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Lime Rock Gazette -------- S UIJSC KI l’T I ON______ ONE DOLLAR FIFTY CTS. VOLUME V. EAST THOMASTON, MAINE, THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 23,1830, NUMBER XVli. | ‘ Oil,yes, John, let us go, just ns we arc.— thcr nnd grandfather between them, before t T H E M U SE . pretty sitting-room facing the rive r; these •V es, we have heard that often enough in \lnrc say we can get some sort of nccommodn- were furnished with some of tho dear old onr childish days. Do yon remember our | tion for Ihc night here. I long to see that Should,wc not like them to do the same by was horn. I have learned to he a little o f it .t’oetry is the silver selling of golden thoughts* furn iture which hail made their old house in playing nt going to Kirby Lonsdale, when you'beautiful fell that mother loved so. 1 wish us, il they came, strangers to London, as we philosopher, you see; though I do feel nt some the borough so comfortable, nnd which their weru ‘so high,’ I overset you in a pale o f w a­ we could sleep in her native place to-night.— come here? You know wc can hut come) times regretful, when I drive down into this Tile Midnight Wind. I away again, if they do not receive us lienrtily. ‘ place. To my iilind, it’s the sweetest plate pnreuts had been able to rcscuo from the. ter ?’ Let us go, if we can, John.’ M ournfully! oh, m ournfully wreck of their little cnpitnl. The house in They went on fitlf'jhiiig and chatting; nnd John was quite ready to go on, that night, i After all, why slmuld not their hearts warm to in the whole world.’ This midnight wind doth sigh, which they lodged belonged to a funny little presently, Mary invited Miss Carol to supper to the world’s end, if she plcnsed. Ho was us, mine, nnd, 1 am sure, yours, does to them , Mary and John praised Hillheck heartily, Like some sweet plaintive melody old muid, who was very much attached to with them, nnd told them of their holiday r.ot all tired, anil was just gelling into the — Blood is thicker than water.’ | much to the old man’s satisfaction; nnd they O f ages long gone by; scheme. Miss Carol had no relations herself spirit of the journey; only ho was tremen­ ‘ YV ell said, Missy. Them’s a touch of' treated him with even more raspeet than be- It spedlts n I ale of other years — them, nnd took a great interest in all they nnd so thought then, valuable possessions Jyour father, there!’ observed Roger. ■ fore, for they had been tnught that it is a no- O f hopes that bloomed Io die — said nnd did. dously hungry, and begged lenve to ndd n w hich should he looked after and never lost. Tliat question settled, the two Londoners ' hie and kind thing to show respect to those V)f sunny smiles that set in lenrs, (In the evening of their introduction to the beefsteak to the ten-table. Mary laughed nt But she did not like tho idea of her young had their minds free to admire thn w ild beau- 'hut have in the world, by no miscon- .And loves llm t mouldering lie! reader, John anil Mary Innl received an inti­ his passion for beefsteak,and she laughed still fallen mation from Mr. Broad, their employer, thn friends going two hundred miles from Lon- more when ho declared solemnly, after eating ' ties of the country through w hich they were l duct of their own. T hey luiil half forgotten M ournfully! oh, m ournfully they were nt liberty to begin their holiday on <l°n. It seemed like going beyond the cott- it, thut there never had been such n capital 'going. The hold henth-clnd hills, or Jells, ns j their curiosity about their own relations, in This midnight wind doth moan; tho following Friday. This was Monday, j fines of civilization. It was not quite ch ar to 'they arc called in Westmoreland, rose before their interest for Roger Garner. I l stirs some chord of memory steak eaten in England before, and that this nnd they had not yet settled where they would i her that the inhabitants of those remote parts J and around them. In the midst was a hrond, , Suddenly the car stopped—there wns it In each dull heavy tunc. country hotel ought ho immortalized for it. did not dye their bodies with wond, clothe | cultivated valley, through which their road 1 gate to he opened, nnd John jumped down en- The voices of the much lovod dead go. They nlwnys made n point of going into On enquiry, it appeared that Hillheck was gerly and opened it, to savo their driver tho Seem floating thereupon — the country, to spend their holiday; though themselves in skins of beasts, and conduct only five miles from Kirby, so that though it i lay for some time* A ll, all my fond heart cherished Miss Carol, their landlady, thought it ‘a great themselves, in all respects, like genuine n n - TUIlnl.E hilly road,’ they would get) As last, to the great delight o f Mary, whose i (rouble, Ere death had made it lone. shame they did not stny ami sec some o f the cient Britons. She did not think it quite safe there helorc it was dark; nnd that, though, jo y was to ho on the top o f anything like n l ‘ N o w you are in the grounds of the hull,-* line London sights,' of which they were de­ to go unarmed among them. , there wns no inn nt Hillheck, and, indeed, ! hill, they turned out of the road thfnUgll (lie I s»»i<l the latter. Mournfully! oh mournfully plorably ignorant; nnd “ go to ilm theatre, The important Friday camo nt hist. It was gCBrccly „ vi|,„gl!> yul „ mt l|l(,re wnR „ g I great valley of the Lunc, and hegnn to ascend ! They looked around and saw a fine plantn- This midnight wind doth swell, a concert every night.’ Sho thought ‘ t h a t j ’’enutilu! day at the c d of August. I shall co,„rortnb|o illII; half a mile further on, it steep road over one of the fells. Roger, tion, on otie side, nml a pretty enclosed mend- W ith its quaint pensive minstrelsy, would he making more of a holiday of it> | not give any particulars of the journey from l„ ,he fetls> w|,cre ,, vou,(| ,neet „ Garner and her brother got down, in order to ow on the other, and tho old gray house, w ith Hopes passionate farewell . than going into the country, w here their was i Eust°" S<l»are to the Burton nnd Holme Stn-)8Very „ltBntion. -r |„,so points nscei- lighten the load fdr the horsej they walked on iis barns nnd out-houses; was before them.— To the dreamy joys of early years, ! not a living creature to ho seen—nothing but tlon’ 0,1 1,10 Lnncnstcr and Carlisle line. * j oh„ requested tho landlord to let him together in nil amicable com m union, nnd M nry T w ilig h t was fast covering the scene, and en- Ere yet grief’s canker fell | cows and.................................. haystneks? Miss Carol was a may just state, ns an indication of character, h„vc a driver who knew something about sat by herself in the car, very much too happy . larging the appearance of objects. Alary On the heart’s blo o m --a y, well may tears ! stnimch Londoner. that Miss Carol, occo.npnnied her I’otmg (,lill)eek nlll| the people who lived there, to care to talk. Hero she win, at lust, in the thought Hillheck Hall was a grand looking Start at that parting knell. , Alter the pause which we mentioned above, friends to ihe large bustling terminus, in or-[ *\Vhy,sir,- replied the landlord, ‘you can midst of the wild inountain region w hich her place, and she began to fear that her cousins M otherwell. j anil which wc have made use o f to im part to tier to see them oft,and to put into their hands, hnve R G(1|.)je r. ,lu WBS bon) nnd 1(red father and her mother had so often described might he inclined to look down with contempt toller. Higher and higher they went, and upon herself and John. Everything w as stilf; TlTP l\irrv f’lPf’riP t|le render this information concerning them a basket of provisions, [which sho had pre- J Hi|,1)cc.k. Here, Roger, an, get ready and pared for their refreshment on the wav; tfiat ,i,.« „ __ .. still more find iftthe of hills und mountains) as they approached the house, a light appear- 111 & 1 A im L I I, I ill, LE.. J tlle brother and sister looked up at each oil,. ’ , ............... • ’ drive a car to Hillheck. Il you want to know sho was sorely divided between her terror o f .. ... .. u ... , r ,, ,, , coulil she see; range behind range they lay— i ed in one of tlie upper windows, and a young An intellectual repast, composed of ihc choicest |Jit , . i h »» u » i n ia*,oul Hillheck folk, sir, Roger’s your ‘viands’ of ihc Liicrnry market. the engine, nnd her attachment to the trave l-1 , , .
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