Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DUMAGUETE CITY Office of the Schools Division Superintendent August 7, 2020 DIVISION MEMORANDUM No. 204, s. 2020 SIMPLIFIED CO-FACILITATION MANUAL FOR PARENTS TO : OIC, Asst. Schools Division Supt. Chiefs, CID and SGOD Education Program Supervisors Senior/Education Program Specialists Public Elementary and Secondary School Heads All others concerned 1. Learning in the new normal has presented an unprecedented challenge for instruction, particularly among parents. Along the issue, this office has developed a simplified co-facilitation manual which will aid parents in understanding better their own learners. 2. In view of such, all schools are directed to integrate the manual in the conduct of their parents and teachers’ meetings and orientation prior to the opening of classes. Schools may also print the same and distribute to parents for proper guidance. 3. Expenses relative thereto shall be charged against the school funds, subject to the accounting and auditing rules and regulations. 4. Immediate compliance to this Memorandum is desired. GREGORIO CYRUS R. ELEJORDE, Ed.D., CESO V Schools Division Superintendent Address: Taclobo, Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental Telephone Nos.: (035) 421-2262/(035) 225-0603/(035) 523-6689 Email Address:
[email protected] Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VII - CENTRAL VISAYAS SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DUMAGUETE CITY Office of the Schools Division Superintendent Address: Taclobo,