more was trying to fend off in his battle for re- controversial measure effectively and begin policy research, election this week. The PAC promises to already are plotting their seek to garner support from the general “compile opposition research for likely next move. Not surprisingly, public for policy initiatives, and utilize upcoming opponents of candidates supporters are vowing to technology to organize donor lists, volun- endorsed by the PAC” and “will identify give it yet another try during teers and media contacts. specific like-minded candidates. The next year's legislative ses- “The State of Indiana faces very sion, if not sooner (Terry Phoenix Group has identified the 2002 Burns, Times of Northwest real problems, the effects of which are Marion County prosecutor and secretary not fully understood or obvious to most Indiana). "Unfortunately, we of state races as a “likely vehicle to Hoosiers,” the Phoenix Group’s premise got stopped in our tracks, so develop a core of expertise.” The ulti- we need to regroup and fig- reads. “The K-12 education system ranks mate goal would be positioning a ure out where we're going in the bottom five nationally. The tax sys- Republican to win the 2004 gubernatorial from here," conceded Joe tem is archaic by many state standards race against Lt. Gov. Joe Kernan. Domenico, chairman of the and the property tax system has been “We’re still in development phase, Casino Association of declared unconstitutional. Indiana’s gov- Indiana and senior vice pres- but we’re off and running,” Kittle told ernment itself needs a major overhaul. In ident at Harrah's East HPR. “We’re looking at a 10-year vision part the responsibility for Indiana’s Chicago Casino. Within the decline lies with many of its elected offi- and mission to move Indiana into the best next few weeks, he said, offi- cials, who have failed to provide the nec- of class in economic development, educa- cials from the state's 10 riverboat casinos will be essary leadership for change.” tion, a commitment to technology and moving our government processes into meeting in hopes of devising The Phoenix premise continues, a strategy. “To date, challengers of this viewpoint the 21st Century. There are many things that have to move. That includes the have not used an organized approach to CASINO RE-LICENSING identify strong candidates nor have they House, Senate, the Republican Party and SCHEDULED: The process of found a delivery mechanism to effective- state government itself.” considering new licenses for ly articulate solutions. While the financial The Phoenix Group did not take three of Northwest Indiana’s resources have been abundant in recent sides in the contested Republican chair riverboat casinos is sched- elections, there is no incubator for talent, race between Mike McDaniel and State uled to begin before the institutional knowledge, message and Rep. Robert Behning. Kittle said the Indiana Gaming Commission (Robin Biesen, Times of policy development, technology solutions group agreed with Behning’s five points Northwest Indiana). It’s been of improvement, but has a working rela- or even sustained fundraising. Because five years since the licenses many such races have been lost, even the tionship with McDaniel. became effective. They are most effective pieces of past efforts have The Phoenix Group has established the Empress Casino in been lost, leaving future candidates with offices near the Pyramids in Indianapolis Hammond and Gary’s Trump little or nothing to build on.” and can be contacted at 317-396-4911." and Majestic Star casinos. The collective clout behind the continued on page 8 Thursday, May 31, 2001 Page 8 of 9 Indiana 2002, 2004 Racing Form Secretary of State 2002: Republican: Mike Delph, Deputy Secretary of State Todd Rokita, Richard Mourdock, Luke Messer, Paul Helmke, Carmel Clerk-Treasurer Diana Cordray. Democrat: Bloomington Mayor John Fernandez. 1994 Results: Gilroy (R) 902,100, Jeffers (D) There is no indication the 542,539, Dillon (L) 32,483, Knight (A) 13,948. 1998 Results: Gilroy 828,557, Little (D) re-licensing will be anything 652,565, Dillon (L) 51,775. 2002 Forecast: Deputy INDOT Commissioner Bryan Nicol will not but routine. seek the Democratic nomination for secretary of state. Nicol is a member of the Democratic State Committee and a former deputy attorney general. Nicol’s decision clears the deck for SHERIFF DEPARTMENTS Fernandez to secure the 2002 nomination. Status: Tossup. EXPERIMENTING WITH Republican: Chris Chocola, State Sen. Thomas GROUP HEALTH PLANS: Congressional District 2: Sheriff’s departments Weatherwax. Democrat: Roger O. Parent, Jill Long Thompson, State Sen. Bill Alexa, Katie across Indiana have started Humphries, Cleo Washington. Geography: LaPorte, St. Joseph, Starke, Marshall, Pulaski, experimenting with a group Fulton, Cass, Miami, Carroll and parts of Porter, Elkhart and White counties. Media Market: health insurance plan to South Bend-Elkhart, Indianapolis, Lafayette, Chicago. 2000 Result: Roemer (D) 107,076, save money on inmate med- Chocola (R) 98,367. 2002 Forecast: 2000 5th CD Democratic nominee Gregg Goodnight is ical care. Only three coun- expected to endorse Jill Long Thompson. ties in Indiana — Clark, Clay Goodnight, with Kokomo’s addition to the 2nd, and Vigo — currently use an lives in that district. Chocola gets the endorse- insurance plan to pay for ment of CD district county chairs. That was incurred medical expenses, "the sentiment of Republican leaders from coun- but more than 40 others are ties of the new 2nd Congressional District as considering the idea. they gave a warm welcome Tuesday night to Chocola, the man likely to be their nominee for Congress in 2002" (Jack Colwell, South Bend Tribune). "It wasn't he who moved out of the dis- O’BANNON APPROVES trict. It was the Democrats who drew him out of the district." The Tribune added, "Talking as REASSESSMENT RULES; though he already was the nominee, Chocola said the race is 'very winnable' but one that will be STATE ‘HOLDING BREATH’: 'very competitive.'". Status: Tossup. Gov. Frank O'Bannon has Congressional District 3: Republican: U.S. Rep. Mark Souder. Democrat: Rodney given final approval to rules Scott, Jay Rigdon. Geography: Fort Wayne, Goshen, Kosciusko, Whitley, LaGrange, Steuben, that are expected to boost DeKalb and parts of Elkhart and Allen counties. Media Market: South Bend-Elkhart, Fort taxes for many homeown- Wayne. 2000 results: Souder (R) 131,051, Foster (D) 74,492. 2002 Forecast: Two Democrats ers. Many county and town- have anted up - Rodney Scott, who teaches in Fort Wayne, and Jay Rigdon of Warsaw. Rigdon, ship assessors have been who has headed the United Way in Warsaw, ran an unsuccessful race against State Sen. Bob working for weeks, or even Meeks two years ago. Status: Safe R. months, to collect the data Congressional District 6: Republican: U.S. Rep. Mike Pence. Democrat: Melina that will be used to estab- Ann Fox. Geography: Anderson, Muncie, Richmond; Wells, Adams, Blackford, Jay, Madison, lish new property values for Delaware, Randolph, Henry, Wayne, Rush, Fayette, Union, Decatur, Franklin, and parts of taxation. But until now Bartholomew, Shelby, Johnson and Allen counties. Media Market: Indianapolis, Fort Wayne, they've been unsure exactly Dayton, Cincinnati. 2000 results: Pence (R) 106,023, Rock (D) 80,885, Frazier (I) 19,07. 2002 how that information would Forecast: Fox filed her committee papers on Thursday. The Democrat, who served on the be applied. In March the USDA’s Farm Service Agency for eight years, took issue with Sen. Richard Lugar’s staff that State Board of Tax the Jeffords party switch won’t have a big impact on the Senate Agriculture Committe. Fox said, Commissioners approved “Agriculture policy will definitely take a different direction with Harkin at the helm. The Senate the new rules -- the result of Ag Committee is already divided over the conservation title of the new farm bill. It appears that an eight-year court battle the 2002 Farm Bill will now move toward the Democratic agenda.” Pence thinks a special elec- that may not be over yet. tion should be held for officeholders who change parties during mid-term. "I would be a strong Still, they weren't official supporter of such a measure in Indiana," Pence said (Rick Yencer, Muncie Star Press). "It is until this week, when entirely possible we might see gridlock," Pence said after South Dakota Sen. Tom Daschle, the O'Bannon signed and filed expected majority leader, said parts of Bush's energy plan and a missile defense system were fin- them with the Secretary of ished. "The agenda of Senate Democrats could be an agenda of obstruction," Pence said. Fox State. "This has really been said she had worked with Daschle on federal farm policy and said, "Under [Daschle's] leader- a long time in coming, and ship, we will experience an agenda that embraces the majority of Americans, especially working there's been a lot of work families." Fox said she did not believe Bush had a national consensus, winning only the done to get to this point," Electoral College while losing the popular vote. "If [Pence] wants to pass a law, look at how many thousands of voters in Florida were disenfranchised." Status: Leans R. " Page 9 of 9 Thursday, May 31, 2001

Jack Colwell, South Bend Tribune - ed Jeffords' switch as "a severe jolt to Nothing is more important for a president governance" and "a monumental change." said Mary Dieter, the gover- than dealing with Congress, especially Thus, from the Republican perspective, nor's press secretary (Lesley with members of the president's own Jeffords is an apostate, a traitor, guilty of Stedman, Louisville Courier- party. The way President George W. Bush - as one conservative editorial page Journal). "It's time to get mov- has dealt with Sen. James Jeffords -- and opined - "an act of political perfidy." ing on the reassessment. It's Jeffords with him -- is the latest illustra- When Democratic senators, and there time to move forward." Tax have been three in the past two decades, Board Chairman Tim Brooks tion. Often we call the president of the said state officials "are holding United States the most powerful person in have switched sides, their new Republi- can brethren saw nothing evil about their their breath" regarding a possi- the world. Yet, the Founding Fathers decisions. Frankly, if the political control ble lawsuit. "I am not deluding wanted no king-like ruler. They estab- myself into thinking (a lawsuit) of the Senate weren't in the balance, most lished checks and balances. Most of what won't come but right now we're Republicans would have dismissed a president wants, including the funding focusing on getting the Jeffords' departure with a "good rid- to do it, must be approved by Congress -- reassessment done.” dance." House and Senate. The courts, of course, KINDERGARTEN GROWING: also check and balance, ruling on consti- Moving up the cutoff date for tutionality and, as we have seen, even Lesley Stedman, Louisville Courier- Journal - O'Bannon is trying to figure out enrolling kindergarteners by a making the final decision on the outcome month may add 6,000 children of a close presidential election. It's how he wants to handle the (reassess- to the rolls this fall, or about tougher for Bush, with the House narrow- ment) situation. His press secretary, Mary one or two pupils in each ly controlled by Republicans and the Dieter, said the governor still feels classroom (Associated Press). Senate a tie -- well, it was a tie. Really, he responsible for finding a solution to the Terry Spradlin, legislative liai- has been off to a pretty good start. He will problem. He has made noise about bring- son for the Indiana Department of Education, said the school get his tax cut, though a little less than he ing lawmakers back to the Statehouse later this year for a special session to con- districts already burdened by wanted, and he apparently will get an increasing enrollments will not education reform bill, though whether it sider tax restructuring. In general, that means a revamping of the tax system -- notice much of a change. The will do much good at the funding levels increasing some taxes, cutting others, new state law allows children he pursues is a different matter. That mat- who turn 5 by July 5. " eliminating a few or creating new ones. ter, the funding level, seems to have been Dieter said the governor and his staff are the breaking point in Bush's dealings with still thinking that over. But so far Jeffords. " Republicans haven't expressed much interest in coming back later this year. Next HPR Sylvia Smith, Fort Wayne Journal "We don't want to do this willy-nilly," Gazette - So now it's Sen. Jim Jeffords, I- Dieter said. "We want input from law- will be Vt. Such a little thing, that one initial. makers, from individual Hoosiers." But make no mistake: Washington is talk- But until the assessments are completed ing about nothing else. There's great next year and residents -- as well as state published gnashing of teeth on the Republican side, and local officials -- understand the real barely controlled jubilation among the impact of the changes, there's not likely to on June 14 Democrats. Jeffords' departure from the be much agreement. That consensus Republican Party would merely be politi- might not come until 2003, when cal gossip were it not for the fact that it Hoosiers actually begin paying the higher throws control of the Senate to the bills. Until then, don't expect much more Democrats. Sen. Richard Lugar, generally from state officials than talk. " not given to hyperbolic theatrics, describ-