CONTENTS Page Notices 2 Articles 4 Books and Publications 7 Conferences and Courses 8 Lectures and Events 10 Exhibitions and Galleries 13 Local Society Meetings 14 NOTICES Newsletter : Copy Dates The copy deadline for the following issue of the Newsletter is 15 November 2009 (for the January 2010 issue). Please send any items for inclusion to Meriel Jeater at Museum of London, London Wall, London EC2Y 5HN, or you can email me at
[email protected] **************** LAMAS Lecture Programme 2009 All meetings take place at the Museum of London on Tuesday evenings at 6.30pm – refreshments from 6pm. Meetings are open to all; members may bring guests, and non-members are welcome. 13 October 2009 River and Environment in the Neolithic and Bronze Ages , Jane Sidell, Inspector of Ancient Monuments London, English Heritage (joint lecture with London Natural History Society) 10 November 2009 Early Roman Quarrying and Building Stone Use in London and South-East England , Dr Kevin Hayward, Research Fellow at the University of Reading and finds specialist, Pre-Construct Archaeology 8 December 2009 Rebels and Infidels at the City’s Village Hall: the Radical Collections at Bishopsgate Library , Stefan Dickers, Library Special Collections Manager, Bishopsgate Institute, London Stefan Dickers is the Bishopsgate Library Special Collections Manager and looks after its extensive special collections on London, labour history, free thought, humanism and co-operation. He is also secretary of the Archives and Resources Committee of the Society for the Study of Labour History and sits on the committees of the Socialist History Society and the oral history consortium Britain at Work, 1945-1995.