Director: Fr. Luciano Guerra * Proprietor: Shrine of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima () * Quarterly publication * Year III * Nr. 11 * 2006/11/13 Penance! Penance! Penance! On October 13 we initiated the cause only love can give meaning to commemoration of the 90 years of human suffering. the Apparitions of Our Lady in Cova Our Lady, in the fi rst apparition, da Iria. Our theme will be the Mercy asked the three seers this question: of the Lord. “Do you want to offer yourselves to From the Mercy of the Lord to- God to accept all the sufferings He wards us we will take courage to also may want to send your way?” be merciful towards our brothers. In Being merciful towards the bro- that we will only succeed with sacri- thers who cause us suffering will be fi ces, at times heroic ones! the best way of uniting our lives to The main penance asked of us by the Cross of the Lord Jesus. For we the Angel and the Mother of the Lord thus complete, in our fl esh, according in Fátima is the sorrow of those God to the exhortation of St. Paul, what is calls us to understand, to pardon, to missing to His Passion (Col.1,24). heal the wounds: of revolt, of ingrati- If God wanted that the third part tude, of hate. of the Secret to be known only now, Rereading the third part of the Se- could it be because the men and wo- cret of Fátima, I wonder why God men of our time are better equipped permitted that that revelation was to understand it? If that is the case, let only made known on the threshold us then read again all that third part. of the third millennium. And why an And please let us pray that God may Angel with a fi ery sword in his hand. open our minds to its understanding. Why that triple warning with a men- The penance we practice in being acing tone: Penance! Penance! Pen- merciful and forgiving is like the ance! blood of the martyrs which runs down The cry of the Angel is certainly the Cross of Our Savior. Amidst the meant, fi rst of all, for Christians. For materialism – which the last the Christians of this XXI century. So have so much lamented –, amidst the that we take the redemptive initiative loneliness and hate born of them, our of penance. So that we accept the pen- penance will be as necessary as the ance the Lord sends our way, all of it blood of martyrs. In order “to water at the service of the commandment of the souls getting close to God”. love. Only love justifi es penance, be- Fr. Luciano Guerra Statutes of the Shrine of Fátima Approved

On September 13,2006, the Pontifi cal Conference, the three Portuguese Metro- “The welcome and the service rendered Congregation for the Clergy approved politan ( of , to the Catholic pilgrims constitute the the Statutes of the Shrine of Our Lady of of Braga and of Évo- principal purpose of the Shrine. The pil- Fátima/Portugal, which ‘by the express ra), the Bishop of -Fátima and the grimage is an important moment for evan- will of the ’, after addition- Rector of the Shrine of Fátima. gelizing and deepening the faith’, it is said al approval by the Portuguese Episcopal According to the document, “the main in the Statutes, which go on to say that, Conference, offi cially becomes a ‘national mission of the Shrine of Fátima is to wel- since members of non-Catholic Christian shrine’. come the pilgrims and propose to them Confessions show an ever-increasing in- The ‘National Council for the Shrine that they live the Message of Fátima. This terest in Fátima, the “Shrine thus becomes of Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima’, is a proposal of conversion, by means of an ecumenical point of encounter”, a rea- instituted by Pius XII, by Decree of the the Word of God and the Sacraments, spe- son why it should try to fi nd “the most Congregation of the Council dated July cially those of Reconciliation and Eucha- appropriate way to announce to these pil- 21,1958, was maintained.. According to it, rist, in order to lead men and women to grims the essential of the Message, from the members of the ‘National Council are: recognize and adore Holy God, One and the point of view of the place of Our Lady the President of the Portuguese Episcopal Triune”. in the History of Salvation”. 2 2006/11/13 Bishops from Portuguese-Speaking Countries meet in Fátima

From the 10th to the 14th of October, the Christian communi- VII Encounter of Presidents of the Episco- ties was an object of pal Conferences of the Portuguese-speaking utmost concern. The countries was held in Fátima. inter-religious dia- Fourteen prelates attended the Encounter: logue has intensifi ed in from Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Guinea- several countries and Bissau, Mozambique, Portugal, São Tomé has become a strategy and Príncipe, Macau and East-Timor. Their for pastoral and social participation in these meetings was a fi rst for intervention, capable Macau and São Tomé and Príncipe. of overcoming differ- Holy Father Benedict XVI associated ences and of awaken- himself to this Encounter with a message of ing in the citizens a affection and spiritual closeness, which was greater awareness of read by the Nuncio, who attended the opening and capacity for fi ght- These bishops, who stayed longer in Fatima after the closure session and presided over it. ing for their human, of the Meeting, visited the works of the Church of the Holy Also attending this encounter in Fátima social and religious Trinity, accompanied by the Rector of the Sanctuary were the Executive President of the Evangeli- rights”, say the bish- zation and Culture Foundation (Portugal) and ops in the statement the Episcopal Vicar in charge of the pastoral released at the end of the encounter. the Pilgrimage to Fátima. That was precisely ministry of Macau’s Portuguese-speaking On the morning of October 12, the partici- the motive why, last year in Mozambique, the community. pants traveled to Lisbon for an audience with bishops chose this date for holding in Portugal “The awareness that it is urgent to reen- the President of the Portuguese Republic. the VII Encounter of the Portuguese-speaking vangelize the believers, giving the family “The meeting (with the President) was held in Churches”, declare the bishops. new pastoral orientations and investing in a warm atmosphere and on October 12/13 the The VIII Encounter will be held in Macau, the education of catechist families for the delegates took part in the usual celebrations of from the 10th to the 14 of October 2008. Council of Episcopal Course on Today’s Importance Conferences of Europe of the Message of Fátima meets in Fátima In the month of October, in the Shrine of Fátima, a course on “Today’s Importance of the Message of Fátima” began, taught by the Rector of the Shrine, Msgr. Luciano Guerra, on October 2007 and for which more than 260 people signed up. It is a fact: the message of Fátima continues to attract people’s attention; in this case, educated people and people from the most diverse professions. From religious to factory workers we fi nd merchants and businessmen, hairdressers and hairstylists, journalists, truck drivers, carpenters, receptionists, lawyers, bankers, students and retired people, engineers, typographers, nurses, teachers, seamstresses – amongst other professions – who make part of the ‘students’ of the Rector. While most of the participants are from the central zone of Portugal, nearest to the Shrine, there are, however, four students who come purposely, dur- ing the week, from Galicia, Spain, to hear Msgr. Lu- ciano Guerra. Rector of the Shrine of Fátima since February 13,1973, Msgr. Luciano Guerra says that his greatest joy is ‘to study and to think’ and is of the opinion that Fátima has been chosen to host, between the participation in this course ‘can lead us to further the 4th and the 7th of October 2007, a meeting love Fátima’. of the Council of Episcopal Conferences of The Rector intends to study and invite to refl ect Europe, which congregates the hierarchies on what is the essential of Fátima. The course will of the of 34 countries. be divided into several chapters and runs to January The announcement was made on Octo- 4,2007, meeting on Thursdays, from 21h00 to 23h00. ber 14, in Fátima, by the President of the The apparitions, the signs, the seers and their family members, the religious and civil authorities, at the Portuguese Episcopal Conference, Arch- time of the apparitions and today, these will be some bishop Jorge Ortiga, at the conclusion of the of the topics. VII Encounter of the Portuguese-speaking Other topics meriting analysis are the phenom- Churches. enon of pilgrimage, the sites of the apparitions and This meeting of the Episcopal Confer- the images of Our Lady, of the Angel and of the Little ences of Europe will take place a few days Shepherds. before the closing ceremonies of the com- In the chapters ‘Spreading of the Message of Fáti- memorations of the 90 years of the Appari- ma throughout the World’ and ‘Today’s Importance of tions of Fátima and the inauguration of the the Message of Fátima’, the Rector intends to speak new Church of the Most Holy Trinity. on the more controversial topics. 2006/11/13 3 Hungarians Renovate in Fátima Consecration to Our Lady

On the morning of October 19, in the e Silva, joined the morning’s celebration. nism. We hope for the renewal of faith in Little Chapel of Apparitions, in the Shrine At the end of Mass Bishop António Hungary” – stated Fr. Kondor, a native of of Fátima, Catholics from Hungary con- Marto expressed his emotion: “It was a Hungary, who holds Hungarian, Austrian secrated their country to Our Lady. They moving experience. Although I don’t un- and Portuguese passports and resides in prayed for Hungary, for the world, for derstand Hungarian, I nevertheless cap- Fátima for the past 52 years. peace. tured the deep faith of a people who felt Fr. Kondor reminded us still that three Preceding the fi nal blessing at the end they were guided by the presence of Mary years ago Bishop Péter Erdo was in Fáti- of Mass, celebrated in Hungarian, the in the liberation of their country. It was ma, where he consecrated his diocese to Cardinal who presides over the Hungar- the fi rst time I took part in a celebration Our Lady. ian Episcopal Conference, His Eminence together with an East European people, to “Now, as president of the Episcopal Péter Erdo, addressed, in Italian, those whom the message of Fátima was particu- Conference, he decided to extend the con- who do not understand Hungarian: “Many larly addressed”, he said. secration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary thanks to all those present here who are not Upon their arrival in Portugal, the pil- to all the dioceses of the country, after from Hungary. A great solem- almost a whole year – since nity took place here for all the January of 2006 – dedicated to Catholics of Hungary, for the prayer and refl ection, towards whole Hungarian People. All the renewal of Hungary and as the bishops of Hungary concel- preparation for this entrustment ebrated with us the renovation of the country to Our Lady”. of the dedication of the Hun- Hungary claims to be a garian People to the Sacred ‘Marian Kingdom’, and has Heart of Mary. We are this way Our Lady as patroness. “It is celebrating the fi ftieth anniver- important to underline that sary of the 1956 revolution. Saint Stephen was the fi rst The Hungarian People built king in the entire world who, here the Stations of the Cross in 1038, offered up his own (inaugurated in 1964 in Valin- crown to Our Lady”, explains hos, Fátima), where everyday Fr. Kondor. He further added people from all nations come that this pilgrimage has the to pray. Let us all pray for same program as the one held the Hungarian Nation, for the on August 12/13, 1971, when world and for peace, through 650 Hungarian Catholics from the intercession of the Virgin throughout the world, in repre- Mary of Fátima”. sentation of their country, com- The Hungarian Nation was represented grims were welcomed by the secretary of memorated in Fátima the thousandth anni- in this celebration by two Cardinals, in- the Apostolic Nuncio and by the Ambassa- versary of the birth of St. Stephen. cluding Péter Cardinal Erdo, Archbishop dor of Hungary in Portugal. A representa- Another great event that united Fátima Primate of Esztergom-Budapest and presi- tive of the Portuguese Minister of Foreign to Hungary occurred in 1972 when Cardi- dent of Episcopal Conference, fi fteen bish- Affairs was also present to welcome them. nal Midszenty, at the time 80 years old and ops, eighty priests and several hundred lay Fr. Luís Kondor, Vice-Postulator for the Primate of Hungary, presided at the An- people. The group arrived in Fátima on Cause of Canonization of Francisco and niversary Pilgrimage of October 12/13. At October 17, accompanied by journalists of Jacinta Marto, left Fátima and went to Lis- that time, the pilgrims also walked the Way eight press organizations of Hungary. bon to also welcome the group. “Our Lady of the Cross all the way to the Hungarian The present Bishop of Leiria-Fátima, is our hope. Our Lady is the hope of Hun- Calvary and Chapel of St. Stephen, both Bishop António Marto, and the current gary. We hope for a true conversion of the built in Valinhos, Fátima, with donations Bishop Emeritus, Bishop Serafi m Ferreira country after 45 years of atheistic commu- from the Hungarian People.

Holy Father Blesses Image of Our Lady destined to an Italian parish A couple, Lorenzo and Assunta Foglia, Benedict XVI blessed and crowned the from Montore Inferiore/Italy, after return- image of the Virgin of Fátima. ing from a pilgrimage to Fátima, donated At the initiative of the Parish, the statue to the Parish of Maria SS. Del Carmine, visited the families. Groups gathered in in thanksgiving to the Virgin, an image of different districts of the city to recite the Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima they Rosary and to attend Mass. All ended with had bought. the consecration of the families to the Im- maculate Heart of Mary and the com- On the 19th of April the image was mitment to the devotion of the First Five brought to a General Audience in St. Saturdays of the month, as asked by the Peter´s, Rome, during a parish pilgrimage Virgin. led by the parish priest. Msgr. Donato De Mattia At the end of the Audience Holy Father Pastor in Montore Inferiore/Italy 4 2006/11/13 Congress ‘Figures of the Angel Revisited’

Organized by the Committee for the ful analysis, since it can just be a return to that kind of work. To that end, it didn’t 90 years of the Apparitions of Fátima, the irrational, which will always include limit itself to the Christian tradition regard- the international theological congress on violent elements, even if it is often hidden ing the angels, but tried to fi t it into today’s the ‘Figures of the Angel Revisited’ was under a peaceful appearance. culture, specially starting with sociological held in Fátima, from the 10th to the 12 of Therefore, if theology and the Church it- analyses and the study of several current October, and was attended by about 300 self, decades ago, could relegate this matter artistic manifestations. The participants in people. to lower priority – since it was not upper- this congress manifested enthusiasm for Afterwards, the conclusions, written up most in people’s minds, except in certain the refl ective and pragmatic potential that by the president of the Scientifi c Commit- circles of popular religiosity –, at this time a topic like this may contain for the pres- tee, Prof. João Duque, from the School of they can’t ignore the subject. Moreover, ent time. They think they donated, with Theology of the Portuguese Catholic Uni- given the complexity and even confusion the studies presented here and others to be versity, were presented. of the current practices related to angels done in the future, a humble but important “The reference by human beings to – and devils - , we face a hard challenge in contribution to the critical interpretation of angelic fi gures is not new nor is it some- what pertains to its clarifi cation. our social life, both in Portugal and abroad. thing specifi cally Christian. Practically Therefore, 90 years after the apparitions The minutes, to be published in book form, all cultures and, specifi cally, all religions of the Angel in Fátima, the topic of angels could become a text of reference for those mention something like that. Judaism and seems to be more alive than ever, and not seeking to understand this subject matter”. themselves got from those cul- only nor perhaps mainly in Fátima. Since tures and religions inspiration to accept, in Fátima doesn’t intend their midst, the idea of angels as heavenly to look at itself, but beings, who dwell next to God and be- rather at the women come messengers to humans, be it carrying and the men that pop- words of God Himself, be it by just making ulate our world and themselves present, as spiritual beings who to whom the mes- adore God or as protectors of individuals sage given here is ad- or nations. dressed, the Rectory In the history of Western civilization, of this Shrine decided we come across a particular cultural phase, to challenge scien- which we usually call modernity and which tists, thinkers, theo- tried to reduce our world to the dimension logians and artists, of what can be seen and explained, thus besides all those also pretending to end all references to God interested, to embark and, by extension, to angels. Paradoxically, in the adventure of these past years, we have noticed that, al- rethinking the an- though we are still under the effects of that gelic fi gures and their On the occasion of the congress “Figures of the Angel Re-Visited” modernity, the interest by people, specially enigmas. two exhibitions about the Angels have been inaugurated. The photo, the young, for angelic fi gures has greatly The idea of this above, shows one of the winning entries of the national contest, pro- increased. It is obvious that this return of congress was to sug- moted by the Sanctuary, which can be seen at the Exhibition “Loving the angels to our cultural imaginary world gest some ideas in and Sublime Presence” at the Paul VI Center until the 7th of January presents many facets and demands a care- order to accomplish 2007. This is the work done by Sandra Isabel Mota. May 2007 Pray, Pray a Lot International Congress From amongst the initiatives promoted for the celebration of the 90 years of the Appari- tions of Fátima, whose purpose is to offer to all pilgrims special times of prayer and medita- on the Most Holy Trinity tion on the merciful love of God the Father, six retreats stand out. They will be held in the House of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, in the Shrine of Fátima. one every month until April of th th From the 9 to the 12 of May 2007, just be- next year, always scheduled around the date of the pilgrimage of the month. fore the anniversary pilgrimage commemora- “Cova da Iria holds something that touches us, attracts us and invites us to recollection. tive of the 90 years of the fi rst apparition of Our On arriving here one feels attracted to keep quiet and to say: ‘Speak, Lord: your servant is Lady in Fátima, an international theological listening’. Or to ask Mary: ‘Blessed Mother, what do You want from me?’ But today people congress will be held in the Shrine of Fátima, turn their glance towards the world outside of them, live dissipated lives. (...) Some enter the this time on “Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son, Shrine talking to each other, as if they had arrived to the esplanade of some beach; talking on and Holy Spirit...” the cell phone or wandering all over the place. They may be few, but enough to disturb the Presiding over the Scientifi c Committee will silence and the prayer of many who come here to pray. Thus the prayer, which is the greatest be Mr. Noronha Galvão; the other members of treasure of this place, runs the risk of being lost. One of the greatest challenges for those in the committee will be Fr. João Beato, Mr. José charge of the Shrine is to keep the atmosphere conducive to prayer and meditation. It is an Rosa and Fr. Armindo Janeiro. urgent task, lest the noise waves take over the place!”, declared Fr. Santos José, from ‘Mary Mother of Hope Foundation’, the spiritual director of the fi rst retreat, held from the 9th to the Within the study of the Most Holy Trinity th there will be some specifi c approaches: ‘Reve- 12 of November. The Shrine has also organized six vigils, which will always start in the Little Chapel of Ap- lation and Doxology’, ‘Source of love, light and paritions, during the nights of 12/13 of the month, between November 2006 and April 2007. life’ and ‘Believe so that you may understand’. “It will be a time, as Sr. Lucy would say, to sing and taste the secrets of the love of God. The program is available in www.santuario. We invite all Christians to celebrate the great mercy of the Lord”, say the Rector of the Shrine pt, or you may request it from the Secretariat of and Fr. Armindo Janeiro of the Organizing Committee for the program of the 90 years of the the 90 years of the Apparitions of Fátima (con- Apparitions. tact the Shrine of Fátima). 2006/11/13 5

ANNIVERSARY PILGRIMAGES OF AUGUST, SEPTEMBER AND OCTOBER 2006 and Byzantine Rites United during the August Pilgrimage About 120,000 pilgrims attended the main system. In those regions appeared then other Humanly speaking, it looks impossible, Mass of the International Anniversary Pil- heads of the evil serpent... The bankruptcy despite all the efforts spent by Govern- grimage of August 13. Bishop Dennis Lacho- of the soviet system generated new struc- ments and Society, by the Church and its vicz, the representative of the Greco-Catholic tures of death. (...). charitable organizations”, declared Bishop Church in charge of the Ukrainian Commu- How is one to solve the great problems Lachovicz. nities Abroad, presided over the Pilgrimage. of an immigration that re- He was in Fátima as delegate of His Emi- sulted from an unjust and nence Lubomyr Cardinal Husar, Patriarch of criminal system? How the Greco-Catholic Church of Ukraine, who does one recuperate the was unable to preside over the Pilgrimage for meaning of life, family, health reasons. The Mass was celebrated ac- chastity, purity, in a con- cording to the Latin and Eastern Rites. text saturated with sor- During the homily, Bishop Lachovicz row, separation and very talked about the causes of migration and strong temptations of in- some problems facing the immigrant com- fi delity? Is it possible to munities, specially those from Eastern Eu- be honest in a world of ropean countries. “When the walls fell and lies and exploitation? Is the iron curtains were torn down, the entire it still possible to live a world realized the evil perpetrated by the culture of life within the soviet system on people and on society, not context of the culture of to mention the total failure of its economic death? The World Needs to be Faithful Our Lady of Fátima accompanies to the Love of Mary Holy Father to Turkey “Thou shall not commit adultery”. This was the theme of the International Anniversary Pilgrimage of September in the Shrine of Fátima. Bishop Ilídio Leandro, of Viseu/Portugal, ordained bishop last July 13, presided over the Pilgrimage. On the 13th, the Bishop of Viseu, speaking to the pilgrims, em- phasized that the world needs the beautiful love that we get from Mary. How everything would be different if the world read and understood history under the light of the Beautiful Love taught by its Mother... Certainly it would not worry so much about needles or about having them exchanged or about injection rooms...but, rather, about people’s life and health and about the needed solutions for At the opening of the International Anniversary Pilgrimage of October, concrete problems... Certainly not so much about the death of ter- 2006, on October 12, Bishop António dos Santos Marto, Bishop of Leiria- rorists, giving continuation to the work begun, immortalizing the Fátima, presiding over this pilgrimage, declared that “To peregrinate to black points in history, but rather about the millions and millions of Fátima is to peregrinate to the regenerating springs of life. The spiritual life victims suffering the consequences... Certainly not so much about mirrors the life of a musician: one needs to make the notes inspire one’s body, one needs to free the spirit, to practice listening, to exercise the art of silence condoms and safe sex, but rather about truth, responsibility and the without which no note may reveal itself”. formation of a good conscience, so one can appreciate the beauty In form of prayer, Bishop António Marto asked Our Lady to accompany of love and life... Certainly not so much about making divorce an the Holy Father in his apostolic trip to Turkey, at the invitation of the President easy thing, but rather about defending the couple, the family... If the of Turkey, to be made on November 28 through December 1: “Our Lady, Mother of Mercy, Our Heavenly Patroness, look at us pilgrims, in this great world read and under- struggle in history and accompany us with Your intercession. Accompany stood history, the me- Benedict XVI in his ministry and particularly in his pilgrimage to Tur- dia would not fi ll up key. Make us always feel the love of the Eternal Father. Strengthen our hearts its pages or its hours in the Faith and fi ll them with the Hope that doesn’t disappoint. Amen!” with existing prob- About one hundred forty pilgrims took part in the Mass of October 13, which was presided over by Bishop António Marto and concelebrated by 430 lems; but it would, priests, 51 bishops and 2 cardinals: Geraldo Cardinal Majella Agnelo and José rather, try to fi nd, Cardinal Policarpo. About thirty-four thousand pilgrims received Holy Com- see and show to the munion during this Mass commemorative of the 89 years of the last apparition world the solutions of Our Lady in Fátima. The theme of this year’s pilgrimage was: “I don’t condemn you either; go and don’t sin again”. and the people seek- According to information received from the Association of Servites of ing and living them, Our Lady of Fátima, 340 people were admitted for the Blessing of the Sick, loving and commit- held during the Mass of October 13; from the 11th to the 13th of October, 330 ting themselves to pilgrims were received in the First-Aid Station of the Shrine of Fátima. To take part in this pilgrimage, 356 pilgrims walked all the way to Cova da Iria them...”, stated Bish- and were received in the ‘Foot-Washing’ Station. 1,781 people honored their op Leandro. promises and 3,347 received the sacrament of Reconciliation. 6 2006/11/13 Sanctuaries of Our Lady of Fatima CANADA, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA AND MEXICO

In the Newsletter “Fatima Light and Peace”, dated August 13, 2006, we showed a short list of places of worship considered as Sanctuaries in the Asian continent. Now we present to you a list of 36 sanctuaries in Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico at our Service of Studies and Diffusion (SESDI) We are not sure if the list is complet and we do not have the complete address of all the sanctuaries. We request those who are responsible of these sanctuaries and all readers of this Newsletter the favour to complete these datas. According to the Code of Canon Law, can. 1230, Sanctuaries are “churches or others sacred places where the faithful, for pious motives, go on pilgrimage, in great numbers, with the approval of the Ordinary (Bishop) of those places.”

Country Diocese Locality Name Canadá Kamloops Cache Creek Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine Centre Canadá Nicolet Warwick Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima Canadá Saint - Hyacinthe Girouard Ouest Sanctuaire de Fatima Canadá Saint John’s Newfoundland St. John’s Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima Canadá Sainte-anne La Pocatière Sanctuaire de Notre-Dame de Fatima Canadá Victoria Victoria Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Birmingham Cullman, AL Our Lady of Fatima Shrine (representação em miniatura do Santuário de Fátima) EUA Boston Brigton, MA Shrine Our Lady of Fatima EUA Boston Holliston, MA Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Bufalo Lewiston, NY Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Covington Brooksville, FL Shrine of Our Lady of The Rosary of Fatima EUA Evansville Ferdinand, IN Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Fresno Laton, CA Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima EUA Honolulu Maui - Hawai Island Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Kansas city Kansas City, MO Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima EUA Metuchen Washington, WA National Blue Army Shrine of The Immaculate Heart of Mary EUA Milwaukee Milwaukee, WI Shrine Our Lady of Fatima EUA New orleans Metairie, Jefferson, LA Shrine of Our Lady of The Holy Rosary of Fatima EUA New orleans New Orleans, LA Shrine Our Lady of Fatima EUA New york New York City, NY Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima EUA New york Yonkers, NY Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima EUA Oklahoma Bison, OK Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Philadelphia Torresdale, PA Shrine Our Lady of Fatima EUA Providence West Providence, PA Shrine Our Lady of Fatima EUA Rochester Rochester, NY Shrine Our Lady of the Rosary EUA San bernardino Lake Arrowhead, CA Fatima Shrine EUA Sioux falls Alexandria, SD Fatima-Family Shrine EUA Sioux falls Redfi eld, SD Sorrow and Immaculate Heart of Mary Shrine EUA Springfi eld - Cape Girardeau Carthage, MO Shrine of Immaculate Heart of Mary EUA St. Paul Coon Rapids, MN Fatima Shrine of The Epiphany EUA Steubenville Ironton, OH Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Toledo Lima, OH Our Lady of Fatima Shrine EUA Washington Barnesville, MD St. Mary Church and Shrine of Our Lady of Fatima México Hermosillo Hermosilla Parroquia-Santuario N. S.ª de Fatima México Monterrey Colonia del Valle Santuario Diocesano de Nuestra Señora de Fatima México Zacatecas Zacatecas Santuario-Parroquia N. S. de Fátima

Serviço de Estudos e Difusão (SESDI) do Santuário de Fátima [email protected]

The editor of “Fatima Light and Peace” wishes you a Blessed and Holy Christmas, in the light of the Child Jesus. 2006/11/13 7 Two Hugs from Argentina

The fl ag shown here was donated to Our Lady of Fátima by “It is with joy that the children of the Parish Community of the Most Holy Trinity, I send to Fátima Luz to which the small Chapel of Our Lady of Fátima in Villa Maria, e Paz a picture of six- Córdoba/Argentina belongs. teen children who made The boys and girls who donated to Our Lady this fl ag made by their First Communion them live in a poor suburb of the city of Villa Maria and attend on October 15,2006, in catechesis and receive help with their school work at the Chapel the Chapel of Our Lady of Our Lady of Fátima. At the end of these activities, they are of Fátima in Bocayuva, offered a light meal. small town in the district “We recom- of Pellegrini, Argentina. We celebrated the mend our broth- feast of the Virgin on a ers to Our Mother beautiful day, with Pro- of Fátima, asking cession and Mass, fol- Her to intercede lowed by the traditional next to the Lord ‘chocolate’ in honor of the First Communion children and their Jesus for one and families. all”, one reads in Pictured with the children are: the catechist, who is also the the letter accom- person in charge of the Chapel, Mrs. Nélida, and the priest writ- panying the fl ag ing this message. donated to the Bocayuva is situated 12 kilometers from the city of Pellegrini, Shrine of Fátima which has Our Lady of Mount Carmel as its Patroness. during the month of September. Fr. Juan Carlos Maturana, pastor Good News from Italy On February 24, a crown of pearls, acquired in Fátima on the The largest Italian day of the translation of the cruise liner – 290 meter mortal remains of Sister Lucy long, 52 meter high and to the Basilica of the Shrine of Fátima (February 19,2006), with capacity for 3700 was donated and placed on passengers – has an im- the image of Our Lady, in the age of Our Lady of Fáti- Parish of San Donato, Liviz- ma at the entrance of the zano, Italy. chapel. The ceremony in San Do- and inau- nato was very beautiful, rich guration of the ‘Costa of emotion, with approxi- mately one hundred faithful Concordia’ took place taking part in it. in early July of this year, Our Heavenly Mother is, in Civitavechia/Rome, for sure, pleased with this gift; in the presence of Msgr. and we here in San Donato, Stephen Fumio Hamao, together with Fr. Maria Bo- president of the Pontifi - reti, want to salute and thank cal Council for the pasto- Her”. Alexandra Bimbi, ral care of Migrants and San Donato, Italy Itinerants. I Owe My Vocation to Our Lady of Fátima Fátima – Light and Peace “I was born in an island called Santa Maria my youth; people would return home, in groups, Director: Mgr. Luciano Guerra (Portugal). I’m proud of that. When someone singing, on the way, the songs of Fátima. (...) Proprietor, Publisher and Editor: Shrine of asks me where I am from, I say that I am from I recognize that I owe my vocation to Our Our Lady of the Rosary of Fátima the and immediately add ‘from the Island Lady of Fátima, when Her pilgrim image visited Social Security nr. 500 746 699 of Santa Maria’. I fi nd it to be a beautiful name my island in 1948 (July 5); I was then six years Address: Santuário de Fátima – Apartado 31 – and an honor to be from Santa Maria. I try to old. 2496-908 FÁTIMA (Portugal) * Telf.: transmit the idea that I am not only from Santa I fi nd it also interesting that I celebrated my +351.249.539.600 * Fax: +351.249.539.668 * E.mail: Maria, but also of Santa Maria, of Our Lady. First Mass, in the presence of my mother and the [email protected] – I lived my infancy in an atmosphere pro- whole family, on July 5,1970, precisely 22 years Printing: Gráfi ca Almondina foundly Marian. (...) Every night the whole fam- after that fatidic 5th of July,1948. On a 5th of July Address: Torres Novas ily gathered for the prayer of the Rosary, even my earthly mother had presented me, a child, to Legal Deposit: 210 650/04 when some of us were ready to fall asleep. There my Heavenly Mother and on a 5th of July My Registration: ICS 124521 were problems and faults, but Sunday Mass and Heavenly Mother would present me, a priest, to Annual subscription: € € the Rosary were sacred. The month of May with my earthly mother!” Portugal: 5 – Abroad: 10 the recitation of the Rosary in the Church marked Fr. João Chaves, Rome 8 2006/11/13 From Fátima, a prayer for peace in the Middle East

At the end of the afternoon of tory of our Salvation took place”. August 12, in the Little Chapel “Our weapons are different from of Apparitions, during the offi cial the weapons of the powerful, ours opening of the Pilgrimage of Au- are called prayer”, a universal force gust 12/13, dedicated to the migrant which turns into “a cry for peace”. and the refugee, the Bishop of Lei- Bishop António Marto had al- ria-Fátima asked all Christians to ready made reference to the current pray for peace in the Middle East. war scenario in the press confer- “The world lives under a cloud ence held in the Shrine that after- of possible deadly war, a war that, noon. as Our Lady said here in Fátima, On that occasion the Bishop is similar to Hell. How many hells showed his solidarity with all those will men be able to set ablaze? (...) who suffer due to the confl ict in To the waves of war we must reply the Middle East, in an international with waves of mercy; therefore, we scenario which – he said – “cannot want to make this pilgrimage with leave us indifferent”. that intention in mind (peace)”, de- “In union with the Holy Father clared Bishop António Marto, who and the whole world”, Bishop An- asked all Christians to pray “for a tónio Marto asked “for an immedi- cease-fi re in the land where the his- ate ceasefi re”.

Prayer for Life in Fátima

On October 8, the World Apostolate movement and to Fátima attended, the man life and issued a strong call for of Fátima promoted, for the second most important being Msgr. Karl Jo- the fearless promotion of the culture consecutive time, the World Day of sef Romer, secretary of the Pontifi cal of life, using, to that end, the power of Prayer for Human Life. On that day Council for the Family. prayer and sacrifi ce as a way of con- Catholics and members of other reli- The congress welcomed about fi ve version and reparation. gions prayed together for respect for hundred people from more than 35 human life, thus creating a world chain countries and brought to Fátima a pro- Nuno Prazeres and Ana Reis, of prayer. Thousands of prayers were found refl ection on the attacks on hu- World Apostolate of Fátima registered on the international site of the World Apostolate of Fátima. From all over the world, specially from several centers of the Apostolate, news on the extraordinary response to this call to prayer for life and for peace in the world kept coming in. In the Shrine of Fátima, thousands of people attended Mass and entrusted to Mary, Mother of Life, all the inten- tions related to the defense of life from conception to natural death. Also as preparation for this Day, an International Congress of Prayer for Life was held in Fátima, from the 4th through the 8th of October. Impor- tant names connected to the pro-life