Fifth Sunday of Lent

06 April 2014

Saint Mary of the Immaculate Conception Roman F R E D E R I C K S B U R G, V I R G I N I A what’s coming

april 6 Sunday, Fifth Sunday of Lent Coffee and donuts after morning Masses. (Troop 1410) 12noon-2pm, English as a Second Language Classes, 2nd Floor, Parish Life Center. 3pm, Adult Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room. Class is full! 3:30-4:30pm, Middle School Youth Group, Parish Life Center. 6pm, Catholic Youth Ministry dinner, Parish Life Center. 6:15pm, Adult Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room. Class is full, keep on eye on bulletin for future classes. 7-8:30pm, CYM Youth Group, Parish Life Center. 7 Monday, Lenten Weekday (St. John Baptist de la Salle, priest) 10am, Legion of Mary, Room 100, Parish Life Center. 7:30pm, Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults, Church. Topic: Traditions of the Church; Liturgical and Ministerial Terms. All Parish adults welcome. 8:15pm, small group discussion continues for RCIA candidates in the Parish Life Center. 8pm, Young Adult Ministry meeting, John Paul II House.

8 Tuesday, Lenten Weekday 10am, St. Mary Book Club, John Paul II House. 10am, Council of Catholic Women General Meeting, Courtyard Meeting Room. 7pm, Additional parish Confessions for Lent, church. 9 Wednesday, Lenten Weekday 6pm, YOUCAT - Youth Ministry Program, John Paul II House. 7pm, The Light is On for You, Confessions, church. 7:30pm, Women’s Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room. 8pm, Legion of Mary, Parish Life Center 100. MARY 10 Thursday, Lenten Weekday of the 9:30am, Adult Bible Study, Courtyard Meeting Room. Class is full, keep on eye on bulletin for future classes. IMMACULATE 9:45am, Craft Group, Room 100, Parish Life Center. CONCEPTION 7pm, Spanish Prayer Group, John Paul II House. Roman Catholic Church 7pm, Additional parish Confessions for Lent, church. 7:30pm, Parish Advisory Board, Courtyard Meeting Room. 7:30pm, Men’s Group, Blue and Grey Brewery. 11 Friday, Lenten Weekday (St. Stanislaus, bishop and martyr) 9:30am, Moms’ Group “St. Anne’s Sisters in Faith,” John Paul II House. 6-7:30pm, Lenten Soup Supper, hosted by the Hispanic Ministry, Parish Life Center. 7pm, Additional parish Confessions for Lent, church. 7:30pm, Stations of the Cross, church. 8pm, Via de la Cruz, church. 12 Saturday, Lenten Weekday 9:15am, Spanish Prayer Workshop, Courtyard Meeting Room. 2:30pm, Mother-Daughter Tea, Parish Life Center.. 7pm, BUNCO game, all parish adults invited, Parish Life Center. SCRIP Sales after 5pm Mass.

13 Sunday, Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Coffee and donuts after morning Masses. (Catholic Youth Ministry) SCRIP Sales after Masses. 6pm, Catholic Youth Ministry Dinner, Parish Life Center. 7-8:30pm, CYM Youth Group, Parish Life Center.

_____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 2 express announcements

this week’s bulletin: nota bene (note well, please): 5 holy cross academy c Join us for our LAST Lenten Soup Supper on Friday, April 11 in the Parish Life Center. All Soup Supper donations 6 will help our parish feed those in need through the Micah education Ministry Community dinners and the Brisben Shelter Dinners. c Additional Parish Confessions for Lent begin this week. 7 Come early and avoid all the long lines during the last week of parish life Lent. 11 c All Masses on Easter Sunday will be held at the outreach Fredericksburg Expo Center. Masses are at 8am, 10:15am and 12:30pm. There is plenty of parking. No 12 Easter Sunday Masses will take place at the Church. operations c Come join the party at our annual Parish Dinner Dance 13 on May 3 at the Jepson Alumni Center. See page 7 for ticket liturgy information. c Coffee and Donutsare available after Sunday morning Masses in the Parish Life Center. c SCRIP is on sale in the Parish Life Center after all Masses except Saturday 7pm and Sunday 2pm. Please use SCRIP, and a percentage of what you spend will be applied to our school.

_____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 3 from our pastor

Dear Good People of Saint Mary, gin at 8:30 and last until about 11:30. See the bulletin board in the vestibule of the church We are in the process of final preparations to learn about all the people who will be for Easter Masses. Once again this year, we joining our church this year. Please keep all will be celebrating Mass at the Fredericks- of them in your prayers during the coming burg Expo Center. week, a most important week in their lives. For the past (how many?) years we have This year we have bought gifts for everyone SAINT been gathering at the Expo Center—a lot of who comes to Easter Sunday Masses. You work—to provide a proper joyful welcome may have heard about the pastoral letter of MARY and ensure that everyone might have a seat Bishop Loverde, “Go Forth with Hearts on of the IMMACULATE and a parking space. And over the years we Fire,” a wonderful piece on the new evange- CONCEPTION have perfected the art of liturgy for 3,500 lization and how you can become involved Roman Catholic Church faithful with the proper solemnity and rever- personally in the work of the Gospel. We ence, joy and exultation that is proper for have bought 7,000 copies to distribute this Easter Sunday, and still not let it last longer Easter, as well as holy cards commemorat- than a typical Mass in church. In the begin- ing the soon-to-be John XXIII and John ning there were many who felt that such a Paul II. These are our gifts to you for this thing could not be held in a place such as the season of joy. Expo Center: all these years now we have re- peatedly heard from people who have newly Of course, we will be looking for an army discovered the experience of thanking and of volunteers to help at all the Masses to praising God in the joyful context of so broad distribute these as people leave—if you are an assembly celebrating the new life of Jesus’ interested, please call the office. It will take resurrection. You can’t imagine the impact only a little time, and as we finish you will of it unless you are there. Is this us? We are find that traffic has quieted down outside. a community that is so large and alive. Well, I don’t intend to get ahead of myself. Don’t tell anybody, but the Expo Center is We still have before us the most intense and now holy ground - we have blessed it by the reflective time of all the year. We hope to sacred rites of Mass and sprinkled gener- enter into the very suffering and death—and ously the assembly (and the building) with resurrection of Jesus as members of his Body, the holy water of baptism! the Church. It is my prayer that we can find it in our hearts to make this Sacred Triduum, I wanted to pass on a little advice on this Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Holy Saturday weekend before we begin the solemn obser- and Easter Sunday a time of deep prayer and vances of Holy Week. Come to Expo early, sacrifice. It is in the unfolding of Christ’s just as the previous Mass is ending. The mysteries that we discover the reality of our- 8am Mass is usually 3/4 full, maybe a little selves and the meaning of our lives. It is the more. That means that there are about 900 selfless offering of Jesus that has saved us, seats waiting for you. The 10:15 is basically and it is the selfless offering of ourselves as full, although there are always some seats to we recall his saving love that will continue to be found on the far end of the room from the advance this salvation for all the world. entrances. The 12:30 Mass, which is a fasci- nating and even more joyful Mass combin- Don’t forget - Jesus came, he died and he ing the cultures of North, Central and South rose from the dead that ALL might be saved. America, has the most seats available and So don’t just share the secret with those who you are always welcome. are friends—change the world. The Easter Vigil Mass in the church will be- God bless you.

_____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 4 education

holy crosshas seventeen years teaching academy experience and ten A Teacher Takes a Hand, Opens a Mind and Touches a Heart members of our faculty have taught here since our We are blessed by a group of dynamic, dedicated school opened in 1998. Our faculty members are professionals who are making a difference daily in experienced, dedicated and innovative. They make our children’s lives. Holy Cross Academy’s fac- our school the wonderful place that it is. ulty is composed of certified teachers, including a librarian, resource teacher, computer specialist, and If you want to learn about our school and all that teachers in Spanish, art, music and physical educa- we can do for your child, please call us at 540-286- tion, as well as five classroom assistants. We have a 1600 or visit our website, full-time counselor and a part-time school nurse. For St. Mary Preschool, please call 540-373-7553. Holy Cross Academy is a place where each child All our teachers are certified in the area in which can flourish and grow. We would love to hear from A National they instruct. Our principal holds Virginia State you and will gladly give you a tour of our National Blue Ribbon certification in Educational Leadership and Admin- Blue Ribbon School of Excellence and tell you all School, 2012 istration, as well as teaching certification in Mary- about the wonderful things happening here. land and Pennsylvania. In addition to our principal, fifteen teachers hold Master’s degrees and two are currently enrolled in a graduate program. All our teachers of Religion hold Catechist certification with eight at the advanced level. Our average teacher

2013-2014 Holy Cross Academy Faculty and Staff

_____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 5 faith formation

education religious ed. Catechists Write: Operation Rice Bowl I enjoy being a Catechist because each time I plan Around the seaport town of Les Cayes, Haiti, there a lesson and teach a class I know that God is using are few doctors or hospitals. CRS is working with me as an instrument so that my students will learn volunteers like Louisma Toussaint to set up com- about our Faith and know that with God’s help, munity healthcare centers. These volunteers help each one of my students’ knowledge and love for people stay healthy, and if they do get sick, to get God will grow bigger each day. My students have good medical care. learned to pray for others together during each class and I can see how their faith and love for Mary and CRS trained Louisma and her fellow volunteers to Jesus has increased over the years! In addition, by give basic check-ups and medical help. CRS also teaching Catechism, I learn more about our Faith helped set up a community “rally post”, where too! families meet with Louisma and the other volun- teers. Mothers bring their babies to the rally post Religious Education Classes are extremely impor- for check-ups each month. Louisma weighs and tant! Children need to learn all about our Catholic measures the babies to make sure they are healthy Church teachings and our Faith. Without RE chil- and growing, and gives basic vaccines and treat- dren would not be able to prepare properly for the ment. When someone is ill or needs to see a doctor, Sacraments and understand the reason why God they come to the rally post and Louisma helps created them! — Cecilia Pavlak them get to the closest hospital. When they come home from the hospital, Louisma checks on them Why Should We Go to Confession? to make sure they are doing well. About two hundred fifty-five children did their First Penance this year. Please remind them regu- A “Mother’s Club” meets at the rally post each larly of the importance of this sacrament and give month to share stories and get advice from Lou- them the opportunity to go to confession at least isma about keeping themselves and their children once a month. Just before their First Communion healthy. They also have a community garden have them go to confession. Remind them that where they grow vegetables and fruits. Mothers when we receive the sacrament of Reconciliation share recipes and use vegetables from the garden we are forgiven of our sins and brought closer to to make healthy, balanced meals at home. God and neighbor. It also guides us towards a more Christian lifestyle. Lousima and her fellow volunteers are making a big difference. Since Louisma began as a volunteer, “The Sacrament of Penance & Reconciliation the number of children who suffer from malnutri- involves four parts: contrition, confession, penance tion in her community has dropped by nearly half. and absolution. Louisma has noticed that children in her commu- • Contrition: a sincere sorrow for having of- nity are healthier. “I look at all the children pres- fended God and the most important act of the ent, and to see this energetic group of them, the penitent. There can be no forgiveness of sin if future seems more fruitful.” http://www.crsricebowl. we do not have sorrow and a firm resolve not org/stories-of-hope/week-5/ to repeat our sin. • Confession: confronting our sins in a profound way to God by speaking about them —aloud— to a priest. • Penance: an important part of our healing is the “penance” imposed in reparation for our sins. • Absolution: the priest imparts the words which reconcile a sinner to God through the merits of the Cross.” ance/sacrament-of-penance-question-and-answer.cfm

_____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 6 Tickets are $10 and will beparish available until April 9. life Parish Book Club - April 8 The parish book club will meet on Tuesday, April Contact Suzi Eggleston at 540-834-0752 or Teresa 8, at 10am in the John Paul II House to discuss Hopkins at [email protected] for details. The Miracle of Father Kapaun: Priest, Soldier, and Korean War Hero by Roy Wenzl. Join us to learn Living Stones: Order by April 15 more about this amazing Army chaplain who We continue to take orders for the “Living Stones” died in a POW camp. More information: Kathleen in our new courtyard, each featuring the last name Mahoney at 540-371-2073 or bmah761569@aol. of the family sponsoring it. com Please contact the Parish Office if you are interested. Council of Catholic Women - April 8 The investment for each stone is $500 and helps Join us for our next General Membership meeting on cover the cost of this landscaping project. You may Tuesday, April 8 in the Courtyard Meeting Room at make installment payments. Please place your order 10am. Our speaker will be a policeman whose topic by April 15 to be included in the next installation. will be protection and safety for the individual and the home. English as a Second Language Free classes are held each Sunday from 12noon to Ask Lady Luck to come with you to the Parish Life 1:45pm on the second floor of the Parish Life Center. Center at 7pm on Saturday, April 12 for a fun couple Please note the following schedule changes: hours of Bunco, an easy game and a chance to see April 13, No Class, Psalm Sunday old friends and meet new. The suggested “buy in” April 20, No Class, Easter Sunday is $6; that is, $5 for prizes and $1 for yummy snacks. May 11, No Class , Mother’s Day All adults in the parish are invited to have a fun time May 18, Last Class, Summer Break Begins and meet new friends! St. Mary Preschool Openings for Fall St. Anne’s Sisters in Faith - April 11 St. Mary Preschool is currently registering for the Please join us as we continue to learn how to 2014-2015 school year. We have openings in both strengthen our relationship with our spouse morning and afternoon 3 and 4 year old classes. through the discussion of the book Marriage, Come join the fun in our Parish Preschool! For in- Small Steps, Big Rewards by Dr. Ray Guarendi. formation please contact Mrs. Scharf at 373-7553. We meet at the JPII House from 9:45-11:30 am. Babysitting is available. Please contact Rocio Atkinson at [email protected] or Suzi Eggleston at 540-834-0752.

We will not meet Friday, April 18th, Good Friday. We pray you will benefit from all the services May 3, 2014 offered during Holy Week. We wish you a most Parish Night Out 6 blessed and holy Easter. Cash bar, dinner & dancing. Held at the beautiful Jepson Alumni Center. Afternoon Tea - April 12 Tickets are $75 each again this year. Please join us on Saturday, April 12 from 2:30-4pm in the Parish Life Center where we will enjoy af- Our annual Parish Night Out has become a ternoon tea complete with an assortment of finger favorite tradition for parishioners as we gather in sandwiches and delectable pastries. There will the spring for a fun, formal evening together with also be door prizes. Janice Lancaster, a certified great food and great music and dancing. image consultant will show us how to “accessorize our personality.” She will reveal the latest trends in accessories for spring and which styles are most For tickets or details please contact suitable for our fashion personality. Marty Bridi 540-373-0259 or Vicky Kopcak 540-273-4456 Bring your Mother, Daughter, Mother-in-law, daughter-in-law, granddaughter, a special friend, for a delightful afternoon together. _____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 7 parish life

confirmedNicholas John Paul II Ackman Jessica Elizabeth Ann Seton Fey Jocelyn Cecilia Adamic Angel Roch Finch Elimma Clare of Assisi Aguolu Olivia Cecilia Fisher Nicholas George Alford Maria Maria GorettiFonseca Rebecca Julia Alicandro Keara Kateri Tekakwitha Forjan Victoria Thérèse of Lisieux Alicandro Mary Gianna Beretta Molla Frasher Natalie Emma Amey Guillermo John Galvan Ryan Thomas Aruanno Clemencio Joseph Galvan Cantor Crista Joan of Arc Bain Grant Michael Glover Leif Francis de Sales Barnes Zoe Genevieve Gobeille Henry Gabriel Basilica Miguel Genesius Gómez Pia Gianna Beretta MollaBasilica Guadalupe María Gómez Kaitlin Catherine of Alexandria Baumgartner Chase Dominic Grasso Olivia Joan of Arc Bell Alexis Joan of Arc Green Isabelle Anne Bertram Kevin Raphael Grigalua-Escalante Sydnirose Cecilia Bornschein Alex Turibius of Mongrovejo Grondin Sarah Cecilia Bostain Lauren Margaret of Scotland Gruber Charles Michael Bowman Gustavo John the Baptist Guardarrama Ronnie Robert Briles Valeria Michael Guzmán Bryan George Brito Grace Monica Hall Luke John Vianney Britton Walter Patrick Harris-Kincaid Isabella Sebastian Brooks John Sebastian Hayes Joseph Nicholas Brothers Miguel Francis of Assisi Hernández Benjamin Benjamin Camstra Claudia Bernadette SoubirousHerrick Jordan Clare of Assisi Carrion Elizabeth Christopher Horan William Charles Lwonga Carroll Raven Cecilia Horan Ellisa Apollinaris of Catahan Samuel Michael Huber Jonas Sebastian Chechak Aaron Patrick Humphrey Nicholas John Baptiste de la Salle Chechak MacKenzie Clare Irvin Gabriela Martin de Porres Christian Alexander Dunstan Isaak/Harrington Jacob Catherine of Christian Caroline Angela Merici Jones Troy Nicholas Clark Jackson Francis Xavier Jones David Patrick Clifford Haley Lucy Joseph Brandon Thomas Aquinas Clyborne Skyler Elizabeth of Hungary Joseph MacKenzie Bridget Coakley Kyle Matthew Kauffman Amanda Francis Confair Jade Francis of Assisi Keiser Ashley Nicholas Conniff Mitchell Andrew Kelly Mary Priscilla Cook Jared Harvey Kibel Joaquin Martin de Porres Cordero Katharine Cecilia Kingsley Hunter Peter Claver Coutts Ashlyn Elizabeth Ann Seton Kinnaman Nicholas Francis of Paola Craig Britney Thérèse of Lisieux Kohler Sarah Cecilia Crockett Annalee Nicholas Kopp Thomas Patrick Cue Joshua Sebastian Laidley Briana Angela Merici Cushing Philip Francis of Assisi Lambert Yareliana María Davila Sean George Larimer Percy Mary Deza Christian Jude Leblanc Michelle Mary Doyle Heather Claire Liffert Kevin Joseph Dreeke Mikeal Paul Lockard Thomas Andrew Driscoll William Damian of Molokai Lombardo William William of York Dyer Michael Gabriel Luciani Teresa Therese Eastman Branden Michael Lupi Logan Sebastian Enfinger Ryan Sebastian Lynch Nicole Clare of Assisi Esslinger Heather Bridget Malloy Karla Juan Diego Estrada Grace Anne Mamon Aleksandra Veronica Fasoli Daniel Francis of Assisi Martinez Kaylee Catherine of Alexandria Feather Dominick Michael Martz _____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 8 parish life

Alexander Sebastian Matarese in the holy spirit Alexandra Cecilia McOsker Alexis Sarah Mead Hannah Joan of Arc Mead Brandon Joseph Meade Brenda Elizabeth Medrano-Frias Caroline Chiara Luce Badano Merriman Megan Alice Mesick Jonathan Anthony Moreno Erica Joan of Arc Morgan Krystiana Catherine of Bologna Muccia Natalie Bridget Mullanaphy Chase George Murray Martin Francis of Assisi Ngho Kelly Paul Nguyen Paul Theresa of Avila Nguyen Caitlyn Clare of Assisi North Nolan Patrick O’Brien Cade Luke Olvis Fallon Cecilia O’Malley George Damasus I O’Reilly Carolina Cecilia Ortiz Ricky Alexander of Jerusalem Perez Vladimir Sebastian Perez Alecsis Agnes Pillar Brenna Mary Quillen Samantha Cecilia Quintero Robert Francis of Assisi Rafferty Lauren Maria GorettiRaney Haley Catherine of Alexandria Raubenolt Juan Martin de Porres Rios Andrew Joseph Rodriguez Mary Cecilia Romanello Samantha Monica Rosende Andrew Michael Ruiz Brianna Bernadette Sablan Michael Andrew Sampson Andrew Juan Diego Schalk Sydney Francis of Assisi Schapel March 29, 2014 Hannah Rafca Schilke Catherine Catherine Labouré Tipton Most Rev. Paul Loverde Chelsea Flora Schroeder Sabrina Cecilia Turner Kaitlyn Gianna Schwinn Leif Nicholas Van Slyke Maximilian Nicholas Seina Cecilia Mary Vega MatthewMartin de Porres Shelton Nico Sebastian Vega Connor Maximilian Kolbe Simons Alexander Vincent Ferrer Wagner Ian Michael Smith Alexandra Joanna Weddermann Laura Maria Guadalupe Garcia Zavala Solis Victor Nicholas Weddermann Julia Lucy Squillante Allen Joseph Wilcox Hannah Cecilia Stadelmyer Serena Vitus Willard Taylor Margaret of Storck Andrew John of God Willging Leah Blaise Storm Alina Perpetua Williams Breanna Cecilia Strader Victoria Dwynwen Williams James Sebastian Strickland Michael Francis of Assisi Wolfe Mary Francis of Assisi Stuart Laura Joan of Arc Wood Michaella Elizabeth of Hungary Taylor Jared Benedict of Nursia Yi Byron Alfred Tenorio Daniela Jude Zuleta _____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 9 parish life “as I have done for you Work Camp Fundraisers Spring Cleaning? WorkCamps Rent-a-Crew The annual CCW Yard Sale will Small teams of CYM teens are be held Saturday, April 26. Please ready to help with lawn clean- start saving items for donation. up, housecleaning, and junk Donations will be accepted April removal in exchange for a dona- 23, 24, 25 (Wednesday, Thursday, tion to Workcamp 2014. Crews Friday prior to the sale) at the Vacation Bible School will arrive at a mutually agreed Parish Life Center. Thank you. Marvelous Mystery: The Mass upon day and time and will be Comes Alive! St. Mary will host adult supervised until the job is Women’s Cursillo in Vacation Bible School June 23 done to the customer’s satisfac- Fredericksburg through June 27 from 9am to tion. Those interested in hiring Join with other women from 12noon each day. VBS is for ris- the teens may contact Karen parishes in the “southern” part ing K – 5th grade students. Clemente at 540-845-7403 or via of the Diocese for a weekend Registration will begin May 1. email at karenclemente@aol. you will remember forever, com. An adult will meet with a Cursillo Weekend, on May callers to preview the task and 1-4. Come and See. Mary Lou determine how many teens will McGonigle - macml@comcast. be needed to complete it. net 540-972-4673 or www.arling-

Enter into Lent at St. Mary The Light is ON for You Fridays in Lent In Lent all Catholic churches in the Archdiocese Stations of the Cross take place every Friday eve- of Washington and Diocese of Arlington will ning during Lent at 7:30pm in English and at 8pm be open for Confessions and quiet prayer every in Spanish. Wednesday, 6:30pm — 8pm. Our Lenten Soup Suppers take place in the Parish Living Stones Life Center on each Friday during Lent from 6 to Ask someone back to the Church. Once you have 7:30pm. Share a Lenten penitential meal of soup and made the invitation, take one of the stones from bread with your parish family, and share what you the side and place it in front of the altar as a re- would have spent on dinner that night with those minder for the whole community to pray for them. in need. All free-will offerings received will (Please use one of the provided cork pads under- be used to feed the homeless, through parish neath the stone.) financial support of the Micah Community Dinners and the Brisben Homeless Shelter Din- Operation Rice Bowl ners. Bring the whole family to enjoy good soup Our parish is participating in CRS’ Rice Bowl, and good fellowship.... and then spend time with Catholic Relief Services’ Lenten program, as a Our Lord in prayer. way to encounter Jesus through others, espe- cially through the most vulnerable in our world. Abstinence and Fasting. Every Friday in Lent Your prayers, fasting and almsgiving this Lenten is a day of Abstinence, when we don’t eat meat. Abstinence is observed by all Catholics above 14 season will help Catholic Relief Services continue years of age. Good Friday is a day of Fast and Ab- to provide life-saving assistance in nearly 100 stinence. Fasting means eating one full meal with countries. the other two not equal to the full one. Catholics Please make your checks payable to St. Mary between ages 18 and 59 are required to fast. Church; we will send one check from the parish to CRS.

_____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 10 outreach so you must also do” Bishop’s Lenten Appeal SHARE at St. Mary Parish! Each family in our parish is asked This is a food cooperative pro- to give to the Bishop’s Lenten gram with a community service Appeal (BLA). Please prayer- requirement. Package Pick-up fully consider making a pledge to is typically the fourth Saturday support the many programs and of the month at the Parish Life ministries that serve the people Center between 8:00am and SHARE Order Form of our diocese. Every pledge is 9:00am. The following month’s important! Thank you! menu will be available at the Value Package ($21) time of pick-up. Orders due by Monday, April 14; pick-up is _____ x $21. = ______Circle of Love Ministry Saturday, April 26. The CCW would like to share Pork Chop Box ($25) an opportunity to live Christ’s Please contact Rick Caporali for words by loving our neighbors. _____ x $25. = ______more information and details, Our Circle of Love committee [email protected]. Seven Pasta Meals ($20) wants you to be part of our mis- sion by joining us in visiting the _____ x $20. = ______sick and home bound, provid- Shopping for March: Schwann’s Southwest Value Package ($21) ing needed rides to church or Chicken Panini ($19) doctors, sharing meals with • Chicken thighs (2 lb.) families in crises, babysitting, • Tenderloin Medallions _____ x $19. = ______and fulfilling a variety of other (3/4 lb.) needs. If you have a few hours • Salmon Filet (3/4 lb.) to share and would be willing to • Angus Beef Patties (1 lb.) TOTAL: ______join us, please send your name • Coffee Cake Bites (1 1/2 lb.) and e-mail or telephone number • and plenty of fresh, healthy, to [email protected] and you seasonal produce will be contacted. We look for- Name ward to having you on our team. Pork Chop Box ($25) Address If any parishioners are in need • 16 - 6oz. boneless pork chops of assistance, please contact the City ST zip CCW Circle of Love Ministry at Seven Pasta Meals ($20) [email protected] or call the • Stuffed shells; stuffed mani- email Parish Office. cotti; tri-color tortellini; ravioli; sun-dried tomato stuffed ziti; cell/phone Volunteers Needed: spinach and cheese stuffed ziti; ___ hrs Church ___ Host site Catholic Charities potato and cheddar pirogues. Catholic Charities Family Ser- ___ hrs Youth ___ Transport vices is looking for volunteers ___ hrs Shelter ___ Comm. Dinner to assist with greeting clients Schwann’s Southwest ___ hrs Seniors ___ Vincent de Paul and answering phones. Pleasant Chicken Panini ($19) ___ hrs Micah ___ MW Hospital environment…great for retirees. 24 - 8.2oz. sandwiches, individ- ___ hrs School ___ Parish Ministry Our office is located beside the ually wrapped in microwavable ___ hrs Community Service church and hours are flexible, pouches ___ hrs Other ___ hrs Other Monday through Friday. For more information, please call PAYMENT METHODS: Lee Ann at 540-371-1124. CASH, MONEY ORDER, or EBT. No CHECKS; Payment due when order is placed. Money Orders should be made to: SHARE FOOD NETWORK.

_____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 11 operations

staff contribute anytime, especially Weekly Offertory Offertory Collection during Holy Week and Easter 1009 Stafford Ave., Fredericksburg, VA 22401 3/30/14 $38,589. Week. For more information visit SUNDAY Saturday Vigil 5 & 7pm Catholic Relief Services 7,138. MASS Sunday 7, 8:30, 10:30am, 12:30, 2pm (Spanish), 5pm, 7:01pm Little Sisters of the Poor (add’l) 3,941. Set up a SCRIP Account 10:30am at Holy Cross Academy Even though we are still get- Poor Box for ting snow it’s time to think about DAILY Mon.-Fri.: 6:30 & 9am; Sat., 9am St. Vincent de Paul 290. MASS First Friday 8pm Spring! At the Scrip table we have Holy Days of Obligation, as announced Children’s Donations for lots of retailers that can help spruce Stafford Junction 276. up your yard and home for the DEVOTIONS Adoration & Benediction, Wed., 7-9pm warmer weather that’s coming. Novena with Exposition, Mon., 7-7:30pm SCRIP Profit for the week 136. Gift cards for Lowe’s, Home Depot, All Night Adoration, First Friday Year to Date: $6,439. Miraculous Medal Novena, Mon., after 9am Mass Walmart and Target are great for Divine Mercy, Wed., 3pm Thank you for your continued generos- picking up supplies for your home. ity! Please remember to use your Offer- Whether your spring cleaning or CONFESSION Wed., 7-9pm; Sat., 8am & 3:30pm, or by appt. tory Envelopes to ensure the accuracy doing yard work, why not get a gift card and help raise money for PARISH 540-373-6491, fax 371-0251 of your end-of-year statement. The OFFICE [email protected] “Children’s Envelope” proceeds will not Holy Cross before you shop! Mon.-Fri., 8:30am - 4:30pm; be recorded on family statements. students staff office weekdays until 9pm, To set up an account online at Saturdays 9-5pm, Sundays 9:30-1:30pm and Pontifical Good Friday use our school code, 7B876EB- Pastor, Fr. Don Rooney Collection for the Holy Fr. Keith Cummings B188L2, so Holy Cross Academy Fr. Stephen Holmes Land - April 18 gets credit for your purchase. If Fr. Lino Rico Rostro At this special time of year, you have any questions about Deacon Alberto Bernaola the entire Catholic community SCRIP please email Torie Bald- Deacon Dick Delio participates in the support of win at scripcoordinator@holy- or 571-330-3448. Executive Assistant, Rick Caporali Christians in the Holy Land. The Business Manager, Elaine Stanislawski daily news reminds us of the vio- Thanks for using SCRIP! Director of Sacred Music, David Mathers lence and instability plaguing the Administrative Assistant, Kelly Keiser Middle East, but we rarely hear Children’s Offertory Secretary, Mary Fitch of the shrinking Christian com- envelopes for April HOLY CROSS 540-286-1600 munity that struggles to remain The children’s charity in April is ACADEMY 250 Stafford Lakes Parkway in the land of Christ’s birth, death the Operation Purple Program Fredericksburg, Virginia 22406-7234 and resurrection. Since the 13th of the National Military Family Principal, Sr. Susan Louise Eder, O.S.F.S. Century, the Order of St. Fran- Association. cis has been walking in Jesus’ ST. MARY 373-7553 The Operation Purple program PRESCHOOL Director, Nanci Scharf footsteps, working not only to make Christianity’s holiest sites was created in 2004 to fill a need RELIGIOUS 373-6491 accessible to all the faithful, but identified by military parents EDUCATION Director, Aristides Lucas preserving the Holy Land’s pre- to “help us help our kids.” The OFFICE Associate Director, Karen Sturtevant cious Christian community, the mission of the Operation Purple program is to empower military “living stones of the Church”, YOUTH 373-6491 children and their families to MINISTRY Director, Leo Chavarria through education and scholar- develop and maintain healthy ships, charity and assistance to BAPTISMS Parish registration (90 days) and class required. and connected relationships, Please contact the parish office to schedule the poor and pastoral ministry in spite of the current military the date at least four weeks in advance. in 29 parishes. The Good Friday environment. We do this through Collection is the primary means MARRIAGE Parish registration required; contact parish a variety of means, including the six months in advance to begin preparation. of support for this work. It is a healing and holistic aspect of the Pontifical Collection requested by JOIN US New Family Registration meetings are held natural world. The program is monthly in the church on fourth Sundays, Pope Francis, and your generos- joint or “purple”—encompassing following the 10:30 Mass. Please notify us of ity is truly appreciated. If you all Service branches, including any telephone/address changes. are unable to attend the Solemn the National Guard and Reserve. Liturgy on Good Friday, you may Articles must be submitted two weeks prior to publication. Send articles to [email protected]. Thanks! _____ W E W E L C O M E Y O U H O M E. 540-373-6491 12 liturgy

Since its creation in 2004, the Operation church St. Mary Prayer List Purple program has grown to serve ap- Please Pray for those who are sick or in need, Daily Mass Intentions proximately 45,000 military children and especially: Frank Moehler, Harold Gardiner, and Readings teens. For more information, visit their Garafano Family, Grant Family, Casey Family, website at LaCombe Family, Charles Lee, Christopher Ford, our-programs/operation-purple/ Joan Baker, Barbara Leone, Mary D’Amato, Sal april Detrane, Tina Beaversdorf, Robert C. Murphy, 7 MONDAY Proclaiming the Passion Josephine Kreider, Eleanor Mitchell, Peter Fisher, 6:30 Liz Tilitsky Helen Kozyra, Catherine Gordon, John Castagna, 9am Miriam Flaim At our Palm Sunday Masses and at the Tyler Hansen, Meredith Whatcott, Julie Fabula, Good Friday Passion Liturgy all will Amelia McDevitt, Gerald Gardiner, Ree Messer, Dn 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 again this year be invited to listen to the Joyce Webster, O’Neta Shorter, Daniel Busta- or 13:41c-62; Jn 8:1-11 Passion. The words of the Jewish people monta, Dawn Dittmer, Martha Clemens, Lisa 8 TUESDAY will be read by one of the lectors, and Storm, Veronica Johnson, Joseph McCormick, 6:30 +Eugene Callaghan not by the assembly as a whole. In this Patrick Wilkinson, Holly Smith, Patricia Portcelli, 9am Claire Bereit way, all may receive the proclamation of Doris Winstead, Cathy Thompson, Kathy Dobson, Tricia Davis, Joseph Bozicevic, Shirley Bozicevic, Nm 21:4-9; Jn 8:21-30 God’s word. Connie Brimmer, Cathy Nichols, Reva McCloud, Regina Sullivan, Fr. Paul Richardson, Bentley 9 WEDNESDAY Hunt, Anna Castagna, Ruth Weaver, Linda Sholan- 6:30 +Ella Lou Tedesco Choose Life Reflection der, Darlene Garcia, Barbara McKnight, Donald 9am Kareen Lherisson “God is the source of life; thanks to Estes, Mary Ullmer, Ariana Stanislawski, Ralph Dn 3:14-20, 91-92, 95; Jn 8:31-42 his breath, man has life. God’s breath Steininger, Lucy Holzworth, Fr. Tom Brown, Da- sustains the entire journey of our life on vid Arnold, David Carr, Martin E. Zidek, Lucille 10 THURSDAY earth.” Randazzo, Kelly and Andrew Wood, Martha Fer- rara, Frank O’Connor, Clara Lester 6:30 +Rose Marie Bornschein — Pope Francis, 8:20* +Virginia Finochetti Holy Mass for Evangelium Vitae Day, 2013 Please Pray for all the men and women in our 9am +Anne Delio military and civilian support services overseas, Gn 17:3-9; Jn 8:51-59 We pray for all couples facing an unexpected especially: Javier Acosta, Leah April, David pregnancy: May the Lord give them peace, Asher, Joel Asher, Miguel Ayala, Crystal Black, 11 FRIDAY hope and love for their child Ned Brownell, Jr., Derek Brostek, Christopher 6:30 +Derek Tattersall Burton, Matthew Campos, Leslie Capuano, Bruno 9am Rita Stanislawski Carriero, Jonathan Catalano, Frank Creamer, Sal Jer 20:10-13; Jn 10:31-42 Taize Prayer Service Contreras, James Cook, Brad Cowan, Sam Del Monday, April 14 Grande, Glenn Dickinson, Aaron Doble, Anthony 12 SATURDAY You are invited to a monthly gather- Dowden, John Dussault, Sandy Dussault, Travis 9am +John Doherty ing of prayer in the ecumenical tradi- Eades, Doug Ebenal, Christopher Eckert, Tim 5pm +Joseph DiPretore Evan, Christopher Ewers, Paul Fischer, Jonathan 7pm +Arthur & Vera Berry tion of the Taize community in France, Fleming, Roberto Fuentes, Jason Geary, Ramon the second Monday of every month Guerra, Jr., Andrew Hamilton, Harry Hamil- Ez 37:21-28; Jn 11:45-56 from 8:15 to 9pm. ton, Ronnie Hamilton, Maria Harbeson, Andy Haskell, Raymund Haskell, Michael J. Herbek, 13 SUNDAY 7am It is our hope that this monthly prayer James Helm, James Hoffnagle, Jr., Robert Horner, +Lillian Graham 8:30 brings together Christians of all Danny L. Howard, Jr., Anthony Howell, Matthew +Stefan Wolanski 10:30 churches, pastors and flocks, as to- Kearney, Daniel Kramer, Julio Laffitte III, Chris Bishop Michael Sis Lammers, Stephen Lammers, Scott LaRousse, 10:30* gether we realize a bit more each day Warren Ryder Ryan Larsen, Jeffrey Lawrence, Kenneth Lin- 12:30pm that we must rely upon God’s power For the Parish strom, Ryan Lynch, Sean Malloy, Geoff Mann, 2pm Alexandra Ortiz to bring about unity among all who Josh Martin, Samantha Martin, Justin McClelland, 5pm follow Jesus, “as he and the Father are Patrick McGroarty, John Moring, Nathaniel Mc- Marc Barlow 7:01pm one.” It is something we are unable to Namara, Roger Mitchell, Joseph Moore, Joseph Floriano Rodriguez do ourselves. Muldoon, Corey Nash, Mindy Niemann, James Mt 21:1-11; Ps 22; Is 50:4-7; Kevin O’Donnell, Bryce Parson, Joshua K. Pas- Phil 2:6-11; Mt 26:14–27:66 or tell, Sean Penczak, Dominick Joseph Petro, Scott 27:11-54 This Unity which embraces all people Price, Nick Schulz, Duayne Scott, Tim Smetek, stands at the very heart of Christ’s Andrew Smith, Douglas Stransky, Shawn Tupta, mission...and belongs to the essence Heidi Urben, Christopher Williamson and Daniel of this community. Let us provide a Zeytoonian. place where his Spirit can come and *indicates Mass at Holy Cross Academy Please pray for all the faithful departed: especially accomplish this plan for us. +Joseph Savage, Jr. and +John Barnes, Sr. and all the benefactors of St. Mary. _____ S A I N T M A R Y of the I M M A C U L A T E C O N C E P T I O N 13