


FOR SESSION 1896-97.





CWef. The Right Honourable Sir Donald James Mackay, Lord Reay, G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E., D.C.L. CblCftam (A brack Branch). Rev. James Aberigh-Mackay, D.D.


Sir James L. Mackay, K.C.I. E., . lhce=lpiTsioents. R. Mackay, . Alex. Mackay, Glasgow. James | John Mackay, S.S.C., Edinburgh. George Mackay, Glasgow. James H. Mackay, London. Charles Mackay, Ardrossan. Secretavv. John Mackay, 9 Blythswood Drive, Glasgow. Assistant—John Mackay, 120 Wellpark Terrace. assistant Secretary. Alexander Ross Mackay, 10 Graham Street, Lauriston, Edinburgh. Assistant—Alex. C. Mackay, 47 Admiralty Street, Leith. Uveasurev. James R. Mackay, C.A., 143 West Regent Street, Glasgow. Councillors. GLASGOW. GLASGOW—Continued. Donald M. Mackay, 65 Kelvindale Angus Mackay, 80 Watt Street. Street. Daniel Mackay, iS Cadogan Street. John Mackay, 120 Wellpark Terrace. Eric A. Mackay, 10 Hamilton Park Angus Mackay, 418 St. George's Rd. Terrace, W. John Mackay, 255 Langside Road. EDINBURGH. Inspector John Mackay, 16 Radnor Donald B. Mackay, 22 Thistle Street. Street. Hugh Mackay, M.A., 13 Stanhope Lieut. Murdoch Mackay, Maryhill. Place. Charles Mackay, 263 Buchanan St. Alex. Mackay, LL.D., Educational Charles Mackay, 74 Main Street, News. Bridgeton. George Mackay, M.D., 20 Drum- Alex. Mackay, 34 Hutchison Square. sheugh Gardens. Alex. Mackay, 78 Broad Street. Alex. Mackay, 20 St. Andrew Sq. J. L. Mackay, M.A., LL.B., 10 Sheriff Eneas J. G. Mackay, Q.C., Mansion House Road, S.S. M.A., LL.D. John Mackay, 24 Battlefield Gardens. Daniel Mackay, 6 Moncrieff Terrace. Robert Mackay, 30 Steven Street. Donald Mackay, 34 Bruntsfield PI.

Clan ffiaros. Eric Mackay, London, Author of " The Love Letters of a Violinist," &c. Annie Mackay, Glasgow.

Clan Ipipers. Pipe-Major John Mackay, Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders, Paisley. James Mackay, 1st Batt. A. and S. Highlanders, Maryhill Barracks. JOHN MACKAY, C.E., J.P., Hereford, Ex President of the Society. CONSTITUTION

I.— The Society shall be called "The Clan Mackay

'Society" ; shall be non-political and non-sectarian ; and shall consist of (a) Persons bearing the surname of Mackay, by birth or marriage ; (b) Persons bearing any of the names of the various clan septs, or related to the clan by descent, shall be admit- ted as "Associates," but shall not be eligible to hold office, or entitled to vote at any of the meetings, or derive any benefit from the funds of the Society. The Sept names are as follows : —MACKIE, BAIN (in its various forms), POLSON. MACPHAIL, MACKEE or MACKEY, MACGHIE, NEILSON, MacCRIE, MacCAY, etc. II. —The objects of the Society shall be the fostering of Clan sentiment; the cultivation of social intercourse among the Members ; the rendering of assistance to deserving

Clansmen ; the encouragement of education ; and the collecting and preserving of records and traditions bearing on the history of the Clan.

III. —The Membership shall consist of three classes, viz : Life Members, who shall make one payment of not less than

£3 3s. ; Extraordinary Members, who shall pay an Annual

Subscription of 10s. 6d. ; and Ordinary Members, who shall pay 2s. 6d. annually, with the exception of such as shall be resident in the rural part of the Highlands and Islands of , or serving as non-commissioned officers or privates in Her Majesty's Army, or as seamen in the Royal Navy, whose Annual Subscription shall be is. No Member whose Subscription is in arrear for more than six months shall be entitled to vote at any meeting, or exercise any privilege. Associate Membership shall also consist of three classes as above. IV. —The Society may elect Honorary Members, of whom there shall not be more than twelve at any one time. Honorary Members shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting. No one shall be elected an Honorary Member until his name has been proposed at both the Ordinary Meetings of the Society in Edinburgh and Glasgow, next preceding the Annual General Meeting, by at least Ten Members of the Society, who shall state in their proposal that the person proposed has, in their opinion, done credit to the Clan, or rendered special service to the Society.

V. —Members of the Society claiming- the title of Chieftain by hereditary rig-ht shall lodge a statement of claim with the Secretary, for the consideration of the Council, at least three months before the next succeeding Annual General Meeting of the Society, when, if recommended by the Council, they shall be duly proclaimed and acknowledged. Bards and Pipers to the Society shall also be appointed at the Annual General Meeting, on the recommendation of the Council. VI. —The business of the Society shall be managed by a Council, consisting of the Chief, a President, Six Vice- Presidents, Twenty-four Councillors, a Secretary, an Assis- tant Secretary, and a Treasurer, any Five of whom shall form a quorum. The President, Vice-Presidents, Secretaries, and Treasurer, shall be elected annually. Twenty-four Councillors shall be elected at the first Annual General Meeting, and thereafter Eight Councillors shall retire annually, but shall be eligible for re-election. The Ordin- ary Meetings of the Council shall be held alternately in Edinburgh and Glasgow, in the months of January, May, and October, in each year, on dates to be fixed by the President, or any two Vice-Presidents, and the Secretary, who shall also have power at any time to convene a Special Meeting of the Council. VII. —The Ordinary Meetings of the Society shall beheld alternately in Edinburgh and Glasgow, on the third Thurs- day of each month, from October to April, inclusive. The Annual General Meeting shall be held on the third Thursday of November in each year, at such time and place as the

Council may from time to time appoint ; and an Annual Social Gathering shall take place on or about the same date, as the Council may determine. Fifteen Members shall form a quorum at all meetings of the Society. VIII. —No addition shall be made to the Constitution, and no alteration shall be made thereon except by a majority of Members present and voting at an Annual General Meeting; and no proposed addition or alteration shall be considered or discussed at any such Meeting, un- less a full and accurate notice thereof shall previously have been given by circular addressed to each Member, at least two calendar months before the date of the Meeting. u 7 BYE-LAWS


Any property or funds of the Society requiring to be in- vested, shall be held in the name of three Trustees, to be appointed by the Council, and no investment shall be made or varied except by the direction of the Council. II.—DONATIONS AND LEGACIES. Donations or Legacies, either for the purpose of the Society generally, or for any of its special purposes, may be made payable to the President, Treasurer and Secretary for the time being, as Trustees of the Society. III.—AUDITORS.

The accounts of the Society shall be audited yearly by two Auditors, appointed by the Council, and shall thereafter be laid before the Annual General Meeting. IV.—BANK ACCOUNT. The funds of the Society shall be lodged within a reason- able time by the Treasurer in a bank in Glasgow of good repute, in name of the Clan Mackay Society, and the said account shall be operated upon by cheques drawn by the Treasurer, and countersigned by the Secretary and one of the Vice-Presidents.

FORM OF LEGACY OR BEQUEST. To be i?iserted in a Deed ofSettlement.

I also leave and bequeath to the Clan Mackay Society, instituted 1888, the residue of my estate (or the sum of

) (to be inserted in words), to be applied in promoting the objects of the Society (or special objects may be named—benevolent, educational, bursary, &c), which bequest I appoint my executors to pay to the Treas- urer and Secretary for the time being of said Society, whose receipt shall be a sufficient discharge therefor. CAPTAIN JAMES MACKAY, Wilts, Retiring President of the Society. REP0RT 0F COUNCIL FOR SESSION 1896-97.

Fellow Clansmen and Clanswomen, — In presenting for your consideration our Ninth Annual Report, we are pleased to be able to state that the Society has made the most gratifying progress during the past year, both in regard to membership and funds. Indeed it is only when the record of our Society is compared with those ot the numerous kindred associations which now exist, that the extraordinary success of the Clan Mackay may be fully realised. Clan Sentiment may be only an abstract idea to many, but to those who bear the honoured name of Mackay, it is still a living and an active force. In other and more per- ilous times, when the "strong hand" (" Manu Forti" —the clan motto) of the Mackay was often his surest safety, our clansmen were noted for their " clannishness," that strong feeling of kinship which makes men stand together for weel and woe, and judging by the tangible results offered from the history of our own Society, we have ample proof that the Mackays of the present day, although now scattered to the uttermost ends of the earth, still preserve those kindly feelings towards each other which were so characteristic a feature of our ancestors in the country of Lord Reay. Membership. —Since the last society booklet was printed two years ago, the Membership Roll has received many additions—indeed we believe our list is the largest of any clan society. While many recruits have been found in Glasgow and Edinburgh, we are specially gratified at the large number of new members, resident at a distance and in foreign lands, who have enrolled. Copies of the last published report were posted to every Mackay whose address was obtainable. The record of good work per- formed which our Society is always able to show was evidently satisfactory, for the response was most gratifying, clansmen joining the Society who are never likely to be even able to attend a meeting. We are particularly pleased at the number of "Associates" who have recently enrolled, and we hope next year to be able to print a very much larger list of members representing the various im- portant Septs of the clan. There are still many thousands of Mackays, Mackies, Bains, etc., who have never heard of the Society) and it is our intention to post a copy of our forthcoming clan booklet to every clansman whose address we can obtain, at home and abroad, and we have no doubt that many useful members will be added to the Roll of the Clan Mackay.

Obituary. — It is our painful duty each year to have to record the death of several of our members, the present list, (which is given on page 25), containing the names of two or three well-known clansmen. There are few of our name more widely known than the late John Mackay (Ben Reay), author of that valuable historical work " An Old Scots Brigade," being the history of the famous Mackay regiment which, under Lord Reay, rendered such valiant service to the Protestant cause during the great 30 years' war. He was one of the first life-members of the Society, as were also the late George H. Mackay, Glasgow, and Alex. R. Mackay, Governor of the Virgin Islands, whose deaths we all sincerely lament. Another prominent clansman who has recently passed away wr as the late John Mackay, Guide at Edinburgh Castle. He was a veteran of the gallant 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, and saw a great deal of active service in the Crimea, and during the Indian Mutiny. He was one of the famous " Thin red line " at Balaclava, where 500 Sutherlanders defeated an overwhelming force of Russian cavalry. Social Intercourse. —Our members have had frequent opportunities during the past year of cultivating friendly intercourse with each other. Our meetings, which are held alternately each month in Glasgow and Edinburgh, afford suitable opportunities for members meeting one another, while the musical evenings, which are always open to the friends of members, and attract the lady members of our Society, are always well attended and afford very pleasant entertainment. The Annual Social Gathering was held this year in Glasgow, under the presidency of our honoured Chief, Lord Reay, and was attended by nearly 900 clansfolk and friends, including- members from all parts of the kingdom. The concert and assembly were greatly enjoyed by all present. On the afternoon of the same day, Lord Reay was entertained to dinner, in the Windsor Hotel, by a large party of clansmen. Mr. John Mackay, C.E., J. P., Hereford, presided, and speeches were delivered by the Chief, and a number of the leading members of the clan. Rendering of Assistance. — During the past year the Council have given special attention to this important object of our constitution. Now that the Bursary has been prac- tically completed, the rendering of assistance to poor deserving persons of our name will become the really chief duty of the Society. As may be seen from the treasurer's statement for last year, a considerable portion of our income was dispensed in assisting aged and necessitous applicants, and indeed our funds could not be devoted to a better or more laudable purpose. It is not usual for the Council to publish the names of those who receive pecuniary help, but every case is carefully investigated, and no de- serving person is refused assistance. In many instances we have been able to assist clansmen in securing suitable employment, and so favourably has the Society become known in Sutherland for its services in this direction, that the Council have frequently the greatest difficulty in finding openings for the large number of young Mackays who come south in the hope that the Society might be able to give them their first start in life. Encouragement of Education. —Having established a Bursary of ^20 per annum, tenable for two years in a High School or Technical College, and managing the Reay Bursary in St. Andrews University, it cannot be said that the Clan Mackay do not appreciate the benefits of education. " The Clan Mackay Victoria Bursary," so named in honour of Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee, was recently won by William Mackay, Rhenevie, Bettyhill, Sutherland, and a grant of £5 was made to assist another deserving young lad, Alex. Mackay, Farr, Sutherland, to attend a higher school. The St. Andrews Reay Bursary is held by George Mackay, Durness, Sutherland. Records and Traditions. —A great many interesting and valuable papers have been read at our meetings dealing with the history and traditions of the Clan Mackay, the )

most recent being those delivered by Mr. John Mackay, Glasgow, Hon. Secy., on "The Bards and Pipers of the

Clan Mackay" ; and "The Origin and History of the Septs of the Clan". Sutherland and the Reay Country, edited by Mr. John Mackay, Hon. Secy., and the Rev. Adam Gunn, M.A., Durness, is a valuable contribution to the literature of the Mackays ; and Mr. John Mackay has also in the press a new edition of the " Songs and Poems of Rob Donn Mackay," some fifty of these popular Mackay country songs being set to the ancient original music, now published for the first time. In addition to these evidences of literary activity, the late Mr. John Mackay (Ben Reay), left a great quantity of MSS. which he had been collecting for many years for the purpose of bringing out a new History of the Clan Mackay. This valuable material, it is hoped, will soon be arranged, and preserved in a permanent form.

Before closing, it may interest members to learn that recently the ancient banner of the clan, ( a' Bhratach Bhan the "White Banner" of song and story in the Mackay country, was nearly lost to the clan. The last possessor having died, the flag was about to be sent to a claimant in London, when Provost William Mackay of Thurso, heard of the matter, and communicated with Mr. John Mackay, Hon. Secy. Our clansmen promptly lodged two claims on behalf of Lord Reay, and the Rev. J. Aberigh-Mackay, D. D. , as representing the Clan Society. After a great deal of corres- pondence and negotiation the other claimants withdrew, the result being that this venerable relic of the clan has now become the property of the Society, and will henceforth be deposited in some public building for safe keeping. To Provost Mackay, Thurso, and Mr. John Mackay, Glasgow, Hon. Secy., the Society is indebted for preventing the Bratach Bhan being lost to the clan and country. Signed for the Council, JAMES MACKAY, President. JOHN MACKAY, Hon Secretary.




John Mackay, C.E., J. P., Reay Villa, Hereford. Sheriff .Eneas J. G. Mackay, Q.C., M.A., LL.D., 7 Albyn place, Edinburgh.


The Right Hon. Lord Reay, D.C.L., G.C.S.I., G.C.I.E. Lady Reay, Carolside, Earlston, Berwickshire. His Excellency Baron .Eneas, late Prime Minister of the Netherlands, The Hague, Holland.

Sheriff yEneas J. G., Q.C., M.A., LL.D., 7 Albyn place, Edinburgh. Captain A. Leith-Hay, 18 The Crescent, Bedford. A. Mackenzie, 50 Lime street, London, E.C. Major A. Y., Lea Park, Grangemouth. Alexander. Solicitor, Bank of Scotland, Tlmrso.

., Kilbrandon. Pollokshields (West), Glasgow.

)> 5°3 Sauchiehall street, Glasgow. H., B.A., LL.D., B.Sc, F. R.S.C., F.S.Sc.,. (London), Education Office, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Provost Andrew, Fairfield, Grangemouth. Archibald Forbes, 10 Canada Dock, Liverpool.

Campbell T. , "St. Foy," Blundell Sands, Liverpool. Charles, 263 Buchanan street, Glasgow.

,, agent, G. & J. Burns, Ardrossan.

,, Ex-Dean of Guild, Dempster gardens, Inverness. Colin J., Mullyah, Bettiah, Bengal. India.

Daniel D. , Kilbrandon, Pollokshields (West), Glasgow.

,, Grangetown Hotel, Grangetown. Yorkshire

,, Penrhyn Lodge, Maxwell road, Pollokshields, Glasgow.

,, Slater, Oswald Street, Glasgow. i5

Provost David, Portland House, Kilmarnock. Donald, Langhorne House, Leas, Folkestone.

,, Braemore, Dunbeath. .

,, Reay Villa, Hereford.

,, " Strathnaver," Seton place, Edinburgh.

,, Hugh Petrus, Siamese Consulate, Amsterdam, Holland. Captain Donald, 32 Summerside place, Leith. D. J., Hawthornden, Greencroft gardens, London, N.W. D. S., Glasgow. Miss Elizabeth Murray. Fort William, Belfast. Eppe Roelof, Siamese Consulate, Amsterdam, Holland. Eric Alexander, 10 Hamilton Park Terrace, Glasgow, W. Surgeon-General George, M.D., J. P., 2 Learmonth terrace, Edinburgh. Dr. George, F. R.C.S. E., 20 Drumsheugh gardens, Edinburgh. Dr. George, F.R.C.S.E., 74 Bruntsfield place, Edinburgh. George, Kintail Cottage, Blairmore, by Greenock.

,, Donald, Qu' Appelle, Manitoba, Canada.

,, Duncan, Inveralmond, Cramond, Midlothian.

,, George G., 6 Gradwell street, Liverpool.

,, J., J. P., Ex-Mayor and Chief Magistrate of Kendal, Kimberley House, Chatteris, Cambridge.

,, Jr., Bellavista, Duddingston, Edinburgh. Rev. George Leslie, D. D., Formosa, Tamsui, Japan. Rev. George S., Free Church Manse, Doune, Perthshire. Gordon, Marine Avenue, Newport, Rhode Island, U.S.A.

Mrs. Gordon, ,, ,, ,, ,,

Ian Donald, B.A. , CM., M.B., The Cloisters, Knaresborough. Professor J. M., M.A., University College, Liverpool. Rev. James Aberigh, D.D., 4 Rillbank terrace, Edinburgh. Rev. James, Leaton Vicarage, Shrewsbury. Captain James, Trowle, Trowbridge, Wiltshire. James, J.P., Strathreay, Kimbolton road, Fielding, Wellington, New Zealand. James Hayward, 1 St. George's terrace, Regent Park road London, N.W. Sir James Lyle, K.C.I.E., 7 Seamore place, Mayfair, London, W. James R. 36 Chalmers street, Edinburgh. Miss Jessie Sutherland, Reay Villa, Bodenham road, Hereford. Miss Joan, "The Mackay School of Massage and Electricity," 41 Avenue de Wagram, Paris, France. John, C.E., J. P., Reay Villa, Bodenham road, Hereford. Mrs. John, Reay Villa, Bodenham road, Hereford. John, Editor, Celtic Monthly, 9 Blythswood drive, Glasgow. i6

Lieut. -Colonel J. Livingstone-Aberigh, 8th Bengal Cavalry, Allahabad, India. John, Railway Contractor, late of Inverness. Mrs. John, late of Inverness. John C, F.G.S., 57 Madeley road, Ealing, London, W.

Mrs. John C, ,, ,, ,, ,, Mrs. John Harrison {ned Mackay), Sherwood House, Derby road, Portsmouth. John Sturgeon, LL.D., Edinburgh Academy, Edinburgh. IVIrs. John W., 6 Carlton House terrace, London. Miss Katherine, Fort William, Belfast. Murdoch, Havelock North, Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Neil, Aldgate Distillery, Aldgate, London, E.C. P. Mescher, Villa Dilred, Hilversum, Holland. Robert White, Merchant, 103 Union street, Aberdeen. R. G., Berriedale, Stamford hill, London. Robert Gordon, Edinburgh Temperance Hotel, Sackville street, Dublin. Thomas, 21 West Blackhall street, Greenock.

,, A., M.A., 14 Wetherby place, London, S.W. Councillor Wm.. F.S A. Scot., Solicitor, Craigmonie, Inverness. Mrs. William, Craigmonie, Inverness. William, Polebarn House. Trowbridge, Wiltshire, Provost William, J. P., Thurso, Caithness. William Bailey, 17 Lennox street, Edinburgh.

W. D., R.S.A. , 1 Warrender park crescent, Edinburgh. W. H., Reay Villa, Bodenham road, Hereford.


Alexander, 27 Bath street, Glasgow. Dr. Archibald, J. P., Port Appin, Argyllshire. Benjamin, Merchant, Lenzie. Edward, Auburn, Largs. George, Dungog, New South Wales. Capt. Henry F., Royal Marine Artillery, Eastrey Barracks, Portsmouth. John, Caledonia House, Peterborough. Mrs. James, Trowle, Trowbridge- Miss Janet, Trowle, Trowbridge. Joseph, Rosebank House, Bridge of Allan. L. M., Commercial Bank, Edinburgh. ,


ORDINARY AND RURAL MEMBERS. yEneas, 2 Harr street, Edinburgh. Alexander, Hartley's Cross, Madley. Hereford.

,, LL.D., Editor, Educational News, Edinburgh.

,, 73 Crossburn street, Glasgow.

,, 20 St. Andrew square, Edinburgh.

,, 78 Broad street, Mile End, Glasgow.

,, Sub-Editor, Evening Dispatch, Edinburgh. 2 Cite Trevise, Paris. ,

,, 5 Wood street, Dennistoun, Glasgow,

,, 55 Grange road, Edinburgh.

,, 38 Warrender Park road, Edinburgh.

,, Pitlessie, Fife.

,, 6 Salisbury street, Glasgow.

,, , Wick.

,, 6 Laurel wood Avenue, Aberdeen.

,, 68 Rottenrow, Glasgow.

,, Tulloch, Bonar Bridge.

,, The Retreat, Cromarty.

,, 139 Great Junction street, Leith.

,, 34 Hutcheson square, Glasgow.

,, 48 Abercorn road, Londonderry.

,, C., 47 Admiralty street, Leith.

,, Hector, Inveran Hotel, Sutherland. M., 55 Bath street, Glasgow.

,, Ross, 10 Graham street, Lauriston, Edinburgh.

,, S., 13 Cornwall street, Edinburgh. Lieut. Alexander, R.N.R., Examiner, Mercantile Marine Office, Dundee. A., c/o Wood & Co., 49 Wood street, Edinburgh. A., 25 Gordon street, Glasgow. Colonel A. Forbes Mackay of Carskey, 26 George square, Edinburgh.

A. J., Thornleigh, Derwent road, Liverpool,

Allan A. , Narayanganj, Eastern Bengal, India. Andrew, 157 Links, Kirkcaldy. „ A., Lude, Blair Atholl. Angus, 10 Easdale, by Oban. 418 St. George's road, Glasgow. 80 Watt street, Glasgow. 150 Maclean street, Plantation, Glasgow. 2 Cheyne street, Edinburgh. c/o Crawford, 67 Port street, Glasgow. Archibald, Cullipool, Easdale, Argyllshire.

,, ioo Polworth gardens, Edinburgh.

,, 15 Wellington street (city), Glasgow.

,, J., 46 Buccleuch street (west), Glasgow. Charles, Finnart, Cambuslang.

,, 9 Garriochmill road, Glasgow.

,, 74 Main street, Bridgeton, Glasgow. Charles A., 4 Pierremont crescent, Darlington. Rev. Charles Gordon, Pitlochrie, Perthshire. Christopher, 2 Burnbank terrace, Lenzie. Mrs. C. Martin (ned Mackay), 24 Beauclerc road, Hammer- smith, London. Mrs. Colin Richard, 1 Plevna villas, Bloom field, Belfast. Daniel, 6 Moncrieff terrace, Edinburgh.

,, 204 Berkeley street, Glasgow.

,, Cameron Bank Nurseries, Edinburgh.

,, 18 Cadogan street, Glasgow.

,, Stationer, George street, Oban.

,, M., 50 Beaumont square, Mile End road, London, E. David, 120 Wellpark terrace, Glasgow.

,, c/o Miss Adams, 60 Great Western road, Glasgow. 51 Tolbooth Wynd, Leith. ,, R.j S Elvan terrace, Ibrox, Glasgow. Donald, Seaman, s.s. "Mastiff," Broomielaw, Glasgow.

,, Willowbank street, Glasgow.

,, 7 Heriot Mount, Edinburgh.

,, 69 St. Leonard's Hill, Edinburgh.

,, 68 Back street, Renton.

,, 34 Bruntsfield place, Edinburgh.

,, Ardmore, Oban.

,, Harbour Master, Helmsdale.

1. 35 Cockburn street, Edinburgh.

,, S.S. ''Chevalier," Greenock.

,, Lochalsh, Ross-shire.

,, Surfaceman, Halkirk, Caithness.

,, Shebster, By Thurso.

, Forsinard, Wick. ,

,, 20 High street, Galashiels.

,, Lance-Sergt., Seaforth Highlanders, Egypt.

,, Superintendent, Refuge Assurance Co., Ltd., 6 Station road, Bromley, Kent.

,, B., 52 Prince Albert buildings, Edinburgh.

,, Gunn, Pensioner, Milton of Campsie.

,, Macdonald, 119 Lauriston place, Edinburgh. 19

Donald Murray, 65 Kelvindale street, Glasgow. Dugald, Jr., Thornliebank. Duncan, J. P., Harrietville, West Saville terrace, Edinburgh. Durinish, Plockton, Lochalsh. Luing, Easdale. Little Mill, Bowling. Struan Station, Perthshire. Mrs. Do.. Do. D. Douglas, 61 Alexandra parade, Glasgow. Edmund George, 426 St. Vincent street, Glasgow. Edward, c/o Mrs. Ross, 35 Buccleuch place, Edinburgh.

,, 7 Roxburgh street, Edinburgh.

,, c/o Mr. Donald, 41 Lothian street, Edinburgh. Elizabeth, Beechgrove, Bridge-of-Allan. Eric, 7 Royal Exchange, London.

,, 39 Annette street, Crosshill, Glasgow. Evander, Schoolhouse, Farr, Bettyhill, by Thurso. Francis D., c/o Messrs. Julius Wiel Bros., Mafeking, South African Republic. Dr. F. Reid, 5 Walker street, Edinburgh. George, Sanitary Inspector, Perth.

,, 138 Cambridge drive, Kelvinside, N., Glasgow

,, 14 Seedhill road, Paisley.

,, J- P.) St. Margaret's villa. Cramond.

,, 502 Cathcart road, Glasgow.

,, 6 Findhorn place, Edinburgh.

,, 18 St. Leonard street, Edinburgh.

,, A. D., Inspector of Cleansing, Edinburgh.

,, Eric F., 14 Caldwell road, East Dulwich, London.

,, II., Deanshurst, 48 Parliamentary Hill road, Hampstead Heath, London.

,, Reay, African Lakes Corporation, Chinde, East Africa^

,, Ritchie, 24 Dundonald street, Edinburgh.

>> S., 393 New City road, Glasgow.

,, S., 6 Guild street, Aberdeen.

,, Watson, 34 Howard place, Edinbiugh. Captain George, Harbour Master. Fraserburgh. Rev. George W., The Manse, Killin, Perthshire. Harry S., 52 Prince Albert buildings, Edinburgh.

Hector M. , Town Clerk, Dornoch, Sutherland. Helen Falconer, 10 Rochester terrace, Edinburgh Henrietta, Mayfield farm, Dalkeith. Houston, 24 Dundonald street, Edinburgh. Hugh, Torrisdale, Bettyhill, .Sutherland. Hugh, Abbeyhill School, Edinburgh. 4 Braid place, Edinburgh. M.A., 13 Stanhope place, Edinburgh. Dorrery, by Thurso. Altnabreac, Wick. Forsinard, Wick. 3 Bank street. Greenock. 84 Southhill park, Hampstead, London, N.W. Mailand, Baltasound, Unst, Shetland. 9 Blackwood crescent, Edinburgh. Burgh House, Wick, Caithness. 5 Ardbana terrace, Coleraine, Ireland. 9 Speir's crescent. Perth. 30 Grove street, Glasgow. Hughina J., Armadale, Thurso.

H. M. S , J.P., North of Scotland Bank, Elgin. Isabella, 12 Cheyne street, Edinburgh. Isabella, Fulbar lane, Renfrew. Tames, 35 George IV. bridge, Edinburgh. Toftingall, Watten, Caithness. 605 Gallowgate, Glasgow. 29 Main Street, Rutherglen. Northern Agricultural Company, Aberdeen. Fulbar lane, Renfrew. 79th Cameron Highlanders, Egypt. Sergeant-Major, Seaforth Highlanders, Egypt. Piper, 1st Batt. Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Maryhill, Glasgow. Farmer, Geeslittle. by Thurso. Erbusaig, Lochalsh, Ross-shire. Westonlee. Dumbarton. Springfield, Kerry, Montgomeryshire, Wales. 77 Woodside Terrace lane, Glasgow. 1 South St. James street, Edinburgh. E., Ballougry, Londonderry. F., W.S., Whitehouse, Cramond, Midlothian. R., C.A., 143 West Regent street, Glasgow. Mrs. Jean M. Kinnier Macdonald, of Sanda {nei Mackay), The Priory, Salisbury. Jean Maclnnes, 3 Sawmillfield street, Glasgow. Miss Jane, Vine Cottage, Basing, Basingstoke, Hants. Mrs. Jane, British Linen Bank House, Inverness. Mrs. Jessie, 143 Bruntsfield place, Edinburgh. J. W., Bank of Scotland House, Glasgow. Miss Joanna, 14 Fountainhall road, Edinburgh. John, 120 Wellpark terrace, Glasgow. 234 Sauchiehall street, Glasgow. Sergeant-Major, Barracks, Paisley. Private, Seaforth Highlanders. Egypt. 79th Cameron Highlanders, Egypt. 12 Cheyne street, Edinburgh. 6 Kirkwood street, Bellahouston, Glasgow. 19 West 131st street, New York, U.S.A. 100 Barlock street, Possilpark, Glasgow. 24 Dundonald street, Edinburgh. Do Do. Jr., , Windmill House, Edinburgh. S.S.C., 5 St. Andrew square, Edinburgh. Mineral Water Manufacturer, Milngavie. 24 Battlefield gardens, Langside, Glasgow. Nhaire, Forsinard, Sutherland. Inspector Detective, 16 Radnor street, Glasgow. 49 Causeway street, Portrush, Co. Antrim, Ireland. 56 Gibson street, Hillhead, Glasgow. Naver bridge, Bettyhill, Sutherland. 25 W. Preston street, Edinburgh. Ochilview, Crieff. Laidmore, Amerley, Canterbury, New Zealand. Pipe-Major, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, Paisley. 47 Admiralty Street, Leith. 71 Fisher street, Dennistoun, Glasgow, c/o Mrs. Blythe, 76 Maclellan street, Plantation, Glasgow. 24 Easter road, Edinburgh. 255 Langside road, Glasgow. 31 Cumberland street, Edinburgh. 14 Lumsden street, Glasgow. Architect and Surveyor, Kingswood, Bristol. M.I.M.E., Bangkok Dock Co., Siam. Mrs., 44 Houldsworth street, Anderston, Glasgow. 5 Milne's Court, Lawn Market, Edinburgh. 145 Albert street, Dundee. c/o J. Griffin, 258 Castle street, St. Rollox, Glasgow, 73 Maclean street, Glasgow, 57 Cobden street, St. Rollox, Glasgow. 4 Pine terrace, Broughty Ferry. A., 47 Admiralty street, Leith. A., c/o Crawford, 6 Pollok street, Glasgow. A. K., Dean street, Fetter lane, London, E. C. John Bruce, 63 West street, Glasgow.

,, F., 42 Tennant street, Leith.

,, G., C.C., The Stores, Portree, Skye.

,, S., 201 Tavender Hill, Clapham Junction, London, S.W.

Mrs. J. G., John Paterson, 9 St. James street, Kingston, Glasgow. S-, c/o Fraser, 27 Thorphichen street, Edinburgh.

,, Dr., Braehead House, Cromarty. J. D. Dougall, Manager, Standard Bank, Cala, Cape Colony. Deanshurst, Parliamentary Hill road, J. Kirkland, 48 Hamp- stead Heath, London. M.A., LL.B., 10 Mansion House road, Langside, J. Lindsay, Glasgow. B.L., Belmont street, Glasgow. J. Martin, 5 Strath, Broadford, Rev. J. Thomson, The Manse, Skye. Principal J. Yule, M.D., University College, Dundee. Mrs. T- MacFarlane, 135 Greenhead terrace, Glasgow. Lachian, Stationer, Pitlochrie. Malcolm, Drimbuie, Lochalsh, Ross-shire. Margaret, Matron, Hospital, Stranraer.

,, Chelsea House, Portrush, Co. Antrim, Ireland.

,, 10 Rochester terrace, Edinburgh. Mary, Colinton Cottage, Colinton, Midlothian. Mrs. Mary, Mortimer House, Halkin street, London. Murdo, Lance-Seargeant, Seaforth Highlanders, Egypt. Murdoch, Lieutenant, Police station, Maryhill, Glasgow. Nathan, Bower station, Wick, Caithness. Rev. Neil, F. C. Manse, Croick, Ardgay, Ross-shire. Neil, Bowmore, Islay. place, Edinburgh. ,, 35 Buccleuch Mrs. Neil. Rosemarkie, Fortrose, Ross-shire. Norman D., 45 Bentinck street, Sandyford, Glasgow. Patrick, Westonlee. Dumbarton. Rev. Patrick R., F. C. Manse, Prestonpans. Mrs. Penelope A. Campbell («?

,, Glenure, Ledaig, Argyllshire.

,, D., 299 New City road, Glasgow.

,, R., Commercial Bank, Gallowgate, Glasgow. Richard, 113 M'Aslan street, Glasgow. Robert, Mason, Farr, Sutherland.

,, Sunnyside, Bridge of Allan.

,, 23 Barossa place, Perth.

,, Merchant, New Galloway. 2 3

Robert Bank of Scotland, Dennistoun, Glasgow.

,, 30 Steven street, Glasgow.

, Nhaire, Forsinard, , Sutherland.

,, 41 Cromwell street, Glasgow.

,, 1 Tanfield, Edinburgh. ,, Gordon, c/o Sturtevant Engineering Co., 75 Queen Victoria street, London, E.C.

,, J., 4 Pierremont crescent, Darlington. R., 17 Furlong road, Hollcway, London.

R. J., M.A., Secretary's Office, G.P.O., London. Robert James, 15 Gladstone terrace, Edinburgh. R. M., 20 St. Nicholas road, Brighton. R. M'Culloch, 34 Howard place, Edinburgh. R. Millman, Secretary, The Machinery Trust, Ltd., 16 Ser- geants' Inn, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Roderick Cumming, 48 West Regent street, Glasgow. Samuel, Borroboll, Kildonan, Sutherland.

,, Borve, Portree, Skye.

,, A., 39 Park avenue, Sydney parade, Dublin. Mrs. Simon Slater (nee Mackay), 12 Braid road, Edinburgh. Stuart, Altnabreac, Sutherland. Sutherland, Forsinard, Sutherland. Thomas, Lance Corporal, Seaforth Highlanders, Egypt. 903 Govan road, Govan. 7 Logan street, Glasgow. A., Agent, British Linen Bank. Inverness. A., Mrs., British Linen Bank House, Inverness.

M. , 16 Duke street, Edinburgh. Wallace, c/o The Machinery Trust, 16 Sergeants' Inn, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Miss Wilhelmina, 14 Fountainhall road, Edinburgh. William, 5 Merkland street, Partick. 1 16 Low Craighall road, Glasgow. P'orsinard, Sutherland. Scourie, by Lairg, Sutherland. Naver, by Thurso.

c/o J. & H. Lindsay, 7 Waterloo place, Edinburgh. Crieff. 46 Powis place, Aberdeen. Chief Constable, Rothesay, Bute, Lochside, Overscaig, Lairg, Sutherland. 9 Garriochmill road, Glasgow. Mason, Rhenevie, Bettyhill, Sutherland. Chelsea House, Portrush, Co. Antrim, Ireland, 2 4

William Calvados, Shirley, Southampton.

,, Gordonston, Inverness.

,, Curran House, Dungannon, Co. Tyrone, Ireland.

,, I South St. James street, Edinburgh.

,, Hugh, 227 High street, Edinburgh. Dr. W. B., Berwick-on-Tweed. Rey. W. Murray, Westercraigs, Dennistoun, Glasgow. W. M., 3 Danube street, Stockbridge, Edinburgh. W. N. J., c/o White & Wenley, Napier, New Zealand. ASSOCIATES

LIFE ASSOCIATES. George Murray Campbell, Bayhorne, Horley, Surrey. Thomas Mackey, Rinvarna, Coleraine, Ireland. Hugh Mackay Matheson, J. P., Heathlands, Hampstead, ' London, N.W. John Poison, J. P., West Mount, Paisley. Dr. J. Ronald Poison, St. John's, Worcester. James Mackay Scobie, Keoldale, by Lairg, Sutherland.

EXTRAORDINARY ASSOCIATE. Miss Wilhelmina Bain, Underwood, Rothesay.


W. J. Ansell, Larnaca, Cyprus. George J. Bain, East Mains, Kemnay, Aberdeenshire. Andrew Gow, 77 Blackburn street, Plantation, Glasgow. Mackay D. Scobie Mackenzie, 20 The Mall, Clifton, Bristol. Alex. Mackey, 48 Abercorn road, Londonderry. Edward Mackey, M.D., 56 Lansdowne place, Brighton. Odo Mackey, Rinvarna, Coleraine, Ireland. Robert Mackey, ,, ,, „ Thompson Mackey, ,, ,, ,, William John Mackey, Rinvarna, Coleraine, Ireland. William John Mackey, c/o Messrs. Laird, steamship owners, Londonderry. Alexander Mackie, 13 Princes street, Pollokshields, Glasgow. 25

Rev. G. W. Mackie, B A., B.Sc, St. George's Infirmary, Fulham road, London. S.W. Councillor J. W. Mackie, 16 Greenhill gardens, Edinburgh. William George Mackie, 66 Silvermore road, Kent. John Neilson, Watchmaker, Napier, New Zealand. Kenneth Noble, Walton Cottage, E. Princes street, Helensburgh. Miss Katherine C. Stiles, 301 Franklin street, Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Mrs. Isabella A. Suverkrop, Mayberry, Regent's Park, Millbrook, Hants. R. Urquhart, National Bank of South Africa, Ltd., 73 Cornhill, London, E.C.

Miss Georgina Anderson Mackie, 1 Gliddon road, W. Ken- sington, London, W. Miss Pope, Birklands, Clevedon, Somerset. J. Mackay Wilson, Currygrave, Edgesworth Town, County Longford, Ireland.

Members will greatly oblige by intimating the Secretary of any change of addi-ess.


John Mackay (Ben Reay), Edinburgh. Geo. H. Mackay, of the Savings' Bank, Glasgow. Alex. Robert Mackay, Virgin Islands, W.I.

Mrs. Margaret S. Morrison, Partick, Glasgow.

John Mackay, 127 Abercromby Street, Glasgow. JOHN Mackay (late 93rd Sutherland Highlanders), Castle Guide, Edinburgh.

John Mackay, 47 Thistle Street, Edinburgh. Miss F. M. Baines, Brighton. ^ ro O 0\*0 I


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C .-- Eh m J ti B « . i^-.-H O C IU *_ cup o o-^o.S •S £ 33 d Q ALEXANDER MACKAY, Glasgow, Ex-President of the Society. Songs and Music of the Reay Country Bard.

JVbw in the Press. —Crown ^to, Gilt Top, Elegant Binding, 10s. fid. post free. SOfiGS fl^D POEmS:

ROB DONN (Robert Mackay),

The Celebrated Bard of Lord Reay s Country, WITH


It has been for many years a matter of surprise and regret to some of those interested in Gaelic music that, although the County of Suther- land was known to possess many old and beautiful melodies, especially those associated with the songs of Rob Donn, the Reay Country bard, comparatively few have ever been noted down and published. Recog- nising their national value, and desirous of preserving them for the enjoyment of all lovers of Gaelic music, the late Mr. John Munro, brother of the Hon. James Munro, of Melbourne, late Premier of Victoria, undertook the congenial work of noting down for publication as many as possible of the tunes to which Rob Donn Mackay 's songs are sung in Sutherland. He succeeded in making a collection of nearly fifty, associated with the bard's songs and poems, grave and gay, humorous and satirical, elegies, etc. The MSS. came into the publisher's possession, and it is intended to issue at once a new and revised edition of the Mackay bard's works, nearly fifty of the songs being set to the original music as sung in the far north, few of which have ever before appeared in print. The tunes will be given in both, the Staff and the Sol-fa notations. The bard's works have been, carefully revised by the most competent Gaelic Scholars. It is intended to Include as many English metrical translations of Rob Donn's poem's as can be found. These can mostly be sung to the original Gaelic music, and will also convey to the reader an idea of the spirit and substance of the original verses. To all lovers of Gaelic song and music the volume should be welcome, and especially so to members of the "Clan Mackay." The work will be printed on superfine, thick toned paper, (crown 4to size), and will be handsomely bound, uniform in style with our other publications. No expense is being spared in its preparation. The names and addresses of subscribers received before publication will be printed in the volume. The price will be 10s. 6tl. post free, and as only a strictly limited edition is to be printed, those desiring, copies should commuuicate at once with



Now Ready. — Cloth Boards, Gilt, cr. Svo, 7s. 6d. 8s. Post Free. D SUTHERLAND ™ E REAY COUNTRY,

CONTENTS (Chapters and Authors).

History, John Mackay, C.E., J. P., Hereford Industries, The Duchess of Sutherland

I Rev. Robert Munro, M.A., B.D., F.S.A., Antiquities, . ( Scot., Old Kilpatrick. Folklore, .. A. Polson, J.P., C.C., Dunbeath

( MacFarlane, and Poetry and Music Malcolm Henry \ Whyte (Fionn). Rob Donn Mackay, John Mackay, C.E., J.P., Hereford Language and Topography, .. Rev. Adam Gunn, M.A., Durness (Rev. AdAM GuNN, M.A., AND Rev. JOHN Krr,EcclesiasticalT7 C i»=TTf-AT Records,Btrnon,: ^ g _ MackaVi Fort Augustus .

Distinguished Men, . John Mackay {Celtic Monthly), and others

Regiments, ...... John Mackay {Ben Reay) With Appendix.

Edited by Rev. ADAM GUNN, M.A., Durness, and JOHN MACKAY, Editor Celtic Monthly, Glasgow.

This handsome volume is intended to provide clansmen with a full and reliable History of the Clan Mackay, at a price which will be within the reach of all. There are few of the Clans whose liistory has been so thrilling, or who have emerged from a struggle against tremendous odds, extending over so many centuries, with such an honourable record. No person of the name can read the history of these wild and exciting times without feeling proud that he is a "Mackay," and bears a name which has become a proverb, the wide world oer, for all that is upright, genuine, and of good report. Each chapter treats specially of the Mackay Country (Lord Reay's Country —Duthaich Mhic Aoidh), and a large number of fine half-tone process engravings are given of places of historic interest, ancient clan castles, churches, monuments, etc. Plate portraits of several notable clansmen and natives of the county also appear. The chapter treating of the Regiments is specially interesting, the Clan Mackay having been so much identified with the raising of these gallant corps, and the story of the achievements of the famous Mackay regiment (The Strathnaver Invincibles), which Donald, the ist Lord Reay, led during the great Thirty Years' War on the Continent, is more exciting and "stranger than fiction." The Edition de Luxe is already out of print, and copies command a large price. As only a few of the 8vo edition are now left, those desiring copies (price, S/- post free) should apply at once to JOHN MACKAY, Mont. Secy., BLYTHSWOOD DRIVE, CLASCOW, Joint Editor. IMPORTANT TO CLANSMEN. THE CELTIC MONTHLY AN ILLUSTRATED MAGAZINE FOR HIGHLANDERS. (THE ORGAN OF THE CLAN MACKAY SOCIETY).

The Celtic Monthly, which has already become so popular among' Highlanders at home and abroad, was intended to serve as the organ of the various clan, county, Gaelic, and other Highland societies throughout the country, and by means of reports of meetings, and the publication of matters of interest to all Highlanders, to keep the scattered mem- bers of these societies in closer touch with each other. Life-Like Portraits, with biographical sketches, of promi- nent members of the Clan Mackay, are given nearly every month, and these cannot fail to prove of special interest to members. Finely engraved Plate Portraits of the chiefs of the various clans, and of distinguished Celts, are also presented with each issue. Articles, stories, poems, etc., Suitably illustrated, bearing on the clan and the Mackay country specially, and the Highlands generally, from the pens of the most competent authorities, find a place in our pages, while special attention is given to contributions in the Gaelic language. A Musical column, in which appear many of our most popular Gaelic melodies, is an interesting feature of the magazine, the music in many cases never having been before printed.

The Celtic Monthly is the only Highland magazine. The Annual Subscription is 4/- (post free), and we trust that you will become a subscriber to the Monthly, and recommend it to your friends. Volume VI. commenced with the October number. We will be glad to send a specimen copy to any member making application.

The illustrations in the Celtic Monthly are admitted by the press to be among the finest examples of Art Printing in this country.

VOLUMES IV. & V., Handsomely Bound, Cilt, can be had, price 10/ each, Post free.

Apply to JOHN IV|AGKAY, Editor, Celtic Monthly,




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WATCHES from 20/ to £50 (Guaranteed).

Designer and manufacturer of the Celtic Medals for the Mod Competitions. Highland Ornaments a specialty. Chaste Celtic Designs submitted, and all kinds of Highland Ornaments made to order. Clan Mackay Crest Brooches, with fine old Celtic Ornamentation, suitable for ladies' wear, or for bonnet or shoulder plaid, can be had in various designs. Mr. SCOTT will be very pleased to Supply members of the Clan Mackay with designs and prices foi all kinds of

Clan Jewellery or Highland Dres - Ornaments. PRICES VERY MODERATE.