Cumulative Issue #158 March 2011 ISSN 0274-6338

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Cumulative Issue #158 March 2011 ISSN 0274-6338 Editor: Lorenzo Bruzzone Cumulative Issue #158 March 2011 ISSN 0274-6338 Table of Contents IEEE GRSS AdCom, Officers and Committee Chairs ............................2 Newsletter Input and Deadlines Editor’s Comments .................................3 The following is the schedule for the GRSS Newsletter. If you would like to contribute an article, President’s Message ............................... 3 please submit your input according to this schedule. Input is preferred in Microsoft Word, Word- AdCom Members ..................................5 Perfect or ASCII for IBM format (please send disk and hard copy) as IEEE now uses electronic Chapters and Contact Information ..........6 publishing. Other word processing formats, including those for Macintosh, are also acceptable, however, please be sure to identify the format on the disk and include the hard copy. GRSS MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS GRSS Members Elevated to GRSS Newsletter Schedule the Grade of IEEE Fellow for 2011 ..........7 Month June Sept Dec March GRSS Members Elevated to the Grade of Senior Member During the Input April 15 July 15 Oct 15 Jan 15 Period November 2010–January 2011 ... 7 Call For Nominations For The IEEE GRSS AdCom, Officers and Committee GRSS Administrative Committee ..............8 Chairs – 2011 GRS-29 (Division IX) Nominations for IEEE Medals and Recognitions .......................................... 8 President Fellow Evaluation Committee IGARSS 2010 Jon A. Benediktsson Ya-Qiu Jin Paul Smits Complete List of IEEE Executive Vice President Fellow and Senior Member Karen M. St. Germain Medals and Recognitions ........................9 Melba M. Crawford Search IGARSS 2011 FEATURES Vice President for Mahta Moghaddam Motoyuki Sato History and Records IGARSS 2012 How Advanced Image Processing Information Resources Steven C. Reising Werner Wiesbeck Alberto Moreira Helps for SAR Image Restoration Vice President for Meetings Latin American Activities Yves-Louis Desnos and Analysis ........................................10 and Symposia Sonia Gallegos IGARSS 2013 Tools to Support the Reuse of Adrian Camps Chuck Luther Peter Woodgate Software Assets for the NASA Earth Vice President for Technical Membership IGARSS 2014 Science Decadal Survey Missions .......... 17 Activities Shannon Brown Monique Bernier John Kerekes Nominations Chair 2011 AdCom Members ORGANIZATIONAL PROFILES Vice President for Leung Tsang Lorenzo Bruzzone Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. .... 23 Professional Activities PACE Kuan Shan Chen REPORTS Kamal Sarabandi Paul Racette Melba M. Crawford Ya-Qiu Jin IGARSS 2010 Survey: Members Vice President for Public Relations/Publicity Publications David Weissman Steven C. Reising and Attendees Respond ........................ 27 Wooil Moon Shannon Brown Karen St. Germain WHISPERS 2010 ..................................30 Secretary Soc. Implications 2012 AdCom Members TECHNICAL COMMITTEES CORNER Thomas J. Jackson Technology Rep. Adriano Camps Report on the Data Fusion Director of Finance R. Keith Raney John Kerekes James A. Gatlin Specialty Symposia David Kunkee Technical Committee ............................. 32 Director of Education Motoyuki Sato David M. LeVine CHAPTERS CORNER Antonio Plaza David B. Kunkee Wooil M. Moon IEEE GRSS Chapter of the Australian Director of Corporate Standards and Metrics Shannon Brown Capital Territory and New South Relations Siri Jodha Singh Khalsa 2013 AdCom Members Wales joint Sections ............................. 35 William B. Gail Strategic Planning Jon A. Benediktsson IEEE GRSS French Chapter ................... 35 Major Awards Andrew Blanchard William J. Emery Werner Wiesbeck Melba M. Crawford Michael Inggs Amendments to the Publications Awards Student Paper Contest Mahta Moghaddam GRSS Bylaws ....................................... 38 Martti Hallikainen Martti Hallikainen Kamal Sarabandi Asian Activities Web Editor Motoyuki Sato CALL FOR PAPERS ����������������������39 Motoyuki Sato, Kuan Shan Bill Blackwell Past Presidents UPCOMING CONFERENCES �������� 42 Chen, Wolfgang-Martin Transactions Editor Anthony K. Milne Boerner Christopher Ruf Alberto Moreira Chapter Activities Letters Editor Honorary Life Members Notice to Potential Kuan Shan Chen Paolo Gamba Andrew Blanchard Conference Advisory J-STARS Editor Keith R. Carver Advertisers Committee Jocelyn Chanussot Martti Hallikainen The IEEE GRSS Newsletter publishes paid Michael Inggs, John Kerekes Ellsworth LeDrew Kiyo Tomiyasu advertisements for job openings, short Constitution and Bylaws Newsletter Editor Fawwaz T. Ulaby courses, products, and services which are of Melba M. Crawford Lorenzo Bruzzone Werner Wiesbeck interest to the GRSS membership. Postal Information and Copyright Notice IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Newsletter (ISSN 0274-6338) is published quarterly by the The Editor reserves the right to reject adver- Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc., tisements. Please address all enquires to: Headquarters: 3 Park Avenue, 17th floor, New York, NY 10016-5997. $1.00 per member per year (included in Society fee) for each member of the Geoscience and Remote Sensing Soc.. Printed in U.S.A. Periodicals Ms. Susan Schneiderman postage paid at New York, NY and at additional mailing offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to IEEE Business Development Manager Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter, IEEE, 445 Hoes Lane, Piscataway, NJ 08854. IEEE Tech Societies Media © 2011 IEEE. Permission to copy without fee all or part of any material without a copyright notice is 445 Hoes Lane granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, and the Piscataway, NJ 08854-1331 title of the publication and its date appear on each copy. To copy material with a copyright notice requires special permission. Please direct all inquiries or requests to the IEEE Copyrights Manager. Tel: +1 732-562-3946 IEEE Customer Service Phone: +1 732 981 1393, Fax: +1 732 981 9667. Fax: +1 732-981-1855 IEEE prohibits discrimination, harassment, and bullying. For more information, visit 2 IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society Newsletter • March 2011 Editor’s Comments Starting from the next issue, we are going to publish a new column in which we inform the community of the recently Dr. Lorenzo Bruzzone, Editor completed PhD dissertations in the fields of activity of our University of Trento society. We plan to print the title of the dissertations, the stu- Department of Information Engineering dent’s and advisor’s names and a very short description of the and Computer Science work, i.e. a few sentences. The electronic version of each Via Sommarive 14 thesis will then be available for download from the GRSS I-38123 Povo, Trento ITALY web site. This is an important opportunity for young research- Phone: +39 0461 282056 ers to increase the visibility and impact of their work. It is Email: also a useful initiative for our community to increase the awareness of the most recent research work accomplished by a new generation of engineers and scientists. This first issue of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing This issue of the Newsletter contains two main articles in Newsletter in 2011 contains many interesting articles on vari- the Features section. The first is a tutorial paper on the analy- ous technical areas of remote sensing, as well as contributions sis of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images, specifically on on the activities of the IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing the use of image processing techniques for the analysis of Society (GRSS). As you probably observed in the past year, SAR data. The article addresses a hot topic in SAR, because there are an increasing number of articles published in each the increased availability of very high spatial resolution SAR issue. This reflects the growing interest of our community in images (e.g. with the TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X missions a publication that addresses technical, educational and indus- as well as the Cosmo-Skymed constellation) makes it crucial trial relations issues. These issues are of broad interest and to define effective image analysis methods that can simulta- are not covered by other GRSS publications. I expect that this neously deal with i) speckle, ii) highly detailed data with trend will continue, and I strongly encourage you to contrib- improved range and azimuth resolutions, and iii) complexity ute to the success of the Newsletter by submitting technical, of object scattering at meter-scale resolution. The second educational, and industrial profiles articles that are of interest of our community. (continued on page 4) President’s Message Unfortunately, at the beginning of this year the GRSS com- munity received sad news. The GRSS’ long-serving Education Director Granville Paules died in the evening of January 4th in Washington DC after a long battle with cancer. The passing Dr. Jon Atli Benediktsson of Gran Paules is a great loss for the GRSS. He was highly University of Iceland respected professionally and had a major impact on the remote Main Building, Sæmundargata 2 sensing community through his work with NASA, Kelly An- 101 Reykjavik, Iceland derson & Associates and the GRSS. Gran and his wife Diane, Phone: +354 525 4047 Email: who often accompanied him to meetings, were very popular in the GRSS community.

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