EXTENDED CASE STUDY: Fungal surveys of two sites in Nidderdale AONB

Peter Duffy, Mid Yorkshire Group

Introduction The Mid Yorkshire Fungus Group (MYFG) visits various sites in Yorkshire for the purposes of finding, identifying and recording fungi. Two in particular, Swinsty Reservoir and Fountains Abbey, have been visited regularly over a period in excess of 10 years. In this extended case study MYFG presents a summary of our fungal finds and records for the two sites in the Nidderdale AONB as a contribution to The Wild Watch Project.


Fountains Abbey Fountains Abbey and Studley Royal (FASR) was purchased by the National Trust from North Yorkshire County Council in 1983. The Abbey is one of the most famous and spectacular Cistercian ruins in Europe, and its adjunct, Studley Royal Park, with its exquisite landscaping and water features, is hardly less renowned. The site was designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1986. MYFG have been visiting Fountains Abbey at least once a year, usually during October, since 2009. We usually meet at the Lakeside car park and enter via the rear gate; we then follow the same route each year, turning left towards the bridge over the lake, crossing the bridge, and then up through the tunnel and along the High Ride. We then make our way back along the lakeside path, and up towards the Banqueting House, and finally back out the way we came. From a mycological point of view, the route offers a wide variety of habitats and substrates, including both coniferous and broadleaf woodland, and (mostly improved) grassland. The High Ride in particular produces a rich crop of different species - although over the last few years, it has not been as fruitful as previously. This may have been due to a number of exceptionally dry summers, and possibly climate change; there also appears to have been some ground and drainage works done in the area, which also may have affected the fungi. The area in front of the Banqueting House also regularly produces interesting finds - one of the most spectacular is the "big blue pinkgill" (Entoloma bloxamii), which is exceptionally rare: we have found this on at least three occasions at this site.


Microglossum olivaceum (the "Olive earthtongue") Ossicaulis lignatilis (the "Mealy oyster")

Fairy ring of Clitocybe geotropa (the "Trooping funnel") Entoloma bloxamii (the "Big blue pinkgill")

Swinsty Reservoir Swinsty is one of the group of several large reservoirs in the Washburn valley which supply the water needs for large areas of Yorkshire. The reservoir is surrounded by woodlands, and a path which enables circular walks around the entire reservoir. The site is extremely large and offers a wide variety of potential habitats for fungi; there are extensive areas of woodland, mostly coniferous, and there are several areas of minimally- improved grassland, which often produce interesting finds. MYFG have been visiting the site since 2008, originally once a year in the autumn; over the last few years, further visits have been introduced at other times of the year. We usually assemble in the car park to the south of the main dam between Fewston reservoir and Swinsty, and then follow a route up through the woods to the south of the car park, making our way anticlockwise towards the bottom dam. We then cross the dam and explore the tree-clustered lawn to the north of Swinsty Cottage (this regularly produces interesting finds, including the uncommon Copper Spike (Chroogomphus rutilus) and the even scarcer and more spectacular Golden Bootleg (Phaeolepiota aurea)). We also explore the area of grassland to the south of the dam - this often produces large fruitings of "waxcaps", including the most photogenic of fungi, the Pink Waxcap or Ballerina (Hygrocybe calyptriformis: this was formerly on the Red Data list, but was found to be somewhat less rare than was feared). We then

2 return across the dam and via the track past Swinsty Hall to the car park.

Chroogomphus rutilus (the "Copper spike") Lacrymaria lacrymabunda (the "Weeping widow")

Mycena arcangeliana (the "Angels' bonnet") Cordyceps militaris (the "Scarlet caterpillar fungus")


Phaeolepiota aurea (the "Golden bootleg") Oudemansiella mucida (the "Porcelain fungus")

Hygrocybe calyptriformis (the "Pink waxcap" or "Ballerina") Hygrocybe calyptriformis (the "Pink waxcap" or "Ballerina")

Phallus impudicus (the "Stinkhorn"), covered with feeding flies


Notes and Caveats The fungal data provided for these two sites (see Annex 2) are summaries of the fungi found, identified and recorded by MYFG members at these sites during visits over several years. They should not be viewed as definitive or exhaustive surveys of all the fungi occurring at these sites.

Within the natural sciences, poses problems which are virtually unique. The body of a fungus almost always consists a network of fine threads (mycelium) embedded in the substrate, usually soil or organic matter (either living or dead) and a single sample of mycelium would contain many fungal species, interwoven. It is normally impossible to identify a fungus from the mycelium (except, to some extent, by using DNA techniques). The part of the fungus which emerges from the substrate and becomes visible is the reproductive structure (fruit-body), and it is from this alone that identification has to be attempted (a very rough analogy would be trying to identify a plant solely from its flower and seed, or a bird from its reproductive organs and eggs).

In some cases (for example, wood-decomposing fungi) the fruit-bodies can be quite solid and long-lasting, and visible for months or even years. Usually, however, the fruiting structures are fragile and last only a few days at the most. They are easily affected by adverse weather conditions, readily drying out or becoming waterlogged, in which case the texture and colours may vary significantly from good, fresh specimens. Fungi have remarkably sophisticated ways of sensing environmental and weather conditions, and will tend to fruit only when conditions are favourable - so even if a fungus has been recorded as fruiting at a particular spot on a particular date, it may not do so at the same date and time in future, and this may lead to it not being recorded for a particular year.

All this makes the task of the mycologist extremely challenging. In a few cases, a fruit-body has enough striking and unique characteristics to allow identification to species with 100% certainty in the field. More usually, a specimen has to be taken home and examined, with the aid of chemical reagents, microscopes and large piles of textbooks - to say nothing of endless reserves of patience and persistence. In the case of difficult genera, it is not unusual to spend several days on a single specimen (and even then, it may not be possible to achieve an identification down to species). (It is well known in mycological circles that a fungus which is classed as rare in the textbooks may actually just be very difficult to identify - or so insignificant that it gets overlooked.)

The process by which MYFG identify and record finds is as follows. After a specimen is found, an attempt is made to identify it. In some cases, this may be possible in the field; in most cases, it will be necessary for someone to take the specimen home and work on it (if plenty of material is available, several members may do this, and compare notes later, often via email). Hopefully, an identification will eventually be made (although this is not guaranteed: every foray inevitably produces specimens which can only be identified to genus, or not identified at all). If possible, confirmation of the identification will be sought from another member (or in the case of rare or obscure species, we may consult one of the experts in the British Mycological Society). The genus and species, together with the location, habitat and substrate, and the names of the finder, identifier and confirmer, are then forwarded to the group's recorder, who will then upload records to the national fungal databases.

Variations in the number of records for a particular foray should not be taken as indicating that fungi previously recorded are no longer extant. Low record counts may be due to adverse weather conditions, or disturbance of the site. An unusual distribution of records may also relate to the mix of members who turn up on the day. Some of our members specialise in particular groups and types of fungi, so if they participate in a foray, the results are likely to reflect their chosen field.

During recent decades, DNA-based research has gradually assumed prominence in mycological research, particularly to separate species within genera which cause problems for conventional identification, because

5 the different species are visually very similar to each other. One unexpected development of this research has been the realisation that some species have been assigned to the "wrong" genus, leading to the species being moved to a new genus and renamed. More information on common species that have been renamed and which may be useful for reviewing the site summaries is included in Annex 1.

Conclusions It is difficult to derive any general conclusions or trends from the data presented in this report. Our records for Fountains Abbey and Swinsty reservoir tend to reflect the general distribution of woodland and grassland fungi which might be expected at such sites. Recently, there have been several exceptionally dry summers and autumns, and at the forays at Fountains and Swinsty during those years, it was noted that several fungi previously recorded at the sites did not put in an appearance. However, this could simply mean that the fungi happened not to be fruiting on the dates that we visited the sites - it does not necessarily mean that the underlying organisms had expired.

The effect of climate change and global warming on fungi is the subject of much research, but few conclusions have as yet been reached. Fungi are great opportunists, and it has been noted in recent years that a number of species previously confined to southern Europe have appeared in the UK. One effect which we ourselves have noticed is a tendency for the fruiting season to extend: fungi which previously would only be expected to fruit in September to November often now seem to appear much earlier or later.

The Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group (MYFG) The Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group was formed in 1993 as a result of an initiative by the British Mycological Society to encourage local mycologists to try to organise enthusiasts into more formal groups, which it was hoped would attract more people to the study of their local fungi. Since then, the group has built up a thriving membership and a large database of fungal records; each year, it runs a series of forays at sites in Yorkshire and indoor meetings at which finds are discussed.

For more information about MYFG, please see the website at: http://www.myfg.org.uk

The data and text in this report are copyright © by the Mid-Yorkshire Fungus Group, 2020. The photographs are copyright © by Peter Duffy, 2020. Both text and photographs may be reproduced as required, provided that the above attributions are retained.


Annex 1 - Renaming of species During recent decades, DNA-based research has gradually assumed prominence in mycological research, particularly to separate species within genera which cause problems for conventional identification, because the different species are visually very similar to each other. One unexpected development of this research has been the realisation that some species have been assigned to the "wrong" genus, leading to the species being moved to a new genus and renamed (it is not unknown for this process to happen several times, as research progresses). This does cause issues for field mycologists: the endless requirement of memorising new names for familiar fungi is an unwelcome and irksome chore. In our records, MYFG members strive to use the most recent names; however, the renaming process is continuous, so some of the names used in records may not be the latest ones. The following list gives a selection of common species which have been recently re-named, together with the previous names: this may be useful when browsing the summaries:

Current name Previous name(s) Chlorophyllum rhacodes Lepiota rhacodes; Macrolepiota rhacodes Gymnopus confluens Collybia confluens Gymnopus peronatus Collybia peronata Parasola plicatilis Coprinus plicatilis butyracea Collybia butyracea Rhodocollybia maculata Collybia maculata Xerocomus badius Boletus badius Xerocomus chrysenteron Boletus chrysenteron



Annex 2 – Site Summaries

Fountains Abbey

Fountains Abbey - summary by species and foray

-09-27 -09-13 -10-10 -10-16 -09-29 -09-28 -10-04 -11-16 -10-09 -10-15 -10-14 -10-06 12-10-14

Genus Species English name 2008 2009 2010 2011 20 2013 2014 2015 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total Abortiporus biennis Blushing rosette y 1 Agaricus arvensis Horse y y y 3 Agaricus campestris Field mushroom y 1 Agaricus silvaticus Scaly wood mushroom y y y y 4 Agaricus silvicola Wood mushroom y y 2 Agrocybe erebia Dark fieldcap y y 2 Agrocybe rivulosa Wrinkled fieldcap y y y 3 Amanita citrina False deathcap y y 2 Amanita phalloides Death cap y y 2 Amanita rubescens Blusher y 1 Amanita virosa Destroying angel y 1 Amylostereum laevigatum Yew duster y y 2 Armillaria gallica Bulbous honey fungus y 1 Armillaria mellea Honey fungus y y y y y y y 7 Armillaria ostoyae Dark honey fungus y y 2 Auricularia auricula-judae Jelly ear y y y y y y y 7 Bisporella citrina Lemon disco y y 2 Bjerkandera adusta Smoky bracket y y y y y y 6 Bolbitius titubans Yellow fieldcap y y y 3 Boletus radicans Rooting bolete y y 2 Botryobasidium subcoronatum (no current English name) y 1 Bulgaria inquinans Black bulgar y y 2 Butyriboletus appendiculatus Butter bolete y 1 Calocera cornea Small stagshorn y 1 Calocera viscosa Yellow stagshorn y y y 3 Cantharellus cibarius Chanterelle y 1 9

Ceratiomyxa fruticulosa (no current English name) y 1 Chlorophyllum rhacodes Shaggy parasol y y y y y 5 Chondrostereum purpureum Silverleaf fungus; violet crust y 1 Clavaria fragilis White spindles y 1 Clavaria fumosa Smoky spindles y 1 Claviceps purpurea Ergot y 1 Clavulina cristata White coral fungus y 1 Clavulinopsis corniculata Meadow coral y 1 Clavulinopsis fusiformis Golden spindles y y 2 Clavulinopsis helvola Yellow club y y 2 Clavulinopsis luteoalba Apricot club y 1 Clitocybe fragrans Fragrant funnel y 1 Clitocybe geotropa Trooping funnel y y y y y y 6 Clitocybe gibba Common funnel y 1 Clitocybe nebularis Clouded funnel y y y y y y y y 8 Clitopilus prunulus Miller y y y y y y 6 Coniophora arida Dry duster y 1 Coniophora puteana Wet rot y y 2 Conocybe apala Milky conecap y 1 Conocybe aporos White dunce cap y 1 Conocybe arrhenii Ringed conecap y y 2 Conocybe tenera Brown bell cap y 1 Coprinellus disseminatus Fairy inkcap y y y y y y 6 Coprinus atramentarius Common ink cap y y y y y 5 Coprinus comatus Shaggy ink cap y y y y y y y 7 Coprinus domesticus Firerug inkcap y 1 Coprinus lagopus Harefoot ink cap y y 2 Coprinus micaceus Glistening ink cap y y y y y y y y y 9 Coprinus sylvaticus (no current English name) y 1 Cortinarius acutus Peaked webcap y 1 Cortinarius amoenolens Blueleg webcap y 1 Cortinarius elatior Tall webcap y 1 Cortinarius semisanguineus Surprise webcap y 1 Craterellus cornucopioides Horn of plenty y 1 Crepidotus cesatii Roundspored oysterling y 1 Crepidotus cesatii var subsphaerosporus (no current English name) y 1


Crepidotus epibryus Grass oysterling y 1 Crepidotus mollis Peeling oysterling y 1 Cristinia eichleri Dentists bane y 1 Crucibulum laeve Common birds nest y 1 Dacrymyces stillatus Common jellyspot y 1 Daedalopsis confragosa Blushing bracket y y 2 Datronia mollis Common mazegill y 1 Dermoloma cuneifolium Crazed cap y y 2 Diatrype disciformis barkspot y y 2 Echinoderma aspera Freckled dapperling y y y y y y y 6 Entoloma bloxamii Bloxam's entoloma or big blue pinkgill y y 2 Entoloma incanum Mouse-pee pinkgill y 1 Erythricium laetum (no current English name) y 1 Exidia nucleata Crystal brain y 1 Fistulina hepatica Beefsteak fungus y y y y 4 Flammulina velutipes Velvet shank y 1 Fuligo septica var. flava Dog vomit slime mould y y 2 Fuscosporia ferruginosa Rusty porecrust y 1 Galerina mniophila (no current English name) y 1 Ganoderma applanatum Artists' bracket y y y 3 Ganoderma australe Southern bracket y y y 3 Geopora arenicola (no current English name) y 1 Gloiothele lactescens (no current English name) y 1 Gymnopilus penetrans Common rustgill y y y 3 Gymnopus confluens Clustered toughshank y y y y y y y 7 Gymnopus dryophilus Russet tough-shank y 1 Gymnopus fusipes Spindleshank y 1 Gymnopus peronatus Wood woollyfoot y y y y 4 Hebeloma crustiliniforme Poison-pie y y y y y y y y y 9 Hebeloma leucosarx Pale poisonpie y 1 Hebeloma pallidoluctosum (no current English name) y 1 Hebeloma sinapizans Bitter poisonpie y y y y y 5 Helvella crispa Elfin saddle y y y y y y y 7 mairei Fanvault bonnet y 1 Hericium cirrhatum Tiered tooth y 1 Heterobasidion annosum Annosum root rot y y 2


Hydnum repandum Wood hedgehog y y y 3 Hydnum rufescens Terracotta hedgehog y 1 Hygrocybe coccinea Scarlet waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe conica Blackening waxcap y y y 3 Hygrocybe conica var chloroides (no current English name) y 1 Hygrocybe nigrescens Blackening waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe pratensis Meadow waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe virginea Snowy waxcap y y y y y 5 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca False chanterelle y y 2 Hygrophorus discoxanthus Yellowing woodwax y y 2 Hygrophorus eburneus Ivory woodwax; mandarin woodwax y y y y y y y y y y y 11 Hymenochaete rubiginosa Oak curtain crust y 1 Hymenoscyphus fructigenus Nut disco y 1 Hymenoscyphus salicellus (no current English name) y 1 Hyphodontia alutaria (no current English name) y 1 Hyphodontia sambuci Elder whitewash y y y y 4 Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur tuft y y y y y y y y y y 10 Hypholoma marginatum Snakeskin brownie y 1 Hypomyces chrysospermus Bolete eater y 1 Hypoxylon fragiforme Beech woodwart y y 2 Inocybe adaequata (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe corydalina Greenflush fibrecap y y y y y y 6 Inocybe geophylla White fibrecap y y y y y 5 Inocybe godeyi (no current English name) y y y 3 Inocybe incarnata (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe lilacina Lilac fibrecap y 1 Inocybe phaeoleuca (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe pseudoeducta (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe rimosa Split fibrecap y 1 Inocybe umbrina (no current English name) y 1 Inonotus dryadeus Oak bracket y y 2 Kretschmaria deusta Brittle cinder y 1 Laccaria amethystina Amethyst deceiver y y y 3 Laccaria laccata Deceiver y y y y 4 Laccaria tortilis Twisted deceiver y 1 Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping widow y y y y y 5


Lacrymaria pyrotricha Flame-haired widow y 1 Lactarius azonites Sooty milkcap y 1 Lactarius blennius Beech milkcap y y y 3 Lactarius camphoratus Curry milkcap y 1 Lactarius decipiens (no current English name) y 1 Lactarius deterrimus False saffron milkcap y y y y y y y y y 9 Lactarius fluens (no current English name) y 1 Lactarius mammosus Pap milkcap y 1 Lactarius pubescens Bearded milkcap; downy milkcap y y y y 4 Lactarius quietus Oak milkcap y y 2 Lactarius subdulcis Mild milkcap y y 2 Lactarius subumbonatus Watery milkcap y 1 Lactarius torminosus Woolly milkcap y y y y y y y 7 Lactarius turpis Ugly milkcap y y 2 Laetiporus sulphureus Chicken of the woods y y y y y y 6 Leccinum scabrum Birch bolete y y y y y 5 Lepiota cristata Stinking dapperling y y y y y y y y y y 10 Lepiota hystrix (no current English name) y 1 Lepista inversa Tawny funnel cap y 1 Lepista nuda Wood blewit y 1 Leucoagaricus badhamii Blushing dapperling y 1 Leucoagaricus leucothites White dapperling y 1 Leucopaxillus giganteus Giant funnel y y 2 Limacella guttata Weeping slimecap y 1 Lycogala epidendrum Orange slimemould y 1 Lycoperdon excipuliformis Pestle puffball y y 2 Lycoperdon molle Soft puffball y 1 Lycoperdon nigrescens Dusky puffball y 1 Lycoperdon perlatum Common puffball y y y y y y y 7 Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump puffball y y y y y y y y y y 10 connatum White domecap y y y y 4 Lyophyllum decastes Clustered domecap y y y y y y y y y 9 Macrotyphula fistulosa Pipe club y 1 Marasmius androsaceus Horsehair parachute y 1 Marasmius rotula Collared parachute y y y y y 5 Marasmius setosus Hairy stem parachute y y 2


Melanoleuca polioleuca Common cavalier y y 2 Meripilus giganteus Giant polypore y y y 3 Metatrichia fructigenus (no current English name) y 1 Microglossum olivaceum Olive earthtongue y 1 Mollisia cinerea Common grey disco y 1 Mollisia lignae (no current English name) y 1 Mucilago crustacea Dog sick slime mould y 1 adscendens Frosty bonnet y y y 3 Mycena alcalina (no current English name) y 1 Mycena amicta Coldfoot bonnet y 1 Mycena arcangeliana Angel's bonnet y y y y y y 6 Mycena filopes Iodine bonnet y 1 Mycena flavoalba Ivory bonnet y y y 3 Mycena galericulata Common bonnet y y y y y y 6 Mycena haematopus Burgundydrop bonnet y 1 Mycena inclinata Clustered bonnet y y y 3 Mycena leptocephala Nitrous bonnet y 1 (no current English name) y 1 Mycena pura Lilac bonnet y y y 3 Mycena rosea Rosy bonnet y 1 Mycena speirea Bark bonnet y 1 Mycena stylobates Bulbous bonnet y 1 Mycena vitilis Snapping bonnet y y 2 Nectria cinnabarina Coral-spot y y y 3 Neobulgaria pura Beech jellydisc y 1 Ossicaulis lignatilis Mealy oyster y y y 3 Ostalina diosta (no current English name) y 1 Oudemansiella mucida Porcelain fungus y y y y y y 6 Panaeolina foenisecii Brown mottlegill y 1 Parasola plicatilis Pleated inkcap y y 2 Paxillus involutus Brown roll-rim y y y y 4 Peniophora quercina (no current English name) y 1 Peniophorella pallida (no current English name) y 1 Peziza micropus (no current English name) y 1 Peziza varia Layered cup y 1 Phallus impudicus Stinkhorn y y y y y 5


Phlebia radiata Wrinkled crust y 1 Phlebia tremellosa Jelly rot y y 2 Phlebia uda (no current English name) y 1 Pholiota aurivella Golden scalycap y 1 Pholiota gummosa Sticky scalycap y y 2 Pholiota squarrosa Shaggy scalycap y y y y y y y y 8 Phragmidium violaceum Violet bramble rust y 1 Piptoporus betulinus Birch polypore y 1 Pleurotus cornucopiae Branched oyster mushroom y y 2 Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster mushroom y y 2 Pleurotus pulmonarius Pale oyster y 1 Pluteus cervinus Deer cap y y y y y y y y 8 Pluteus chrysophaeus Yellow shield y y 2 Pluteus romellii Goldleaf shield y 1 Pluteus salicinus Willow shield y y 2 Pluteus umbrosus Velvet shield y y 2 Polyporus badius Black-footed polypore; bay polypore y y 2 Polyporus leptocephalus Blackfoot polypore y y y 3 Polyporus squamosus Dryad's saddle y y y y y y y 7 Polyporus varius Blackfoot polypore y 1 Postia caesia blueing bracket y 1 Postia stiptica Bitter bracket y 1 Postia subcaesia Blueing bracket y 1 Psathyrella conopilus Conical brittlestem y y 2 Psathyrella micorhiza (no current English name) y 1 Psathyrella multipedata Clustered brittlestem y y 2 Psathyrella spadicea Chestnut brittlestem y 1 Ramaria abietina Greening coral y 1 Ramaria stricta Upright coral y y 2 Rhodocollybia butyracea Butter cap y y y y y y y y y y 10 Rhodocollybia maculata Spotted tough-shank y y y 3 Rhytisma acerinum Tar spot y y y y y 5 Rickenella fibula Orange moss agaric y 1 Russula atropurpurea Purple brittlegill y y y y 4 Russula betularum Birch brittlegil y 1 Russula cyanoxantha Charcoal burner y 1


Russula delica Milk white brittlegill y 1 Russula emetica Sickener y y 2 Russula fellea Geranium brittlegill y y 2 Russula illota Freckled brittlegill y 1 Russula nigricans Blackening brittlegill y y 2 Russula nobilis Beech sickener y y y y y y y 7 Russula ochroleuca Ochre brittlegill; common yellow russula y y y y y y y 7 Russula queletii Fruity brittlegill y y y y y y 6 Russula sanguinaria Bloody brittlegill y 1 Russula sanguinea Bloody brittlegill y 1 Russula sardonia Primrose brittlegill y y 2 Schizophyllum paradoxa Split porecrust y y y 3 Scleroderma areolatum Leopard earthball y 1 Scleroderma verrucosum Scaly earthball y 1 Scopuloides rimosa (no current English name) y 1 Scutellinia olivascens (no current English name) y 1 Scytinostroma hemidichophyticum Mothball crust y 1 Scytinostroma portentosum Mothball crust y 1 Stereum hirsutum Hairy curtain crust y y y 3 Strobilurus esculentus Spruce conecap y 1 Stropharia caerulea Blue roundhead y y y y y 5 Suillus grevillei Larch bolete y y y y 4 Suillus luteus Slippery jack y 1 Suillus viscidus Sticky bolete y y 2 Taphrina alni Alder tongue y 1 Tarzetta catinus Greater toothed cup y 1 Tatraea dumbirensis Beechwood goblet y 1 Tomentella umbrinospora (no current English name) y 1 Trametes gibbosa Lumpy bracket y y y y y y y y y y 10 Trametes hirsuta Hairy bracket y 1 Trametes versicolor Turkey tails y y y y 4 Trechispora confinis (no current English name) y 1 Trechispora farinacea (no current English name) y 1 Trechispora minuta (no current English name) y 1 Tremella mesenterica Witches' butter y 1 Tricholoma atrosquamosum Dark-scaled knight y y 2


Tricholoma fulvum Birch knight y y y y y y y 7 Tricholoma lascivum Aromatic knight y 1 Tricholoma orirubens (no current English name) y y 2 Tricholoma saponaceum Soapy knight y y y 3 Tricholoma scalpturatum Yellowing knight y y y y 4 Tricholoma sciodes Beech knight y y y y 4 Tricholoma sulphurescens Yellow staining knight y 1 Tricholoma sulphureum Gasworks knight y y 2 Tricholoma terreum Grey knight y y y y y y y y y 9 Tricholoma ustale Burnt knight y y y 3 Tricholomopsis rutilans Plums-and-custard y y 2 Tubifera ferruginosa Red raspberry slime mould y 1 Typhula quisquillaria (no current English name) y 1 Volvariella hypopithys (no current English name) y 1 Xerocomus badius Bay bolete y 1 Xerocomus chrysenteron Red cracking bolete y y y y y 5 Xerocomus porosporus Sepia bolete y 1 Xerocomus subtomentosus Suede bolete y 1 Xerula radicata Rooting shank y y y y y y y 7 Xylaria hypoxylon Candle-snuff y y y y y y y 7 Xylaria longipes Dead moll's fingers y 1 Xylaria polymorpha Dead man's fingers y y y 3 Xylodon nespori (no current English name) y 1 Foray total 75 78 68 54 33 72 96 34 2 42 48 47 94



Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Abortiporus biennis Blushing rosette y y y 3 Agaricus campestris Field mushroom y 1 Agaricus silvaticus Scaly wood mushroom y 1 Agaricus silvicola Wood mushroom y 1 Agrocybe rivulosa Wrinkled fieldcap y 1 Aleurodiscus aurantius Briar discus y 1 Amanita crocea Orange grisette y 1 Amanita excelsa var. spissa Grey spotted amanita y 1 Amanita muscaria Fly agaric y y y y y y y y 8 Amanita muscaria var. aureola Fly agaric y 1 Amanita rubescens Blusher y y y y y y y y 8 Amanita spissa False panther cap y y 2 Amanita submembranacea Peeling paint grisette y 1 Amanitopsis fulva Tawny grisette y y y y y y y y y 9 Amanitopsis vaginata Grisette y y y y 4 Amphinema byssoides Cratered duster y y y 3 Ampulloclitocybe clavipes Club foot y y y y y 5 Annulohypoxylon multiforme Birch woodwart y y 2 Antrodia serialis Serried porecrust y 1 Antrodia xantha Yellow porecrust y y 2 Aphanobasidium filicinum (no current English name) y 1 Aphanobasidium pseudotsugae (no current English name) y 1 Armillaria gallica Bulbous honey fungus y y 2 Armillaria lutea Honey fungus y 1 Armillaria mellea Honey fungus y y y y y y y 7 18

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Arrhenia retiruga Small moss oysterling y 1 Ascobolus stercorarius (no current English name) y 1 Ascocoryne cylichnium (no current English name) y 1 Ascocoryne sarcoides Purple jellydisc y y y 3 Athelia arachnoidea Cobweb duster y 1 Auricularia auricula-judae Jelly ear y y y y 4 Baeospora myosura Conifercone cap y y y 3 Biscogniauxia nummularia Beech tarcrust y 1 Bisporella citrina Lemon disco y y 2 Bjerkandera adusta Smoky bracket y 1 Boidinia furfuracea (no current English name) y 1 Bolbitius vitellinus Yellow fieldcap y 1 Boletus aereus Bronze bolete y 1 Boletus edulis Cep y y y y 4 Boletus luridiformis Scarletina bolete y 1 Boletus pruinatus Matt bolete y y 2 Boletus subtomentosus Suede bolete y 1 Botryobasidium candicans (no current English name) y y 2 Botryobasidium laeve (no current English name) y 1 Botryobasidium subcoronatum (no current English name) y y y y 4 Botryobasidium vagum (no current English name) y 1 Bulgaria inquinans Black bulgar y 1 Calocera cornea Small stagshorn y y 2 Calocera pallidospathulata Pale stagshorn y y y y 4 Calocera viscosa Yellow stagshorn y y y y y 5 Calocybe gambosa St. George's mushroom y 1 Ceriporiopsis gilvescens Dotted stemmed bolete y 1 Chalara cylindrica (no current English name) y 1 Chalciporus piperatus Peppery bolete y y y y y 5 19

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Cheilymenia fimicola (no current English name) y 1 Cheilymenia granulata Cowpat gem y 1 Chlorociboria aeruginascens Green elfcup y 1 Chondrostereum purpureum Silverleaf fungus; Violet crust y y 2 Chroogomphus rutilus Copper spike y y y y y 5 Cistella acuum (no current English name) y 1 Claviceps purpurea Ergot y y y y y 5 Clavulina cinerea Grey coral fungus y y y 3 Clavulina coralloides Crested coral y y y y 4 Clavulina cristata White coral fungus y y y y 4 Clavulina rugosa Wrinkled club y y y y y y 6 Clavulinopsis corniculata Meadow coral y 1 Clavulinopsis fusiformis Golden spindles y y 2 Clavulinopsis helvola Yellow club y y 2 Clavulinopsis luteoalba Apricot club y 1 Clitocybe decembris (no current English name) y 1 Clitocybe dicolor (no current English name) y 1 Clitocybe ditopa Mealy frosted funnel y 1 Clitocybe fragrans Fragrant funnel y y y y y 5 Clitocybe gibba Common funnel y y 2 Clitocybe metachroa Twotone funnel y y 2 Clitocybe nebularis Clouded funnel y y y y y y y y 8 Clitocybe odora Aniseed funnel y y y y 4 Clitocybe phyllophila Frosty funnel y y 2 Clitopilus prunulus Miller y y y y y y y 7 Coleosporium tussilaginis Coltsfoot rust y y 2 Collybia cirrhata Piggyback shanklet y 1 Collybia cookei Splitpea shanklet y 1 Colpoma quercinum (no current English name) y 1 20

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Coniophora arida Dry duster y y 2 Coniophora puteana Wet rot y 1 Conocybe aporos White dunce cap y 1 Conocybe arrhenii Ringed conecap y y y 3 Conocybe tenera Brown bell cap y 1 Coprinellus disseminatus Fairy inkcap y 1 Coprinopsis radiata (no current English name) y 1 Coprinus atramentarius Common ink cap y 1 Coprinus comatus Shaggy ink cap y y y y y 5 Coprinus lagopus Harefoot ink cap y y y 3 Coprinus micaceus Glistening ink-cap y y y y 4 Cordyceps militaris Scarlet caterpillar fungus y y y y y y 6 Cortinarius anomalus Variable webcap y y y 3 Cortinarius elatior Tall webcap y y 2 Cortinarius hemitrichus Frosty webcap y y 2 Cortinarius integerrimus Purple stocking webcap y 1 Cortinarius mucifluus Slimy webcap y 1 Cortinarius ochroleucus Cream webcap y 1 Crepidotus autochthonus Grounded oysterling y 1 Crepidotus cesatii Roundspored oysterling y y 2 Crepidotus epibryus Grass oysterling y 1 Crepidotus mollis Peeling oysterling y y 2 Crepidotus variabilis Variable oysterling y y 2 Cylindrobasidium laeve Tear dropper y y 2 Cystoderma amianthinum Buff powder cap y y y y y y 6 Cystoderma seminuda (no current English name) y 1 Dacrymyces stillatus Common jellyspot y y y y y y y y 8 Dacryobolus karstenii (no current English name) y 1 Daedalopsis confragosa Blushing bracket y y y y 4 21

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Daldinia concentrica King Alfred's cake y 1 Dasyscyphus virgineus (no current English name) y 1 Diatrype disciformis Beech barkspot y y y 3 Diderma cinereum (no current English name) y 1 Diplomitoporus lindbladii (no current English name) y 1 Entoloma cetratum Honey pinkgill y y 2 Entoloma chalybaeum Indigo pinkgill y y 2 Entoloma conferendum Star pinkgill y 1 Entoloma hebes Pimple pinkgill y 1 Entoloma rhodopolium Wood pinkgill y y y 3 Erysiphe adunca Willow mildew y 1 Erysiphe alphitoides Oak powdery mildew y y y 3 Erysiphe ulmariae (no current English name) y 1 Eutypa lata (no current English name) y y 2 Eutypa maura (no current English name) y y 2 Exidia glandulosa Witches' butter y y 2 Exidia nucleata Crystal brain y 1 Exidia thuretiana White brain fungus y y y y 4 Flagelloscypha minutissima (no current English name) y 1 Fomes fomentarius Hoof fungus y y 2 Fuligo septica var flava Yellow slime mould y y 2 Galerina embolus (no current English name) y 1 Galerina hypnorum Moss bell y 1 Galerina marginata Funeral bell y 1 Galerina pallida (no current English name) y 1 Galerina sideroides (no current English name) y 1 Ganoderma australe Southern bracket y 1 Geoglossum glutinosum (no current English name) y 1 Golovinomyces depressus Burdock mildew y 1 22

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Gomphidius glutinosus Slimy spike y 1 Graphium calicioides (no current English name) y 1 Grifola frondosa Hen of the woods y 1 Gymnopilus junonius Spectacular rustgill y y y y y 5 Gymnopilus penetrans Common rustgill y y y y y y y 7 Gymnopus confluens Clustered toughshank y y y y y y y 7 Gymnopus dryophilus Russet tough-shank y y 2 Gymnopus erythropus Redleg toughshank y y 2 Gymnopus peronatus Wood woollyfoot y y y y y y y y y y y 11 Hebeloma crustiliniforme Poison-pie y y y y y y y y y y y 11 Hebeloma mesophaeum Veiled poisonpie y y 2 Hebeloma pusillum Dwarf poisonpie y 1 Hebeloma sacchariolens Sweet poisonpie y y y y y 5 Hebeloma sinapizans Bitter poisonpie y 1 Helminthosphaeria clavariorum (no current English name) y 1 Helvella crispa Elfin saddle y y y y y y y y y y y y y 13 Helvella elastica Elastic saddle y 1 Helvella lacunosa Fluted black elfin saddle y y y y y 5 Hemimycena lactea Milky bonnet y 1 Heterobasidion annosum Annosum root rot y y y y y y 6 Hyaloscypha aureliella (no current English name) y 1 Hyaloscypha fuckelii var. alniseda (no current English name) y 1 Hyaloscypha hyalina (no current English name) y 1 Hydnum repandum Wood hedgehog y y y y y y y 7 Hygrocybe calyptriformis Pink waxcap; Ballerina y y y y y 5 Hygrocybe ceracea Butter waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe chlorophana Yellow waxcap y y y y y 5 Hygrocybe coccinea Scarlet waxcap y y y y y 5 Hygrocybe conica Blackening waxcap y y 2 23

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Hygrocybe flavipes Yellow foot waxcap y y 2 Hygrocybe ingrata Dingy waxcap y y y 3 Hygrocybe insipida Spangle waxcap y y 2 Hygrocybe irrigata Slimy waxcap y y y 3 Hygrocybe laeta Heath waxcap y y y 3 Hygrocybe mucronella Bitter waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe nigrescens Blackening waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe persistens var. persistens Scarlet waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe pratensis Meadow waxcap y y y y y y 6 Hygrocybe pratensis var. pallida Pale waxcap y 1 Hygrocybe psittacina Parrot waxcap y y y 3 Hygrocybe reidii Honey waxcap y y y y y 5 Hygrocybe virginea Snowy waxcap y y y y y 5 Hygrophoropsis aurantiaca False chanterelle y y y y y y 6 Hygrophorus eburneus Ivory woodwax; Mandarin woodwax y 1 Hygrophorus hypothejus Herald of winter y y y y 4 Hygrophorus penarius Matt woodwax y 1 Hygrophorus pustulatus Blistered woodwax y 1 Hymenoscyphus vitellinus (no current English name) y 1 Hyphoderma argillaceum (no current English name) y y 2 Hyphodontia alutaria (no current English name) y y y 3 Hyphodontia breviseta (no current English name) y 1 Hyphodontia nespori (no current English name) y 1 Hyphodontia pallidula (no current English name) y 1 Hyphodontia sambuci Elder whitewash y 1 Hypholoma capnoides Conifer tuft y y 2 Hypholoma fasciculare Sulphur tuft y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 16 Hypholoma marginatum Snakeskin brownie y y 2 Hypochnicium erikssonii (no current English name) y 1 24

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Hypochnicium geogenium (no current English name) y y 2 Hypocrea pulvinata Ochre cushion y 1 Hypomyces chrysospermus Bolete eater y 1 Hypoxylon fragiforme Beech woodwart y y 2 Inocybe cincinnata var cincinnata (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe cincinnata var major (no current English name) y y y 3 Inocybe flocculosa Fleecy fibrecap y 1 Inocybe geophylla White fibrecap y y 2 Inocybe maculata Frosty fibrecap y 1 Inocybe mixtilis (no current English name) y y 2 Inocybe napipes Bulbous fibrecap y 1 Inocybe pusio (no current English name) y 1 Inocybe sindonia Beige fibrecap y 1 Inocybe subflocculosa (no current English name) y 1 Inonotus hispidus Shaggy bracket y y y y 4 Ischnoderma benzoinum Benzoin bracket y 1 Kuehneola uredinis Pale bramble rust y 1 Kuehneromyces mutabilis Sheathed woodtuft y 1 Laccaria amethystina Amethyst deceiver y y y y y y y y y y y 11 Laccaria laccata Deceiver y y y y y y y 7 Laccaria proxima Scurfy deceiver y y 2 Laccaria tortilis Twisted deceiver y 1 Lachnum apalum Rush disco y 1 Lachnum virgineum Snowy disco y y 2 Lacrymaria lacrymabunda Weeping widow y y 2 Lacrymaria pyrotricha Flame-haired widow y 1 Lactarius aurantiacus Orange milk-cap y y 2 Lactarius blennius Beech milkcap y y y y y y 6 Lactarius camphoratus Curry milkcap y 1 25

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Lactarius deliciosus Saffron milkcap y y 2 Lactarius deterrimus False saffron milkcap y 1 Lactarius fluens (no current English name) y 1 Lactarius glyciosmus Coconut-scented milkcap y y y y 4 Lactarius hepaticus Liver milkcap y 1 Lactarius pubescens Bearded milkcap; Downy milkcap y y 2 Lactarius quieticolor Carrot milkcap y 1 Lactarius quietus Oak milkcap y y y y y y y 7 Lactarius rufus Rufous milkcap y y y y y 5 Lactarius subdulcis Mild milkcap y y y y y y y y y 9 Lactarius subumbonatus Watery milkcap y y y 3 Lactarius tabidus Birch milkcap y y y y y y 6 Lactarius torminosus Woolly milkcap y y 2 Lactarius turpis Ugly milkcap y y y y y y 6 Lactarius vietus Grey Milkcap y 1 Leccinum cyanobasileucum (no current English name) y 1 Leccinum scabrum Birch bolete y y y y y y 6 Leccinum scabrum var rosea (no current English name) y 1 Leccinum variicolor Mottled bolete y 1 Leccinum versipelle Orange birch bolete y 1 Lentinellus cochleatus Aniseed cockleshell y 1 Leotia lubrica Jelly babies y y y y y 5 Lepiota castanea Chestnut dapperling y 1 Lepiota cristata Stinking dapperling y y y y 4 Lepista inversa Tawny funnel cap y y 2 Lepista nuda Wood blewit y y y 3 Leptosporomyces fuscostratus (no current English name) y y 2 Leptosporomyces septentrionalis (no current English name) y 1 Lycogala epidendrum Orange slimemould y 1 26

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Lycoperdon excipuliformis Pestle puffball y y 2 Lycoperdon foetidum Stinking puffball y 1 Lycoperdon perlatum Common puffball y y y y y y y y 8 Lycoperdon pyriforme Stump puffball y y y y y y y y y y y 11 Lyomyces sambuci Elder whitewash y 1 Lyophyllum connatum White domecap y y 2 Lyophyllum decastes Clustered domecap y y y y 4 Macrocystidia cucumis Cucumber cap y 1 Macrotyphula fistulosa Pipe club y 1 Marasmius androsaceus Horsehair parachute y 1 Marasmius oreades Fairy-ring champignon y y 2 Marasmius rotula Collared parachute y y 2 Mariannaea elegans (no current English name) y 1 Melanoleuca cognata Spring cavalier y 1 Melanoleuca melaleuca Bald knight y y 2 Melanoleuca polioleuca Common cavalier y y y y 4 Melanotus horizontalis Wood oysterling y 1 Membranomyces spurius (no current English name) y 1 Mollisia benesuada (no current English name) y 1 Mollisia cinerea Common grey disco y 1 Mucilago crustacea Dog sick slime mould y 1 Mycena adscendens Frosty bonnet y y 2 Mycena aetites Drab bonnet y y y y 4 Mycena alcalina (no current English name) y 1 Mycena arcangeliana Angel's bonnet y y y y y 5 Mycena capillaris Beechleaf bonnet y 1 Mycena cinerea (no current English name) y 1 Mycena cinerella Mealy bonnet y y y 3 Mycena corynephora (no current English name) y 1 27

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Mycena epipterygia Yellowleg bonnet y y 2 Mycena filopes Iodine bonnet y 1 (no current English name) y 1 Mycena galericulata Common bonnet y y y y y y 6 Mycena galopus Milking bonnet y y y y y y 6 Mycena galopus var. nigra Milking bonnet y y y 3 Mycena inclinata Clustered bonnet y y y 3 Mycena leptocephala Nitrous bonnet y 1 Mycena metata (no current English name) y y y 3 Mycena mirata (no current English name) y y 2 Mycena polygramma Grooved bonnet y 1 Mycena pterigena Ferny bonnet y 1 Mycena pura Lilac bonnet y y y y y y y 7 Mycena purpureofusca Purple edge bonnet y 1 Mycena silvae-nigrae (no current English name) y 1 Mycena speirea Bark bonnet y y 2 Mycena stylobates Bulbous bonnet y 1 Mycena vitilis Snapping bonnet y y y y y y 6 Nectria cinnabarina Coral-spot y y y y y y 6 Nectria episphaeria (no current English name) y 1 Neobulgaria lilacina (no current English name) y 1 Neobulgaria pura Beech jellydisc y y 2 Orbilia sarraziniana (no current English name) y 1 Orbilia xanthostigma Common glasscup y 1 Oudemansiella mucida Porcelain fungus y y 2 Oxyporus populinus Poplar bracket y 1 Panaeolina foenisecii Brown mottlegill y y 2 Panaeolus fimicola Turf mottlegill y y 2 Panaeolus papilionaceus Petticoat mottlegill y 1 28

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Panaeolus rickenii (no current English name) y 1 Panaeolus sphinctrinus Petticoat fungus y 1 Panellus mitis Elastic oysterling y y y 3 Panellus stipticus Bitter oysterling y 1 Parasola plicatilis Pleated inkcap y y 2 Paxillus involutus Brown roll-rim y y y y y y y 7 Peniophora quercina (no current English name) y 1 Peniophorella pubera (no current English name) y 1 Peziza badia Bay cup y 1 Peziza limnaea (no current English name) y 1 Phaeohelotium lilacinum (no current English name) y 1 Phaeolepiota aurea Golden bootleg y y 2 Phaeolus schweinitzii Dyer's mazegill y y y y 4 Phallus impudicus Stinkhorn y y y y y 5 Phanerochaete laevis (no current English name) y 1 Phanerochaete sordida (no current English name) y 1 Phanerochaete velutina (no current English name) y 1 Phlebia lilascens (no current English name) y 1 Phlebia livida (no current English name) y y 2 Phlebia radiata Wrinkled crust y y 2 Phlebiopsis gigantea (no current English name) y y 2 (no current English name) y 1 Pholiota alnicola var. alnicola Alder scalycap y 1 Pholiota flammans Flaming scalycap y 1 Pholiota gummosa Sticky scalycap y 1 Pholiota squarrosa Shaggy scalycap y y y y 4 Phragmidium rubi-idaei (no current English name) y 1 Phragmidium violaceum Violet bramble rust y y y 3 Piptoporus betulinus Birch polypore y y y y y y y y y y 10 29

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Pleurotus cornucopiae Branched oyster mushroom y y y 3 Pleurotus ostreatus Oyster mushroom y y 2 Plicatura crispa Crimped gill y 1 Pluteus cervinus Deer cap y y y y y y 6 Pluteus romellii Goldleaf shield y 1 Polyporus leptocephalus Blackfoot polypore y y y 3 Polyporus squamosus Dryad's saddle y y 2 Postia caesia Conifer blueing bracket y y y y y y y y 8 Postia ptychogaster Powderpuff bracket y y y y y y 6 Postia stiptica Bitter bracket y y y 3 Postia subcaesia Blueing bracket y 1 Postia tephroleuca Greyling bracket y y y y 4 Psathyrella corrugis Red edge brittlestem y 1 Psathyrella multipedata Clustered brittlestem y 1 Psathyrella piluliformis Common stump brittlestem y y y y 4 Psathyrella spadiceogrisea Spring brittlestem y 1 Psilocybe semilanceata Liberty cap; magic mushroom y 1 Puccinia arenariae (no current English name) y 1 Puccinia caricina var. ribesii-pendulae Sedge rust y 1 Puccinia hieracii (no current English name) y 1 Puccinia lagenophorae Daisy rust y 1 Puccinia obscura (no current English name) y y 2 Puccinia urtica (no current English name) y 1 Radulomyces confluens (no current English name) y 1 Ramariopsis kunzei Ivory coral y 1 Resinicium bicolor Hallowed crust y y y y 4 Resupinatus poriaeformis (no current English name) y 1 Reticularia lycoperdon Ivory coral y 1 Rhodocollybia butyracea Butter cap y y y y y y y y y y 10 30

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Rhodocollybia maculata Spotted tough-shank y y y y y 5 Rhopographus filicinus map y 1 Rhytisma acerinum Tar spot y y y y y y y y y y 10 Rhytisma prini Holly tar-spot y 1 Rickenella fibula Orange moss agaric y y y y y 5 Rickenella swartzii Collared mosscap y y 2 Russula amara Humpback brittlegill y 1 Russula aquosa Red swamp brittlegill y 1 Russula atropurpurea Purple brittlegill y y y y y y y y 8 Russula betularum Birch brittlegil y y y y 4 Russula caerulea Humpback brittlegill y y y y y 5 Russula claroflava Yellow swamp brittlegill y 1 Russula cyanoxantha Charcoal burner y y y 3 Russula emetica Sickener y y y y 4 Russula fellea Geranium brittlegill y y y y y y y y 8 Russula fragilis Fragile brittlegill y 1 Russula heterophylla Greasy green brittlegill y 1 Russula nigricans Blackening brittlegill y y y y y y y y y 9 Russula nobilis Beech sickener y y y y y y y y y 9 Russula ochroleuca Ochre brittlegill; Common yellow russula y y y y y y y y y y y y 12 Russula queletii Fruity brittlegill y y y 3 Russula sanguinaria Bloody brittlegill y y y y 4 Russula sardonia Primrose brittlegill y y y y y 5 Russula versicolor Variable brittlegill y y 2 Russula vesca The Flirt y 1 Russula xerampelina Crab brittlegill y y y y y y y y 8 Sawadaea bicornis Maple mildew y y 2 Schizophyllum paradoxa Split porecrust y y 2 Schizopora flavipora (no current English name) y 1 31

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

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Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Schizopora paradoxa Split porecrust y y y 3 Scopuloides rimosa (no current English name) y y 2 Sepedonium chrysospermum (no current English name) y 1 Serpula himantioides (no current English name) y 1 Sidera vulgaris (no current English name) y 1 Sistotrema binucleosporum (no current English name) y 1 Sistotrema pistilliferum Fragile brittlegill y 1 Skeletocutis amorpha Rusty crust y 1 Skeletocutis carneogrisea (no current English name) y 1 Skeletocutis vulgaris (no current English name) y 1 Sparassis crispa Cauliflower fungus y 1 Spathularia flavida Yellow earth tongue y y 2 Sphaeropsis sapinea (no current English name) y 1 Stemonitis fusca (no current English name) y 1 Stereum gausapatum Bleeding oak crust y y y 3 Stereum hirsutum Hairy curtain crust y y y y y y y y y 9 Stereum rugosum Bleeding broadleaf bracket y y 2 Stereum sanguinolentum Bleeding bracket y y 2 Strobilurus esculentus Spruce conecap y y 2 Strobilurus tenacellus Pinecone cap y 1 Stropharia aeruginosa Verdigris agaric y 1 Stropharia caerulea Blue roundhead y 1 Stropharia inuncta Smoky roundhead y 1 Stropharia semiglobata Dung roundhead y 1 Stypella vermiformis (no current English name) y 1 Suillus bovinus Bovine bolete; Jersey jack y y 2 Suillus grevillei Larch bolete y y y y y y y y 8 Suillus luteus Slippery jack y y y y y y y y y y 10 Tephrocybe rancida Rancid greyling y 1 32

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Thelephora terrestris Earthfan y y y 3 Tomentellopsis submollis (no current English name) y 1 Trametes ochracea Ochre bracket y 1 Trametes pubescens (no current English name) y 1 Trametes versicolor Turkey tails y y y y 4 Trechispora confinis (no current English name) y 1 Trechispora farinacea (no current English name) y 1 Trechispora microspora (no current English name) y y 2 Trechispora minima (no current English name) y 1 Trechispora stevensonii (no current English name) y 1 Tremella mesenterica Witches' butter y 1 Trichaptum abietinum Purplepore bracket y y y y y y y 7 Trichia affinis (no current English name) y 1 Tricholoma argyraceum Scaly knight y 1 Tricholoma columbetta Blue spot knight y 1 Tricholoma fulvum Birch knight y y y y y 5 Tricholoma saponaceum Soapy knight y y 2 Tricholoma scalpturatum Yellowing knight y y y y y y y 7 Tricholoma sciodes Beech knight y y y y y 5 Tricholoma sulphureum Gasworks knight y y y y y 5 Tricholoma terreum Grey knight y y y y y y y y y y y y 12 Tricholoma ustale Burnt knight y y y y 4 Tricholoma ustaloides Charred knight y 1 Tricholomopsis rutilans Plums-and-custard y y y y y y y 7 Trochila ilicina Holly speckle y y 2 Tubaria conspersa Felted twiglet y 1 Tubaria furfuracea Scurfy twiglet y y y 3 Tubifera ferruginosa Red raspberry slime mould y 1 Tubulifera arachnoidea (no current English name) y 1 33

Swinsty Reservoir - summary by species and foray

-10-11 -10-29 -11-11 -10-19 -10-11 -09-01 -09-26 -11-07 -12-05 -11-12 -04-05 -09-16 -10-01 -12-06 -09-15 -05-01 -09-14 -12-04

Genus Species English name 2008 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2016 2017 2017 2017 2017 2018 2019 2019 2019 Total Tylospora fibrillosa (no current English name) y 1 Vascellum pratense Membranous puffball y 1 Volvopluteus gloiocephalus Stubble rosegill y 1 Vuilleminia comedens Waxy crust y 1 Xerocomus badius Bay bolete y y y y y y y 7 Xerocomus chrysenteron Red cracking bolete y y y y y y y y 8 Xerocomus cisalpinus Red cracking bolete y y 2 Xerocomus subtomentosus Suede bolete y 1 Xerula radicata Rooting shank y y y y y 5 Xylaria hypoxylon Candle-snuff y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y 15 Xylaria longipes Dead moll's fingers y 1 Xylaria polymorpha Dead mans fingers y y y y 4

Foray total 22 60 44 122 108 24 141 10 8 134 21 130 16 56 128 30 91 91