Volume 31, Issue 10


Chabad Chodesh Kislev 5781

Special Days inTeves was so alive with excitement that 1:00 in the in 1:00 that excitement with alive so was week entire an lasted Heights in Crown celebration and simcha the time, the At property any return it. must taken has who anyone ther, fur- and it to right the has individual no and Chabad to belong Previous property the and from seforim the all that decision the down handed Court Federal the which on date the of anniversary the marks Teves Hey Hey Teves: Didan Notzach Teves. Avinu Avraham Chanukah of Sixth Day Chodesh Rosh 16/WednesdayTeves1/December h peiu Lbvthr Rebbe Lubavitcher previous The (1856). 5617 Chevron, in Rachel, Menuchah betzin Reb- of husband Rebbe, Mitteler the of law of Yahrtzeit 17/ThursdayTeves2/December Chavos (1702).Yair, 5462 of of Yahrtzeit [Ezra BCE). (456 10:16] Exile in intermarriage leaders Jewish the and Ezra [Estherveirosh, 3400.2:17] Esther

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Yahrtzeit of R. Chaim Shneur Zalman of , third son of the Tzemach Tzedek, 5640 (1879). Teves 6/December 21/Monday “. . . He was born a year after the Alter Rebbe’s Yartzeit of R. Yaakov Reisher, author of Chok Yaa- passing, and was named for him. Like the Alter Rebbe, kov and Shevus Yaakov, 5493 (1733).\ he was a rebbe in Liadi for eleven years, lived to sixty- “ . . . The Alter Rebbe loved the study of the six, and passed away in Teves . . .” [Beis Rebbe] Achronim, and cited almost all the works of the great Poskim of his time, such as . . . the Chok Yaa- Teves 5/December 20/Sunday kov, and so did my grandfather [the Tzemach Day of “Didan Natzach”, U.S. Federal Court ruled in fa- Tzedek].” [Shemen LaMaor, Vol. I p. 488, R. Shemar- vor of total exclusive ownership by Agudas Chasidei yahu Noach of Babroisk] Chabad of the great library of Sefarim and manuscripts of the Chabad Rebbeim, 5747 (1987). The Lubavitcher Third imprisonment of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe called it “an auspicious day, a day of Segulah”. In Rebbe, in Lubavitch, 5666 (1906). connection with this day, the Rebbe encouraged Chasi- dim to increase in the study of Sefarim, to acquire Jew- Teves 7/December 22/Tuesday ish books in every Jewish home, especially for children Yahrtzeit of R. Tzvi, son of the , 5540 in their rooms, to open and develop public librar- (1779). For one year after the passing of the Baal ies, and to donate Sefarim on all topics to the Library of Shem Tov, he was the head of the Chasidic move- . ment, until Shavuos of 5521 (1761) when the lead- ership passed on to the Mezeritcher Magid. The Simchah of Hey Teves lasted for a complete week. The Rebbe said many sichos during that week. Yahrtzeit of R. Baruch of Kaminka, student of the Baal Shem Tov. The previous Lubavitcher Rebbe reached Riga, to go to America, 5700 (1939). Yahrtzeit of R. Mordechai Yosef of Zbicze, Chasidic Rebbe and thinker, author of Mei HaShiloach, 5614 Yahrtzeit of R. Aharon of Tityuv, son of R. Tzvi, son of (1854). the Baal Shem Tov, (5589). “ . . . And so I heard from my saintly grandfather Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Shifra, wife of the Alter Reb- [the Alter Rebbe] on the eve of Shabbos Kodesh Parshas be’s son R. Moshe, 5621 (1861). She is buried in Noach, 5565 (1805), at length, at the time the emissar- Yerushalayim. ies of the holy R. Aharon of Tutyuv, grandson of the Baal Shem Tov, were visiting the Rebbe, and together we Teves 8/December 23/Wednesday heard this Maamar ...” [The Tzemach Tzedek, Derech Ptolmey II sequestered seventy-two Sages separate- Mitzvosecha, Shoresh Mitzvas HaTefilah, Ch. 12] ly in Alexandria and forced them to translate the Torah to Greek. They produced seventy-two corre- Yahrtzeit of R. Mordechai DovBer Slonim, son of the sponding translations including thirteen identical Rebbitzen Menuchah Rachel, grandson of the Mitteler changes. It was once a fast day. [Megilah, 9a] Rebbe, 5676 (1916). He was one of the heads of Kollel [Slichos of Asarah B’Teves], 3515 (246 BCE). Chabad in Eretz Yisrael, when the center of Chabad was still in Chevron. Yahrtzeit of Rebbetzin Chayah Mushka, wife of the

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 2 Tzemach Tzedek, daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe, Yahrtzeit of Rebbitzen Nechamah Dinah, wife of the 5621 (1860). previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5731 (1971).

Yahrtzeit of R. Nachum DovBer of Ovrutch, son of Teves 11/December 26/Shabbos R. Yosef Yitzchak, son of the Tzemach Tzedek, 5656 Expulsion of from Austria, 5429 (1668). (1895). He was Rebbe after his father in Ovrutch. Teves 12/December 27/Sunday The Friediker Rebbe relates: Yahrtzeit of R. Moshe Margolios, author of Pnei Moshe One weekday, at about two in the afternoon, on the Yerushalmi, (1781). I had left the cheder to take lunch at home. I went into the small shul, little prepared for the scene I Teves 15/December 30/Wednesday was about to witness - Reb DovBer, the father of Birthday of Rebbetzin Shterna Sarah, wife of the Reb- Mendel the attendant, was leaning against the bi- be RaSHaB, mother of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, mah, reciting Tehillim. My uncle, Reb Nachum 5619 (1858). DovBer, was propped against the wall on the south side, facing north. His gaze was riveted on DovBer, Teves 16/December 31/Thursday the villager, and his face wore an expression mixed Yahrtzeit of R. Shmaryahu Noach of Bobroisk, son of R. envy and anguish in equal parts. Tears were rolling Yehudah Leib, son of the Tzemach Tzekek, author of down his cheeks. When I got home, I told my father Shemen LaMaor, 5683 (1923). He was asked to be- what I had seen, to which he replied: My brother- come Rebbe in Babroisk, at twenty-three. There he in-law, in his humility, envies DovBer the villager. started a Yeshivah for the study of Nigleh and Chasi- This is a man who is truly humble.” Hakriah V’Hake- dus. dusha, Sichot 5700, p. 151 Teves 18/January 2/Shabbos Teves 9/December 24/Thursday Yahrtzeit of R. Tzvi Elimelech Shapira of Dinov, author Yahrtzeit of Ezra HaSofer, 3448 (313 BCE) [Selichos of Bnei Yisaschor, Chasidic leader and thinker, 5601 of Asarah BiTeves] (1841).

Yahrtzeit of R. Ezra HaNavi, Tosafist and Kabbalist, Teves 19/January 3/Sunday teacher of Ramban, 4087 (1227). Yahrtzeit of R. Aryeh Leib HaKohen Heller, author of Ketzos HaChoshen, 5573 (1813). Teves 10/December 25/Friday Fast of Asarah BiTeves Yahrtzeit of R. Chanoch Hendel Kugel, first Mashpiah of Tomchei Temimim in Lubavitch, 5660 Siege of Yerushalayim, 3336 (425 BCE). [Melachim II, (1900). 25:1] Teves 20/January 4/Monday Yahrtzeit of Malachi HaNavi. Yahrtzeit of R. Moshe b. Maimon, the Rambam, au- thor of Mishneh Torah, Moreh Nevuchim, Pirush HaM- Herod captured Yerushalayim, (37 BCE) .[Megilas ishnayos, Sefer HaMitzvos, and more, 4965 (1204). Taanis] Teves 21/January 5/Tuesday

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 3 Birthday (2195) and Yahrtzeit (2315) of Shimon, son of Yaakov Avinu. [ Tadshe] Teves 25/January 9/Shabbos Shabbos Mevarchim Shevat Yahrtzeit of R. Noson Adler, Kabbalist, teacher of the Chasam Sofer, 5563 (1803). His use of Nusach Sfard, even Teves 26/January 10/Sunday as Chazan, is cited as an authoritative precedent in Sefer Yahrtzeit of R. Avraham Chaim of Zlotchov, stu- Haminhagim. dent of the Mezeritcher Maggid, author of Orach Lachayim, 5575, (1815). Birthday of Rebbetzin Sheina, youngest daughter of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5664 (1904). Teves 27/January 11/Monday Yahrtzeit of R. Shimshon b. Rafael Hirsch (R. Teves 23/January 7/Thursday Samson Raphael Hirsch), leader of German Jew- Expulsion of the Jews from Portugal, 5257 (1496). ry, 5649 (1889).

Yahrtzeit of R. Levi Yitzchak of Siratshin, son-in-law of R. Teves 28/January 12/Tuesday Chaim Shneor Zalman of Liadi, son of the Tzemach R. Shimon b. Shetach reorganized the Sanhedrin, Tzedek, 5673 (1913). He became the Rebbe after his fa- eliminating its Tzedukim members. [Megilas ther-in-law. Taanis 10]

Teves 24/ January 7-8 Birthday of Rebbetzin Chanah, mother of the Thursday Night—Friday Lubavitcher Rebbe, 5640 (1880). Yahrtzeit of our holy Master and Teacher, R. Shneur Zal- man b. Baruch, the Alter Rebbe, 5573 (1812). Yom Har Gerizim. The Samaritans asked Alexan- “ .. .In Elul he traveled with his family to Krasna. der the Great to destroy the Beis HaMikdash, he On Friday, the following Erev Shabbos, they fled from the agreed. Shimon HaTzadik put on his Bigdei Ke- French [Napoleon’s forces] and wandered [for over three hunah and went out to greet him. Alexander months] and reached [the village of] Piena on Erev Shab- came down from his chariot and bowed before bos VaYishlach. There at the end of Shabbos Shemos, on him, saying that he saw a vision of him before the eve of Teves 24, around 11:30, The Holy Ark, the Light every battle. He agreed not to destroy the Beis of Israel, HaShem’s anointed one was captuHigh.” HaMikdash and allowed the Jews to do to the [Manuscript of the Tzemach Tzedek, printed in the intro- Samaritans as they wished. [Yoma 69a] 3448 duction to Maaneh Lashon.] (313 BCE). “ . . His departed in purity, after awesome wonders which we witnessed during those days before Shevat 1/January 14/Thursday his passing. Until the day of his rest, his mouth did not Rosh Chodesh Shevat cease from study of Torah. After davening Maariv, and saying Havdalah in the Brachah of Chonen HaDaas with a clear and tranquil mind and a wondrous cleaving to his Maker . . . he was united in a perfect bond with the Holy One, blessed be He.” [Introduction of the author’s sons to the Alter Rebbe’s Shulchan Aruch.]

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 4 Hey Teves: Didan Notzach Continued From Page 1

We look back through the sichos of the Rebbe to en- Why was this the last Parsha that Yaakov and Yosef courage us now. At one Sicha during the week of Di- learnt together? dan Notzach the Rebbe spoke about the portion of for that day. It was when Yosef revealed We find in Chassidus a lesson to be learned from this himself to his brothers after being separated from in our service to Hashem. Sometimes we find a Jew them for 22 years, and then sends a message through who is spiritually removed from his roots. How does his brothers to his father Yaakov, that he is still alive. this happen? Because he became involved with worldly matters (the field - the place of Esau), assimi- When Yaakov received the message from Yosef he did lated into the world and thus caused his own spiritual not immediately believe his sons. Only when he saw death. the wagons that Yosef sent did his spirit revive. The Medrash says that with the wagons Yosef sent a sign Torah teaches us that the elders have the responsibil- to Yaakov. If Yaakov would not believe that Yosef is ity as the teachers and judges of the community to alive his brothers should tell their father when Yaakov correct the situation in the following way: before a and Yosef parted 22 years ago, they had been learn- Jewish person goes out into the world he must be giv- ing the portion of the Torah which discusses the Egla en enough spiritual food - Torah - and enough guid- Arufa (Devorim 21). ance - a spiritual escort - to protect him from any dan- gers in the world. Yaakov did not know that Yosef This is the portion that teaches us what to do when a would depart for 22 years to go down into Egypt, but body is found midway between two cities and we do he was teaching that particular portion to Yosef, to not know who is responsible for the murder. An give him the strength and sustenance, the spiritual offering of a calf is brought to Nachal Eson, then the food and guidance to survive in the future. elders of the closest city say that they did not observe him and dismiss him without food and an escort, and Yosef, held the highest position in Egypt. He was in the Kohanim ask for forgiveness. charge of the food supplies and was deeply involved in the political and physical running of the country, This was the particular portion that Yaakov was learn- especially since there was a serious famine. Yosef’s ing with Yosef, and when Yaakov heard this from his brothers could not understand how someone could sons, he said, “How great is my son Yosef! That after be in the position of second to Pharoh, alone in a for- all the trouble which occurred to him he is still a right- eign land, and not be affected by living in the atmos- eous person, greater than me.” phere of Egypt, and in fact still be a Tzaddik!

The Rebbe expounded upon this topic and explained This was the message that Yosef wanted to send to that Yaakov not only wanted to know whether Yosef Yaakov. Yosef had to explain to his father that it was was alive, but also whether he retained the values actually possible to remain on a high spiritual level for which he learned at home. Yosef proved to Yaakov 22 years and not become assimilated with the Egyp- that since he remembered what he was learning 22 tians. years previously, he still kept up with his roots.

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 5 This was the answer - You, my father Yaakov, gave me identity. the spiritual nurturing and guidance, so that wherever I went I felt that you were with me. You did not send So too, we must take courage from the investment me without spiritual food or an escort, you fed me that the Rebbe made in us with his , and you escorted me all of these years so that I sichos, ma’amarim, and letters, the spiritual suste- should not become someone lost in the field. And nance, which the Rebbe gave and is giving us, and knowing this Yaakov’s spirit was revived. we must remember that the Rebbe escorts us as Yaakov did for Yosef for all those years. We can make a connection between Yosef and his situation with ours now. Thus the Rebbe will be able to say of us, “my son Yosef is still alive” for we are living the way the The teachings of Yaakov gave spiritual sustenance to Rebbe wants us to live, and we continue our con- Yosef and he constantly felt the presence of his fa- nection with the Rebbe by learning his Chassidus, ther, guiding him and escorting him, so that he did by educating our children the way the Rebbe want- not lose his identity of what he is and who he is. ed, and do all the Mivtzoim, especially the final mis- sion - to prepare ourselves and the entire world for So it is with us, the Rebbe gave us and gives us suste- Moshiach. nance and guidance in the dark, difficult times. And just as Yosef, torn from his family for 22 years, wheth- er living as a slave or as a ruler of Egypt, never lost his

Ches Teves - Yartzeit of Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka

Rebbetzin Chaya Mushka, Rebbitzen of the from your mouth, nor from the mouth of your chil- Tzemach Tzedek, daughter of the Mitteler Rebbe, dren forever.” the third Chabad Rebbitzen passed away on Teves 8, 5621 (1860). The wedding was held six years later when the Tzemach Tzedek was thirteen. When the Tzemach Tzedek was eight, the Alter Rebbe told the Mitteler Rebbe of the boy’s great- The Alter Rebbe once blessed them, leaning on his ness, of his deep knowledge of Gemorah and hands in great Deveikus, as was his way, and said, Poskim, and recommended him as a son-in-law, “May it be fulfilled in you” [Yeshayahu 17:10-11] for his daughter Chaya Mushka. “Plant pleasant plantings.. Your planting will flourish and your seed will flower…, - he sighed a long sigh Each discussed his ‘lineage’: the Mitteler Rebbe and finished the Posuk, “the height of the reaping said he had great Yichus, a father who is a Rebbe; (Neid Katzir) on the day of illness, the hurt is mor- the Alter Rebbe said he had great Yichus, his son tal…” was a Rebbe, as it says, “Torah will not depart

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 6 The Rebbe MaHarash said, “My mother passed away Teves, 8, 5621(1861), Thursday night, Parshas * * * VaYigash. On Motzei Shabbos, my father was very emotional and said, “Now the holy words my grand- After the passing of the Rebbitzin, the Tzemach father said fifty-four years ago in Teves of 5567 Tzedek said, “My world has darkened upon me.” (1807), “The height of the reaping (Neid Katzir) on the He became reclusive and no longer wished for peo- day of illness, the hurt is mortal…” are fulfilled. ple to come to him for Yechidus, saying, “A man left without a wife, is left without advice…” [Sanhedrin “Neid Katzir”: Nun Daled equals fifty-four, and it has 22a] been fifty-four years. Now I understand the long sight the Alter Rebbe sighed when he finished the Posuk..” [Sefer Hatoldos]

The Fast of Asarah B’Teves Teves 10 / December 25 / Friday

The Fast of Asarah B’Teves commemorates the siege of Yerushalayim by Nevuchadnetzer, king of Babylon, in 3336 (425 BCE]. It led to the destruction of the first Beis Hamikdash.

* All Men and Women fast; pregnant and nursing women don’t.

* The Chazan adds “Aneinu” in the repeated Shemoneh Esrei.

* We say Selichos and Avinu Malkeinu, and read the Torah. Only those fasting have Aliyos.

* At Minchah we read the Torah and Haftorah before Shemonah Esrei.

* In Shemonah Esrei, those fasting say Aneinu in the Brochah, Shema Koleinu. If you forget it, don’t re- peat Shemonah Esrei.

* Since the fast is on Erev Shabbos we don’t say Tachnun and Avinu Malkeinu at Minchah.

May Hashem turn the days of sadness into days of joy.

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 7 Chof Daled Teves: Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe

Teves 24 / December 8 / Friday

“...In connection with the Yartzeit of the Alter It was midwinter, and the days were short. Be- Rebbe, Teves 24, it is proper to increase our sides, the only way to be allowed to live in Mos- study of his works, setting fixed times to study cow in those days was by holding a document of Tanya and his Shulchan Aruch, together with the proxy, and every Jew knew that he had to be on elucidation of these works in the texts of the Reb- his guard so that he should not be recognized beim who followed him. when he was walking in the streets, for fear of his life. So it was that for a number of Jews to assem- This applies to everyone both men and women, ble, especially at a fixed time, was exceedingly since women are also required to study the laws difficult. governing those Mitzvos in which they are obli- gated, as well as the teachings of Chassidus, While we were waiting my father said: “If people which enables us to fulfill the Mitzvos of love and only knew the lofty worth of responding Amen to fear of Hashem, in which women are obligated. the Kaddish which is soon to be said, what rich spiritual and material blessings and success it be- The study of the works of the Rebbeim is greatly stows upon all the five levels of the soul, and what facilitated by the multitude of texts of Chassidus, blessings for children, health and livelihood it and the explanation of the Rebbeim in Nigleh brings in its wake, to generation after generation, now being printed. Many of the texts previously then there would be a considerable number of printed in Rashi script are now being reprinted in Minyanim. square letters. In the meantime, people started to wander in one May the printing of these Chassidic texts hasten by one. My father was always careful about the the coming of the time when no Jew will remain proper time for prayer, especially in the afternoon, in exile, but we will proceed “with our sons, with so he had already prayed Minchah. our elders, with our sons and with our daugh- ters,” to the ultimate redemption, in the immedi- When the tenth man arrived, a Chassid by the ate future.” name of R’ Baruch Shalom Hacohen Rudner, the [Sicha, Teves 26, 5751] Minyan said Minchah, after which my father said, “There are times when Kaddish is said for the sake In the year 5886 (1906) my father, the Rebbe of the departed, and there are times when Kad- Rashab, and I were in Moscow on 24 Teves, the dish is recited for the benefit of those who recite anniversary of the passing of the Alter Rebbe, it. There are times too, when for the one who re- and a Minyan was needed for Minchah. cites it, the Kaddish is a ladder while for the listen- er it is a channel through which divine blessings

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 8 flow.

The initials of the first four words of Kaddish (Yiskadal V’Yiskadash Shemei Rabba) comprise the word Yosher. May the blessing elicited by the Kaddish be drawn down in a manner of Yosher, (a term describ- ing one of the modes in which the Sefiros are manifested) finding expression in the kind of good which is visible and revealed.”

On the anniversary of the Rebbe’s passing a disciple is bound to him with all the five levels of his soul - Nefesh, Ruach, Neshama, Chaya and Yechidah…

[Liutei Diburim of the previous Lubavitcher Rebbe, Vol. 1 Yud-Tes Kislev]

What are you needed for, and what is needed of

Among the many followers of the Alter Rebbe needs. I need money to pay my creditors; I need there was a devoted Chassid, who lived in the money to marry off my daughters, for whom I town of Shklov. He was a well-to-do merchant, have pledged large dowries when things looked well respected by his fellow Chassidim. bright; I need money to carry on my business.

Several times during the year he would come to My health is also not so good any more, and I Liozna to listen to the inspiring lectures and teach- need a blessing for that too. Suddenly, I have so ings of the Alter Rebbe. On these occasions he many problems that I simply don’t know what to would bring with him substantial sums of money do!” to share in the Rebbe’s works and charities. This gave him a particularly good feeling, altogether he The Alter Rebbe, who had listened thoughtfully was a man who, you might say, was generally and sympathetically to the Chossids tale of la- pleased with himself. ment, raised his head and looked directly into the eyes of the unhappy man, then he said to him Then one day his wheel of fortune took a nose- slowly intoning his every word as was his custom. dive. His business affairs started to go from bad to “You are very much concerned with your needs, worse, and his wealth quickly dwindles. Before have you thought about what you might be need- long, he became a poor man, and heavily in debt ed for, and what is needed of you?” at that. Upon hearing these words of the Rebbe, the Deeply distressed he came to the Alter Rebbe and Chossid burst out into tears and fainted. poured out his bitter heart to him. “Rebbe, I am ruined, he lamented, “I am faced with pressing The gabbai R’ Zalman and other Chassidim went

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 9 in to try an wake him up. They poured water on his face Kesherim & Ben David Inc. and tried various methods to awaken him from his faint. Established 1947 When they finally woke him they helped him out of the Diamonds, Rubies & Sapphires room.

It took him a while to get over the tremendous shock, when recovered he began to ponder the Rebbe’s words, 706 S. Hill Street # 320 which still rang in his ears. Now that he was able to think Los Angeles, CA 90014 more calmly, it became quite clear to him that the Rebbe’s Tel: 213 910-1700 words were not meant as a stern rebuke. They were obvi- [email protected] ously words of advice and instructions, and this would surely lead him out of the woods. *** Shomer Insurance Agency He had become too much wrapped up in himself and his Insurance Specialists affairs. When things began to slide he became worried Joseph Schneerson about his needs and the needs of his family. His whole Principal & Broker attitude took a turn.

4221 Wilshire Blvd. #222 He started to daven and serve Hashem with a great 323 934-8160 warmth. Time passed R’ Zalman the gabbai came to the Chossid and told him that in two weeks time he would License #0717982 merit again to go to Yechidus. He increased his warmth *** and devotion and prepared himself in an even greater way Frank Revere - Lawyer for this. Revere & Wallace 355 S Grand Ave #2450 LA, CA 90071 When he walked into Yechidus he was very broken and [email protected] started to cry. The Alter Rebbe opened his eyes, and Phone: 213-943-1333 Fax: 213-403- looked at him and he said, “Now that you did Teshuva on 4847 your ego and self-worth, go home and the Aibeshter will bentch you with success.” Cell: 213-422-5408 *** The Chossid returned home and started to get involved YOSEF Y. SHAGALOV Traveling Notary again in his business and he saw great success slowly. Public & Home Signing Agent Member: National Notary Associa- He was able to pay off all of his debt in a short time, and tion he started to give Tzedakah again, and it was in a much Cell: (323) 934-7095 broader way than he had ever been able to do before. Fax: (323) 934-7092

E-mail: [email protected] Letter of the Friediker Rebbe, volume 9 pages 273-275

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 10 The Mitteler Rebbe wrote this letter to R’ Moshe Meisels, about the Alter Rebbe’s last days

“To my life-long beloved friend, whom I cherish proached Krasna, while our forces numbered no as my own soul, a man of loyal spirit and great more than 8,000. At this time General Nebrov- wisdom, etc: sky, under the command of Marshall Count Bur- tinka, was stationed at Smolensk with 70,000 It is impossible to describe in writing the great men. haste of the flight, through he (the Alter Rebbe) was old and very weak, through the winter cold, The enemy avoided our larger force, proceeding much beyond his strength, with the infants of his via Liadi and Krasna. When the enemy reached four families. But he absolutely did not wish to Krasna about noon on that Friday, a cry broke remain even for one day under the reign and out in our midst. We didn’t know what to do, servitude of the enemy. whether to escape to the woods, etc.

We (our family) fled in two wagons crowded Our aged mother, and all the women and chil- with children and adults, twenty-eight , dren, burst into wailing, something indescriba- with only the small chattels we could take, while ble. Then my father of saintly memory sternly all the heavy household things and stores of rebuked them and quieted them, saying we grain and wood and domestic animals, etc., in wouldn’t flee to the woods, but would continue the value of some two thousand rubles had to our journey in horse-drawn wagons. be left behind. All this was with the knowledge of General Presently the General came personally and Elianaov stationed at Liadi—give him my re- urged us to flee in all haste to Smolensk, since gards, for he knows us, having stayed in our the enemy had overwhelming numbers and house for a whole week, and saw how deeply nearly three hundred cannons. We fled at once, my father of saintly memory was affected, which passing through our 8,000 troops stationed out- is impossible to describe in writing; also of his side the city in the direction of Smolensk. They superior, General Nebrovsky, who was stationed had no more than eighteen cannons. in Krasna at the beginning of the war; as ex- plained at length in our petition to his Imperial No sooner had we passed, than the enemy en- Majesty through Count Tolstoy, Governor of Mo- gaged our force. For three hours, while we were hilev. making our escape, we heard the sound of heavy artillery. On Friday before Rosh Chodesh Elul, an entire army of the enemy, together with the army of We came to within thirteen versts (1 verst =.66 Vitebsk, some 40,000 men in all, suddenly ap- mile) of Smolensk. The road led through woods,

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 11 where we spent all that night. It is impossible to Little Russia and Lithuania, but in Wolhynia and relate to you in detail the miracles we experi- the Ukraine. There will be mortal terror and rav- enced. At dawn the following morning we en- ages…” tered Smolensk. Neither French nor our troops were to be seen in the city. No one seemed to I said to him, “But father, the enemy has not tak- know anything about the situation, and we were en Moscow as yet, and if he does, perhaps he asking for information. We conveyed it to the will go back in another direction?” He replied, Count. “He will certainly take Moscow, and although he is already exhausted, and is like a corpse, his Quickly a large force was gathered by midday, hard-won victory will lead him on to Moscow. about 30,000 men and 120 cannons. We were But immediately thereafter he will suffer a fall of unable to leave the city, and we were terribly incomprehensible humiliation, for he will not distressed at what seemed to be the end for us. last there, and will turn back precisely by way of Towards evening, however, we left by the street White Russia and not y way of Little Russia. leading to the Moscow road. My father of saintly Mark my word.” And so it was. memory ordered us to continue through the Sabbath, saying it was not only permissible but a The day before Yom Kippur we arrived in Vladi- to do so to save ourselves from those mir. (We learned that) the enemy had taken who would hurt us. Moscow on the Monday before Yom Kippur, and the entire Senate, fleeing, passed through Vladi- On Rosh Hashanah he called us in and told us mir. pleasantly and consolingly, “Today I saw in pray- er that there has been a change for the better, When I saw their rushing carriages I ran to my and that ours have won the war. And although father, heartbroken, with tears in my eyes. I the enemy will take Moscow, he will have no called him to the window, saying, “See, father, respite. Relief and deliverance will arise for us… the flight of the Senate. What about your prom- so it was inscribed Above…” Then we ate and ise that the enemy will suffer a debacle upon drank in good spirits, and rejoiced with gladness taking Moscow?” of heart. He came up to me, embraced me, and said these On Shabbos Shuvah before Musaf he called me words from the depth of his heart: “You see that and my son-in-law R’ Mendel. He burst into I am now wearing Tefillin, and will not deceive tears which came streaming down his cheeks you. I assure you on my life the enemy will not and he cried, “Woe and alas! The whole of go beyond Moscow, but will soon turn back. He White Russia will be devastated by the re- will not turn to Petersburg, but hi aim will be to treating enemy. It is the balance of the return home, and to find provisions en route Chmielnicki calamity, for he had not been in through White Russia. But they (the Russians) will not let him, and his debacle will come soon,

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 12 believe me.” … We traveled to the town of Assi, where we Alas, our peace was shattered, for just as our rested securely on the banks of the river Oka. spirits had recovered, the crown of our head Then we traversed the districts of Razan and was taken from us. For, because of his deep-felt Tambov and the Ural, until we reached Kursk, a and sustained bitterness, his gall became infect- distance of some 1200 versts. It was the middle ed, etc. He also contracted a severe cold be- of Kislev, at the height of the winter cold, living cause of his old age and weakness. For five days on coarse bread and water, and sheltering in the he lay ill until he succumbed on Motzei Shabbos smoke filled huts of the peasants and so forth. Shemos, Teves 24 past. I was away, for he had There is no worse exile than that. And in all the sent me to Krementchug to find a dwelling. villages we were met with hostility, insults and curses. But by Hashem’s grace, we found favor Woe unto our loss! Israel’s glory has departed. in the eyes of the landlords, and they let no evil May his merits stand us in good stead always… befall us, for we traveled in sixty wagons, etc. After his demise, he was taken over eighty versts to the town of Hadiacz, in the Poltava district, At Kursk a runner came with a message from located some twenty versts from this city, at the Tolstoy to the local Governor to the effect that river Psal. The cemetery is there in a small wood, the enemy was chased for four days, from Kalu- near the river, two versts from the town. gato Vyazma. We felt very happy and thanked Hashem for the good and kindness, and our joy I told my friend Ziskind of Vidz, your brother-in- was boundless. My wife gave birth to a son at law, what was to be done in this matter with the the gates of Kursk. I arranged the Bris with a aid of Count Lubanov, and others… We built a feast of white millet and good radishes, and nice wooden dome (over the grave), also a large plenty of good liquor. house (nearby), and have prepared bricks for a permanent structure in his honor, as in the case We traveled to the village of Piena. On Kislev 19 of ancestral Tzaddikim, where people came to we received news that the enemy suffered a pray in times of distress, for “Tzaddikim are crushing defeat at Krasna, and was being chased greater in their death (than in their lifetime).” like a dog. Our joy was sustained, for everything Last Erev Rosh Hashanah sixty Jews from Romen came true; not a thing or half a thing failed. and Krementchug, etc, prayed there and lit

The Mitteler Rebbe further refers to many confidential and wondrous things he had heard from his father at the time of the battle of Mazaisk regarding the fate of Moscos, and the British. These the Mitteler Rebbe conveyed to Meisels orally through his brother-in-law R’ Ziskind of Vidz, “for such awesome and wonderful matters are not to be written down and not to be revealed, except to indi- vidual men of trust and truth.”

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 13 Chof Daled Teves—The Dream of the Mitteler Rebbe

There’s a story about Teves 24, printed in Torah The Rebbe then told a story: Sholom. The Mitteler Rebbe had a dream that shocked The Rebbe Rashab had to spend Teves 24 out- him so much that he undertook a fast. His broth- side Russia, in Wurzburg. Some Jews there asked er, R’ Avraham Chaim heard and told his father, the Rebbe to say a Maamar. He agreed and said the Alter Rebbe. the Maamar “HaYosheves Biganim” (Shir HaShirim, 8:13,”… you who dwell in the gardens, Since the Alter Rebbe opposed the idea of friends listen to your voice…”). fasting, he punished the Mitteler Rebbe by for- bidding him to hear two (a severe The Maamar explains how “friends” (angels) lis- punishment for the Mitteler Rebbe). ten to souls who sit in the Gardens (the Higher Gan Eden and the Lower Gan Eden). Afterwards he asked him to tell him the dream.

After the Maamar the Rebbe said the angels The Mitteler Rebbe told him that he saw a great merit hearing the souls who study Torah be- river, with a wooden plank stretching across. cause they also listen to the prayers of the Jew- The Mezritcher Maggid crossed over the plank ish people and refine them. and it shook. The Alter Rebbe crossed the plank. It didn’t shake and he was able to proceed quick- Our prayers are physical: the angels “kiss” them ly. and make them more spiritual and merit hearing the Torah studied by the souls. The Rebbe con- The Alter Rebbe said the difference between cluded, “According to what I have heard, the an- them was that the Maggid “made Tzadikkim” gels didn’t receive the light of the Alter Rebbe’s while he “made Baalei Teshuvah.” teachings.” Since the story was told by a Nasi, the Rebbe The Alter Rebbe didn’t need the angels help to Rashab on Teves 24, it follows that it expresses a elevate his prayers or study, and thus, they did- fundamental quality connected with the Alter n’t merit hearing his teachings. Rebbe. His service centered on making Baalei Teshuvah, enabling him to proceed quickly, while the plank shook for the Maggid.

The work of making Baalei Teshuvah is relevant to everyone:

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 14 It includes even someone who must do Teshu- Teshuvah should be carried out with joy: The vah in the simplest sense, absolving oneself of Rambam writes that before Teshuvah the sinner sins. Then, there’s a higher Teshuvah, that ap- is “hated before Hashem, estranged, an abomi- plies even to a perfect Tzaddik who has not nation,” after Teshuvah, “he is beloved, desired, sinned. close and a friend.” The Alter Rebbe also writes a parable of “a king who sees a commoner, lowly A Baal Teshuvah has an advantage over a and despised.. Disgraceful, and brings him to live Tzaddik, as the Rambam says, “a perfect Tzaddik in his house.” is not able to stand in the place of a Baal Teshu- vah.” The says that Moshiach will “bring Certainly, an awareness of these concepts brings Tzaddikim to do Teshuvah.” happiness and joy.

The Alter Rebbe emphasizes this concept and Then, “joy will break down barriers,” including says the service of Teshuvah deals with not only barriers that separate one Jew from another. atonement for sin, but rather it is the service whereby “the spirit returns to Hashem who gave We’ll be able to carry out the Mitzvah of “Love it.” It allows the soul to feel the connections your friend as yourself” in a revealed manner. with Hashem, even while in a physical body. This will unite us as one body, together with The lesson of the Mitteler Rebbe’s dream must Hashem’s essence, “Israel and the King will be be realized in action, in relation to oneself and alone,” “and no one can separate between to others: If necessary, Teshuvah applies in its them.” most basic sense in regard to ourselves, and in effort to motivate other Jews to do so, as well. It Sichah, Teves 24, 5740 includes the higher Teshuvah, “the spirit will re- turn to Hashem,” and includes sharing this ser- vice with others. Even this level is “very close in your mouth and in your heart to do it.”

This service should be carried out with joy. (There’s no need for fasting for this level of Teshuvah, rather fasts should be redeemed through Tzedakah).

With the first sigh the lower level of Teshuvah is completed. The higher Teshuvah is connected with joy (Tanya 100b). In fact even the lower

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 15 The Power of Tanya

“What I said, I meant. When a person learns Tanya they become a new person!”

The following are excerpts from writings of the in setting up the type, spelling out each word ex- Friediker Rebbe in his Reshimos on Tanya printed actly as written, since each word and letter had a in the Kitzurim V’Heoros. particular significance.

The Mitteler Rebbe gave the following account: *** Rabbi Zalman Zezmer related that in his youth, “I For twenty years the Alter Rebbe, his father, wrote studied at the feet of the venerable sage and Gaon the Tanya, revising, adding and deleting, critically Rabbi Elimelech Shaul of Polotzk. Some four years examining every word and even (literally) every before his death—I was then about sixteen years letter, so that in the final manuscripts there was old—Rabbi Elimelech Shaul revealed to me that he neither a missing nor a superfluous letter, not frequently visited the Ba’al Shem Tov and later his even the seemingly optional letter vav. As a result disciple and successor, the Maggid of Mezeritch, of the many copies and copyists, however, a great and that he was an associate of the saintly Rabbi many errors found their way into the text. (It is Yisrael and Rabbi Azriel of Polotzk. That is when he recorded elsewhere that there were those who began to teach me the ways of Divine service as intentionally corrupted the text in order to ascribe taught by the Besht. to the Alter Rebbe heretical views, so that they could later attack him). The Alter Rebbe send mes- In the year 5543 (1783) my teacher Rabbi sengers to R’ Yehudah Leib HaKohen and R’ Zusya Elimelech Shaul passed away. Before his passing, to confer with them on the printing of the Tanya. he instructed me to go to Liozna, to study under the wings of Rabbi Schneur Zalman. The following Both his colleagues expressed their enthusiasm year I was accepted as a student in the Third Che- over the book. R’ Yehudah Leib HaKohen said: der of the Rebbe. “The Tanya is an incense to counter all the spiritu- al plagues besetting the generations just before From time to time my departed teacher would ap- the arrival of Moshiach.” R’ Zusya predicted: “With pear to me in my dreams, when he would speak to the Tanya the Jewish people will go out to greet me words of Torah and give me instructions in the the righteous Moshiach.” practice of Divine worship.

Only after obtaining their written approbation, the When the Tanya was published, my departed Rebbe consented to have the book printed and teacher appeared to me one night in my dream distributed to the public. He wrote a letter to the and said to me: “Know that the book of Tanya by printers in Slavita imploring them to be meticulous your master is designed in its chapters to corre-

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 16 spond to the number of Sidrahs in the Five Books She related to me that since she had had Mesiras of the Torah. And just as the portion of Bereishis is Nefesh to give her life for the sake of Chassidim a comprehensive one, so is the Introduction to the and Chassidus, she merited to ascent to the abode Tanya; and each subsequent chapter directly cor- of the Baal Shem Tov, and she requested that he responds to the subsequent portions of the To- intercede on my behalf. rah.” “She also asked him to tell her of any spiritual Awakening from my dream, I decided to study remedy, that with Hashem’s help I would be victo- each week a chapter of the Tanya in the same way rious against those who oppose the teachings of as I reviewed the weekly Torah portion. Chassidus.

When the Rebbe was released from prison, it be- The Baal Shem Tov told her: Your son has mas- came a widespread custom among the senior tered and knows the words of Torah, Tehillim an ויהי חתת אלקים Chassidim to review each week a chapter of Tan- Tanya by heart. It says in the Torah = חת“ת …And the fear of G-d was upon“ וגו‘ ya, following the custom of reviewing the weekly Sidrah of the Torah. is an acronym for Chumash, Tehillim, Tan- ya. Whoever is proficient in their letters can over- *** come all obstacles.” the Haskalah (Enlightenment (1846) תרט“ז In Movement) succeeded in convincing the Russian The Tzemach Tzedek continued: “Therefore, government to publish their textbooks and require whenever you are in a government building or all Jewish schools to use them. seeing an official, say a Parsha of the Torah and a chapter of Tehillim and Tanya.” At that time the Tzemach Tzedek asked his son, the Rebbe Maharash, if he was proficient in the The Rebbe Maharash told his so, the Rebbe words of the Tanya. After receiving an affirmative Rashab: “This was a wonderful prescription, for answer, he asked him if he knew the words of Tan- with the first three Parshios of the Torah and ya as well as he knew the words of the Torah, in three chapters of Tehillim and Tanya, the plans of which he excelled. Again he received an affirma- the Haskalah became unraveled, to the extent that tive answer. their leader had to flee the country in shame, and in fear of the Russian government because of the the Rebbe the Tzemach Tzedek great monetary loss incurred, by the government (1847) תרי“ז In sent his son, the Rebbe Maharash to the capital, printing of the enlightenment books, which were Petersburgh, to discuss certain communal affairs never used. with the authorities. Before he left he told him: “When the government called me to the confer- When the Rebbe Rashab told this to his son the ence of Jewish leaders I went to daven by the Friediker Rebbe, he concluded, “(If someone grave of my righteous mother. knows and repeats) A chapter of Tanya by heart, it will bring an abundance of blessings and success.

VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 17 Long Term Care Specialists Insurance Services, Inc. Blue Cross of California Authorized Agent One time someone was taking pictures of the Rebbe when the Rebbe was leaving the shul. The Rebbe turned to the Phillip Grossman photographer and asked him if he had learned that days shi- License #OBO1071 ur Tanya. When the photographer responded “no,” the Reb- be waited until they brought him a Tanya so he could start 800 400-9949 learning right away. 323 936-6310 * 310 657-0723 PO Box 76936 LA, CA 90076

*** *** Martin Fishman & Assoc. Inc. INSURANCE One time R’ Zalman Gurary left to the airport for one of his travels but he had to return home since his flight couldn’t 6300 Wilshire Blvd. LA, CA 90048 take off. There is a minhag from R’ Yehudah Hanasi that 323 866-0830 Fax: 323-866-0838 when you leave your house to travel you don’t go back into License # 04188981 the house if you forgot something. R’ Zalman was hesitant about returning back hoe since he had left his house to trav- *** el. He called R’ Chadokov to ask him what to do. Rabbi Cha- Law Office of dokov approached the Rebbe with this question. The Rebbe Michael E. Rubinstein responded to R’ Zalman’s concern saying that he should learn a chapter of Tanya. The Rebbe continued the explana- Personal Injury Attorney tion that when you learn a chapter of Tanya you become a Auto Accidents, different person and then you could return to your house! Bicycle Accidents, Slip & Falls

That night the Rebbe inquired from R’ Chadokov about what 213-293-6075 happened with R’ Zalman and he emphasized once again www.rabbilawyer.com saying, “What I said, I meant. When a person learns Tanya We Come To You they become a new person!” ***

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VOLUME 31, ISSUE 10 Page 18

Rosh Chodesh Vayechi Teves 1/December 16/Wednesday Shabbos Chazak Teves 18/January 2 Light Candles Friday January 1: 4:37 Shabbos Ends: 5:40 Zos Chanukah Last Time to Read Shema: 9:26 Teves 3/December 18/Friday

Chof Daled Teves Mikeitz Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe Teves 4/December 19/Shabbos Thursday Night - Friday Light Candles Friday December 18: 4:29 Teves 24/January 7-8 Shabbos Ends: 5:32 Last Time to Read Shema: 9:20

Shemot Shabbos Mevarchim Shevat Hey Teves Teves 25/January 9 Teves 5/December 20/Sunday Light Candles Friday January 8: 4:43 Didan Natzach Tehillim: 8:15 Shachris 10:00 Shabbos Ends: 5:46 Last Time to Read Shema: 9:28 Fast of Asarah B’Teves Teves 10/December 25/Friday Fast Starts: 5:33 am Minchah: 3:00 pm Molad of Shevat Fast Ends: 5:20 pm Wednesday, January 13 5:35 (3 Chalokim) pm

Vayigash Teves 11/December 26 Rosh Chodesh Shevat Light Candles Friday December 25: 4:33 Shevat 1/January 14/Thursday Shabbos Ends: 5:36 Last Time to Read Shema: 9:23

CALENDAR TIMES ARE FOR LOS ANGELES Congregation levi yitzchok EZ Roth Plumbing & Heating Inc. Chabad of hancock park Zalman Roth 356 N. La Brea Avenue Los Angeles, CA 90036 “Always Helpful for any Situation” Chabadofla.com 5747 Melrose Avenue 323 469-5692 Fax: 323 469-3736 License #741375

רהקער רוה רקיעה - Directives of the Rebbe for Teves

Since it’s the Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe, and as And obviously, every year the illumination is the Rebbe Rashab would say, “We need his mer- stronger than it was the previous years, as we it,” I suggest that everyone be involved in those are commanded, “In holiness we must ascend.” things which are connected with the day of the Yartzeit. The Yartzeit of the Alter Rebbe (and of the Ram- bam on Teves 20) should inspire us to establish To learn a chapter of Mishnayos that begins with fixed study of their works, especially strengthen- one of the letters of his holy name, (at least on ing the commitment to the daily study of the Perek Mishnayos), a paragraph in his Shulchan Rambam’s Mishne Torah (preferably three chap- Aruch, wherever you wish, and a chapter of his ters a day) and fixed study of the Alter Rebbe’s holy Tanya, as well as something in his Mamarei Tanya and Shulchan Aruch. Chassidus, especially in Torah of this week. As well as giving Tzedakah. All of this will help in (Chassidim of the previous generation used to “May his merit protect us,” us and all Jews eve- study a chapter of Tanya every day before rywhere. Davening)

Especially in the light of what the Alter Rebbe (Sicha, 24 Teves 5738/1978, Sicha, Shemos himself writes in Igeres Hakodesh, that the day 5750/1990) לעילוי נשמת of passing, “All the effort a person’s soul worked ר‘ ישראל ב“ר משה שנייד at in his lifetime is revealed and illuminates from ח‘ טבת ,this world to the next on those who fear Him ת נ צ ב ה ”.causing wonders in the earth ע“י