Grand Alaska Part Ii: Anchorage, Denali, and the Kenai Peninsula
GRAND ALASKA PART II: ANCHORAGE, DENALI, AND THE KENAI PENINSULA JUNE 16–24, 2021 Varied Thrush, Seward, Alaska, June 21, 2021 ©Barry Zimmer LEADERS: BARRY ZIMMER & ERIK BRUHNKE LIST COMPILED BY: BARRY ZIMMER VICTOR EMANUEL NATURE TOURS, INC. 2525 WALLINGWOOD DRIVE, SUITE1003 AUSTIN, TEXAS 78746 WWW.VENTBIRD.COM Grand Alaska Part II: Anchorage, Denali, and the Kenai Peninsula June 16–24, 2021 By Barry Zimmer Once again, our Grand Alaska Part II tour was a huge success. From boreal forest birds in the Denali region to spruce forest dwellers around Seward to wonderful seabirds in Kenai Fjords National Park, our avian list was superb. Additionally, we had wonderful mammal viewing throughout the trip and Denali in full view on two days! What more could you ask for? Arctic Tern, Anchorage, Alaska, June 17, 2021 ©Barry Zimmer Our tour began with a full day of birding in and around Anchorage. Our first stop was at Westchester Lagoon, where we tallied many nesting Red-necked Grebes (in gorgeous breeding plumage), four Bald Eagles, abundant Arctic Terns, and an Orange-crowned Warbler nearly in our laps, among many others. From there we headed to Potter Marsh just south of town. A majestic pair of Trumpeter Swans topped the list, but we also added Ring-necked Duck, a few Red-necked Phalaropes, and very close Alder Victor Emanuel Nature Tours 2 Grand Alaska Part II, 2021 Flycatcher and Lincoln’s Sparrow. A quick stop at Kincaid Park before lunch yielded a nice Swainson’s Thrush and a Moose so close to our van that we could almost scratch it! After lunch, we headed down towards Girdwood.
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