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For Scolytidae Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs Volume 13 A Catalog of Scolytidae and Platypodidae (Coleoptera), Part 2: Taxonomic Article 16 Index 1-1-1992 Index for Scolytidae Stephen L. Wood Monte L. Bean Life Science Museum and Department of Zoology, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah 84602 Donald E. Bright Jr. Biosystematics Research Centre, Canada Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada 51A 0C6 Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Anatomy Commons, Botany Commons, Physiology Commons, and the Zoology Commons Recommended Citation Wood, Stephen L. and Bright, Donald E. Jr. (1992) "Index for Scolytidae," Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs: Vol. 13 , Article 16. Available at: This End Matter is brought to you for free and open access by the Western North American Naturalist Publications at BYU ScholarsArchive. It has been accepted for inclusion in Great Basin Naturalist Memoirs by an authorized editor of BYU ScholarsArchive. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. , 1460 GREAT BASIN NATURALIST MEMOIRS No. 13 Family Scolytidae Index This index iiichides all Latin names used in this catalog for Scol)tidae. Family-group names (family, subfamily, tribe) and names applied below the rank of subspecies (including aben-ations, variations, nomen nudums) are given in regukxr type. Valid names of genera and species are in bold type. The names of synonyms of genera and species, subgeneric names, and subspecific names are given in italics. The names are listed in alphabetical order by the computer; however, the user must realize that the computer reads parentheses () as a letter of the alphabet preceding the letter "a." The names of fossil species are preceded by an asterisk {"). Fossil species are given at the beginning of the index and are also listed alphabetically with other names. ° " americanus Wickham, Ht/lastes 43 woljfi (Schedl), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus . 259 ° " anceps Hagedorn, Xyhrhinites 1082 worthini Scudder, (Poly^raphus), not Scolytidae . 284 ° arcessitus (Scudder), (Phloeosinites), Plilocosiniis 240 l'2-spimitus Schedl, Webbia (=duodecimspinatus) . 831 ° assimilis (Schedl), (Phloeosinites), Phlocosimis . 241 14-spinatus Sampson, Webbia ° aterites Schedl, Htjlastcs 49 (=quattuordecimspinatus) 832 ' brunni (Hagedorn), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus . 243 26-spinatus Sampson. Wel)lnii (=trigintispinatus) 833 ' carbonarius Scudder, Dn/oeoetes 580 SQ-spinatns Samp.son, \Vc'i'/;/V/ (=trigintispinatus) 833 ' corpulentus Schedl, Hijlufiipps 30 abaeludsei Stark, Carpliobonis (-perrisi) 308 ' diluvialis Wickham, Dnjocoetes 582 abaensis Tsai & Yin, Scolytus 322 ' dromiscens Scudder, Hijlesiniis 79 abberrans Schedl, Xylebonis 705 ' dttbius (Hagedorn), (Mtjelophilites), Hi/luraops . 31 abbreviata (Schedl). (Xt/lehonts), Coptodnjas . 822 ' electrinus (Germar), (Hi/lcsinites). Hi/lurgops . 31 abbreviatipennis Schedl, Xi/lebonis 705 ' emmi (Hagedorn), (Cn/pluilns). Ht/pothcnonus . 918 abbreviatus (Schedl), (C njptoeleptes) ' excavatus (Hagedorn), (Xi/lelionis), Xi/lehoiinns . 807 Pseudotht/sanoes 411 ' extractus Scudder, Hylesinns 80 ahl)reiititus Eggers. Ciifpturgus (=numidicus) . 625 ' facilis Heer, Ht/lesiniis 80 abbreviatus Eichhoff, Cortlnjius 1070 ' gnathotrichus Schedl, Taj)hramites 1082 abbreviatus Schedl, Cnjphalus 873 ' granulatus (Schedl). (Hi/!escerites), Ht/lurgops . 33 abbreviatus Schedl, Pitijophthorus 978 ' hydropicus (Wickham), (Apidocephaliis), abbreviatus Schedl, Pseudoehraniesus 261 Htjlcsinm 80 ahdoniinalis Hopkins, Hypothenemus (=columbi) 913 ' immaturus Schedl, Taphronjchus 559 aheillei Cuillebeau, iPhloeophthonis), ' impressum Scudder, Tnjpodendnm 635 Phloeothhus (=perfoliatus) 226 ' keilbachi Schedl, Caiyhohoiites 1082 aberrans Browne, Hi/pothenenius 905 ' lineatus Foster, Hi/lesinus 81 aberrans Schedl, Chnimesus 263 ' longipennis Wickham, Xijlehorites 1082 aberrans Schedl, Monarihnnn 1051 ' piger Wickham, Hylurgops 38 aberrans Wichmann, Mierohonts 383 ' piloselltis Schedl, Hyluraops 39 aberrans Wood, Hi/loeunts 422 ' posticus Schedl, Coiyhohorites 1082 aberrans Wood, Spennopitthonts 971 ' prisons Egger.s, Xi/lc})onis 765 abhorrens Eggers, Pemophonis 202 ' pseiidocrucifer (Schedl), (Xylehonis), Ct/elorhipi(hon 702 (dihorrens Wichmann, (Eeeoptoiifister), Seolytus (=multistriatus) 35.3 ' regimontanus (Hagedorn), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus 252 abiegnus Wood, Pityophthonis 978 ' abietinus Fabricius, (Bostriehus), Toniicus rehi (Hagedorn), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus . 252 ' (=piniperda) 136 robustus (Schedl), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus . 252 abietinus Kono &Tainanuki, Dnjocoetes ' rugosissimus Cockerell, Cn/j)halites 1082 (=striatus) 585 ' schellwieni (Hagedorn), (Hylastites), Hylun^ops . 41 abietinus Wood, Pityophthonis 978 ' sexspinosus (Schedl), (Phloeosinites), Pitloeosinus 255 ahietipenia Bech.stein, (Bostriehus), Hylurgops (=palliatus) 38 ' squalidens (Scudder), (Hi/lastes), Pitloeosinus . 255 ahietis Blackmail, Pitijoplithoms (=opaculus) .... 1018 ' tibuiiinus Cldus, Seolytus (=intricatus) 334 ' «/;(rti.s Blackman. S'r()/(//!/.s' (=opacus) 355 tuberadatus Sched\, Hi/lurgops (=tuberculifer) . .43 ahietis \\op\Ans, Dnjocoetes (=confusus) 581 ' tuberculifer (Schedl), (Phloeosinites), Phloeosinus 258 ahietis Kurenzov, Pityophthonis (^abietinus) .... 978 ' tuberculifer Wood, Hi/lur^ops 43 abietis Kurenzov, Poli/finiphus 284 1992 WOOD, BRIGHT: FAMILY SCOUTIDAE INDEX 1461 ahietis Riitzebiirg, iBostrichus), Cniphtiliis aceeptus Bnght,Pityophtfionts (=murrayanae) . 1014 (=asperatus) 874 accinctus Wood, Araptus 953 ahietis Tsai & Yin, Phlocosiiiits 240 acconiodatus Schei.]!, Xtjlehonts (=adelographus) 706 abliisus Bright, Piti/oplithonis 978 aceriiii Blackinaii, /-"(/(/o/j/i^/icn^s (=iau<us) .1006 978 abnonnalis Bright, Pityophthont.s aceris (Lindemann), {Dryocoetes), Lymantor . 554 (ihnorniis Eichhoff, (Xylchonis), Ercnptoptem.s aceris (Nii.sima), {Xylotenis), Indoenjphalus .... 648 821 {=spinosus) aceris Hopkins, Procnjphalus (=utahensis) 848 abrnptedecUvis Schedl, Corthtjiiis 1070 aceris Knotek, Scolytus i=koenigi) 3.38 (Schedl). (Xi/lehonis),Xtjlos(Jiulnis . 787 abniptoides aceris Krivolutskaya, Dnjocoetes 570 (Schedl), (Poecilips), Coccotrtjpes .... 591 abrupttdtis aceris Kuren/.ow Xylebonts (=orientalis) 757 (Xi/lelwnts), Xylosandnis . 787 abniptiduH (Schedl), achillei Reitter, Hylastinus 64 abniptum (Nunberg), {Microcortlu/his), aeiculatus B\dvkmdn,Gnatliotrichus (=sulcatus} . 1039 Monaiihmm ' 1051, 1065 aciculatus Bright, Pityophtlionis 979 abntptus {Schedl) APocnlips).C(HC()tnjpc.s 591 acieitlatus Bnick, Phloeosinus i=serratus) 255 abruptus (Schedl), [Stcplunwdcrcs), aciculatus Schedl, Coccotnjpcs 591 Hypotheneiniis 905 aciculatus Schedl, Hypoenjpltahts 868 abniptus EggersAXylebonis), Aiiuisa (=resectus) . 684 aciculatus Wood, Trieolus 1042 abruptus Nunberg, Microcorthylus 1051, 1065 aclinis Wood, Xylehonis (=imprcfvidus) 744 abruptus Nunberg, Xi/locieptes 547 Acorthylus Brethes 852 al)niptus Samp,son, (Xylebonts), Xylosandnis {^mancus) 797 Acrantits Broun {=Chaetoptelius) 103 872 abruptus Schedl, Ahxylehonis 665 Acnjphalus Tsai Si Li (=CnipIialus) aculeatus heConte, Micracis (=suturalis) 433 abruptus Schedl, Tricohis 1042 74 abscissas Browne, Xylebonts 705 aculeatus Say, Htjlesinus Schedl, Ctonoxylon 836 absonus (Schedl), {CnjphaIoinoq)luis), acuminatum Scolt/tot^ciies 858 acuininatus (Gyllenhal). (Bostrichus), Ips 485 absonus Blacknian, Piti/opliflionis 978 acuminatus (Schedl), (Eidophehts), Cyrtoaenius . 562 abstrusus Bright, Pityoplitlwnis 979 acuminatus (Schedl), {Miinips), Acanthotomicus 478 abundans Lea, Acacacis 193 acuminatus (Schedl), (Neopityophtltonts). Pityoplithonis 979 abyssinicus (Schedl), (Hoplitontiis), Xylocleptes . 547 Acacacis Lea 193 acuminatus Bright, Pseitdopityophthonis {=singularis) 976 acaciae (Blacknian), (Cn/ptocleptes), Brow^^e, Pityopiitlionis {=hintzi) . 1(K)2 Psnidothi/sanocs 412 acuminatits acuminatus Scliedl, (Poecilips), Coccotnjpcs acaciae (Eggers), {Cnjphalus). Hypothenemus . 906 (^salakensis) 611 acaciae (Lea), (Phloeophthonis) , Phloeotrihus .... 218 acuminatus Schedl, Cnemonyx 313 acaciae (Schedl), (Apoglostattis), Glostatus 835 acumitiatus Schedl, Cnesinus 205 acaciae (Schedl), (Hapcdogenim), RhopaJopscJion . 96 acuminatus Schedl, Hylocitnis {=dimorphus) .... 424 acaciae Schedl, Cryptocorcnus 902 acuminatus Schedl, Mimiocunis 949 acacicolens Wood, Chramesus 263 acxtminatus Schedl, Seolytoplatypus acacicolens Wood, Hylesinopsis 92 (=eichelbaumi) 402 acacicolens Wood, Pseudothysanoes 412 acuminatus Schedl. Xylebonts (=grossmanni) . 741 (ictinthodcs SchecW, Xyk'l>onis {=multispinatus) . 754 acuminatus Wood, Scolijtodes {=cecropiavorus) . 390 acanthopanaxi (Niisima), {CnjphaUis), Enioponis . 854 acus Wood, Amphicranus 1045 Acaiithophonis Sirohmeyer (=Pcnioplioriis) 202 acuteclavatus (Hagedom), {Chramesus), Acanthotomicus Blandford 478 Pseudoehnimesus 262 acanthurus (heaJATotniciis). Xylebonts 705 acutedentatus Schedl, Hyloeunis 422 At'fl/if/iun/.s Eichhoff (=D/rtHi<'n/.s) 194 acutieoniis Schedl. Xt/lehonis (=multispinatus) . 754 acanthus Schedl. Xijlebonis (=multispinatus) .... 754 acutipennis Eichhoff, Micracis 431 acantltns aeanthodes Schedl, Xylebonts acutus (Schedl), (Xylebonts), Webbia 829 {=multispinatus) 754 acutus Blacknian, Pityophthonts 979 acanthus actttieoniis Schedl, Xylebonts acutus Wood, Dendrocranulus 550 (=Tnultispinatus) 754 adamsoni Beeson, Xylebonts 705 acanthus tnimus Schedl, Xylebonts {Sched\). {Xylebonts).
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