Sewanee Purple, 1998-2000
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etoanee purple SEWANEE, TENNESSEE "OaobeT23, 1998 Vol. CLXXVIH No. 4 Sewanee remembers Anita Goodstein this summer The influential civil rights leader and honored Sewanee professor passed away by Kelly Smilh, News Edilor Knoxville and ( Klein ol just before her death el delivery how wc rial but the fj Sewanee • j sity, she married Marvin Goodstein. and tour grandchil "I hope stays alway Goodstein is survived by her bus Portland, Oregon, students and bow we gel them in- Bits than just a who was a Cornell Ph.D. in econom- the liberal society, more " bind .ind two children. HovU dren volved in what they re doing classroom or school, but a liberal arts ics The couple moved to Sewanee in She developed new academic society where so 1955 when Mr including American Intellec- much can be ap- Goodstein was ap- courses and Social History, Indians and preciated," said pointed to teach in the tual Blacks in America, and Women in Anita Goodstein economics depart- Anita History. "I try to help students to see at the beginning ment began that history is exciting," Goodstein of the Campaign Goodstein !•> with the Uni- said. Ii concerned human for Sewanee teaching at versityoftheSouthin experience, and the> need to be con- "It's a humane bacme cerned with human experience as society thai 1963 and later they're trying to grow up." Goodstein draws people to- chail of the history de- was concerned with human experience gether around partment and a faculty not only in the classroom, but also in things that are trustee. She retired lis community; an advocate of il worth doing from teaching in the rights, she played a vital role in end- Anita Shafer I-J44 ing segregation in Sewanee and in the Goodstein, Wil- Anita Goodstein model for Franklin County public schools. liam R Kenan was a role [n recognition Of her contributions students, especially minority students, Jr. Professor of History Emeritus, died University and community, the for making stu- to the on May 12, 1998 at the age of 84. and she was known her with I Ii that University honored a Goodstein was born in 1929 in dents think critically, demanding ( >-'4 degree in l The Uni- history, and of Civil Law Brooklyn. N Y and attended Mount students question writers, versity has further honored this re Holyokc College for her undergradu- even her. professor with the Amu S about teaching takes a spected ate studies, where she was elected to "Thinking Endowed Lectureship in Goodstein once said. Goodstein Phi Beta Kappa. While earning her lot of time." Women's History, a lecture problem often is not the mate- PhD in history from Cornell Univer- "The which promotes hei :als Goodstein's contihutions to com- munity extended outside the Univer- • sity gates as well. She was the audi it of Nashville 1780-J^l' From Fron- Tennessee tier to City, which w> the Rare jellyfish discovered History Book Award i 1989 She was instrumental indocun ntmg women's history in Tennessee md was a lead- in Sewanee's Lake Trez ing organizer ofTenn see's 75th eel ebration of worn 's suffrage. latest axel" to find Goodstein's re rily because they are so difficult Jae wrote numer- by Edwin Gerber southern feminists: in uny given place for a prolonged wi -men's rights and ous articles on period ol time Polyps are capable ol from a crowded party, completed an artk le for the May is- Returning asexual reproduction, new polyps and ot Tre/ History you find the cool waters lake ol sue of the Journal < f Southern sometimes medusa will grow oul strangely appealing. There were jusl maturing. entitled "A Kare Vlliance \frican- the polyp and separate after that small room a American and W ute Women in the [00 many people in Medusa, on the other hand, procreate 1919-1920' dip would be refreshing Slip- Tennessee Elections of cool strictly through sexual reproduction. your clothes and into the ping out of As they will not reproduce in i lab cool waters, you'd probably never search setting Ii ii very difficult to n shadows just Tennessee and warm champagne: notice the translucent Waddes and McGlolhlin hope thai B surface First a slight tin- below the belter knowledge Ol the reprodu gling sensation then blackness might explain I,,, bus ol medusa help there Idllei Could it happen' Are and dis- with Jane Smith their myslerious ap| interview in our midst? an jellyfish lurking right appearances ma toclyn Waddey s senioi biolog) the freshwa i he daily behavioi ol Fiore celebrated lifty-five years of by Charles and eventually as- cently tellies, as of "Oklahoma." studying the I .ike Tre/ mysterious Most how much jOl terJellyfish Isjust as Arts Editor Lawrence. She mam age. so I don't know sumed the role of Jane that such dire circumstances hidden in the >•'" sured me Of the time, they lie of a mistake it w also sang Electra in Mozart"s any Sewanee studeni weekends ago. in the continu- will never befall depths ol the lake The only time to Two They had three children together, in the Saltzburg Summer one ol the I ike Tennes- "Idomeneo" uld pick up is an tlOUl hctore sun celebration of playwright tra- see them about ing co i rilie the family by George Solli. two of whom thing! Festival conducted ire,- jellyfish with out feeling a point they use m see Williams's life and works. Theatre down, al winch dition of artistry nh much sui Equally skilled in both the dramatic is no reason lor alarm. presented two one-acts and While there swarms \sWaddey explained Sewanee daughter Kiki is known interna- operatic arts. Smith smiled when Her lake nolue. Iiesh the devel- and . reason to she would get out a little IO0 a poem which showcased D work, and hei times preferred. They're tionally for her are I asked which she in the medusa form rhen, character Blanche from illyfish md initially find nothing opment of the daughter S ilivi in Parisand same horse for me." she ad- other are right here (see review both the extremely rare, and they instance, hund outof "Streetcar Named Desire" showing through December at the nexi like both equally." is now City resident mitted "I m Sewanee the depths section ) New York children. this which Tennes- the Whitney Museum. The But it was her voice are polymorphic, meaning Ol tellies in successfulat Jellyfish I,, keep a lull Supply Smith.. I highly as Ms Jane The two met of course, did n ome easy, see Williams admired that members ol the same s| Waddey makes longtime dear fnend of Williams, years the lab for research, and gave up he i .orkfor lhin> Hollywood. California, and Will- Smith tonus Jellyfishcan collect in exist in two body runs to I ake lie/ (0 read the role of Lucretia in "Portrait with them If her to her fu- so that she could that cling iams shortly introduced polyps, stationary buds to collect with Stirring results how be them md e importantly, Ol a Madonna" "Tennessee a iyS asked me renowned artist Tony 01 tree lloalmg husband, plants I Ms Smith further. ture I |d plankton foi then. 10 II Wanting to talk to just gi\ ip foi those thirty Williams, in fact, was the best I could shapt translucent I Sunday after- Smith medusa, the lection involves I 'aiioe trip in ak< with her one I (old him I I sat down years." she adit n "But at their wedding, an experience *>* jellyfish designed nets. man most often and .1 lev. gpet tally discus I re/ the Sewanee Inn to ho noon in I *a$." with a twinkling in her was busy. And mtcicoricersion between Smith recalls There is no . delicate thai a sweep with ,i K e | her life, her friendship Smith re j family, And "busy" i "hat Ms two tonus each individual jelly net tllSh views on the world eye. the might Williams, and her mains. Since I" (the year Williams Smith and 1 were married al the othei 'or its from , lsh 'Tony | ii,e plankton musi come of an. acting in ofl them Peace, and we needed died) Smith h.i *n freshwater the Justice Ol life cycle While lake on campus has Smith. I was struck 1 ake [rex. as each When 1 met Ms produ nons in New York witnesses. Tennessee was Broadway sightings to have two . are nol uncommon plankton rhis may class with which Kitchen ,ts own form ol with the amount of tl i 'he needed one more So City in such rare and too no there, hut we ihwater medusa are be one ol the reasons that the jellies herself There was well is she carried the Perform Oarage, as cab driver if he would and In a lake or si. earn CODl lining Keeping we asked the I ike Ire/ hand, that I ,ls doubt, upon shaking her n us. She enjoys the the second. He told us he in independent medusa might in- who mind being freshwater polypi, illyfish alive in lab is a whol was talking to a true lady, one until she now per for the job. be- community ol suited the Ifl humbled any was perfectlj seen. in itself; the conditions in commanded respect and lino ih il five brothers who were< ire/, the medusa form ol cause he had In I ake tank musi pre< Isely mirroi those of own sell losing tory preconceived notions my are small, thei no risk ol pnests.