'Concern' Petition "A Committee of Concerned Xmas Art Sale Faculty Members" is circulat- SJ$ Art Department is cur- ing a petition railing for Ian rently opening a Christmas and order on campus. College art sale and bringing home employees, professors, and /14i- honors from a recent exhibi- mlnistrators have been asked PARTAN DAILY tion. The sale runs from Dec. to sign the petition that began 11 to 15 In the College Art circulating Monday, It already (Sallery, which Is housed In has more than 300 signatures. kirgri SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE the Art Building.

Vol. 55 -4211." SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1967 No, 53 'Demonstrate Wildly' 'Open Forum Chancellor Dumke Requests Students Storm SFS Building To Discuss SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Mil- be enforced on Blair Paltridge and place, it was led by whites who itant students broke into the lock- Jefferson Poland, editor and au- said they were members of the Recruitment Study of 'Lawlessness' ed administration building at San thor of the poem, respectively. "Movement Against Political Sus- By GAIL KNIGHT and the property of the State. campus as a place of order in Francisco State College at lunch- The president said they had vio- pensions." On-campus recruitment will be Spartan Daily Staff Writer "We expect every member of balance with freedom." time yesterday and demonstrated lated an argument to refrain from The halls were quickly jammed put on the chopping block tomor- the collegiate community to fulfill "This mandate is a get tough in the halls against suspension of publishing objectionable material by both Negro and white demon- row at 7:30 p.m. in E132, when The State College Chancellor his duty as a citizen of that so- policy directed at administration, others in two recent campus inci- after he permitted Open Process strators. Witnesses said they ap- Tau Delta Phi, men's honorary has requested that a committee of ciety and work actively towards students and faculty," according dents. to resume publication last spring. peared to include students and fraternity, hosts its fourth fall Trustees study "episodes of inex- the preservation of freedom and to Dr. John Sperling, president of Before the protest ended, college Warned in advance non-students. Open-End Forum. cusable violence and lawlessness" that a de- respect of individual rights." the American Federation of Teach- president John Sumrnerskill order- monstration "Campus Recruiting Policy" will on the state college campuses. was planned today, College officials asked the de- College presidents were given a ers (AFT) College Council, who ed afternoon and evening classes Glenn Smith, be discussed by a panel of four In a recent special report to the administrative vice monstrators to leave the building, mandate to "maintain the college attended the meeting. cancelled. Administrators met last president, closed the administra- and after a time most complied. college administrators and faculty Trustees, Glenn S. Dumke said night to decide whether classes tion building about noon and sent They wandered out to other build- members. academic freedom "works both would resume today. 300 employes home. The student ings and held small group meetings Dr. Harold DeBey, chemistry ways, it means that the guar- College security guards stood newspaper office also was closed, outdoors, discussing plans for later professor and a member of Pres. antee of free expression for one by as the demonstrators broke and security guards were posted action. Robert D. Clark's recently-ap- point of view must be accompanied Anti -War Protesters open the door and poured inside, at all buildings. Some windows were reported pointed committee to formulate by a similar guarantee of free ex- pression for opposing views." shouting, "No suspension. Hell A front page editorial in the broken in nearby buildings but campus recruiting policy, will Dumke discussed the protection No!" Gator accused the activists of Officials insisted there was no open the discussion. He will be followed by of principles of academic freedom Picket Secretary Rusk Some witnesses estimated no planning to bring in non-student widespread trouble and did not ask Thomas Mueller, as- sistant professor of philosophy, from those who would do violence more than 30 or 40 persons ac- "goon squads," and warned of the aid of city police. By BOB MONROE induction center was over in three tively and Dr, Robert Sasseen, assistant to them. participated but some said possible "open warfare on the A group of Negroes left the Ad- Associated Priam Writer hours. The demonstrators milled there professor of political science. "The moment the campus for- were several hundred stu- campus." ministration Building and created NEW YORK (AP) Antiwar up and down the narrow streets, dents Dr. William Dusel, executive gets the atmosphere in which it roaming the halls. A crowd gathered in front of a disturbance at the cafeteria on demonstrators, thwarted in a new frequently scuffling with passers- One vice president, or Edward Clements must deal with controversya demonstrator burst into a the administration building about the school commons. march on an Army induction cen- by and enraged commuters. room where of the SJS Placement Center, will climate of absolute and unwaver- the college board of 11 a.m., but there was no action It was not known if members ter, moved uptown yesterday to "Stop the Draft Week" project appeal was considering possible until noontime. of the group were students or from complete the panel. ing scholarly objectivitythen the "We hope picket an appearance by Secretary sponsored by a coalition of some suspension of two additional stu- Jimmy Garrett, head of the off the campus. that all points of view campus loses its right to be aca- on this issue of State Dean Rusk. 50 antiwar and civil rights groups. dents, but was quickly ejected. Black Students Union, told the They then moved to the book- will emerge from the demically free. panelists," said Eight persons were arrested out- More than 1,000 persons took President Sutrunerskill sat in crowd: "There are 1,000 blacks store where a window was re- John Swanson, "Peaceful assembly and demon- forum chairman. side the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel, part Tuesday. Estimated of the his office behind a locked door as on the campus right now. They ported broken and some disorder "As in the past strations, free expression of ideas, each panelist will where Rusk was scheduled to make crowd today were put at about the demonstrators shouted outside. have been given their orders, and created inside. A rubbish can was present his par- the option to dissentthese are ticular point of view a luncheon speech for a conference 2,000-but an exact determination They had refused his offer to meet in a few minutes will break into set on fire. and then it our fundamental rights, lived for, will be discussed. The of the National Association of was made difficult by the moving with a 12-man delegation. the administration building." Witnesses said the same group audience fought for, and died for by dis- will be invited to participate in senters and non-dissenters alike," Manufacturers. nature of the demonstration. The disorder stemmed from an Actually, when the breakin took roughed up TV cameramen. Thirty had been arrested out- At the induction center a spokes- incident an open discussion at the close of Dumke said. "Equally fundamental Nov. 6 in which a group side the induction center in Lower man said the Army would not give of Negro students the panel." is respect for the rights of others invaded the of- Manhattan, as about 4,000 police- out figures but added that "the fices of the college According to Swanson, the forum and dedication to the orderly newspaper. The men frustrated the second demon- normal scheduled amount came Gater beat up topic developed from recent dem- process of change under law." the editor and other stration there in as many days. A in." staff Increases onstrations and Pres. Clark's fac- In summing up the position he members and Through Laos wrecked equip- center spokesman said operations The full 28,000-man Police De- ment. ulty-student stand on the formula- believes best serves the colleges were "completely normal" today. partment was on standby alert to- Nine Negro tion of recruiting policy. and the community, nutlike said, students were sus- Police kept the demonstrators day and their massed ranks seem- pended and "It is the policy of the California but five were rein- broken into groups and behind ed to discourage the protestors. stated pending hearings. All are Of Enemy Movement State Colleges that the instruc- barricades at the induction cen- "I don't know what we've done, awaiting tional programs of any of the municipal court trial on Cal Universities ter, where 264 were arrested Tues- but we're getting nowhere," said assault charges. They had object- SAIGON (API The. U.S, Com- they ever have in the past. State Colleges will not be dis- rupted or interfered with in any day. Protest leaders said they may one of the protest leaders over a ed to the paper's editorial stand mand is watching closely what ap- Some of the men may be ear- In 'Great way by student protest demonstra- cancel a third attempt. bullhorn. against Black Students Union, a pears to be an increase in North marked as replacements for three Danger' tions." In his speech, Rusk again re- As the group gathered in Bat- campus activitist group. Vietnamese traffic down the Ho North Vietnamese regiments He has directed the state col- newed his offer to negotiate a tery Park before dawn newsmen Tinder was added last week Chi Minh trail through Laos. mauled last month around Dais To Says Chancellor lege presidents to see that this settlement in Vietnam "whenever spotted about 300 plainmen, ident- when two white students were "There's a hell of a lot of in the bloodiest battle of the war. SAN FRANCISCO (API Dr. policy is carried out, and said that anyone can produce anybody will- ifiable by their green lapel buttons. suspended for publication of a sex movement," a senior American of- Dak To is in the central high- John S. Galbraith, chancellor of thus far it has been carried out ing and able to discuss peace on When the marchers moved out sev- poem in a student weekly called ficer said Wednesday. "They are lands 270 miles northeast of Sai- University of California at San at every campus where violence behalf of Hanoi." eral removed thir buttons and Open Process. showing themselves a lot more." gon and near the ill-defined meet- Diego, says multi-campus U.C. "is and disruption has occurred. On Nov. 14, Rusk was picketed joined the ranks. President U.S. fighter-bombers pounding ing point of the frontiers of Laos, SUmmerskill later lift- in the greatest danger in its entire by a riotous crowd of about 3,000 One demonstrator carried a the trail in efforts to curtail the Cambodia and South Vietnam. Dumke stressed the point that ed these suspensions but took the existence." York Hilton Ho- Viet Cone flag and others shout- flow of men and supplies into Communist regiments move freely the Trustees "will not tolerate outside the New question to the college board of He told the California Associa- a speech. Bar- ed "Don't go, don't go!" at a group South Vietnam are reported catch- up and clown the Laotion and violence, vandalism, or disruption tel, where he made appeal on what discipline should tion of School Administrators of inductees entering the center. ing some of the enemy in the open. Cambodian borders. of our educational mission. When red from the hotel, the crowd mill- Tuesday that recent disorders have Square area, Today's demonstrators were The senior officer said that, at such acts threaten the peace, we ed through the Times Sources said the three battered amounted to a "repudiation of the generally younger than those Tues- this stage, it could not be firmly will, if necessary, use police and pelting police with stones, bottles regiments had fallen back to the assumptions of a democracy and day. Sponsors of the demonstra- Anti-Hip ascertained whether there is in civil authority to protect the per- and eggs. Forty-isx were arrested. south, possibly into sanctuaries in the principles for which a univer- tion today said they would use fact an increase in infiltration over sonal safety of our constituents Today's demonstration at the Cambodia. In three weeks of sity must stand. tactics "inspired" by an Oct. 16 last year or whether more enemy fighting at flak To, allied forces "Fifty years ago, university protest in Oakland where Parents Form movement is being observed be- antidraft said they killed 1.600 north Viet- presidents were forceful men who detection vehicles were set on fire and miss- cause of an improved namese troops. American units made decisions," he said. system, Ile declined for security iles thrown. lost 277 men killed and South "These days they've been re- Organization reasons to discuss the improved Vietnamese reported 32 dead. placed by the president who is ex- system. WASHINGTON (Apt - "I Elsewhere, mws of dead vil- pected to be a friend of the stu- "Our detection is a lot better," hear other parents talk about lagers testified to the savagery of dents, a colleague of the faculty." he said. "Frankly we're working Commissioner how their kids are in college or are an attack by a Viet Cong bat- The status has been reduced to on it to determine if there is an doctors and teachers and what can talion with flame throwers and ex- that of mediator, Galbraith added. increase or whether we now know I say? My son's a dirty, rotten plosives Tuesday on the "New But the faculty cannot provide Sets Penalty social dropout." more." Life" hamlet of Dakson, near the direction, nor can the students, he Each fall, just after the mon- It takes courage for a mother to Cambodian frontier about 80 miles declared. "It remains for the chief get up in front of people she hard- soon winds change from the south- north of Saigon. administrator." northeast and start On Protesters ly knows and say a thing like that. west to the season in the South, the The mother and those who gath- the dry SAN FRANCISCO (AP) Be- North Vietnamese intensify their ered to hear were parents of hip- fore passing sentence on six peace infiltration down the Ho Chi Minh pies. They were drawn together 'Stay at Home' Soldier demonstrators Tuesday a U.S. trail because the ground has firmed by the mutual hope of mutual help Commissioner told them "I don't up and movement is easier. in searching for some way to get criticize you for expressing your Sources said the southwest mon- their runaway children to come views. I do criticize your doing so soon storms this year were not as Released to Civilian Life home. in an unlawful way." severe as in 1965 and the Com- U.S. Commissioner Richard S. For lack of a better name, they OAKLAND, Calif. (API Joe sage there telling him to stand by munists stepped up their opera- Goldsmith then passed out pen- call themselves the National Socie- A. Smith, the soldier the Army for special orders. tions down the trail earlier than Tuesday ranging from six ty for the Parents of Flower Chil- lost in its filing system for 18 While he waited Smith took a alties to one year for interfering dren. It is not so much an organi- months, became a real civilian logging job at $130 a week. The months court martial proceedings zation as it is group therapy dur- yesterday and says "it's a great Army's monthly allotment check with Pvt. Ronald Lock- ing which -- the parents hope -- Student Senate feeling." for $92.30 kept coming to his wife, Nov. 13 against they may learn something from Without comment, the Army put plus an $18.50 U.S. savings bond man. Negro, each other that they can use to Smith, 23, through its separation every three months. Lockman, a Philadelphia Election orders help their children. Voids Cal processing Tuesday at the Oakland The American Civil Liberties was convicted of refusing to The NSPFC group is small. It BERKELF:Y (API Ulm ersity Army Base. Union took up Smith's cause, con- to go to Vietnam and sentenced started with 33 parents and has of California campus government Following Army instructions, he tending he had followed the 21S years at hard labor. were ar- dwindled during its two months of was left in a muddle Wednesday had waited at his Brownsville, Army's orders precisely. The demonstrators crest- existence to 15. by an apparent conflict between Calif. home standing by for spe- While the ACLU took the case rested by military police for At first, the group meetings the Associated Students Senate cial orders following basic training to court, Smith was assigned to fig a disturbance outside the build- were tense, a little like the open- and the Student Judicial Commit- In 1965 at Ft. Hood, Texas. the 6th Army headquarters at the ing at the Presidio of San Fran- ing of a new chapter of Alcoholics tee. After 18 months of waiting, at Presidio as a runner and promoted cisco where Lockman was on trial. Annymous, as one parent put it. The senate voted 7-6 Tuesday home with his wife, Glenda, Smith to private first class. Mrs. Hope McGrath, 45, Berk- "When parents first come, they're night to void an Associated Sin - put on his uniform and reported As federal Judge Robert ('. eley housewife, and John .Tunior belligerent, defensive," a father dents election in which two sus- at the Oakland base last .1tine to Pekham issued a show cause order MeInteer, 47, a San Francisco said. "They think only their chil- pended students were awarded ask for his discharge. last Friday for the Army to ex- gardener were found guilty after dren need help. They find it very seats in the 1968 senate. "It was quite a sweat, but. now plain why Smith should not be or- trials and banned from entering difficult to sit in front of other Some student body officers pre- it's all over, and evetythings all leased, the Army announced he HOME IS ACROW’S ROOST? the presidin for one year. people and admit that they may dicted, however, the Judicial Com- right," said Smith after emerging would be discharged. Also banished for one year af- have failed their children as much mittee would invalidate the sen- Tuesday from the base with his Smith said he understood the NO, IT'S NOT THE TOWER OF BABEL. Although itss true that ter pleading guilty were Tom as they think their children have ate action and declare that the separation papers. Army would make no claim for designers have worked hard to make communication between Lawrence, 21, of Canyon, Contra failed them." election stands. "Now I want to find me a job the allotment payments to his floors about as difficult as it was between builders of the biblical Costa County. Some parents think they may The senate, in calling for a new here in the Bay Area." vet f e. structure. Actually, the building under construction is SJS's new Fred M. and Damian Strobel, 18 have found the road back and election early next year, charged Smith's adventure began when "In fact, when everything's co-educational residence hall on the corner of 10th and San Sal- and 24, San Francisco City College they are anxious to tell other that ineligible voters had partici- he went to his home on 30-day computed I should have back pay vador. Next to the completed building will be a dining hall for stndents were banned for six NSITC members about it. pated in the recent balloting. leave. The Army sent him a mes- coming," Smith said. residents. months after guilty Pica. 2SPARTAN DAILY Thursday, December 7, 1967 Ehh ? 1 By BOB KENNEY RTAN DAILY Once there Nan a matt %silo would never %press nine oil any thing. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE -Who al111 I to judger Ile always said. In a nation where everyone had solu- "Those matters which can affect the benefit and harm of all, ought tions to everything such as war, poverty and the bad breath problem, here was a to be known and heard by all, who may thus attain the beneficial 4i !Parr and repel the opposite." Marsilio of Padua 1.,011.11sim.Wm man alto actually adieu ued he didn't know all the answers. Ile even admitted III` didn't 1.110%** KEN BRYANT Editor KEN BECKER Advertising Mgr. of the answers. Newspaper reporters loved his freshness. TV news commentators interyiewed hint with amazing regularity. Staff Editorial They called hint the "perf ect. unpre- judiced, objective man." They said his un- bigoted manner showed through in such comments as: Poor Financing "Maybe Wilson was ri!elit to ileyaltie the p I. Maybe he was wrong. "Maybe we should be itt %iettlant. May- Did you receive a Spartan l)aily yes- ciatitin with a governmental body. be we should get out 'ul late-Is W e think students on this campus terday Once. when he %vas a guest on a weather If you did. you were 1.,.rtiinale. would rather decide for themselves the 111. said: "May be it will rain tomor- 1.1,000 other -tudents did not. extent to which they will financially row. maybe not." And sure enough. Ile was The reason. of course_ is finances. support their newspaper. right. 'fhe public A limited budget limits the number of c suggest that students decide loved him. Here was a man they could take to their hearts and ident- newspapers dispensed artiund campus whether the Spartan Daily continues ify with. In a world where eyeryone acted Ii, receiv e a portion of its budget each day. so sure of themselves, here was a man who (In this carotin- student politicians through Student Council allocation or would come out and express the ertain- direct the finance- ii the Spartan whether it should instead cut these ty everyone felt, but was afraid to show. "...Twenty-five dollars? ... What have you people been Daily. I p to one-third of the Daily's strings and receive a set amount direct- billion His attitude began to spread like wild- money...?" fire. Demonstrators began to change their I:20.1100 budget is dependent each ly from student fees. doing with your signs from WAR IS WRONG, to MAYBE !,crar upon 'O Ili111- Of %Sit :litre- WAR IS WRONG. Even the president was senatit es. Fl ie rent:tinder is raised by Parry notieably affected. His press conferences the advertising staff. Thrust and began to reveal such statements as: "I tell Past budgetary flutttations have hurt you, we shall never falter in our commit- ment the n paper's circulatitin. Three to the people of Vietnam, I think." The country changed overnight. Riots years ago. the Daily published 12.000 'Time for Justice To Be Dealt to All' ceased. Even city parks became safe as 1.0(H) more copies. rr.),Lii. with stu- increase mans' mind is as important as 11.d111- feeling iltat the leacher is truly interested in ggers admitted there might he a better dents, it print- 9.1100 copies. 'ROTC Members Guilty ing how to destroy the same! you and your better understanding of the way to make a living. Criminals stopped Isn't it about time justice was dealt to all subject. going to jail since all the juries were This is not to condemn Student Of Disrupting Classes' select few. If a tormal Alt or these factors combined prompt to: to --rather than to a I g. And, is needed to quiet them, then I say that this is one of the best courses we for days on end, nowhere could Council. I ntil this year. the ASII Pre- Editor: complaint than happy to file complaints have taken during our college careers and a heated argument be f I since fieople sident hall the power to appoint Spar- Every week we "civilian" students at SJS would he more guilty ROTC "men" Or "band?" that Dr. Thaw is one of the finest pnifessors. everywhere have been exposed to the war games con- against the admitted they might be wrong tan Daily editors. subject to Counted equal before the law, Botany 100, Fall. 1867 ducted by the ROTC-- complete with march- If all men ate judged and the otlitr person right. actions prove so. approv al. Last year's Council wisely ing, drums, cymbals, rifles clacking, and or- then let our Then one day a terrihle thing happen- Larry Nixon, A2541 acted to remove the appointment of ,let's shouted. To me, and I'm sure to many 'Ralph Boston Still Man ed. This man was it guest on a late night been disturbing. Tuesday was editors from direct political influence others, this has interview show and the host offered him the ultimate! My Philosophy 153 class, (fourth Botany Class Commends Although Not Boycotting' a bowl of nuts by establishing the l'ublications ..1d- floor, Education Building), was forced to dis- mixed with potato chips. Editor: band early, due to the excessive noise of the Prof on Excellent Course Without thinking he reached for a nut. visory Board. This is in reply to the staff editorial, "A ROTC "men." Within the hour. potato chip companies Editor: Time of Testing," which Implies that Ralph Despite this improvement. we still Having been a member of marching bands, were We are students currently enrolled in Dr. Boston has lost respect for himself because up in arms. (civilian) I can safely say that a drum ca- 100Plant Life and has e the shadow id ASII government Richard Thaw's Botany he has decided not to take part in the- boy- They called him a "bigot, an imposter, dence played on the rim of the drumand feel that student falling across the Daily in the Coun- Human Welfare Class, who cott of the 1968 Olympics. and a communist." By preferring a nut without cymbals is sufficient to provide the opinion is important and, too_ orten overlooked First, let en.' state that I am not in dis- over a potato chip, they claimed he hinted cil", [OM er ovir the pocketbook. cadence for high school bands. Surely, even by the administration. We would like to sub- agreement with the boycott and I have no the "mature-military-mind" could adjust to a mit the following evaluation of our course. potato chips were inferior to nuts. They In this country we do not allow goy- doubt that Lee Evans and Tommie Smith be- quieter cadence. It is unfortunate that Botany 100 is not took out full -page newspaper ails denounc- dis- lieve that this boycott might wake people up erntnent to exercise control (IN er the If three SJS students were expelled for recommended for science majors. For many of ing him as a fraud. to what is happening in this country. Ralph rupting a ROTC class, why aren't the guilty us, it is a general education course, for others. press. We recognize that the very na- Boston, on the other hand, does not believe He liately began eating potato ROTC members expelled for disrupting classes 3 upper-division science units, but, challenging ture of a newspaper precludes asso- the boycott will result in the desired goals. chips on all the It shows and personal ap- its in higher education? Surely learning how to rewarding, and most interesting for all. Because his views do not make good copy for The addition of films and slides to supple- pearances on which he appeared. But then the Daily, it has been decided that his man- ment lectures has made our studies more the nut people began denouncing him. He hood will be taken from him and instead he meaningful. Although the semester is just tried eating nuts and will be used as the goat. potato chips simul- half over, we have already been exposed to and both taneously, but the damage was already more useful information than some courses Lee and Tommie know Ralph Staff Comment that he not done. offer in an entire semester! would be glad to tell the Daily who has gained Dr. Thaw has definitely been a determing only is a man, but a main His influence began to deteriorate yellows, factor In our enjoyment of Plant Life and great respect from blacks, whites, throughout the country. Demonstrators adults, and Human Welfare. His dynamic presentations bi owns, reds, athletes, spectators, went back to pos.tive signs, and the presi- children. In the 1962 Pan- Rights and Responsibilities and interesting as well as important lectures children, especially dent stopped qualifying his statements. spent quite a bit of are extremely pertinent to everyday life. Am Games, he met and who was Nobody listened to him anymore when he The books that have been selected for the time with a nine-year-old girl Illy 1111.1. that are generally recognized as being in left the Games, tried not course are easily read and understood. If crippled from polio. Before he to express his opinions. Nobody

Here it i- the thing on which -o mud' good taste.- there is any question regarding the reading he gave her his first place medal. This is the trusted his objectivity anymore. respect. cowrie% er, ha- hinged. Far tsc,Lt.. admin. In an attempt to define "good taste," material or any other subject, Dr. Thaw is man you say is performing for white He quickly faded from sight and people Well, I'm white and I do respect himas a istrator- and -todents alike hose I lecried lllll advised that "any behavior that always more than happy to answer the ques- went back to their old prejudiced ways. tion and clear up any misunderstanding. man. the e hurt of police. fa, tilt and stu- can adversely reflect on us, our family, He was last seen in a Salvation Army char- It is such a pleasure to sit through a class, Richard Wade, A4232 dents. The complaint has lucre made that our group or the college as a whole, is not ity station in Gallup, New Mexico, dispen- 110 deelaraf of student right, and re- in good taste. - sing coffee and donuts to drunks who sponsibilitie . eve r has 15 (11 e peee el. \ tki C il 'hided by summarizing stu- didn't care if he expressed his opinion or MO. Here it is: dent responsibilities and what is expected Guest Room not. To make learnite4 .1 hill pursuit in return MORAL: It's better to pick a side than --This is the 4eeal of a Spartan: "As free individuals, we expect front the to try and please everyone. Anyone who TO liefiIld troth. whereYer it may reside college maxi llll int opportunity for personal Must Be Good in World tries to stay neutral for too long will event- This i, the loyalty of a Spartan: 1115110i As resi 'hie individuals, ually go nuts. v... offer lie CO1111110 Ti. ler-land fully before making judg- ouselves in a manner By RICHARD %.1N INKLE that Socrates drank hemlock so Ile could reflecting the ment- greasest credit both to our- It's a comfortable feeling that the whole go along with what his society- had taught as indiyieltials - the way of a Spartan: and to SJS, as our world is out there fighting for what it him. And, after Socrates, there was this e DAILY killOs 's at could be and what should JI.SIIS who was executed for his 1(40, RTAN belies es to be right. Because I know that man calk! SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE I,,. done liii- ,.tairnwiit of policy was passed by out of all this fighting there must he beliefs about peaceful coexistence in his paid at San the louden of a Spartan: the Stieeleiti Council on March 14, 1962. Soctssd clan postag Jose, California. some g I in the eniire world. Because society. And there is today a man named Member California Newspaper Publishers Association To he able 10 In %Alai must be clone Its provisions were primarily directed at if there weren't any good, why would men Martin Luther King who wants equality and Audit Bureau of Circulations. Published daily by Title. is the -lrength of a Spartan: the problems then confronting the college. people in a society that !students of San Jose State College, except Satur- put their lives at stake for their good for all of his day and Sunday, during collage year. Subscription To lit,' in harmony with law, both human I cannot, lutivick er, see any reason to diii causes. Assuming that life is good anti preaehes freedom and equality. And in our accepted only on a remainder-of-semester basis. Full cutletilit bee ree.:arel re,ponsible behavior standards is persecuted for Isis cause. academic year, $9: each semester, $4.50. Off-campus death is evil and al. a -smiting that each society King price per copy, 10 cents. Phone 294-6414Editorial This is the promise tel a Spartan: %%heel dealing 14 it Ii Ulf. "important" issuem person has a cause that is as good as life, Not to the extent of physical mayhem, but 6i. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2386, Advertising Ext. 2081, 2084. Press of Slobs, To bee the most that my talents and 41f bolas. Important issues, in fact, should then I certainly WOO Ill MO. to the extent of being psychologically har- 2082, 2083, Printing Co., 1445 that there S. First St. effort- ran make me be handled in -better taste" than routine assed for expounding his philosophy. are many causes worth giv ing one's life Editor KEN BRYANT This is the reward of a Spartan. I atters. for. I wonder when man will become ration- Advertising Manager KEN BECKER This is the parlao Creed.- It probably I ant not condenming those who respon instead of irrational. I wonder when Day Editor CHARLES PANKRAT7 I remember, not too long ago, reading al Assistant Editor FRANCINE MILLER is a little "old fashioned- and "corny- sadly protest those wrongs that they see in man will be able to talk instead of fight. City Editor BRUCE ANDERSON sounding. but it still has a point. society. This is one of the requirements 1 wonder if man will over be able to exist Makeup Ed'tor CAROL SCHNEIDER Associate Editor DOLORES CIARDELL1 Student Council. in 1962, defined the of a responsible citizen. I am taking issue in a world of peaceful coexistence. I also Copy Ecrtor BARBARA KYNE points of the creed that are relevant to with those. however, who IOW lawlessness Guest Articles wonder if man will be here very much Sports Editor DENNIS ANSTINE Feature Editor PATSY MILLER personal conduct. 111 a resolution defining and disorder to achieve publicity for their The Daily will consider and is seeking Guest longer. Because many men have causes Fine Arts Ed'tor SUE HARRINGTON ASH policy in conformance with the eillise and personal adulation for them- Editorials and Guest Rooms from SJS stu- that they will give their lives for. And you Carnpu Life Editor PAT TORELLO dents and faculty members on matters af- Photo Editor JEFF BRENT creed. the Student Council stated. "NS e selves. know what, many of these men have the fecting the campus and its students. REPORTING STAFF: Joyce Augustin, Gregory Balko- who choose to attend San Jose State Col- This policy statement from the students Arrangements for writing such materials power to unleash mushroom shaped velr, Gary Becker, Gary Benjamin, Cherie' Beta, Jeff lege obligate. ourselves to be law abiding to the Ai titlents should provide ample may be made with Dolores Ciardelli, Daily clouds. Brent, Ray Burton, Mike Clark, Tins Clark, Paul Co. hone, Wynn Cook, Don Cox, Rhysa Davis, Terry Associate citizens and to conform to all ride. and guidelines for student or administrathe Editor, between 2 and 4:30 p.m. in Oh yes, it's nice to know that people Feist, Dave Fisk, Ron Hagen, Suzan "(auk, Arnrdie the Daily Office, JC208. Final decisions regolat s of the college and student or- decisions as to the propriety of any stu- on use are fighting for what is right. Because Heaton, Matthew Hoey, Bob Knny, Gail Knight, of guest articles are reserved to the Editor. Kathleen Lackey, Pat McCulloch, Gordon Miller, ganizar s to %Mich we belong." dent actions. It should also near, there is going to be an ample Guest copy should be typed double spaced sometime. perhaps Marc Nun", Charles Pankrata, Barbara Parker, John Conned further stated that -indent- "arc guideline to those who would demonstrate be so much right and so much good that Poirniroo, Robert Shirrell, Susan Siogrisf, Judith on a 40-space line. Smith, Kay Threlkeld, Gina Tragr, John Wollak, expected II) observe standards of conduct or otherwise protest in 0111r streets. there will be no more men. and Bill Wright.

Plaque To Honor 1Thursday, December 7, 1967 SPARTAN DAILY-3 Vietnam GI's Pay Tribute FUN WORKING IN EUROPE ROTC Graduates To Cardinal Spellman Killed in Combat SAIGON (API Generals and New York .., such was his devo- privates, admirals A plaque commemorating SJS and seamen paid tion and affection for the armed tribute yesterday to Francis Card- forces." ROTC graduates killed in combat inal Spellman at a memorial Mass The chaplain said Spellman since W.W. II was dedicated this at Saigon's Tan Son Nhut Air "prayed to the Good Lord that our ttP, week by Dr. Robert J. Moore, Base. nation be given the fortitude, the dean of the School of Applied Gen. William C. Westmoreland. courage and the means to come Arts, and Col. Edgar commander of U.S. forces in Viet- to tfie aid of our fellow men in Sciences and GUARANTEED JOBS ABROAD! Get paid, travel, meet people. B. Colladay Jr., professor of mili- nam, was among the hundreds in this corner of Asia, in imitation Summer and year 'round jobs for young people 17 to 40. For the large auditorium at U.S. mili- of the Good Samaritan who came tary science. illustrated magazine with complete details and applications tary headquarters who heard the to the aid of another victim of send $1.00 to The International Student Information Service ( ISIS), The plaque, located on the third cardinal eulogized as "a great aggression." 133. rue Hotel des NIonnales, Brussels 6, Belgium. Hall, was floor of MacQuarrie churchman and a great American." name on it. His words recalled the furor that dedicated with one Cardinal Spellman was Roman Erving Jr. was killed followed Spellman's statement dur- Lt. John W. Catholic vicar for the U.S. armed action in Vietnam. Graduating ing his Christmas visit to Saigon Spartan Daily ClassifiedsLike In forces and spent Christmas in Having from SJS in 1963, Lt. Erving went last year that the war "is a war Vietnam in 1965 and 1966. to infantry school and then be- for civilization" and anything less A Personal Salesman Ring 23,000 Doorbells came a helicopter pilot, Col. Joseph Chmielewski, the than a victory for the United military chaplain delegate for Ro- The helicopter that he was fly- States was inconceivable. ing was shot down in Vietnam on DEAN ROBERT MOORE and Col. Edgar Colladay,Jr. man Catholics in Vietnam, said in May 8, 1965. ... dedicating plaque a eulogy that Cardinal Spellman "had a great affection for the armed forces. His 16 trips overseas to spend Christmas with the troops Baby Boy Dies in the embattled areas are wit- ness to his affection for and de- votion to the armed HEAD forces of our SKI SALE country." YOU CAN'T AFFORD TO PASS UP THIS OPPORTUNITY TO GET Col. Chmielewski added the car- U.S. Heart Transplant Fails dinal often said if he had to give AMERICA'S BEST SELLING SKIS AT THESE LOW PRICES, up one of his posts as archbishop NEW YORK (AP) Surgeons it was necessary to extend the. in- hours after the operation, how. or military vicar, "he would relin- gave a baby boy a new heart yes- fant's life. ever, the heart suddenly stopped." quish his position as archbishop of terday, but it died 6"11 hours later, Kantrowitz said, "We scoured The operation took place YEAR'S HEAD SKIS the hospital reported. the country for two weeks asking 4:15 a.m. A team of 22 physicians, It was the world's second human for children born with brain nurses and technicians worked for heart transplant, and the first in legions incompatible with life two hours and 15 minutes over FROM EUROPE STANDARDS: Were $112.50. Now Only $ 90.00 the United States, The 2'A -hour and anencephelatic children where the boy, finishing the operation at The World's Most Popular Recreational Ski operation had taken place in the the brain is almost totaly de- 6:30 a.m. early morning at Brooklyn's stroyed and where the child gen- Brooklyn's Maimanides Hospital CHARTER Maimonides Hospital. erally dies after two days follow- made the announcement yesterday MASTERS: Were $128.50. Now Only $105.00 The 2% -week-old baby boy was ing birth." afternoon. JET FLIGHTS from The vital signs -- pulse, blood The World's Classic Recreational Ski born with a severe heart defect, After getting permission One Way and was cyanotic or "blue" at the parents, the doctors operated. pressure and so forth were said birth, showing a desperate lack of "The baby seemed to be doing to be "relatively stable." But doc- COMPETITIONS: Were 148.50. Now Only $120.00 Paris to San Francisco oxygen in the blood. The defec- reasonably well following the oper- tors said the future outlook of the Three Models of the Most tive heart valve impaired the ation," Kantrowitz said. "Seven baby was "guarded." August 3, 1968 Successful Racing pumping of used blood into the Ski of Recent Years * * * lungs for freshening. A limited number of spaces is The heart came from a two-day- available for students, staff, old Philadelphia, Pa., child that and faculty of The California had just died of a gross deformity First Heart Transplant State Colleges. 10% Discount On All Our NEW Rental Equipment with which it had been born. FARE: $225 ONE WAY Dr. Adrian Kantrowitz, heart With ASB Card Until January I, 1968 surgeon at Mairnonides Hospital, Shows Promise of Success For information: baby's death at told of the second Office of International Pro- CAPE TOWN, South Africa nurse "I am a new Frankenstein." a news conference. grams The California State (AP) The chief surgeon in He "talks about everything He said the heart transplant op- Colleges, /600 Holloway Av- ssPHOORPT 3151 A L 271-5Rg K AVE. first heart transplant ex-1under the sun," the nurse reported eration had been decided on after history's enue, San Francisco, Califor- pressed confidence yesterday that as the Groote Schuur Hospital he and his staff determined that nia, 94132 14151 469-1044. REED'S patient Louis Washkansky will said the 55-year-old wholesale OPEN UNTIL 9 P.M. HEA0 survive, grocer continues in satisfactory Dr. Christian Barnard said he condition three days after his ACSCP Hears believed Washkansky's body will epochal operation. A hospital bul- make no major rejection of the letin said all signs show improve- Semester System transplanted heart and any slight ment, and "his heart is function- rejection would not be serious. trig normally." RECORD The surgeon told a news con- But Dr. Marius Barnard, SALE! Report Tomorrow ference Washkansky had made younger brother of the chief sur- A report on the "Retention of marked progress in the past 12 goon at the operation Sunday said the Semester System" petition is hours, was a "great fighter" and that if previous transplants are first on the agenda of the Asso- should be home within three weeks any guide, Washkansky has ciation of California State College if he continues to improve, reached the stage where his body OUR ENTIRE CATALOG Professors meeting Friday. While Barnard's brother, who might try to reject the heart of The meeting will be held in Cafe- assisted in the operation, was 25-year-old Denise Ann Darvall, teria A and B at 12:30 p.m. much more cautious, Washkansky who died in an auto accident Sat- A discussion of the individual began cracking jokes and told a urday night, departments' responsibility in low- ering the student-teacher ratio COLUMBIA 9,1 will be held, according to Dr. Wogill5MMI IfTte.4e.IVV Robert Wrede, ACSCP president. The meeting will also include pro- posed sanctions by the statewide Holiday Season Special ACSCP in lowering professors ;41 LP's teaching load to 12 units. Mini-Perm $7.77 Christmas Party Frosting Special $9.99 AT FANTASTIC SAVINGS Haircut Special Reg. $3 NOW $1.50 Held for Children Shampoo & Set Special Reg. $4 NOW $2 AFROTC's Arnold Air Society REG. REG. and its auxiliary women's support group, Angel Flight, will give a Salon 5.79 Christmas party this Saturday for Golden Touch Beauty the mentally retarded children at 29 E. Santa Clara 295-5535 McKinnem School in San Jose. Angels and cadets will provide #14V'ellitetWksztitaVILNVIMirgtir NOW NOW entertainment and refreshments for the children. Each semester the groups plan a community ser- vice project. This activity was BASKINS ROBBINS planned by Lin Harkomen, Angel 319 Flight Commander, and Larry PRE HOLIDAY Hoff, Arnold Air Society Comman- der. SALE 2" XEROX® COPIES Just look at this wide choice of exciting Columbia 10c each Prices Effective Special clroorRty Discos... and performers at uncomparable savings! Get yourstoday! N. Waiting Dec. 8th Thru 9th THE BYRD'S GREATEST fills - 'I he A KIND OF }LUSHJohn Davidson St I I IS THE SOUNDS OF INDIA Ravi Shenker.. Copies Anythlog Byrds ...OE CABBAGES AND MM.% SMILES Miles Davis ... rums DAN"S PARS! EY, SAGE. ROSEMARY & THYME. Printed Chad and Jeremy,.. RAY CONNIFF'S HA- GREATEST HITS Doris Day ... BOB - Simon and Garfunkel CARL SMITH Limit 2 per Customer WAIIAN ALBUM Ray Conniff. ... MOPY DYLAN'S GREATEST HITS and BLONDE SPEC I AI. Carl Smith ...JE M'APPELLE GRAPE Mohy Grape... REVOLUTION ON BLONDE Bob Dylan ... TODAY'S BARBRA Barbra Streisand ... TIME Paul Revere and The Raiders ...SIMPLY THEMES FOR YOUNG LOVERS Percy ALONE WILL TE I I Jerry Vale ...BORN RENT HAND PACKED STREISAND Barbra Streisand ... LOVE, Faith ARETHA FRANKLIN'S GREAT- TREE Andy Williams ...SONGS OF THE Isfudent rotes) ANDY! Andy Williams ... GREATEST EST HITS and TAKE A LOOK Arerha MEXICAN COUNT RYSIDE Irma Serr- Quarts Reg. 1.15 79c HITS and TONY MAKES IT HAPPEN Franklin.., HOLLYWOOD MON AMOUR ano ... I NEED YOU Javier Solis Tony Bennett ... DAVE BRUBECK'S Robert Gimlet ... IN CONCERT Ma- STARRY NIGHTS Trio Los Panchos GREATEST HITS Dave Brtibeck Win Jackson ... GREATEST HITS John- BERNSTEIN'S GREATEST HITS Leon- ICE CREAM TIME & CHARGES The Buckingham% ... ny Mathis ... GREATEST HITS Mitch ard Bernstein ... GREATEST HITS Mor- Reg 15c 9e MORE BRAZILIAN BYRD ("harlie B%rd Miller ... 1 HE THINGS" I OVE Jim mon Tabernacle Choir ... MY FAIR LADY Cones ... GREATEST HITS and (-ARMIN' ON Nabors ... I-OR YOUR LOVE Peaches Sound Track ... WEST SIDE STORY Johnny Cash ... IN CONCERT The and Herb ... GREATEST HITS and DANNY Sound Track. FUDGE And Clancy Brothers And Tommy Makem ROY.- Ray Price ... GREATEST HITS and HOT THIS IS MY SONG Ray ConnifT TONIGHT CARMEN Marti Robbins ... Strawberry Sundaes Reg. 45c 33c Flee. typewriters Nw portables CHOC. FUDGE-FRENCH VANUA, Rantal.purchase MUSIC BOX NOT ON SALE Free dlivery San Jose's Largest ReLord Selections Over 50,000 LP's . 1 . Try BASKIN ROBBINS Candy and Party Desserts RANKAMERICARD OrrICE MACI IiCC Sale At This Store Only MaS;;arge 98 SOUTH THIRD ST. 96 I. SAN PIRNANDO ST. I j (Corner of San Fernando) Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. P%, 1115-6714 1074 Lincoln Avenue Willow Glen 11111111 MEM

4SPARTAN DAMS Thursday, December 7, 1967 Easy Exercises Build 1 BEAU TIES 1 Strong Skiing Muscles Pr/IMMO will need to bend your knees to ENGAGED industry major and member of Spartan Daily Staff W titer do this, hut don't get into a Alpha Omega Rho Fraternity, Sandra DeKrum., senior psy- Some SJS ski nuts have al- sitting-down position or bend from San Jose. The wedding chology major ftorn Redwood ready started conditioning for more than you would in normal date is set for June 15. City to Michael Grania, serving the coming ski season. For those turn. SUOMI Lund, junior occupa- in the U.S. Army as a medic in who have not already started to tional therapy major and mem- Twenty bending-twists each Vietnam. He is from Redwood limber their skiing muscles. ber of Phi Mu Sorority from San way should put you in shape. City. A December wedding is however, here are a few simple Mateo to Kenneth Bower, an This exercise is recommended planned. exercises. electronic designer at Western by Arthur Farrel'. Ski School Andrea Finke, junior medical Leg muscles become weak Director, Bolton Valley, Ver- technology major and member Microwave from San Jose. Ken- neth is a member of Eta Kappa during the non-skiing months, mont. of Sigma Mu Tau from San Jose Nu, eleettical engineering honor- and to strengthen these muscles to Gary Westberg, junior bio- extra conditioning should be I7SE WASTED TIME chemistry major hum Redwood ary. The wedding date is set for started early. One method used Deep knee-bends, sqoat- City. The wedding date is set June 29. to strengthen calf muscles was thrusts, sit-ups, push-ups, and fur June 14. Us Larsen, junior speech cor- perfected by Steve Rieschl, running in place will shape-up Susan Pearce, junior social rection major and member of Certified, Rocky Mountain Di- anti trim the body. Many hours science major from San Juan Alpha Chi Omega, from Hay- vision, United States Skiing As- of usually wasted time can be Bautista to Thomas Brooks, em- ward to Rich Esquibel, employed sociation (USSA), turned into physical ployed as a quality control en- at Lawrence Radiation Labora- therapy. Rieschl recommends this ex- gineer at IBM, from Orinda. tory, from Oakland. The wed- Fred C. Sorenson, Associate "Wearing sneakers, place Susan is a resident advisor at ding date is set for August 10. ercise: Certification, USSA, advises crack be- Hoover Hall. A July wedding PINNED your heel against the that a piece of tape be placed with has been planned. Joan Maguire, senior home tween the floor and a door at eye level on the bathroom economics major and member of your toes and foot resting flat mirror. Each tune you brush Linda Stone, senior psychol- k , Jerniscn ogy major from North Holly- Alpha Chi Omega from Bakers- on the door and pointing up. your teeth, shave, or put on wood, to William Androlia, grad- field to John Martin. senior bi- IT'S A SMALL WORLD, and foreign stu- left, senior math major from Persia, and Mrs. Keep your leg straight and with make-up, bend your knees so uate electrical engineering ma- ology major and member of Sig- dents at SJS will attempt to demonstrate this Julie Menendez, wife of the SJS soccer coach, your hands on your hips, bob to- fleets as touching the strip of jor from Walnut Creek. The ma Alpha Epsilon from Palo during their intercultural program Saturday plan the program events. ward the door until the calf that the top of your head re- wedding date is set for January Alto. night in Morris Dailey Auditorium. Sara Shahabi, muscles begin to pull. tape. Winifred Morrison, sophomore 28. BUILDS STAMINA Dust off your bongo boards, Lin Pregler, senior nursing political science major from Bel- or invest some chips in a new major and member of Sigma mont to Mark Williams, junior Repeat this eight to ten times ski-way or some other exerciser, World' Program leg straight. After Kappa Siirority frnm Whittier to business and industry major ISO's 'Small, Small keeping you or do some of these conditioning shake your leg to re- Ralph Miller, graduate psychol- from Genessee, Idaho. Murk is doing this, exercises, but don't spend your ogy major and member of Theta a member of Alpha Omega Rho. lax the muscles and then try it first few days on skis moaning Chi Fraternity from Gustine. To Present International Entertainment with the other leg." about those aches and pains. Another exercise which builds The wedding date is set for A variety of entertainment Miss Lee, a graduate of Seoul Physical Education will give January 27. Fraternity Holds stamina and leg power, is prac- ranging from a Korean court National University in Korea, is judo demonstrations. In addi- Barbara Ganun, secretary at the sister of Mrs. Woo Chang tion, participants have made ten- ticed this way: Lean against the dance to American go-go danc- 30 FMC, from San Jose to James Party for Orphans Brolly, director of the Inter- tative plans to sing "It's a wall in a sitting position for Profs' Wives Slate Tororicie, senior business and ing will be presented Saturday seconds: after five days, extend The spirit of Christmas filled national Student Center. Mrs. Small, Small World" in several evening in Morris Dailey Audi- this to one minute. Do this at the Lambda Chi Alpha Fratern- Brolly will perform a traditional languages. torium in "It's a Small, Small least once every day of the week. ity house, Monday afternoon Korean palace dance. "The Weird Harolds," a local Informal Program Applications Due World." Students from countries in- rock 'n roll band, and go-go You can be hippy without be- when they held a party for boys Faculty wives will The program, sponsored by cluding India, Persia, Hawaii ing hippie. One method of re- sponsor an from the Ming Quang Orphan- dancers will re pr es ent the Overseas International Student Organiza- and Poland will perform folk United States. Fol tune cookies lieving the hippy problem, before informal program tomorrow at Study age in Los Gatos. 8 p.m. for foreign students, pro- tion 1ISO), is designed to fur- dances in traditional costume. ii tea will be served during bouncing off a mogul, is to prac- Members of the fraternity Applications are available for ther relations between U.S. anti Students in the Department of tice a hip twist. fessors and their wives. The the California State Colleges brought 28 boys, ages 6 to 14, foreign students and provide an The hip is perhaps the weak- event will be held at the Inter- International Program and must to the fraternity house for din- opporunity for learning about est and least used part of the national Student Center, 174 be turned in by Tuesday to the ner and cake and ice cream. diffeient cultures. Students from Band-Aide Tryouts Set For Tuesday anatomy, until you go skiing. So. 13th St. Activities Office, Adm, 174 or Santa Claus presented the boys 15 countries will participate. Poor skiing can occur from sim- The program is designed to Foreign Language Office Bldg, with presents and clothes the Tickets, 75 cents for students, Tryouts fur Band -Aides, are dance routines at halftime. The ply nut conditioning the hips to give foreign students an oppor- N 2K fraternity members had collect- 81.50 general admission anti 50 being held Dec. 12, 13 and 14, girls always perform at the more strenuous activities. tunity to meet their professors The program is established for ed. cents for children, are available 3:30-5:30 p.m., in PER 280. home games and often at away and their wives. Coffee and CONDITION 1111'S students who wish to study in the Student Affairs Business Coeds trying out for the Band- games and special performances cookies will be served. overseas in their junior year. Persians Plan Dance Office, Bldg. R, in ADM201 and Aides are recommended to wear such as band festivals. Stand with your feet together, Faculty wives hope to estab- The countries under this pro- The Persian Student Associa- will be sold at the door. bermudas and tennis shoes. Any- The costumes vary with each parallel to a wall, and three feet lish a regular program of "fire- France. Italy, Spain, Taiwan tion will sponsor a dance for all Miss Woo-In Lee, recently in- one may come one or all days, performance and are appropriate away from it. Place one hand at side evenings" to help foreign and Japan. Persian students tomorrow at 8 vited here from Korea by the and no previous dance experi- to each theme. shoulder height against the wall. students get acquainted at the Further information may be p.m. at 640 So. Ninth St., Apt. Music Department, will perform ence is necessary. Judges, in choosing the Band. Then, as if you were making college, according to Mrs. Frank- obtained when the applications 5. For information, phone 293- a Korean fan dance which The Band-Aides is a group of Aides, look for dancing ability, a curved parallel turn, push your lin Muirhead, chairman of Fa- are picked up. 4366. originated some 2,000 years ago. 12 coeds who perform precision tallness and "legginess; hips hard toward the wall. You culty Wives International. YNIAVIONVitrisc-VirX:44 ’V’;4’01.VW4*P-C-*kc San Jose State College Music Department Presents HANDEL'S MESSIAH Tuesday, December 12, 1967 8 p.m., Civic Auditorium Tickets $1 Children 50c Tickets Now Available:

Music Department Box Office

Student Affairs Office

Civic Auditorium Box Office Open 6 p.m. Dec. 12

Proceeds Go To The Music Scholarship Fund 40itc**44VW\444 400-, fit;*o*c*--Vift’t40V-&400-kW-A-44,Aftft Thursday, December T. 196T SPARTAN DAILTR OVER 21? 'Soul' Music Featured Tonight 'Karen's Baby' Debuts NEED $5? DO THIS NOW! "Jai/ has beculne a I t-a 1 .10s1 rtittkieu 1 art requiring gre.it ile- Tuesday in SJS Theater BLOOD IS NEEDED mantis toxin the Polloime,', Mon. Him Fri. 7 ..n.-3 p.m. poser and the listener, con- "Karen's Baby," SJS Drama stand his problems. 294-6636 40 Bassett St tinues to be 'soul music which Department's next production, LeRoy Julien will direct the Son Joss involves both the intellect and might be termed Eddy Emanu- play in partial fulmillment of his the emotions," said Dwight Can- El's baby. master's degree. and di- non, instructor in music The original play, to be pre- Principal roles will be Por- San Jose's Big Bookstore rector of last year's annual Jazz sented Tuesday and Wednesday. trayed by Randy Chico' :ie. Karin Festival. was written in partial fullfill- Black, Charlott Kutilek. NOW TWICE AS BIG! The annual event of "Really ment of a master's degree in Kasden and Barbara Bertioff. Come see our expansion! the Blues, Part IV," featuring a playvvriting. It will be presented Jocelyn Smith is in charge ot MORE wide variety of jazz, will be at 8:15 p.m. in the College lighting, under the direction ot BOOKS Ensembles given by the SJS Jazz Theater. Kenneth R. Dorst. Ron Gloeklyr MORE CARDS tonight and tomorrow night at "'Karen's Baby' is my way of is in charge of costumes. Sets 8 in Concert Hall. There is no saying what I like and what I are by J. Wendell Johnson. MORE EVERYTHING admission charge for the two don't like about the society 'rickets DPP $1.50 general ad- pelf ormanees. around us . . . it describes the mission and 75 cents student ad- BOOKS INC. This concert is presented joint- conflict between those who have mission With ASH card at slit' Town & Country Village ly by the Associated Student and those who want: the power College Box office from 1 p.m. Open Evenings & Sunday Body and the MUSH: Department, holders vs. the power seekers," until IPn, and features collegiate jazz says EmanuEl. musicians performing jazz styles Specifically, the play is about of the past, present and some the problems of a couple living adventures into possibilities of . The husband SAVE--SAVE--SAVE $ the future of jazz. is wrapped up in bias and credit- In addition to big-band styles ors. His wife is pregnant and The Coin-Op Car Wash of jazz and smaller group styles, his employer' refuses to under- Cars the SJS Jazz Ensembles will New 71/2 Minute Time Cycle Vans also feature a group improvisa- INTENSITY marks the expression of Dwight ed tonight and tomorrow night at 8 in Concert Cycles Normal Motor tion of Haiku, an ancient Japan- Wash Cannon, instructor in music, as he rehearses the Hall. There is no admission charge for the two Pianist To Give ese art form of poetry. tntly 50c "Jazz is always the new and SJS Jazz Ensembles for their concern "Really performances. Commercial Coin-Dp Car the Blues, Part IV." The concert will be present. Recital Sunday Wash the old -being very close to an 1090 N. 9th 294-6308 individual. Many thought it was Pianist John Mayhew will pre- Special Rates To Groups Open 24 hrs. only for the young and would wereawarded the second-place sion of the festival held at Cer- Soloists for the two evenings sent a free recital Sunday at 2 soon die out, but jazz is bigger trophy from over 30 college ritos College in Norwalk. include Dean Stringer, tenor p.m. at the social hall of the and better than it ever was be- bands in a western division con- Jazz compositions by Bill Hol- sax; Bill Reach, trumpet; Jerry First Christian Church, 80 So, fore," commented Cannon on last test held in Southern California man, Neal Hefti, Gerry Mulli- Powers, trombone; Torn Lee, Fifth Street. year's show. last year. gan and Don Ellis will be per- The program bass; Rod Christensen, trumpet will include Christmas Shopping at In its first festival competi- The smaller jazz group also formed by the larger jazz en- Franz Liszt's, "Consolation in D divi- semble. Well, tion, the SJS Jazz Ensembles won third place in another and Bob alto sax. flat," "Sonetto 47 del Petrarca," "Hungarian Rhapsody No. 11," 35% DISCOUNT "The Mephisto Waltz" and "La Christmas shoppers will find Vaughn's an excellent (7ampanella." Gallery Yule Sale place to shop for authentic natural shoulder clothing Annual Production of 'Messiah' ------and furnishings. 35t discount on all merchandise Slated Next in all departments. Week,Entries "The Set for Tuesday Night at Civic Due Today Uniqueness Handers "Messiah," which was program include Patrick Meier- Soloists for the performance first performed in Dublin in otto, associate professor of mu- include Ralph Loris, tenor; Dr. Entries for the college Art Of 1742, will be presented by the sic, symphony; Brent Heisinger, Edwin Dunning, bass; Sharon Gallery's annual Christmas sale Music Department Tuesday assistant professor of music, Hayes, soprano; and Mrs. Mar- will be accepted today from Christ" night at 8 at San Jose Civic men's and women's glee clubs; cia Hunt, contralto. Mrs. Kris- 8:30 a.m.-12 p.m. and from 1-5 Speaker Auditorium. and Dr. Russell liturison, pro- tin Sundquist will solo on the p.m. in the Art Gallery Office. Rev. Jones Ilands.s1 wrote the "Messiah" fessor of mush% and Tikey Zes, hut psichoni. The sale will be conducted of in a 24-day period in 1741 while assistant professor of music, Tickets for the show are cur- from Monday to Friday in the Westminster Presbyterian Church in the midst of bankruptcy. It general chorus. rently on sale at the Music De- Art Gallery. Date was performed the following partment Box Office every after- Art works for the sale will be December 8, 1967 7:30 P.M. year and scored an immediate noon from 1-5 p.m. Admission is juried by the Art Gallery corn- Place success. 1040 South 1216 $1 for adults and 50 cents for mittee. Fifty per cent of the The "Messiah" was presented On the Air receipts of each sale will go to children. All proceeds from the INTER-VARSITY from 1750 until 1777 at the Radio the artist, while the other 50 CHRISTIAN FELLOWSHIP 1;-neck saddle shoulder fall Foundling Hospital in England. R&M-FM, 90.7 me., Today production will go to the music per cent will go to the Art Gal- Permanent Press Raincoats fashion lambs wool pull- After that the parts and score 4:55 p.m. SPARTAN NEWS- scholarship fund. lery. styled in classic Vaughn over ... a welcome Xmas lay on the hospital's library model with split raglan gift for men of all ages. LINE: International, National, shoulder, fly front and Made to retail at $15.95 shelves, remaining there until and Local News with Larry slash pockets. Available in they were rediscovered by a Dr. Galvin. black, tan and olive with VAUGHN $1 037 Davon Witton, the hospital or- zip-in pile liner. Made to DISCOUNT PRICE 1 ganist, in 1896. 5-7 p.m. MUSIC AND COM- retail at $32.50 MENTARY However, its first publication VAUGHN *7113 In a modern edition was not un- 5:15 p.m. VOICFS OF VISTA Toup" PRICE LE '71ta9ical )X44tep DISCOUNT til 1939 when it was produced 5:30 p.m. HOUSE OF SCIENCE in Berlin. For this production William 5:55 p.m. SPORTSLINE: Erlendson, professor of music, Nationwide and Campus will handle direction of the pro- Sports Coverage with Hal duction. Other directors for the Ramey "POOL ON "ALL YOU NEED IS LOVE" 6:55 p.m. SPARTAN SPEC- THE HILL" TRUM: Campus News with 'Peer Gynt' Run Valerie Dickerson and Dave Silverbrand CAPITAL'S Ends Saturday 7 p.m. THE STATE WE'RE NEW -BLUE DAY IN. A look at the state of af- WAY" The last three performances fairs in California Today of "Peer Gynt," the Drama De- "I AM Dress trousers and perma- 7:15 p.m. -- GRAMAPHONE THE WALRUS" nent press washable camp- partment's third production this BEATLES us pants . . . easy fitting season, will be given tonight, SHOP: Classical Music and plain front trim leg and tomorrow and Saturday night at Composers with Steven Robert ALBUM belt loop dress trousers. Waldee Made to retail from $18.95 8:15 in the College Theater. "BABY YOU'RE Authentic buttondown to $32.50 The play, which depicts the 8 p.m. MUSIC AND COM- A RICH MAN" collar sport shirts with cor- VAUGHN DISCOUNT PRICE "hollow man of our time," is di- MENTARY 'HELLO $399 rect fit and fair. Neat GOODBYE" Miss Elizabeth Loeff- 8:55 p.m. SPARTAN FOCUS: checks, tttersalls and rected by solids. Many are permanent from $.02 to *21.13 ler, acting chairman of the An Intensified look at an Im- REG. 6.79 press. Made to retail from Campus pants ... node to Department. Tickets are portant Current Event Involv- $5.95 to $8.95 Drama FOREVER" retail from $5.95 to $1095 still available for all perform- ing the Campus Community. "STRAWBERRY FIELDS VAUGHN DISCOUNT PRICE VAUGHN DISCOUNT PRICE ances. 9 p.m. -- SIGN OFF *.e4f*;, $0187 $82 $287 6712 Gaagot from J to J from al to @rental

i411Mbi - "Sizzling" NEW! NOW! ' "Good" FROM Capitol Try our gigantic Spartan Cheeseburger. It's made "GET THAT FEELING" "WILD HONEY" BOTH JIMI HENDRIX AT THE BEACH BOYS with fresh ground chuck, lettuce and tomatoes. LOW, LOW DISCORAMA PRICES To top it off we cover this delicious ground round Permanent press long and short sleeve classic button- Lightweight combed cot- down collar dress shirts ton poplin British golf Rolling Stones "CREAM" JEFFERSON oxford and broadcloth jacket. Colors: British Tan with melted pasturized cheese and soft fresh weaves. Made to retail and navy. Raglan sleeves, "Satanic Majesty's Request" DISRAELI GEARS from $8.95 to $8.95 lull yoke hack and stand- AIRPLANE up collar. Made to retail buns. Try a sizzling Spartan cheeseburger today. VAUGHN DISCOUNT PRICE at $12.95 "BATHING AT BAXTER" NOW NOW $A52 $82 VAUGHN $Q42 Don't forget our convenient take home service. NOW from 'I to DISCOUNT PRICE U $3.99 $3.29 35q, DISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHANDis REG. 5.79 REG 4 79 $3.79 BANK CRIME CARDS WtSCOMI GH AT SATHER GATE cpartan ileude DISCORAMA RECORDS UNIvEttsii V Miss SHOPS OPEN OPEN 150 East SAT, 10 A.M.-6:30 P.M. Just Two Blocks From Campus MON..FRI. San Carlos St. 292-2840 SUN, 9:30 A.M.-7 P.M. 9.30 A.M.-9 P.M. (comer of Fourth St.) 227 S. First Street Ph. 286-5837 125 SOUTH 4TH ST. ISPARTAN DAILY Thursday, December 7, 1987 Grace Bali !Dietrick Bombs Cal State SECRETARIAL COLLEGE DENNISBy ANSTINE Malkin gave SJS a 79-77 lead with outscoring SJS 16-4 to trail only Spartan Daily sports Editor 1:25 remaining. 43-39 at intermission. San PranciSco by the Golden Gate A 30-point performance by sop- I Cal State drove for the basket Coach Danny Clines Spartans RYE SPECIALIZED SECRETARIAL COURSES homore Coby Dietrick shot Spar- I quickly, but Dietrick blocked and kept their small lead until two executive Secretarial Course for College Women rebounded at lay-in by Torn Gibbs. field goals and at pair of free General Secretarial Course tas cage (earn to a wild 81-77 vic- Legal Secretarial Course tory over a scrappy Cal State at The Spartans began at stall and throws by Don McConnell gave SUCCESSFUL Electronics Technical sachatarial Course Hayward squad last night in Spar. then iced the win when Guard SJS a 63-54 lead with 10:13 left. SECRETARIES Medical Secretarial Course ;n Gym. Steve McKean hooped two free But Cal State. led by the out- NATIONAL PLACEMENT SERVICE throws with 32 second; left in the side shooting of Ed Tavis bounced enrolled have had one to four years of college The Spartans led the entire 62.1% of students game. hack quickly. A jumper by Sonny ENROLLMENT DATES: FEB. 12, JULY 9, SEPT. 23 game except when the Pioneers tied the score at 77-77 with 1:43 The Spartans led by as much as James closed the margin to 70-68 Send for College Catalog: 525 Sutter Street, corner Powell 16 points in the first half and nine with 5:35 remaining and from loft in the game. A lay-in by Die- San Francisco, California 94102 in the second. hut Cal State con- there the score stayed close until trich off ,d a feed by guard Day, __ tinuously fought hack to pull with. SJS pulled away in the last min- !n striking distance. ute. The Pioneers lacked height. but Clines was pleased with his they made up for this with their teams shooting (42 per cent I, but aggressiveness on the boards. The was disappointed with the re- visitors outrebound SJS 41-38. bounding and defensive play. The two clubs traded baskets "Games are won ot lost on the BRADEN . the first nine minutes of the game. boards and with our height ad- ANN but a 15-foot jumper by Dietrick vantage they still outrebounded with 11:30 left in the first half us," Glines said. "We just have to ignited a Spartan explosion. be more aggressive on the boards Author: The Wall Between SJS spurted to a 29-14 lead with and on defense." he added. 8:01 left, with Dietrick scoring Glines had sophomores Bernie nine points on four 10-to-15 foot Veasey and Dave Malkin in the Editor: The Southern Patriot jump shots and one charity throw. game during the final crucial min- But with SJS leading 39-23 and utes, and they responded with 3:33 Pioneers spurted, Associate Executive Director: The Southern Conference left the good performances. - Guard Tim Holman, Glines' Education Fund. "sixth man" played good defense, Spartababes making several key steals and scoring eight points. Jim Meyer went scoreless in the first half, STEADY A stabilizing force on the Spartan cage squad is Win, 97-79; but made eight quick points early guard Robin Durand, A 6-1 senior lettermen, he is a good ball SPEAKING ON: in the second half to keep SJS handler, playmaker, and leader on fast breaks. In two games Hillman Stars in the lead. as a starter he has averaged five tallies a game. Center Darnell Hillman and for- ward Buzz Nyquist combined for "Black and White 41 points last night to trot :re Hay- ward's frosh 97-79 in Spartan Post-Season Bowl Game Gym and give the Spartababes their fourth straight win. in The 6-7 Hillman led all scorers Poverty down with 21 points and hauled 21 rebounds while the 6-5 Nyquist. Features Five Spartans netted 20 scorers and collected 12 off the boards. Five Spartan gridders were Francisco State's Bob Toledo will He averaged 40.9 yards per kick The Spartababes led at halftime named to the offensively-minded give the Northerners a powerful on 66 punts. He was also high in Appalachia" game. tackles, totaling 55, first annual passing 53-32 and never trailed in the North squad for the game. Potato Bowl set for Bakersfield, Toledo had a fantastic season, Evans, a 6-1, 245 pound senior, pass blocker They scored just four seconds Saturday, Dec. 23. completing 211 of 396 passes for was also an excellent 3,513 yards and 45 was mentioned as an after the opening tipoff when Hill- Tackles Roy Hall and Lee Evans, T.D.'s. All four for SJS, and figures are NCAA college and uni- All-American candidate on several man tapped the ball to guard Dave punter Randy Cardin, linebacker versity division records for a single pre-season teams. Friday, December 8, 2 p.m. Triano who passed to Nyquist who John Taylor, and defensive back season. Taylor went both ways for the scored. Don Peterson are the Spartans Hall was a three-year starter Spartans most of the year, playing A tight SJS defense held Cal selected. Quarterback Danny Hol- at offensive tackle for SJS. The guard on offense and linebacker State's big guns Guy Gaines to 13, man will miss the game as he 6-4, 250 pound senior was voted on defense. Andy Wehcra, and Doug Hudson will be participating in the East- SPONSORED BY: Most Valuable Lineman by his Peterson, a three-year veteran to 10. West Shrine game Dec, 30. teammates, and deserved it, as he in the secondary, pilfered three Guard Chris Guenther and for- The Potato Bowl, usually a con- PROFESSOR HAROLD EDWARDS, COORDINATOR, went as long as 50 plays this sea- enemy aerials during the season, ward Pat Harm meshed 13 and 10 test between two of California's son without letting his man plus nine deflections. He also had UNITED BLACK STUT,ENTS FOR ACTION, AND respecively to give the top junior college teams, will be points through. 47 total tackles. Peterson was Spartahahes fine depth. the California College North- Cardin played defensive tackle among the top in the nation last THE PEACE AND FREEDOM PARTY. The Spartabahes hit on 41 of 89 South All-Star Game this year. besides being the Spartan punter. year with eight inteiceptions. field goals and 15 of 29 freethrows. Fresno State, San Francisco The frnsh's next game is to- State, Pacific and SJS each have - morrow night at 6 against San five representatives. Santa Clara Francisco's junior varsity in Spar- has two players, with the remain- ,(140,,Fr ,Y7i/etnedici,(1/ tan Gym. ing seven coming from other Wrestlers Lose to S.F.; ART FILM MOVIE GUIDE Northern Cal teams. Nevada will also have a player in the game, COUNCIL HILLEL linebacker Mike Ala. 4th WEEK GROUP DISCUSSION It First Time in History I SW" will The South squad is made up Lai& RETAINING MINORITY primarily of Los Angeles four-year IDENTITY The Spartan wrestlers have had the third period. 297 10(0 sti be nice to .111111 schools, plus players from San a bayonet , IN AN ASSIMILATIVE some pretty good days since Coach The majority of the team will -The kids may go nutty over SOCIETY Diego State and Santa Barbara. Hugh Mumhy ramp to &IS 15 take a weekend breather before the film, since it's very ram- The Santa Barbara coaching staff ...V Chap Participants: years ago, Against Bay Area teams tackling Fresno State Dec. 14 at parts'. " Judith CHO, NBC. will head the South. ratheP Ribbi Charles Farnilant of Stanford they have compiled 65 wins, two Fresno. But some of the squad will TV, tha4lenrs") Laurent Largante, The North team coached by the Father losses and three ties. enter the Mare Island Invitational Newman Center Fresno State coaching staff, has 8."ten ola a But 1967-68 looks like the year tomorrow and Saturday. Pastor Roy Hoch, Campus three of the Far West's top quar- sandbag!" Christian Ministry the King is going to have to abdi- This tournament will be Open terbacks on its roster. cate the throne. This was evident and will bring together amateur TONIGHT 7:30 P.M. Fresno's Danny Robinson, Santa in San Francisco Tuesday when wrestlers from all over the North- Art Bldg. rm. 133 Clara's Ray Calcagno, and San the Gators of S.F. State knocked ern California area. Tentatively, off the Spartans for the first time Mumby figures Miller, Starling and in the 27-year histoty of their dual Jim Bridget' will make the trip meet encounters. for sure. The score was only 18 to 11 but The Fresno State match will be 5ale it was worse. SJS could only win a real test for the Spartans as the three of nine matches. Bulldogs won the recent San Jose The wins for the Spartans were Invitational. 515 finished seventh gained by stalwarts, L. Q. Starling in that tourney. (115 lbs.) and Loren Miller (152 Fresno State has one of the best HAMBURGERS lbs.) and first year man, Roger wrestlers on the west coast in 167- McCloughery in the 177-lb. class. lb. Mike Gallego. Gallego not only Starling and McCloughery de- finished first in the tournament FRI.-SAT.-SUN.-ONLY cisioned their opponents while last year but came back to win Millet pinned his man in 1:30 of this year. DEC. 8, 9, 10, 1967 , 4,1 GRAND OPENING ,:,\14, for RICHARD LESTERt Ike" 2 STATE ANNEX 25, :42'n's Department 'IUEWa

,larnng Famous Makers Priced 50% to 70% off MielfaEL glitaltitoRD Jalk NO LIMIT original price 11140 starnnig

100% PURE BEEF Dres,e, I 1114111:1T- 11V)1 .1111E1119.111 01 ARM Blouses U.S. GOVERNMENT INSPECTED .’i:, 1'3143', r^. uir-rd:)$orklik; 6 ; Skirts COLOR I ----aI Pants SHOW TIMES. SUNAHLIRS, COMPLETE SHOWS AT 7 1 tin I IA kAAAH, WITH AS6 CARD Sli I SAT. ONLY COMPLETE SHOWS Al 7. 1 & II P Id

WE HONOR: OPEN Tues. through Bankamricard Sat. 9:30 a.m. ACADEMY AWARD WINNER 1st National to 9:00 p.m. Master Charge T R IP "An extraordinary film" HENRY'S HAMBURGERS STATE ANNEX NOW PLAYING it 515 S. 10th Street, San Jose l.7() South I 011 2864238 Exclusive Engagement WAR GAME I- Phone Orders Accepted 297.9806 .14, for Dirk I .tolvrIO Ill SrkFt-TVN: D%111.Y--- Four All-Americans '1')iursciay, 11. STAMP IT! _f IT'S TM RAGE REGULAR MODEL Top Gymnasts in S.J. Invitational ANY sdr, LINE TEXT Int not INUSTRUCTIBU Saturday night's program for despite a torn hand. He should be the Invitational, year in and year POCKET AMER STAMP. ½a 2. Coppola finished fifth in the rhevia hilt., 01 41V1.. the San Jose Invitational Gym- ready for Saturday night's meet, out. t,I. to, inelutle nor ZIP Code. N.. though. all-around last year. 0,,,we or handlIng rharges. Add nastics meet reads like the Who's toe. Hills did real well for his first The meet is scheduled to star! Satisfertron Guaranteed Who in College gymnastics. Prompt shipment. crack in the varsity ranks, accord- at 7:30 with admission 50 ceel, THE MOPP CO. Four All-Americans are entered ing to Jennett. "He's got a good for students with I.D. and $1 Lei P. 0. 11.. 111623 Lem. Spurr. Steller, ATLAATA. GA , 30326 in the sixth annual event, along start but needs work." adults. with 15 schools. Freshman Turpin, in his first IMMIMW Featured performers will be Sid appearance as a Spartan, copped Freudenstein and Dan Millman of third place in the trampoline California, Rick Grigsby of San event. LIVE ENTERTAINMENT Fernando Valley State and Dave Alt hough no team trophy is at Nieman of Sacramento State. stake, Cal continues to dominate The four All-Americans com- J Ric arzoo sr, 6 Nights a Week peted in the Sacramento State In- vitational last week, with Fret,- El Rancho Drive In FEATURING: denstein taking the all-around Now Playing Mon.-Faces honors. BAREFOOT IN THE PARK of Jazz The versatile Golden Bear took and WATER HOLE NO. 3 ed. & Sun. The New ;t first in the long horse and paral- N% Alma and Almaden 294 2041 lel bars, second in the high bar, Liberty Singer!. third in floor exercise and fourth in the rings event. Thurs.-Bross n & Shelton SWING HIGH, SWING LOW ... A new performance at the Sacramento Invitational Other schools entered along with face in the varsity gymnastics ranks is Doug meet last week, but looks forward to improving SJS include Washington State, STUDIO Fri. & Sat. --The Hills, performing here on the side horse. The his routines for the San Jose Invitational this Oregon University, Stanford, Uni- 396 SOUTH FIRST ST. 292-6778 Aristocrat:. sophomore all-around artist turned in a strong weekend. versity of Nevada, Cal Davis, SIDNEY POITIER Chico State, Hayward State, Long "TO SIR. WITH LOVE" rZer-ararBrZe....00000.300*.e ..14009Y-0"...0*-0-werCe.eresre -I' Open Daily at 4 p.m. Beach State, Cal Poly (San Luis plus Entertainment "WHO'S MINDING Obispo), San Diego State and 218 Willow St. Starts at 9 p.m. Diablo Valley College. THE MINT?" SJS Gets "This is the most outstanding DISCOUNT WITH ASII CARD 294-4009 151 cover for minors) WCAC Gaining set of gymnasts that we've ever had for the Invitational," coach New Track Clair Jennett remarked. Performing for the Spartans NEW EXCITING SOUNDS : will be top gymnasts Tony Cop- Next Week pola, Doug Hills and Jim Turpin. OF INDIA FROM.... i INational Acclaim Coppola placed seventh in the The first nine-lane Tartan track all-around in the Sacto State meet By DENNIS ANSTINE in the world will be laid at SJS Spartan Daily Sports Editor within a week. WORLD PACIFIC According to Spartan track Basketball in the West Coast Athletic Conference has shown coach Bud Winters, Tartan is the BILLY rapid improvement since it began as a four-leant league in 1953. toughest track material invented. I In the last few years it has emerged as one of the top cage con- "Even acid won't hurt it," Win- ferences in the nation. ters said. GRAHAM THE ANTHOLOGY OF The NCAA pays little attent to the ate plishments of the Five years ago SJS sent a chal- 1 lenge to Minnesota Mining and WCAC, but since the University of SUIT Francisco won back-to- will be the keynote speaker INDIAN MUSIC VOLUME ONE i Manufacturing to create the at the Urbana Missionary back NCAA titles in 1955-56 the WCAC has produced at least strongest track material they : RA VI SHANKARIALI AKBAR K HANIBAL4CHANDER Conference one nationally-powerful team eitelt year. could and two days later they sent 411 RaAhalShanAar tihoAh 1 Kanai Duna 1Janardan A bliyankar RoaRomanim 1 Aria n slowai I Ramabiliielnin I Sil a l,IIIIillt University of Pacific was virtually ignored by the ratings last a scientist to the campus. December 27th through 3Ist years as it went 14-0 in the conference and 25-4 for the season. Soon a 100-yard section of the in Chicago, Illinois material was laid and SJS was 1 Three early season loses to non-conference teams kept the Tigers given $15,000 worth of equipment 3 RECORDS FOR off of the nation's top ten ratings, but Coach Dick Edwards' with which to test it. For further information its best at the end of the season. "This will be the first track of i squad was playing at call 299-1506 of 244-5923 No one team stands alone from the pack in this year's WCAC its kind anywhere," Winters said. THE PRICE OF 2 race, but there are several good clubs with Santa Clara and USF "It will be the world's best track." Inter-Varsity Surveyors are coming to lay out Christian Fellowship picked as co-favorites. the track Monday and, according USF has the experience, with last year's four starters return- to Winters, "we can run on it 20 ing, including all-leaguer De Black. Forward Don Synder minutes after it is poured." earned second team on the 1967 WCAC squad and Art Wilmore DON'T MISS OUT ON 38 gained honorable mention. -THE FUN THIS WINTER The Dons have a lack of height. but its experience should keep 17.37 it on top of the league. Coach Bill Vukicevich's cagers downed Intramurals 7 VALUE Oregon State in their opener and then edged Stanford 66-60 Monday. FALL SPORTS Wrestling quarterfinals a n d SKI Includes full color 24 page book %ith Santa Clara is opposite from USF in that it lacks experience, semi-finals will be held tonight ON REAL SNOW Illustrations but is loaded with young talent. Bud Ogden, a 6-5 center last beginning at 6:30. IN THE BAY AREA year, and 6-5 forward Bob Heaney are the Broncos only exper- An individual must have weighed This album attempts to provide on six sides of three 1.1'. . a good eross-section of classical ienced starters, hut they are exceptional players to build a young in Tuesday in order to participate Indian Music as it is performed today, along with a historically unique in the tournament. Except where SNOW HILL presentation by team around. . This presentation of the history and appreciation of Indian classical 11114Sie Sophomores Ralph Ogden (6-41 and D 's Awtrey (6-9) are otherwise stated, NCAA rules will 4988 EL CAMINO apply to the tournament. 961-692) with appropriate examples is drawn from the entire spectrum of Indian music from Vedic two of the best rookies in the country. Coach Dick Garibaldi's The judo tournament will be chants to the present day vocal and instrumental music. club downed San Francisco State 106-34 in its opener and hop- Tuesday, Dec. 12. Anyone wishing LOS ALTOS

by OTHER NEW WORLD PACIFIC RELEASES. ped Creighton 92-80 Monday. to participate must be cleared DAY at EVE. CLASSES Loyola and Santa Barbara are rated as darkhorses as both judo coach Yosh Uchida. COSMIC CONSCIOUSNESS MAHARISHI MAHESH YOGI There will be a team captains OPEN SKIING AVAILABLE teams have strong mwelei to build around. Loyola has Rick Paid Horn In Kashmir Album presents his meeting and an officials meeting Dedicated to His Holiness Adelman, a 6-1 senior guard who was first team WCAC last year 369 lectures for the annual pre-season basket- 369 and is an All-American candidate. ball tournament Wednesday, Dec. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi -9 Santa Barbara has excellent height in hitermen LeRoy Jack- 13 at 3:30 p.m. in MG201. Bowling continues tonight at son (6-5), Charlie Hess (6-9), Breck MacLaren (6.6), and Steve OTHER ASIAN MUSIC HEARD ON WORLD PACIFIC RECORDS Rippe (6-5). Ann Darling Bowl. Soccer has been discontinued *THE DRUMS OF INDIAN UOP and the Spartans should give the top contenders fits when *IMPROVISATIONS - Ravi Shankar until after Christmas vacation be- CIGS -Chatur Lal *THE they clash, but both clubs are relatively inexperienced. cause of the rain. *THE MUSIC OF INDIA - Sharan Rani - Ravi Shankar Tigers have only one returning Swimming entries are due Fri- The starter off of last year's *IN CONCERT - Ravi Shankar *SOUND OE THE SAROD team, but Edwards has some top sophomores. SJS has only three day, Jan, 5. The first meet will - Ali Akhar Khan held Thursday, Jan. 11. *INDIA'S MASTER MUSICIAN seniors, led by center Jim Meyer, but with sopin llllll re sharp- be The swimming pool will be open - Ravi Shankar *RAVI SHANKAR AT THE shooters Coby Dietrick and hint McKean, the Sp art Huts could for practice Tresday, Jan. 2 from 19c *JAPANESE KOTO MUSIC MONTEREY POP FESTIVAL emerge as the surprise team of the WCAC. 7-9 p.m. Kleenex 10e - Kimio Eto *RAVI SHANKAR IN NEW YORK *KOTO & FLUTE *THE SOUNDS OF 3 Hershey Bars 5c - Kimio Eto/Bud Shank SUBBU LAKSH MI Hockey Women I NOW RENT TO OWN 2 Rolls Toilet Paper 10c *KOTO MASTER -,Kimio Eto * - Ravi Shankar *SOUND OF THE 1 Roll Jumbo Towels 19e *MAGIC MUSIC FROM SOUTH KOTO - Kimio Eto Find their Place INDIA - Balachander *SOUNDS OF THE VEENA MOYER MUSIC 1 Box Cheer Soap . 24c *RAVI SHANKAR -Balachander It's a man's sports, *KOTO & FLUTE world in 2 Bars Ivory Soap ._ Sc *RAGAS & TA LAS - Ravi Shankar but the women at. SJS have a place Largest Selection of Guitars in Town - Kin ichi Nakarioshima * too. As a matter of fact the Ajax Cleanser .... 5c *YOUNG MASTER OF THE SARO - Ravi Shankar - Ashish Khan women's field hockey team dur- Crest large size 29c ing 1967 did not lose a game. Bet- Folk One Item With Minimum ENTRY BLANKS ter yet, it wasn't even scored upon. Guitar Purchase of $2 $400 win i sitar tree AVAILABLE AT ALL per month Elec. CASH "e and up Guitar & DISCOUNT MUSIC Amp. BOX World Pacific's "Sound 0.1 1 'NMI' STORES nptro from ON MAJOR drawing will he held on Januar., 2. 468. warner* $600 BRAND per month MUSIC BOX Tomorrow is the last day to sign up and up GASOLINE to have your graduation portrait tat - n for the Spring 1968 issu of SAN JOSE'S LARGEST RECORD SELECTIONS SPARTA LIFE. Melte ycur appoint- Guitar Lessons Available ment in J-104, Department of Journ- Puritan Oil Co. OVER 50,000 L.P.'s alism and Advertising, Office hours: Rd. 84 E. San Fernando 4th & William 8 are, to 11 noon; 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. 5161 Stevens Creek Nst to Western Limon Offic 4th & Keyes Telephone: 194-6414. extension 1112. (at Lawrence Station Rd 98 SOUTH Bowl( between 2nd 81 3rd Sts.) THIRD across Futurarna Taylor ST. from 10th IL (Corner of San Fernando) Open Evenings Until 9 p.m. * ONE MORE DAY! 248-9868 298-5404 13th 1

II-SPARTAN o.trur "" USAF Recruiters College Relations Director The Skiing's Great Praise College c/o Sheraton -Park Hotel. Washington, D.C. 20008 Recognize Humanity, Please send me At Heavenly Valley! For Cooperation a Sheraton Student Golden Urges U.S. Air Force recruiters congratu- lated the college administration I.D. so I can save up voiced his hopes that Bs LARAINE: VANIANIOTO Ile also and the strident body for their co- progressive "Recognition of humanity" and Congress will pass operation during the two-day stay to 20% on relation to civil a balance between technology and legislation in f recruitment. if anything, $ 2 5 human kindness is of key import- rights because laws, Master Sgt. Charlie McGhee Sheraton rooms. 11 ft NIGHT Negro. ance to America's future, said will help the said that recruiting sUipassed non-fiction best- Harry Golden. who spoke Tuesday Author of the their best expectations. He also in America," "For Name night on the San Jose State Col- sellers, "Only said that the students interviewed Plain," and "Forgotten lege campus. 2 Cents were most interested in the sys- Address Golden also covered the The editor and publisher of The Pioneer." tem. Reservations with the special low rate are confirmed in advance Make Your Lodging trial in Israel for Carolina Israelite, a 16-page pub- Adolf Eichmann "On Monday," Sgt. McGhee (based on availability) for Fri., Sat., Sun. nights, plus Thanks- giving (Nov. 22-26), Christmas (Dec. 15-Jan. 1) and July lication of his views on various Life. added, "we had the largest of all Reservations as a through Labor Day! Many Sheraton Hotels and Motor Inns offer subjects, was sponsored by the Golden worked previously our en- groups of students during student rates during other periods subject to availability at time College Union Program Board. repoiter for the New York Daily Today! thaVerti tire tour of college campuses." of check-in and may be requested. and taught in New York The social historian said that Mirror Sgt. McGhee said that there ficiair not elementary schools the civil rights movement is City were only a few hecklers on Mon- Inns Amer- Sheraton Hotels &Motor i row-4 only for the Negro, but for day, which caused no problem for L.I.55 Sheraton Hottls Motnr Inns in Mato. Cities HosteL of the me mit in .= sot ...... 295-2242 ica as well. Two-thirds the recruitment. world is colored, waiting to be heated as equals, and they are SJS Stands High -- looking to America for action, Handel' s 11 f:..S1 A 11 commented Golden. Volunteers The "American dream of being With Dec. 12, 1967 8 p.m. burgeon out yourself" is able to Tickets On Sale Now being denied the Negro escaping Peace Corp from ghetto life, said Golden. He For $1 Children .50 Spartan Daily Classifieds added that "the perpetuation of now San Jose State College is Music Dept. Office American morality depends on this largest col- the nation's twelfth Student Affairs Office 12 matter." Peace Corps lege contributor of CIVIC AUDITORIUM The only chance the Negro has recent re- The Spartan Daily does not knowingly ROOM IN MEWS' DORM contact Ron- RENT A STEREO OR volunteers, according to BOX OFFICE FOR SALE 131 TV FROM Cache's. for social acceptance and advance- ports released by the agency. accept advertising from advertisers who ald Johansen. Markham Hall. 294-6019. Free delivery, free service. No contract. practice discrimination on the basis of Call ment is education and through this vol- Open 6 p.m. Dec. 12 11. ROOM IN MENS' DORM contact Ron- 251-2598. As of Oct. 16, at least 300 I race, color, creed or national origin. RADIAL DRILL PRESS, 32-, $37.50. Belt "sense of be- ald Johansen. Markham Hall. 294-6019. STUDENT PHOTOGRAPHER - Aware he ean obtain some unteers-- including 125 now over- sonaer, $14.95. Jointer-plainer, $29.95. is NEED 2 FEMALE ROOMMATES im- Photography. Absolute artistic quality. longing." The college classroom Bench sew. 8 $29. Lathe, $15. All new seas--had been selected for Peace ANNOUNCEMENTS (1) mediately. 2 bdrm. apt. 351 S. 11th St. Thom Dunks 267-1795. precious thing in Amer- tools. 292.0409 or 241-1943. the most Corps service in sub-Saharan Af- *9. 287-6753. $35 each mo. WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHY - See me ica, said Golden. rica, East Asia and the Pacific POETRY WANTED FOR Anthology. In- 30 WATT HARMON-KARDON FM FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED to share in JC-I27 130 to 4:20 daily except Students have the time to seek Islands, Latin America, North Af- Je peaon,' re. 1dIewlid Pub- stereo receiver w/walnut case. $110 furnished apartment. $47.50/rno. 57 S. Wed, or phone 968-0944 anytime. Jim be w 'speakers $140. 297-2531 eves. 15th St. *2. 297-4434 after 6 p.m. Koski, answers to questions hut must rica, the Near East and South g Company, 543 Frederick, San prepared, for there are "no simple c,sco. 500MM RUSSIAN MIRROR lens - f/8. MALE ROOMMATE WANTED. Jr. or MATURE WOMAN desires typing at Asia region. home. Reasonable prices. Call 244-6581. SPARTA EUROPE CHARTER - $359 r Sr. Contact: Jack 774 S. 9th Apt. #8. solutions." Too often, "with ten- California schools T me ,st 35mm. Exc. cond. Only six other , JUNE 17-SEPT. 6. Price includes S.F.,' 292-6501. TYPING, EXPERIENCED, FAST, need: mounting, competition be- $131' 294-6019. sions fall into the top 50 Peace Corps ion 'rip; airport trsfrs., first work. 21/7 miles from SJS. Thesis, term coming more fierce, it is easy to suppliers: the University of Cali- , ,ast - Lon. hotel. Call Barbara papers etc. 298-4104. Mrs. Aslanian, HELP WANTED (4) LOST AND FOUND 161 listen to the demagogue who has fornia at Berkeley, first; Stanford THE COLLEGE PLAN - a : ceder, 294-2916 after 5 PORTRAITS: TOP QUALITY 8 'it I 0", a simple solution," warned Golden. University, fourth; UCLA, eighth; LOST: TAN WALLET with inept. ID's on $2; 16' x20", $3.50. Ary size, low rates, CASH FOR MARTIN for Gibson oval PHONE FOR MONEY photos of anything, in person or not; A "new force of a new genera- San Francisco State College, exclusively lor Sarta Clara Ave. Nov. 27. Reward for ner r e, guitar. Call 269-3744 PLEASANT PHONE WORK for fraternal will enlarge nags. Basil Fattah or Bruce tion," impatient, prepared to pro- 10th; the University of Santa Bar- return. Linda 293-5726, 156 S. 9th. THE COLLEGE MAN society from your own private desk in T1auf;10,0M.00 buy.ulder Hall 294-2927. No o-tth test. hoping to leave a better and San Diego State LOST: LADY'S WATCH. Golden Hel- bara, 21st, JEWISH STUDENTS: PARENTS mam- pleasant air cond. office. Part time eves. q0,TYPING world for their children, is in the bros. mesh band, teardrop-shaped dial. College, 23rd. ba:: SJ's Temple Emanuel? Care to Salary +. 298-1263. 286-4821. REWARD. 25c PER DOUBLE - spaced making, according to Golden. By spring, an expected 16,000 have Synagogue speak out on rele page. 2¢ per carton. Will pick up and GIRLS-GIRLS MISSING: MOTHER OF 4 pups. Minia deliver 269-5769 after 2 p.m. volunteers will be overseas in 58 oar' a issues such as poverty, civil TELEPHONE SALES lure Dobermin. White chest and white att,, miter rights kattnarn war, the draft, the right TUTORING - FRENCH, ENGLISH, working primarily in tiptoed tail. PLEASE call 294-6608. countries to dissent, napalm? Call 244-9841, PART TIME after school. No exp. nec. Spanish retan,i tea,:her. Reasonable education, community develop- from coast to coast just a pleasant voice. Hourly wage -I- LOST: SM. WIRE-haired terrior. Tan & reins. AN 4.5716 Phone after 6 p.m. ENGLISH FISH & CHIPS bonus. SJ Jr. Chamber of Commerce white & licensed. Willow Glen. Big re Spartaguide agriculture. health and ment, REGULAR $1 ORDER now 50c during Promotion, Apply Consumers Sampler ward. 286-9766 or 263.0385. TYPING, TERM PAPERS ETC. Reason- the leader in - December at Farrell's English Adv. 586 N. 1st St. rm. 226. 292-2422. LOST: BROWN WALLET IN men's gym. , TODAV Chip Shoo. S. 11th & San Carlos, on Dec. 4 Personal valuable. 248-5081.1 ; 11`1:77re'' ECY.P'El.17,12.E2N:CP7D5.:,4debiwarbil,,e; Vietnam Commitment, 8 p.m., insurance sales Open 4.10 p.m. daily. BABYS1TTER NEEDED! 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Special Masses MF. 480 S. 9th St. Call after 5:30 p.m. REWARD OFFERED. Viet- Nlotris Dailey Auditorium. to college men. EASTER WEEK HAWAII-9 DAYS 287-0985. nam debate between Dr. Milorad Special masses celebrating the APR. 6.14. $259 includes PanAm jet. WANTED: GIRL TO cook dinner M-Th PERSONALS Ill Drachkovich and Dr. Robin Brooks, feast of the Immaculate Concep- meals & champagne en route, Waikiki hotel, Lei greeting, transfers and sight. for 4 appreciative guys in exchange for TRANSPORTATION 19/ tion will be held at the Newman assistant professor of history. because seeing. Call Barbara Kyne at 294-2916 own dinner. Call 297.4942. CUSTOM MADE CONTEMPORARY Center on Friday at 10 a.m., 11:40 rings. OtHirrii it' cast Christian Science Organization, after 5, or 293.1033. HASHERS NEEDED-Alpha Chi Omega. wedding jewelr/ $399.50 JET TO AMSTERDAM, June 27, 7.30 p.m., Memorial Chapel. a.m.. 2:40 p.m., and 4 p.m. ... Guaranteed by a top $5 FREE: MUST BE married with hus- 225 S. 11th St. 293-9919 9-11 a.m. and gold & silver. Geo. Larimore 354-1273/ return Sept. 4. French study course 354-9200. included at ALLIANCE Rho Epsilon, 7:30 p.m., Garden1 - Company i 21. All that you do is 3,30-t p.m. FRANCAISE t. - 1 et Queen Vacuum present FREE YOGA CLASS - ALL STU- PARIS. German course available too. City Hof brati Prof. French, 9875 Santa Monica Blvd., . . . No War Clause - TIP, No pressure to DENTS. I month of an Intro Yrar Club, p.m., HOUSING 151 Hills 12131 Home Economies 7 buy. Cad afett .m. 338-3735. Call 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. dail 2 Beverly 274-0729. IIEl. Christmas party, cookie ex- ... Exclusive Benefits at THE TEED RIDER TO Sr -ride. Wash. area L.1.-London REVOLUTION WILL begin at Mor. APARTMENT MANAGER LET DAVE'S COLOR ORGAN . change and election of officers. ^ - Sun. at 7 'hate expense's. Call 967. Special Rates p.m. with COLLEGE COUPLE Aid OK) for gen- atyour New Year's Eve par!, !.1 . -; ,rmer Child's American Institute of Chemical plus A t- i rent of 2 bdrm. with group or records. 253-5341. ( Engineers, 7:30 p.m., E326. $329 Round Trip . . . Premiums Deferred 2 b -.cits to SJS. Call TRIAD RID5 WANTED TO aol fro rn 'East Coast until you are out of PLAYBOY - YEARS -ever Christmas va- Speaker Fred McCauley of Her- 295-7438 9-1 before Sat. SERVICES NH t: school St-t, RCOMS - MEN - graduates or up- cules Power Co. TOUAt uNLY. Jar. 1, 248. , e. Singles & doubles w/ or Orientation Comm I tte e, 7:30 1593. EXQUISITE, REASONABLE TYPING Europe '68 'en prin. Close to campus. done by miss Carey - call 293-4700 p.m., Cafeteria A & B. Training WANTED PENTAX Spotmatic f 1.4. Call I For Your . 295-2355 or 295-8858. Close to SJS. Mimeo slightly higher se,ion of orientation leaders. Jim, 298.5607. Jet Prop CONTRACT FOR SALE immediately. per pane. Organization of Associated Stu- COLLEGE MASTER - San Fernando and TYPING. EXPERIENCED AND fast. lion'. in 7.. I oVIii, 12:30 p.m.. COM- outline ... contact AUTOMOTIVE (2) ' ' _to ef 297-9187. Term papers. etc. Call 264-8592. nitips '2nd floor of Speech June 19-Sept. 9 Jim Margot Frank Hoey APARTMENT FOR RENT, 634 S. lith TYPING IN MY HOME. IBM Pica. Call '61 liii ding. ALFA ROMEO 2 fernished 1 bdrm. apt. See 243-6313, 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. Jim Eaton Darwin Shoop verfibk. Excellent --"1 51200 . French ChM, 7 p.m., Room 2 EXPERT TYPIST - THESIS, term papers, To Place Cam Sawyer Gary Beckwith best offer. Terms avail. 248-1730 Prof. David T. Mage or , MATURE MALE etc. Phone 258-4335. AA It of Building N. 354-9402. ROOMMATE NEEDED '-'vii 1 norm apt I block from SJS TYPING - THESIS, TERM papers, etc. Angel Flight, 7 p.m., McQuar- 1445 Melwood Drive Fidelity Union Life 1 ...... co '65 HONDA, 250 Scrambler $350 or 466 S. 7th St. Experienced and fast. Phone 269-8674. an ad: ri, Hall, Room 324. San Jose, Calif. 286-8781 505 S. 10th St. trade for dependable car. Call 298 student Initiative, 7:30 p.m., 286-6700 1238 after 5:30 P.m N,winan Center. '61 VW, WHITE. RH, sunroof. $750. Call at Call 266-7812 afternoons & evenings. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS FOR SALE: PANEL truck, '54 Chev. almost new truck tires, it refuses to quit running. 248-7433. $300. Classified Adv. '59 VW. $595. Good cond. Oversize engine just overhauled. Going overseas. Phone 297-0W5. Office - J206 STATE ANNEX '55 PONTIAC - GOOD condition; clean, excellent work car. Smog control Men's and Women's Wear & radio. $125. 265-8154 after 5 p.m. JUST DRAFTED - Must sell '61 Buick Monday, Wednesday & Friday Electra 4-door, hardtop. Good condi tiny, low mileage. Cell 295.7539. 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. '45 CHEV IMPALA. 4-dr. hdtp. Fact. 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. air cond. PS:AT. 283 w/Alurn 4 bbl. Mint condition thruout. 298-5366. '69 FORD STICK, V-11, 2 dr, hard top. Tuesday & Thursday Clean ear. Rebuilt engine. $250. 298- 0400. After 530 p.m. II a.m. to 12 p.m. and SUIT SALE TR-4A, IRS, OD, R/H, 23,000 miles, new 2 p.m. until 3 p.m. tires. Real good condition. $1795. Must sell. Call 378.5885 after 5 pro. reg. $49.95 '63 CHEV. IMPALA V-11. Stick, 2 dr. Send in handy order blank. hdtp. Excellent cond. Very clean. New Make paint job. (Fremont) 656-3611 eves. Enclose cash or check. check out to Spartan Daily only '61 BUICK ELECTRA Convert. 225. Fell $15 power. Wh interior. Excellent cond. Classifieds. ow,er. 5875. 292 0238. '63 VW, SUNROOF, new tiims, red with white interior. Most sell. $800. 378.6734. Phone 294-6414. Ext. 2465 Umbrellas - $2.68 to 84.48 MUST SELL 'AS yolks sedan. White with red int.. radio heater. $1250. Also. Manhattan Long Sleeve Shirts - $2.99 Honda 305 Scrambler, good shape. $425. 793.3789 after 6 p.m. 0'8 ci-,47\ '67 MGB-ST BRITISH racing green, Swim Wear - 8.99 LOOK- STUPID W1-1EN 5AIP VV E P PO A FAINTING $2600 V.. . after 5 p.r-,211 1513. IN THE NOU E Levis - 83.23 CLASSIFIED RATES No refunds possible on canceled ads. Print your ad here: (Count approximately 33 letters and spaces for each line) WE HONOR: OPEN Tues. through Minimum Bankamericard Sat. 9:30 a.m. Three lines One day Two days Three days Four days FM days One day Master Charge to 9:00 p.m. 3 linos 1.50-- 2.0- - -125 - 2.0--- --2.00-- I st National 4 lines 2.00 - 2.0 - -2.75 240- -100 5 lines 2.50- 3.00 - -3.28 -3.40-- 314-- 6 linos- -3.00--- _ 3.50 - 3.75 3.90 --4-*/-- Add this Print Name For _ Days amount for .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 STATE ANNEX each add! Address Enclosed is $ tional line City Phone 470 Sou t It 101 h 286-1238 CHECK A CLASSIFICATION SEND CIIECK, MONEY ORDER, OR fl Announcements (1) Help Wanted (4) D Personals (7) CASH TO: SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS, SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE, SAN (ask for Dirk Under-11011 0 Automotive (2) fl Housing (5) 0 Services (8) JOSE, CALIF. 95114 For lain (31 [7] Lost era Found (8) ri Transportation (9) Pima allow 2 days after ad to appear. =010.=.01 n placing for