Dr Jon Morgan

Full Publications List

Chapters in Books

‘Visitors, Gatekeepers and Receptionists: Reflections on the shape of and the Role of reception history’, in Lyons, John (ed), What is this thing called Reception History?, (London: Continuum, forthcoming).

‘Sacrifice in Leviticus: Eco-Friendly Ritual or Unholy Waste?’, in Horrell, , Cherryl Hunt, Christopher Southgate and Francesca Stavrakopoulou (eds.), Ecological Hermeneutics: Biblical, Historical, and Theological Perspectives, (London: T&T Clark, 2010) 32-45.

Journal Articles

‘Transgressing, Puking, Covenanting: The Character of Land in Leviticus’, Theology, Vol. CXII No. 867, (May/June 2009) 172-80.

Conference Papers and Public Lectures

‘Visitors, Gatekeepers and Receptionists: Reflections on the Shape of Biblical Studies and the Role of Reception History’, Joint International Meeting of the Society of Biblical Literature, the Society for Study and the European Association of Biblical Studies, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands – July 2012

‘“The filling of the days of your filling”: The Role and Scope of Consecration in P’, Prêtrise et temple / Priesthood and Temple Symposium, Universities of Lausanne & Geneva, Switzerland – June 2012 (invited speaker)

‘Leviticus’ Conception of Sacrifice in Eco-Critical Perspective’, Ehrhardt Seminar, University of Manchester, UK – March 2012 (invited speaker)

‘Ritual, Rest & Redemption: The Interweave of Ecology & Economics in Leviticus’, Biblical Studies Seminar, King’s College London, UK – November 2010 (invited speaker)

‘Sacrifice in Leviticus: Eco-Friendly Ritual or Unholy Waste?’, UTU Practice Criticism and Leviticus Conference, Urban Theology Unit, Sheffield, UK – July 2009 (invited speaker)

‘Sacrifice in Leviticus: Eco-Friendly Ritual or Unholy Waste?’, UBEE Project Colloquium, , UK - May 2009

‘“All the World's a Stage”(?): Leviticus’ Contribution to an Ecological Hermeneutic of Strangeness’, Theology Department Research Seminar, University of Exeter, UK – July 2008

‘Consecration and the Common Good: The Interweave of Ritual and Ethics in Leviticus’, School of Humanities & Social Science Postgraduate Conference, University of Exeter, UK – May 2008

Contributions to External Reports / Consultancy

Consultant, Bible In Transmission Triennial Review, The Bible Society – April 2011