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Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-84633-2 - Rome’s Gothic Wars: From the Third Century to Alaric Michael Kulikowski Index More information Index iii Ablabius, 54 Ariaric, 84–85 Abrittus, 18, 28 Ariminum. See Rimini Adrianople: battle of, 139–143; curia of, Arinthaeus, 117 135–136; siege of, 146 Arius, 107–108 Ad Salices, battle of, 137 Armenia, 129, 137, 167, 168 Aequitius, 143 Arminius, 47 Africa, grain supply of, 6, 168, 175–176 army, Roman: as basis of imperial power, 26; Alamanni,59, 81, 105;origins of,39–40, 67, 71 barbarians in, 35–37, 82, 156; Goths in, 79, Alanoviamuth, 49 82, 103, 106, 156–157; losses of, at Alans, 124–128, 171, 183 Adrianople, 150 Alaric: 1–11, 157–177, 183–184; and Attalus, 9, Arpulas, 121 174–176; and Eutropius, 166–168; and Arrian, 125 Rufinus, 165; death of, 180; early career of, Ascholius, 118 161–162; first revolt of, 164–166; demands Asia Minor: Goths killed in, 146–147, 154; of, 1–2, 165, 172–174; followers, 1–2, 4–5, 6, Gothic revolt in, 168–169 157, 165 Athanaric, 101; ancestry of, 85; death of, 155; Alatheus, 126–127, 131–132, 152;at defeated by Huns, 126–128, 131–132; Adrianople, 141–142 persecutes Christians, 117–118, 120–122; Alavivus, 128–130, 132–133 Roman wars of, 116–118 Aleksandrovka, 92 Atharidus, 120 Alexander Severus, 28 Athaulf, 10, 158, 175, 177, 180–182 alphabet, Gothic, 110 Athens, 19 Amal dynasty, 50, 53, 161 Attalus, Priscus, 9, 174–176, 182–183 Ambrose of Milan, 160 Attica, 19 Ammianus Marcellinus, 103–105; Res Gestae Attila, 157 of, 104–105; on Adrianople, 140–141, 144, Augustae, 31 146–147; on Huns, 124–125 Augustine, 178–179 Antioch, 117, 129 Augustus, 22, 40 Antonine Constitution, 25, 34 Aurelian (emperor), 8, 20–21, 29–30 Antoninus Pius, 23 Aurelian (praetorian prefect), 169 Apamea, 19 Aureolus, 20, 29 Aquitaine, 158, 183 Aurelius Victor, 30 Arabs, 146 Auxentius, 107 Arbogast, 151, 162–163 Auxonius, 115 Arcadius, 163, 165, 172 archaeology.
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