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Committee analyzes survey results: See page A3. THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013 COVERING ALTON, BARNSTEAD, & NEW DURHAM - WWW.NEWHAMPSHIRELAKESANDMOUNTAINS.COM FREE Selectmen discuss hiring real estate agent Board also chooses to go back to Verizon for town cell phone service BY ELIZABETH CANTRALL nance” to cover the costs. policy at budget time. She ence in cost from basic to at an alternate way of pro- Suncook Lake Contributing Writer stated that the board could iPhone monthly was $21.23, viding phones for employ- Association BARNSTEAD — The Cell phone service perhaps use Barnard’s idea she suggested having the ees at budget time. Marylee Johnson spoke Barnstead Board of Select- The selectmen spent a of a stipend at that time. employees pay the differ- In the end, the board vot- during public input on be- men began new business lot of time discussing The board as a whole ence themselves. ed to go back to Verizon half of Suncook Lake As- with a discussion on lawn which carrier and how seemed concerned with em- Selectman Gordon Pre- from AT&T and to get three sociation. maintenance proposals, much service was needed ployees using their work ston spoke up in behalf of iPhones, with the rest of Johnson stated that due which quickly turned into or wanted by departments, phones for personal calls. Tiede’s earlier plan to go the plans all being basic to a resurgence of milfoil a conversation about what in their contracting of cell Tiede stated the differ- forth with Verizon and look service. SEE BARNSTEAD, PAGE A6 to do with properties the phones. town has acquired. Tiede mentioned that Chairperson Priscilla some department heads Tiede wondered if, rather wanted data plans on their than auctioning the prop- phones. She said they erties, the town should hire thought it was useful espe- a real estate agent. cially after a big storm or “Personally,I would like similar event. to see us list it with a real “Does the road agent estate agent and not auc- want one,” questioned tion or bids,” agreed Se- Kerr. lectman David Kerr. Tiede replied Road The board questioned if Agent Chris Carazzo just they had enough useable told her he wanted a “heavy properties available to duty phone.” make it worth listing with “If anyone needs a data an agent. phone, then the road agent Tiede asked Assessing does,” replied Kerr. Clerk Carol Locke to have a Selectman James list of sellable properties Barnard suggested giving for the next selectmen’s each person a stipend and meeting. let them get whatever As for the maintenance phone service they wanted. of the lawns on these prop- Tiede suggested having erties, the board decided to the town go forward with a use money from the budget contract with Verizon and item “repairs and mainte- then look at re-doing the Join the Old Home Day GEORGE MURPHY – COURTESY PHOTO fun in Alton Mount arrives BY TIM CROES boxreg.com/alton5k. The M/S Mount Washington pulls into the Alton town docks on Saturday afternoon, carrying folks out for a tour of Lake Winnipesaukee. Staff Writer A vintage boat show will ALTON — Alton Home be held in Alton Bay from 9 Day is on Saturday,Aug. 10, a.m. until noon. but there are events The Old Home Day pa- Planners talk sign ordinance in Barnstead throughout the weekend to rade will be begin at the BY TIM CROES chair and there was a brief Houle said that he and Carazzo, the road agent, to celebrate the town of Al- center of Alton at 2 p.m. Staff Writer discussion about filling member Elaine Swinford prioritize bridge and road ton. and end in Alton Bay and BARNSTEAD — The the seats on the board. had met with the fire chief projects. On Friday, Aug. 9, a this year’s theme is “Amer- Barnstead Planning Karen Schacht, an al- regarding the Capital Im- The board reviewed the campfire and scavenger ican Pride.” The Alton Board met on Thursday, ternate, was asked at the provement Plan (CIP). The town sign ordinance and hunt will held at the River Business Association Aug. 1, with no cases on last meeting if she would fire chief reported to them discussed replacing of ex- Run Deli from 5 to 8 p.m. (ABA) encourages any per- the agenda, but board like to serve as a member about the hopes of getting isting signs. Houle ex- Saturday’s activities sons, families, neighbor- membership and the sign and felt the topic shouldn’t a new forestry truck that plained that any current kick off with the 5K Road hoods or businesses to be ordinance were discussed. be discussed until a full would replace three cur- sign could be replaced “in Race at 9 a.m. in Alton Bay. in the parade with a float The board received a board is present. Member rent pieces of equipment. kind,” meaning it would The event is co-sponsored or walking exhibit. letter of resignation from Clarke Goodrich felt the Houle and Swinford are be rebuilt to same specifi- by the Meredith Village The ABA would like to Joyce Parsons, an alter- matter should have been hoping to meet with the cations as the previous Savings Bank and Alton show its appreciation by nate on the board, and al- acted on immediately, but police chief and Chris SEE SIGNS, PAGE A12 Parks and Recreation De- inviting all veterans to be so received letters of in- the majority of the board partment. Registration is involved in the parade. tent from J.J. Pruyne and agreed discussing it at the $25 and registration is Forms are available at Michael Kowalski to fill next workshop and voting Master Plan meeting from 7:30 until 8:30 a.m. www.altonnhbusinesses.c the seats on the board. on it during the board Awards, raffles and long- om or by contacting Chris With Parsons’ resigna- meeting in September. sleeve tee shirts are avail- Racine at 875-4100 ext. 104 tion, there is now an open Goodrich thanked in New Durham tonight able to racers who regis- or Carolyn Schaeffner at seat as a member and as an Kowalski and Pruyne for NEW DURHAM — The this section of the Master tered by Aug. 1. Chrono- 630-3098. alternate on the board. attending the meeting and New Durham Historical Plan. Join in and become Track timing is provided Following the parade Chairman Nancy Carr showing interest in be- Society, Boodey House an architect of the future, by Granite State Services there will be a K9 demon- didn’t attend the meeting coming members. Houle and Meetinghouse Com- preservation of the past and age divisions are 14 stration by the Alton Police and member Kathy Pre- pointed out that the posi- mittees will be hosting a helps ensure its future. and under, 15-19, 20-29, 30- Department and a motor- ston was also absent from tion on the board would meeting to update the Members from the plan- 39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70 cycle demonstration, both the meeting. Vice-chair only be until the next elec- town’s Master Plan sub- ning board will be pres- and over.The race is part of SEE ALTON, PAGE A12 Andy Houle took over as a tion. chapter titled “Historic ent to help facilitate the the Race for Food Race Se- and Cultural Resources” discussion. Light refresh- ries NH. A food donation at the New Durham Pub- ments will be served. For bin will be available for do- lic Library, Thursday additional information, nations to the local food Aug. 8, beginning at 7 p.m. please contact Cathy Or- pantry and runners can This is an opportunity for lowicz, President of the register at www.light- the public to participate New Durham Historical in a dialogue to update Society at 859-4643. INDEX ▼ Volume 9 • Number 46 Business ....................A7, A11 Wine Tasting Churches ...........................A8 Fridays at 4 pm Classifieds ...................B6–B9 PEACHES¢ Editorial Page ....................A4 lb. John Harrigan..................A13 79 Letters..........................A4-A5 Obituaries..........................A8 Sports.........................B1 - B5 24 pages in 2 sections CATHY FRASER – COURTESY PHOTO ©2012, Salmon Press, LLC. Almost time Call us at (603) 569-3126 As August chugs along, local students are closer and closer to heading back to school. Prospect email: [email protected] Mountain High School in Alton is being readied to welcome students back in just a few weeks. OPEN 7 DAYS www.salmonpress.com 8 AM - 6 PM A2 THE BAYSIDER, THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 2013 Alton selectmen Local Republicans meeting hold workshop sessions on Tuesday BY TIM CROES programs and cost options highway department. The BARNSTEAD — The cans, new candidates and meeting, plan to arrive as Staff Writer with Heath. board was updated on the Barnstead-Alton-Gilman- incumbents, who are inter- early as 5:30 p.m. ALTON — The Alton The board reviewed the sidewalk project and au- ton Republican Committee ested in running for state Once again, in an effort Board of Selectmen held a Old Home Day parade per- thorized Bailey to use Pe- (BARC’G) has announced representative, state sen- to help those in the com- pair of workshops on mit and conditionally ap- ter Julia to develop a bid that its next monthly meet- ate, executive council, or munity who are less fortu- Wednesday, July 17, and proved the permit with plan. ing will be held on Tuesday, any county positions. nate, the committee asks Monday,July 22, to discuss conditions to keep a sched- The selectmen reviewed Aug. 13, at 6:30 p.m.