If anyone has his email address, kindly forward this to Sir Clive

From: Errol M Harry-.London-

Date 16 March 2015

A Confidential letter to Sir Clive Lloyd with an Urgent Request:

After the brutal assassination in last week of anti-ppp Regime Political Activist Courtney Crum-Ewing, you are respectfully requested to now make contact with the APNU-AFC Opposition Coalition to arrange a photo-opportunity appearance alongside Moses Nagamootoo(AFC) and David Granger(PNC) on their Election platform similar and equal to the one you afforded Margaret Thatcher’s 1983 Re-election Campaign at Wembley stadium...

Dear Clive,

Since you do not know me personally I do hope that my first-name familiarity is not considered an impertinence but I am sure that you appreciate that to all Guyanese at home or abroad you are still our very own Clive, our National hero ...

I also appreciate that in the perilous times in which our country finds itself it might be considered ill-advised even risky to accede to the request above : to lend your considerable popular appeal and celebrity status to the pro-democratic pro-decency and anti-racism , Campaign for real change in our benighted country and for which Mr Crum-Ewing’s life was taken. This is him below

Nevertheless the cash-strapped Guyanese Opposition Coalition desperately needs your contributions (and from many other celebrities) at this crucial time in our history.

Clive these are days when even Guyanese Ambassadors abroad are keeping a very low profile. But as I hope you will any similar decision of yours to keep your own counsel and remain aloof will find yourself in very bad company indeed.


I respectfully remind you of your contribution of a non-speaking photo-op at Wembley Rally for Margaret Thatcher in 1983.It was widely publicised on UK TV and in the press at the time. I have to say that many blacks and Asians here in Britain were quite surprised at your political intervention on her behalf because we knew Thatcher and heard her call Nelson Mandela a terrorist.

We also remembered her statement appreciating (white) ‘peoples concerns about our culture being swamped’ (iv).This gave rise to the Police Stop and Search Operation against Black youths in Brixton called ‘Swamp 81’-which led directly to the 1981 Riots .

Clive it bothered a lot of people that Margaret Thatcher’s refusal in 1981 to restrain husband Denis from making his views on the Youth uprising known: (send them back to ‘Bongo-Bongo land’), did not restrain you in 1983 from participation in her re-election Rally.

A few of us also recall your refusal just two years before this while touring Britain with the Cricket Team rally in 1980 to wear a black arm-band on the pitch as a tribute to your friend and Guyanese anti-dictatorship activist Professor assassinated just like Courtney Crum-Ewing, on 13 June 1980.

Clive your contradictory stand for Thatcher ,this was your decision as a sportsman to do nothing political at a time when not only was Margaret Thatcher staunchly supporting the South African Apartheid regime but the campaign to ban South Africa from International cricket and sports in general was in full swing : The mantra at the time was ‘there can be No normal sport in an abnormal racist Country’

In considering my request you may also want to think about ex-Miss Guyana Beauty Queen Shakira Baskh ,Mrs Michael Caine’s political intervention on UK TV. She publicly spoke out against the Burnham Dictatorship on the Eamon Andrews show- going so far as - to compare the situation of Indians in Guyana as just like in South Africa.

This was not only an exaggeration of the Guyana situation under Burnham bad as it was, but also revealed ignorance of the Apartheid system where it was illegal not to racially discriminate. The point here is that her beauty Queen status as ex-Miss Guyana did not hand-cuff her mouth nor her mind. She had the balls to speak out.

It is also worth noting that since the democratic return of the ppp in 1992, and the gross excesses and avalanche of murders after 1999 we are still waiting in vain for a pip or squeak out of eminent Guyanese abroad like Tony B-liar’s very own Black Baroness (v) and current UN’s Refugee Chief Valerie Amos (see John Pilger’s You Tube documentary on her role in re-moving Black people from Diego Garcia or go to his web-site) or Trevor Philips the Head of UK Human Rights Commission.

While ‘Val‘ is preoccupied with Syria, Trevor is rather busy as I write dealing with a monumental issue in the UK : ‘British Racists are now afraid to speak out and losing their Freedom of Speech-(see today’s Daily Mail headline ‘Daring to speak out - the explosive truth about Race in Britain) .

Clive, clearly Trevor Philips has never heard about Guyanese Attorney General Anil Nandlall’s unique Dec 2014 interpretation of Freedom of Speech -murderously ‘Charlie Hebdo’esque and rampantly sexist-see transcript below..

Similarly our mutual friend Professor Colin Bobb-Semple also once claimed (to me )that he knew absolutely nothing about Mark Benschop‘s imprisonment without charge nor trial. They are both wilfully ignorant Clive, to these going’s on in the land of their Birth. You must recall some years ago under Jagdeo’s Presidency his Ministry of Sports memorably advertising the 20:20 Cricket Series and inviting fans to visit Guyana to experience the ‘unique East Indian Culture’ .

A few Questions Clive: Does this ppp Ministry still engage you as its well-paid Cricket Consultant? Does your contract include Equal non- racist access to Sporting facilities in Guyana? or is it strictly bat and ball tunnel-vision cricketing? How can the cricket be ‘normal’ if Guyana is deformed, contorted and convulsed by institutionalised racism?

Sir Clive PR-wise, you should never expose yourself to the faintest suggestion that such an illustrious son of the soil like yourself is just a hired nun to dress up the Guyanese whore-house. Or that your mouth will be silenced by the food you are putting in it-( Martin Carter).

I feel compelled to point out that while you might be recruited and selectively integrated by the Guyanese East Indian power Structure the masses of Africans are still excluded economically our Culture marginalised if not denigrated.

Clive this regime has even refused Africans in Guyana the right to choose the site of a Monument (the Parade Ground) to honour our Slave ancestors and the 1823 Uprising..

You will recall that, like Denis Thatcher, President Jagdeo himself did not restrain himself from announcing to the world via the Wall Street Journal that :‘ India is alive and well in Guyana’.

Racism is also alive and killing in Guyana Clive.

While this was excluding Black people in Guyana and his Sports Ministry was including you while denying our Culture, you must be very careful not to allow them to bamboozle you .Nor to tranquilise your conscience with US Dollars.

There is a world of difference between genuine acceptance and cosmetic tolerance.

Clive, when you were playing cricket for our country or Courtney Crum-Ewing was running for Guyana it is instructive to realise that to certain powerful elements in the country Guyana you guys were actually representing India.

Little wonder that Indian and Pakistani cricket teams touring the Caribbean to play the West Indies play at home in Guyana

When Courtney crossed another invisible finishing line and took a 85 day solo stand against Nandlall outside his Carmichael Street office and against the Regime which supports him to this day, it was appropriate in another weird historical sense that they shot him down while he was sprinting Clive. Not for India nor Guyana but to save his own life…

Now All Guyanese without exception have a duty to honour this man. You too must honour him Clive by taking a stand against all the indecent things he died fighting against. A senior ppp Minister asked for an interview by a young female Journalist said to her ‘I can still get an erection’-read Freddie Kissoon’s Column in Kaieteur News.

Your friend Wally (Rodney) was also an athlete. However, unlike Courtney who was trapped by a second car which blocked his exit at the dark end of the street that night in Diamond, Walter Rodney too once sprinted and escaped with his life. As Chavez said Por Ahora-For Now.

Faced with Dictator Burnham’s Death Squads, House of Israel thugs, and his Police trying to arrest him at WPA Public meetings Wally sprinted away in Kitty just like Courtney. This was in 1979 the year before they actually blew him up .

In February 1980, at Mashramanee the Guyanese Police band ‘memorialised ’ Wally’s athletic prowess with a tune probably named by the then Dictator. It was called ‘Run Rodney Run’ . Burnham promised to send Walter to the Olympics, but sent him to the cemetery instead on 13 June 1980..

Now 33 years later this current crop of infinitely more murderous ppp Dictators are brazenly trying to desecrate Walter Rodney’s non- racist class-based legacy by using his assassination and their Inquiry as cheap political propaganda to bash the opposition before this Election .

They themselves are now prime suspects in the assassination of Courtney Crum-Ewing. This suspicion, only a suspicion mind you, is not an unreasonable one Clive .

1.Not after the Linden killings two years ago,

2.Not after the killing of Rasta TV presenter Ronald Waddell

3.Not after the avalanche of extra-Judicial killings of 200-500 mostly of young Black men at the hands of the Phantom Death Squad under Roger Khan-a ppp supporter now in prison in the US..

4.Not after the economic warfare unleashed on black people in Guyana by this regime best exemplified by the sacking of 60 Black miners on the picket line in 2012.

5. Not After the Environmental warfare unleashed upon African opposition strong-holds in Georgetown by withholding funds to clear clogged drains. (i) Not After the Racist Berbice Bridge: positioning the Bridge between two Indian villages at its widest span rather than between two African Villages at the narrowest point.

5.Clive ,after waging their racist Ambassadorial, cultural economic, environmental and just plain warfare against African people, the ppp is now planning to dispatch their Prime Ministerial Candidate Black Busy Lizzie Harper into our impoverished by design communities like Kwakwani to preach to black women about of domestic violence.

Ms ‘arper and her conscience must be estranged Clive.

All this is well known and recorded history but also at issue today is 1..Anil Nandlall the self-styled ‘Chatree Caste Attorney General confiding (last Dec 14) to a Kaieteurnews Journalist (who happens to be Indian like himself), of an impending Charlie Hebdo type attack on his work-place, among other prurient things. See transcript below

2..Courtney Crum-Ewing in response launched his immediate one- man 85 day picket outside Nandlall’s Office in Carmichael Street - demanding his resignation for his abuse of wimmin alone...

For his troubles the hit-men shot Courtney once in the back of the head, twice in the temple, and twice in the stomach, Clive.

And Anil Nandlall is still in Office but hopefully after the May 11 Elections, Carmichael Street will be renamed Crum-Ewing Street with your assistance to the Opposition Coalition..

And check this out. Nandlall could not lower himself from his eyrie high up in the clouds to condemn the hit-squad .He is of the Chatree Warrior Caste remember. Neither did he deign to offer any condolences to Courtney’s family .This must be some indication of the unforgiving warrior caste mentality..

You should also know all other Ministers in this Regime have been as thunderously silent as Nandlall -apart from a statement from the Home Affairs Ministry condemning the assassination. This includes of course the freshly-minted Busy Lizzie Harper their own Czar’ina of Domestic Violence. Her deafening silence even as a mother herself speaks for itself.

This woman specialises strictly in Domestic Violence. The Political kind of violence and murder is outside her Prime Ministerial portfolio.

Presumably this it is this very lack of conscience and unquestioning obedience displayed at the Foreign Service, as well as her race and gender which guaranteed her choice as Prime Ministerial Candidate.

One can understand now how and why 44 East Indians were appointed Ambassadors. Hindsight is 22:20 vision. Mrs ‘arper would appear to have had a virtually unblemished track record of racial discrimination against her own kind as Ambassadors ‘while under orders (no Defence under the Nuremburg laws )

We can tentatively conclude therefore that ppp Prime Ministerial Candidate Harper, with an apparent predilection for following instructions to the letter, is a digitalised a 21st century house slave. Seemingly devoid of ‘cognitive dissonance’ she also seems blessed with an uncanny capacity to ‘switch off on demand: ie to place her conscience into solitary confinement. Like the famous Delete box inhabiting the darker recesses of Hilary Clinton’s cavernous mind: for all her State Department emails, the Billions of missing dollars and for all Bill’s sex-apades,.

Kindly rescue me if I am wrong on this Clive .Do you know this Guyanese upside down Rosa Parks? Or anyone who does?

I am informed that she is the daughter of famous Architect Aubrey Barker who designed South Riumveldt where our people are housed. I wonder what went wrong.

Just last week you might have heard former President on the election trail making sublimal ‘dog-whistle’ type noises about his ppp party being seen as a ‘Coolie’ Party’ .

Indeed it is Clive. Quite a few of these East Indian Ambassadors are unqualified and/or lack any Foreign Service experience. On the other hand it would appear that few if any belong to the Chat-3 Warrior Caste of Attorney General Nandlall. According to him even ex- President Jagdeo himself does not belong.

Clivey-oops Sir Clive! this Nandlall character is clearly in a Caste of his own . Read the transcript below but be warned this is not for your edification .

After reading it (this is better than listening to the tape because you can pause re-read ,parse and analyse prior to digestion or throwing up according to the lining of one’s stomach and one’s sensitivities), the distinct impression is conveyed that this Chatree Caste was designed strictly with Nandlall’s Ancestors and progeny in mind.


Which is your African Tribe Clive? Mandingo on the African West Coast or Central African Tutsi ? I suspect the latter because of your height like ’s- although the Wa-Tutsis themselves migrated from Ethiopia many moons ago to literally look down upon and then oppress the Bantus in Rwanda/Burundi with the encouragement and assistance of the divide and rule Colonialists.

Clive , kindly note that after the banning of the Trade in Slaves in 1804, (not Slavery) British Plantation owners and Slave -masters in Barbuda West Indies switched from Sugar, Tobacco and cotton to slave-breeding to supply other slave plantations.

You Chris and might have local transient Roots in Barbuda too. Y’aal must check it out. So which Bantu tribe would you place lil Roy Gichrist the tornado? But he could be a Tutsi throw- back. Me? My African friends say I’m definitely Fulani.

Clive many years ago when I took a Guy-American cricketing former friend Dason Hazlwewood-(he’s also a friend of your good friend Prof Colin Bobb-Semple now also my ex-friend) to buy gear at Lilywhites the Sports Goods shop in Piccadilly Circus, I enquired about a size 22 Trainer on display: Is this for sale or just display? The reply? For sale and only black American sportsmen buy them.

Or Barbudian.

I do not digress. As Hitler himself remarked in the early 1930’s to a Black Professor in Germany claiming to be American : I feel sorry for you people’ -Clive did you see the picture of current President Ramotar back-balling the African woman at a party in Guyana? No reverse that..( Google it).

As our Cricketing Ambassador I am sure that you have been entertained by both Presidents Jagdeo and Ramotar But do you really know Jagdeo? By the way, in your social interactions have you ever caught any of these two country wreckers paying any unusual interest in the length of your fingers or size of your shoes? The way some wimmin do?

I am curious because it has just been revealed by ppp Regime scourge and Kaieteur news Journalist Freddie Kissoon -an ex-UG (University of Guyana UG Lecturer before the ppp sacked him peremptorily without charge after the last election,) that Jagdeo once observed to an Indian UG official in Freddie’s presence: ‘Yaal got black man f.....g all dem Indian girls at UG’

Only the Hindu Gods know what would have crossed Jagdeo’s mind if you had revealed to him that our own Africanist Warrior-Class Batsman and West Indian Cricket team -(he who attributed our success to the number of Africans in the team) - had had an affair and produced child with an Actress in India. .

Mind you, we must not raise any spectres or tempt fate by trying to find out how Nandlall’s between-the-sheets Chat-3 caste mind would have reacted to this..

Clive you had better believe that when you, Chris and Vivvi stride up to the Cricket crease to take strike a whole lot of troubled minds do not only see balls flying hither and thither like the rest of us .They also see African tripods running between made of nuff black- heart Wood. This has been left out of CLR James Beyond the Boundary’.

And Oh No! ‘Goodness Gracious Me!’ (UK Asian Comedy -see on You Tube) this ‘Africanist West Indian’ description of Vivvi is an obvious contradiction in terms ie an oxymoron rooted in Columbus’s ignorance of Geography . I believe it is high time UWI History Professor Hilary Beckles of your West Indian Cricket Board of Control starts challenging the effects of Columbus’s error which has led to an identity crisis in our team and through-out the English-speaking Caribbean.

I believe this identity crisis partly explains the lack of discipline and tenacity in the way we so-called African West Indians do not play the game. eg reminds me of the Argentinians who are really Italians who speak Spanish and believe that they are English..Or Africans in Monsterrat who still think Ireland is their Mother Country.

Professor Beckles needs to tackle Columbus and lead the transition to a Caribbean Cricket Team instead of insulting (and apologising to ) Brother-man Chris Gayle . As Burning Spear and all of us know Christopher Columbus is a damn blasted liar!.

Our cricketers are neither East Indian, nor bogus Western Indians from Bangadesh. No one Clive least of all you, should now imagine that Jagdeo and his ilk do not clearly over-stand the distinction between Indians at home ,in Guyana and in the Caribbean and so called ‘West Indian’ Cricketers.

Even if they may not be aware of the Slave Markets of Karachi as Ron Segal has shown in Islam’s Slaves, Jagdeo and his ‘coolie’ ppp party have correctly embraced their Cultural heritage and with it the colour-coded Caste-System.

Clive, we must not be bamboozled either by the window-dressed up Africans fronting for the ppp like ‘Bishop’ ‘Edjah-Boy’ Edgehill, Lumumba, Bynoe, Minister Robeson Benn, ‘Out to lunch’ Dr Roger Luncheon(i) nor the recently kid-napped Bizzy Lizzie Harper. This African contingent merely constitutes compelling evidence of what Wally Rodney used to call the ‘selected integration practised by racists to disguise the nature of the state.

Do not condemn these African window-dressers Clive because:

As the slave ship was about to pull out of Accra Ghana or Luanda Angola if you like, the Master would bawl out to his European ‘Factor’ on the shore :’Throw in dem lil ones runnin ‘bout pon de beach and mek up the parcel nuh?

They deserve our sym-pity leaving their African minds behind in Africa when they were kidnapped and forced to ‘travel’...

Of course such empathy and sym-pity cannot be extended to other ppp fellow travellers like UG Professors James Rose and Compton Bourne and your friend UK ‘Low’ Commission lounge-Lizard Professor Colin-Bobb-Semple who I am un-reliably informed was awarded a sizeable US Dollar contract by the Ministry of ‘Illegal Affairs’ (ii)

Since James Rose is a competent Historian and Colin knows his Guyanese Slavery -he once performed as Cuffy (Kofi) in African regalia on Guyana TV,- this is clearly a rather peculiar and specialist ‘parcel’ of intellectual and psychological sub-juju-gation- which I have addressed elsewhere,-for which a special category must be conjured up in order to accommodate them.

Whatever the new category, what Sacaree Rhodes a black woman and Community activist in Philadelphia said about Temple University’s Prof Molefe Asante’s dismissal of grass-roots Professor Anthony Monteiro (then replaced him with our own Kimani Nehusi) applies to all of them: What the f... is all this Afro-centricity? We gotta stop romanticising treachery..’ In conclusion with the 11 May Elections Guyanese have the last chance of finally emerging blinking into a new dawn out of the darkness of rampant racism , sexism and Paramountcy politics inherited from both Burnham and Jagan .

Clive the least which can be reasonably expected of you as a Cricketing luminary and Patriot is to do for Guyana, for Courtney Crum-Ewing’s Campaign, for Wally Rodney, and for the financially strapped Opposition Coalition battling against this monstrously corrupt ppp Regime, is to do what you did for Margaret Thatcher at Wembley .

Nothing less but perhaps a little more. Remember if a picture is worth a thousand words yours must be worth 50000 at home . Courtney Crum-Ewing’s last shouted anti-ppp slogan which so enrages the racists at Diamond last week was : ‘If you don’t like Black people then Vote Nagamottoo-If you don’t like Indians then Vote Granger!’

Martin Luther King said; ‘All it takes for Evil to triumph is for good men (and women) like yourself to do nothing..’

This is the reason I have taken the trouble of writing to you.

Thanks in advance for your time and patience to read this..

Errol M Harry-London UK.

(i)A brilliant African Medical Doctor out of Howard University in DC he swore on oath in President Jagdeo’s Racism Libel case against Freddie Kissoon in Georgetown that no Africans could be found who were qualified to be Ambassadors, then could not cite the pre- requisite ‘qualifications’ (ii) Yes ‘Illegal’ Affairs because Charles Ramson, the Minister of Legal Affairs said publicly that when he first heard the rumours that a certain ppp Minister was Phantom Death-Squad Chief Assassin Roger Khan’s Controller he thought they were actually speaking about he Ramson ‘himself’.

(iii) Ramson is now Freedom of Information Commissioner based in President Ramotar’s office.

(iv) 11 April 2013 's Foreign Minister, Bob Carr, has distanced himself from the chorus of overseas politicians eulogising Baroness Thatcher, recalling an "unabashedly racist" comment she made in relation to Asian immigration.

Mr Carr said that during a conversation with Lady Thatcher after she had retired, and with his Malaysian-born wife, Helena, standing nearby, the late British prime minister warned him "against Asian immigration, saying that if we allowed too much of it, we'd see the natives of the land, the European settlers, overtaken by migrants".

Mr Carr told ABC TV's Lateline programme that Lady Thatcher cited the example of Fiji, "where the Indian migrants have taken over". He said: "I couldn't believe it. ..’

(v) In 1990 as Minister for Africa, B-liar dispatched Val to the UN Anti-Racism Conference in Durban South Africa to tell the Conference ‘definitely No Apologies for Slavery’ Is this Baroness woman a friend of Mrs Harper by any chance?

(vi) Telephone Call made by Anil Nandlall Attorney General.….

Leonard Gildarie (LG): Hello

Attorney General (AG): Hey Gildarie

LG: hey wha happening

AG: is who been by me amm cousin and interview he, you? LG: yes dem sen me dem send me

AG: But how you misquote the man suh man

LG: How the f**k I misquote the man, we got the man pun record and is not me alone, they had other staff there too

AG: Who, who is the other staff, some nice girl dem sen’

LG: Man me can’t give you the name man… oww

AG: De man wan f**k de girl man, the man tell me seriously he wan knock de girl

LG: How he gun f**k de girl

AG: No but still chief (inaudible) de man say he wan knock de ting, you can arrange

LG: Man wha happening what alyuh got this thing going so far fuh man, me got me fucking job

AG: well glen nah use he…eh

LG: Me got me job fuh lose

AG: No no me nah quarrel with you but all I am saying half wha he never tell you, de man say he never tell you that he didn’t know that he got to live in Guyana, the man said he live here but he got fuh travel

LG: The man said duh, we got it on record

AG: Wha record ?the man say you nah tape nothing yuh nah write nothing

LG: The man nah know bout smart phone, of course we does be taping these people there anil

AG: Anyhow me ah tell you man say cuz me aint been dey, but me driver been deh LG: No but whatever it is because I had to, of course I had an input I had to do it because dem send me and the other reporter and is not me either remember is the editors dem to, I don’t see why

AG: Yeah but who is the girl

LG: Me gun tell you a cant tell you on the phone man oh sk**t you wan fuck me up

AG: Whaaam glen nah a tap me phone man he nah got dem technology

LG: No no man nah do dah, dem got people

AG: uh

LG: Ah cant do duh but a cant tell you who that is but is one of we staff hey

AG: Oh oh some (inaudible)

LG: Is a reporter dem woulda send dem wouldn’t a send me alone, you know I don’t do much

AG: Eh hey

LG: amm

AG: Anyhow me nah know..wait no

LG: Ammm

AG: But hear nuh gildarie you do a story on duh , what is he gotayhing, if me uncle

LG: Yea but…

AG: Hear nah, if me brother, leh we say, you got brothers

LG: Eh hey AG: if you brother murder somebody, wha duh mean you a go jail, me na…leh we assume that me uncle do something wrong I am not responsible.. me aint understand what the what the theory is, I am trying to figure out what is the end game …what’s the plan

LG: Uh huh

AG: By publishing ah ah, the AG uncle the AG uncle, if me uncle do something wrong me uncle is liable to face the consequence of it

LG: Right Right

AG: So me aint understand why why is he putting that

LG: (inaudible) me say leh alyuh talk to the man direct and alyuh see wha alyuh can do because this thing cant continue we as staffers get caught up in it because we gotta wuk

(inaudible voice in background)

AG: Hear nah, reaz is he brother, reaz use to put cocaine in shrimps and prawns and (inaudible voice in background) smuggle it all out (inaudible voice in background) ya’ll aint publish, I got details of how glen threaten fuh back track me know bout all duh budday, me nah wan disclose dem things duh but I could do it if he want fuh go down dah line (inaudible voice in background)

LG: Boy me aint know wha fuh tell you boy except that I decide that i..

AG: You know wha Reaz do, you know Reaz full a container of apple and grapes off de fucking wharf …eating and go and put it at Melanie pon the side of the road and hook it up pun a GPL container, ah GPL lantern post and freeze a container of apple and grapes free for nearly three months (inaudible voice in background) you nah know and people a pass up and down pun de road and dem think dat the container just fall off the road and it full with apple and grape

LG: But hear hear wha (inaudible) AG: The president already spoke, not glen but to Bhena, right

LG : I just (inaudible)

AG: I am telling you boss how every effort has been made, Glen Lall is mad, he run mad

LG: (inaudible) Sattaur deh going at a set of newspaper and talking he sk**t whole day he cant continue doing that

AG: Yeah but if glen got to understand that we cant, look he never read nothing from Sattaur, he refused, he was asked to, to just behave good for one week, he couldn’t f**king do that

LG: No but deh man run to to ting everyday, ah just telling you wha how we seeing him because I cant I cant (inaudible)

AG: Now glen go an manufacture a fucking whole story about the man going an get ban from ACCA and all kinda madness

LG: Because now every single day it just continuing continuing, Sattaur running till to guyana times he running to Chronicle we deh pun

AG: wheh, wheh,anyway wheh you deh now

LG: Me just deh at the back, I deh at the back of Kaieteur News

AG: Whah you doing deh

LG: Ah just come fuh tek dis call heh

AG: hello

LG: boy me nah wha fuh tell you but alyuh just sort it out because I don’t know how long I gun able (inaudible)

AG: So why you don’t come across and come work with we?

LG: Wha deh f**k you gun offer me AG: Better than Kaieteur News

LG: Man we gun gaff man but alyuh need to stop (inaudible)

AG: Send me a proposal of what you working for and um

LG: Ah gun have to discuss it with the wife

AG: No discuss it with your wife because the president and I clear on something.. we are building an elitist press team right

LG: Yall do something man because I getting lil tired but alyuh stop this fucking thing nah alyuh stop because the country..

AG: no hear nah you know how it gun stop? somebody gun go into Kaieteur, you see everybody nah gat as I told Adam today I said adam everbody don’t joust.. everybody, wait hold on…everybody doesn’t have a newspaper to use as a weapon, I told Adam, I said Adam people got weapons right, is not newspaper they gonna use as a weapon they got weapons and when you continue attack people like that and they have no way of responding they gun just walk with their weapon into that same fucking Saffon street office and wha come suh do and innocent, Peter gun gah pay fuh f**king Paul in deh one day, me ah tell you innocent, me a tell you honestly man to man that will happen soon

LG: I don’t know (inaudible)

AG: So the quicker you get out of deh, the quicker you get out of deh the better

LG: Amm hear hear

AG: This thing is ah hear, you cannot use your newspaper like that boss, you get charge, whether you feel, whether you feel you get charged wrongfully or not you can’t use yuh newspaper to drag a set of f**king innocent people in this, if and de people (inaudible) money, you know who is Kamal Mangal, the man look stupid, one bald head f**king poor man, you know who da man is ? LG: (inaudible)

AG: But but alright must find out wha da man own and what he could do with one phone call, alyuh nah know who alyuh a deal with, I had to hold back that man

LG: But is why alyuh don’t stop it ya’ll (inaudible)

AG: uh hmm

LG: (inaudible)

AG: Anyhow, the man, the man view is that he is above everybody else that he is above the law and that he own this newspaper and he could buse enrybody comrade no society works like that, none none, there is a simple way of dealing with a situation yuh know , I tell Glen already ..he knows my capacity and I know his,…me nah got to go to court everyday and issue press statement I don’t have to revert to those methods

LG: I like how yall (inaudible)

AG: There are far more effective methods to which I can resort… right

LG: Ammm wha wha wha whats the reason (inaudible)

AG: I told, I told Glen I meet with glen I sit and down and talk with him (inaudible) I use some money from the government and Glen mek and issue of it I pay back deh fucking money long before he even mek de issue and he know about it because wha it pay fuh

LG: Which issue is dat

AG: Remember you were going to publish something (inaudible) about my wife and so on

LG: (inaudible)

AG: (inaudible) months ago not now months ago (inaudible) but I just, I am not worried about what he gun publish, me I am a f**king thoroughbred , I.. I just don’t want him to publish things about me wife that is all I don’t want you understand because she is innocent

LG: it goes beyond that (inaudible)

AG: Yeah but boss there’s two to tango one man cant tango

LG: Yeah but but how, who are we interviewing how do we because (inaudible)

AG: I already, I sent a message already and I… Bhena has been in contact with the president, they are very close right but glen is not keeping up his end of the bargain, the things them that Bhena spoke, they work out an arrangement

LG: But Anil, but Anil (inaudible)

AG: uh huh, uh uh

LG: (inaudible)

AG: well I Sankar a he man in law (inaudible) all of that

LG: (inaudible) but Sattaur started it..(inaudible)

AG: Me aint know bout all a dat but I know what I know , wait chief, I am clean, I am clean right.. I never take a dog from any f**king body and what he is doing is to get at me through me family cause he cant find nothing on me I never thief, you understand me nah other people you know what wha he can (inaudible) thing pun, you understand, I never tek a

LG: (inaudible)

AG: Gildarie me a wan rich man me tek f**king government and become poor you… understand and glen knows that, me I achieve everything I wuk in life before I tek government, I retire, I retire at age 38 when I became attorney general I don’t have to work

LG: tell me so wha you wan me fuh do (inaudible) AG: I think that you should, my first advice to you is that you should move out of there… it is a dangerous f**king place to work, is a dangerous place because that, I am telling you, read between the lines this thing not going to go on for long, people not going to tek this thing just so is a lot of powerful people that this man, wait ,nobody never used to bother with he before right and he used to getaway, get through with all wha he publishing but people get, people get sensitive now, they were chatree coolie rass, you know what is chatree

LG: (inaudible)

AG: you don’t engage a chatree in f**king war and that is what he has done …when he start fuh publish that I go and spy pun he and all kinda fucking madness .you nah see deh fucking tempo change after that, right.


AG: me nah Jagdeo and Bobby yuh know and Brassington (inaudible) we come from a higher breed of people, you understand

LG: All right let me talk, a gun mek some calls fuh you cause I aint know (inaudible)

AG: Anyhow nobody nah gun listen to you man nah worry with da stupidness the thing is that amm they should, we have some things we are doing on this side

LG: uh huh

AG: and you should think about your, boy me and BJ does talk about you and we believe that you does still f**king leak back information but amm you will have a review

LG: Alright must give me a call

AG: You should come up with us (inaudible) but you see how (inaudible) but you see this thing go down this road it nah gon end good right, ego, this is share ego happening hey, this man is lynching my family for no reason at all, no reason at all, just because he want to get at me and why he want to get at me because he believe that in can withdraw these charges against him… I can’t…me nah file dese charges boss

LG: But why dem went ahead and charge this man knowing that dem nah get nothing

AG: Because nobody is above the law boss, you cant… hear nah man… you cant put youself up as St Peter

LG: No but hear I is no lawman but I was looking at the Act and they couldn’t a find a better way Sk**t because (inaudible)

AG: No, no that’s not necessary, he got eyewitness, Sattaur tell you he got eyewitness accounts of where the vehicles are parked, the vehicle dem don’t ever park at the people house the people dem don’t even have f**king driver’s licence boss, Sattaur must know that

LG: I was looking at some of the reports if the vehicle them are no longer (inaudible)

AG: did what what, I didn’t hear you

LG: I am no lawyer but if the vehicle (inaudible) am looking at the reports and its not appropriate (inaudible)

AG: You know them got some (inaudible) nuances in the law, you know on the face of it I agree with you

LG: Right Right!!

AG: But when you deeper, when you go deeper into the law you just cant… you see the law, the law looks at substance and not form, you can’t by not transferring your vehicle but giving a man the vehicle fuh use everyday, defeat the whole purpose of the thing, the law is not an ass, you understand

LG: (inaudible) AG: The process, the people them (inaudible) hear we can end this tomorrow and all he gah do is go pay the duty and I could have worked out a reduced duty for him and the story done, anyway don’t give yourself too much liberty and say I talk to you and all kind of thing you know, let them believe that I you know cowering (pause) but eh man who is the girl man tell me who is de girl you a move away from you (inaudible)

LG: (inaudible)

AG: (inaudible) you cant give a girl name over de phone

LG: (inaudible)

AG: But who who is it me nah gun do nothing more wha de rass me gun do with the girl I just want know is who because the boy give a description and the girl is nice

LG: (inaudible)

AG: Nothing wrong with that e nah got nothing wrong with that me just wan know is who me nah got no ulterior motive, hai boss, me nah got no ulterior motive me nah (inaudible)nobody


AG: hmmm

LG: (inaudible)

AG: is Queen’s college people does run this country, you nah realize that (inaudible)

AG: Hmm, alright good eh hey

Unidentified voice: Hi um this is the guy that spoke to you the other day concerning the story that you did (inaudible) the guy said that the story would have been in today’s newspaper but we buy the paper and we aint see it

LG: That’s ok um I think we doing some investigations (inaudible) Unidentified voice: hmm yea he told me that yesterday

LG: (inaudible) I am not sure what happened but I think the report is there in his office

Unidentified voice: yea we spoke with him yesterday afternoon and he told me he spoke with Clifton and Clifton was very (inaudible) he didn’t say much

LG: I think that’s the nature of it um, a story just doesn’t appear in the paper like that I am sure the editors have their checks and balances so I guess uh uh I can speak to them for you and see (inaudible) but you could give him a call a little later and speak to him

Unidentified voice: what is his name because I forgot to ask

LG: Nicholas

Unidentified Voice: Nicholas, uh what’s his number

LG: you got to call through the office 225-8492

Unidentified Voice: Ok can I call now

LG: no no no he is going to be here till after lunch

Unidentified Voice: Oh oh alright sure