The Grystal Structure of Rosetite
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Canadian Mineralogist Vol. 15, pp. 3642 (1977) THE GRYSTALSTRUCTURE OF ROSETITE F. C. HAWTHORNE eNo R. B. FBRGUSON Dept, of Earth Sciences, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2 ABSTRACT 12.968(4),c 5.684(1)4, p 108.05(2).,er les dia- grarnmesde pr6cessionconfirmeut le groupnP21/c. The crystal strugtureof roselite, Cag(Mgb.assCoo$6) (AsO)r.29r9, La ros6lite est isoty?e de la kriihnkite, NazCu- has been refined in the spacegroup (SOr,.2HrO (Ilawthorne & Ferguson P2r/ c (a p L975b). l-z 5.801(1),D 12.898(3),c 5.617(DI"" structure est caract6risdepar des octa0dres isolds 107.42(2)' Z-2), ; lsitg, tlree-dimensionalcounter- Mg/Co, li& par les sommets aux t6traBdres As collected $ngle-crystal X-tay data; the final R index pour former paralldles for des chalnes i l'axe c. Ces 1194 observedreflegtions is 5.8Vo.Comparison chaines sont reli6es par gros of les cations Ca et des the cell dimensionsobtained in this studv with ponts hydrogdne. On trouve types structuraux the 2 axial ratios obtained from morphological stu- parmi les min6raux du groupe dies Culut+(X+O)z @eacock 1936) shows that the morphological .H:O, celui de la ros6lite, monoclinique, celui ceU was B-centred. et Conversely, tle cell derived in do la collinsite, CazMg(Poa)2.2H2O,triclinique. Les earlier X-ray (Wolfe studies 1940) is a haff-ce[ itr deux type,spossddent des chalnes identiques, tho E-centred setting. gs.eaamination mais of the iso- l'orientation relative des chalnes voisines diff0re structural miueral brandtite, CarMn(AsO)r.2HzO, quelque peu, ce qui entralne des changementsdans showedtlat tle cell derived in previous studieswas hatf Ia coordination du Ca et danslagencement des ponts also a cell; least-squaresrefinement of tle hydrogdne. powder diffraction gave patiern a 5.899(2), b (Iraduit par la R6daction) 12.968(4),c 5.684(1)A, p 108.05(2)., and sinele- cryotal precessionphotographs confirmed the space grcurt P2Jc. fNrnopuctroN Roselite is isostructural with tritbnkitc, NazCu Roselite is a pink hydrated arsenate,Caz(Co, (SOJ".2HrO (Ilawthorne & Ferguson 1975b). The Mg) (AsOa):'2Hfi, structure is characterizedby isolated Mg,/Co octa- that occurs with chalcedony hedra that are linked by corner sharing with As te- and drusy quartz in cavities in metalliferout trahedra to form chains parallel to the c axis. These quartzose veins. There has been a considerable chains are linked together by tle large Ca cations amount of work on the crystallography of rose- and hydrogen bonding. Two structure Epes exist in lite and its isomorph, brand ite (Ca,Mn(AsOa),. the minerals of tle group Ca24W+(X'+O)2.2IJ2O, 2HzO), and each new study has come to a dif- the monoclinic rosette structure and tle triclinic ferent conclusion; the present study is no excep- collinsite, CaaMg@O)r.2IIO, structure. Identical tion. Roselite was initially classed as ofihorhom- chai4s exist in both etructuresbut tle attitude of ad- bic (Levy 1824) until Schrauf (1873) concluded jacent chains is slightly different, leading to changes that it was triclinic, pseudo-orthorhombic. Sub- in the Ca coordination and hydrogen bonding ar- rangem€nts. sequently, Lindstrom (1918) proposed that brandtite was triclinic and isomorphic with rose- lite. Aminoff (1919) later proposed that brand- Sopnuernn tite was monoclinic holohedral with the axial ratios given in Table 1. An extremely detailed La structure cristalline de la ros6lite, Ca2(Mgo.a*- (1936) Coo.rrr) (AsOolr.2grq a &€ affilrfp dans p2t/c (a study by Peacock showed roselite to be 5.801(1),D 12.898(3),c 5.6r7G)Iu F rot.ize)b; monoclinic holohedral with axial ratios similar Z-Z) a faide des donn6es tridimensionnelles des to those earlier established for brandtite (Iable rayous X, obtenues sur diffractom&tre i compteur 1). Single-crystal X:ray photogaphs (Wolfe avec cristal unique. Le r&idu final pour les 1194 1940) confirmed the monoclinic symmetry of r6flexions st R=5.8Vo. En comparant le.s dimen- both speciesbut indicated that the morphological sions de la maille ci-dessw aux rapports d,axesmor- studies had resulted in a double cell. These re- phologiques@eacock 1936), on remarque que la sults were apparently confirmed for brandtite by maille morphologique 6tait i face B centr6e. Par Dahlman (1951), who solved the structures of contre, la premibre maille obtenue aux rayons X brandtite and krohnkite CNarCu(SO)r,2HrO)i (Wolfe 1940) n'6tait qu'une demi-maille !. Et la the cell dimensions obtained by Wolfe (1940) brandtite, Carl\r!(Asotr,2f|.zA, isotfpe de la ros6- given lite, avait, elle aussi, 6t€ rapportde i une demi- and Dahlman (1951) are in Table 1. As maille; faftinement du diagramme de poudre par part of a study on the stereochemistry of the moindres car6s donne la maille: a 5.899(2), b (Ass+Oo)s group (Ilawthorne 1976a,b), we de- 36 CRYSTAL STRUCTURB OF ROSELITB 37 cided to refine tle sftucture of roselite; how- Ercrx,nvreNrer, ever, in view of the results obtained, the study was also extended to include brandtite. The crystals used in this investigation are from Schneeberg Germany. A partial chemical anal- ysis was performed and the results are given in 1ABIJ 1. axrAl nATlos Ar{DcqLL Drmsrons 1t1 ror nosrrrm, nratr IITE ANDKIOE!{KIIf, Table 2; unit-cell contents were oalculated as- suming the formula CarMg,Co),(AsOn)".2HaO qbcB;::$Rere,ence with the MgCo ratio derived from the chemical analysis. RoeeL:Lte Single-crystal X-ray precession photographs 0.8780 1.0 0.4398 100.9. Monoc. Pacock (1936) confirmed the monoclinic stmmsfry established s.ooi! 5.60 100.8" p2lla wolfe (1940) by earlier studies. Ilowever, the unit cell ap- 5.616(2) 12.893(4)11.277(3) 1O1.OL(3)o 821la This srudyl peared to be twice the volume assigned by Wolfe (1940), ,agreement s.799 12.893 5.616 L01,37" P2rla ThLe erudy2 with axial ratios in with the morphological work of Peacock (1936). The s.80r(1) 12.898(3) 5.6L7(D 707.42(2). rhls study3 "2rlo following systematic extinctions were observed: Brandt!te hkl, h+l = 2n*I; hoo, h=2n*l; ok0, k= 0.4720 1.0 0.4475 99.5" Moooc. lotnoff (1919) 2n*I;001, I=2n*l; this is compatiblewith the 5.65 12.80 5.65 99.5. p2rla Dahl@ (1951) space groups BL/a ar;ld.BLlc, As indicated by s.6a4 12.968 11,399 roo.24o E2tla rhlo atudy4 the B-centring, an alternative primitive cell of have been chosen; how- 5.899<2) L2.968(4) 5.684(1) ).O8.0512)" p2rla Thte etudy3 half the volume could ever, the B-centred cell was retained becauseof Kaohoklte tho probable relationship between the structures 0.4586 1,0 pslache 0.4357 108.5' Uodoc. (1936) of roselite and brandtite @ahlman 1951). Unit- 5.eO7O) 12,656(2) 5.517(1) 1A8.32(L)o P2./a n&bode - & cell parameters were determined from least- Fe!8aon (1975b) squares refinement of fifteen intense reflections _Shg1e-crystaLI zttdsfomed dlf f racrreter results; fM B-c@treal aligned automatically on a four-circle diffracto- -froo the results given in Table 1. As a !o ptbLtlge cell; least-sq@les lefl!(@t ol pdde, pettem; meter; are Alroefosd check on these values, the powder pattern of f,!@ prleltlve cell ro A-ceotreil cell, roselite was recorded using a Phillips powder diffractometer operating at Veo2|/rnrn and using = TABLE 2. MISCEI.I,ANEOOS INFORMAIION FOR ROSELITE C\rKa radiation (l 1.5418A); least-squaresre- finement subsequently confirmed the single- crystal diffractometer values. - PaltiaL Analyslsz V€O 4.42, CoO - 8.71 vt.Z The crystal used in the collection of the in- Unlt fo@ula - C"2 (MBo. (As04)2. 2I{20 4g5CoO.515) tensity data was an irregular equidimensional fragment -O.15mm in diameter. A total of 1521. A2Lla p2L/c intensities was collected over one asymmetric a 5.616(2)R sJsge)8, unit out to 2|(MoKa) 65o according to the ex- b 12.893(4) 12.893(4) perimental procedure of Hawthorne & Ferguson c 77.277(3) 5.616(2) (1975u). One standard reflection was examined p ror.or(:)o rol.:z(:)o every 50 reflections to check for constancy of Space cloup R2Lla P2Llc crystal alignment; no significant change was v 8oo.g8' aoo.sR' noted during the data collection. The data were conected for absorption, Lorentz, polarization and background effects and converted to struc- lo. or I52I lr"o,l ture factors. A reflection was considered as ob- D"u1. 3.617 No. of 41 1194 lroU"l) served if its magnitude exceeded that of four Cryetal Slze 0,15@ Flnal R (obBeryed) 5.82 standard deviations based on counting statistics; 0.84 Flnal R (a11 d,ata) 6.12 1.R application of this criterion resulted n ll94 Radnlon t4o/C Flnal R!(observed) 6.72 observedreflections. Flml Rs(all- data) 7 .32 * -f,rlr.o"l- 1'".r"1y'f, p.o,; Srnucnrnr SolurloN eNp RenNnMeNr 2,\ R'V'A' - (I-w( lr . | - lr 1,2/P--- wL--' curves atoms caIQ) )' Analytic scattering for neutral l-obel l fLvro6" (1968) rgg --l were taken from Cromer & Mann with Tsp. factor foft used: nrn: "* /r: anomalous dispersion coefficients fiom Cromer l- _L h I & Liberman (1970). Crystal-structure refine- ment was carried out using the least-squares 38 TTIE CANADIAN MINERALOGIST TABLE 3. AlO!fiC POSITIONS AND EQUIVALENI ISOTROPIC TTMPETATURE TABI.E 5. SELECTED INTERATO!,flC DISTANCES AND A{GI,ES FOR ROSELITE 1 TACIORS IN ROSELITE tu-o(L)a r.aeo(e)t A€-0(2) r..696(6) ca-o(1)d 2.35s(6)8 B cR2r &-0(3) 1.703(6) ca-0(2) 2.419(6) Ag-0 (4) 1.689(6) ca-0(2)e 2.502(6) ce-0(3)d 2.421(6) (e-o) 1.68e Ca-0(4)d 2.481(6) 0 o ca-0(4)f 2.42L(6) r{e/co o.ze(:) !18,/co-0(2)b 2.197<6) z2 3 0 Ca-0(v) 2.399(6) Mc/co-o(3)c 2.056(6) a2 ltg/ceo(r) 2.060(6) (ca-o) 2.440 0.9498(2) 0.