ABSTRACT BOOK – 17Th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors
{ ABSTRACT BOOK { 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors Kurume, Fukuoka, Japan June 28, 2017 Preface The International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors (LTD) is the biennial meeting to present and discuss latest results on research and development of cryogenic detectors for radiation and particles, and on applications of those detectors. The 17-th workshop will be held at Kurume City Plaza in Kurume city, Fukuoka Japan from 17th of July through 21st. The workshop will be organized with the following six sessions: 1. Keynote talks 2. Sensor Physics & Developments, • TES, MMC, MKIDS, STJ, Semiconductors, Novel detectors, others 3. Readout Techniques & Signal processing • Electronics, Multiplexing, Filtering, Imaging, Microwave circuit, Data analysis, others 4. Fabrication & Implementation Techniques • Fabrication process, MEMS, Pixel array, Microwave wirings, others 5. Cryogenics and Components • Refrigerators, Window techniques, Optical Blocking Filters, others 6. Applications • Electromagnetic wave & photon (mm-wave, THZ, IR, Visible, X-ray, Gamma-ray), Particles, Neutrons, CMB, Dark Matter, Neutrinos, Particle & Nuclear Physics, Rare Event Search, Material Analysis & Life Science Kurume is a fabulous location for the workshop. It is known by good local foods and good Sake (Japanese rice wine), and also for traditional fabric called Kurume Gasuri. The LTD17 workshop provides you a wonderful opportunity to exchange your ideas and extend your experience on the low temperature detectors. We hope you will join and enjoy. LOC of 17th International Workshop on Low Temperature Detectors ii Contents Oral presentations 1 Keynote talks 2 O-1 Low Temperature Detectors (for Dark matter and Neutrinos) 30 Years ago. The Start of a new experimental Technology. (Franz von Feilitzsch) .............................
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