Post Script June 13 2015 and that Hamilton Green Award-

Errol Harry-London UK .

That :

1. the murderous racist and desperate and now thankfully ancient ppp- ee Regime could dare to use Walter Rodney’s Assassination by the Burnham Dictatorship an established fact-as a 2015 Electioneering ploy to bash Assassin ’s PNC and the APNU Coalition is outrageous but not surprising.

2.That pre-elections they could spend literally billions of Guyanese dollars on their political Commission of Inquiry on the Panel (& a Guyanese Journalist $6000 US a month!) speaks for itself.

With all respect due to the Rodney Caribbean Commissioners this reeks of the kind of low-down bribery which we have become accustomed to associate with this putrid cabal. Freddie Kisson is quite correct : Professor Pat Rodney Walter’s widow should not have touched this lot with a barge pole ; it sullied Walter’s name and legacy in the process .

3.That the new Granger Govt would want to derail this politicised gravy train as soon as possible is also quite right -giving them one month to wrap it up.

IF Only after their May 11 election victory ,they did not immediately take a decision to present one Hamilton The Hammer Green with the nations Highest Civilian Honour.

4..Green, Burnham’s cousin and currently Mayor of Georgetown was never a mere a bona fides ‘civilian’ Minister in the Burnham unelected Dictatorship but like ‘General’ Burnham himself was a civilian General who commanded his own private Death squad ‘Army’ of thugs. 5. This was yet another Praetorian Guard to supplement the other 5 official Army Forces -all in the service of a super militarised Neo- colonial state of which General Granger now President, was himself a part .

6..Walter Rodney and the WPA‘s aim to remove the Dictatorship was therefore cut out. This historical task must not be denied but viewed as a Patriotic Duty worthy of recognition in exactly the same terms as those who fought and died to remove the ppp-ee Regime today.

7..Crum-Ewing today was Walter Rodney and many others yesterday. It is they who should be honoured not Hamilton Green. Green is entitled to be rehabilitated but only after admitting and apologising to the Guyanese Nation before a Truth Commission.

8.. Recall that minutes before the explosion which took Walter Rodney’s last breath at 8pm on Friday 13 June 1980, this Hamilton Green was seen speeding down Brickdam opposite St Stanislaus College in the direction of Camp Street and Hadfield Streets where the bomb in the walkie-talkie trap set by Sgt.Gregory’s Smith and arranged by Burnham’s Chief of Intelligence Chief Godwin Mcpherson’s (now RIP from Berbice) was sprung.

9..Whether one cares about History or events of 13 June 1980 or not , this untimely ill-advised and outrageous Award to Green is the moral and political equivalent of the ppp awarding the imprisoned Raja Khan with ’s highest award.

10..In prison in New York Khan is like Green was a ‘civilian’/ General who headed the ppp ‘s own Phantom Death Squad- controlled and commanded by their two Ministers : Ronald Gajraj then Home Affairs Minister now Ambassador back home in India, and Dr Leslie Ramsamy the last ppp Health Minister -‘Dr Death’

Placed in its proper context this Green’s award not only spits in the face of Guyanese History in general and on Walter Rodney’s grave in particular , but of course represents a currently updated gratuitous and insensitive slap in the face to all those decent Guyanese, and activists not only remnants of the defunct multi-racial WPA who challenged confronted denounced and defied this ppp elected Dictatorship now and against the Burnham version then.

Is this another case ‘we turn now?’ Does Green’s Award presage the same racist triumphalism of the ppp victory in 1992 when the Rodney-ites who bore the brunt of Burnham’s and Green’s wrath - were excluded from Government by ? Of course not .

Dr Rupert Roopnarine the newly appointed APNU Govt’s Minister of Education was Walter Rodney’s Deputy in the WPA. Roopnarine like anti-ppp scourge and scribe Freddie Kissoon would have nothing to do with the ppp’s Walter Rodney Commission of Inquiry.

The problem however is that like the ppp after 1992 to 2015 who provided Burnham’s reign with retrospective cover and justification , this nonsensical award gives the ppp racists:

Some small measure of undeserved and retrospective ‘I told you so’ ‘justification’ for their own historically unique decades long and unprecedented rampages of Crime Corruption and Carnage .And yes of Racialism too.

Read on-Errol Harry London UK June 13 2015. WALTER RODNEY ASSASSINATION UPDATED- MORE MURDERS ALL ROUND-13 June 2013-E.Harry .

See attachment below


On Wednesday, February 13, 2013 4:17 PM, Errol Harry wrote: Please FORWARD to Bonita Harris ( Mrs Ronald Waddle) ----- Forwarded Message ----- From: Errol Harry To: Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2012 4:55 PM Subject: xxx NORMAN MCLEAN and RODNEY'S ASSASSINATION UPDATED-MORE MURDERS ALL ROUND.

1.Attached above-Secret embassy files from Burnham Govt Embassy in Wash. DC.-disclosed many years ago.

2.Music Straight to Gregory-'bag o' wire' Smith (RIP) and King Kong Burnham's Head

Reading the recent secret Wikileaks US cable about Norman Mclean’s relatively recent de-briefings with the US ambassador to Guyana one is tempted to enter the Time-machine allegedly located in the basement of the PPP Govt’s Party HQ at un-Freedom House in Rob Street, Georgetown and rewind to 1980 and the months prior to Walter Rodney’s assassination to scrutinise the peripatetic wanderings of ‘Comrade’ Norman Mclean -Burnham's Chief Of staff at the time of the murder on 13th June 1980.

The Question is : For how long has this Mclean/US axis-as revealed in this cable, existed?

Unconfirmed reports place Mclean in the environs of Washington DC a few weeks prior to the 13th June 1980 , informing friends that he had come to the US to ‘collect some electronic equipment.’

Did Burnham instruct Mclean his Chief of Staff to visit a large building in Langley,Virginia to receive a package of electronics from his (the Kabaka’s) CIA controllers?

Furthermore, on the night of Friday 13th June 1980, shortly after the blowing up of Dr Walter Rodney by a remote control bomb secreted in what he believed was a ‘walkie-talkie’ given to his brother by Govt undercover agent Sgt. Gregory Smith, unconfirmed reports at the time also stated that Norman Mclean hurriedly left a social gathering in Georgetown saying that he had to go to see the Dictator because he had just heard that Walter Rodney is dead.

 Quite apart from the fact that the Burnham/ PNC controlled media were reporting all the next day that an ’un-identified body’ was found in a car after an explosion the night before next to the Georgetown jail–(a bit of misinformation which Journalist Julian Menezes exploded with his picture of the slain revolutionary on a slab in the Georgetown morgue and had to suffer for his pains.)

 Quite apart from the fact that leaflets with idiotic rhymes about a ‘hickory dickory death’ were strewn outside the Rodney family home later that night after the assassination  Quite apart from the fact that BBC world-service radio suddenly became unavailable that fateful week-end  Quite apart from the fact that the Army falsely claimed that ‘no Sgt. Gregory Smith existed’ in their records

it would seem that if these reports of Mclean’s intelligence and movements prior to and so soon after Rodney’s killing are correct, he would be at the very least a material witness at any serious Investigation into the assassination. An investigation promised by the PPP in opposition and ‘inconveniently forgotten’ after returning to power in October 1992. 19 long years ago.

In fact Mrs.Patricia Rodney had reason to take the ppp Govt's Prime Minister to task a few years ago and demanded an apology for his attempt to place the blame on the Rodney family for the pp Dictatorship's failure to honour its committment. Yet the remnant's of Rodney's WPA party continue to give this ppp man ,Hinds pride of place every 13th June at the annual Tributes to Walter Rodney.

Another Question: For how long will those of us with good memories allow the PPP’s PIG (Party and Its Government) to continue dishonouring its public commitment to a full Enquiry and at the same time to reserve their ‘right’ to use this heinous act as a political stick to beat up the PNC Party (of Norman Mclean and Forbes Burnham) at Election time for political gain?

At the time of Walter Rodney’s assassination the Chief of Intelligence , answerable directly to Burnham and Mclean, and the man who would be the most likely candidate as controller of the assassin Gregory Smith, (apart from Harry Hinds Rip) was Berbician Godwin Mcpherson.

One can only wonder exactly what Mclean, Mcpherson and Burnham were telling the US Ambassador around June 1980 .

Since the Carter Administration in the US revealed in 1976 that Burnham was a paid–up CIA Agent from 1946, it does not take too much of a leap of the imagination to view Mclean’s relationship with the Americans in the context of His Master’s own History.

In 1974 it was Walter Rodney himself who pointed out (ref Race and Class Journal uk-intetview with Colin Prescot) that Burnham’s problem was that, given the historical record, he had only two options open to him after being installed in power by the British and the Americans to unseat Marxist Cheddi Jagan: either to deny or to confirm his past. He chose to deny it with his Cooperative ‘Socialism’.

Burnham CIA Agent like the Rev Jim Jones,(read 'Was (Jimmy) Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment'? and good chess player would be expected to choose his Chief of Staff Mclean and Intelligence Chief Godwin Mcpherson very carefully. Indeed all of them would be likely to view Walter Rodney-the true Guyanese Patriot and Internationalist as a ‘terrorist’. As he himself put it:

“Many historians are afraid to deal with living history and I can understand why, because sometimes it is dangerous, especially in Africa . The moment that the social scientist begins to reflect too closely on the present, he or she is subversive in the Third world. It is safer to be with the mummies and the bones'.

At this point kindly permit me a little digression into some racial matters..

 Not about the fact that Norman Mclean is (and has always been) what we call in Guyana a ‘red- man’ (like the assassin Gregory Smith, and St Lucia’s Nobelist Derek Walcott) and all that implies about his potential for ‘plantation-house fixations’ ie what Fanon has identified as the inordinate desire of members of this sub-strata to become, identify with, (and accept no rejection from) ‘Backra’-the white massa.  Nor about how he may have viewed Walter Rodney through a prism designed in Washington not only in ideological terms but as a Black man of humble working-class roots: Dad a tailor etc. Historically and logically the mulatto-type of house slave mentality cyaan feel superior to blacks without at the same time accepting their own inferiority to the whites dem..  Nor about the pilgrimage to the US Embassy to dutifully warn the current Backra (‘Oyimbo’ in Lagos, Wazungu in Dar es /Nairobi) about ‘the subversive plans’ of even his very own ex- Intelligence Chief Godwin Mcpherson and the other field-negroes dem against the current ppp Govt..But about this: Burnham was in fact ‘outed’ by the US State Department under President Jimmy Carter in 1976 only after the Senator Frank Church’s Committee investigating the CIA and (their ‘Murder Inc in the Caribbean’ -Prez Johnson) discovered that an Arab- King Hussein of Jordan was on the CIA payroll.

In order to bury this damaging info it was deemed expedient, in terms relative geo-political value, to divert attention from it, bury it and take the heat off the Arab, by leaking information to the Washington Post that not one but two black man dem who were ALSO being funded by the CIA –Forbes Burnham and Kenya’s Jomo Kenyatta..

And for much longer than the Arab to boot. For 30 years from 1946 to 1976 . As the Austrailian Immigration Minister put it in 1964 ‘Two Wongs can never make a white’. Now in 1976 it’s ‘two blacks cyaan even mek an Arab..’ To Rawtit…

Burnham responded at the time in classic Afro-Saxon lexicon: ‘It’s a dastardly lie!’ But then, as Walter Rodney had anticipated, he would deny it wouldn’t he?

At this very same time (and at the Air Cubana sabotaged flight out of Barbados via Georgetown it should be noted) the Advance Party of the CIA Franchise People’s Temple (ref ‘Was Jonestown a CIA Medical Experiment? above) were already in place (in that part of Guyana which Burnham had helpfully allowed them to re-Christen ‘Jonestown’ after 'Rev'. Jimmy Jones)- clearing the bush and already buying up in the US, the cyanide to import (latest revelation)… for the 800 blacks to come.

As if this was not enuf, within a few years of the mass-murder at Jonestown, Burnham actually tried to import into the Jonestown site a persecuted Laotian hill tribe –the Hmong. Who were they?

They just happened to have been used by the CIA to fight the Communist insurgency. The communists won, began to persecute them and the CIA was looking around for a home to export them to- Surinam included. Just like Jim Jones. They ended up in the US.

Black to the future:

The recently disclosed secret cables places Norman Mclean in 2004 at the very least in a rather close and cosy but to be sure subordinate ‘house-boy’ relationship with the US Ambassador and at some distance from his old comrade in arms Godwin Mcpherson .

Comrade Norman is providing raw ‘humint’ intelligence and up to the minute ‘Hit Lists’ to boot.

 Did Mclean really imagine that he was the only CIA Agent in Guyana watching dem watchin him watchin dem ?  Does anyone in Guyana still imagine that Comrade Norman was keeping his ‘intelligence’ from the PPP and its Govt.?  Could the flow of ‘intelligence/misinformation’ have started from the Roger Khan Death Squad end to the PPP’s-PIG ie (its Party In Government) and finally to the Americans via ‘Comrade Norman’s’ well-established channels and good graces?  as an ex-post facto justification for all the extra- judicial killings in the first place?

Anyway’ss what did the ‘intelligent’ people at the US Embassy make of the fact that ‘Comrade’ Mclean had conveniently included His own good self and girl-friend Sita Ramlall-(Registrar of Deeds) along with the US Ambassador on his ‘top-secret’ Hit List?

Could it be that to the CIA Station Chief at the Embassy this could not have been a transparently ragamuffin hustle because they had good reason over time to trust our Norman? Did he have nuff history and inside-traction with them? -Read the cable. (1)

Anyway-s’s’s, I keep telling y’aal some things can only be truly understood at the psychic Fanon-ist level. This is both an attempt at ingratiation and also serious self-identification with Oyimbo .The Horse is shouting up to the Rider :‘We’re all in this together Wazungu’ because :

 ‘Godwin Mcpherson , Oliver Hinckson and others are planning ‘terrorist’ reprisals’against the ppp Govt.  for the murder of ‘Field-Nigga’ Rastaman and militant TV host Ronald Waddell-( married to WPA and Walter Rodney ‘companiero’ Bonita Harris-not Karen De Souza as previously stated) .

And don’t get too intrigued about Mclean and Mcpherson and waste time trying to make sense of this ‘hall of mirrors’business eg

 whether the ppp PIG (party and its Govt.) had planned to arrest Oliver Hinckson first and then get Mclean’s to put his name on list for the Americans or vice versa? This is as irrelevant as wondering  why only Hinckson was arrested and not Godwin Mcpherson? So why couldn’t ‘God- willin’ be Mc-Dirt’s informant?

What is not in dispute is that God put Godwin to rest. Mcpherson, like Gregory 'bag o wire' Smith in French Guyana, died a few years ago with his secrets without having to tell an enquiry about his (and of Mclean’s if any?) role in Walter Rodney’s assassination.

What is not in dispute as the cable itself reveals, is that by this time 2004 ,Comrade Norman Mclean is rather close to the PPP and its PIG. An honourable member of the PIG if not a fully paid up member.

Such is the snakes and ladders of what Walter Rodney accurately described as the process of ‘selective integration’ in Guyanese race politics-among the petit-bourgeiosie dem.

What is not in dispute is that evidence heard on oath in a NY court- room states that

 after Roger Khan’s murder squad riddled TV host and rastaman Ronald Waddell with bullets in his driveway in Georgetown,  the assassins reported immediately to Khan in a nightclub who  allegedly then phoned Minister of ‘Health’ Ramsammy (he denies this vehemently) to advise him  of the shooting and that Waddell should not be allowed to survive if he is taken to the Georgetown (Public) Hospital.

Drug Baron Roger Khan’s Phantom Death Squad,(Khan is the Guyanese Dudus Coke) is itself allegedly linked to the PIG’S Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj -now Ambassador to India (after the Americans revoked his US visa-see below).

As the secret cable also revealed, when this Roger Khan was accidentally caught and arrested by the police in the early hours in a car with his (Black ex-Burnham police) assassins on the East Coast with ‘sophisticated electronic equipment’ allegedly ordered for him by the Government Health Minister Ramsammy (like the alleged Mclean’s electronic equipment in 1980 in Wash.DC), it was :

 the other Doctor and the other Roger’, ‘Out to Lunch’ Luncheon (from Prez.Jagdeos office) this time, who tried to persuade/ instructed Police Commissioner Greene to provide legal cover for Death Squad Roger Khan - by claiming it was part a Police Operation!  Although Greene refused, the case against Khan simply dissolved. Khan continued with his killing spree.  Between 2002-4, Roger Khan’s Phantom Squad accounted for an avalanche of 200 -500 murders of disproportionately young black ‘criminals’ and ‘terrorists’.Just like Walter Rodney murdered at 39 like Martin,Malcolm and Che..

However in the fullness of time, Death Squad member turned informer George Bacchus blew the lid off the entire ppp Govt.operation and exposed Home affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj’s alleged involvement.

Bacchus was himself killed shortly after his exposure as he had publicly feared and after his brother was killed by mistake for him. (His assassin who was caught and jailed turned out to be a young black man in his 20’s)

The ensuing press (national and international) hullabaloo forced President Jagdeo and the PIG to set up an enquiry into Home Affairs Minister Ronald Gajraj’s alleged connections and involvement with Roger Khan’s Phantom death Ssquad.

Guess who was selected as a member of this crucial three person investigation Committee? Burnham's Chief of Staff Norman Maclean of course!

It is hard to resist the conclusion that Norman Mclean, was as carefully selected (selective integration?) by the ppp PIG in 2005 for this important task as Independent Death Squad Investigator no doubt because of his ‘special knowledge, expertise and proven track record’ as Burnham’s Chief of Staff of fighting ‘terrorists’ for Forbes Burnham like Walter Rodney and his WPA.

Prior to Roger Khan’s arrest in Surinam:  Gajraj’s successor as Home Affairs Minister Gail Texiera told Paramaribo the ppp PIG (party and its Govt.) was not interested in him! and  he was ‘rendered ’ to the US by the DEA –via Trinidad to collect his 15 years in prison for drug- dealing (not murder),

Roger Khan’s response to being named as ‘the major drug dealer in Guyana’in the Annual US State Department Country Report was worthy of note.

 He paid for whole-page Ads in Guyanese Press proclaiming that he was ‘assisting’ the GOG – Govt. of Guyana as well as the Americans to fight ‘crime and terrorism’.

Needless to say, and ‘incredibly’ as the Americans themselves describe it in the cable, Ronald Gajraj was completely exonerated and was packed off to enjoy himself as Ambassador to India. But equally incredible is this:

Norman Mclean was arrested and charged last year with his ‘Hit-list’ girl-friend Sita Ramlall ( Deeds Registry Boss) for producing allegedly fraudulent ‘official’ Deeds Registry Adoption Documentation

 to the US Embassy to get a minor into the USA, and  It was the US Embassy who tipped off the Guyanese police.(1)

At this point it is very obvious that the person in charge of the time- machine in the basement of un-Freedom House the PPP HQ in Rob Street was seized with a great sense of History, a greater sense of humour and an irresistible urge to transmit a powerfully sublimal message

 not only to Mclean, Burnham’s once all-mighty right-hand man-but especially to their own Blacks in the ppp PIG:  with names carrying nuff historical and inter- continental resonances like: Kwame ,Odinga, and Robeson..  Notable exception of course being the venerable PIG Grunter and Lyricist Roger ‘Luncheon- Roti’. He’s already cloned.

And what was this sublimal message? With Mclean now facing trial and contemplating his own imprisonment with Ramlall

 He is now instructed by the PIG to Review Prison Security after a prison escape and  to make nuff stringent recommendations to tighten it up!

This is strictly in the finest traditions of what Gil Scot-Heron called ‘Hollyweird’ and James Coburn’s ‘In Like Flint’ script-writing. ‘Incredibly’!? Mclean is then acquitted of some of the charges in June 2011(1)

In the days before the PNC/PPP ‘exchange’ in 1992, when I was running around in London with PPP cadres disguised as World Union of Guyanese activists,(campaigning for free elections) as Chairperson I was ‘made to discover’ that the PPP had a ‘safe house’crammed with files on even the smallest fry in Burnham’s PNC’s PIG. And they were cross-referenced too. Say if you wanted the Mac-Dirt on Mclean (and he was specifically mentioned with others like Hamilton Greene) you could get it under both M or C. I was un- reliably informed that the C stood for ‘Car Parts’. From my own vantage point in the underground of the Metropole, I could never make sense of all this pecu-liar stuff…

As Governor Savage said in 1953 after the Suspension of the Constitution. ‘certain (united Burnham-Jagan)PPP Govt) Ministers have come to me with information’. Or as in my case-Dis-information.

The more things changed after the PPP ‘exchange’ victory in 1992, the more they remain the same.Then get much much worse.

At least we can now clearly understand the nineteen-year old failure of the PPP and its PIG to investigate the Assassination of Guyanese hero Walter Rodney.

Since those promising investigations before 1992,themselves also fried many more fish-200+ young black men like Walter Rodney after 1992, and then- like Burnham, covered it up with a little help from Comrade Mclean, who will now investigate all these Investigators?

And all the weight of this recent murderous history in our country has been carried not exclusively but disproportionately upon the bodies of young dead African men. Just like the WPA’s Edward Dublin, Ohene Koama and Walter Rodney.

The PPP and its Party in Government under President Jagdeo has finally brought Comrade Norman Mclean, Burnham’s Chief of Staff ‘in from the cold’.

Last word to the late Reggae’s Crown Prince Denis Emmanuel Brown. It’s all about choosing between ‘the Wolf and the Leopard’.

Errol M Harry-London UK

1. Doesn’t this now mean that Mclean was not a CIA agent after all? Your guess is as good as mine but there is also something called ‘retrospective falsification’. Gregory Smith was sacked by the army to provide cover to penetrate the WPA. And after the Americans urged Prez Jagdeo not to appoint Henry Greene as Police Chief because OF SUSPECTED LINKS TO DRUG DEALERS, Jagdeo asked them to help him do this by withdrawing Greene’s US visa. They did so promptly and Jagdeo appointed him just as promptly. For Norman Mclean’s trial in June 2011 - see link below

2. /2011/06/30/norman-mc-lean-ramlal-others- acquitted-on-forgery-charge-decision-pending- on-others.html

The ‘list’ of Govt. officials having their visas revoked is growing November 6, 2009 | By knews

| Filed Under Letters

Dear Editor,

The ‘list’ of Government officials having their US visas revoked continues to grow, but Government seems not to be alarmed, even though the image being created is not pleasant. This ‘list’ might have to attract Gabby’s attention as a revival of his Hit song “The List” could be imminent. The list includes the Commissioner of Police, Henry Greene, Kwame McCoy liaison to the President, Sita Ramlall Registrar, Floyd Mc Donald former Police Commissioner, Acting, Clemente Rohee who had his visa temporary revoked, but might soon rejoin the list and Ronald Gajraj former Home Affairs Minister. Two of those on the list, McDonald and McCoy are housed in the Office of the President. I hope this is not an indication of who might be next. We can expect some American bashing from the President and His Men in response to the Americans actions, but we must remember what happened the last time the President threatened the US.