
Winkie Country

The occupies the western quarter of the land of . The people there prefer the color yellow. This land was previously ruled by a Witch, but her wicked ways left her so dried up that she dissolved when splashed her with water. Ever since then, the Winkies have been ruled by their Emperor, the .

Bear Center

"But there are no houses, there are no bears living here at all!" exclaimed Cayke.

"Oh indeed!" retorted their captor, and raising his gun he pulled the trigger. The cork flew out of the tin barrel with a loud "pop!" and at once from every hole in every tree within view of the clearing appeared the head of a bear. They were of many colors and of many sizes, but all were made in the same manner as the bear who had met and captured them.


Bear Center is not inhabited by real bears, but stuffed bears of all varieties. Their King is a large Lavender Bear, who squeaks when his body is squeezed. It is considered rude to mention this when it occurs. He has some magical skills, being able to create images of things that he wishes to view, much like Ozma’s Magic Picture. He also has access to the Little Pink Bear, who can answer any question put to it when it’s crank is wound.

Bear Center Characters

All of the bears in Bear Center are stuffed, and so should be built with the Crafted trait, if not using the Crafted Folk template. The Deadly Weapon trait is inappropriate, as none of these bears have dangerous teeth or claws and any weapons they possess are toys as well.

Adventure Hooks

The Little Pink Bear is never wrong. But he says that the person sitting on the throne of the Tin Castle is not Nick Chopper. What is going on?


In outward appearance the place was more imposing than Thi, and it was a square city, with a square, four-sided wall around it, and on each side was a square gate of burnished copper. Everything about the city looked solid and substantial; there were no banners flying, and the towers that rose above the city wall seemed bare of any ornament whatever.

A path led from the fruit orchard directly to one of the city gates, showing that the inhabitants preferred fruit to thistles. Our friends followed this path to the gate, which they found fast shut. But the Wizard advanced and pounded upon it with his fist, saying in a loud voice, "Open!"

At once there rose above the great wall a row of immense heads, all of which looked down at them as if to see who was intruding. The size of these heads was astonishing, and our friends at once realized that they belonged to giants who were standing within the city. All had thick, bushy hair and whiskers, on some the hair being white and on others black or red or yellow, while the hair of a few was just turning gray, showing that the giants were of all ages. However fierce the heads might seem, the eyes were mild in expression, as if the creatures had been long subdued, and their faces expressed patience rather than ferocity.

-- The Lost Princess of Oz

The city of Herku is ruled by the Czarover, inventor of the fabulous compound zosozo. Only one teaspoon of zosozo per year is necessary to give the people of Herku the strength to enslave the giants that serve the city. It has the side effect of making the Herku appear frail and bony.

Adventure Hooks

Enslaving anybody is wrong, but there’s no way to oppose the strength of the Herku. And if the Herku should lose their strength, the newly freed giants might decide to stomp their former masters. It’s a knotty problem worthy of the Sawhorse’s knot-hole brains.

Merry-Go-Round Mountains

"I guess these are the Merry-Go-Round Mountains, all right," said Dorothy.

"They must be," said the Wizard.

"They go 'round, sure enough," agreed , "but they don't seem very merry."

There were several rows of these mountains, extending both to the right and to the left for miles and miles. How many rows there might be none could tell, but between the first row of peaks could be seen other peaks, all steadily whirling around one way or another. Continuing to ride nearer, our friends watched these hills attentively, until at last, coming close up, they discovered there was a deep but narrow gulf around the edge of each mountain, and that the mountains were set so close together that the outer gulf was continuous and barred farther advance. At the edge of the gulf they all dismounted and peered over into its depths. There was no telling where the bottom was, if indeed there was any bottom at all. From where they stood it seemed as if the mountains had been set in one great hole in the ground, just close enough together so they would not touch, and that each mountain was supported by a rocky column beneath its base which extended far down in the black pit below. From the land side it seemed impossible to get across the gulf or, succeeding in that, to gain a foothold on any of the whirling mountains.

-- The Lost Princess of Oz

The Marry-Go-Round Mountains seem impassable, but they are not. Scraps the accomplished it by creating a rope swing out of the Sawhorse’s harness. She then swung her way over the gulf and onto the mountains. The spinning mountains then bounced her from one peak to the other until she was thrown clear of the mountains on the other side. The mountains themselves are soft and rubbery, so that even people who are not stuffed with cotton can make the journey safely.


"I'm Queen of Oogaboo," said Ann, proudly. "But," she added with a sigh, "my kingdom is the smallest and the poorest in all the ."

This was quite true. Away up in the mountains, in a far corner of the beautiful fairyland of Oz, lies a small valley which is named Oogaboo, and in this valley lived a few people who were usually happy and contented and never cared to wander over the mountain pass into the more settled parts of the land. They knew that all of Oz, including their own territory, was ruled by a beautiful Princess named Ozma, who lived in the splendid ; yet the simple folk of Oogaboo never visited Ozma. They had a royal family of their own—not especially to rule over them, but just as a matter of pride. Ozma permitted the various parts of her country to have their Kings and Queens and Emperors and the like, but all were ruled over by the lovely girl Queen of the Emerald City.

The King of Oogaboo used to be a man named Jol Jemkiph Soforth, who for many years did all the drudgery of deciding disputes and telling his people when to plant cabbages and pickle onions. But the King's wife had a sharp tongue and small respect for the King, her husband; therefore one night King Jol crept over the pass into the Land of Oz and disappeared from Oogaboo for good and all. The Queen waited a few years for him to return and then started in search of him, leaving her eldest daughter, Ann Soforth, to act as Queen.

-- Tik-Tok of Oz

The kingdom of Oogaboo is a small one in the far northern corner of the Winkie Country. All of the men of Oogaboo are named Jo and receive a last name based on the curious things that grow on trees in their orchards. Jo Cone has an orchard of trees which produce ice cream cones. Jo Files has an orchard of trees that grow steel files, as well as book trees. Queen Ann Soforth once took all the men from her small kingdom and formed an army with which she hoped to conquer the world. By the time she realized that she had created an army full of officers, there was only one man left. Jo Files gladly consented to be the only private soldier in the army. After many adventures, including a trip through the center of the earth and the removal of King Ruggedo from the throne of the Nomes, Queen Ann decided that she had had enough and was glad to return to rule her small kingdom of Oogaboo.

Oogaboo Characters

Although most of the people in Oogaboo are farmers, all of the men have some military experience and adapted to the Soldier template readily.

Adventure Hooks

Queen Ann Soforth has gathered her army again. Who does she plan to conquer this time?

Ozga, former Princess of the Rose Kingdom and distant cousin to Ozma herself, has consented to marry Jo Files, former Private of the Army of Oogaboo. A royal wedding in the Emerald City is underway! As long as the happy couple can make it safely to the Emerald City, that is.

[Sidebar] Everything grows on trees! Oogaboo is not the only place where interesting things grow on trees. In the , Dorothy discovers trees that bear lunch boxes and dinner pails. In the land of , everything a person could want or need grows on trees. What does this mean for your as Narrator? It’s just one more opportunity to make the land of Oz interesting. If your game involves people coming to Oz from America, a tree that bears caramel apples can be just another way to tell them that they’re not in Kansas anymore. It can also serve as another source of stories. For example, two small communities might start a war over who will harvest this year’s spaghetti crop.

Scarecrow’s Home

The 's new house was shaped like an immense ear of corn. The rows of kernels were made of solid gold, and the green upon which the ear stood upright was a mass of sparkling emeralds. Upon the very top of the structure was perched a figure representing the Scarecrow himself, and upon his extended arms, as well as upon his head, were several crows carved out of ebony and having ruby eyes. You may imagine how big this ear of corn was when I tell you that a single gold kernel formed a window, swinging outward upon hinges, while a row of four kernels opened to make the front entrance. Inside there were five stories, each story being a single room.

The gardens around the mansion consisted of cornfields, and Dorothy acknowledged that the place was in all respects a very appropriate home for her good friend the Scarecrow.


The Scarecrow has had a very interesting career. Although a failure in the role he was created for, he has found success in many other areas. When the had been revealed as a humbug and decided to escape Oz in a balloon, he gave Scarecrow the throne of Oz. He was rather successful at the post, but was ultimately usurped by General and her Army of Revolt. When Jinjur was captured by Glinda’s Army and Ozma installed as Queen of Oz, Scarecrow gladly retired and went to live with his friend the Tin Woodman in the Winkie Country. Ever since then, the Scarecrow has not been one to stop moving. He is a frequent guest in the Emerald City, the Tin Castle, and Glinda’s Palace. It was during a visit to Glinda’s Palace that he became involved in deposing King Krewl of Jinxland. While Ozma was away trying to prevent a war between the Flatheads and the Skeezers, Scarecrow sat on the throne of Oz in her stead.


But the wall was soon forgotten, for in front of them were a number of quaint people who stared at them in amazement as if wondering where they had come from. Our friends forgot their good manners for a time and returned the stares with interest, for so remarkable a people had never before been discovered in all the remarkable Land of Oz. Their heads were shaped like diamonds, and their bodies like hearts. All the hair they had was a little bunch at the tip top of their diamond-shaped heads, and their eyes were very large and round, and their noses and mouths very small. Their clothing was tight fitting and of brilliant colors, being handsomely embroidered in quaint designs with gold or silver threads; but on their feet they wore sandals with no stockings whatever. The expression of their faces was pleasant enough, although they now showed surprise at the appearance of strangers so unlike themselves, and our friends thought they seemed quite harmless.

-- The Lost Princess of Oz

The is surrounded by many natural defenses. The Merry-Go-Round Mountains and the twisting lands lie to the east, while the city of Herku and it’s giant slaves lie to the west. Some outsiders would think that the thistles surrounding the city are another layer of defense, but the Thists who live there consider it wise to have a food supply on hand. You see, the Thists have gold lining on their insides, allowing them to eat the thorny plants with no trouble. The Thists are generally lazy. The main reason that they eat thistles is the fact that they grow in abundance around the city. Any other crop would require farming, which is too much effort to go through. They are rumored to have dragons which pull their chariots. This is only partly true. The Thists manufacture mechanical auto-dragons that they hitch to their chariots like horses.

Thi Characters

Although the Thists seem odd, they may use any template with no modification. There are no Soldiers among the Thists, because the location of their city makes it difficult for anyone to invade them or for them to invade others. The only Noble Thist is the High Coco-Lorum, who makes sure that none of the Thists realize that he rules them. The Narrator may decide if characters are allowed to have auto-dragons to carry them on their journeys. They may levy a cost for this, either in skill points or by requiring the auto-dragon itself or the High Coco-Lorum appear on the character’s Friends List.

Adventure Hooks

A chariot pulled by a dragon is causing quite a stir in the Winkie Country. What are the Thists up to?

Tin Castle

The grounds around Nick Chopper's new house were laid out in pretty flower-beds, with fountains of crystal water and statues of tin representing the Emperor's personal friends. Dorothy was astonished and delighted to find a tin statue of herself standing on a tin pedestal at a bend in the avenue leading up to the entrance. It was life-size and showed her in her sunbonnet with her basket on her arm, just as she had first appeared in the Land of Oz.

"Oh, --you're there too!" she exclaimed; and sure enough there was the tin figure of Toto lying at the tin Dorothy's feet.

Also, Dorothy saw figures of the Scarecrow, and the Wizard, and Ozma, and of many others, including Tik-tok. They reached the grand tin entrance to the tin castle, and the Tin Woodman himself came running out of the door to embrace little Dorothy and give her a glad welcome.


The Tin Castle was constructed at the order of Nick Chopper, known to us all as . After the defeat of the , the Winkies requested that he rule over them as their Emperor. For a time he resided in the Witch’s Yellow Castle, but found it too damp for his rust-prone tin joints.

Tin Castle Characters

Many people are needed to make a castle run. A Tin Castle needs a few more, to keep it nicely polished. The tinsmiths of the Winkie Country are renowned for their beautiful craftsmanship and the Tin Castle is an ideal place for them to ply their trade. Any one of these people may become involved in , particularly those that involve their Emperor.

Adventure Hooks

The Emperor has been immobilized by some cruel magic, and no amount of oil will allow his joints to move freely. What can be done?

A horrendous rainstorm has washed over the Winkie Country, rusting the Tin Castle horribly. There’s not enough oil or polish to bring it back to it’s former glory, so someone must venture out to get some more quickly.

Truth Pond

The water was deliciously cool and grateful to his thick, rough skin, and the Frogman swam around the pond several times before he stopped to rest. Then he floated upon the surface and examined the pond with The bottom and sides were all lined with glossy tiles of a light pink color; just one place in the bottom where the water bubbled up from a hidden spring had been left free. On the banks, the green grass grew to the edge of the pink tiling. And now, as the Frogman examined the place, he found that on one side of the pool, just above the water line, had been set a golden plate on which some words were deeply engraved. He swam toward this plate, and on reaching it read the following inscription:

This is


$$Whoever bathes in this water must always afterward tell


-- The Lost Princess of Oz

This pond is very close to a Winkie village and very clearly marked. It is not clear if the nearby Winkies bathe in this pool or leave it alone. Given enough time, many creative uses could be found for such an item. A dip in the pond might be a rite of passage, or even a punishment for criminals.

Truth Pond Characters

Should a character bathe in this pond, the player should note that their character must tell the truth from this point on. The Narrator should encourage the player to roleplay this new limitation, perhaps even awarding Oz Points when the character tells the truth even when it can lead to trouble.

Adventure Hooks

A storyteller has been wandering the Winkie Country lately, telling all sorts of tall tales. He claims to have bathed in the Truth Pond, so that all of his tales are completely true. However, a lot of adventurous Winkie youths have gotten into plenty of trouble trying to recreate his stories or find the strange locales that he described. Is he as truthful as he claims, or will it take a dunking in the Truth Pond for him to come clean?

Wicker Castle

Next morning they made an early start, but had hardly proceeded on their way an hour when, on climbing a slight elevation, they beheld in the distance a low mountain on top of which stood Ugu's wicker castle. It was a good-sized building and rather pretty because the sides, roofs and domes were all of wicker, closely woven as it is in fine baskets.

"I wonder if it is strong?" said Dorothy musingly as she eyed the queer castle.

"I suppose it is, since a built it," answered the Wizard. "With magic to protect it, even a paper castle might be as strong as if made of stone. This Ugu must be a man of ideas, because he does things in a different way from other people."

-- The Lost Princess of Oz

This was the home of Ugu the Shoemaker, a powerful sorcerer who managed to steal nearly all of the most powerful magic in Oz, including Ozma herself. He was defeated by Dorothy, who used the Magic Belt to change him into an immense Gray Dove.

Wicker Castle Characters

The Wicker Castle’s only occupant was Ugu the Shoemaker, who has since become transformed into a Gray Dove. This Gray Dove has since apologized for his misdeeds as a man, and is still at large in Oz. Although he no longer has any of his magical powers, he may still be a force for good. Ugu would make for an interesting addition to the game, either as a character for a player, or as a friend.

Adventure Hooks

Ugu the Gray Dove appears to the heroes, asking for help in rescuing a man in danger. As they are rescuing him, the man tells the adventurers that it was Ugu himself who lured him into his recent predicament. Has Ugu turned back to wickedness, or is this just a misunderstanding?

Yellow Castle

Dorothy followed her through many of the beautiful rooms in her castle until they came to the kitchen, where the Witch bade her clean the pots and kettles and sweep the floor and keep the fire fed with wood.

Dorothy went to work meekly, with her mind made up to work as hard as she could; for she was glad the Wicked Witch had decided not to kill her.

With Dorothy hard at work, the Witch thought she would go into the courtyard and harness the like a horse; it would amuse her, she was sure, to make him draw her chariot whenever she wished to go to drive. But as she opened the gate the Lion gave a loud roar and bounded at her so fiercely that the Witch was afraid, and ran out and shut the gate again.

-- The Wonderful Wizard of Oz

This is the castle that the Wicked Witch of the West lived in while she ruled the Winkies. After she was destroyed, the Tin Woodman took up residence in the castle as Emperor of the Winkies. He did not remain long, as the castle tended to be damp, rusting his tin joints. Shortly before Dorothy’s fourth visit to Oz, the wonderful Tin Castle was completed and he has lived there ever since.

Yellow Castle Characters

Although nobody lives in the Yellow Castle today, it once housed many Winkies. These were people employed in the day to day operations of the castle, as cooks, guards, or one of many other jobs that need doing in a castle. An interesting game might involve all the players as residents of the castle after the destruction of the Wicked Witch of the West. Who is this queer , and what horrible power does he command that destroyed the former ruler of this place?

Adventure Hooks

One of the Yellow Castle former servants has found the Wicked Witch’s tools of magic. What wicked purposes will she put them to? Can she be stopped?

Yip Country

In the far southwestern corner of the Winkie Country is a broad tableland that can be reached only by climbing a steep hill, whichever side one approaches it. On the hillside surrounding this tableland are no paths at all, but there are quantities of bramble bushes with sharp prickers on them, which prevent any of the Oz people who live down below from climbing up to see what is on top. But on top live the Yips, and although the space they occupy is not great in extent, the wee country is all their own. The Yips had never--up to the time this story begins- -left their broad tableland to go down into the Land of Oz, nor had the Oz people ever climbed up to the country of the Yips.

Living all alone as they did, the Yips had queer ways and notions of their own and did not resemble any other people of the Land of Oz. Their houses were scattered all over the flat surface; not like a city, grouped together, but set wherever their owners' fancy dictated, with fields here, trees there, and odd little paths connecting the houses one with another.

-- The Lost Princess of Oz

Considering the fact that they never tried to trim the brambles and let themselves be led by a Frogman, it’s easy to think of the Yips as lazy and stupid. This is not the case. The Yips are simply unique. It is perhaps because of this uniqueness that they chose the most unique among them, the Frogman, as their leader.

Yip Characters

Most Yips encountered outside of their homeland will likely be Wanderers. They have no need for Soldiers and do not have much of a tradition of Scholars. There are no known Yip magicians, but the enchanted pool which gave the Frogman his man-like stature might give some kind of magic to the lucky Yip who discovered it.

Adventure Hooks

With the Frogman taking up residence in the Emerald City, one of the Yips has decided to fill his shoes. Unfortunately, wearing a frog suit and swimming every morning do not make one wise. Is there any way to teach the Yips what wisdom really is?

The Yips are trying to build a path connecting them with the rest of Oz, but the bramble bushes grow back almost as fast as they’re cut! Is there anything that can be done?