Moulsford News Sept 2018
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Sept 2018 Moulsford News Issue 370 Moulsford Events Dave Reynolds SAVE THESE DATES Every Friday through to 28th September - FRIDAY NIGHT SOCIALS - 6:30pm to 10:30pm With a fully stocked bar and crisp bucket, everyone is welcome to enjoy hopefully some hot summers evenings with fellow villagers. Please join us on Friday 28th September for the final Friday Night Social of the 2018 summer season! There will be our usual bar, food available, activities for the children and competitions for all to enter. Please see page 8 for the list of categories that you can enter. We hope you will join us to see out the season in style. Friday 16th November - QUIZ NIGHT with Fish and Chip Supper Our standard format quiz night is back, £7.50 per person to include fish and chips. Bring your own drink and nibbles. Please contact Twinks on 01491 651548 to enter your team, maximum of 10 people. Sunday 20th October - Apple Day Something new, celebrating everything Apple! There will be many activities on offer, please see page 8 for more details. Friday 2nd November - Halloween Party We hope to be able to host a Halloween Party, further details to follow next month but please save the date. Saturday 1st December - Christmas Party @ The Beetle and Wedge Sunday 23rd December - Carols and Christmas Social Moulsford News: September 2018 Page 1 From Your Parish Council Miles Powell Parish Council activities over the summer months of July and August have included progressing the pavilion driveway project, dealing with a fallen tree on the Rec, following up with OCC Highways, SODC, SCAS for specific activities e.g. grit bins, refresh of speed markings, Sewage Treatment Plant works, CPR Refresher training and dealing with ad hoc queries. Village Speed Markings Refreshed The commitment secured from OCC Highways last year to refresh the 30mph white speed markings in the village at the start of the 2018/2019 financial year was delivered in the second week of July 2018. The 30mph white text and roundels on the road have a red backing from when originally implemented and it is the white markings that have been refreshed. OCC Highways commented that “Unfortunately, the red backing is prohibitively expensive to refresh and, so to ensure that our limited budget goes as far as possible, we are only able to refresh the white markings.” Autumn Litter Pick– 30th September Reminder - and following up from the SODC “Deep Clean” activity in the village in mid-May, our own activity with this Autumn litter pick. All welcome so do please note diary date is Sunday 30th September, 9am to 1.30pm meet at Pavilion and with hot dogs and hot drinks for all pickers! All equipment will be provided! Sign up - CPR Refresher Training Session - 24th November We’ve been fortunate that no one has yet been required to use the defibrillator installed at the Pavilon. As highlighted earlier this year, we have now been successful in getting another CPR/Defibrillator refresher training session (potentially two) run by South Central Ambulance Service (SCAS) arranged for the village on the morning of Saturday 24th November. We do need names in advance as a training session is for up to 10 people and lasts 90 minutes. If we get 20 people signed up then SCAS have kindly agreed to run a follow on session on the same morning. Timing for first session will be 10am start and if we get enough for a second session, this will start at 12noon. If you do wish to attend then please confirm your participation to the Parish Clerk by the 1st October 2018. Places will be allocated on “first come first served” basis with reserve list if necessary. Local Elections- May 2019 Nothing to do with BREXIT! A reminder that the Parish Council is now into the fourth and final year of its term of office. In May 2019 there will be local elections and a new Parish Council will be formed as the current term of office completes. If you are thinking of putting something back into the village by standing to be a parish councillor and you want to know what is involved then come along to a Parish Council meeting or have a chat to one of the existing Councillors– there’s usually at least one of us at the pavilion on a Friday social night. Grit Bin Following discussion with OCC Highways, Parish Council is funding the purchase of a grit (salt) bin at the top of Ferry Lane. Such a decision has first to be approved by OCC Highways (it has been) and they then provide the bin and the first fill of salt (and bill the Parish Council) and arrange for it to be located on OCC land in likely November 2018. Any subsequent salt refills become the responsibility of the Parish Council. Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator – Volunteer Opportunity Reminder that since May this year there has been - and still is!- a Moulsford Neighbourhood Watch Coordinator (NWC) volunteer opportunity to help keep Moulsford safe and secure! The duties are not onerous and mostly involve publicising messages via email from the police, or more rarely from people in the village who have seen something untoward. If this is something that you might be interested in to help the village then please register your interest with the Parish Clerk. Sewage Treatment Plant It is now over 4 years since Moulsford experienced the groundwater flooding that deluged the ageing sewage treatment facility that serves Underhill. Even at that time there was an awareness from SODC that interim work would likely be required on filter beds until a Packaged Treatment Plant (PTP) was put in place and Moulsford News: September 2018 Page 2 operational. Parish Council has been monitoring and encouraging SODC activity since the flooding and after reorganisations within SODC we’ve had it confirmed that the project to replace the plant at Moulsford is one of the SODC land drainage an sewage priority projects. Reality today is that until legal agreements (OCC Highways/SODC/ Environment Agency) are sorted and the procurement process completed, we’re not likely to see work on site until mid 2019. We will continue though to keep pushing as much as we reasonably can do. Queries? As always, any Parish Council queries then do get in touch with any of the councillors by email or phone and we’ll do our best to help or point you in the right direction. If you have a particular query then do feel free to come along to a PC meeting– the next one is now on 4th September at 8pm in the Pavilion. Finally! A thank you on behalf of the village to the Moulsford Events Committee and all who have kindly volunteered their time for bar shifts for the Friday night socials for the 2018 season! Season not quite finished yet so do enjoy the remaining weeks of the late summer Friday evenings! From the Vicar Andrew Petit My dear friends, Last week I had an entirely new lens put into my right eye. Over the last year or so, I have had increasing problems with a cataract, which is like having a permanent smudgy mist over the eye in question. It is now a very commonplace operation to replace a lens. It is done under local anesthetic and takes about 20 minutes. Apart from a slight stinging when they first put the anesthetic drops in, it is entirely painless. The wonderful thing for someone like me, who has been very shortsighted since his teens, is that the new lens means I not only have got rid of the cataract but that my distance vision in that eye is now almost perfect. I can now see better out of that eye - at distance - than I have been able to for the last 50 years! The only problem is I can’t read out of the new eye at all! Hopefully, in a couple of months’ time I shall get a new lens put in my left eye and then I shall just need glasses for reading. But meanwhile I have two eyes that work well, but not at the same time. The left only works well with glasses and the right only works well without. I tried removing the right lens from my glasses but that gave me two clear images of different sizes, which meant I was seeing double! So for the time being I have to cope with seeing reasonably clearly with or without glasses, but in both cases being aware of a blurriness on the edge of my vision. The experience has got me thinking about different kinds of sight. We speak not only about short sight or long sight, but foresight, hindsight, insight, second sight etc. Jesus was renowned for healing the blind. However, in the Bible, sight is not just about our physical eyesight, it is also about faith – our ability to see spiritual realities. In one quite comic incident in John’s gospel when Jesus heals a man who has been blind from birth, his physical blindness and new sight is contrasted with the spiritual blindness of the Pharisees. It seems they cannot accept that Jesus could possibly have healed the man, because that would mean accepting that Jesus really was the Messiah. Sadly, many today, whilst they may have excellent eyesight – with or without glasses – are a bit like me at present: we see well with one eye – i.e. our physical eyesight, but our other eye – our spiritual sight or faith – is blurred. We can function pretty well because the image from our good eye dominates our vision, although we may be aware of a little blurriness on the edge.