A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles

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A History of the Birds of Europe, Not Observed in the British Isles 1 i NouniiiSNi - nvinoshhws S3iavaan libraries Smithsonian inst r Z r- rr (— to rn co E co LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOUfUllSNI NVINOSH1IWS S3 I! '* CO ? !£ ^ . Z r 2; CO - - Z^S^\ < 'a -Jfe. < /^7T^ 2 z \.\a -< A^P^tA z 9 CO CO 1 1 00 to z co NOIinillSNI_NVIN0SHllWS S3IMVyail LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INST 00 w - ^—. ^ ^ co y o J Z '""LIBRARIES SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION NOIinillSNl" NVINOSHllWS <~ S3 z r- » m - to NoiiniiisNi^NViNosHiiws^sa 1 y a vy n li b rar i es, ..Smithsonian "inst *' . 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LE V DLTU R A HISTORY BIRDS OF EUROPE, NOT OBSERVED IN THE BRITISH ISLES. BY CHARLES ROBERT BREE, ESQ., M.D. VOL. I. 'Join voices all ye living souls; ye birds That singing up to heaven-gate ascend Bear on your wings and in your notes His praise." Milton's Paradise Lost. LONDON: GROOMBRIDGE AND SONS, PATERNOSTER ROW. MDCCCLIX. QL (olH )g5S CONTENTS THE FIRST VOLUME. 1>AGE- Sociable Vulture . 1 Cinereous Vulture 7 Bearded Vulture 12 Norwegian Jer-Falcon 21 Saker Falcon 31 Lanner Falcon . 37 Eleonora Falcon 44 Lesser Kestrel . 48 Little Red-billed Hawk 51 Pale-cbested Harrier . 55 Imperial Eagle 58 Bonelli's Eagle . 62 Booted Eagle 67 Tawny Eagle 71 Pallas' s Sea Eagle 75 Bald Eagle 80 Short-toed Eagle . 87 Long-legged Buzzard . 93 African Buzzard . 97 Black Kite 101 Arabian Kite 105 Black-winged Kite 108 Ural Owl 114 IV CONTENTS. PAGK Lap Owl 118 Least European Sparrow Owl 124 Egyptian Eared Owl 130 Black Jackdaw . .136 Azure- winged Magpie . 140 Black-headed Jay . 144 Siberian Jay . 149 Alpine Chough 153 Sardinian Starling . 156 Great Grey Shrike .159 Lesser Grey Shrike . 165 Masked Shrike 168 Hooded Shrike 171 .White-collared Flycatcher . .175 Bed-breasted Flycatcher . 179 Bed-breasted Thrush 182 Black- throated Thrush 187 Naumann's Thrush 192 Pale Thrush . 195 5 Blue Thrush 199 Dusky Ixos 203 . BIRDS OF EUROPE, NOT OBSERVED IN THE BRITISH ISLES. Order I.—RAPACES. Division I.—Rapaces — Dixjrnje. Family Z— VUL TURID^E. Gen us I.—Vtjlttjr. (Uliger.) Generic Characters. —Beak large, strong, and curved only at the end; nostrils opening crosswise; eyes even with the head; head and neck without feathers, or only partially covered; a collar of down at base of neck. Vertebrae fifteen. SOCIABLE VULTURE. Vultur auricularis Vultur auricularis, Daudin. Cuviee. Temminck. tt a SCHINZ. SCHLEGEL. DeGLAND " nubicus, Smith. Vaulour JEgypius, Savignt. " oricou, Le Vaillant. VOL. I. B — — 2 SOCIABLE VULTURE. Specific Characters. —Head thick, rounded; cutaneous folds below the auditory opening in the adults; legs covered only with down; the internal toe equal nearly to half the middle. Length four feet and upwards. Degland. This bird is placed among those of Europe by M. Temminck, and after him by Schlegel and Degland. In deference to such high authorities, I introduce it into this work. Serious doubts have, however, been raised against the position thus assigned to it by these eminent naturalists. M. Temminck states that it occurs in Greece, particu- larly in the neighbourhood of Athens. M. Le Comte Von Der Miihle, the author of a work upon the birds observed by him during a five years residence in Greece, says, however, that he never observed it there, and he expresses an opinion that the skins which have been received from that country, have really been obtained in Egypt. Lindermayer also observes that he has not found it in Greece. Bonaparte leaves it out of the European list, and Dr. Riippell seems to think the species as European is purely nominal. On the other hand M. Crespon, the author of "La Faune Meridionale de la France," has introduced it into his list, on the authority of M. Barthclemy, Curator of the Museum of Marseilles, who asserts that the specimen in that estab- lishment was killed in the mountains of Provence. From some valuable notes upon the raptorial birds, with which I have been kindly favoured by J. H. Gurney, Esq., of Catton, Norfolk, whose great knowledge of this section of ornithology is well known, and I may add, equally well illustrated in his magnificent collection in the Norwich Museum, I extract the following: "I hold this species to be identical with V. nuhicus of Smith, and V. JEgijptius of Temminck. I believe — SOCIABLE VULTURE. 3 it certainly has occurred in Europe, especially in Greece. The Norwich Museum contains a specimen which I procured from M. Verreaux, who assured me that it was killed in that country." In the "Revue de Zoologie" for 1854, M. Jaubert, in his remarks upon the rarer birds of Central France, observes:—"The Oricou was killed twenty-one years ago at Crau; after having ornamented the collection of the town for many years, this bird was given to me, but, alas! I only got its precious relics. Another magnificent specimen was brought alive from Spain, but from what place I do not exactly know. After a residence for some years at Marseilles, it is now (1854) in the Zoological Gardens at Antwerp. The specimen of M. G. Cara, said to have been obtained at Cagliary, was singularly enough confounded by that naturalist together with V. Kolbii, with G.fulcus. The Oricou, of which only the above two captures are recorded in Europe, ought to be considered a very rare bird; but it must be remembered that very few Vultures of any species are killed in Europe; the pursuit of these birds is one of the most dangerous kind, and hence few people, except naturalists, are animated by that enthusiasm which is ever regardless of personal risk in the pursuit of scientific objects." The Sociable Vulture is a genuine native of Africa, where it lives in flocks, feeding upon the dead carcases of the large animals which inhabit that country. We are indebted for all we know about it to M. Le Vaillant, by whom it was discovered in the Namaqua district of Southern Africa, in 1790; and fully described by him in his "Histoire Naturelle des Oiseaux d'Afrique." The following account of its habits is collected from the observations of Le Vaillant: SOCIABLE VULTURE. This gigantic species, (it measures upwards of ten feet from tip to tip of wings,) is an object evidently designed for the purpose of cleansing the soil of Africa from the putrid bodies of elephants, hippopotami, rhinoceroses, and giraffes. It haunts the caverns of rocks, and is altogether a mountain bird. M. Le Vaillant had killed three zebras, and to carry them away he ran to fetch his waggon, which was scarcely three miles off; on his return he found nothing but the bones of the zebras, upon which some hundreds of Vultures had gorged themselves. One day he killed a gazelle; left it stretched upon the ground, and hid himself among the bushes. First there came to the spot some crows, which flew above the gazelle croaking; six minutes afterwards some kites and buzzards appeared, then almost immediately raising his eyes, Le Vaillant saw at an immense height a flock of Vultures (the Oricou) gradually descending in concentric circles, and seeming to come out of the vault of heaven. They flew down upon the gazelle, and soon there were hundreds of them; a shot put them to flight, and they disappeared as they came. Thus the smaller birds of prey first gave warning to the raptores of larger size; these in their turn warned the brigands of a superior order, and all took a share in the benefit of their communications, which were more rapid than our tele- graphic despatches. The prey having been torn in pieces by the Vultures, the kites were able to seize some pieces, and the small fragments left upon the carcase of the victim were precious dainties for the crows, who had given the warning. The Vultures themselves share the spoils of the lion and tiger. When one of these feline animals devours its prey, the Oricou keeps in the neighbourhood, and EGG OF THE SOCIABLE VULTURE. I have much pleasure in giving this month a drawing of the egg of the Sociable Vulture, which I was unable to do in Part L, when the bird was figured. This egg is the produce of a bird now in the posses- sion of J. H. Gurney, Esq., M.P., of Catton Hall, Norfolk, who has with his usual kindness sent me a drawing of it, made by Mr.
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