Sheffield Inclusion Strategy 2020-25 (Including SEND) Update
PAPER A Sheffield Inclusion Strategy 2020-25 (including SEND) Update Governing Body meeting 6 February 2020 Author(s) Sapphire Johnson, Head of Commissioning – Children, Young People & Maternity Portfolio Ali Bishop, Children’s Commissioning Manager Sponsor Director Brian Hughes, Director of Commissioning and Performance Purpose of Paper To provide Governing Body with feedback and data from the Sheffield Inclusion Strategy consultation. Key Issues We have worked with partners including Sheffield City Council and Sheffield Parent Carer Forum to co-produce a vision and strategy for inclusion, including Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). The strategy was published publicly for consultation from 11th November 2019 until 26th January 2020 (11 weeks). This report details feedback received during the consultation period. This includes feedback from: 160 online responses (63 parent/carer/family member of child aged 0-25 with SEND, 1 child/young person, 36 leaders from education, health and care, 38 frontline professionals, 21 people who classed themselves as ‘other’ to these categories) 2 focus groups with young people Trustees from the Sheffield Parent Carer Forum A number of meetings and discussion groups across the city, including Sheffield Clinical Commissioning Group Governing Body, Sheffield City Council Portfolio Leadership Team, Overview and Scrutiny Committee and Sheffield MPs Is your report for Approval/Consideration/Noting Consideration Recommendations/Action Required by Governing Body The Governing Body is asked to: Accept the Consultation feedback report Note the need to reflect on the feedback from the consultation Agree to receive a final version of the strategy in March 2020 What assurance does this report provide to the Governing Body in relation to Governing Body Assurance Framework (GBAF) objectives? Which of the CCG’s Objectives does this paper support? 1.
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